protected void btnGenerate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { devdm = new VehicleDBMgr(); SalesDBManager vdm = new SalesDBManager(); DateTime fromdate = DateTime.Now; string[] dateFromstrig = txtFromdate.Text.Split(' '); if (dateFromstrig.Length > 1) { if (dateFromstrig[0].Split('-').Length > 0) { string[] dates = dateFromstrig[0].Split('-'); string[] times = dateFromstrig[1].Split(':'); fromdate = new DateTime(int.Parse(dates[2]), int.Parse(dates[1]), int.Parse(dates[0]), int.Parse(times[0]), int.Parse(times[1]), 0); } } DateTime Todate = DateTime.Now; string[] dateTostrig = txtTodate.Text.Split(' '); if (dateTostrig.Length > 1) { if (dateTostrig[0].Split('-').Length > 0) { string[] dates = dateTostrig[0].Split('-'); string[] times = dateTostrig[1].Split(':'); Todate = new DateTime(int.Parse(dates[2]), int.Parse(dates[1]), int.Parse(dates[0]), int.Parse(times[0]), int.Parse(times[1]), 0); } } cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT productid, qty, doe, vehicleno, dieselcost FROM diesel_consumptiondetails WHERE (doe BETWEEN @d1 AND @d2) AND branchid=@branchid"); cmd.Parameters.Add("@d1", GetLowDate(fromdate)); cmd.Parameters.Add("@d2", GetLowDate(Todate)); cmd.Parameters.Add("@branchid", "2"); DataTable dttotal = vdm.SelectQuery(cmd).Tables[0]; grdReports.DataSource = dttotal; grdReports.DataBind(); string title = "DieselReport From: " + fromdate.ToString() + " To: " + Todate.ToString(); Session["title"] = title; Session["filename"] = "DieselReport"; Session["xportdata"] = dttotal; pvisible.Visible = true; //Session["quantity"] = quantity; } catch (Exception ex) { lblmsg.Text = ex.Message; } }
protected void btnSMS_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string MobNo = txtMobNo.Text; if (MobNo.Length == 10) { vdm = new VehicleDBMgr(); DataTable Report = new DataTable(); DateTime fromdate = DateTime.Now; string[] dateFromstrig = txtfromdate.Text.Split(' '); if (dateFromstrig.Length > 1) { if (dateFromstrig[0].Split('-').Length > 0) { string[] dates = dateFromstrig[0].Split('-'); string[] times = dateFromstrig[1].Split(':'); fromdate = new DateTime(int.Parse(dates[2]), int.Parse(dates[1]), int.Parse(dates[0]), int.Parse(times[0]), int.Parse(times[1]), 0); } } DateTime Todate = DateTime.Now; string[] dateTostrig = txttodate.Text.Split(' '); if (dateTostrig.Length > 1) { if (dateTostrig[0].Split('-').Length > 0) { string[] dates = dateTostrig[0].Split('-'); string[] times = dateTostrig[1].Split(':'); Todate = new DateTime(int.Parse(dates[2]), int.Parse(dates[1]), int.Parse(dates[0]), int.Parse(times[0]), int.Parse(times[1]), 0); } } lbl_selfromdate.Text = fromdate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); lbl_selttodate.Text = Todate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); Session["filename"] = "TOTAL DC REPORT"; cmd = new MySqlCommand("SELECT ROUND(SUM(tripsubdata.Qty), 2) AS Qty, productsdata.ProductName FROM dispatch INNER JOIN triproutes ON dispatch.sno = triproutes.RouteID INNER JOIN (SELECT Sno, AssignDate, Status FROM tripdata WHERE (AssignDate BETWEEN @d1 AND @d2) AND (Status <> 'C')) tripdat ON triproutes.Tripdata_sno = tripdat.Sno INNER JOIN tripsubdata ON tripdat.Sno = tripsubdata.Tripdata_sno INNER JOIN (SELECT branch_sno, product_sno, unitprice, flag, userdata_sno, DTarget, WTarget, MTarget, BranchQty, LeakQty, Rank FROM branchproducts WHERE (branch_sno = @branch)) brnchprdt ON tripsubdata.ProductId = brnchprdt.product_sno INNER JOIN productsdata ON brnchprdt.product_sno = productsdata.sno WHERE (dispatch.Branch_Id = @branch) GROUP BY productsdata.sno ORDER BY brnchprdt.Rank"); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@branch", Session["branch"]); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@d1", GetLowDate(fromdate)); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@d2", GetHighDate(Todate)); DataTable dtTotalDespatch = vdm.SelectQuery(cmd).Tables[0]; double TotalQty = 0; string ProductName = ""; if (dtTotalDespatch.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow dr in dtTotalDespatch.Rows) { double unitQty = 0; double.TryParse(dr["Qty"].ToString(), out unitQty); ProductName += dr["ProductName"].ToString() + "->" + Math.Round(unitQty, 2) + ";" + "\r\n"; TotalQty += Math.Round(unitQty, 2); } } string Date = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); WebClient client = new WebClient(); string DispatchName = "SRIKALAHASTHI"; string baseurl = "" + MobNo + "&source=VYSNAVI&message=%20" + DispatchName + "%20,%20 + Despatch%20For%20" + ProductName + "TotalQty ->" + TotalQty + ""; Stream data = client.OpenRead(baseurl); StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(data); string ResponseID = reader.ReadToEnd(); data.Close(); reader.Close(); cmd = new MySqlCommand("SELECT ROUND(SUM(tripsubdata.Qty), 2) AS Qty, products_subcategory.SubCatName, products_category.Categoryname, products_category.sno AS categorysno, products_subcategory.sno FROM dispatch INNER JOIN triproutes ON dispatch.sno = triproutes.RouteID INNER JOIN (SELECT Sno, AssignDate, Status FROM tripdata WHERE (AssignDate BETWEEN @d1 AND @d2) AND (Status <> 'C')) tripdat ON triproutes.Tripdata_sno = tripdat.Sno INNER JOIN tripsubdata ON tripdat.Sno = tripsubdata.Tripdata_sno INNER JOIN productsdata ON tripsubdata.ProductId = productsdata.sno INNER JOIN products_subcategory ON productsdata.SubCat_sno = products_subcategory.sno INNER JOIN products_category ON products_subcategory.category_sno = products_category.sno WHERE (dispatch.Branch_Id = @branch) GROUP BY categorysno, products_subcategory.sno ORDER BY categorysno"); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@branch", Session["branch"]); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@d1", GetLowDate(fromdate)); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@d2", GetHighDate(Todate)); DataTable dtTotalDespatch_subcategorywise = vdm.SelectQuery(cmd).Tables[0]; double SubCategoryTotalQty = 0; string subcategoryName = ""; if (dtTotalDespatch_subcategorywise.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow dr in dtTotalDespatch_subcategorywise.Rows) { double unitQty = 0; double.TryParse(dr["Qty"].ToString(), out unitQty); if (dr["categorysno"].ToString() == "10") { subcategoryName += dr["SubCatName"].ToString() + "CURD" + "->" + Math.Round(unitQty, 2) + ";" + "\r\n"; } else { subcategoryName += dr["SubCatName"].ToString() + "->" + Math.Round(unitQty, 2) + ";" + "\r\n"; } SubCategoryTotalQty += Math.Round(unitQty, 2); } } MobNo = "9092691491"; WebClient client1 = new WebClient(); string baseurl1 = "" + MobNo + "&source=VYSNAVI&message=%20" + DispatchName + "%20,%20 +Total Despatch" + subcategoryName + "TotalQty ->" + SubCategoryTotalQty + ""; Stream data1 = client.OpenRead(baseurl1); StreamReader reader1 = new StreamReader(data1); string ResponseID1 = reader1.ReadToEnd(); data1.Close(); reader1.Close(); lblmsg.Text = "Message Sent Successfully"; txtMobNo.Text = ""; } else { lblmsg.Text = "Please Enter 10 digit Number"; } }
void Biproductsreport() { try { lblmsg.Text = ""; Report = new DataTable(); Session["IDate"] = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); vdm = new VehicleDBMgr(); DateTime fromdate = DateTime.Now; string[] dateFromstrig = txtfromdate.Text.Split(' '); if (dateFromstrig.Length > 1) { if (dateFromstrig[0].Split('-').Length > 0) { string[] dates = dateFromstrig[0].Split('-'); string[] times = dateFromstrig[1].Split(':'); fromdate = new DateTime(int.Parse(dates[2]), int.Parse(dates[1]), int.Parse(dates[0]), int.Parse(times[0]), int.Parse(times[1]), 0); } } DateTime Todate = DateTime.Now; string[] dateTostrig = txttodate.Text.Split(' '); if (dateTostrig.Length > 1) { if (dateTostrig[0].Split('-').Length > 0) { string[] dates = dateTostrig[0].Split('-'); string[] times = dateTostrig[1].Split(':'); Todate = new DateTime(int.Parse(dates[2]), int.Parse(dates[1]), int.Parse(dates[0]), int.Parse(times[0]), int.Parse(times[1]), 0); } } lbl_selfromdate.Text = fromdate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); lbl_selttodate.Text = Todate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); Session["filename"] = "TOTAL DC REPORT"; //cmd = new MySqlCommand("SELECT tripdata.Sno, tripsubdata.Qty, productsdata.ProductName,tripdata.I_Date, tripdata.VehicleNo,tripdata.Status, dispatch.DispName, products_category.Categoryname FROM tripdata INNER JOIN tripsubdata ON tripdata.Sno = tripsubdata.Tripdata_sno INNER JOIN triproutes ON tripdata.Sno = triproutes.Tripdata_sno INNER JOIN dispatch ON triproutes.RouteID = dispatch.sno INNER JOIN branchroutes ON dispatch.Route_id = branchroutes.Sno INNER JOIN productsdata ON tripsubdata.ProductId = productsdata.sno INNER JOIN products_subcategory ON productsdata.SubCat_sno = products_subcategory.sno INNER JOIN products_category ON products_subcategory.category_sno = products_category.sno WHERE (dispatch.Branch_Id = @branch) AND (tripdata.AssignDate BETWEEN @d1 AND @d2)"); cmd = new MySqlCommand("SELECT tripdata.Sno,tripdata.Dcno, tripsubdata.Qty, productsdata.ProductName, tripdata.I_Date, tripdata.VehicleNo, tripdata.Status, dispatch.DispName, products_category.Categoryname FROM tripdata INNER JOIN tripsubdata ON tripdata.Sno = tripsubdata.Tripdata_sno INNER JOIN triproutes ON tripdata.Sno = triproutes.Tripdata_sno INNER JOIN dispatch ON triproutes.RouteID = dispatch.sno INNER JOIN productsdata ON tripsubdata.ProductId = productsdata.sno INNER JOIN products_subcategory ON productsdata.SubCat_sno = products_subcategory.sno INNER JOIN products_category ON products_subcategory.category_sno = products_category.sno INNER JOIN branchdata ON dispatch.Branch_Id = branchdata.sno WHERE (dispatch.Branch_Id = @branch) AND (tripdata.AssignDate BETWEEN @d1 AND @d2) OR (tripdata.AssignDate BETWEEN @d1 AND @d2) AND (branchdata.SalesOfficeID = @SOID)"); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@branch", Session["branch"]); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SOID", Session["branch"]); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@d1", GetLowDate(fromdate)); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@d2", GetHighDate(Todate)); DataTable dtble = vdm.SelectQuery(cmd).Tables[0]; //cmd = new MySqlCommand(" SELECT products_category.Categoryname, products_subcategory.SubCatName,branchproducts.Rank, productsdata.ProductName FROM branchproducts INNER JOIN productsdata ON branchproducts.product_sno = productsdata.sno INNER JOIN products_subcategory ON productsdata.SubCat_sno = products_subcategory.sno INNER JOIN products_category ON products_subcategory.category_sno = products_category.sno WHERE (branchproducts.branch_sno = @BranchID) and (branchproducts.flag=@Flag) GROUP BY productsdata.ProductName ORDER BY branchproducts.Rank"); cmd = new MySqlCommand("SELECT products_category.Categoryname, products_subcategory.SubCatName, branchproducts.Rank, productsdata.ProductName, branchproducts.branch_sno FROM tripdata INNER JOIN tripsubdata ON tripdata.Sno = tripsubdata.Tripdata_sno INNER JOIN productsdata ON tripsubdata.ProductId = productsdata.sno INNER JOIN branchproducts ON productsdata.sno = branchproducts.product_sno INNER JOIN empmanage ON tripdata.DEmpId = empmanage.Sno INNER JOIN products_subcategory ON productsdata.SubCat_sno = products_subcategory.sno INNER JOIN products_category ON products_subcategory.category_sno = products_category.sno WHERE (tripdata.AssignDate BETWEEN @d1 AND @d2) AND (empmanage.Branch = @BranchID) AND (branchproducts.branch_sno = @Branch) GROUP BY productsdata.ProductName ORDER BY branchproducts.Rank"); //cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Flag", "1"); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@d1", GetLowDate(fromdate)); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@d2", GetHighDate(Todate)); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@BranchID", Session["branch"].ToString()); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Branch", Session["branch"].ToString()); DataTable produtstbl = vdm.SelectQuery(cmd).Tables[0]; if (produtstbl.Rows.Count > 0) { DataView view = new DataView(dtble); //DataTable distinctproducts = view.ToTable(true, "ProductName"); Report = new DataTable(); Report.Columns.Add("SNo"); Report.Columns.Add("VehicleNo"); Report.Columns.Add("DC No"); Report.Columns.Add("DC Date"); Report.Columns.Add("Route Name"); foreach (DataRow dr in produtstbl.Rows) { Report.Columns.Add(dr["ProductName"].ToString()).DataType = typeof(Double); } Report.Columns.Add("Total Milk", typeof(Double)); Report.Columns.Add("Total Curd&BM", typeof(Double)); Report.Columns.Add("Total Lts", typeof(Double)); Report.Columns.Add("Issued Crates", typeof(Double)); Report.Columns.Add("Issued Cans", typeof(Double)); Report.Columns.Add("Total Amount", typeof(Double)); DataTable distincttable = view.ToTable(true, "DispName", "VehicleNo", "Sno", "Status", "I_Date"); int i = 1; foreach (DataRow branch in distincttable.Rows) { if (branch["Status"].ToString() == "C") { } else { cmd = new MySqlCommand("SELECT invid, Qty FROM tripinvdata WHERE (Tripdata_sno = @tripid)"); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@tripid", branch["Sno"].ToString()); DataTable dtissuedinv = vdm.SelectQuery(cmd).Tables[0]; DataRow newrow = Report.NewRow(); newrow["SNo"] = i; newrow["VehicleNo"] = branch["VehicleNo"].ToString(); newrow["DC No"] = branch["Sno"].ToString(); newrow["Route Name"] = branch["DispName"].ToString(); string AssignDate = branch["I_Date"].ToString(); DateTime dtAssignDate = Convert.ToDateTime(AssignDate); string ChangedTime = dtAssignDate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"); newrow["DC Date"] = ChangedTime; double total = 0; double totalcurdandBM = 0; foreach (DataRow dr in dtble.Rows) { if (branch["Sno"].ToString() == dr["Sno"].ToString()) { double AssignQty = 0; double.TryParse(dr["Qty"].ToString(), out AssignQty); Report.Columns.Add(dr["ProductName"].ToString()).DataType = typeof(Double); } } newrow["Total Milk"] = total; newrow["Total Curd&BM"] = totalcurdandBM; newrow["Total Lts"] = total + totalcurdandBM; double cans = 0; foreach (DataRow drinv in dtissuedinv.Rows) { string invid = drinv["invid"].ToString(); if (invid == "2") { invid = "4"; } if (invid == "3") { invid = "4"; } if (invid == "1") { double issuedcrates = 0; double.TryParse(drinv["Qty"].ToString(), out issuedcrates); newrow["Issued Crates"] = issuedcrates; } if (invid == "4") { double issuedcans = 0; double.TryParse(drinv["Qty"].ToString(), out issuedcans); cans += issuedcans; newrow["Issued Cans"] = cans; } } Report.Rows.Add(newrow); i++; } } DataRow newvartical = Report.NewRow(); newvartical["Route Name"] = "Total"; double val = 0.0; foreach (DataColumn dc in Report.Columns) { if (dc.DataType == typeof(Double)) { val = 0.0; double.TryParse(Report.Compute("sum([" + dc.ToString() + "])", "[" + dc.ToString() + "]<>'0'").ToString(), out val); newvartical[dc.ToString()] = val; } } Report.Rows.Add(newvartical); foreach (DataColumn col in Report.Columns) { string Pname = col.ToString(); string ProductName = col.ToString(); ProductName = GetSpace(ProductName); Report.Columns[Pname].ColumnName = ProductName; } grdtotal_dcReports.DataSource = Report; grdtotal_dcReports.DataBind(); //Session["xportdata"] = Report; } else { lblmsg.Text = "No DC Found"; grdtotal_dcReports.DataSource = Report; grdtotal_dcReports.DataBind(); } } catch (Exception ex) { lblmsg.Text = ex.Message; grdtotal_dcReports.DataSource = Report; grdtotal_dcReports.DataBind(); } }
void GetReport() { try { lblmsg.Text = ""; Report = new DataTable(); pnlHide.Visible = true; Session["IDate"] = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); vdm = new VehicleDBMgr(); DateTime fromdate = DateTime.Now; string[] dateFromstrig = txtfromdate.Text.Split(' '); if (dateFromstrig.Length > 1) { if (dateFromstrig[0].Split('-').Length > 0) { string[] dates = dateFromstrig[0].Split('-'); string[] times = dateFromstrig[1].Split(':'); fromdate = new DateTime(int.Parse(dates[2]), int.Parse(dates[1]), int.Parse(dates[0]), int.Parse(times[0]), int.Parse(times[1]), 0); } } DateTime Todate = DateTime.Now; string[] dateTostrig = txttodate.Text.Split(' '); if (dateTostrig.Length > 1) { if (dateTostrig[0].Split('-').Length > 0) { string[] dates = dateTostrig[0].Split('-'); string[] times = dateTostrig[1].Split(':'); Todate = new DateTime(int.Parse(dates[2]), int.Parse(dates[1]), int.Parse(dates[0]), int.Parse(times[0]), int.Parse(times[1]), 0); } } lbl_selfromdate.Text = fromdate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); lbl_selttodate.Text = Todate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); Session["filename"] = "TOTAL DC REPORT"; //cmd = new MySqlCommand("SELECT tripdata.Sno, tripsubdata.Qty, productsdata.ProductName,tripdata.I_Date, tripdata.VehicleNo,tripdata.Status, dispatch.DispName, products_category.Categoryname FROM tripdata INNER JOIN tripsubdata ON tripdata.Sno = tripsubdata.Tripdata_sno INNER JOIN triproutes ON tripdata.Sno = triproutes.Tripdata_sno INNER JOIN dispatch ON triproutes.RouteID = dispatch.sno INNER JOIN branchroutes ON dispatch.Route_id = branchroutes.Sno INNER JOIN productsdata ON tripsubdata.ProductId = productsdata.sno INNER JOIN products_subcategory ON productsdata.SubCat_sno = products_subcategory.sno INNER JOIN products_category ON products_subcategory.category_sno = products_category.sno WHERE (dispatch.Branch_Id = @branch) AND (tripdata.AssignDate BETWEEN @d1 AND @d2)"); cmd = new MySqlCommand("SELECT result.DispName, result.VehicleNo, result.Sno, tripsubdata.Qty, productsdata.sno, productsdata.tempsubcatsno, productsdata.ProductName, products_category.Categoryname, result.AssignDate, result.Status,result.I_Date, result.DCNo FROM (SELECT dispatch.DispName, tripdat.Sno, tripdat.VehicleNo, tripdat.AssignDate, tripdat.Status, tripdat.I_Date, tripdat.DCNo FROM dispatch INNER JOIN branchdata ON dispatch.Branch_Id = branchdata.sno INNER JOIN triproutes ON dispatch.sno = triproutes.RouteID INNER JOIN (SELECT Sno, AssignDate, Status, VehicleNo, I_Date, DCNo FROM tripdata WHERE (AssignDate BETWEEN @d1 AND @d2)) tripdat ON triproutes.Tripdata_sno = tripdat.Sno WHERE (dispatch.Branch_Id = @branch) AND (dispatch.DispMode = 'SPL' OR dispatch.DispMode IS NULL) OR (dispatch.DispMode = 'SPL' OR dispatch.DispMode IS NULL) AND (branchdata.SalesOfficeID = @SOID)) result INNER JOIN tripsubdata ON result.Sno = tripsubdata.Tripdata_sno INNER JOIN productsdata ON tripsubdata.ProductId = productsdata.sno INNER JOIN products_subcategory ON productsdata.SubCat_sno = products_subcategory.sno INNER JOIN products_category ON products_subcategory.category_sno = products_category.sno ORDER BY result.DispName"); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@branch", Session["branch"]); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SOID", Session["branch"]); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@d1", GetLowDate(fromdate)); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@d2", GetHighDate(Todate)); DataTable dtble = vdm.SelectQuery(cmd).Tables[0]; //cmd = new MySqlCommand("SELECT result.DispName, result.VehicleNo, result.Sno, tripsubdata.Qty, productsdata.sno, productsdata.tempsubcatsno, productsdata.ProductName, products_category.Categoryname, result.AssignDate, result.Status,result.I_Date, result.DCNo FROM (SELECT dispatch.DispName, tripdat.Sno, tripdat.VehicleNo, tripdat.AssignDate, tripdat.Status, tripdat.I_Date, tripdat.DCNo FROM dispatch INNER JOIN branchdata ON dispatch.Branch_Id = branchdata.sno INNER JOIN triproutes ON dispatch.sno = triproutes.RouteID INNER JOIN (SELECT Sno, AssignDate, Status, VehicleNo, I_Date, DCNo FROM tripdata WHERE (AssignDate BETWEEN @d1 AND @d2)) tripdat ON triproutes.Tripdata_sno = tripdat.Sno WHERE (dispatch.Branch_Id = @branch) AND (dispatch.DispMode <> 'SPL' OR dispatch.DispMode IS NOT NULL) OR (dispatch.DispMode <> 'SPL' OR dispatch.DispMode IS NOT NULL) AND (branchdata.SalesOfficeID = @SOID)) result INNER JOIN tripsubdata ON result.Sno = tripsubdata.Tripdata_sno INNER JOIN productsdata ON tripsubdata.ProductId = productsdata.sno INNER JOIN products_subcategory ON productsdata.SubCat_sno = products_subcategory.sno INNER JOIN products_category ON products_subcategory.category_sno = products_category.sno ORDER BY result.DispName"); //cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@branch", Session["branch"]); //cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SOID", Session["branch"]); //cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@d1", GetLowDate(fromdate)); //cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@d2", GetHighDate(Todate)); //DataTable dtble = vdm.SelectQuery(cmd).Tables[0]; string bids = Session["branch"].ToString(); //cmd = new MySqlCommand(" SELECT products_category.Categoryname, products_subcategory.SubCatName,branchproducts.Rank, productsdata.ProductName FROM branchproducts INNER JOIN productsdata ON branchproducts.product_sno = productsdata.sno INNER JOIN products_subcategory ON productsdata.SubCat_sno = products_subcategory.sno INNER JOIN products_category ON products_subcategory.category_sno = products_category.sno WHERE (branchproducts.branch_sno = @BranchID) and (branchproducts.flag=@Flag) GROUP BY productsdata.ProductName ORDER BY branchproducts.Rank"); cmd = new MySqlCommand("SELECT products_category.Categoryname, products_subcategory.description AS SubCategoryName, products_subcategory.SubCatName, products_subcategory.tempsub_catsno AS SubCatSno, branchproducts.Rank, branchproducts.product_sno AS sno, productsdata.ProductName, productsdata.tempsubcatsno, branchproducts.branch_sno FROM tripdata INNER JOIN tripsubdata ON tripdata.Sno = tripsubdata.Tripdata_sno INNER JOIN productsdata ON tripsubdata.ProductId = productsdata.sno INNER JOIN branchproducts ON productsdata.sno = branchproducts.product_sno INNER JOIN empmanage ON tripdata.DEmpId = empmanage.Sno INNER JOIN products_subcategory ON productsdata.SubCat_sno = products_subcategory.sno INNER JOIN products_category ON products_subcategory.category_sno = products_category.sno WHERE (tripdata.AssignDate