예제 #1
        public override void OnHit(Mobile attacker, Mobile defender, int damage)
            if (!Validate(attacker))


            BaseWeapon weapon = attacker.Weapon as BaseWeapon;

            if (weapon == null)

            if (!CheckMana(attacker, true))

            int    level = attacker.Skills[SkillName.Poisoning].Fixed / 250;
            Poison p     = Poison.GetPoison(level);

            defender.FixedParticles(0x3728, 244, 25, 9941, 1266, 0, EffectLayer.Waist);

            if (defender.ApplyPoison(attacker, p) != ApplyPoisonResult.Immune)
                attacker.SendLocalizedMessage(1008096, true, defender.Name);                   // You have poisoned your target :
                defender.SendLocalizedMessage(1008097, false, attacker.Name);                  //  : poisoned you!

                Titles.AwardKarma(attacker, -10, true);
예제 #2
                protected override void OnTarget(Mobile from, object targeted)
                    TradeOrderCrate order = targeted as TradeOrderCrate;

                    if (order != null)
                        if (CityLoyaltySystem.CityTrading.TryTurnIn(from, order, Minister))
                            if (List.ContainsKey(from))

                            if (order.Entry != null && order.Entry.Distance > 0)
                                from.SendLocalizedMessage(1073621); // Your reward has been placed in your backpack.

                            Titles.AwardKarma(from, 100, true);
                        from.SendLocalizedMessage(1151731); // That is not a valid trade order. Please try again.
                        from.Target = new InternalTarget(Minister);
예제 #3
                    protected override void OnTick()
                        if (m_From.CheckTargetSkill(SkillName.Poisoning, m_Target, m_MinSkill, m_MaxSkill))
                            if (m_Target is Food food)
                                food.Poison = m_Poison;
                            else if (m_Target is BaseWeapon weapon)
                                weapon.Poison        = m_Poison;
                                weapon.PoisonCharges = 18 - m_Poison.Level * 2;
                            else if (m_Target is FukiyaDarts darts)
                                darts.Poison        = m_Poison;
                                darts.PoisonCharges = Math.Min(18 - m_Poison.Level * 2,
                            else if (m_Target is Shuriken shuriken)
                                shuriken.Poison        = m_Poison;
                                shuriken.PoisonCharges = Math.Min(18 - m_Poison.Level * 2,

                            m_From.SendLocalizedMessage(1010517); // You apply the poison

                            Titles.AwardKarma(m_From, -20, true);
                        else // Failed
                            // 5% of chance of getting poisoned if failed
                            if (m_From.Skills.Poisoning.Base < 80.0 && Utility.Random(20) == 0)
                                m_From.SendLocalizedMessage(502148); // You make a grave mistake while applying the poison.
                                m_From.ApplyPoison(m_From, m_Poison);
                                if (m_Target is BaseWeapon weapon)
                                    if (weapon.Type == WeaponType.Slashing)
                                            1010516); // You fail to apply a sufficient dose of poison on the blade
                                            1010518); // You fail to apply a sufficient dose of poison
                                    m_From.SendLocalizedMessage(1010518); // You fail to apply a sufficient dose of poison
예제 #4
            public static void Reward(Mobile m, object targeted, Item reward, String rewardName)             //Gift Time!
                Mobile t      = (Mobile)targeted;
                bool   orcs   = IsOrc(t);
                bool   savage = IsSavage(t);

                if (reward != null)
                    t.Say(1074854);                              // Here, take this...
                    m.SendLocalizedMessage(1074853, rewardName); // You have been given ~1_name~
                    m.SendMessage("They don't seem notice you");         //Nope didnt get anything at all!
                if (!orcs && !savage && m.Karma > -3000)                 //If greater than -3K Karma you lose some
                    int toLose = m.Karma + 3000;

                    if (toLose > 40)
                        toLose = 40;

                    Titles.AwardKarma(m, -toLose, true);

                    t.SendLocalizedMessage(500404);                     // They seem unwilling to give you any money.
예제 #5
        public override void OnAdded(object parent)

            if (parent is Mobile)
                Titles.AwardKarma((Mobile)parent, -20, true);
예제 #6
        public void Carve(Mobile from, Item item)
            if (IsCriminalAction(from) && this.Map != null && (this.Map.Rules & MapRules.HarmfulRestrictions) != 0)
                if (m_Owner == null || !m_Owner.Player)
                    from.SendLocalizedMessage(1005035);                       // You did not earn the right to loot this creature!
                    from.SendLocalizedMessage(1010049);                       // You may not loot this corpse.

            Mobile dead = m_Owner;

            if (GetFlag(CorpseFlag.Carved) || dead == null)
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(500485);                   // You see nothing useful to carve from the corpse.
            else if (((Body)Amount).IsHuman && ItemID == 0x2006)
                new Blood(0x122D).MoveToWorld(Location, Map);

                new Torso().MoveToWorld(Location, Map);
                new LeftLeg().MoveToWorld(Location, Map);
                new LeftArm().MoveToWorld(Location, Map);
                new RightLeg().MoveToWorld(Location, Map);
                new RightArm().MoveToWorld(Location, Map);
                new Head(dead.Name).MoveToWorld(Location, Map);

                SetFlag(CorpseFlag.Carved, true);

                ItemID = Utility.Random(0xECA, 9);                   // bone graphic
                Hue    = 0;

                Titles.AwardKarma(from, -50, true);

                if (IsCriminalAction(from))
            else if (dead is BaseCreature)
                ((BaseCreature)dead).OnCarve(from, this, item);
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(500485);                   // You see nothing useful to carve from the corpse.
예제 #7
            protected override void OnTarget(Mobile from, object targeted)
                if (targeted is HenchmanFamiliarItem && from.Backpack != null)
                    HenchmanFamiliarItem ball = targeted as HenchmanFamiliarItem;
                    Container            pack = from.Backpack;

                    int toConsume = 0;

                    if (ball.Charges < 50)
                        toConsume = 500;

                        if (BeggingPose(from) > 0)                           // LET US SEE IF THEY ARE BEGGING - WIZARD
                            toConsume = toConsume - (int)((from.Skills[SkillName.Begging].Value * 0.005) * toConsume);
                        m_Mage.SayTo(from, "That crystal ball has too many charges already.");

                    if (toConsume == 0)

                    if (pack.ConsumeTotal(typeof(Gold), toConsume))
                        if (BeggingPose(from) > 0)
                            Titles.AwardKarma(from, -BeggingKarma(from), true);
                        }                                                                                                               // DO ANY KARMA LOSS
                        m_Mage.SayTo(from, "Your crystal ball is charged.");
                        from.SendMessage(String.Format("You pay {0} gold.", toConsume));
                        Effects.PlaySound(from.Location, from.Map, 0x5C1);
                        ball.Charges = ball.Charges + 5;
                        m_Mage.SayTo(from, "It would cost you {0} gold to have that charged.", toConsume);
                        from.SendMessage("You do not have enough gold.");
                    m_Mage.SayTo(from, "That does not need my services.");
예제 #8
            protected override void OnTarget(Mobile from, object targeted)
                if (targeted is PackBeastItem && from.Backpack != null)
                    PackBeastItem ball = targeted as PackBeastItem;
                    Container     pack = from.Backpack;

                    int toConsume = 0;

                    if (ball.Charges < 50)
                        toConsume = 1000;

