public static string DecryptFile(string inFileName) { string path = sysTempDir + Path.GetFileName(inFileName); try { FileStream stream = new FileStream(inFileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); byte[] buffer = new byte[stream.Length]; stream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); DateTime time = new DateTime(0x7dd, 9, 10, 8, 0x22, 30); TimeSpan span = (TimeSpan)(DateTime.Now - time); byte[] buffer2 = AES_Crypt.Encrypt(ToolUtil.GetBytes(span.TotalSeconds.ToString("F1")), new byte[] { 0xff, 0x42, 0xae, 0x95, 11, 0x51, 0xca, 0x15, 0x21, 140, 0x4f, 170, 220, 0x92, 170, 0xed, 0xfd, 0xeb, 0x4e, 13, 0xac, 0x80, 0x52, 0xff, 0x45, 0x90, 0x85, 0xca, 0xcb, 0x9f, 0xaf, 0xbd }, new byte[] { 0xf2, 0x1f, 0xac, 0x5b, 0x2c, 0xc0, 0xa9, 0xd0, 0xbc, 0xaf, 0x86, 0x99, 0xad, 170, 0xfb, 0x60 }); byte[] buffer3 = AES_Crypt.Decrypt(buffer, key, vec, buffer2); if (buffer3 == null) { stream.Close(); return(""); } FileStream stream2 = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write) { Position = 0L }; stream2.Write(buffer3, 0, buffer3.Length); stream.Close(); stream2.Close(); } catch { return(""); } return(path); }
public static byte[] getByte(object value) { try { if (value != null) { switch (value.GetType().ToString()) { case "System.String": return(ToolUtil.GetBytes((string)value)); case "System.Int64": return(ToolUtil.GetBytes(getString(value))); case "System.Int32": return(ToolUtil.GetBytes(getString(value))); case "System.Boolean": return(ToolUtil.GetBytes(getString(value))); case "System.DateTime": return(ToolUtil.GetBytes(getString(value))); case "System.IO.MemoryStream": return(ToolUtil.GetBytes(getString(value))); } } return(null); } catch { return(null); } }
public static DockForm RunCommand(byte[] value) { string str = "Aisino.Fwkp.Invoice.ActiveX.TaxCardQuery_Status"; byte[] bytes = ToolUtil.GetBytes(MD5_Crypt.GetHashStr(str)); byte[] destinationArray = new byte[0x20]; Array.Copy(bytes, 0, destinationArray, 0, 0x20); byte[] buffer3 = new byte[0x10]; Array.Copy(bytes, 0x20, buffer3, 0, 0x10); DateTime time = DateTime.Parse(ToolUtil.GetString(AES_Crypt.Decrypt(value, destinationArray, buffer3, null))); DateTime now = DateTime.Now; if ((time.CompareTo(now) > 0) || (time.CompareTo(now.AddSeconds(-1.0)) < 0)) { return(null); } WaitForm form = new WaitForm { StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen, ShowInTaskbar = false }; form.Show(); bool flag = form.DataCheck(); form.Close(); if (!flag) { return(null); } if (form.bIsNeedRepair) { MessageManager.ShowMsgBox("INP-253207", new string[] { form.strRet }); } return(new InvoiceReportForm()); }
private void cmbName_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.cmbName.Text.Trim() != "") { string str = PropertyUtil.GetValue("Login_" + BitConverter.ToString(ToolUtil.GetBytes(this.cmbName.Text.Trim())).Replace("-", "")); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { string[] strArray = str.Split(new char[] { '-' }); this.method_6(strArray[0]); if (string.Equals(this.taxCard_0.SoftVersion, "FWKP_V2.0_Svr_Client")) { this.method_7(PropertyUtil.GetValue("KPS_PROXY_URL", "")); } else { this.method_7(strArray[1]); } this.aisinoCHK_0.Checked = true; } else { this.method_6(""); this.method_7(""); this.aisinoCHK_0.Checked = false; } } }
public static Stream getStream(object value) { try { if (value == null) { return(new MemoryStream(ToolUtil.GetBytes("null"))); } switch (value.GetType().ToString()) { case "System.String": return(new MemoryStream(ToolUtil.GetBytes((string)value))); case "System.Int64": return(new MemoryStream(ToolUtil.GetBytes(getString(value)))); case "System.Int32": return(new MemoryStream(ToolUtil.GetBytes(getString(value)))); case "System.Boolean": return(new MemoryStream(ToolUtil.GetBytes(getString(value)))); case "System.DateTime": return(new MemoryStream(ToolUtil.GetBytes(getString(value)))); case "System.Byte[]": return(new MemoryStream(ToolUtil.GetBytes(getString(value)))); } return(new MemoryStream(ToolUtil.GetBytes("null"))); } catch { return(new MemoryStream(ToolUtil.GetBytes("null"))); } }
private void FormLogin_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Interface0 interface2 = new Class2(); try { List <string> list = interface2.imethod_0(); this.cmbName.Items.AddRange(list.ToArray()); if (this.cmbName.Items.Count > 0) { this.cmbName.SelectedIndex = 0; } object obj2 = PropertyUtil.GetValue("MAIN_VER", null); if (obj2 != null) { this.lblVer.Text = obj2.ToString(); } else { this.lblVer.Text = "未知版本号"; } string str = string.Empty; object obj4 = PropertyUtil.GetValue("MAIN_CODE", null); if (obj4 != null) { str = obj4.ToString(); } object obj3 = PropertyUtil.GetValue("MAIN_MACHINE", null); if ((obj3 != null) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(obj3.ToString())) { if (obj3.ToString() == "0") { str = str + " 主机"; } else { str = str + " 分机" + obj3.ToString(); } } if (!string.Empty.Equals(str)) { this.Text = "用户登录 【" + str + "】"; } string str2 = PropertyUtil.GetValue("Login_" + BitConverter.ToString(ToolUtil.GetBytes(this.cmbName.Text.Trim())).Replace("-", "")); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str2)) { string[] strArray = str2.Split(new char[] { '-' }); this.txtPwd.Text = strArray[0]; this.txtCertPassword.Text = strArray[1]; this.aisinoCHK_0.Checked = true; } } catch (Exception exception) { MessageBoxHelper.Show("数据库连接异常", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk); ilog_0.Error(exception.Message, exception); this.lblStatus.Text = ""; } }
private void txtNewPwd_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { byte[] bytes = ToolUtil.GetBytes(this.textBoxNewPwd.Text); if (bytes.Length >= 0x10) { this.textBoxNewPwd.Text = ToolUtil.GetString(bytes, 0, 0x10); } }
private void Pwd_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { byte[] bytes = ToolUtil.GetBytes((sender as TextBox).Text); if (bytes.Length >= 0x10) { (sender as TextBox).Text = ToolUtil.GetString(bytes, 0, 0x10); } }