BETWEEN @d1 AND @d2) AND (empmanage.Branch = @BranchID) AND (branchproducts.branch_sno = @Branch) GROUP BY productsdata.ProductName ORDER BY productsdata.tempsubcatsno"); //cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Flag", "1"); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@d1", GetLowDate(fromdate)); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@d2", GetHighDate(Todate)); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@BranchID", Session["branch"].ToString()); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Branch", Session["branch"].ToString()); DataTable produtstbl = vdm.SelectQuery(cmd).Tables[0]; produtstbl1 = produtstbl; if (produtstbl.Rows.Count > 0) { DataView view = new DataView(dtble); //DataTable distinctproducts = view.ToTable(true, "ProductName"); Report = new DataTable(); Report.Columns.Add("SNo"); Report.Columns.Add("Route Name"); int count = 0; foreach (DataRow dr in produtstbl.Rows) { string catname = dr["Categoryname"].ToString(); if (catname == "MILK" || catname == "Curd Cups" || catname == "Curd Buckets" || catname == "CURD") { Report.Columns.Add(dr["ProductName"].ToString()).DataType = typeof(Double); count++; } } Report.Columns.Add("Total Milk", typeof(Double)); Report.Columns.Add("Total Curd&BM", typeof(Double)); Report.Columns.Add("Total Lts", typeof(Double)); Report.Columns.Add("Issued Crates", typeof(Double)); Report.Columns.Add("Issued Cans", typeof(Double)); Report.Columns.Add("Total Amount", typeof(Double)); dttempproducts = new DataTable(); dttempproducts.Columns.Add("ProductName"); dttempproducts.Columns.Add("SubCatSno").DataType = typeof(int);; DataTable distincttable = view.ToTable(true, "DispName", "VehicleNo", "Sno", "Status", "I_Date"); int i = 1; foreach (DataRow branch in distincttable.Rows) { if (branch["Status"].ToString() == "C") { } else { cmd = new MySqlCommand("SELECT invid, Qty FROM tripinvdata WHERE (Tripdata_sno = @tripid)"); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@tripid", branch["Sno"].ToString()); DataTable dtissuedinv = vdm.SelectQuery(cmd).Tables[0]; DataRow newrow = Report.NewRow(); newrow["SNo"] = i; newrow["Route Name"] = branch["DispName"].ToString(); string AssignDate = branch["I_Date"].ToString(); DateTime dtAssignDate = Convert.ToDateTime(AssignDate); string ChangedTime = dtAssignDate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"); double total = 0; double totalcurdandBM = 0; foreach (DataRow dr in dtble.Rows) { if (branch["Sno"].ToString() == dr["Sno"].ToString()) { double assqty = 0; double curdBm = 0; double AssignQty = 0; double.TryParse(dr["Qty"].ToString(), out AssignQty); if (dr["Categoryname"].ToString() == "MILK") { newrow[dr["ProductName"].ToString()] = AssignQty; double.TryParse(dr["Qty"].ToString(), out assqty); total += assqty; DataRow tempnewrow = dttempproducts.NewRow(); tempnewrow["ProductName"] = dr["ProductName"].ToString(); tempnewrow["SubCatSno"] = dr["tempsubcatsno"].ToString(); dttempproducts.Rows.Add(tempnewrow); } if (dr["Categoryname"].ToString() == "CURD") { newrow[dr["ProductName"].ToString()] = AssignQty; double.TryParse(dr["Qty"].ToString(), out curdBm); totalcurdandBM += curdBm; DataRow tempnewrow = dttempproducts.NewRow(); tempnewrow["ProductName"] = dr["ProductName"].ToString(); tempnewrow["SubCatSno"] = dr["tempsubcatsno"].ToString(); dttempproducts.Rows.Add(tempnewrow); } //if (dr["Categoryname"].ToString() == "ButterMilk") //{ // newrow[dr["ProductName"].ToString()] = AssignQty; // double.TryParse(dr["Qty"].ToString(), out Buttermilk); // totalcurdandBM += Buttermilk; //} } } newrow["Total Milk"] = total; newrow["Total Curd&BM"] = totalcurdandBM; newrow["Total Lts"] = total + totalcurdandBM; double cans = 0; foreach (DataRow drinv in dtissuedinv.Rows) { string invid = drinv["invid"].ToString(); if (invid == "2") { invid = "4"; } if (invid == "3") { invid = "4"; } if (invid == "1") { double issuedcrates = 0; double.TryParse(drinv["Qty"].ToString(), out issuedcrates); newrow["Issued Crates"] = issuedcrates; } if (invid == "4") { double issuedcans = 0; double.TryParse(drinv["Qty"].ToString(), out issuedcans); cans += issuedcans; newrow["Issued Cans"] = cans; } } Report.Rows.Add(newrow); i++; } } DataRow newvartical = Report.NewRow(); newvartical["Route Name"] = "Total"; double val = 0.0; foreach (DataColumn dc in Report.Columns) { if (dc.DataType == typeof(Double)) { val = 0.0; double.TryParse(Report.Compute("sum([" + dc.ToString() + "])", "[" + dc.ToString() + "]<>'0'").ToString(), out val); newvartical[dc.ToString()] = val; } } Report.Rows.Add(newvartical); DataView SubCatview = new DataView(dttempproducts); dtSubCatgory = SubCatview.ToTable(true, "SubCatSno"); DataView dv1 = dtSubCatgory.DefaultView; dv1.Sort = "SubCatSno ASC"; dtSortedSubCategory = dv1.ToTable(); foreach (DataColumn col in Report.Columns) { string Pname = col.ToString(); string ProductName = col.ToString(); ProductName = GetSpace(ProductName); Report.Columns[Pname].ColumnName = ProductName; } grdtotal_dcReports.DataSource = Report; grdtotal_dcReports.DataBind(); //Session["xportdata"] = Report; } else { pnlHide.Visible = false; lblmsg.Text = "No DC Found"; grdtotal_dcReports.DataSource = Report; grdtotal_dcReports.DataBind(); } } catch (Exception ex) { lblmsg.Text = ex.Message; grdtotal_dcReports.DataSource = Report; grdtotal_dcReports.DataBind(); } }
void GetReport() { try { lblmsg.Text = ""; pnlHide.Visible = true; Session["IDate"] = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); vdm = new VehicleDBMgr(); Report = new DataTable(); DateTime fromdate = DateTime.Now; string[] dateFromstrig = txtfromdate.Text.Split(' '); if (dateFromstrig.Length > 1) { if (dateFromstrig[0].Split('-').Length > 0) { string[] dates = dateFromstrig[0].Split('-'); string[] times = dateFromstrig[1].Split(':'); fromdate = new DateTime(int.Parse(dates[2]), int.Parse(dates[1]), int.Parse(dates[0]), int.Parse(times[0]), int.Parse(times[1]), 0); } } DateTime Todate = DateTime.Now; string[] dateTostrig = txttodate.Text.Split(' '); if (dateTostrig.Length > 1) { if (dateTostrig[0].Split('-').Length > 0) { string[] dates = dateTostrig[0].Split('-'); string[] times = dateTostrig[1].Split(':'); Todate = new DateTime(int.Parse(dates[2]), int.Parse(dates[1]), int.Parse(dates[0]), int.Parse(times[0]), int.Parse(times[1]), 0); } } lbl_selfromdate.Text = fromdate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); lbl_selttodate.Text = Todate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); Session["filename"] = "TOTAL DC REPORT"; //cmd = new MySqlCommand("SELECT SUM(tripsubdata.Qty) AS assignedqty,productsdata.ProductName, products_category.Categoryname,DATE_FORMAT(tripdata.AssignDate, '%d %b %y') as AssignDate FROM tripdata INNER JOIN tripsubdata ON tripdata.Sno = tripsubdata.Tripdata_sno INNER JOIN triproutes ON tripdata.Sno = triproutes.Tripdata_sno INNER JOIN dispatch ON triproutes.RouteID = dispatch.sno INNER JOIN branchroutes ON dispatch.Route_id = branchroutes.Sno INNER JOIN productsdata ON tripsubdata.ProductId = productsdata.sno INNER JOIN products_subcategory ON productsdata.SubCat_sno = products_subcategory.sno INNER JOIN products_category ON products_subcategory.category_sno = products_category.sno WHERE (dispatch.Branch_Id = @branch) AND (tripdata.AssignDate BETWEEN @d1 AND @d2) GROUP BY productsdata.ProductName, tripdata.AssignDate ORDER BY tripdata.AssignDate"); cmd = new MySqlCommand("SELECT result.AssignDate, SUM(tripsubdata.Qty) AS assignedqty, tripsubdata.ProductId, products_category.Categoryname,productsdata.ProductName FROM (SELECT dispatch.sno AS dissno, tripdat.Sno, tripdat.AssignDate FROM dispatch INNER JOIN triproutes ON dispatch.sno = triproutes.RouteID INNER JOIN (SELECT Sno, EmpId, DATE_FORMAT(AssignDate, '%d %b %y') AS AssignDate,Status FROM tripdata WHERE (AssignDate BETWEEN @d1 AND @d2) AND (Status <> 'C')) tripdat ON triproutes.Tripdata_sno = tripdat.Sno WHERE (dispatch.Branch_Id = @BranchID)) result INNER JOIN tripsubdata ON result.Sno = tripsubdata.Tripdata_sno INNER JOIN productsdata ON tripsubdata.ProductId = productsdata.sno INNER JOIN products_subcategory ON productsdata.SubCat_sno = products_subcategory.sno INNER JOIN products_category ON products_subcategory.category_sno = products_category.sno GROUP BY result.AssignDate, tripsubdata.ProductId"); //cmd = new MySqlCommand("SELECT SUM(tripsubdata.Qty) AS assignedqty, productsdata.ProductName, products_category.Categoryname, DATE_FORMAT(tripdata.AssignDate, '%d %b %y') AS AssignDate FROM tripdata INNER JOIN tripsubdata ON tripdata.Sno = tripsubdata.Tripdata_sno INNER JOIN triproutes ON tripdata.Sno = triproutes.Tripdata_sno INNER JOIN dispatch ON triproutes.RouteID = dispatch.sno INNER JOIN productsdata ON tripsubdata.ProductId = productsdata.sno INNER JOIN products_subcategory ON productsdata.SubCat_sno = products_subcategory.sno INNER JOIN products_category ON products_subcategory.category_sno = products_category.sno INNER JOIN branchdata ON dispatch.Branch_Id = branchdata.sno WHERE (((dispatch.Branch_Id = @branch) AND (tripdata.AssignDate BETWEEN @d1 AND @d2)) OR ((tripdata.AssignDate BETWEEN @d1 AND @d2) AND (branchdata.SalesOfficeID = @SOID))) GROUP BY productsdata.ProductName, products_category.Categoryname,AssignDate ORDER BY AssignDate"); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@BranchID", Session["branch"]); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SOID", Session["branch"]); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@d1", GetLowDate(fromdate)); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@d2", GetHighDate(Todate)); DataTable dtble = vdm.SelectQuery(cmd).Tables[0]; // cmd = new MySqlCommand("SELECT SUM(tripinvdata.Qty) AS invassigned, invmaster.InvName, tripdata.AssignDate, invmaster.sno FROM tripdata INNER JOIN tripinvdata ON tripdata.Sno = tripinvdata.Tripdata_sno INNER JOIN invmaster ON tripinvdata.invid = invmaster.sno INNER JOIN triproutes ON tripinvdata.Tripdata_sno = triproutes.Tripdata_sno INNER JOIN dispatch ON triproutes.RouteID = dispatch.sno WHERE (tripdata.AssignDate BETWEEN @d1 AND @d2) AND (dispatch.Branch_Id = @branch) AND (tripdata.Status <> 'C') GROUP BY invmaster.sno, tripdata.I_Date ORDER BY tripdata.AssignDate"); cmd = new MySqlCommand("SELECT SUM(tripinvdata.Qty) AS invassigned, invmaster.InvName, tripdat.AssignDate, invmaster.sno FROM (SELECT Sno, EmpId, DATE_FORMAT(AssignDate, '%d %b %y') AS AssignDate, Status, Userdata_sno, Remarks, VehicleNo, RecieptNo, I_Date, DEmpId, ATripid, InvStatus, GPStatus, PlanStatus, DespatchStatus FROM tripdata WHERE (AssignDate BETWEEN @d1 AND @d2) AND (Status <> 'C') AND (BranchID = @branch)) tripdat INNER JOIN tripinvdata ON tripdat.Sno = tripinvdata.Tripdata_sno INNER JOIN invmaster ON tripinvdata.invid = invmaster.sno GROUP BY tripinvdata.invid, tripdat.AssignDate ORDER BY tripdat.AssignDate"); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@branch", Session["branch"]); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@d1", GetLowDate(fromdate)); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@d2", GetHighDate(Todate)); DataTable