                        if (BeggingPose(from) > 0)                           // LET US SEE IF THEY ARE BEGGING
                            toConsume = toConsume - (int)((from.Skills[SkillName.Begging].Value * 0.005) * toConsume);
                        m_Druid.SayTo(from, "You pack animal has been tended to enough.");

                    if (toConsume == 0)

                    if (pack.ConsumeTotal(typeof(Gold), toConsume))
                        if (BeggingPose(from) > 0)
                            Titles.AwardKarma(from, -BeggingKarma(from), true);
                        }                                                                                                               // DO ANY KARMA LOSS
                        m_Druid.SayTo(from, "Your pack animal is properly tended to.");
                        from.SendMessage(String.Format("You pay {0} gold.", toConsume));
                        Effects.PlaySound(from.Location, from.Map, 0x5C1);
                        ball.Charges = ball.Charges + 5;
                        m_Druid.SayTo(from, "It would cost you {0} gold to have that pack animal tended to.", toConsume);
                        from.SendMessage("You do not have enough gold.");
                    m_Druid.SayTo(from, "That does not need my services.");
예제 #9
            protected override void OnTarget(Mobile from, object targeted)
                if (targeted is BookBox && from.Backpack != null)
                    m_Thief.SayTo(from, "I cannot help with such a cursed item.");
                else if (targeted is LockableContainer && from.Backpack != null)
                    LockableContainer box  = (LockableContainer)targeted;
                    Container         pack = from.Backpack;

                    int toConsume = 1000;
                    if (BeggingPose(from) > 0)                       // LET US SEE IF THEY ARE BEGGING
                        toConsume = toConsume - (int)((from.Skills[SkillName.Begging].Value * 0.005) * toConsume);

                    if (toConsume == 0)

                    if (pack.ConsumeTotal(typeof(Gold), toConsume))
                        if (BeggingPose(from) > 0)
                            Titles.AwardKarma(from, -BeggingKarma(from), true);
                        }                                                                                                               // DO ANY KARMA LOSS
                        m_Thief.SayTo(from, "That is now unlocked.");
                        from.SendMessage(String.Format("You pay {0} gold.", toConsume));
                        Effects.PlaySound(from.Location, from.Map, 0x241);
                        box.Locked        = false;
                        box.TrapPower     = 0;
                        box.TrapLevel     = 0;
                        box.LockLevel     = 0;
                        box.MaxLockLevel  = 0;
                        box.RequiredSkill = 0;
                        box.TrapType      = TrapType.None;
                        m_Thief.SayTo(from, "It would cost you {0} gold to have that unlocked.", toConsume);
                        from.SendMessage("You do not have enough gold.");
                    m_Thief.SayTo(from, "That does not need my services.");
예제 #10
        public override bool OnEquip(Mobile from)
            if (from.RawInt > from.RawDex)
                Attributes.BonusDex = 0;
                Attributes.BonusInt = 0;

            Titles.AwardKarma(from, -22, true);

예제 #11
        public static int AntiqueTotalValue(int cost, Mobile player, bool karma)
            int gold = cost;

            gold = gold + AntiqueMerchantGold(cost, player);
            gold = gold + AntiqueBeggingGold(cost, player);
            gold = gold + AntiqueGuildGold(cost, player);

            if (BaseVendor.BeggingPose(player) > 0 && karma)
                Titles.AwardKarma(player, -BaseVendor.BeggingKarma(player), false);

예제 #12
        public override void OnDoubleClick(Mobile from)
            if (from.InRange(this.GetWorldLocation(), 2))
                bool LookInside = true;

                if (from.Backpack.FindItemByType(typeof(ThiefNote)) != null)
                    Item      mail     = from.Backpack.FindItemByType(typeof(ThiefNote));
                    ThiefNote envelope = (ThiefNote)mail;

                    if (envelope.NoteOwner == from && envelope.NoteItemGot > 0 && HayTown == envelope.NoteDeliverTo && envelope.NoteDeliverType == 2)
                        LoggingFunctions.LogGeneric(from, "has stolen " + envelope.NoteItem + ".");
                        from.AddToBackpack(new Gold(envelope.NoteReward));
                        Titles.AwardFame(from, ((int)(envelope.NoteReward / 100)), true);
                        Titles.AwardKarma(from, -((int)(envelope.NoteReward / 100)), true);
                        Server.Items.ThiefNote.SetupNote(envelope, from);
                        from.LocalOverheadMessage(MessageType.Emote, 1150, true, "You collected your reward.");
                        from.SendMessage("You found another secret note for you.");
                        LookInside = false;

                if (LookInside)
                    string message = "There is nothing of interest in here.";

                    if (Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 20) == 1 && Stackable == false)
                        message = "You pull something out of the hay and it falls by your feet.";
                    Stackable = true;

                from.SendLocalizedMessage(502138);                   // That is too far away for you to use
예제 #13
파일: Slim.cs 프로젝트: pallop/Servuo
                protected override void OnTarget(Mobile from, object targeted)
                    TradeOrderCrate order = targeted as TradeOrderCrate;

                    if (order != null)
                        if (CityLoyaltySystem.CityTrading.TryTurnInToSlim(from, order, Slim))
                            from.SendLocalizedMessage(1073621); // Your reward has been placed in your backpack.

                            Titles.AwardKarma(from, -100, true);
                        from.SendLocalizedMessage(1151731);                         // That is not a valid trade order. Please try again.
                        from.Target = new InternalTarget(Slim);
예제 #14
        public override bool CheckCast()
            if (!base.CheckCast())

            if (Caster.Skills[CastSkill].Value < RequiredSkill)
                Caster.SendMessage("You lack the skills to use this necromancer liquid!");

            if (Caster.Karma > -2459)
                Titles.AwardKarma(Caster, -50, true);

예제 #15
        public override void OnCast()
            if (this.CheckSequence())
                TimeSpan duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds((2 * this.Caster.Skills.Magery.Fixed) / 5);

                if (Core.AOS)  /* Why two diff daemons? TODO: solve this */
                    BaseCreature m_Daemon = new SummonedDaemon();
                    SpellHelper.Summon(m_Daemon, this.Caster, 0x216, duration, false, false);
                    m_Daemon.FixedParticles(0x3728, 8, 20, 5042, EffectLayer.Head);
                    SpellHelper.Summon(new Daemon(), this.Caster, 0x216, duration, false, false);
                Titles.AwardKarma(this.Caster, -50, true);

예제 #16
        public virtual bool CheckSequence()
            int mana = ScaleMana(GetMana());

            if (m_Caster.Deleted || !m_Caster.Alive || m_Caster.Spell != this || m_State != SpellState.Sequencing)
            else if (m_Scroll != null && !(m_Scroll is Runebook) &&
                     (m_Scroll.Amount <= 0 || m_Scroll.Deleted || m_Scroll.RootParent != m_Caster ||
                      (m_Scroll is BaseWand && (((BaseWand)m_Scroll).Charges <= 0 || m_Scroll.Parent != m_Caster)) ||
                      (m_Scroll is GnarledStaff && (((GnarledStaff)m_Scroll).Charges <= 0 || m_Scroll.Parent != m_Caster))))
            else if (!ConsumeReagents())
                m_Caster.LocalOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x22, 502630);                 // More reagents are needed for this spell.
            else if (m_Caster.Mana < mana)
                m_Caster.LocalOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x22, 502625);                 // Insufficient mana for this spell.
            else if (m_Caster.Region is CustomRegion && !(m_Caster.Region).OnBeginSpellCast(m_Caster, this))
                m_Caster.SendMessage("You cannot cast that spell here.");
            else if (m_Caster.EraAOS && (m_Caster.Frozen || m_Caster.Paralyzed))
                m_Caster.SendLocalizedMessage(502646);                 // You cannot cast a spell while frozen.
            else if (m_Caster is PlayerMobile && ((PlayerMobile)m_Caster).PeacedUntil > DateTime.UtcNow)
                m_Caster.SendLocalizedMessage(1072060);                 // You cannot cast a spell while calmed.
            else if (CheckFizzle())
                m_Caster.Mana -= mana;

                if (m_Scroll is SpellScroll)
                else if (m_Scroll is BaseWand)
                else if (m_Scroll is GnarledStaff)

                if (m_Scroll is BaseWand || m_Scroll is GnarledStaff)

                    bool m = m_Scroll.Movable;

                    m_Scroll.Movable = false;

                    if (ClearHandsOnCast)

                    m_Scroll.Movable = m;
                    if (ClearHandsOnCast)

                int karma = ComputeKarmaAward();

                if (karma != 0)
                    Titles.AwardKarma(Caster, karma, true);

                if (m_Caster is PlayerMobile)
                    Conquests.CheckProgress <SuccessfulSpellConquest>(m_Caster as PlayerMobile, m_Caster.Spell);


