예제 #1
            internal static void RegisterElement <T, TElement, TSerializer>() where TSerializer : ITypeSerializer
                DeserializeDictionary <TSerializer> .ParseDictionary <T, TElement>(null, null, null, null);

                DeserializeDictionary <TSerializer> .ParseDictionary <TElement, T>(null, null, null, null);

                ToStringDictionaryMethods <T, TElement, TSerializer> .WriteIDictionary(null, null, null, null);

                ToStringDictionaryMethods <TElement, T, TSerializer> .WriteIDictionary(null, null, null, null);

                // Include List deserialisations from the Register<> method above.  This solves issue where List<Guid> properties on responses deserialise to null.
                // No idea why this is happening because there is no visible exception raised.  Suspect MonoTouch is swallowing an AOT exception somewhere.
                DeserializeArrayWithElements <TElement, TSerializer> .ParseGenericArray(null, null);

                DeserializeListWithElements <TElement, TSerializer> .ParseGenericList(null, null, null);

                // Cannot use the line below for some unknown reason - when trying to compile to run on device, mtouch bombs during native code compile.
                // Something about this line or its inner workings is offensive to mtouch. Luckily this was not needed for my List<Guide> issue.
                // DeserializeCollection<JsonTypeSerializer>.ParseCollection<TElement>(null, null, null);

                TranslateListWithElements <TElement> .LateBoundTranslateToGenericICollection(null, typeof(List <TElement>));

                TranslateListWithConvertibleElements <TElement, TElement> .LateBoundTranslateToGenericICollection(null, typeof(List <TElement>));