dtinventry = vdm.SelectQuery(cmd).Tables[0]; cmd = new MySqlCommand(" SELECT products_category.Categoryname, products_subcategory.SubCatName,branchproducts.Rank, productsdata.ProductName FROM branchproducts INNER JOIN productsdata ON branchproducts.product_sno = productsdata.sno INNER JOIN products_subcategory ON productsdata.SubCat_sno = products_subcategory.sno INNER JOIN products_category ON products_subcategory.category_sno = products_category.sno WHERE (branchproducts.branch_sno = @BranchID) and (branchproducts.flag=@Flag) GROUP BY productsdata.ProductName ORDER BY branchproducts.Rank"); // cmd = new MySqlCommand("SELECT products_category.Categoryname, products_subcategory.SubCatName, branchproducts.Rank, productsdata.ProductName, tripdata.AssignDate FROM branchproducts INNER JOIN productsdata ON branchproducts.product_sno = productsdata.sno INNER JOIN products_subcategory ON productsdata.SubCat_sno = products_subcategory.sno INNER JOIN products_category ON products_subcategory.category_sno = products_category.sno INNER JOIN tripsubdata ON branchproducts.product_sno = tripsubdata.ProductId INNER JOIN tripdata ON tripsubdata.Tripdata_sno = tripdata.Sno WHERE (tripdata.BranchID = @BranchID) AND (branchproducts.flag = @Flag) AND (tripdata.AssignDate BETWEEN @d1 AND @d2) GROUP BY productsdata.ProductName ORDER BY branchproducts.Rank"); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Flag", "1"); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@d1", GetLowDate(fromdate)); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@d2", GetHighDate(Todate)); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@BranchID", Session["branch"].ToString()); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Branch", Session["branch"].ToString()); DataTable produtstbl = vdm.SelectQuery(cmd).Tables[0]; if (produtstbl.Rows.Count > 0) { DataView view = new DataView(dtble); Report = new DataTable(); Report.Columns.Add("SNo"); Report.Columns.Add("DC Date"); foreach (DataRow dr in produtstbl.Rows) { Report.Columns.Add(dr["ProductName"].ToString()).DataType = typeof(Double); } Report.Columns.Add("Total Milk", typeof(Double)); Report.Columns.Add("Total Curd&BM", typeof(Double)); Report.Columns.Add("Total Lts", typeof(Double)); Report.Columns.Add("Issued Crates", typeof(Double)); Report.Columns.Add("Issued Cans", typeof(Double)); Report.Columns.Add("Total Amount", typeof(Double)); DataTable distincttable = view.ToTable(true, "AssignDate"); int i = 1; foreach (DataRow branch in distincttable.Rows) { string AssignDate = branch["AssignDate"].ToString(); DateTime dtAssignDate = Convert.ToDateTime(AssignDate); string ChangedTime = dtAssignDate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"); DataRow newrow = Report.NewRow(); newrow["SNo"] = i; newrow["DC Date"] = ChangedTime; double total = 0; double totalcurdandBM = 0; double totalltrs = 0; foreach (DataRow drdisp in dtble.Rows) { string AssignDate2 = drdisp["AssignDate"].ToString(); DateTime dtAssignDate2 = Convert.ToDateTime(AssignDate2); string ChangedTime2 = dtAssignDate2.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"); if (ChangedTime == ChangedTime2) { double assqty = 0; double curdBm = 0; double Buttermilk = 0; double AssignQty = 0; double qtyvalue = 0; double.TryParse(drdisp["assignedqty"].ToString(), out AssignQty); newrow[drdisp["ProductName"].ToString()] = Math.Round(AssignQty, 2); if (drdisp["Categoryname"].ToString() == "MILK") { double.TryParse(drdisp["assignedqty"].ToString(), out assqty); total += assqty; } if (drdisp["Categoryname"].ToString() == "CURD") { double.TryParse(drdisp["assignedqty"].ToString(), out curdBm); totalcurdandBM += curdBm; } if (drdisp["Categoryname"].ToString() == "ButterMilk") { double.TryParse(drdisp["assignedqty"].ToString(), out Buttermilk); totalcurdandBM += Buttermilk; } } } double totcans = 0; foreach (DataRow drinv in dtinventry.Rows) { string invAssignDate = drinv["AssignDate"].ToString(); DateTime dtinvAssignDate = Convert.ToDateTime(invAssignDate); string invChangedTime2 = dtinvAssignDate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"); if (ChangedTime == invChangedTime2) { if (drinv["sno"].ToString() == "1") { double issuedcrates = 0; double.TryParse(drinv["invassigned"].ToString(), out issuedcrates); newrow["Issued Crates"] = issuedcrates; } if (drinv["sno"].ToString() == "4") { double issuedcans = 0; double.TryParse(drinv["invassigned"].ToString(), out issuedcans); // newrow["Issued Cans"] = issuedcans; totcans += issuedcans; } if (drinv["sno"].ToString() == "3") { double issuedcans = 0; double.TryParse(drinv["invassigned"].ToString(), out issuedcans); totcans += issuedcans; } if (drinv["sno"].ToString() == "5") { double issuedcans = 0; double.TryParse(drinv["invassigned"].ToString(), out issuedcans); totcans += issuedcans; } if (drinv["sno"].ToString() == "2") { double issuedcans = 0; double.TryParse(drinv["invassigned"].ToString(), out issuedcans); totcans += issuedcans; } } } newrow["Issued Cans"] = totcans; newrow["Total Milk"] = Math.Round(total, 2); newrow["Total Curd&BM"] = Math.Round(totalcurdandBM, 2); newrow["Total Lts"] = Math.Round(total + totalcurdandBM, 2); Report.Rows.Add(newrow); i++; } foreach (var column in Report.Columns.Cast <DataColumn>().ToArray()) { if (Report.AsEnumerable().All(dr => dr.IsNull(column))) { Report.Columns.Remove(column); } } DataRow newvartical = Report.NewRow(); // newvartical["Route Name"] = "Total"; double val = 0.0; foreach (DataColumn dc in Report.Columns) { if (dc.DataType == typeof(Double)) { val = 0.0; double.TryParse(Report.Compute("sum([" + dc.ToString() + "])", "[" + dc.ToString() + "]<>'0'").ToString(), out val); newvartical[dc.ToString()] = val; } } Report.Rows.Add(newvartical); foreach (DataColumn col in Report.Columns) { string Pname = col.ToString(); string ProductName = col.ToString(); ProductName = GetSpace(ProductName); Report.Columns[Pname].ColumnName = ProductName; } grdtotal_dcReports.DataSource = Report; grdtotal_dcReports.DataBind(); Session["xportdata"] = Report; } else { pnlHide.Visible = false; lblmsg.Text = "No DC Found"; grdtotal_dcReports.DataSource = Report; grdtotal_dcReports.DataBind(); } } catch (Exception ex) { lblmsg.Text = ex.Message; grdtotal_dcReports.DataSource = Report; grdtotal_dcReports.DataBind(); } }
protected void btnSMS_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string MobNo = txtMobNo.Text; if (MobNo.Length == 10) { vdm = new VehicleDBMgr(); DataTable Report = new DataTable(); DateTime fromdate = DateTime.Now; string[] dateFromstrig = txtfromdate.Text.Split(' '); if (dateFromstrig.Length > 1) { if (dateFromstrig[0].Split('-').Length > 0) { string[] dates = dateFromstrig[0].Split('-'); string[] times = dateFromstrig[1].Split(':'); fromdate = new DateTime(int.Parse(dates[2]), int.Parse(dates[1]), int.Parse(dates[0]), int.Parse(times[0]), int.Parse(times[1]), 0); } } DateTime Todate = DateTime.Now; string[] dateTostrig = txttodate.Text.Split(' '); if (dateTostrig.Length > 1) { if (dateTostrig[0].Split('-').Length > 0) { string[] dates = dateTostrig[0].Split('-'); string[] times = dateTostrig[1].Split(':'); Todate = new DateTime(int.Parse(dates[2]), int.Parse(dates[1]), int.Parse(dates[0]), int.Parse(times[0]), int.Parse(times[1]), 0); } } lbl_fromDate.Text = fromdate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); lbl_selttodate.Text = Todate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); Session["filename"] = "TOTAL DC REPORT"; //cmd = new MySqlCommand("SELECT tripdata.Sno, tripsubdata.Qty, productsdata.ProductName, tripdata.VehicleNo, dispatch.DispName FROM tripdata INNER JOIN tripsubdata ON tripdata.Sno = tripsubdata.Tripdata_sno INNER JOIN triproutes ON tripdata.Sno = triproutes.Tripdata_sno INNER JOIN dispatch ON triproutes.RouteID = dispatch.sno INNER JOIN branchroutes ON dispatch.Route_id = branchroutes.Sno INNER JOIN productsdata ON tripsubdata.ProductId = productsdata.sno WHERE (branchroutes.BranchID = @branch) AND (tripdata.AssignDate BETWEEN @d1 AND @d2)"); cmd = new MySqlCommand("SELECT ROUND(SUM(tripsubdata.Qty), 2) AS Qty, productsdata.ProductName FROM tripdata INNER JOIN tripsubdata ON tripdata.Sno = tripsubdata.Tripdata_sno INNER JOIN triproutes ON tripdata.Sno = triproutes.Tripdata_sno INNER JOIN dispatch ON triproutes.RouteID = dispatch.sno INNER JOIN branchroutes ON dispatch.Route_id = branchroutes.Sno INNER JOIN productsdata ON tripsubdata.ProductId = productsdata.sno INNER JOIN products_subcategory ON productsdata.SubCat_sno = products_subcategory.sno INNER JOIN products_category ON products_subcategory.category_sno = products_category.sno WHERE (dispatch.Branch_Id = @branch) AND (tripdata.AssignDate BETWEEN @d1 AND @d2) AND (triproutes.RouteID = @DispNo) GROUP BY productsdata.ProductName"); if (Session["salestype"].ToString() == "Plant") { cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@branch", Session["branch"]); } else { cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@branch", ddlSalesOffice.SelectedValue); } cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@DispNo", ddlDispName.SelectedValue); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@d1", GetLowDate(fromdate)); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@d2", GetHighDate(Todate)); DataTable dtTotalDespatch = vdm.SelectQuery(cmd).Tables[0]; double TotalQty = 0; string ProductName = ""; if (dtTotalDespatch.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow dr in dtTotalDespatch.Rows) { double unitQty = 0; double.TryParse(dr["Qty"].ToString(), out unitQty); ProductName += dr["ProductName"].ToString() + "->" + Math.Round(unitQty, 2) + ";"; TotalQty += Math.Round(unitQty, 2); } } string Date = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); WebClient client = new WebClient(); string DispatchName = ""; if (Session["BranchName"] != null) { DispatchName = Session["BranchName"].ToString(); } else { DispatchName = "SRIKALAHASTHI"; } string baseurl = "" + MobNo + "&source=VYSNAVI&message=%20" + DispatchName + "%20,%20 + Despatch%20For%20" + ProductName + "TotalQty ->" + TotalQty + ""; Stream data = client.OpenRead(baseurl); StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(data); string ResponseID = reader.ReadToEnd(); data.Close(); reader.Close(); lblmsg.Text = "Message Sent Successfully"; txtMobNo.Text = ""; } else { lblmsg.Text = "Please Enter 10 digit Number"; } }