예제 #17
                protected override void OnTick()
                    Container theirPack = m_Target.Backpack;

                    double badKarmaChance = 0.5 - ((double)m_From.Karma / 8570);

                    if (theirPack == null)
                        m_From.SendLocalizedMessage(500404); // They seem unwilling to give you any money.
                    else if (m_From.Karma < 0 && badKarmaChance > Utility.RandomDouble())
                        m_Target.PublicOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, m_Target.SpeechHue, 500406); // Thou dost not look trustworthy... no gold for thee today!
                    else if (m_From.CheckTargetSkill(SkillName.Begging, m_Target, 0.0, 100.0))
                        int toConsume = theirPack.GetAmount(typeof(Gold)) / 10;
                        int max       = 10 + (m_From.Fame / 2500);

                        if (max > 14)
                            max = 14;
                        else if (max < 10)
                            max = 10;

                        if (toConsume > max)
                            toConsume = max;

                        if (toConsume > 0)
                            int consumed = theirPack.ConsumeUpTo(typeof(Gold), toConsume);

                            if (consumed > 0)
                                m_Target.PublicOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, m_Target.SpeechHue, 500405); // I feel sorry for thee...

                                Gold gold = new Gold(consumed);


                                if (m_From.Karma > -3000)
                                    int toLose = m_From.Karma + 3000;

                                    if (toLose > 40)
                                        toLose = 40;

                                    Titles.AwardKarma(m_From, -toLose, true);
                                m_Target.PublicOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, m_Target.SpeechHue, 500407); // I have not enough money to give thee any!
                            m_Target.PublicOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, m_Target.SpeechHue, 500407); // I have not enough money to give thee any!
                        m_Target.SendLocalizedMessage(500404); // They seem unwilling to give you any money.

                    m_From.NextSkillTime = Core.TickCount + 10000;
예제 #18
        public static void Container_Snoop(Container cont, Mobile from)
            if (from.AccessLevel > AccessLevel.Player || from.InRange(cont.GetWorldLocation(), 1))
                Mobile root = cont.RootParent as Mobile;

                if (root != null && !root.Alive)

                if (root != null && root.AccessLevel > AccessLevel.Player && from.AccessLevel == AccessLevel.Player)
                    from.SendLocalizedMessage(500209); // You can not peek into the container.

                if (root != null && from.AccessLevel == AccessLevel.Player && !CheckSnoopAllowed(from, root))
                    from.SendLocalizedMessage(1001018); // You cannot perform negative acts on your target.

                if (root != null && from.AccessLevel == AccessLevel.Player && from.Skills[SkillName.Snooping].Value < Utility.Random(100))
                    Map map = from.Map;

                    if (map != null && !from.Hidden)
                        string message = String.Format("You notice {0} attempting to peek into {1}'s belongings.", from.Name, root.Name);

                        IPooledEnumerable eable = map.GetClientsInRange(from.Location, 8);

                        foreach (NetState ns in eable)
                            if (ns.Mobile != from)


                if (from.AccessLevel == AccessLevel.Player)
                    Titles.AwardKarma(from, -4, true);

                if (from.AccessLevel > AccessLevel.Player || from.CheckTargetSkill(SkillName.Snooping, cont, 0.0, 100.0))
                    if (cont is TrapableContainer && ((TrapableContainer)cont).ExecuteTrap(from))

                    from.SendLocalizedMessage(500210); // You failed to peek into the container.

                    if (from.Skills[SkillName.Hiding].Value / 2 < Utility.Random(100))
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(500446); // That is too far away.
            protected override void OnTarget(Mobile from, object targeted)
                int nCost  = 40;
                int nCost2 = 1000;

                if (BeggingPose(from) > 0)                   // LET US SEE IF THEY ARE BEGGING
                    nCost = nCost - (int)((from.Skills[SkillName.Begging].Value * 0.005) * nCost); if (nCost < 1)
                        nCost = 1;
                    nCost2 = nCost2 - (int)((from.Skills[SkillName.Begging].Value * 0.005) * nCost2);

                if (targeted is UnknownLiquid && from.Backpack != null)
                    Item      brew      = targeted as Item;
                    Container pack      = from.Backpack;
                    int       toConsume = nCost;

                    if (pack.ConsumeTotal(typeof(Gold), toConsume))
                        if (BeggingPose(from) > 0)
                            Titles.AwardKarma(from, -BeggingKarma(from), true);
                        }                                                                                                               // DO ANY KARMA LOSS
                        from.SendMessage(String.Format("You pay {0} gold.", toConsume));

                        m_AlchemistGuildmaster.Animate(34, 5, 1, true, false, 0);

                        int    potionType = Utility.RandomMinMax(0, 40);
                        string potionName = "";

                        if (potionType == 0)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new NightSightPotion()); potionName = "night sight potion";
                        else if (potionType == 1)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new LesserCurePotion()); potionName = "lesser cure potion";
                        else if (potionType == 2)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new CurePotion()); potionName = "cure potion";
                        else if (potionType == 3)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new GreaterCurePotion()); potionName = "greater cure potion";
                        else if (potionType == 4)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new AgilityPotion()); potionName = "agility potion";
                        else if (potionType == 5)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new GreaterAgilityPotion()); potionName = "greater agility potion";
                        else if (potionType == 6)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new StrengthPotion()); potionName = "strength";
                        else if (potionType == 7)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new GreaterStrengthPotion()); potionName = "greater strength potion";
                        else if (potionType == 8)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new LesserPoisonPotion()); potionName = "lesser poison";
                        else if (potionType == 9)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new PoisonPotion()); potionName = "poison";
                        else if (potionType == 10)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new GreaterPoisonPotion()); potionName = "greater poison";
                        else if (potionType == 11)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new DeadlyPoisonPotion()); potionName = "deadly poison";
                        else if (potionType == 12)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new RefreshPotion()); potionName = "refresh potion";
                        else if (potionType == 13)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new TotalRefreshPotion()); potionName = "total refresh potion";
                        else if (potionType == 14)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new LesserHealPotion()); potionName = "lesser heal potion";
                        else if (potionType == 15)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new HealPotion()); potionName = "heal potion";
                        else if (potionType == 16)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new GreaterHealPotion()); potionName = "greater heal potion";
                        else if (potionType == 17)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new LesserExplosionPotion()); potionName = "lesser explosion potion";
                        else if (potionType == 18)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new ExplosionPotion()); potionName = "explosion potion";
                        else if (potionType == 19)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new GreaterExplosionPotion()); potionName = "greater explosion potion";
                        else if (potionType == 20)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new LesserInvisibilityPotion()); potionName = "lesser invisibility potion";
                        else if (potionType == 21)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new InvisibilityPotion()); potionName = "invisibility potion";
                        else if (potionType == 22)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new GreaterInvisibilityPotion()); potionName = "greater invisibility potion";
                        else if (potionType == 23)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new LesserRejuvenatePotion()); potionName = "lesser rejuvenation potion";
                        else if (potionType == 24)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new RejuvenatePotion()); potionName = "rejuvenation potion";
                        else if (potionType == 25)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new GreaterRejuvenatePotion()); potionName = "greater rejuvenation potion";
                        else if (potionType == 26)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new LesserManaPotion()); potionName = "lesser mana potion";
                        else if (potionType == 27)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new ManaPotion()); potionName = "mana potion";
                        else if (potionType == 28)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new GreaterManaPotion()); potionName = "greater mana potion";
                        else if (potionType == 29)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new InvulnerabilityPotion()); potionName = "invulnerability potion";
                        else if (potionType == 30)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new AutoResPotion()); potionName = "resurrection potion";
                        else if (potionType == 31)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new OilMetal()); potionName = "metal enhancement oil";
                        else if (potionType == 32)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new OilLeather()); potionName = "leather enhancement oil";
                        else if (potionType == 33)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new BottleOfAcid()); potionName = "acid";
                        else if (potionType == 34)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new MagicalDyes()); potionName = "magical dye";
                        else if (potionType == 35)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new BeverageBottle(BeverageType.Ale)); potionName = "ale";
                        else if (potionType == 36)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new BeverageBottle(BeverageType.Wine)); potionName = "wine";
                        else if (potionType == 37)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new BeverageBottle(BeverageType.Liquor)); potionName = "liquor";
                        else if (potionType == 38)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new BeverageBottle(BeverageType.Ale)); potionName = "ale";
                        else if (potionType == 39)
                            from.AddToBackpack(new BeverageBottle(BeverageType.Wine)); potionName = "wine";
                            from.AddToBackpack(new BeverageBottle(BeverageType.Liquor)); potionName = "liquor";

