예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a Vault instance and connects it with either the default testing token or the specified token
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">Name to be given to this Vault object</param>
        /// <param name="overrideToken">The TokenId to use if you do not wish to use the default testing token</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static async Task <VaultAgentAPI> ConnectVault(string name, string overrideToken = "")
            vaultURI = new Uri("http://" + ipAddress + ":" + ipPort);
            VaultAgentAPI vault = new VaultAgentAPI(name, vaultURI);

            string thisToken;

            if (overrideToken != string.Empty)
                thisToken = overrideToken;
                thisToken = rootToken;

            TokenLoginConnector loginConnector = new TokenLoginConnector(vault, "Testing", thisToken, TokenAuthEngine.TOKEN_DEFAULT_MOUNT_NAME);
            bool success = await loginConnector.Connect();

            if (!success)
                throw new ApplicationException("Error connecting to the Vault Instance using Token " + thisToken);
예제 #2
        public async Task TokenLogin_InvalidToken()
            // Load engine and create a token

            VaultAgentAPI vault = new VaultAgentAPI("LoginConnVault", VaultServerRef.vaultURI);

            // TODO this test is not valid.  We kind of already test it, because every Test requires a connection to Vault which we do in the VaultServerSetup Class.
            TokenLoginConnector tlc = new TokenLoginConnector(vault, "Token Connector");

            tlc.TokenId = "bbnbb";
            bool success = await tlc.Connect();


             * TokenAuthEngine tokenAuthEngine = (TokenAuthEngine)_vault.ConnectAuthenticationBackend(EnumBackendTypes.A_Token);
             * TokenNewSettings tokenSettings = new TokenNewSettings();
             * tokenSettings.Name = "Test";
             * tokenSettings.IsRenewable = false;
             * tokenSettings.NumberOfUses = 4;
             * Token token = await tokenAuthEngine.CreateToken(tokenSettings);
             * TokenLoginConnector lc = new TokenLoginConnector(_vault,tokenAuthEngine.MountPoint,tokenAuthEngine.Name);
             * lc.TokenId = token.ID;
             * Assert.IsTrue(await lc.Connect());
예제 #3
        public async Task TokenLogin_ValidToken()
            TokenLoginConnector tlc = new TokenLoginConnector(_vault, "Token Connector Good");

            tlc.TokenId = VaultServerRef.rootToken;
            bool success = await tlc.Connect();

예제 #4
        public async Task Run()
            TokenLoginConnector loginConnector = new TokenLoginConnector(_vault, "ClientSysBE", _token, TokenAuthEngine.TOKEN_DEFAULT_MOUNT_NAME);
            bool success = await loginConnector.Connect();

            _vaultSystemBackend = new VaultSystemBackend(_vault.TokenID, _vault);

            await PolicyCreateExamples();
            await PolicyReadExamples();
            await PolicyListExamples();
            await PolicyDeleteExamples();
예제 #5
        public async Task NormalLogin()
            // SETUP

            // We need our own vault since we will be manipulating the token value
            VaultAgentAPI ourVault = await VaultServerRef.ConnectVault("TokenTest");

            TokenAuthEngine ourTokenAuthEngine = (TokenAuthEngine)ourVault.ConnectAuthenticationBackend(EnumBackendTypes.A_Token);

            // Need a Token Role so we can autogenerate a token
            TokenRole tokenRole = new TokenRole();

            UniqueKeys UK = new UniqueKeys("", "");       // Unique Key generator

            tokenRole.Name = UK.GetKey();
            await ourTokenAuthEngine.SaveTokenRole(tokenRole);

            string           tokenName        = "Name" + tokenRole.Name;
            TokenNewSettings tokenNewSettings = new TokenNewSettings()
                Name          = tokenName,
                NumberOfUses  = 6,
                NoParentToken = true,
                RoleName      = tokenRole.Name

            Token token = await ourTokenAuthEngine.CreateToken(tokenNewSettings);

            Assert.NotNull(token, "A10:  Expected to receive the new token back, instead we received a null value.");

            // Read the token we just created.
            //Token token = await _tokenAuthEngine.GetTokenWithID(tokenID);
            Assert.IsNotNull(token, "A20: No Token returned.  Was expecting one.");

            VaultAgentAPI vault2 = await VaultServerRef.ConnectVault("TokenLoginTest");