private void InvNumEdit_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e) { if (e.KeyChar.ToString() == "\b") { e.Handled = false; } else if ((ToolUtil.GetBytes(this.InvNumEdit.Text).Length >= 8) && (this.InvNumEdit.SelectedText.Length <= 0)) { e.Handled = true; } }
private void com_spfmc_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e) { if (e.KeyChar.ToString() == "\b") { e.Handled = false; } else if (ToolUtil.GetBytes(this.com_spfmc.Text).Length >= 80) { e.Handled = true; } }
public static string GetCRC(string string_0) { try { return(Convert.ToString(smethod_3(ToolUtil.GetBytes(string_0)), 0x10).ToUpper()); } catch (Exception) { return(""); } }
public static void textBoxYHZH_DZDH_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { string[] lines = (sender as AisinoTXT).Lines; int selectionStart = (sender as AisinoTXT).SelectionStart; string str = string.Empty; bool flag = false; List <int> list = new List <int>(); for (int i = 0; i < (sender as AisinoTXT).Lines.Length; i++) { if (ToolUtil.GetBytes((sender as AisinoTXT).Lines[i]).Length > 100) { list.Add(i); flag = true; lines[i] = GetSubString((sender as AisinoTXT).Lines[i], 100).Trim(); } } (sender as AisinoTXT).Lines = lines; if (flag) { (sender as AisinoTXT).SelectionStart = selectionStart - 1; } else { (sender as AisinoTXT).SelectionStart = selectionStart; } (sender as AisinoTXT).ScrollToCaret(); if (list.Count == 1) { string name = (sender as AisinoTXT).Name; string str3 = string.Empty; if (name == "textBoxYHZH") { str3 = "单条银行账号不能超过100个字符!"; } else if (name == "textBoxDZDH") { str3 = "单条地址电话不能超过100个字符!"; } else { str3 = "未知控件单条不能超过100个字符!"; } MessageBoxHelper.Show(str3, "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } else if (list.Count > 1) { foreach (int num4 in list) { str = str + "第" + ((num4 + 1)).ToString() + "行,"; } MessageBoxHelper.Show(str.Substring(0, str.Length - 1) + "超过100个字符,已自动截取!", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } }
private void qshm_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e) { if (e.KeyChar.ToString().Equals("\b")) { e.Handled = false; } else if ((ToolUtil.GetBytes(this.qshm.Text).Length >= 8) && (this.qshm.SelectedText.Length <= 0)) { e.Handled = true; } }
public static void SetCryptoKey(byte[] byte_0) { byte[] bytes = ToolUtil.GetBytes("1234567890123456"); byte[] destinationArray = new byte[byte_0.Length + bytes.Length]; Array.Copy(byte_0, 0, destinationArray, 0, byte_0.Length); Array.Copy(bytes, 0, destinationArray, byte_0.Length, bytes.Length); for (int i = 0x10; i < (destinationArray.Length - 1); i++) { destinationArray[i - 0x10] = (byte)(destinationArray[i - 0x10] + destinationArray[i]); } smethod_0(destinationArray); }
public static BaseForm RunCommand(byte[] value) { string str = "Aisino.Fwkp.Invoice.ActiveX.TaxCardQuery_Year"; byte[] bytes = ToolUtil.GetBytes(MD5_Crypt.GetHashStr(str)); byte[] destinationArray = new byte[0x20]; Array.Copy(bytes, 0, destinationArray, 0, 0x20); byte[] buffer3 = new byte[0x10]; Array.Copy(bytes, 0x20, buffer3, 0, 0x10); DateTime time = DateTime.Parse(ToolUtil.GetString(AES_Crypt.Decrypt(value, destinationArray, buffer3, null))); DateTime now = DateTime.Now; if ((time.CompareTo(now) <= 0) && (time.CompareTo(now.AddSeconds(-1.0)) >= 0)) { if (taxcardEntityBLL.IsLocked()) { MessageManager.ShowMsgBox("INP-253109"); return(null); } DataSumForm form = new DataSumForm(false) { StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen, ShowInTaskbar = false, strLabelYearOrStartMonth = "起始月份", strLabelEndMonth = "结束月份", bLabelTaxPeriod = false, bComboxTaxPeriod = false }; if (form.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { TaxDateSegment segment = new TaxDateSegment(); try { segment.m_nYear = form.nTaxYear; segment.m_nStartMonth = form.nStartMonth; segment.m_nEndMonth = form.nEndMonth; segment.m_nTaxPeriod = Convert.ToInt32(form.strTaxPeriod); return(new InvStatForm(segment, true) { Text = form.strDlgTitle, m_strTitle = form.strLabelTitle }); } catch (Exception exception) { MessageManager.ShowMsgBox("INP-253107", new string[] { exception.Message }); return(null); } } } return(null); }
private void btn_FindPath_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string str = this.textBox_PathName.Text.Trim(); FolderBrowserDialog dialog = new FolderBrowserDialog { ShowNewFolderButton = true }; string selectedPath = PropertyUtil.GetValue(ZhiFuChuan.strPathCopy); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(selectedPath)) { if (Directory.Exists(selectedPath)) { dialog.SelectedPath = selectedPath; } } else { dialog.SelectedPath = Application.StartupPath; } if (dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { selectedPath = dialog.SelectedPath; DriveInfo info = new DriveInfo(selectedPath.Substring(0, 1)); if (DriveType.Fixed != info.DriveType) { MessageBoxHelper.Show("请选择一个固定磁盘!", "警告", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } else if (ToolUtil.GetBytes(selectedPath).Length > 200) { MessageBoxHelper.Show("完全路径长度不能超过189字符!", "错误", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand); this.textBox_PathName.Text = str; } else { this.textBox_PathName.Text = selectedPath; } } } catch (BaseException exception) { _Loger.Error(exception.Message); ExceptionHandler.HandleError(exception); } catch (Exception exception2) { _Loger.Error(exception2.Message); ExceptionHandler.HandleError(exception2); } }
private void txtPhone_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.HasNonValidChar(this.txtPhone.Text)) { this.txtPhone.Text = this.orgPhoneText; } else { byte[] bytes = ToolUtil.GetBytes(this.txtPhone.Text); if (bytes.Length >= 50) { this.txtPhone.Text = ToolUtil.GetString(bytes, 0, 50); } } }