                        m_AlchemistGuildmaster.SayTo(from, "This seems to be a bottle of " + potionName + ".");
                        m_AlchemistGuildmaster.SayTo(from, "It would cost you {0} gold to have that identified.", toConsume);
                        from.SendMessage("You do not have enough gold.");
                else if (targeted is UnknownKeg && from.Backpack != null)
                    Item      brew      = targeted as Item;
                    Container pack      = from.Backpack;
                    int       toConsume = nCost2;

                    if (pack.ConsumeTotal(typeof(Gold), toConsume))
                        if (BeggingPose(from) > 0)
                            Titles.AwardKarma(from, -BeggingKarma(from), true);
                        }                                                                                                               // DO ANY KARMA LOSS
                        from.SendMessage(String.Format("You pay {0} gold.", toConsume));

                        m_AlchemistGuildmaster.Animate(34, 5, 1, true, false, 0);

                        Item       Kitem  = new PotionKeg();
                        PotionKeg  barrel = (PotionKeg)Kitem;
                        UnknownKeg tub    = (UnknownKeg)brew;
                        barrel.Held = tub.KegFilled;
                        int nBarrel = 0;

                        int potionType = Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 36);

                        if (potionType == 1)
                            barrel.Type = PotionEffect.Nightsight;
                        else if (potionType == 2)
                            barrel.Type = PotionEffect.CureLesser;
                        else if (potionType == 3)
                            barrel.Type = PotionEffect.Cure;
                        else if (potionType == 4)
                            barrel.Type = PotionEffect.CureGreater;
                        else if (potionType == 5)
                            barrel.Type = PotionEffect.Agility;
                        else if (potionType == 6)
                            barrel.Type = PotionEffect.AgilityGreater;
                        else if (potionType == 7)
                            barrel.Type = PotionEffect.Strength;
                        else if (potionType == 8)
                            barrel.Type = PotionEffect.StrengthGreater;
                        else if (potionType == 9)
                            barrel.Type = PotionEffect.PoisonLesser;
                        else if (potionType == 10)
                            barrel.Type = PotionEffect.Poison;
                        else if (potionType == 11)
                            barrel.Type = PotionEffect.PoisonGreater;
                        else if (potionType == 12)
                            barrel.Type = PotionEffect.PoisonDeadly;
                        else if (potionType == 13)
                            barrel.Type = PotionEffect.Refresh;
                        else if (potionType == 14)
                            barrel.Type = PotionEffect.RefreshTotal;
                        else if (potionType == 15)
                            barrel.Type = PotionEffect.HealLesser;
                        else if (potionType == 16)
                            barrel.Type = PotionEffect.Heal;
                        else if (potionType == 17)
                            barrel.Type = PotionEffect.HealGreater;
                        else if (potionType == 18)
                            barrel.Type = PotionEffect.ExplosionLesser;
                        else if (potionType == 19)
                            barrel.Type = PotionEffect.Explosion;
                        else if (potionType == 20)
                            barrel.Type = PotionEffect.ExplosionGreater;
                        else if (potionType == 21)
                            barrel.Type = PotionEffect.InvisibilityLesser;
                        else if (potionType == 22)
                            barrel.Type = PotionEffect.Invisibility;
                        else if (potionType == 23)
                            barrel.Type = PotionEffect.InvisibilityGreater;
                        else if (potionType == 24)
                            barrel.Type = PotionEffect.RejuvenateLesser;
                        else if (potionType == 25)
                            barrel.Type = PotionEffect.Rejuvenate;
                        else if (potionType == 26)
                            barrel.Type = PotionEffect.RejuvenateGreater;
                        else if (potionType == 27)
                            barrel.Type = PotionEffect.ManaLesser;
                        else if (potionType == 28)
                            barrel.Type = PotionEffect.Mana;
                        else if (potionType == 29)
                            barrel.Type = PotionEffect.ManaGreater;
                        else if (potionType == 30)
                            barrel.Type = PotionEffect.PoisonLethal;
                        else if (potionType == 31)
                            barrel.Type = PotionEffect.Invulnerability;

                        if (potionType > 31)
                            nBarrel = 1;
                            from.AddToBackpack(new Keg());
                            Effects.PlaySound(from.Location, from.Map, 0x026);
                            m_AlchemistGuildmaster.SayTo(from, "This seems to be barrel of dirty water, which I will dump out for you.");

                        if (nBarrel == 0)
                            Server.Items.PotionKeg.SetColorKeg(barrel, barrel);
                            m_AlchemistGuildmaster.SayTo(from, "This seems to be a " + barrel.Name + ".");

                        m_AlchemistGuildmaster.SayTo(from, "It would cost you {0} gold to have that identified.", toConsume);
                        from.SendMessage("You do not have enough gold.");
                    m_AlchemistGuildmaster.SayTo(from, "That does not need my services.");
예제 #20
        public static void EventSink_PlayerDeath(Mobile m)
            var killers = new List <Mobile>();
            var toGive  = new List <Mobile>();

            foreach (var ai in m.Aggressors)
                if (ai.Attacker.Player && ai.CanReportMurder && !ai.Reported)
                    if (!Core.SE || !((PlayerMobile)m).RecentlyReported.Contains(ai.Attacker))
                        ai.Reported        = true;
                        ai.CanReportMurder = false;

                if (ai.Attacker.Player && DateTime.UtcNow - ai.LastCombatTime < TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30.0) &&

            foreach (var ai in m.Aggressed)
                if (ai.Defender.Player && DateTime.UtcNow - ai.LastCombatTime < TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30.0) &&

            foreach (var g in toGive)
                var n = Notoriety.Compute(g, m);

                var ourKarma = g.Karma;
                var innocent = n == Notoriety.Innocent;
                var criminal = n == Notoriety.Criminal || n == Notoriety.Murderer;

                var fameAward  = m.Fame / 200;
                var karmaAward = 0;

                if (innocent)
                    karmaAward = ourKarma > -2500 ? -850 : -110 - m.Karma / 100;
                else if (criminal)
                    karmaAward = 50;

                Titles.AwardFame(g, fameAward, false);
                Titles.AwardKarma(g, karmaAward, true);

            if (m is PlayerMobile mobile && mobile.NpcGuild == NpcGuild.ThievesGuild)

            if (killers.Count > 0)
                new GumpTimer(m, killers).Start();
예제 #21
            protected override void OnTarget(Mobile from, object targeted)
                if (targeted is BaseMagicStaff && from.Backpack != null)
                    BaseMagicStaff ba   = targeted as BaseMagicStaff;
                    BaseWeapon     bw   = targeted as BaseWeapon;
                    Container      pack = from.Backpack;

                    int toConsume   = 0;
                    int spellCircle = 0;
                    int myCharges   = 0;

                    if (bw.IntRequirement == 10)
                        spellCircle = 1; myCharges = 30;
                    else if (bw.IntRequirement == 15)
                        spellCircle = 2; myCharges = 23;
                    else if (bw.IntRequirement == 20)
                        spellCircle = 3; myCharges = 18;
                    else if (bw.IntRequirement == 25)
                        spellCircle = 4; myCharges = 15;
                    else if (bw.IntRequirement == 30)
                        spellCircle = 5; myCharges = 12;
                    else if (bw.IntRequirement == 35)
                        spellCircle = 6; myCharges = 9;
                    else if (bw.IntRequirement == 40)
                        spellCircle = 7; myCharges = 6;
                    else if (bw.IntRequirement == 45)
                        spellCircle = 8; myCharges = 3;

                    if (bw.IntRequirement < 1)
                        m_Enchanter.SayTo(from, "That does not need my services.");
                    else if (ba.Charges <= myCharges)
                        toConsume = spellCircle * 100;

