public static async Task <ITokenBucket> GetTokenBucketAsync(CustomerThrottle customerThrottle)
     return(await TokenBuckets.BucketWithFixedIntervalRefillStrategy(
                capacity : (long)customerThrottle.MaximumRequestsPerSecond,
                refillTokens : (long)customerThrottle.MaximumRequestsPerSecond,
                period : oneSecond).ConfigureAwait(false));
        public async Task RateLimitTests()
            const int totalConsumes = 500;
            const int refillRate    = 40;

            //initial capacity 40
            //add 1 token to the bucket ~ every 25ms
            var tokenBucket = await TokenBuckets.BucketWithFixedIntervalRefillStrategy(refillRate, 1, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000d / refillRate))

            var sw = new Stopwatch();


            for (var i = 0; i < totalConsumes; i++)
                await tokenBucket.WaitConsumeAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);


            // tokens consumed / time = refillRate
            Assert.That(totalConsumes / (sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds + 1), Is.EqualTo(refillRate).Within(0.2));