예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a new ToolStripItem
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="toolList">List of Tools of the Toolbar</param>
        /// <param name="toolId">Id of the tool</param>
        /// <param name="style">Type of ToolStripItem</param>
        /// <param name="index">Index to insert</param>
        /// <returns>A new ToolStrip Item</returns>
        private static ToolStripItem Add(ToolsList toolList, string toolId = "", ToolbarHelper.ConstantsType style = ToolbarHelper.ConstantsType.ssTypeButton, int index = 0)
            //First we check if we are inserting in the Tools of the Toolbar or in the Tools of a ToolStripItem
            if (InsertionInToolsOfToolStripItem(toolList))
                //Let's create the real ToolStripItem which is the one that will be displayed in the Form
                var tuple = AddToolStripItem(toolList, toolId, index);
                if (tuple != null)
                    //If index is greater that List Count assign back the count to the index to keep consistency
                    if (index > toolList.Count)
                        index = toolList.Count;

                    //Now the ToolStripItem is included as part of the tools of the ToolStripItem
                    toolList.Insert(index, tuple.Item2);

                    //Return the ToolStripItem created
                //If the code jumps here means we are inserting ToolStripItems in the Tools of the Toolbar

                //Create the wrapper for ToolStripItem
                ToolStripItemWrapper itemWrapper = new ToolStripItemWrapper();
                itemWrapper.ToolbarParent = toolList.ToolbarParent;            //Assign its Toolbar parent
                itemWrapper.Name          = toolId;                            //Assign its id
                itemWrapper.Text          = SetText(itemWrapper.Text, toolId); //Assign its text
                itemWrapper.ConstantsType = style;                             //Assign the type

                //If the Type of the ToolStripItem will be Combobox, then create the combobox instance for its handling
                if (style == ToolbarHelper.ConstantsType.ssTypeComboBox)
                    itemWrapper.ComboBox = new ComboBoxWrapper(itemWrapper.ToolbarParent, itemWrapper.Name);
                //If the Type of the ToolStripItem will be Menu, then create the menu instance for its handling
                else if (style == ToolbarHelper.ConstantsType.ssTypeMenu)
                    itemWrapper.Menu = new ToolStripItemWrapperMenu(toolId, toolList.ToolbarParent);

                    //It's important to mention this: When a ToolStripItem of type Menu is created it can be work as a popup menu into any other control.
                    //To support this we add a new ToolStripDown and we include the id of the tool in the list of popup menus

                    toolList.ToolbarParent.PopupMenus.Add(toolId, CreateToolStripDown(itemWrapper, toolId));

                //Finally the new ToolStripItem is added to the list of tools of the toolbar

                //Return the ToolStripItem created

예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a new ToolStripItem of type Menu
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="toolListMenu">List of Menu Tools</param>
        /// <param name="toolId">Id of the tool</param>
        /// <param name="style">Type of ToolStrip Item . Button by default</param>
        /// <param name="index">Index to insert.</param>
        /// <returns>A new ToolStrip Item</returns>
        private static ToolStripItem Add(ToolsListMenu toolListMenu, string toolId, ToolbarHelper.ConstantsType style, int index)
            ToolStripMenuItem ToolStripMenuItem = null;

            //First we get the ToolStripDropDown located by ID in the list of Popup Menus
            var toolStripDropDown = toolListMenu.ToolbarParent.PopupMenus[toolListMenu.MenuId];

            //Let's check if the type/style of the ToolStripItem should be modified
            style = ChangeTypeIfNeeded(style, toolId);

            //Second we get the ToolStripItem by ID from the tools of the Toolbar
            var toolInTools = toolListMenu.ToolbarParent.Tools[toolId];

            //If the ToolStripItem does not exist means the Tool was not created, then we create a new one and continue the execution
            if (toolInTools == null && toolId != SEPARATOR)
                //Add the new ToolStripItem to the tools of the Toolbar**
                toolListMenu.ToolbarParent.Tools.Add(toolId, style, index);
                //Now is inserted, let's try to get again the ToolStripItem by ID from the tools of the Toolbar
                toolInTools = toolListMenu.ToolbarParent.Tools[toolId];