                        if (BeggingPose(from) > 0)                           // LET US SEE IF THEY ARE BEGGING
                            toConsume = toConsume - (int)((from.Skills[SkillName.Begging].Value * 0.005) * toConsume);
                        m_Enchanter.SayTo(from, "That wand has too many charges already.");

                    if (toConsume == 0)

                    if (pack.ConsumeTotal(typeof(Gold), toConsume))
                        if (BeggingPose(from) > 0)
                            Titles.AwardKarma(from, -BeggingKarma(from), true);
                        }                                                                                                               // DO ANY KARMA LOSS
                        m_Enchanter.SayTo(from, "Your wand is charged.");
                        from.SendMessage(String.Format("You pay {0} gold.", toConsume));
                        Effects.PlaySound(from.Location, from.Map, 0x5C1);
                        ba.Charges = ba.Charges + 5;
                        m_Enchanter.SayTo(from, "It would cost you {0} gold to have that charged.", toConsume);
                        from.SendMessage("You do not have enough gold.");
                    m_Enchanter.SayTo(from, "That does not need my services.");
예제 #22
        public static void EventSink_PlayerDeath(PlayerDeathEventArgs e)
            Mobile m = e.Mobile;

            if (m.LastKiller != null &&
                (m.LastKiller == m || m.LastKiller is BaseGuard ||
                 m.LastKiller is BaseCreature && ((BaseCreature)m.LastKiller).GetMaster() == m))

            var killers = new List <Mobile>();
            var toGive  = new List <Mobile>();

            DateTime now = DateTime.UtcNow;

            foreach (AggressorInfo ai in m.Aggressors)
                //Allow people of the same ethic to flag each other as murderers?  Factioners can?
                if (ai.Attacker.Player && ai.CanReportMurder && !ai.Reported &&
                    (!m.EraSE || !((PlayerMobile)m).RecentlyReported.Contains(ai.Attacker)))
                    ai.Reported        = true;
                    ai.CanReportMurder = false;

                if (ai.Attacker.Player && now - ai.LastCombatTime < TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30.0) && !toGive.Contains(ai.Attacker))

            foreach (AggressorInfo ai in
                         ai => ai.Defender.Player && now - ai.LastCombatTime < TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30.0) && !toGive.Contains(ai.Defender)))

            foreach (Mobile g in toGive)
                int n = Notoriety.Compute(g, m);

                //int theirKarma = m.Karma;
                int  ourKarma = g.Karma;
                bool innocent = (n == Notoriety.Innocent);
                bool criminal = (n == Notoriety.Criminal || n == Notoriety.Murderer);

                int fameAward  = m.Fame / 200;
                int karmaAward = 0;

                if (innocent)
                    karmaAward = (ourKarma > -2500 ? -850 : -110 - (m.Karma / 100));
                else if (criminal)
                    karmaAward = 50;

                Titles.AwardFame(g, fameAward, false);
                Titles.AwardKarma(g, karmaAward, true);

            if (m is PlayerMobile && ((PlayerMobile)m).NpcGuild == NpcGuild.ThievesGuild)

            if (killers.Count == 0)

            if (m is PlayerMobile && ((PlayerMobile)m).Young && MurderSystemController._MurderYoungFreezeSeconds > 0)
                new ParaTimer(m, killers).Start();

            new GumpTimer(m, killers, m.Location, m.Map).Start();

            foreach (Mobile killer in killers)

                if (killer is PlayerMobile)
                    var playerKiller = (PlayerMobile)killer;

                    foreach (Mobile pet in playerKiller.AllFollowers)

예제 #23
        }// an evil orc helm
        public override bool OnEquip(Mobile from)
            Titles.AwardKarma(from, -22, true);

예제 #24
            protected override void OnTarget(Mobile from, object targeted)
                if (targeted is MagicRobe && from.Backpack != null)
                    Item      ba        = targeted as Item;
                    Container pack      = from.Backpack;
                    int       toConsume = 0;

                    if (ba.ItemID != 0x1F03 && ba.ItemID != 0x1F04)
                        int nCost = 5;

                        if (BeggingPose(from) > 0)                           // LET US SEE IF THEY ARE BEGGING - WIZARD
                            nCost = nCost - (int)((from.Skills[SkillName.Begging].Value * 0.005) * nCost); if (nCost < 1)
                                nCost = 1;
                        toConsume = nCost;
                        m_Weaver.SayTo(from, "That does not need my services.");

                    if (toConsume == 0)

                    if (pack.ConsumeTotal(typeof(Gold), toConsume))
                        if (BeggingPose(from) > 0)
                            Titles.AwardKarma(from, -BeggingKarma(from), true);
                        }                                                                                                               // DO ANY KARMA LOSS
                        m_Weaver.SayTo(from, "Here is your robe.");
                        from.SendMessage(String.Format("You pay {0} gold.", toConsume));
                        Effects.PlaySound(from.Location, from.Map, 0x248);
                        ba.ItemID = 0x1F03;
                        ba.Name   = "robe";
                        m_Weaver.SayTo(from, "It would cost you {0} gold to have that done.", toConsume);
                        from.SendMessage("You do not have enough gold.");
                else if (targeted is MagicCloak && from.Backpack != null)
                    Item      ba        = targeted as Item;
                    Container pack      = from.Backpack;
                    int       toConsume = 0;

                    if (ba.ItemID != 0x1515 && ba.ItemID != 0x1530)
                        int nCost = 5;

                        if (BeggingPose(from) > 0)                           // LET US SEE IF THEY ARE BEGGING - WIZARD
                            nCost = nCost - (int)((from.Skills[SkillName.Begging].Value * 0.005) * nCost); if (nCost < 1)
                                nCost = 1;
                        toConsume = nCost;
                        m_Weaver.SayTo(from, "That does not need my services.");

                    if (toConsume == 0)

                    if (pack.ConsumeTotal(typeof(Gold), toConsume))
                        if (BeggingPose(from) > 0)
                            Titles.AwardKarma(from, -BeggingKarma(from), true);
                        }                                                                                                               // DO ANY KARMA LOSS
                        m_Weaver.SayTo(from, "Here is your cloak.");
                        from.SendMessage(String.Format("You pay {0} gold.", toConsume));
                        Effects.PlaySound(from.Location, from.Map, 0x248);
                        ba.ItemID = 0x1515;
                        ba.Name   = "cloak";
                        m_Weaver.SayTo(from, "It would cost you {0} gold to have that done.", toConsume);
                        from.SendMessage("You do not have enough gold.");
                else if (targeted is BaseHat && from.Backpack != null && !(targeted is DeerMask) && !(targeted is BearMask))
                    BaseHat   ba        = targeted as BaseHat;
                    Container pack      = from.Backpack;
                    int       toConsume = 0;

                    if (ba.HitPoints < ba.MaxHitPoints)
                        int nCost = 10;