            TokenLoginConnector loginConnector = new TokenLoginConnector(vault2, "test");

            loginConnector.TokenId = token.ID;
            Assert.IsTrue(await loginConnector.Connect(), "A30:  Login Failed");
예제 #6
        public async Task Setup()
            string rootToken = "tokenA";
            string ip        = "";
            int    port      = 47002;

            Uri vaultURI = new Uri("http://" + ip + ":" + port);

            // Connect to Vault, add an authentication backend of AppRole.
            _vaultAgent = new VaultAgentAPI("Vault", vaultURI);

            TokenLoginConnector loginConnector = new TokenLoginConnector(_vaultAgent, "Token Authenticator", rootToken);

            await CreateBackendMounts();

            _appRoleAuthEngine = (AppRoleAuthEngine)_vaultAgent.ConnectAuthenticationBackend(EnumBackendTypes.A_AppRole, _beAuthName, _beAuthName);
            _secretEngine      = (KV2SecretEngine)_vaultAgent.ConnectToSecretBackend(EnumSecretBackendTypes.KeyValueV2, "Benchmarking KV2 Secrets", _beKV2Name);

            await SetupRoles();
예제 #7
        public async Task Run(bool runRotateTest = false, bool runRekeyTest = true)
            TokenLoginConnector loginConnector = new TokenLoginConnector(_vault, "ClientSysBE", TokenAuthEngine.TOKEN_DEFAULT_MOUNT_NAME);
            bool success = await loginConnector.Connect();

            TB = (TransitSecretEngine)_vault.ConnectToSecretBackend(VaultAgent.Backends.System.EnumSecretBackendTypes.Transit, "transit", "transit");

            try {
                Console.WriteLine("Running thru Vault TransitSecretEngine exercises.");

                string eKey = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

                // Create an Encryption Key:

                //await Run_DeleteKey();

                //await Run_BulkOps();

                // List Keys
                List <string> transitKeys = await Run_ListKeys();

                // Read a key
                await Run_ReadKey(eKey);

                // Encrypt Single Item
                Console.WriteLine("Encrypting a single item.");
                await Run_EncryptData(eKey);
            catch (Exception e) {
                Console.WriteLine("Errors - {0}", e.Message);
                Console.WriteLine(" Full Exception is:");
예제 #8
        public static async Task Main(string[] args)
            string rootToken;

            string ip;
            int    port;

            // Use local dev server.
            rootToken = "tokenA";
            ip        = "";
            port      = 16100;

            // Connect to Vault, add an authentication backend of AppRole.
            Uri                 vaultURI       = new Uri("http://" + ip + ":" + port);
            VaultAgentAPI       vaultAgent     = new VaultAgentAPI("VaultClient", vaultURI);
            TokenLoginConnector loginConnector = new TokenLoginConnector(vaultAgent, "Client", rootToken, TokenAuthEngine.TOKEN_DEFAULT_MOUNT_NAME);
            bool                success        = await loginConnector.Connect();

            //VaultAgentAPI vaultAgent = await VaultServerRef.ConnectVault("AppRoleVault");
            //new VaultAgentAPI("Vault", ip, port, rootToken, true);

            InitiateVault initiateVault = new InitiateVault(vaultAgent);
            await initiateVault.WipeVault();

            await initiateVault.InitialSetup();

            // This Client Requires AD Credentials
            string config = await initiateVault.GetConfig();

            await initiateVault.Login();

            // Run the Policy Secret Tutorial Example
            PolicyRoleSecurityExample policySecretExample = new PolicyRoleSecurityExample(vaultAgent);
            await policySecretExample.Run();

            // Sample Scenarios determine which of the below to run.
            // 1 = Optimize Scenario
            // 2 = AppRole Scenario
            // 3 = System Backend Scenario
            // 4 = Transit Scenario

            int runSampleScenario = 4;

            // Perform optimize tests
            switch (runSampleScenario)
            case 1:
                OptimizeTests optimize = new OptimizeTests(vaultAgent);
                await optimize.Run();


            case 2:
                VC_AppRoleAuthEngine roleBE = new VC_AppRoleAuthEngine(vaultAgent);
                await roleBE.Run();


            case 3:
                // System Backend Examples:
                VaultClient_SystemBackend sysBE = new VaultClient_SystemBackend(rootToken, ip, port);
                await sysBE.Run();


            case 4:
                // Transit Backend
                string transitDB = "transit";
                VaultClient_TransitBackend transit = new VaultClient_TransitBackend(rootToken, ip, port, transitDB);
                await transit.Run();


            Console.WriteLine("Finished with all sample runs.");
            Console.WriteLine("  -- Press any key to exit program.");