protected void btnGenerate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { lblmsg.Text = ""; pvisible.Visible = true; devdm = new VehicleDBMgr(); DateTime fromdate = DateTime.Now; string[] dateFromstrig = txtFromdate.Text.Split(' '); if (dateFromstrig.Length > 1) { if (dateFromstrig[0].Split('-').Length > 0) { string[] dates = dateFromstrig[0].Split('-'); string[] times = dateFromstrig[1].Split(':'); fromdate = new DateTime(int.Parse(dates[2]), int.Parse(dates[1]), int.Parse(dates[0]), int.Parse(times[0]), int.Parse(times[1]), 0); } } DateTime Todate = DateTime.Now; string[] dateTostrig = txtTodate.Text.Split(' '); if (dateTostrig.Length > 1) { if (dateTostrig[0].Split('-').Length > 0) { string[] dates = dateTostrig[0].Split('-'); string[] times = dateTostrig[1].Split(':'); Todate = new DateTime(int.Parse(dates[2]), int.Parse(dates[1]), int.Parse(dates[0]), int.Parse(times[0]), int.Parse(times[1]), 0); } } int vehcleid = Convert.ToInt32(ddlagentname.SelectedItem.Value); lblOppBal.Text = ""; lblCloBal.Text = ""; Session["title"] = "Diesel Report"; DataTable Report = new DataTable(); Report.Columns.Add("Sno"); Report.Columns.Add("Date"); Report.Columns.Add("Time"); Report.Columns.Add("Route"); Report.Columns.Add("Vehicle No"); Report.Columns.Add("Vehicle Type"); Report.Columns.Add("Diesel Filled").DataType = typeof(Double); Report.Columns.Add("Driver Name"); Report.Columns.Add("Load Type"); Report.Columns.Add("Start Reading"); Report.Columns.Add("Pump Reading"); Report.Columns.Add("Token"); vecmd = new MySqlCommand("SELECT sno, fuel, doe, userid, operetedby, costperltr FROM fuel_transaction WHERE (doe BETWEEN @d1 AND @d2) AND (transtype = 2)"); vecmd.Parameters.Add("@d1", GetLowDate(fromdate).AddDays(-1)); vecmd.Parameters.Add("@d2", GetHighDate(Todate).AddDays(-1)); DataTable dtOpp = devdm.SelectQuery(vecmd).Tables[0]; if (dtOpp.Rows.Count > 0) { pnlOpp.Visible = true; lblOppBal.Text = dtOpp.Rows[0]["fuel"].ToString(); } vecmd = new MySqlCommand("SELECT sno, fuel, doe, userid, operetedby, costperltr FROM fuel_transaction WHERE (doe BETWEEN @d1 AND @d2) AND (transtype = 2)"); vecmd.Parameters.Add("@d1", GetLowDate(fromdate)); vecmd.Parameters.Add("@d2", GetHighDate(Todate)); DataTable dtclo = devdm.SelectQuery(vecmd).Tables[0]; if (dtclo.Rows.Count > 0) { pnlClo.Visible = true; lblCloBal.Text = dtclo.Rows[0]["fuel"].ToString(); } int BranchID = 1; if (vehcleid != 0) { vecmd = new MySqlCommand("SELECT employdata.employname,tripdata.routeid, tripdata.fueltank,tripdata.pumpreading,tripdata.Tokenno, tripdata.vehiclestartreading,tripdata.refrigeration_fuel, tripdata.gpskms, tripdata.tripsheetno, tripdata.enddate, employdata.Phoneno AS phoneNumber, tripdata.sno, tripdata.loadtype, employdata.emp_licencenum AS LicenseNo, tripdata.routeid AS RouteName, vehicel_master.registration_no AS Vehicleno, vehicel_master.vm_model AS VehicleModel, minimasters.mm_name AS VehicleType, minimasters_1.mm_name AS VehicleMake,tripdata.endfuelvalue FROM tripdata INNER JOIN employdata ON tripdata.driverid = employdata.emp_sno INNER JOIN vehicel_master ON tripdata.vehicleno = vehicel_master.vm_sno INNER JOIN minimasters ON vehicel_master.vhtype_refno = minimasters.sno INNER JOIN minimasters minimasters_1 ON vehicel_master.vhmake_refno = minimasters_1.sno WHERE (tripdata.enddate BETWEEN @d1 AND @d2) AND (tripdata.userid = @BranchID) AND (tripdata.status = 'C') AND (vehicel_master.vm_sno=@vehcleid) order by tripdata.enddate"); vecmd.Parameters.Add("@BranchID", BranchID); vecmd.Parameters.Add("@d1", GetLowDate(fromdate)); vecmd.Parameters.Add("@d2", GetHighDate(Todate)); vecmd.Parameters.Add("@vehcleid", vehcleid); } else { vecmd = new MySqlCommand("SELECT employdata.employname,tripdata.routeid, tripdata.fueltank,tripdata.pumpreading,tripdata.Tokenno, tripdata.vehiclestartreading,tripdata.refrigeration_fuel, tripdata.gpskms, tripdata.tripsheetno, tripdata.enddate, employdata.Phoneno AS phoneNumber, tripdata.sno, tripdata.loadtype, employdata.emp_licencenum AS LicenseNo, tripdata.routeid AS RouteName, vehicel_master.registration_no AS Vehicleno, vehicel_master.vm_model AS VehicleModel, minimasters.mm_name AS VehicleType, minimasters_1.mm_name AS VehicleMake,tripdata.endfuelvalue FROM tripdata INNER JOIN employdata ON tripdata.driverid = employdata.emp_sno INNER JOIN vehicel_master ON tripdata.vehicleno = vehicel_master.vm_sno INNER JOIN minimasters ON vehicel_master.vhtype_refno = minimasters.sno INNER JOIN minimasters minimasters_1 ON vehicel_master.vhmake_refno = minimasters_1.sno WHERE (tripdata.enddate BETWEEN @d1 AND @d2) AND (tripdata.userid = @BranchID) AND (tripdata.status = 'C') order by tripdata.enddate"); vecmd.Parameters.Add("@BranchID", BranchID); vecmd.Parameters.Add("@d1", GetLowDate(fromdate)); vecmd.Parameters.Add("@d2", GetHighDate(Todate)); } DataTable dtDiesel = devdm.SelectQuery(vecmd).Tables[0]; if (dtDiesel.Rows.Count > 0) { int i = 1; foreach (DataRow dr in dtDiesel.Rows) { DataRow newrow = Report.NewRow(); newrow["Sno"] = i++.ToString(); string assigndate = dr["enddate"].ToString(); DateTime dtPlantime = Convert.ToDateTime(assigndate); string date = dtPlantime.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"); string time = dtPlantime.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy HH:mm"); string strPlantime = dtPlantime.ToString(); string[] PlanDateTime = time.Split(' '); newrow["Date"] = date; newrow["Time"] = PlanDateTime[1]; newrow["Route"] = dr["routeid"].ToString(); newrow["Vehicle No"] = dr["Vehicleno"].ToString(); newrow["Vehicle Type"] = dr["VehicleType"].ToString(); double Diesel = 0; double.TryParse(dr["endfuelvalue"].ToString(), out Diesel); double refrigeration_fuel = 0; double.TryParse(dr["refrigeration_fuel"].ToString(), out refrigeration_fuel); double total = 0; total = Diesel + refrigeration_fuel; newrow["Diesel Filled"] = total; newrow["Start Reading"] = dr["vehicleStartReading"].ToString(); newrow["Pump Reading"] = dr["pumpreading"].ToString(); newrow["Token"] = dr["Tokenno"].ToString(); newrow["Driver Name"] = dr["employname"].ToString(); newrow["Load Type"] = dr["loadtype"].ToString(); Report.Rows.Add(newrow); } DataRow New = Report.NewRow(); New["Vehicle No"] = "Total"; foreach (DataColumn dc in Report.Columns) { if (dc.DataType == typeof(Double)) { double.TryParse(Report.Compute("sum([" + dc.ToString() + "])", "[" + dc.ToString() + "]<>'0'").ToString(), out valnewCash); New[dc.ToString()] = valnewCash; quantity = valnewCash; ViewState["qty"] = quantity; } } Report.Rows.Add(New); grdReports.DataSource = Report; grdReports.DataBind(); string title = "DieselReport From: " + fromdate.ToString() + " To: " + Todate.ToString(); Session["title"] = title; Session["filename"] = "DieselReport"; Session["xportdata"] = Report; } else { pvisible.Visible = false; lblmsg.Text = "No data were found"; } } catch (Exception ex) { lblmsg.Text = ex.Message; } }
protected void btn_Generate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { lblmsg.Text = ""; Report.Columns.Add("Ledger Type"); Report.Columns.Add("Customer Name"); Report.Columns.Add("Invoce No."); Report.Columns.Add("Invoice Date"); Report.Columns.Add("Item Name"); Report.Columns.Add("Qty"); Report.Columns.Add("Rate"); Report.Columns.Add("Taxable Value"); Report.Columns.Add("SGST%"); Report.Columns.Add("SGST Amount"); Report.Columns.Add("CGST%"); Report.Columns.Add("CGST Amount"); Report.Columns.Add("IGST%"); Report.Columns.Add("IGST Amount"); Report.Columns.Add("Net Value"); Report.Columns.Add("Narration"); devdm = new VehicleDBMgr(); SalesDBManager vdm = new SalesDBManager(); DateTime fromdate = DateTime.Now; string[] dateFromstrig = dtp_FromDate.Text.Split(' '); if (dateFromstrig.Length > 1) { if (dateFromstrig[0].Split('-').Length > 0) { string[] dates = dateFromstrig[0].Split('-'); string[] times = dateFromstrig[1].Split(':'); fromdate = new DateTime(int.Parse(dates[2]), int.Parse(dates[1]), int.Parse(dates[0]), int.Parse(times[0]), int.Parse(times[1]), 0); } } DateTime Todate = DateTime.Now; string[] dateTostrig = dtp_Todate.Text.Split(' '); if (dateTostrig.Length > 1) { if (dateTostrig[0].Split('-').Length > 0) { string[] dates = dateTostrig[0].Split('-'); string[] times = dateTostrig[1].Split(':'); Todate = new DateTime(int.Parse(dates[2]), int.Parse(dates[1]), int.Parse(dates[0]), int.Parse(times[0]), int.Parse(times[1]), 0); } } lblFromDate.Text = fromdate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); lbltodate.Text = Todate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); int vehcleid = Convert.ToInt32(ddlvehicle.SelectedItem.Value); vecmd = new MySqlCommand("SELECT sno, fuel, doe, userid, operetedby, costperltr FROM fuel_transaction WHERE (doe BETWEEN @d1 AND @d2) AND (transtype = 2)"); vecmd.Parameters.Add("@d1", GetLowDate(fromdate).AddDays(-1)); vecmd.Parameters.Add("@d2", GetHighDate(Todate).AddDays(-1)); DataTable dtOpp = devdm.SelectQuery(vecmd).Tables[0]; if (dtOpp.Rows.Count > 0) { } vecmd = new MySqlCommand("SELECT sno, fuel, doe, userid, operetedby, costperltr FROM fuel_transaction WHERE (doe BETWEEN @d1 AND @d2) AND (transtype = 2)"); vecmd.Parameters.Add("@d1", GetLowDate(fromdate)); vecmd.Parameters.Add("@d2", GetHighDate(Todate)); DataTable dtclo = devdm.SelectQuery(vecmd).Tables[0]; if (dtclo.Rows.Count > 0) { } int BranchID = 1; if (vehcleid != 0) { vecmd = new MySqlCommand("SELECT employdata.employname,tripdata.routeid, tripdata.DieselCost, tripdata.fueltank,tripdata.pumpreading,tripdata.Tokenno, tripdata.vehiclestartreading,tripdata.refrigeration_fuel, tripdata.gpskms, tripdata.tripsheetno, tripdata.enddate, employdata.Phoneno AS phoneNumber, tripdata.sno, tripdata.loadtype, employdata.emp_licencenum AS LicenseNo, tripdata.routeid AS RouteName, vehicel_master.registration_no AS Vehicleno, vehicel_master.vm_model AS VehicleModel, minimasters.mm_name AS VehicleType, minimasters_1.mm_name AS VehicleMake,tripdata.endfuelvalue FROM tripdata INNER JOIN employdata ON tripdata.driverid = employdata.emp_sno INNER JOIN vehicel_master ON tripdata.vehicleno = vehicel_master.vm_sno INNER JOIN minimasters ON vehicel_master.vhtype_refno = minimasters.sno INNER JOIN minimasters minimasters_1 ON vehicel_master.vhmake_refno = minimasters_1.sno WHERE (tripdata.enddate BETWEEN @d1 AND @d2) AND (tripdata.userid = @BranchID) AND (tripdata.status = 'C') AND (vehicel_master.vm_sno=@vehcleid) order by tripdata.enddate"); vecmd.Parameters.Add("@BranchID", BranchID); vecmd.Parameters.Add("@d1", GetLowDate(fromdate)); vecmd.Parameters.Add("@d2", GetHighDate(Todate)); vecmd.Parameters.Add("@vehcleid", vehcleid); } else { vecmd = new MySqlCommand("SELECT employdata.employname,tripdata.routeid, tripdata.DieselCost, tripdata.fueltank,tripdata.pumpreading,tripdata.Tokenno, tripdata.vehiclestartreading,tripdata.refrigeration_fuel, tripdata.gpskms, tripdata.tripsheetno, tripdata.enddate, employdata.Phoneno AS phoneNumber, tripdata.sno, tripdata.loadtype, employdata.emp_licencenum AS LicenseNo, tripdata.routeid AS RouteName, vehicel_master.registration_no AS Vehicleno, vehicel_master.vm_model AS VehicleModel, minimasters.mm_name AS VehicleType, minimasters_1.mm_name AS VehicleMake,tripdata.endfuelvalue FROM tripdata INNER JOIN employdata ON tripdata.driverid = employdata.emp_sno INNER JOIN vehicel_master ON tripdata.vehicleno = vehicel_master.vm_sno INNER JOIN minimasters ON vehicel_master.vhtype_refno = minimasters.sno INNER JOIN minimasters minimasters_1 ON vehicel_master.vhmake_refno = minimasters_1.sno WHERE (tripdata.enddate BETWEEN @d1 AND @d2) AND (tripdata.userid = @BranchID) AND (tripdata.status = 'C') order by tripdata.enddate"); vecmd.Parameters.Add("@BranchID", BranchID); vecmd.Parameters.Add("@d1", GetLowDate(fromdate)); vecmd.Parameters.Add("@d2", GetHighDate(Todate)); } DataTable dtDiesel = devdm.SelectQuery(vecmd).Tables[0]; if (dtDiesel.Rows.Count > 0) { int i = 1; foreach (DataRow dr in dtDiesel.Rows) { DataRow newrow = Report.NewRow(); string assigndate = dr["enddate"].ToString(); DateTime dtPlantime = Convert.ToDateTime(assigndate); string date = dtPlantime.