                        if (BeggingPose(from) > 0)                           // LET US SEE IF THEY ARE BEGGING - WIZARD
                            nCost = nCost - (int)((from.Skills[SkillName.Begging].Value * 0.005) * nCost); if (nCost < 1)
                                nCost = 1;
                            toConsume = (ba.MaxHitPoints - ba.HitPoints) * nCost;
                            toConsume = (ba.MaxHitPoints - ba.HitPoints) * nCost;
                    else if (ba.HitPoints >= ba.MaxHitPoints)
                        m_Weaver.SayTo(from, "That does not need to be repaired.");
                        m_Weaver.SayTo(from, "I cannot repair that.");

                    if (toConsume == 0)

                    if (pack.ConsumeTotal(typeof(Gold), toConsume))
                        if (BeggingPose(from) > 0)
                            Titles.AwardKarma(from, -BeggingKarma(from), true);
                        }                                                                                                               // DO ANY KARMA LOSS
                        m_Weaver.SayTo(from, "Here is your hat.");
                        from.SendMessage(String.Format("You pay {0} gold.", toConsume));
                        Effects.PlaySound(from.Location, from.Map, 0x248);
                        ba.MaxHitPoints -= 1;
                        ba.HitPoints     = ba.MaxHitPoints;
                        m_Weaver.SayTo(from, "It would cost you {0} gold to have that repaired.", toConsume);
                        from.SendMessage("You do not have enough gold.");
                else if (targeted is UnidentifiedItem)
                    Container        packs    = from.Backpack;
                    int              nCost    = 200;
                    UnidentifiedItem WhatIsIt = (UnidentifiedItem)targeted;

                    if (BeggingPose(from) > 0)                       // LET US SEE IF THEY ARE BEGGING - WIZARD
                        nCost = nCost - (int)((from.Skills[SkillName.Begging].Value * 0.005) * nCost); if (nCost < 1)
                            nCost = 1;
                    int toConsume = nCost;

                    if (WhatIsIt.VendorCanID != "Tailor")
                        m_Weaver.SayTo(from, "Sorry, I cannot tell what that is.");
                    else if (packs.ConsumeTotal(typeof(Gold), toConsume))
                        string      MyItemName = "item";
                        Container   pack       = (Container)targeted;
                        List <Item> items      = new List <Item>();
                        foreach (Item item in pack.Items)
                        foreach (Item item in items)
                            MyItemName = item.Name;
                        if (MyItemName == "")
                            MyItemName = "item";
                        from.SendMessage(String.Format("You pay {0} gold.", toConsume));
                        m_Weaver.SayTo(from, "Let me tell you about this item...");
                        m_Weaver.SayTo(from, "It would cost you {0} gold to have that identified.", toConsume);
                        from.SendMessage("You do not have enough gold.");
                    m_Weaver.SayTo(from, "That does not need my services.");
예제 #25
        public static void Container_Snoop(Container cont, Mobile from)
            if (from.IsStaff() || from.InRange(cont.GetWorldLocation(), 1))
                Mobile root = cont.RootParent as Mobile;

                if (root != null && !root.Alive)

                if (from.IsPlayer() && root is BaseCreature && !(cont is StrongBackpack))

                if (root != null && root.IsStaff() && from.IsPlayer())
                    from.SendLocalizedMessage(500209); // You can not peek into the container.

                if (root != null && from.IsPlayer() && !CheckSnoopAllowed(from, root))
                    from.SendLocalizedMessage(1001018); // You cannot perform negative acts on your target.

                if (root != null && from.IsPlayer() && from.Skills[SkillName.Snooping].Value < Utility.Random(100))
                    Map map = from.Map;

                    if (map != null)
                        string message = $"You notice {from.Name} peeking into your belongings!";

                        root.Send(new AsciiMessage(-1, -1, MessageType.Label, 946, 3, "", message));

                if (from.IsPlayer())
                    Titles.AwardKarma(from, -4, true);

                if (from.IsStaff() || from.CheckTargetSkill(SkillName.Snooping, cont, 0.0, 100.0))
                    if (cont is TrapableContainer && ((TrapableContainer)cont).ExecuteTrap(from))

                    from.SendLocalizedMessage(500210); // You failed to peek into the container.

                    if (from.Skills[SkillName.Hiding].Value / 2 < Utility.Random(100))
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(500446); // That is too far away.
예제 #26
        public static void EventSink_PlayerDeath(PlayerDeathEventArgs e)
            Mobile m = e.Mobile;

            List <Mobile> killers = new List <Mobile>();
            List <Mobile> toGive  = new List <Mobile>();

            foreach (AggressorInfo ai in m.Aggressors)
                if (ai.Attacker.Player && ai.CanReportMurder && !ai.Reported)
                    if (!Core.SE || !((PlayerMobile)m).RecentlyReported.Contains(ai.Attacker))
                        ai.Reported        = true;
                        ai.CanReportMurder = false;
                if (ai.Attacker.Player && (DateTime.Now - ai.LastCombatTime) < TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30.0) && !toGive.Contains(ai.Attacker))

            foreach (AggressorInfo ai in m.Aggressed)
                if (ai.Defender.Player && (DateTime.Now - ai.LastCombatTime) < TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30.0) && !toGive.Contains(ai.Defender))

            foreach (Mobile g in toGive)
                int n = Notoriety.Compute(g, m);

                int  theirKarma = m.Karma, ourKarma = g.Karma;
                bool innocent = (n == Notoriety.Innocent);
                bool criminal = (n == Notoriety.Criminal || n == Notoriety.Murderer);

                int fameAward  = m.Fame / 200;
                int karmaAward = 0;

                if (innocent)
                    karmaAward = (ourKarma > -2500 ? -850 : -110 - (m.Karma / 100));
                else if (criminal)
                    karmaAward = 50;

                Titles.AwardFame(g, fameAward, false);
                Titles.AwardKarma(g, karmaAward, true);

            if (m is PlayerMobile && ((PlayerMobile)m).NpcGuild == NpcGuild.ThievesGuild)

            if (killers.Count > 0)
                new GumpTimer(m, killers).Start();
예제 #27
파일: Spell.cs 프로젝트: jizzyjim/16Below
        public virtual bool CheckSequence()
            int mana = ScaleMana(GetMana());

            if (m_Caster.Deleted || !m_Caster.Alive || m_Caster.Spell != this || m_State != SpellState.Sequencing)
            else if (m_Scroll != null && (m_Scroll.Amount <= 0 || m_Scroll.Deleted || m_Scroll.RootParent != m_Caster ||
                                          (m_Scroll is BaseWand && (((BaseWand)m_Scroll).Charges <= 0 || m_Scroll.Parent != m_Caster))))
            else if (!ConsumeReagents())
                m_Caster.LocalOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x22, 502630);                 // More reagents are needed for this spell.
            else if (m_Caster.Mana < mana)
                m_Caster.LocalOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x22, 502625);                 // Insufficient mana for this spell.
            else if (Core.AOS && (m_Caster.Frozen || m_Caster.Paralyzed))
                m_Caster.SendLocalizedMessage(502646);                 // You cannot cast a spell while frozen.
            else if (m_Caster is PlayerMobile && ((PlayerMobile)m_Caster).PeacedUntil > DateTime.UtcNow)
                m_Caster.SendLocalizedMessage(1072060);                 // You cannot cast a spell while calmed.
            else if (CheckFizzle())
                m_Caster.Mana -= mana;

                if (m_Scroll is SpellScroll)
                #region SA
                else if (m_Scroll is SpellStone)
                    // The SpellScroll check above isn't removing the SpellStones for some reason.

                else if (m_Scroll is BaseWand)

                if (m_Scroll is BaseWand)
                    bool m = m_Scroll.Movable;

                    m_Scroll.Movable = false;

                    if (ClearHandsOnCast)

                    m_Scroll.Movable = m;
                    if (ClearHandsOnCast)

                int karma = ComputeKarmaAward();

                if (karma != 0)
                    Titles.AwardKarma(Caster, karma, true);


예제 #28
파일: Begging.cs 프로젝트: jizzyjim/16Below
                protected override void OnTick()
                    Container theirPack = m_Target.Backpack;

                    double badKarmaChance = 0.5 - ((double)m_From.Karma / 8570);

                    if (theirPack == null && m_Target.Race != Race.Elf)
                        m_From.SendLocalizedMessage(500404); // They seem unwilling to give you any money.
                    else if (m_From.Karma < 0 && badKarmaChance > Utility.RandomDouble())
                        m_Target.PublicOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, m_Target.SpeechHue, 500406);
                        // Thou dost not look trustworthy... no gold for thee today!
                    else if (m_From.CheckTargetSkill(SkillName.Begging, m_Target, 0.0, 100.0))
                        if (m_Target.Race != Race.Elf)
                            int toConsume = theirPack.GetAmount(typeof(Gold)) / 10;
                            int max       = 10 + (m_From.Fame / 2500);

                            if (max > 14)
                                max = 14;
                            else if (max < 10)
                                max = 10;

                            if (toConsume > max)
                                toConsume = max;

                            if (toConsume > 0)
                                int consumed = theirPack.ConsumeUpTo(typeof(Gold), toConsume);

                                if (consumed > 0)
                                    m_Target.PublicOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, m_Target.SpeechHue, 500405);
                                    // I feel sorry for thee...

