public ToolbarEdit(ToolbarInfo info, bool expanded) : base(0, 28) { _Info = info; _Expanded = expanded; _ExpandedInt = expanded ? 2 : 1; AddInit(); AddControls(); AddNavigation(); AddResponses(); AddEntries(); }
public override void Deserialize(GenericReader reader) { base.Deserialize(reader); int version = reader.ReadInt(); switch (version) { case 0: { _ToolbarInfo = new ToolbarInfo(reader); break; } } }
public ToolbarGump(ToolbarInfo info) : base(0, 28) { _Info = info; if (_Info.Lock) { Closable = false; Disposable = false; } int offset = GumpIDs.Misc[(int)GumpIDs.MiscIDs.ButtonOffset].Content[_Info.Skin, 0]; int bx = ((offset * 2) + (_Info.Rows * 110)), by = ((offset * 2) + (_Info.Collumns * 24)), byx = by, cy = 0; SetCoords(offset); if (_Info.Reverse) { cy = InitOptsH; by = 0; } AddPage(0); AddPage(1); if (_Info.Stealth) { AddMinimized(by, offset); AddPage(2); } AddInitOpts(by, offset); AddBackground(0, cy, bx, byx, GumpIDs.Misc[(int)GumpIDs.MiscIDs.Background].Content[_Info.Skin, 0]); string font = GumpIDs.Fonts[_Info.Font]; if (_Info.Phantom) { font += "<BASEFONT COLOR=#FFFFFF>"; } int temp = 0, x, y; for (int i = 0; i < _Info.Rows * _Info.Collumns; i++) { x = offset + ((i % _Info.Rows) * 110); y = offset + (int)(Math.Floor((double)(i / _Info.Rows)) * 24) + cy; AddButton(x + 1, y, 2445, 2445, temp + 10, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); AddBackground(x, y, 110, 24, GumpIDs.Misc[(int)GumpIDs.MiscIDs.Buttonground].Content[_Info.Skin, 0]); if (_Info.Phantom) { AddImageTiled(x + 2, y + 2, 106, 20, 2624); // Alpha Area 1_1 AddAlphaRegion(x + 2, y + 2, 106, 20); // Alpha Area 1_2 } AddHtml(x + 5, y + 3, 100, 20, String.Format("<center>{0}{1}", font, _Info.Entries[temp]), false, false); //AddLabelCropped(x + 5, y + 3, 100, 20, GumpIDs.Misc[(int)GumpIDs.MiscIDs.Color].Content[p_Skin,0], Commands[temp]); if (i % _Info.Rows == _Info.Rows - 1) { temp += 9 - _Info.Rows; } ++temp; } /*TEST--- * 0%5 == 0 * 1%5 == 1 * 2%5 == 2 * 3%5 == 3 * 4%5 == 4 * 5%5 == 0 * END TEST---*/ if (_Info.Stealth) { return; } AddPage(2); AddMinimized(by, offset); }
public override void OnResponse(NetState sender, RelayInfo info) { Mobile m = sender.Mobile; _TextRelays = CreateList(info.TextEntries); switch (info.ButtonID) { case 0: break; case 1: { _Info.Skin++; m.SendGump(new ToolbarEdit(_Info, _Expanded)); break; } case 2: { _Info.Skin--; m.SendGump(new ToolbarEdit(_Info, _Expanded)); break; } case 3: { _Info.Rows++; m.SendGump(new ToolbarEdit(_Info, _Expanded)); break; } case 4: { _Info.Rows--; m.SendGump(new ToolbarEdit(_Info, _Expanded)); break; } case 5: { _Info.Collumns++; m.SendGump(new ToolbarEdit(_Info, _Expanded)); break; } case 6: { _Info.Collumns--; m.SendGump(new ToolbarEdit(_Info, _Expanded)); break; } case 9: // Default { var toolbarinfo = ToolbarInfo.DefaultEntries(m.AccessLevel); CombineEntries(toolbarinfo); toolbarinfo.AddRange(AnalyzeEntries(toolbarinfo.Count)); _Info.Entries = toolbarinfo; m.SendGump(new ToolbarEdit(_Info, _Expanded)); break; } case 10: // Okay goto case 12; case 11: // Cancel goto case 0; case 12: // Apply { ToolbarModule module = m.GetModule(typeof(ToolbarModule)) as ToolbarModule ?? new ToolbarModule(m); module.ToolbarInfo.Entries = AnalyzeEntries(); module.ToolbarInfo.Phantom = info.IsSwitched(21); module.ToolbarInfo.Stealth = info.IsSwitched(23); module.ToolbarInfo.Reverse = info.IsSwitched(25); module.ToolbarInfo.Lock = info.IsSwitched(27); if (info.ButtonID == 12) { m.SendGump(new ToolbarEdit(_Info, _Expanded)); } m.CloseGump(typeof(ToolbarGump)); m.SendGump(new ToolbarGump(module.ToolbarInfo)); break; } case 18: { _Info.Font++; m.SendGump(new ToolbarEdit(_Info, _Expanded)); break; } case 19: { _Info.Font--; m.SendGump(new ToolbarEdit(_Info, _Expanded)); break; } case 20: { m.SendGump(new ToolbarEdit(_Info, _Expanded)); m.SendMessage(2101, "Phantom mode turns the toolbar semi-transparent."); break; } case 22: { m.SendGump(new ToolbarEdit(_Info, _Expanded)); m.SendMessage(2101, "Stealth mode makes the toolbar automatically minimize when you click a button."); break; } case 24: { m.SendGump(new ToolbarEdit(_Info, _Expanded)); m.SendMessage(2101, "Reverse mode puts the minimize bar above the toolbar instead of below."); break; } case 26: { m.SendGump(new ToolbarEdit(_Info, _Expanded)); m.SendMessage(2101, "Lock mode disables closing the toolbar with right-click."); break; } case 28: // Expand { m.SendGump(new ToolbarEdit(_Info, !_Expanded)); m.SendMessage(2101, "Expanded view {0}activated.", _Expanded ? "de" : ""); break; } } }
public ToolbarEdit(ToolbarInfo info) : this(info, false) { }
public ToolbarGump(ToolbarInfo info, Mobile m) : base(0, 28) { _Info = info; if (_Info.Lock) { Closable = false; Disposable = false; } int offset = GumpIDs.Misc[(int)GumpIDs.MiscIDs.ButtonOffset].Content[_Info.Skin, 0]; int bx = ((offset * 2) + (_Info.Rows * 110)), by = ((offset * 2) + (_Info.Collumns * 24)), byx = by, cy = 0; SetCoords(offset); if (_Info.Reverse) { cy = InitOptsH; by = 0; } AddPage(0); AddPage(1); if (_Info.Stealth) { AddMinimized(by, offset); AddPage(2); } AddInitOpts(by, offset); AddBackground(0, cy, bx, byx, GumpIDs.Misc[(int)GumpIDs.MiscIDs.Background].Content[_Info.Skin, 0]); string font = GumpIDs.Fonts[_Info.Font]; if (_Info.Phantom) { font += "<BASEFONT COLOR=#FFFFFF>"; } int temp = 0, x, y; NetState ns = m.NetState; for (int i = 0; i < _Info.Rows * _Info.Collumns; i++) { x = offset + ((i % _Info.Rows) * 110); y = offset + (int)(Math.Floor((double)(i / _Info.Rows)) * 24) + cy; if (ns.IsEnhancedClient) { AddButton(x + 1, y, 2435, 2436, temp + 10, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);//4005, 4007 } else { AddButton(x + 1, y, 2445, 2445, temp + 10, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); } AddBackground(x, y, 110, 24, GumpIDs.Misc[(int)GumpIDs.MiscIDs.Buttonground].Content[_Info.Skin, 0]); if (_Info.Phantom) { AddImageTiled(x + 2, y + 2, 106, 20, 2624); // Alpha Area 1_1 AddAlphaRegion(x + 2, y + 2, 106, 20); // Alpha Area 1_2 } if (ns.IsEnhancedClient) { AddHtml(x + 30, y + 3, 100, 20, String.Format("<center>{0}{1}", font, _Info.Entries[temp]), false, false); } else { AddHtml(x + 5, y + 3, 100, 20, String.Format("<center>{0}{1}", font, _Info.Entries[temp]), false, false); } if (i % _Info.Rows == _Info.Rows - 1) { temp += 9 - _Info.Rows; } ++temp; } if (_Info.Stealth) { return; } AddPage(2); AddMinimized(by, offset); }
public ToolbarModule(Mobile from) : base(from) { _ToolbarInfo = ToolbarInfo.CreateNew(from); }