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy"); string time = dtPlantime.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy HH:mm"); string strPlantime = dtPlantime.ToString(); string[] PlanDateTime = time.Split(' '); string ledgertype = "Sales Accounts"; newrow["Ledger Type"] = ledgertype; newrow["Invoice Date"] = date; newrow["Customer Name"] = dr["Vehicleno"].ToString(); double DieselCost = 0; double.TryParse(dr["DieselCost"].ToString(), out DieselCost); double Diesel = 0; double.TryParse(dr["endfuelvalue"].ToString(), out Diesel); double refrigeration_fuel = 0; double.TryParse(dr["refrigeration_fuel"].ToString(), out refrigeration_fuel); double total = 0; total = Diesel + refrigeration_fuel; newrow["Qty"] = total; double NETVAL = total * DieselCost; newrow["Rate"] = DieselCost; newrow["Invoce No."] = "SVDS/PBK/DSL" + dr["Tokenno"].ToString() + ""; newrow["Item Name"] = "DIESEL"; newrow["Narration"] = "Being Diesel Isuue To " + dr["Vehicleno"].ToString() + " Invoice no: " + dr["Tokenno"].ToString() + ", Date: " + date + ""; newrow["Taxable Value"] = Math.Round(NETVAL, 2); newrow["Net Value"] = Math.Round(NETVAL, 2); newrow["CGST%"] = "0"; newrow["CGST Amount"] = "0"; newrow["IGST%"] = "0"; newrow["IGST Amount"] = "0"; newrow["SGST%"] = "0"; newrow["SGST Amount"] = "0"; Report.Rows.Add(newrow); } grdReports.DataSource = Report; grdReports.DataBind(); string title = "DieselReport From: " + fromdate.ToString() + " To: " + Todate.ToString(); Session["title"] = title; Session["filename"] = "DieselReport"; Session["xportdata"] = Report; //Session["quantity"] = quantity; } else { lblmsg.Text = "No data were found"; } } catch (Exception ex) { lblmsg.Text = ex.Message; } }
void GetReport() { try { lblmsg.Text = ""; pnlHide.Visible = true; Report = new DataTable(); Session["IDate"] = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); vdm = new VehicleDBMgr(); DateTime fromdate = DateTime.Now; string[] dateFromstrig = txtfromdate.Text.Split(' '); if (dateFromstrig.Length > 1) { if (dateFromstrig[0].Split('-').Length > 0) { string[] dates = dateFromstrig[0].Split('-'); string[] times = dateFromstrig[1].Split(':'); fromdate = new DateTime(int.Parse(dates[2]), int.Parse(dates[1]), int.Parse(dates[0]), int.Parse(times[0]), int.Parse(times[1]), 0); } } DateTime Todate = DateTime.Now; string[] dateTostrig = txttodate.Text.Split(' '); if (dateTostrig.Length > 1) { if (dateTostrig[0].Split('-').Length > 0) { string[] dates = dateTostrig[0].Split('-'); string[] times = dateTostrig[1].Split(':'); Todate = new DateTime(int.Parse(dates[2]), int.Parse(dates[1]), int.Parse(dates[0]), int.Parse(times[0]), int.Parse(times[1]), 0); } } lbl_selfromdate.Text = fromdate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); lbl_selttodate.Text = Todate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); Session["filename"] = "DAY WISE MILK SALE REPORT"; TimeSpan dateSpan = Todate.Subtract(fromdate); int NoOfdays = dateSpan.Days; NoOfdays = NoOfdays + 1; DataTable dtsubcategory = new DataTable(); //if (ddlReportType.SelectedValue == "1") //{ if (ddlSubCategoryName.SelectedValue == "ALL") { cmd = new MySqlCommand("SELECT products_subcategory.rank,DATE_FORMAT(indents.I_date, '%d %b %y') AS IndentDate, branchdata.BranchName, products_subcategory.tempsub_catsno,products_subcategory.description AS SubCatName, productsdata.tempsubcatsno, ROUND(SUM(indents_subtable.DeliveryQty), 2) AS DeliveryQty, ROUND(SUM(indents_subtable.UnitCost * indents_subtable.DeliveryQty), 2) AS SaleValue FROM branchmappingtable INNER JOIN branchdata ON branchmappingtable.SubBranch = branchdata.sno INNER JOIN branchmappingtable branchmappingtable_1 ON branchdata.sno = branchmappingtable_1.SuperBranch INNER JOIN branchdata branchdata_1 ON branchmappingtable_1.SubBranch = branchdata_1.sno INNER JOIN indents ON branchdata_1.sno = indents.Branch_id INNER JOIN indents_subtable ON indents.IndentNo = indents_subtable.IndentNo INNER JOIN productsdata ON indents_subtable.Product_sno = productsdata.sno INNER JOIN products_subcategory ON productsdata.tempsubcatsno = products_subcategory.tempsub_catsno INNER JOIN products_category ON products_subcategory.tempcatsno = products_category.tempcatsno WHERE (branchmappingtable.SuperBranch = @BranchID) AND (indents.I_date BETWEEN @d1 AND @d2) AND (indents_subtable.DeliveryQty > 0) AND (products_category.tempcatsno = @CatSno) GROUP BY IndentDate,products_subcategory.tempsub_catsno ORDER BY products_subcategory.tempsub_catsno"); // cmd = new MySqlCommand("SELECT ROUND(SUM(indents_subtable.DeliveryQty), 2) AS DeliveryQty, indents_subtable.Product_sno, products_subcategory.sno, products_subcategory.SubCatName, DATE_FORMAT(indents.I_date, '%d %b %y') AS IndentDate FROM branchmappingtable branchmappingtable_1 INNER JOIN branchdata branchdata_1 ON branchmappingtable_1.SubBranch = branchdata_1.sno INNER JOIN indents ON branchdata_1.sno = indents.Branch_id INNER JOIN indents_subtable ON indents.IndentNo = indents_subtable.IndentNo INNER JOIN productsdata ON indents_subtable.Product_sno = productsdata.sno INNER JOIN products_subcategory ON productsdata.SubCat_sno = products_subcategory.sno INNER JOIN products_category ON products_subcategory.category_sno = products_category.sno INNER JOIN branchmappingtable ON branchmappingtable_1.SuperBranch = branchmappingtable.SubBranch WHERE (branchmappingtable.SuperBranch = @BranchID) AND (indents.I_date BETWEEN @d1 AND @d2) AND (products_category.sno = '9') AND (branchmappingtable_1.SuperBranch <> 538) GROUP BY IndentDate, products_subcategory.sno"); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@BranchID", Session["branch"]); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CatSno", ddlReportType.SelectedValue); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@d1", GetLowDate(fromdate.AddDays(-1))); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@d2", GetHighDate(Todate.AddDays(-1))); dtble1 = vdm.SelectQuery(cmd).Tables[0]; //cmd = new MySqlCommand("SELECT SUM(tripsubdata.Qty) AS dispqty, products_category.Categoryname, products_subcategory.SubCatName, result.IndentDate FROM (SELECT dispatch.sno, dispatch.DispName, tripdat.Sno AS tripid, DATE_FORMAT(tripdat.I_Date, '%d %b %y') AS IndentDate FROM dispatch INNER JOIN triproutes ON dispatch.sno = triproutes.RouteID INNER JOIN (SELECT Sno, AssignDate, Status, I_Date FROM tripdata WHERE (I_Date BETWEEN @d1 AND @d2) AND (Status <> 'C')) tripdat ON triproutes.Tripdata_sno = tripdat.Sno WHERE (dispatch.Branch_Id = @branch) AND (dispatch.DispMode IS NOT NULL) AND (dispatch.DispMode <> 'SPL')) result INNER JOIN tripsubdata ON result.tripid = tripsubdata.Tripdata_sno INNER JOIN productsdata ON tripsubdata.ProductId = productsdata.sno INNER JOIN products_subcategory ON productsdata.SubCat_sno = products_subcategory.sno INNER JOIN products_category ON products_subcategory.category_sno = products_category.sno WHERE (products_category.sno = 9) GROUP BY products_subcategory.sno, result.IndentDate"); //cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@branch", Session["branch"]); //cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@d1", GetLowDate(fromdate.AddDays(-1))); //cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@d2", GetHighDate(Todate.AddDays(-1))); //dtdirect = vdm.SelectQuery(cmd).Tables[0]; DataView dv = dtble1.DefaultView; dv.Sort = "IndentDate ASC"; DataTable sortedProductDT = dv.ToTable(); if (sortedProductDT.Rows.Count > 0) { DataView view = new DataView(sortedProductDT); DataTable distinctproducts = view.ToTable(true, "SubCatName", "tempsub_catsno"); DataView dv1 = distinctproducts.DefaultView; dv1.Sort = "tempsub_catsno ASC"; sortedProductDT1 = dv1.ToTable(); Report = new DataTable(); Report.Columns.Add("SNo"); Report.Columns.Add("Date"); int count = 0; foreach (DataRow dr in sortedProductDT1.Rows) { Report.Columns.Add(dr["SubCatName"].ToString()).DataType = typeof(Double); } Report.Columns.Add("Total").DataType = typeof(Double); DataTable distincttable = view.ToTable(true, "IndentDate"); int i = 1; foreach (DataRow branch in distincttable.Rows) { DataRow newrow = Report.NewRow(); newrow["SNo"] = i; string AssignDate = branch["IndentDate"].ToString(); DateTime dtAssignDate = Convert.ToDateTime(AssignDate).AddDays(1); string AssigDate = dtAssignDate.ToString("dd MMM yyyy"); newrow["Date"] = AssigDate; double totmilk = 0; foreach (DataRow dr in sortedProductDT.Rows) { double directdel = 0; if (dr["IndentDate"].ToString() == AssignDate) { //foreach (DataRow drdtdirect in dtdirect.Select("IndentDate='" + AssignDate + "'")) //{ // if (drdtdirect["SubCatName"].ToString() == dr["SubCatName"].ToString()) // { // double.TryParse(drdtdirect["dispqty"].ToString(), out directdel); // } //} double delqty = 0; double.TryParse(dr["DeliveryQty"].ToString(), out delqty); newrow[dr["SubCatName"].ToString()] = Math.Round(delqty + directdel, 2); totmilk += delqty + directdel; } } newrow["Total"] = Math.Round(totmilk, 2); Report.Rows.Add(newrow); i++; } } } else { // AND (branchmappingtable.SubBranch NOT IN (538, 2749, 3928, 1801, 3625)) if (Session["branch"].ToString() == "172") { cmd = new MySqlCommand("SELECT products_subcategory.rank,DATE_FORMAT(indents.I_date, '%d %b %y') AS IndentDate, branchdata.BranchName, products_subcategory.tempcatsno, productsdata.tempsubcatsno, productsdata.ProductName, ROUND(SUM(indents_subtable.DeliveryQty), 2) AS DeliveryQty, ROUND(SUM(indents_subtable.UnitCost * indents_subtable.DeliveryQty), 2) AS SaleValue, products_category.description AS Categoryname FROM branchmappingtable INNER JOIN branchdata ON branchmappingtable.SubBranch = branchdata.sno INNER JOIN branchmappingtable branchmappingtable_1 ON branchdata.sno = branchmappingtable_1.SuperBranch INNER JOIN branchdata branchdata_1 ON branchmappingtable_1.SubBranch = branchdata_1.sno INNER JOIN indents ON branchdata_1.sno = indents.Branch_id INNER JOIN indents_subtable ON indents.IndentNo = indents_subtable.IndentNo INNER JOIN productsdata ON indents_subtable.Product_sno = productsdata.sno INNER JOIN products_subcategory ON productsdata.tempsubcatsno = products_subcategory.tempsub_catsno INNER JOIN products_category ON products_subcategory.tempcatsno = products_category.tempcatsno WHERE (branchmappingtable.SuperBranch = @BranchID) AND (branchmappingtable.SubBranch NOT IN (538, 2749, 3928, 1801, 3625)) AND (indents.I_date BETWEEN @d1 AND @d2) AND (indents_subtable.DeliveryQty > 0) AND (products_subcategory.tempsub_catsno = @SubCatsno) GROUP BY IndentDate,productsdata.ProductName ORDER BY