public static bool SendMail(string string_3, string string_4, string[] string_5, string string_6, string string_7, string string_8, string string_9, string string_10, int int_1, string[] string_11, out string string_12) { try { MailMessage message = new MailMessage { From = new MailAddress(string_3, string_4) }; foreach (string str2 in string_5) { message.To.Add(str2); } message.SubjectEncoding = Encoding.GetEncoding("UTF-8"); message.Subject = string_2 + string_6; message.BodyEncoding = ToolUtil.GetEncoding(); message.Priority = MailPriority.High; message.Body = Convert.ToBase64String(AES_Crypt.Encrypt(ToolUtil.GetBytes(string_7), byte_0, byte_1)); message.IsBodyHtml = false; if ((string_11 != null) && (string_11.Length > 0)) { foreach (string str in string_11) { message.Attachments.Add(new Attachment(str)); } } SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient(string_10, int_1) { UseDefaultCredentials = true, DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network }; if (string_8 != null) { client.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(string_8, string_9); } client.Timeout = 0x2710; client.Send(message); client.Dispose(); string_12 = "OK"; return(true); } catch (Exception exception) { string_12 = exception.Message; return(false); } }
private bool testConnect(bool isSave) { bool flag = false; try { if ((this.txtFwqdz.Text.Length <= 0) || (this.txtDk.Text.Length <= 0)) { MessageManager.ShowMsgBox("SWDK-0012"); return(flag); } int num = 0; string str = this.txtFwqdz.Text + ":" + this.txtDk.Text + "/ReceiveWlbpServlet"; string xml = ""; string str3 = ""; byte[] bytes = ToolUtil.GetBytes(this.genTestXml()); if ((bytes != null) && (bytes.Length != 0)) { str3 = Convert.ToBase64String(bytes); } string s = new WebClient().Post(str, str3, out num); if ((s != null) && (s.Length > 0)) { xml = ToolUtil.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String(s)); } XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument(); document.LoadXml(xml); if (this.parseXML(document) == "1") { if (!isSave) { MessageManager.ShowMsgBox("SWDK-0013"); } return(true); } MessageManager.ShowMsgBox("SWDK-0014"); } catch (Exception exception) { MessageManager.ShowMsgBox("SWDK-0014"); this.loger.Error(exception.Message); } return(flag); }
private void cmbName_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.cmbName.Text.Trim() != "") { string str = PropertyUtil.GetValue("Login_" + BitConverter.ToString(ToolUtil.GetBytes(this.cmbName.Text.Trim())).Replace("-", "")); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { string[] strArray = str.Split(new char[] { '-' }); this.txtPwd.Text = strArray[0]; this.txtCertPassword.Text = strArray[1]; this.aisinoCHK_0.Checked = true; } else { this.txtPwd.Text = string.Empty; this.txtCertPassword.Text = string.Empty; this.aisinoCHK_0.Checked = false; } } }
public bool Login(bool bool_1, string string_2) { //逻辑修改:无Key调试时需要把TaxCard登录校验屏蔽掉 if (InternetWare.Config.Constants.IsTest) { string_2 = "管理员"; this.method_1(string_2); } else { #region bool flag = false; LoginForm form = new LoginForm(); if (bool_1) { flag = false; return(true); } if (form.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { flag = true; string_2 = form.method_1(); } if (!bool_1 && !flag) { return(false); } TaxCardFactory.CardType = CTaxCardType.const_7; TaxCard card = TaxCardFactory.CreateTaxCard(); card.CustomMessageBox += new TaxCard.CustomMsgBox(this.method_0); Label_010F: if (!card.TaxCardOpen(form.method_4()) && (card.RetCode != 0)) { if (card.RetCode == -1111) { ChangeCertPass pass = new ChangeCertPass(); pass.method_2(form.method_4()); pass.method_3().Enabled = false; pass.method_4(form.method_1()); if (pass.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { MessageBoxHelper.Show("取消证书默认口令修改,退出系统!", "系统登录", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk); return(false); } if (form.method_3()) { PropertyUtil.SetValue("Login_" + BitConverter.ToString(ToolUtil.GetBytes(form.method_1())).Replace("-", ""), form.method_2() + "-" + pass.method_5()); } else { PropertyUtil.SetValue("Login_" + BitConverter.ToString(ToolUtil.GetBytes(form.method_1())).Replace("-", ""), string.Empty); } MessageBoxHelper.Show("证书口令修改成功,请重新登录系统!", "系统登录", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk); card.CloseDevice(); Process.Start(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location); return(false); } if (!card.ErrCode.StartsWith("CA_")) { MessageManager.ShowMsgBox(card.ErrCode); return(false); } int num4 = Convert.ToInt32(card.ErrCode.Split(new char[] { '_' })[1]); switch (num4) { case 0x3810002a: MessageBoxHelper.Show("证书口令长度不足8个字符", "证书登录错误", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand); return(false); case 0x381063c0: MessageBoxHelper.Show("证书密码被锁死,请解锁后重新登录", "证书登录错误", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand); return(false); default: { if ((num4 >= 0x381063cf) || (num4 <= 0x381063c0)) { MessageManager.ShowMsgBox(card.ErrCode); return(false); } int num5 = num4 - 0x381063c0; CertLogin login = new CertLogin(num5); if (login.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { MessageBoxHelper.Show("取消证书登录,退出系统!", "系统登录", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk); return(false); } card.CloseDevice(); form.method_5(login.method_1()); goto Label_010F; } } } MessageHelper.MsgWait("正在更新发票上传标志,不要插拔金税盘或关闭电源,请耐心等待..."); ilog_0.Error("开始更新上传标志##########..."); List <ClearCardInfo> list = card.UpdateUpLoadFlag(); if (list != null) { ilog_0.Error("UpdateUpLoadFlag返回结果个数#############:" + list.Count); } if ((list != null) && (list.Count > 0)) { foreach (ClearCardInfo info in list) { try { ilog_0.Error("金税盘RetCode##########:" + info.CSTime.ToString()); if (info.CSTime != "") { string str2 = string.Format("【{0}】 抄报清卡", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")); string str = "update XXFP set BSZT = 1, BSBZ = 1, BSRZ = '" + str2 + "' where BSQ = " + info.InvPeriod.ToString() + " and SSYF = " + info.CSTime.ToString(); if (card.SubSoftVersion == "Linux") { str = "update XXFP set BSBZ = 1, BSRZ = '" + str2 + "' where BSQ = " + info.InvPeriod.ToString() + " and SSYF = " + info.CSTime.ToString(); } switch (info.InvKind) { case 0x29: case 0x33: case 12: str = str + " and (FPZL = 'j' or FPZL = 'p' or FPZL = 'q')"; if (card.QYLX.ISJDC || card.QYLX.ISPTFPDZ) { PropertyUtil.SetValue(AttributeName.JDCQKDateName, this.method_2(12, info.CSTime)); } if (card.QYLX.ISPTFPJSP) { PropertyUtil.SetValue(AttributeName.JSPQKDateName, this.method_2(0x29, info.CSTime)); } break; case 0: case 2: str = str + " and (FPZL = 's' or FPZL = 'c')"; if (card.QYLX.ISPTFP || card.QYLX.ISZYFP) { PropertyUtil.SetValue(AttributeName.ZPQKDateName, this.method_2(0, info.CSTime)); } break; case 11: str = str + " and FPZL = 'f'"; if (card.QYLX.ISHY) { PropertyUtil.SetValue(AttributeName.HYQKDateName, this.method_2(11, info.CSTime)); } break; } BaseDAOSQLite baseDAOSQLite = BaseDAOFactory.GetBaseDAOSQLite() as BaseDAOSQLite; if (baseDAOSQLite != null) { baseDAOSQLite.method_1(str); } else { MessageBoxHelper.Show("获取数据库实例失败。"); } continue; } ilog_0.Error("更新发票上传标志接口返回时间错误:" + info.CSTime); } catch (Exception exception) { MessageBoxHelper.Show(exception.Message); ilog_0.Error(exception.ToString()); } } } ilog_0.Error("结束更新上传标志##########..."); MessageHelper.MsgWait(); string regionCode = card.RegionCode; if (string.Equals(card.SoftVersion, "FWKP_V2.0_Svr_Client")) { PropertyUtil.SetValue("MAIN_CODE", card.TaxCode); PropertyUtil.SetValue("MAIN_MACHINE", card.Machine.ToString()); PropertyUtil.SetValue("MAIN_ORGCODE", card.CorpCode.Substring(0, 6)); } if (!string.Equals(card.SoftVersion, "FWKP_V2.0_Svr_Client")) { if ((regionCode != null) && (regionCode.Length > 2)) { string str4 = regionCode.Substring(0, 2); if (str4 == "91") { str4 = "50"; } regionCode = str4 + regionCode.Substring(2); } if (((card.TaxMode == CTaxCardMode.tcmHave) && (card.TaxCode.Length > 15)) && (RegisterManager.SetupOrgCode != regionCode)) { ilog_0.Info("注册表中地区编号:" + RegisterManager.SetupOrgCode); ilog_0.Info("金税设备中地区编号:" + regionCode); MessageBoxHelper.Show("安装时输入的地区编号和金税设备中不一致,请重新安装!"); return(false); } if (RegisterManager.SetupTaxCode != card.TaxCode) { MessageBoxHelper.Show("安装时输入的税号和金税设备中不一致,请重新安装!"); return(false); } if (RegisterManager.SetupMachine != card.Machine) { MessageBoxHelper.Show("安装时输入的开票机号和金税设备中不一致,请重新安装!"); return(false); } if (!RegisterManager.PreMakeInvoice()) { MessageBoxHelper.Show("开票注册文件验证失败!"); } } #endregion } return(true); }
internal void method_1(Fpxx fpxx_0) { if (RegisterManager.CheckRegFile("JCST") || RegisterManager.CheckRegFile("JCJS")) { string str12 = PropertyUtil.GetValue("MAIN_PATH"); string xfsh = fpxx_0.xfsh; string fpdm = fpxx_0.fpdm; string fphm = fpxx_0.fphm; string str16 = xfsh + "_" + fpdm + "_" + fphm + ".xml"; string path = str12 + @"\OutPutFile\" + str16; string filename = str12 + @"\OutPutFile\JdcBZGSFile\" + str16; path.Remove(path.LastIndexOf(@"\")); string str10 = filename.Remove(filename.LastIndexOf(@"\")); if (!Directory.Exists(str10)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(str10); } double num = Convert.ToDouble(; double num2 = Convert.ToDouble(; string str3 = (num + num2).ToString("F2"); string kprq = fpxx_0.kprq; string str4 = ""; string str5 = ""; if ((kprq != null) && (kprq.Length >= 0x13)) { str4 = kprq.Substring(0, 10); str5 = kprq.Substring(11, 8); } XmlDocument document2 = new XmlDocument(); XmlDeclaration newChild = document2.CreateXmlDeclaration("1.0", "GBK", null); document2.AppendChild(newChild); XmlElement element50 = document2.CreateElement("business"); document2.AppendChild(element50); XmlElement element2 = document2.CreateElement("body"); element50.AppendChild(element2); XmlElement element51 = document2.CreateElement("fplx"); element51.InnerText = "1"; element2.AppendChild(element51); XmlElement element52 = document2.CreateElement("fpdm"); element52.InnerText = fpxx_0.fpdm; element2.AppendChild(element52); XmlElement element53 = document2.CreateElement("fphm"); element53.InnerText = fpxx_0.fphm; element2.AppendChild(element53); XmlElement element54 = document2.CreateElement("zfbz"); element54.InnerText = fpxx_0.zfbz ? "1" : "0"; element2.AppendChild(element54); XmlElement element55 = document2.CreateElement("kprq"); element55.InnerText = str4; element2.AppendChild(element55); XmlElement element56 = document2.CreateElement("ghdw"); element56.InnerText = fpxx_0.gfmc; element2.AppendChild(element56); XmlElement element57 = document2.CreateElement("gfsbh"); element57.InnerText = ""; element2.AppendChild(element57); XmlElement element58 = document2.CreateElement("sfzhm"); element58.InnerText = fpxx_0.sfzhm; element2.AppendChild(element58); XmlElement element59 = document2.CreateElement("scqymc"); element59.InnerText = fpxx_0.sccjmc; element2.AppendChild(element59); XmlElement element60 = document2.CreateElement("cllx"); element60.InnerText = fpxx_0.cllx; element2.AppendChild(element60); XmlElement element61 = document2.CreateElement("cpxh"); element61.InnerText = fpxx_0.cpxh; element2.AppendChild(element61); XmlElement element62 = document2.CreateElement("cd"); element62.InnerText =; element2.AppendChild(element62); XmlElement element63 = document2.CreateElement("hgzh"); element63.InnerText = fpxx_0.hgzh; element2.AppendChild(element63); XmlElement element64 = document2.CreateElement("jkzmsh"); element64.InnerText = fpxx_0.jkzmsh; element2.AppendChild(element64); XmlElement element65 = document2.CreateElement("sjdh"); element65.InnerText = fpxx_0.sjdh; element2.AppendChild(element65); XmlElement element66 = document2.CreateElement("fdjhm"); element66.InnerText = fpxx_0.fdjhm; element2.AppendChild(element66); XmlElement element67 = document2.CreateElement("cjhm"); element67.InnerText = fpxx_0.clsbdh; element2.AppendChild(element67); XmlElement element68 = document2.CreateElement("je"); element68.InnerText =; element2.AppendChild(element68); XmlElement element69 = document2.CreateElement("sl"); element69.InnerText = fpxx_0.sLv; element2.AppendChild(element69); XmlElement element70 = document2.CreateElement("se"); element70.InnerText =; element2.AppendChild(element70); XmlElement element71 = document2.CreateElement("jshj"); element71.InnerText = str3; element2.AppendChild(element71); XmlElement element72 = document2.CreateElement("xfmc"); element72.InnerText = fpxx_0.xfmc; element2.AppendChild(element72); XmlElement element73 = document2.CreateElement("xfsh"); element73.InnerText = fpxx_0.xfsh; element2.AppendChild(element73); XmlElement element74 = document2.CreateElement("xfdz"); element74.InnerText = fpxx_0.xfdz; element2.AppendChild(element74); XmlElement element75 = document2.CreateElement("xfdh"); element75.InnerText = fpxx_0.xfdh; element2.AppendChild(element75); XmlElement element76 = document2.CreateElement("jxsswjgdm"); element76.InnerText = fpxx_0.zgswjgdm; element2.AppendChild(element76); XmlElement element = document2.CreateElement("dw"); if ((fpxx_0.dw != null) && (fpxx_0.dw.Length > 0)) { element.InnerText = fpxx_0.dw; } element2.AppendChild(element); if (RegisterManager.CheckRegFile("JCJS")) { string str9 = ""; byte[] bytes = ToolUtil.GetBytes(document2.InnerXml.ToString()); if ((bytes != null) && (bytes.Length > 0)) { str9 = Convert.ToBase64String(bytes); } string[] contents = new string[] { str9 }; File.WriteAllLines(path, contents, Encoding.Unicode); } string zfsj = fpxx_0.zfsj; string str17 = ""; string str18 = ""; if ((zfsj != null) && (zfsj.Length >= 0x13)) { str17 = zfsj.Substring(0, 10); str18 = zfsj.Substring(11, 8); } string str8 = "0"; if (fpxx_0.zfbz) { str8 = "1"; } else if (num < 0.0) { str8 = "2"; } XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument(); XmlDeclaration declaration = document.CreateXmlDeclaration("1.0", "GBK", null); document.AppendChild(declaration); XmlElement element8 = document.CreateElement("taxML"); document.AppendChild(element8); XmlElement element3 = document.CreateElement("jdcxsfpMxxx"); element8.AppendChild(element3); XmlElement element9 = document.CreateElement("fpdm"); element9.InnerText = fpxx_0.fpdm; element3.AppendChild(element9); XmlElement element10 = document.CreateElement("fphm"); element10.InnerText = fpxx_0.fphm; element3.AppendChild(element10); XmlElement element11 = document.CreateElement("jqbh"); element11.InnerText = fpxx_0.jqbh; element3.AppendChild(element11); XmlElement element12 = document.CreateElement("kprq"); element12.InnerText = str4; element3.AppendChild(element12); XmlElement element13 = document.CreateElement("kpsj"); element13.InnerText = str5; element3.AppendChild(element13); XmlElement element14 = document.CreateElement("skm"); element14.InnerText = ""; element3.AppendChild(element14); XmlElement element15 = document.CreateElement("ghdw"); element15.InnerText = fpxx_0.gfmc; element3.AppendChild(element15); XmlElement element16 = document.CreateElement("ghdwdm"); element16.InnerText = ""; element3.AppendChild(element16); XmlElement element17 = document.CreateElement("sfzhm"); element17.InnerText = fpxx_0.sfzhm; element3.AppendChild(element17); XmlElement element18 = document.CreateElement("scqymc"); element18.InnerText = fpxx_0.sccjmc; element3.AppendChild(element18); XmlElement element19 = document.CreateElement("cllx"); element19.InnerText = fpxx_0.cllx; element3.AppendChild(element19); XmlElement element20 = document.CreateElement("cpxh"); element20.InnerText = fpxx_0.cpxh; element3.AppendChild(element20); XmlElement element21 = document.CreateElement("cd"); element21.InnerText =; element3.AppendChild(element21); XmlElement element22 = document.CreateElement("hgzs"); element22.InnerText = fpxx_0.hgzh; element3.AppendChild(element22); XmlElement element23 = document.CreateElement("jkzmsh"); element23.InnerText = fpxx_0.jkzmsh; element3.AppendChild(element23); XmlElement element24 = document.CreateElement("sjdh"); element24.InnerText = fpxx_0.sjdh; element3.AppendChild(element24); XmlElement element25 = document.CreateElement("fdjhm"); element25.InnerText = fpxx_0.fdjhm; element3.AppendChild(element25); XmlElement element26 = document.CreateElement("clsbdh"); element26.InnerText = fpxx_0.clsbdh; element3.AppendChild(element26); XmlElement element27 = document.CreateElement("jshj"); element27.InnerText = str3; element3.AppendChild(element27); XmlElement element28 = document.CreateElement("xhdwmc"); element28.InnerText = fpxx_0.xfmc; element3.AppendChild(element28); XmlElement element29 = document.CreateElement("nsrsbh"); element29.InnerText = fpxx_0.xfsh; element3.AppendChild(element29); XmlElement element30 = document.CreateElement("dh"); element30.InnerText = fpxx_0.xfdh; element3.AppendChild(element30); XmlElement element31 = document.CreateElement("zh"); element31.InnerText = fpxx_0.xfzh; element3.AppendChild(element31); XmlElement element32 = document.CreateElement("dz"); element32.InnerText = fpxx_0.xfdz; element3.AppendChild(element32); XmlElement element33 = document.CreateElement("khyh"); element33.InnerText = fpxx_0.xfyh; element3.AppendChild(element33); XmlElement element34 = document.CreateElement("zzssl"); element34.InnerText = fpxx_0.sLv; element3.AppendChild(element34); XmlElement element35 = document.CreateElement("zzsse"); element35.InnerText =; element3.AppendChild(element35); XmlElement element36 = document.CreateElement("dkdw_mc"); element36.InnerText = ""; element3.AppendChild(element36); XmlElement element37 = document.CreateElement("dkdw_dm"); element37.InnerText = ""; element3.AppendChild(element37); XmlElement element38 = document.CreateElement("zgswjg_mc"); element38.InnerText = fpxx_0.zgswjgmc; element3.AppendChild(element38); XmlElement element39 = document.CreateElement("zgswjg_dm"); element39.InnerText = fpxx_0.zgswjgdm; element3.AppendChild(element39); XmlElement element40 = document.CreateElement("bhsj"); element40.InnerText =; element3.AppendChild(element40); XmlElement element41 = document.CreateElement("dw"); element41.InnerText = fpxx_0.dw; element3.AppendChild(element41); XmlElement element42 = document.CreateElement("xcrs"); element42.InnerText = fpxx_0.xcrs; element3.AppendChild(element42); XmlElement element43 = document.CreateElement("bz"); element43.InnerText = "一车一票"; element3.AppendChild(element43); XmlElement element44 = document.CreateElement("kpr"); element44.InnerText = fpxx_0.kpr; element3.AppendChild(element44); XmlElement element45 = document.CreateElement("kplx"); element45.InnerText = "1"; element3.AppendChild(element45); XmlElement element46 = document.CreateElement("dkbz"); element46.InnerText = "0"; element3.AppendChild(element46); XmlElement element47 = document.CreateElement("fpbz"); element47.InnerText = str8; element3.AppendChild(element47); XmlElement element48 = document.CreateElement("zfrq"); element48.InnerText = str17; element3.AppendChild(element48); XmlElement element49 = document.CreateElement("zfsj"); element49.InnerText = str18; element3.AppendChild(element49); XmlElement element4 = document.CreateElement("zfr"); element4.InnerText = fpxx_0.zfbz ? UserInfo.Yhmc : ""; element3.AppendChild(element4); XmlElement element5 = document.CreateElement("tpdm"); element5.InnerText = fpxx_0.blueFpdm; element3.AppendChild(element5); XmlElement element6 = document.CreateElement("tphm"); element6.InnerText = fpxx_0.blueFphm; element3.AppendChild(element6); XmlElement element7 = document.CreateElement("lgrq"); element7.InnerText = ""; element3.AppendChild(element7); if (RegisterManager.CheckRegFile("JCST")) { TaxCard card = TaxCardFactory.CreateTaxCard(); byte[] buffer2 = ToolUtil.GetBytes(fpxx_0.xfsh + card.Machine.ToString()); document.Save(filename); byte[] buffer3 = ToolUtil.GetBytes(filename); byte[] buffer4 = new byte[0x400]; byte[] buffer5 = new byte[100]; EncodeFile(buffer3, buffer2, buffer4, buffer5); File.Delete(filename); } } }
private void LoginForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Interface0 interface2 = new Class11(); try { List <string> list = interface2.imethod_0(); this.cmbName.Items.AddRange(list.ToArray()); if (this.cmbName.Items.Count > 0) { this.cmbName.SelectedIndex = 0; } object obj3 = PropertyUtil.GetValue("MAIN_VER", null); if (obj3 != null) { this.lblVer.Text = obj3.ToString(); } else { this.lblVer.Text = "未知版本号"; } string str2 = string.Empty; object obj2 = PropertyUtil.GetValue("MAIN_CODE", null); if (obj2 != null) { str2 = obj2.ToString(); } if (!string.Empty.Equals(str2)) { base.lblTitle.Text = ProductName + str2; } string str = PropertyUtil.GetValue("Login_" + BitConverter.ToString(ToolUtil.GetBytes(this.cmbName.Text.Trim())).Replace("-", "")); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { string[] strArray = str.Split(new char[] { '-' }); this.method_6(strArray[0]); if (string.Equals(this.taxCard_0.SoftVersion, "FWKP_V2.0_Svr_Client")) { this.method_7(PropertyUtil.GetValue("KPS_PROXY_URL", "")); } else { this.method_7(strArray[1]); } this.aisinoCHK_0.Checked = true; } if (string.Equals(this.taxCard_0.SoftVersion, "FWKP_V2.0_Svr_Client")) { this.method_7(PropertyUtil.GetValue("KPS_PROXY_URL", "")); } this.lblSoftName.Text = ProductName; if (this.lblSoftName.Text.Contains("代开")) { this.lblSoftName.Location = new Point(60, 4); } } catch (Exception exception) { MessageBoxHelper.Show("数据库连接异常", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk); ilog_0.Error(exception.Message, exception); } }
private void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.txtPwd.Text.Trim().Length > 0x10) { MessageBoxHelper.Show("用户密码长度不能超过16位,请重新输入!", "系统登录", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand); this.txtPwd.Focus(); } else { bool flag = false; string str3 = this.cmbName.SelectedItem.ToString(); string str = this.txtPwd.Text.Trim(); if (str == this.string_3) { str = ""; } this.string_1 = this.txtCertPassword.Text.Trim(); if (this.taxCard_0.SoftVersion != "FWKP_V2.0_Svr_Client") { if (this.string_1 == this.string_4) { this.string_1 = ""; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.string_1)) { MessageBoxHelper.Show("证书口令不能为空,请输入!", "登录错误", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand); return; } if (this.string_1.Length < 8) { MessageBoxHelper.Show("证书口令长度不足8位,请重新输入!", "登录错误", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand); return; } if (this.string_1.Length > 0x10) { MessageBoxHelper.Show("证书口令长度不能大于16位,请重新输入!", "登录错误", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand); return; } } string hashStr = MD5_Crypt.GetHashStr(str); Interface0 interface2 = new Class11(); try { flag = interface2.imethod_1(str3, hashStr); } catch (Exception exception) { MessageBoxHelper.Show("数据库连接异常", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk); ilog_0.Error(exception.ToString()); return; } if (flag) { this.string_0 = str3; this.string_2 = str; this.taxCard_0.String_0 = this.string_1; if (this.aisinoCHK_0.Checked) { this.bool_1 = true; PropertyUtil.SetValue("Login_" + BitConverter.ToString(ToolUtil.GetBytes(str3)).Replace("-", ""), str + "-" + this.string_1); } else { PropertyUtil.SetValue("Login_" + BitConverter.ToString(ToolUtil.GetBytes(str3)).Replace("-", ""), string.Empty); } if (string.Equals(this.taxCard_0.SoftVersion, "FWKP_V2.0_Svr_Client")) { PropertyUtil.SetValue("KPS_PROXY_URL", this.string_1); } base.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; base.Dispose(); } else { ilog_0.Error("用户/密码错误!"); MessageBoxHelper.Show("密码错误,请重新输入!", "登录错误", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand); this.method_6(""); this.txtPwd.Focus(); } } }
