//---------------------------------------  INITIALIZATION  ----------------------------------
        public BrowseStudentData()
            dataBase     = new DataBase();
            list_results = new List <string>();
            list_id      = new List <int>();
            student      = new ToolsClass.Tools.StudentData();

            //set default values for structures

            /* When user double click on an item all the informations about that student (grab with he corresponding student id in the table)
             * are stored in the struct student

            //set timer (used later)
            timer          = new Timer();
            timer.Interval = TIME_TIMER;
            timer.Tick    += Timer_Tick; //event timer tick

            pictureBox.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage; //fit image to pictureBox
            pictureBox.Load(photoHandler.getDefaultPhotoPath());   //set default image

            defaulft_textBoxes_color = monday_textBox.BackColor;
            defaulft_textBoxes_font  = monday_textBox.Font;
            tab_textBox = tab_textBox = new TextBox[] { sunday_textBox, monday_textBox, tuesday_textBox, wednesday_textBox, thursday_textBox, friday_textBox, saturday_textBox };

            this.ActiveControl = search_textBox;
        private void setStudentData(int table_id_student)
            /*Change the value of all field for user using the informations stored a the structure*/

            student = dataBase.getStudentByIndex(table_id_student);//get informations about student in a structure

            last_name_textBox.Text   = student.lastName;
            first_name_textBox.Text  = student.firstName;
            division_textBox.Text    = student.division;
            sex_textBox.Text         = student.getSexToString();
            rfid_id_textBox.Text     = student.idRFID;
            exit_regime_textBox.Text = student.labelRegime;

            for (int i = 0; i < student.halfBoardDays.Length; i++)
                /*All day of the working week is represented by a textbox
                 * When student eat at a specific day we set the color to a custom green
                 * else we set the color to the default color and use a lin through the text
                 * All the related textBoxes are stored in an array to acces to it with index of the corresponding day
                 * (start at 0 for sunday)
                if (tab_textBox[i] != null)
                    if (student.halfBoardDays[i] == 1)//student must eat at school at lunch time
                        tab_textBox[i].BackColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 166, 77);
                        tab_textBox[i].Font      = defaulft_textBoxes_font;//default font without the line through
                    else//student is external
                        tab_textBox[i].BackColor = defaulft_textBoxes_color;
                        tab_textBox[i].Font      = new Font(tab_textBox[i].Font, FontStyle.Strikeout);//the line through

            pictureBox.Load(photoHandler.getActualPhotoPath(student.lastName, student.firstName, student.division));