products_subcategory.tempsub_catsno,productsdata.rank"); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@BranchID", Session["branch"].ToString()); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@d1", GetLowDate(fromdate.AddDays(-1))); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@d2", GetHighDate(Todate.AddDays(-1))); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SubCatsno", ddlSubCategoryName.SelectedValue); } else { cmd = new MySqlCommand("SELECT products_subcategory.rank,DATE_FORMAT(indents.I_date, '%d %b %y') AS IndentDate, branchdata.BranchName, products_subcategory.tempcatsno, productsdata.tempsubcatsno, productsdata.ProductName, ROUND(SUM(indents_subtable.DeliveryQty), 2) AS DeliveryQty, ROUND(SUM(indents_subtable.UnitCost * indents_subtable.DeliveryQty), 2) AS SaleValue, products_category.description AS Categoryname FROM branchmappingtable INNER JOIN branchdata ON branchmappingtable.SubBranch = branchdata.sno INNER JOIN branchmappingtable branchmappingtable_1 ON branchdata.sno = branchmappingtable_1.SuperBranch INNER JOIN branchdata branchdata_1 ON branchmappingtable_1.SubBranch = branchdata_1.sno INNER JOIN indents ON branchdata_1.sno = indents.Branch_id INNER JOIN indents_subtable ON indents.IndentNo = indents_subtable.IndentNo INNER JOIN productsdata ON indents_subtable.Product_sno = productsdata.sno INNER JOIN products_subcategory ON productsdata.tempsubcatsno = products_subcategory.tempsub_catsno INNER JOIN products_category ON products_subcategory.tempcatsno = products_category.tempcatsno WHERE (branchmappingtable.SuperBranch = @BranchID) AND (indents.I_date BETWEEN @d1 AND @d2) AND (indents_subtable.DeliveryQty > 0) AND (products_subcategory.tempsub_catsno = @SubCatsno) GROUP BY IndentDate,productsdata.ProductName ORDER BY products_subcategory.tempsub_catsno,productsdata.rank"); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@BranchID", Session["branch"].ToString()); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@d1", GetLowDate(fromdate.AddDays(-1))); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@d2", GetHighDate(Todate.AddDays(-1))); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SubCatsno", ddlSubCategoryName.SelectedValue); } dtsubcategory = vdm.SelectQuery(cmd).Tables[0]; //cmd = new MySqlCommand("SELECT SUM(tripsubdata.Qty) AS dispqty, products_category.Categoryname, products_subcategory.SubCatName, result.IndentDate FROM (SELECT dispatch.sno, dispatch.DispName, tripdat.Sno AS tripid, DATE_FORMAT(tripdat.I_Date, '%d %b %y') AS IndentDate FROM dispatch INNER JOIN triproutes ON dispatch.sno = triproutes.RouteID INNER JOIN (SELECT Sno, AssignDate, Status, I_Date FROM tripdata WHERE (I_Date BETWEEN @d1 AND @d2) AND (Status <> 'C')) tripdat ON triproutes.Tripdata_sno = tripdat.Sno WHERE (dispatch.Branch_Id = @branch) AND (dispatch.DispMode IS NOT NULL) AND (dispatch.DispMode <> 'SPL')) result INNER JOIN tripsubdata ON result.tripid = tripsubdata.Tripdata_sno INNER JOIN productsdata ON tripsubdata.ProductId = productsdata.sno INNER JOIN products_subcategory ON productsdata.SubCat_sno = products_subcategory.sno INNER JOIN products_category ON products_subcategory.category_sno = products_category.sno WHERE (products_category.sno = 9) GROUP BY products_subcategory.sno, result.IndentDate"); //cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@branch", Session["branch"]); //cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@d1", GetLowDate(fromdate.AddDays(-1))); //cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@d2", GetHighDate(Todate.AddDays(-1))); //dtdirect = vdm.SelectQuery(cmd).Tables[0]; DataView dv = dtsubcategory.DefaultView; dv.Sort = "IndentDate ASC"; DataTable sortedProductDT = dv.ToTable(); if (sortedProductDT.Rows.Count > 0) { DataView view = new DataView(sortedProductDT); distinctproducts = view.ToTable(true, "ProductName"); Report = new DataTable(); Report.Columns.Add("SNo"); Report.Columns.Add("Date"); int count = 0; foreach (DataRow dr in distinctproducts.Rows) { Report.Columns.Add(dr["ProductName"].ToString()).DataType = typeof(Double); } Report.Columns.Add("Total"); DataTable distincttable = view.ToTable(true, "IndentDate"); int i = 1; foreach (DataRow branch in distincttable.Rows) { DataRow newrow = Report.NewRow(); newrow["SNo"] = i; string AssignDate = branch["IndentDate"].ToString(); DateTime dtAssignDate = Convert.ToDateTime(AssignDate).AddDays(1); string AssigDate = dtAssignDate.ToString("dd MMM yyyy"); newrow["Date"] = AssigDate; double totmilk = 0; foreach (DataRow dr in sortedProductDT.Rows) { double directdel = 0; if (dr["IndentDate"].ToString() == AssignDate) { //foreach (DataRow drdtdirect in dtdirect.Select("IndentDate='" + AssignDate + "'")) //{ // if (drdtdirect["SubCatName"].ToString() == dr["SubCatName"].ToString()) // { // double.TryParse(drdtdirect["dispqty"].ToString(), out directdel); // } //} double delqty = 0; double.TryParse(dr["DeliveryQty"].ToString(), out delqty); newrow[dr["ProductName"].ToString()] = Math.Round(delqty + directdel, 2); totmilk += delqty + directdel; } } newrow["Total"] = Math.Round(totmilk, 2); Report.Rows.Add(newrow); i++; } } } DataRow newvartical = Report.NewRow(); newvartical["Date"] = "Total"; DataRow newAvg = Report.NewRow(); newAvg["Date"] = "Avg Per Day"; double Avgval = 0.0; double val = 0.0; foreach (DataColumn dc in Report.Columns) { if (dc.DataType == typeof(Double)) { Avgval = 0.0; val = 0.0; double.TryParse(Report.Compute("sum([" + dc.ToString() + "])", "[" + dc.ToString() + "]<>'0'").ToString(), out val); newvartical[dc.ToString()] = val; Avgval = val / NoOfdays; newAvg[dc.ToString()] = Math.Round(Avgval, 2); } } Report.Rows.Add(newvartical); Report.Rows.Add(newAvg); //} //if (ddlReportType.SelectedValue == "2") //{ // //cmd = new MySqlCommand("SELECT ind.IndentNo, DATE_FORMAT(ind.I_date, '%d %b %y') AS IndentDate, ROUND(SUM(indents_subtable.DeliveryQty), 2) AS DeliveryQty, indents_subtable.Product_sno,products_subcategory.sno, products_subcategory.SubCatName, products_category.sno AS categorysno FROM branchmappingtable INNER JOIN branchmappingtable branchmappingtable_1 ON branchmappingtable.SubBranch = branchmappingtable_1.SuperBranch INNER JOIN (SELECT IndentNo, Branch_id, TotalQty, TotalPrice, I_date, D_date, Status, UserData_sno, PaymentStatus, I_createdby, I_modifiedby, IndentType FROM indents WHERE (I_date BETWEEN @d1 AND @d2)) ind ON branchmappingtable_1.SubBranch = ind.Branch_id INNER JOIN indents_subtable ON ind.IndentNo = indents_subtable.IndentNo INNER JOIN productsdata ON indents_subtable.Product_sno = productsdata.sno INNER JOIN products_subcategory ON productsdata.SubCat_sno = products_subcategory.sno INNER JOIN products_category ON products_subcategory.category_sno = products_category.sno WHERE (branchmappingtable.SuperBranch = @branch) AND (products_category.sno = 10) OR (branchmappingtable.SuperBranch = @branch) AND (products_category.sno = 12) GROUP BY IndentDate, products_category.sno"); // //cmd = new MySqlCommand("SELECT ind.IndentNo, DATE_FORMAT(ind.I_date, '%d %b %y') AS IndentDate, ROUND(SUM(indents_subtable.DeliveryQty), 2) AS DeliveryQty, indents_subtable.Product_sno,products_subcategory.sno, products_subcategory.SubCatName, products_category.sno AS categorysno FROM branchmappingtable INNER JOIN branchmappingtable branchmappingtable_1 ON branchmappingtable.SubBranch = branchmappingtable_1.SuperBranch INNER JOIN (SELECT IndentNo, Branch_id, TotalQty, TotalPrice, I_date, D_date, Status, UserData_sno, PaymentStatus, I_createdby, I_modifiedby, IndentType FROM indents WHERE (I_date BETWEEN @d1 AND @d2)) ind ON branchmappingtable_1.SubBranch = ind.Branch_id INNER JOIN indents_subtable ON ind.IndentNo = indents_subtable.IndentNo INNER JOIN productsdata ON indents_subtable.Product_sno = productsdata.sno INNER JOIN products_subcategory ON productsdata.SubCat_sno = products_subcategory.sno INNER JOIN products_category ON products_subcategory.category_sno = products_category.sno WHERE (branchmappingtable.SuperBranch = @branch) AND (products_category.sno = 10) AND (branchmappingtable_1.SuperBranch <> 538) OR (branchmappingtable.SuperBranch = @branch) AND (products_category.sno = 12) AND (branchmappingtable_1.SuperBranch <> 538) GROUP BY IndentDate, products_category.sno"); // cmd = new MySqlCommand("SELECT ind.IndentNo, DATE_FORMAT(ind.I_date, '%d %b %y') AS IndentDate, ROUND(SUM(indents_subtable.DeliveryQty), 2) AS DeliveryQty, indents_subtable.Product_sno,products_subcategory.sno, products_subcategory.SubCatName, products_category.sno AS categorysno FROM branchmappingtable INNER JOIN branchmappingtable branchmappingtable_1 ON branchmappingtable.SubBranch = branchmappingtable_1.SuperBranch INNER JOIN (SELECT IndentNo, Branch_id, TotalQty, TotalPrice, I_date, D_date, Status, UserData_sno, PaymentStatus, I_createdby, I_modifiedby, IndentType FROM indents WHERE (I_date BETWEEN @d1 AND @d2)) ind ON branchmappingtable_1.SubBranch = ind.Branch_id INNER JOIN indents_subtable ON ind.IndentNo = indents_subtable.IndentNo INNER JOIN productsdata ON indents_subtable.Product_sno = productsdata.sno INNER JOIN products_subcategory ON productsdata.SubCat_sno = products_subcategory.sno INNER JOIN products_category ON products_subcategory.category_sno = products_category.sno WHERE (branchmappingtable.SuperBranch = @branch) AND (products_category.sno = 10) AND (branchmappingtable_1.SuperBranch <> 538) AND (productsdata.Units <> @units) OR (branchmappingtable.SuperBranch = @branch) AND (products_category.sno = 12) AND (branchmappingtable_1.SuperBranch <> 538) AND (productsdata.Units <> @units) GROUP BY IndentDate, products_category.sno"); // cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@branch", Session["branch"]); // cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@units", "ltr"); // cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@d1", GetLowDate(fromdate.AddDays(-1))); // cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@d2", GetHighDate(Todate.AddDays(-1))); // dtcurdBM = vdm.SelectQuery(cmd).Tables[0]; // //cmd = new MySqlCommand("SELECT SUM(tripsubdata.Qty) AS dispqty, products_category.Categoryname,products_category.sno AS categorysno,result.IndentDate FROM (SELECT dispatch.sno, dispatch.DispName, tripdat.Sno AS tripid, DATE_FORMAT(tripdat.I_Date, '%d %b %y') AS IndentDate FROM dispatch INNER JOIN triproutes ON dispatch.sno = triproutes.RouteID INNER JOIN (SELECT Sno, AssignDate, Status, I_Date FROM tripdata WHERE (I_Date BETWEEN @d1 AND @d2) AND (Status <> 'C')) tripdat ON triproutes.Tripdata_sno = tripdat.Sno WHERE (dispatch.Branch_Id = @branch) AND (dispatch.DispMode IS NOT NULL) AND (dispatch.DispMode <> 'SPL')) result INNER JOIN tripsubdata ON result.tripid = tripsubdata.Tripdata_sno INNER JOIN productsdata ON tripsubdata.ProductId = productsdata.sno INNER JOIN products_subcategory ON productsdata.SubCat_sno = products_subcategory.sno INNER JOIN products_category ON products_subcategory.category_sno = products_category.sno WHERE (products_category.sno = 10) OR (products_category.sno = 12) GROUP BY