private static bool smethod_5(RegFileInfo regFileInfo_0, TaxCard taxCard_1, bool bool_0) { bool flag; try { if ((regFileInfo_0 == null) || !regFileInfo_0.CheckedOk) { goto Label_02BA; } if (taxCard_1 == null) { taxCard_1 = taxCard_0; } else { taxCard_0 = taxCard_1; } if (regFileInfo_0.VerFlag != "KP") { DateTime time; string strA = new string(regFileInfo_0.FileContent.StopDate); taxCard_1.GetCardClock(out time, 0); if (string.Compare(strA, time.ToString("yyyyMMdd")) < 0) { regFileInfo_0.ErrCode = "910105"; return(false); } if ((taxCard_1.TaxMode != CTaxCardMode.tcmHave) || !bool_0) { return(true); } if (regFileInfo_0.FileContent.SoftwareType == 1) { byte[] buffer = smethod_9(regFileInfo_0, taxCard_1); if (((buffer != null) && (buffer.Length > 3)) && (buffer[2] == 1)) { return(true); } } byte[] buffer2 = new byte[0x10]; for (int i = 0; i < buffer2.Length; i++) { buffer2[i] = (byte)(i ^ regFileInfo_0.FileContent.Transfer[i]); } byte[] buffer3 = smethod_11(regFileInfo_0, buffer2, taxCard_1); if ((buffer3 == null) || (buffer3.Length < 0x10)) { goto Label_02A7; } for (int j = 0; j < 0x10; j++) { if (buffer3[j] != j) { goto Label_0298; } } FileStream stream = new FileStream(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), "verflag.dat"), FileMode.OpenOrCreate); try { string str4 = "<RSAKeyValue><Modulus>ghCLpZiwHiZIDYve7yGZusVydX406Qd4JqIYFsl/wUK/y1xjEsT3zQvCfpwASRwpHg0bi8XZ4EILPJt4NXVXftRlD7ZlG17sAIDp3OUSSGxI5hkXB7BJPrw2wbqs/6hfZr6vmYnwpDb8IAZmt8xlJucIUWjEVuu4NnOx1/iiqlM=</Modulus><Exponent>AQAB</Exponent><P>tvY6Rtiwahg6keaITiLw42GCjXLK3BDjtHfa2uMSndK5qBhQQ+7bMM11H/7spU+25SgXBdSHVWy/y8KFvT5ISw==</P><Q>tfx+BCB6dw/4ShgTqbxX3X8xoRapWr4XMvVrdLnc/txHpHhn9pNjtM2Xb3GVlltzCEQkzBcXnk0SeBYjIR3xGQ==</Q><DP>T6PIZDRIPjZDsGSHqnNdJay5NjbkhHw5kcGmGydCYD5sn/XNYnSjJpAYTpAZlC+prgAQXXJQYmfO6LPIoUJuFw==</DP><DQ>n891ngwjXxDgGbjg84oYosLCg1KSL8SEPNS1o1BgWFJ6e1zc9vRhd3GfTVcyZFI0RwsIQUz6CaJm2JugB8HyaQ==</DQ><InverseQ>oxe42fx2yLATcCG4lbQ5f8Qo8c8ACkT4NxqYl3GXdrojBorBzbvht2+KHq2bJorWtcPNnsmumhV6BIV7zCW0kw==</InverseQ><D>E92nFsH9lH1QYBFPGcNOEcL6uotuVXF4np3/g+t/AevKE6umzkUbfEwhhukY+hG9DgP+gxjTMHel87njYHbtyA+23TdhIzhyYcSg0ifotDhgD8+9lBrn29hyddFigLDoXnZR1SQmvn7xjuGKtZ/HaKZPetSxgVf1mSPdzl37CGE=</D></RSAKeyValue>"; StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream); string str5 = reader.ReadToEnd(); bool flag2 = false; string input = string.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str5)) { byte[] buffer4 = Convert.FromBase64String(str5); byte[] buffer5 = RSA_Crypt.Decrypt(str4, buffer4); if (buffer5 == null) { goto Label_01F5; } input = ToolUtil.GetString(buffer5); foreach (string str7 in Regex.Split(input, ";")) { if (str7 == regFileInfo_0.VerFlag) { goto Label_01E2; } } } goto Label_0204; Label_01E2: reader.Close(); stream.Close(); flag2 = true; goto Label_0204; Label_01F5: ilog_0.Error("[CheckRegFile] 读取已注册版本信息失败,解密失败"); Label_0204: if (!flag2) { stream.SetLength(0L); StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(stream); string str8 = input + regFileInfo_0.VerFlag + ";"; string str9 = Convert.ToBase64String(RSA_Crypt.Encrypt(str4, ToolUtil.GetBytes(str8))); writer.Write(str9); writer.Flush(); writer.Close(); } stream.Close(); } catch (Exception exception) { ilog_0.Error("[CheckRegFile] 出现异常:" + exception.Message); stream.Close(); } } return(true); Label_0298: regFileInfo_0.ErrCode = "910107"; return(false); Label_02A7: regFileInfo_0.ErrCode = "910106"; return(false); Label_02BA: flag = false; } catch (Exception exception2) { ilog_0.Error(exception2.Message); flag = false; } return(flag); }
public object[] DaiKaiFpUpload_Old(List <Fpxx> fpList) { if ((fpList == null) || (fpList.Count == 0)) { return(null); } int num = 0; int num2 = 0; int num3 = 0; int num4 = 0; try { List <XmlDocument> list = this.DaiKaiFpCreateXml(fpList); if ((list == null) || (list.Count <= 0)) { this.loger.Error("[DaiKaiFpUpload函数]:税务代开发票遍历构造XML异常"); return(new object[] { "2222" }); } this.swdkUrl = PropertyUtil.GetValue("SWDK_SERVER"); if ((this.swdkUrl == null) || (this.swdkUrl == "")) { this.loger.Error("[DaiKaiFpUpload函数]:税务代开发票的回传IP地址错误"); this.swdkUrl = ""; MessageManager.ShowMsgBox("FPCX-000012"); return(new object[] { num3 }); } for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { byte[] bytes = ToolUtil.GetBytes(list[i].OuterXml); if ((bytes != null) && (bytes.Length > 0)) { string str = Convert.ToBase64String(bytes); string s = this.swdkClient.Post(this.swdkUrl, str, out num); num2 = 0; if ((s != null) && (s.Length > 0)) { num2 = Tool.ObjectToInt(ToolUtil.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String(s))); } if ((num == 0) && (num2 >= 1)) { if (i < fpList.Count) { this.loger.Error("回传第" + i.ToString() + "条记录成功发票代码:" + fpList[i].fpdm + "发票号码:" + fpList[i].fphm); } num3++; } else { if (i < fpList.Count) { this.loger.Error("回传第" + i.ToString() + "条记录失败:发票代码:" + fpList[i].fpdm + "发票号码:" + fpList[i].fphm); } MessageManager.ShowMsgBox("FPCX-000010", "提示", new string[] { fpList[i].fpdm, fpList[i].fphm }); } } } num4 = list.Count - num3; if (num4 < 0) { num4 = 0; } MessageManager.ShowMsgBox("FPCX-000011", "提示", new string[] { list.Count.ToString(), num3.ToString(), num4.ToString() }); fpList = null; return(new object[] { num3 }); } catch (Exception exception) { this.loger.Error("税务代开发票遍历构造XML异常:" + exception.ToString()); return(new object[] { "1111" }); } }
public object[] DaiKaiFpZuoFeiUpload(List <SWDKDMHM> ZyfpList, List <SWDKDMHM> PtfpList) { int num = 0; int num2 = 0; try { XmlDocument document = this.DaiKaiZYFPZuofeiCreateXml(ZyfpList); this.swdkUrl = PropertyUtil.GetValue("SWDK_SERVER"); if (document != null) { if ((this.swdkUrl == null) || (this.swdkUrl == "")) { this.loger.Error("[DaiKaiFpZuoFeiUpload函数]:税务代开专用发票的回传IP地址错误"); this.swdkUrl = ""; } byte[] bytes = ToolUtil.GetBytes(document.OuterXml); if ((bytes != null) && (bytes.Length > 0)) { string str = Convert.ToBase64String(bytes); string s = this.swdkClient.Post(this.swdkUrl, str, out num); num2 = 0; if ((s != null) && (s.Length > 0)) { num2 = Tool.ObjectToInt(ToolUtil.