                                    Gold gold = new Gold(consumed);


                                    if (m_From.Karma > -3000)
                                        int toLose = m_From.Karma + 3000;

                                        if (toLose > 40)
                                            toLose = 40;

                                        Titles.AwardKarma(m_From, -toLose, true);
                                    m_Target.PublicOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, m_Target.SpeechHue, 500407);
                                    // I have not enough money to give thee any!
                                m_Target.PublicOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, m_Target.SpeechHue, 500407);
                                // I have not enough money to give thee any!
                            double chance     = Utility.RandomDouble();
                            Item   reward     = new Gold(1);
                            string rewardName = "";
                            if (chance >= .99)
                                int rand = Utility.Random(8);

                                if (rand == 0)
                                    reward     = new BegBedRoll();
                                    rewardName = "a bedroll";
                                else if (rand == 1)
                                    reward     = new BegCookies();
                                    rewardName = "a plate of cookies.";
                                else if (rand == 2)
                                    reward     = new BegFishSteak();
                                    rewardName = "a fish steak.";
                                else if (rand == 3)
                                    reward     = new BegFishingPole();
                                    rewardName = "a fishing pole.";
                                else if (rand == 4)
                                    reward     = new BegFlowerGarland();
                                    rewardName = "a flower garland.";
                                else if (rand == 5)
                                    reward     = new BegSake();
                                    rewardName = "a bottle of Sake.";
                                else if (rand == 6)
                                    reward     = new BegTurnip();
                                    rewardName = "a turnip.";
                                else if (rand == 7)
                                    reward     = new BegWine();
                                    rewardName = "a Bottle of wine.";
                                else if (rand == 8)
                                    reward     = new BegWinePitcher();
                                    rewardName = "a Pitcher of wine.";
                            else if (chance >= .76)
                                int rand = Utility.Random(6);

                                if (rand == 0)
                                    reward     = new BegStew();
                                    rewardName = "a bowl of stew.";
                                else if (rand == 1)
                                    reward     = new BegCheeseWedge();
                                    rewardName = "a wedge of cheese.";
                                else if (rand == 2)
                                    reward     = new BegDates();
                                    rewardName = "a bunch of dates.";
                                else if (rand == 3)
                                    reward     = new BegLantern();
                                    rewardName = "a lantern.";
                                else if (rand == 4)
                                    reward     = new BegLiquorPitcher();
                                    rewardName = "a Pitcher of liquor";
                                else if (rand == 5)
                                    reward     = new BegPizza();
                                    rewardName = "pizza";
                                else if (rand == 6)
                                    reward     = new BegShirt();
                                    rewardName = "a shirt.";
                            else if (chance >= .25)
                                int rand = Utility.Random(1);

                                if (rand == 0)
                                    reward     = new BegFrenchBread();
                                    rewardName = "french bread.";
                                    reward     = new BegWaterPitcher();
                                    rewardName = "a Pitcher of water.";

                            m_Target.Say(1074854);                            // Here, take this...
                            m_From.SendLocalizedMessage(1074853, rewardName); // You have been given ~1_name~

                            if (m_From.Karma > -3000)
                                int toLose = m_From.Karma + 3000;

                                if (toLose > 40)
                                    toLose = 40;

                                Titles.AwardKarma(m_From, -toLose, true);

                        m_Target.SendLocalizedMessage(500404); // They seem unwilling to give you any money.

                    m_From.NextSkillTime = Core.TickCount + 10000;
예제 #29
        public virtual bool CheckSequence()
            int mana = ScaleMana(GetMana());

            if (m_Caster.Deleted || !m_Caster.Alive || m_Caster.Spell != this || m_State != SpellState.Sequencing)
            else if (m_Scroll != null && !(m_Scroll is Runebook) &&
                     (m_Scroll.Amount <= 0 || m_Scroll.Deleted || m_Scroll.RootParent != m_Caster ||
                      (m_Scroll is BaseWand && (((BaseWand)m_Scroll).Charges <= 0 || m_Scroll.Parent != m_Caster))))
            else if (!ConsumeReagents())
                m_Caster.LocalOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x22, 502630);                 // More reagents are needed for this spell.
            else if (m_Caster.Mana < mana)
                m_Caster.LocalOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x22, 502625);                 // Insufficient mana for this spell.
            else if (Core.AOS && (m_Caster.Frozen || m_Caster.Paralyzed))
                m_Caster.SendLocalizedMessage(502646);                 // You cannot cast a spell while frozen.
            else if (m_Caster is PlayerMobile && ((PlayerMobile)m_Caster).PeacedUntil > DateTime.UtcNow)
                m_Caster.SendLocalizedMessage(1072060);                 // You cannot cast a spell while calmed.
            else if (CheckFizzle())
                m_Caster.Mana -= mana;

                if (m_Scroll is SpellStone)

                if (m_Scroll is SpellScroll)

                else if (m_Scroll is BaseWand)

                if (m_Scroll is BaseWand)
                    bool m = m_Scroll.Movable;

                    m_Scroll.Movable = false;

                    if (ClearHandsOnCast)

                    m_Scroll.Movable = m;
                    if (ClearHandsOnCast)

                int karma = ComputeKarmaAward();

                if (karma != 0)
                    Titles.AwardKarma(Caster, karma, true);

                if (TransformationSpellHelper.UnderTransformation(m_Caster, typeof(VampiricEmbraceSpell)))
                    bool garlic = false;

                    for (int i = 0; !garlic && i < m_Info.Reagents.Length; ++i)
                        garlic = (m_Info.Reagents[i] == Reagent.Garlic);

                    if (garlic)
                        m_Caster.SendLocalizedMessage(1061651);                         // The garlic burns you!
                        AOS.Damage(m_Caster, Utility.RandomMinMax(17, 23), 100, 0, 0, 0, 0);


예제 #30
            protected override void OnTarget(Mobile from, object targeted)
                int nCost = 50;

                if (BeggingPose(from) > 0)                   // LET US SEE IF THEY ARE BEGGING - WIZARD
                    nCost = nCost - (int)((from.Skills[SkillName.Begging].Value * 0.005) * nCost); if (nCost < 1)
                        nCost = 1;

                if (targeted is UnknownScroll && from.Backpack != null)
                    Container pack      = from.Backpack;
                    int       toConsume = nCost;

                    if (pack.ConsumeTotal(typeof(Gold), toConsume))
                        if (BeggingPose(from) > 0)
                            Titles.AwardKarma(from, -BeggingKarma(from), true);
                        }                                                                                                               // DO ANY KARMA LOSS

                        from.SendMessage(String.Format("You pay {0} gold.", toConsume));

                        UnknownScroll rolls = (UnknownScroll)targeted;

                        int paperType = 1;