result.IndentDate, products_category.sno"); // //cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@branch", Session["branch"]); // //cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@d1", GetLowDate(fromdate.AddDays(-1))); // //cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@d2", GetHighDate(Todate.AddDays(-1))); // //dtdirectcurdBM = vdm.SelectQuery(cmd).Tables[0]; // if (dtcurdBM.Rows.Count > 0) // { // DataView view = new DataView(dtcurdBM); // Report = new DataTable(); // Report.Columns.Add("SNo"); // Report.Columns.Add("Date"); // Report.Columns.Add("Curd", typeof(Double)); // Report.Columns.Add("Butter Milk", typeof(Double)); // Report.Columns.Add("Total Curd & BM", typeof(Double)); // DataTable distincttable = view.ToTable(true, "IndentDate"); // int i = 1; // foreach (DataRow branch in distincttable.Rows) // { // DataRow newrow = Report.NewRow(); // newrow["SNo"] = i; // string AssignDate = branch["IndentDate"].ToString(); // DateTime dtAssignDate = Convert.ToDateTime(AssignDate).AddDays(1); // string AssigDate = dtAssignDate.ToString("dd MMM yyyy"); // newrow["Date"] = AssigDate; // double totmilk = 0; // foreach (DataRow dr in dtcurdBM.Rows) // { // double directdel = 0; // if (dr["IndentDate"].ToString() == AssignDate) // { // //foreach (DataRow drdtdirect in dtdirectcurdBM.Select("IndentDate='" + AssignDate + "'")) // //{ // // if (drdtdirect["categorysno"].ToString() == dr["categorysno"].ToString()) // // { // // double.TryParse(drdtdirect["dispqty"].ToString(), out directdel); // // } // //} // double delqty = 0; // double.TryParse(dr["DeliveryQty"].ToString(), out delqty); // if (dr["categorysno"].ToString() == "10") // { // newrow["Curd"] = Math.Round(delqty + directdel, 2); // totmilk += delqty + directdel; // } // if (dr["categorysno"].ToString() == "12") // { // double div = 0; // div = delqty + directdel; // newrow["Butter Milk"] = Math.Round(div / 3); // totmilk += div + directdel; // } // } // } // newrow["Total Curd & BM"] = Math.Round(totmilk, 2); // Report.Rows.Add(newrow); // i++; // } // } // DataRow newvartical = Report.NewRow(); // newvartical["Date"] = "Total"; // DataRow newAvg = Report.NewRow(); // newAvg["Date"] = "Avg Per Day"; // double Avgval = 0.0; // double val = 0.0; // foreach (DataColumn dc in Report.Columns) // { // if (dc.DataType == typeof(Double)) // { // Avgval = 0.0; // val = 0.0; // double.TryParse(Report.Compute("sum([" + dc.ToString() + "])", "[" + dc.ToString() + "]<>'0'").ToString(), out val); // newvartical[dc.ToString()] = val; // Avgval = val / NoOfdays; // newAvg[dc.ToString()] = Math.Round(Avgval, 2); // } // } // Report.Rows.Add(newvartical); // Report.Rows.Add(newAvg); //} grdtotal_dcReports.DataSource = Report; grdtotal_dcReports.DataBind(); //for (int jj = 0; jj < grdtotal_dcReports.Rows.Count; jj++) //{ // DataGridViewRow dgvr = // DataGridViewCell dr = // double previousvalue = 0; // int i = 0; // int count = 0; // for (int rowcnt = 2; rowcnt < dgvr.Cells.Count; rowcnt++) // { // //int diff = 0; // //int.TryParse(dgvr.Cells[rowcnt].Text, out diff); // if (count == 0 || count == 1) // { // double presentvalue = 0; // double.TryParse(dgvr.Cells[rowcnt].Text, out presentvalue); // if (presentvalue < previousvalue) // { // dgvr.Cells[rowcnt].BackColor = Color.SandyBrown; // // double.TryParse(dgvr.Cells[rowcnt].Text, out previousvalue); // } // else // { // dgvr.Cells[rowcnt].BackColor = Color.Green; // double.TryParse(dgvr.Cells[rowcnt].Text, out previousvalue); // } // if (dgvr.Cells[1].Text.Contains("Avg Per Day")) // { // previousvalue = 0; // } // count++; // } // else // { // count = 0; // previousvalue = 0; // double presentvalue = 0; // double.TryParse(dgvr.Cells[rowcnt].Text, out presentvalue); // if (presentvalue < previousvalue) // { // dgvr.Cells[rowcnt].BackColor = Color.SandyBrown; // // double.TryParse(dgvr.Cells[rowcnt].Text, out previousvalue); // } // else // { // dgvr.Cells[rowcnt].BackColor = Color.Green; // double.TryParse(dgvr.Cells[rowcnt].Text, out previousvalue); // } // if (dgvr.Cells[1].Text.Contains("Avg Per Day")) // { // previousvalue = 0; // } // //double presentvalue = 0; // //double.TryParse(dgvr.Cells[rowcnt].Text, out presentvalue); // //if (presentvalue < previousvalue) // //{ // // dgvr.Cells[rowcnt].BackColor = Color.SandyBrown; // // // double.TryParse(dgvr.Cells[rowcnt].Text, out previousvalue); // //} // //else // //{ // // dgvr.Cells[rowcnt].BackColor = Color.Green; // // double.TryParse(dgvr.Cells[rowcnt].Text, out previousvalue); // //} // //if (dgvr.Cells[1].Text.Contains("Avg Per Day")) // //{ // // previousvalue = 0; // //} // } //} // } } catch (Exception ex) { } }
protected void btn_Generate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { lblmsg.Text = ""; Report.Columns.Add("Ledger Type"); Report.Columns.Add("Customer Name"); Report.Columns.Add("Invoce No."); Report.Columns.Add("Invoice Date"); Report.Columns.Add("HSN Code"); Report.Columns.Add("Item Name"); Report.Columns.Add("Qty"); Report.Columns.Add("Rate"); Report.Columns.Add("Taxable Value"); Report.Columns.Add("SGST%"); Report.Columns.Add("SGST Amount"); Report.Columns.Add("CGST%"); Report.Columns.Add("CGST Amount"); Report.Columns.Add("IGST%"); Report.Columns.Add("IGST Amount"); Report.Columns.Add("Net Value"); Report.Columns.Add("Narration"); devdm = new VehicleDBMgr(); SalesDBManager vdm = new SalesDBManager(); DateTime fromdate = DateTime.Now; string[] dateFromstrig = dtp_FromDate.Text.Split(' '); if (dateFromstrig.Length > 1) { if (dateFromstrig[0].Split('-').Length > 0) { string[] dates = dateFromstrig[0].Split('-'); string[] times = dateFromstrig[1].Split(':'); fromdate = new DateTime(int.Parse(dates[2]), int.Parse(dates[1]), int.Parse(dates[0]), int.Parse(times[0]), int.Parse(times[1]), 0); } } DateTime Todate = DateTime.Now; string[] dateTostrig = dtp_Todate.Text.Split(' '); if (dateTostrig.Length > 1) { if (dateTostrig[0].Split('-').Length > 0) { string[] dates = dateTostrig[0].Split('-'); string[] times = dateTostrig[1].Split(':'); Todate = new DateTime(int.Parse(dates[2]), int.Parse(dates[1]), int.Parse(dates[0]), int.Parse(times[0]), int.Parse(times[1]), 0); } } vecmd = new MySqlCommand("SELECT sno, fuel, doe, userid, operetedby, costperltr FROM fuel_transaction WHERE (doe BETWEEN @d1 AND @d2) AND (transtype = 2)"); vecmd.Parameters.Add("@d1", GetLowDate(fromdate).AddDays(-1)); vecmd.Parameters.Add("@d2", GetHighDate(Todate).AddDays(-1)); DataTable dtOpp = devdm.SelectQuery(vecmd).Tables[0]; if (dtOpp.Rows.Count > 0) { } vecmd = new MySqlCommand("SELECT sno, fuel, doe, userid, operetedby, costperltr FROM fuel_transaction WHERE (doe BETWEEN @d1 AND @d2) AND (transtype = 2)"); vecmd.Parameters.Add("@d1", GetLowDate(fromdate)); vecmd.Parameters.Add("@d2", GetHighDate(Todate)); DataTable dtclo = devdm.SelectQuery(vecmd).Tables[0]; if (dtclo.Rows.Count > 0) { } string product = ddl_product.SelectedItem.Value; string type = ddl_type.SelectedItem.Value; DataTable dtDiesel = new DataTable(); if (product == "Spares") { if (type == "vehicle") { int vehcleid = Convert.ToInt32(ddlvehicle.SelectedItem.Value); cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT suboutwarddetails.perunit, suboutwarddetails.totalcost, suboutwarddetails.quantity, productmaster.productname,, outwarddetails.inwarddate, productmaster.HSNcode, outwarddetails.issueno FROM outwarddetails INNER JOIN suboutwarddetails ON outwarddetails.sno = suboutwarddetails.in_refno INNER JOIN productmaster ON suboutwarddetails.productid = productmaster.productid INNER JOIN categorymaster ON productmaster.productcode = categorymaster.cat_code INNER JOIN sectionmaster ON outwarddetails.section_id = sectionmaster.sectionid WHERE (categorymaster.cat_code = '15') AND (outwarddetails.inwarddate BETWEEN @fromdate AND @todate) AND (outwarddetails.branchid = '2') AND (sectionmaster.sectionid = @vehcleid)"); cmd.Parameters.Add("@fromdate", GetLowDate(fromdate)); cmd.Parameters.Add("@todate", GetLowDate(Todate)); cmd.Parameters.Add("@vehcleid", vehcleid); } else { cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT suboutwarddetails.perunit, suboutwarddetails.totalcost, suboutwarddetails.quantity, productmaster.productname,, outwarddetails.inwarddate, productmaster.HSNcode, outwarddetails.issueno FROM outwarddetails INNER JOIN suboutwarddetails ON outwarddetails.sno = suboutwarddetails.in_refno INNER JOIN productmaster ON suboutwarddetails.productid = productmaster.productid INNER JOIN categorymaster ON productmaster.productcode = categorymaster.cat_code INNER JOIN sectionmaster ON outwarddetails.section_id = sectionmaster.sectionid WHERE (categorymaster.cat_code = '15') AND (outwarddetails.inwarddate BETWEEN @fromdate AND @todate) AND (outwarddetails.branchid = '2')"); cmd.Parameters.Add("@fromdate", GetLowDate(fromdate)); cmd.Parameters.Add("@todate", GetLowDate(Todate)); } dtDiesel = vdm.SelectQuery(cmd).Tables[0]; } else if (product == "Diesel") { } //devdm.SelectQuery(vecmd).Tables[0]; if (dtDiesel.Rows.Count > 0) { int i = 1; foreach (DataRow dr in dtDiesel.Rows) { DataRow newrow = Report.NewRow(); string assigndate = dr["inwarddate"].ToString(); DateTime dtPlantime = Convert.ToDateTime(assigndate); string date = dtPlantime.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy"); string time = dtPlantime.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy HH:mm"); string strPlantime = dtPlantime.ToString(); string[] PlanDateTime = time.Split(' '); string ledgertype = "Sales Accounts"; newrow["HSN Code"] = dr["HSNcode"].ToString(); //"27101930"; newrow["Ledger Type"] = ledgertype; newrow["Invoice Date"] = date; newrow["Customer Name"] = dr["name"].ToString(); double Diesel = 0; double.TryParse(dr["quantity"].ToString(), out Diesel); //double refrigeration_fuel = 0; //double.TryParse(dr["refrigeration_fuel"].ToString(), out refrigeration_fuel); double total = 0; total = Diesel; //+ refrigeration_fuel; newrow["Qty"] = total; double RATE = Convert.ToDouble(dr["perunit"].ToString()); //Convert.ToDouble(PRICE); double NETVAL = total * RATE; newrow["Rate"] = RATE; newrow["Invoce No."] = "SVDS/PBK/DSL" + dr["issueno"].ToString() + ""; newrow["CGST%"] = "0"; newrow["CGST Amount"] = "0"; newrow["IGST%"] = "0"; newrow["IGST Amount"] = "0"; newrow["SGST%"] = "0"; newrow["SGST Amount"] = "0"; newrow["Item Name"] = dr["productname"].ToString(); //"DIESEL"; newrow["Narration"] = "Being " + dr["productname"].ToString() + " Isuue To " + dr["name"].ToString() + " Invoice no: " + dr["issueno"].ToString() + ", Date: " + date + ""; newrow["Taxable Value"] = Math.Round(NETVAL, 2); newrow["Net Value"] = Math.Round(NETVAL, 2); Report.Rows.Add(newrow); } grdReports.DataSource = Report; grdReports.DataBind(); string title = "DieselReport From: " + fromdate.ToString() + " To: " + Todate.ToString(); Session["title"] = title; Session["filename"] = "DieselReport"; Session["xportdata"] = Report; //Session["quantity"] = quantity; } else { if (product == "Diesel") { lblmsg.Text = "Please Goto Stores Diesel Report"; } else { lblmsg.Text = "No data were found"; } } } catch (Exception ex) { lblmsg.Text = ex.Message; } }