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String(s))); } if ((num == 0) && (num2 >= 1)) { int num3 = ZyfpList.Count - num; if (num3 < 0) { num3 = 0; } this.loger.Error("[DaiKaiFpZuoFeiUpload函数]:税务代开专用发票作废回传服务器成功" + num.ToString() + "条,失败" + num3.ToString() + "条"); } else { this.loger.Error("[DaiKaiFpZuoFeiUpload函数]:税务代开专用发票作废回传服务器成功0条,失败:" + ZyfpList.Count.ToString() + "条"); } } } else { this.loger.Error("税务代开专票构建XML失败"); } XmlDocument document2 = this.DaiKaiPTFPZuofeiCreateXml(PtfpList); if (document2 != null) { if ((this.swdkUrl == null) || (this.swdkUrl == "")) { this.loger.Error("[DaiKaiFpZuoFeiUpload函数]:税务代开普通发票的回传IP地址错误"); this.swdkUrl = ""; } byte[] inArray = ToolUtil.GetBytes(document2.OuterXml); if ((inArray != null) && (inArray.Length > 0)) { string str3 = Convert.ToBase64String(inArray); string str4 = this.swdkClient.Post(this.swdkUrl, str3, out num); num2 = 0; if ((str4 != null) && (str4.Length > 0)) { num2 = Tool.ObjectToInt(ToolUtil.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String(str4))); } if ((num == 0) && (num2 >= 1)) { int num4 = PtfpList.Count - num; if (num4 < 0) { num4 = 0; } this.loger.Error("[DaiKaiFpZuoFeiUpload函数]:税务代开普通发票作废回传服务器成功" + num.ToString() + "条,失败" + num4.ToString() + "条"); } else { this.loger.Error("[DaiKaiFpZuoFeiUpload函数]:税务代开普通发票作废回传服务器成功0条,失败:" + PtfpList.Count.ToString() + "条"); } } } else { this.loger.Error("[DaiKaiFpZuoFeiUpload函数]:税务代开普通发票作废遍历构造XML异常"); return(new object[] { "1111" }); } return(new object[] { "0000" }); } catch (Exception exception) { this.loger.Error("税务代开发票作废构造XML异常:" + exception.ToString()); return(new object[] { "1111" }); } }
public object[] DaiKaiFpUpload_New(List <Fpxx> fpList) { if ((fpList == null) || (fpList.Count == 0)) { return(null); } List <SWDKDMHM> zyfpList = new List <SWDKDMHM>(); List <SWDKDMHM> ptfpList = new List <SWDKDMHM>(); int num = 0; int num2 = 0; int num3 = 0; int num4 = 0; try { this.swdkUrl = PropertyUtil.GetValue("SWDK_SERVER"); if ((this.swdkUrl == null) || (this.swdkUrl == "")) { this.loger.Error("[DaiKaiFpUpload函数]:税务代开发票的回传IP地址错误"); this.swdkUrl = ""; MessageManager.ShowMsgBox("FPCX-000012"); return(new object[] { num3 }); } for (int i = 0; i < fpList.Count; i++) { try { object[] objArray = ServiceFactory.InvokePubService("Aisino.Fwkp.UploadSWDKFP", new object[] { fpList[i] }); if (objArray == null) { MessageManager.ShowMsgBox("FPCX-000010", "提示", new string[] { fpList[i].fpdm, fpList[i].fphm }); this.loger.Error("Aisino.Fwkp.UploadSWDKFP接口错误"); continue; } XmlDocument document = objArray[0] as XmlDocument; byte[] bytes = ToolUtil.GetBytes(document.OuterXml); if ((bytes != null) && (bytes.Length > 0)) { string str = Convert.ToBase64String(bytes); string s = this.swdkClient.Post(this.swdkUrl, str, out num); num2 = 0; if ((s != null) && (s.Length > 0)) { s = ToolUtil.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String(s)); num2 = Tool.ObjectToInt(s); } if ((num == 0) && (num2 >= 1)) { if (i < fpList.Count) { this.loger.Error("回传第" + i.ToString() + "条记录成功发票代码:" + fpList[i].fpdm + "发票号码:" + fpList[i].fphm); } num3++; } else { if (i < fpList.Count) { this.loger.Error("回传第" + i.ToString() + "条记录失败:发票代码:" + fpList[i].fpdm + "发票号码:" + fpList[i].fphm + " 错误信息:" + s); } MessageManager.ShowMsgBox("FPCX-000010", "提示", new string[] { fpList[i].fpdm, fpList[i].fphm }); } } else { MessageManager.ShowMsgBox("FPCX-000010", "提示", new string[] { fpList[i].fpdm, fpList[i].fphm }); if (i < fpList.Count) { this.loger.Error("回传第" + i.ToString() + "条记录失败:发票代码:" + fpList[i].fpdm + "发票号码:" + fpList[i].fphm); } } } catch (Exception exception) { this.loger.Error(exception.ToString()); MessageManager.ShowMsgBox("FPCX-000010", "提示", new string[] { fpList[i].fpdm, fpList[i].fphm }); } try { if (fpList[i].zfbz) { SWDKDMHM item = new SWDKDMHM { fpdm = fpList[i].fpdm, fphm = fpList[i].fphm }; if (fpList[i].fplx == 0) { zyfpList.Add(item); this.DaiKaiFpZuoFeiUpload(zyfpList, null); zyfpList.Clear(); } else if (fpList[i].fplx == FPLX.PTFP) { ptfpList.Add(item); this.DaiKaiFpZuoFeiUpload(null, ptfpList); ptfpList.Clear(); } } } catch (Exception exception2) { this.loger.Error(exception2.ToString()); this.loger.Error("[DaiKaiFpUpload_New函数异常]:本张发票的作废标志已经上传或者网络原因导致上传失败"); } finally { zyfpList.Clear(); ptfpList.Clear(); } } num4 = fpList.Count - num3; if (num4 < 0) { num4 = 0; } MessageManager.ShowMsgBox("FPCX-000011", "提示", new string[] { fpList.Count.ToString(), num3.ToString(), num4.ToString() }); fpList = null; return(new object[] { num3 }); } catch (Exception exception3) { this.loger.Error("税务代开发票遍历构造XML异常:" + exception3.ToString()); return(new object[] { "1111" }); } }
private void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.txtPwd.Text.Trim().Length > 0x10) { MessageBoxHelper.Show("口令长度不能超过16位,请重新输入!", "系统登录", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand); this.txtPwd.Focus(); } else { bool flag = false; this.lblStatus.Text = "正在校验用户名/密码..."; this.lblStatus.Refresh(); string str = this.cmbName.SelectedItem.ToString(); string str2 = this.txtPwd.Text.Trim(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.txtCertPassword.Text.Trim())) { MessageBoxHelper.Show("证书口令不能为空,请输入!", "登录错误", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand); } else { string hashStr = MD5_Crypt.GetHashStr(str2); Interface0 interface2 = new Class2(); try { flag = interface2.imethod_1(str, hashStr); } catch (Exception exception) { MessageBoxHelper.Show("数据库连接异常", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk); ilog_0.Error(exception.ToString()); this.lblStatus.Text = ""; return; } if (flag) { this.string_0 = str; this.string_2 = str2; this.string_1 = this.txtCertPassword.Text.Trim(); if (this.aisinoCHK_0.Checked) { this.bool_0 = true; PropertyUtil.SetValue("Login_" + BitConverter.ToString(ToolUtil.GetBytes(str)).Replace("-", ""), str2 + "-" + this.string_1); } else { PropertyUtil.SetValue("Login_" + BitConverter.ToString(ToolUtil.GetBytes(str)).Replace("-", ""), string.Empty); } base.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; base.Dispose(); } else { ilog_0.Error("用户/密码错误!"); MessageBoxHelper.Show("密码错误,请重新输入!", "登录错误", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand); this.txtPwd.Text = ""; this.txtPwd.Focus(); this.lblStatus.Text = ""; this.lblStatus.Refresh(); } } } }
public static string ToBase64(string text) { return(Convert.ToBase64String(ToolUtil.GetBytes(text))); }