            //Then we need to create the real ToolStripItem which is the one that will be displayed/painted in the Form.
            ToolStripItem item = CreateToolStripItem(style, toolInTools);

            //The new ToolStripItem is added to the ToolStripDropDown, in other words the submenu of the menu is created

            //Then we need to insert the new ToolStripItem( the submenu ) in all menus of the toolbars ( just in case the menu is present in several toolbars at once).
            //Example, suppose you have 2 toolbars "toolbar1" and "toolbar2", also you have a ToolStripItem of type Menu "Menu1" which was inserted in both toolbars.
            //Let's say you are adding a submenu "Close" that belongs to the Menu "Menu1", since "Menu1" is present in two toolbars both collections must be modified

            foreach (IToolbar toolbar in toolListMenu.ToolbarParent.Toolbars)
                //Get the ToolStripItem(Menu) from the items of the ToolStripItems
                var menu = (toolbar as ToolStrip).Items[toolListMenu.MenuId];
                if (menu != null)
                    //The SubMenu is added to the Items of the Menu
                    ToolStripMenuItem      = new ToolStripMenuItem();
                    ToolStripMenuItem.Text = SetText(ToolStripMenuItem.Text, toolId);;
                    ToolStripMenuItem.Name = toolId;
                    (menu as ToolStripDropDownButton).DropDownItems.Add(ToolStripMenuItem);

            //If the ToolStripItem was not present initially we must set correctly the ToolbarParent**
            if (toolInTools != null)
                toolInTools.ToolbarParent = toolListMenu.ToolbarParent;
                toolInTools.MenuId        = toolListMenu.MenuId;
                //Finally we must add the submenu (ToolStripItemWrapped) to the tools of the menu
            //Return the ToolStripItem created
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines whether the type/style of a ToolStripItem is changed or not
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="style">ToolStripItem style</param>
        /// <param name="toolID">ID of the Tool</param>
        /// <returns>The new ToolStripItem style</returns>
        private static ToolbarHelper.ConstantsType ChangeTypeIfNeeded(ToolbarHelper.ConstantsType style, string toolID)
            if (toolID.Equals(SEPARATOR))

예제 #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds a new ToolStripItem
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="tools">List of ToolStrip Items</param>
 /// <param name="toolId">Id of the tool. Empty by default</param>
 /// <param name="style">Type of ToolStrip Item . Button by default</param>
 /// <param name="index">Index to insert. 0 by default </param>
 /// <returns>A new ToolStrip Item</returns>
 public static ToolStripItem Add(this ITools tools, string toolId  = "",
                                 ToolbarHelper.ConstantsType style = ToolbarHelper.ConstantsType.ssTypeButton, int index = 0)
     if (tools is ToolsList) // If the list belongs to the tools of the toolbar
         return(Add(tools as ToolsList, toolId, style, index));
     else // If the list belongs to the menu tools of a ToolStripItem
         return(Add(tools as ToolsListMenu, toolId, style, index));
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new instance of ToolStripItem
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="type">ToolStripItem type</param>
        /// <param name="wrapper">ToolStripItem wrapped</param>
        /// <returns>A new instance of ToolStripItem</returns>
        private static ToolStripItem CreateToolStripItem(ToolbarHelper.ConstantsType type, ToolStripItemWrapper wrapper)
            ToolStripItem item = null;

            switch (type)
            case ToolbarHelper.ConstantsType.ssTypeButton:
                item = new ToolStripButton();

            case ToolbarHelper.ConstantsType.ssTypeStateButton:
                item = new ToolStripButton();

            case ToolbarHelper.ConstantsType.ssTypeMenu:
                item = new ToolStripDropDownButton();

            case ToolbarHelper.ConstantsType.ssTypeComboBox:
                item = new ToolStripComboBox();

            case ToolbarHelper.ConstantsType.ssTypeSeparator:
                item = new ToolStripSeparator();

                item = new ToolStripButton();

            if (wrapper != null)
                //The properties of the wrapped object are cloned in the real ToolStripItem
                item = CloneProperties(item, wrapper);
