static public bool DrawSinglebar(ToolbarType type) { Rect rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(4f, 13f, new GUILayoutOption[] { GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true) }); float xMax = rect.xMax; float num = xMax - 8f; num -= 25f; Rect rect1 = new Rect(num + 4, rect.y - 3f, 25f, 13f); GUIContent iconContent = null; switch (type) { case ToolbarType.Plus: iconContent = EditorHelper.iconToolbarPlus; break; case ToolbarType.Minus: iconContent = EditorHelper.iconToolbarMinus; break; } return(GUI.Button(rect1, iconContent, EditorHelper.preButtonStyle)); }
void OnGUI() { EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(); target = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Target: ", target, typeof(GameObject), true) as GameObject; EditorGUILayout.Space(); list.DoLayoutList(); EditorGUILayout.Space(); activeToolbar = (ToolbarType)GUILayout.Toolbar((int)activeToolbar, toolbarStrings); switch (activeToolbar) { case ToolbarType.Changed: changedScrollPos = EditorGUILayout.BeginScrollView(changedScrollPos); ListDetails(changedSprites); EditorGUILayout.EndScrollView(); break; case ToolbarType.Missing: missingScrollPos = EditorGUILayout.BeginScrollView(missingScrollPos); ListDetails(missingSprites); EditorGUILayout.EndScrollView(); break; } if (GUILayout.Button("Analyze")) { changedSprites.Clear(); missingSprites.Clear(); Analyze(); GUIUtility.hotControl = 0; GUIUtility.keyboardControl = 0; } EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); }
private void SetUpItemCollection(Dictionary <string, List <IActionHandler> > register, string key, ToolStripItemCollection collection, ToolbarType type) { List <IActionHandler> actions; if (register.TryGetValue(key, out actions)) { List <ToolStripItem> dropDownItems = new List <ToolStripItem>(actions.Count); foreach (IActionHandler ah in actions) { // TODO ND: Changed ToolStripItem item = CreateItem(ah, type); dropDownItems.Add(item); // TODO ND: Changed if (item is ToolStripDropDownItem) { SetUpItemCollection(register, ah.Id, ((ToolStripDropDownItem)item).DropDownItems, type); } } //sort by OrderIndex and add to the collection dropDownItems.Sort(CompareToolStripItemsBySortOrder); collection.AddRange(dropDownItems.ToArray()); register.Remove(key); } else { register.Remove(key); } }
public static string GetSunStatusMessage(ToolbarType toolbarType, SunStudyData sunStudyData, string message) { // Set status message if sun study dials are open string statusMessage = toolbarType == ToolbarType.AltitudeAzimuthDial ? AltitudeAzimuthRadialUIController.GetAltAzStatusMessage(sunStudyData) : toolbarType == ToolbarType.TimeOfDayYearDial ? TimeRadialUIController.GetTimeStatusMessage(sunStudyData) : message; return(statusMessage); }
void OnStateDataChanged(UIStateData stateData) { if (m_currentActiveToolbar == stateData.activeToolbar) { return; } m_OrbitSidebar.SetActive(false); m_FlySidebar.SetActive(false); m_WalkSidebar.SetActive(false); m_ARSidebar.SetActive(false); m_ARModelAlignViewSidebar.SetActive(false); m_ARInstructionSidebar.SetActive(false); m_TimeOfDayYearRadial.Close(); m_AltitudeAzimuthRadial.Close(); m_ARScaleRadial.Close(); switch (stateData.activeToolbar) { case ToolbarType.FlySidebar: m_FlySidebar.SetActive(true); break; case ToolbarType.WalkSidebar: m_WalkSidebar.SetActive(true); break; case ToolbarType.ARSidebar: m_ARSidebar.SetActive(true); break; case ToolbarType.ARModelAlignSidebar: m_ARModelAlignViewSidebar.SetActive(true); break; case ToolbarType.ARInstructionSidebar: m_ARInstructionSidebar.SetActive(true); break; case ToolbarType.TimeOfDayYearDial: m_TimeOfDayYearRadial.Open(); break; case ToolbarType.AltitudeAzimuthDial: m_AltitudeAzimuthRadial.Open(); break; case ToolbarType.ARScaleDial: m_ARScaleRadial.Open(); break; default: m_OrbitSidebar.SetActive(true); break; } m_currentActiveToolbar = stateData.activeToolbar; }
private Editor(String controlName, String content, String width, String height, String editorPath, ToolbarType toolbarType) { _controlName = String.Format("{0}", controlName); _content = content; _width = width; _height = height; _editorPath = editorPath; _Toolbar = toolbarType; }
private Editor( String controlName, String content, String width, String height, String editorPath, ToolbarType toolbarType ) { _controlName = String.Format( "{0}", controlName ); _content = content; _width = width; _height = height; _editorPath = editorPath; _Toolbar = toolbarType; }
void OnStateDataChanged(UIStateData data) { m_HourDialControl.selectedValue = GetFloatFromMin(data.sunStudyData.timeOfDay); m_MonthDialControl.selectedValue = GetFloatFromDay(data.sunStudyData.timeOfYear); if (data.activeToolbar != ToolbarType.TimeOfDayYearDial && data.activeToolbar != ToolbarType.AltitudeAzimuthDial) { m_previousToolbar = data.activeToolbar; } }
private static void ApplyVisualStyle(ToolStrip strip, ToolbarType type) { if (type == ToolbarType.Menu) { //hide grip to avoid ability of moving the toolbar strip.GripStyle = ToolStripGripStyle.Hidden; //stretch the toolbar accross the whole available space of its parent container strip.Stretch = true; } else { //TODO set normal toolbar specific style } }
static public bool DrawSinglebar(ToolbarType type, Rect rect) { float xMax = rect.xMax; float num = xMax; num -= 25f; Rect rect1 = new Rect(num + 4, rect.y - 3f, 25f, 13f); GUIContent iconContent = null; switch (type) { case ToolbarType.Plus: iconContent = EditorHelper.iconToolbarPlus; break; case ToolbarType.Minus: iconContent = EditorHelper.iconToolbarMinus; break; } return(GUI.Button(rect1, iconContent, EditorHelper.preButtonStyle)); }
public void Awake() { if (Instance == null) Instance = this; // Get the toolbar type from the settings Type = getTypeFromString(Main.Settings.get<string>("ToolbarType")); if (Type == ToolbarType.NONE) { return; } else if (Type == ToolbarType.STOCK || (Type == ToolbarType.BLIZZY && !ToolbarManager.ToolbarAvailable)) { if (ApplicationLauncher.Ready) onGUIApplicationLauncherReady(); else GameEvents.onGUIApplicationLauncherReady.Add(onGUIApplicationLauncherReady); } else { IButton _button = ToolbarManager.Instance.add("ClampsBeGone", "ClampsBeGone"); _button.TexturePath = "iPeer/ClampsBeGone/Texturees/000"; _button.OnClick += (e) => { Main.GUIManager.toggleGUI(); }; } }
private EditorToolbar GetToolbar(EditorType eType, EditorConfiguration config, EditorSettings settings, ModuleEditorSettings mSettings) { ToolbarType tType = View.Toolbar; if (tType == ToolbarType.bySettings) { tType = (mSettings != null) ? mSettings.ToolbarType : (settings != null) ? settings.ToolbarType : config.DefaultEditor.ToolbarType; switch (eType) { case EditorType.none: case EditorType.textarea: tType = ToolbarType.none; break; case EditorType.lite: tType = (tType == ToolbarType.full || tType == ToolbarType.advanced) ? ToolbarType.simple : tType; break; } } View.Toolbar = tType; return(config.AvailableToolbars.Where(t => t.ToolbarType == tType && t.EditorType == eType).FirstOrDefault()); }
private void FormMain_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (ScreenshotStatus != ScreenshotStatus.Screenshoting) { return; } if (OperatorStatus == OperatorStatus.FinishedSelect && MoveSelectRectState == MoveSelectRectState.None) { if (toolbarRect.Contains(e.Location)) { int toolbarHeight = 40; int count = (e.Location.X - toolbarRect.Left) / toolbarHeight; ToolbarType toolbarType = (ToolbarType)count; switch (toolbarType) { case ToolbarType.Save: toolbarSave_Click(); break; case ToolbarType.Cancel: toolbarCancele_Click(); break; case ToolbarType.OK: toolbarOK_Click(); break; case ToolbarType.Edit: toolbarEdit_Click(); break; } } } }
/// <summary> /// 创建编辑器(页面中第一个) /// </summary> /// <param name="controlName"></param> /// <param name="content"></param> /// <param name="height"></param> /// <param name="editorPath"></param> /// <param name="jsVersion"></param> /// <param name="toolbarType"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static Editor NewOne(String controlName, String content, String height, String editorPath, String jsVersion, ToolbarType toolbarType) { Editor result = new Editor(controlName, content, "100%", height, editorPath, toolbarType); result._isUnique = true; result._jsVersion = jsVersion; return(result); }
public ToolBase AddTool(string key, string caption, ToolbarType type, int index, string parentTool, bool addSeparator) { return AddTool(key, caption, type, index, parentTool, addSeparator, null, null); }
private void FillStrip(ToolStrip strip, ICollection <IActionHandler> actions, ToolbarType type, bool ignoreParents) { Dictionary <string, List <IActionHandler> > itemRegister = new Dictionary <string, List <IActionHandler> >(); if (actions.Count > 0) { if (ignoreParents) { foreach (IActionHandler ah in actions) { if (ah != null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ah.RetargetId) && ah.ActionType.Equals(ActionHandlerType.Standard)) { // do nothing, because then this action will be encapsulated by an RetargetActionHandler } else { strip.Items.Add(CreateItem(ah, type)); } } } } else { foreach (IActionHandler ah in actions) { if (ah != null) { List <IActionHandler> children; if (itemRegister.TryGetValue(ah.Parent, out children)) { children.Add(ah); } else { children = new List <IActionHandler>(); children.Add(ah); itemRegister.Add(ah.Parent, children); } } } SetUpItemCollection(itemRegister, string.Empty, strip.Items, type); ApplyVisualStyle(strip, type); } //the following Block removes all previously added items, sorts them and adds them again. //TODO:better add them in the right order in the first run (see big if statement above) -PJR- List <ToolStripItem> itemList = new List <ToolStripItem>(); foreach (ToolStripItem item in strip.Items) { itemList.Add(item); } //itemList.Sort(CompareToolStripItemsBySortOrder); strip.Items.Clear(); strip.Items.AddRange(itemList.ToArray()); } }
private ToolStripItem CreateItem(IActionHandler actionHandler, ToolbarType type, object contextObject) { ToolStripItem item; switch (actionHandler.Style) { case ActionStyle.MenuItem: item = new ToolStripMenuItem(); break; case ActionStyle.Push: item = new ToolStripMenuItem(); item.Click += RunAction; break; case ActionStyle.Radio: //TODO: create Radio button ... item = new ToolStripMenuItem(); //HACK break; case ActionStyle.Toggle: //TODO: create Checkbox ... item = new ToolStripMenuItem(); //HACK ((ToolStripMenuItem)item).CheckOnClick = true; break; case ActionStyle.Pulldown: //TODO: create ListBox ... item = new ToolStripMenuItem(); //HACK break; case ActionStyle.Separator: item = new ToolStripSeparator(); break; default: item = new ToolStripMenuItem(); return(item); } item.Tag = actionHandler; item.Text = actionHandler.Label; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(actionHandler.IconId)) { item.Image = m_IconResourceService.GetBitmap(actionHandler.IconId); } switch (type) { case ToolbarType.Menu: { item.DisplayStyle = ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.ImageAndText; break; } case ToolbarType.Toolbar: { item.DisplayStyle = ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.Image; break; } default: { item.DisplayStyle = ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.Image; break; } } return(item); }
private ToolStripItem CreateItem(IActionHandler actionHandler, ToolbarType type) { return(CreateItem(actionHandler, type, null)); }
public ToolBase AddTool(string key, string caption, ToolbarType type, string parentTool) { return AddTool(key, caption, type, int.MinValue, parentTool, false); }
public ToolBase AddTool(string key, ToolbarType type, int index) { return AddTool(key, key, type, index, string.Empty, false); }
public ToolBase AddTool(string key, string caption, ToolbarType type) { return AddTool(key, caption, type, string.Empty); }
private ToolBase getTool(string key, ToolbarType type) { ToolBase _tool; if (_toolbarsManager.Tools.Exists(key)) _tool = _toolbarsManager.Tools[key]; else { switch (type) { case ToolbarType.Button: _tool = new ButtonTool(key); break; case ToolbarType.PopUpMenu: _tool = new PopupMenuTool(key); break; case ToolbarType.RibbonTab: _tool = new ButtonTool(key); break; default: _tool = new ButtonTool(key); break; } _toolbarsManager.Tools.Add(_tool); } return _tool; }
public void Init( String propertyName, String propertyValue, String height, Editor.ToolbarType toolbar ) { _controlName = propertyName; _content = propertyValue; _height = height; _Toolbar = toolbar; _width = "100%"; _editorPath = sys.Path.Editor; _isUnique = true; _jsVersion = MvcConfig.Instance.JsVersion; }
public Toolbar(string id, ToolbarType toolbarType) : this(id) { this.toolbarType = toolbarType; }
public int typeAsInt(ToolbarType type) { switch (type) { case ToolbarType.STOCK: return 1; case ToolbarType.BLIZZY: return 2; default: return 0; } }
/// <summary> /// �����༭��(ҳ���е�һ��) /// </summary> /// <param name="controlName"></param> /// <param name="content"></param> /// <param name="height"></param> /// <param name="editorPath"></param> /// <param name="jsVersion"></param> /// <param name="toolbarType"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static Editor NewOne( String controlName, String content, String height, String editorPath, String jsVersion, ToolbarType toolbarType ) { Editor result = new Editor( controlName, content, "100%", height, editorPath, toolbarType ); result._isUnique = true; result._jsVersion = jsVersion; return result; }
public ToolBase AddTool(string key, string caption, ToolbarType type, int index, string parentTool, bool addSeparator, object imageSmall, object imageLarge) { ToolBase tool = getTool(key, type); if (type == ToolbarType.Button || type == ToolbarType.PopUpMenu) { if (!_toolbarsManager.Toolbars[_toolbarName].Tools.Exists(key)) { if (parentTool == string.Empty) { tool.SharedProps.Caption = caption; tool.SharedProps.Category = "Generale"; if (addSeparator) tool.InstanceProps.IsFirstInGroup = true; if (!_toolbarsManager.Tools.Exists(key)) _toolbarsManager.Tools.Add(tool); if (index == int.MinValue) _toolbarsManager.Toolbars[_toolbarName].Tools.AddTool(key); else _toolbarsManager.Toolbars[_toolbarName].Tools.InsertTool(index, key); _toolbarsManager.Toolbars[_toolbarName].Tools[key].InstanceProps.IsFirstInGroup = addSeparator; if (imageSmall != null) tool.SharedProps.AppearancesSmall.Appearance.Image = imageSmall; if (imageLarge != null) tool.SharedProps.AppearancesLarge.Appearance.Image = imageLarge; } else { tool.SharedProps.Caption = caption; tool.SharedProps.Category = "Generale"; if (!((Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.PopupMenuTool)_toolbarsManager.Tools[parentTool]).Tools.Exists(key)) ((Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.PopupMenuTool)_toolbarsManager.Tools[parentTool]).Tools.Add(tool); ((Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.PopupMenuTool)_toolbarsManager.Tools[parentTool]).Tools[key].InstanceProps.IsFirstInGroup = addSeparator; if (imageSmall != null) tool.SharedProps.AppearancesSmall.Appearance.Image = imageSmall; if (imageLarge != null) tool.SharedProps.AppearancesLarge.Appearance.Image = imageLarge; } } } else { RibbonGroup group = null; if (!_toolbarsManager.Ribbon.Tabs[_toolbarName].Groups.Exists(_panelName)) { group = new RibbonGroup(_panelName); group.Caption = _panelName; _toolbarsManager.Ribbon.Tabs[_toolbarName].Groups.Add(group); } else group = _toolbarsManager.Ribbon.Tabs[_toolbarName].Groups[_panelName]; if (!group.Tools.Exists(key)) { tool = group.Tools.AddTool(key); group.LayoutDirection = RibbonGroupToolLayoutDirection.Horizontal; group.PreferredToolSize = RibbonToolSize.Large; tool.SharedProps.AppearancesLarge.Appearance.Image = imageLarge; tool.SharedProps.AppearancesSmall.Appearance.Image = imageSmall; } else tool = group.Tools[key]; } return tool; }
public ToolBase AddTool(string key, ToolbarType type, string parentTool, bool addSeparator) { return AddTool(key, key, type, int.MinValue, parentTool, addSeparator); }
public ToolBase AddTool(string key, ToolbarType type) { return AddTool(key, key, type, string.Empty); }
public Toolbar(ToolbarType toolbarType) : this() { this.toolbarType = toolbarType; }
internal string GetToolbarHtml(ToolbarType toolbarType) { if (m_CustomToolbars == null || m_CustomToolbars.Count == 0) { switch (toolbarType) { case ToolbarType.ToolbarDetailBottom: return ToolbarDetailBottom; case ToolbarType.ToolbarGridBottom: return ToolbarGridBottom; case ToolbarType.ToolbarDetailTop: case ToolbarType.ToolbarGridTop: return null; } } if (m_CustomToolbars != null) { ToolbarItem mytoolbar = m_CustomToolbars.Find(delegate(ToolbarItem toolbar) { return toolbar != null && toolbar.ToolbarType == toolbarType; }); if (mytoolbar != null) return mytoolbar.GetControlsContent(); } switch (toolbarType) { case ToolbarType.ToolbarDetailBottom: return ToolbarDetailBottom; case ToolbarType.ToolbarGridBottom: return ToolbarGridBottom; case ToolbarType.ToolbarDetailTop: case ToolbarType.ToolbarGridTop: return null; } return null; }