                        if (rolls.ScrollType == 1)                           // MAGERY
                            if (rolls.ScrollLevel == 2)
                                paperType = Utility.RandomMinMax(13, 24);
                            else if (rolls.ScrollLevel == 3)
                                paperType = Utility.RandomMinMax(25, 36);
                            else if (rolls.ScrollLevel == 4)
                                paperType = Utility.RandomMinMax(37, 48);
                            else if (rolls.ScrollLevel == 5)
                                paperType = Utility.RandomMinMax(49, 60);
                            else if (rolls.ScrollLevel == 6)
                                paperType = Utility.RandomMinMax(57, 64);
                                paperType = Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 12);
                        else if (rolls.ScrollType == 3)                           // BARD
                            paperType = Utility.RandomMinMax(82, 97);
                            if (rolls.ScrollLevel == 2)
                                paperType = Utility.RandomMinMax(68, 70);
                            else if (rolls.ScrollLevel == 3)
                                paperType = Utility.RandomMinMax(71, 73);
                            else if (rolls.ScrollLevel == 4)
                                paperType = Utility.RandomMinMax(74, 76);
                            else if (rolls.ScrollLevel == 5)
                                paperType = Utility.RandomMinMax(77, 79);
                            else if (rolls.ScrollLevel == 6)
                                paperType = Utility.RandomMinMax(80, 81);
                                paperType = Utility.RandomMinMax(65, 67);

                        string paperName = "";

                        if (Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 100) > 10)
                            if (paperType == 1)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new ReactiveArmorScroll()); paperName = "reactive armor";
                            else if (paperType == 2)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new ClumsyScroll()); paperName = "clumsy";
                            else if (paperType == 3)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new CreateFoodScroll()); paperName = "create food";
                            else if (paperType == 4)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new FeeblemindScroll()); paperName = "feeblemind";
                            else if (paperType == 5)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new HealScroll()); paperName = "heal";
                            else if (paperType == 6)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new MagicArrowScroll()); paperName = "magic arrow";
                            else if (paperType == 7)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new NightSightScroll()); paperName = "night sight";
                            else if (paperType == 8)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new WeakenScroll()); paperName = "weaken";
                            else if (paperType == 9)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new AgilityScroll()); paperName = "agility";
                            else if (paperType == 10)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new CunningScroll()); paperName = "cunning";
                            else if (paperType == 11)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new CureScroll()); paperName = "cure";
                            else if (paperType == 12)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new HarmScroll()); paperName = "harm";
                            else if (paperType == 13)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new MagicTrapScroll()); paperName = "magic trap";
                            else if (paperType == 14)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new MagicUnTrapScroll()); paperName = "magic untrap";
                            else if (paperType == 15)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new ProtectionScroll()); paperName = "protection";
                            else if (paperType == 16)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new StrengthScroll()); paperName = "strength";
                            else if (paperType == 17)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new BlessScroll()); paperName = "bless";
                            else if (paperType == 18)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new FireballScroll()); paperName = "fireball";
                            else if (paperType == 19)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new MagicLockScroll()); paperName = "magic lock";
                            else if (paperType == 20)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new PoisonScroll()); paperName = "poison";
                            else if (paperType == 21)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new TelekinisisScroll()); paperName = "telekinesis";
                            else if (paperType == 22)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new TeleportScroll()); paperName = "teleport";
                            else if (paperType == 23)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new UnlockScroll()); paperName = "unlock";
                            else if (paperType == 24)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new WallOfStoneScroll()); paperName = "wall of stone";
                            else if (paperType == 25)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new ArchCureScroll()); paperName = "arch cure";
                            else if (paperType == 26)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new ArchProtectionScroll()); paperName = "arch protection";
                            else if (paperType == 27)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new CurseScroll()); paperName = "curse";
                            else if (paperType == 28)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new FireFieldScroll()); paperName = "fire field";
                            else if (paperType == 29)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new GreaterHealScroll()); paperName = "greater heal";
                            else if (paperType == 30)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new LightningScroll()); paperName = "lightning";
                            else if (paperType == 31)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new ManaDrainScroll()); paperName = "mana drain";
                            else if (paperType == 32)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new RecallScroll()); paperName = "recall";
                            else if (paperType == 33)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new BladeSpiritsScroll()); paperName = "blade spirits";
                            else if (paperType == 34)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new DispelFieldScroll()); paperName = "dispel field";
                            else if (paperType == 35)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new IncognitoScroll()); paperName = "incognito";
                            else if (paperType == 36)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new MagicReflectScroll()); paperName = "magic reflect";
                            else if (paperType == 37)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new MindBlastScroll()); paperName = "mind blast";
                            else if (paperType == 38)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new ParalyzeScroll()); paperName = "paralyze";
                            else if (paperType == 39)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new PoisonFieldScroll()); paperName = "poison field";
                            else if (paperType == 40)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new SummonCreatureScroll()); paperName = "summon creature";
                            else if (paperType == 41)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new DispelScroll()); paperName = "dispel";
                            else if (paperType == 42)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new EnergyBoltScroll()); paperName = "energy bolt";
                            else if (paperType == 43)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new ExplosionScroll()); paperName = "explosion";
                            else if (paperType == 44)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new InvisibilityScroll()); paperName = "invisibility";
                            else if (paperType == 45)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new MarkScroll()); paperName = "mark";
                            else if (paperType == 46)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new MassCurseScroll()); paperName = "mass curse";
                            else if (paperType == 47)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new ParalyzeFieldScroll()); paperName = "paralyze field";
                            else if (paperType == 48)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new RevealScroll()); paperName = "reveal";
                            else if (paperType == 49)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new ChainLightningScroll()); paperName = "chain lightning";
                            else if (paperType == 50)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new EnergyFieldScroll()); paperName = "energy field";
                            else if (paperType == 51)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new FlamestrikeScroll()); paperName = "flamestrike";
                            else if (paperType == 52)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new GateTravelScroll()); paperName = "gate travel";
                            else if (paperType == 53)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new ManaVampireScroll()); paperName = "mana vampire";
                            else if (paperType == 54)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new MassDispelScroll()); paperName = "mass dispel";
                            else if (paperType == 55)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new MeteorSwarmScroll()); paperName = "meteor swarm";
                            else if (paperType == 56)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new PolymorphScroll()); paperName = "polymorph";
                            else if (paperType == 57)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new EarthquakeScroll()); paperName = "earthquake";
                            else if (paperType == 58)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new EnergyVortexScroll()); paperName = "energy vortex";
                            else if (paperType == 59)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new ResurrectionScroll()); paperName = "resurrection";
                            else if (paperType == 60)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new SummonAirElementalScroll()); paperName = "summon air elemental";
                            else if (paperType == 61)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new SummonDaemonScroll()); paperName = "summon daemon";
                            else if (paperType == 62)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new SummonEarthElementalScroll()); paperName = "summon earth elemental";
                            else if (paperType == 63)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new SummonFireElementalScroll()); paperName = "summon fire elemental";
                            else if (paperType == 64)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new SummonWaterElementalScroll()); paperName = "summon water elemental";
                            else if (paperType == 65)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new CurseWeaponScroll()); paperName = "curse weapon";
                            else if (paperType == 66)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new BloodOathScroll()); paperName = "blood oath";
                            else if (paperType == 67)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new CorpseSkinScroll()); paperName = "corpse skin";
                            else if (paperType == 68)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new EvilOmenScroll()); paperName = "evil omen";
                            else if (paperType == 69)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new PainSpikeScroll()); paperName = "pain spike";
                            else if (paperType == 70)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new WraithFormScroll()); paperName = "wraith form";
                            else if (paperType == 71)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new MindRotScroll()); paperName = "mind rot";
                            else if (paperType == 72)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new SummonFamiliarScroll()); paperName = "summon familiar";
                            else if (paperType == 73)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new AnimateDeadScroll()); paperName = "animate dead";
                            else if (paperType == 74)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new HorrificBeastScroll()); paperName = "horrific beast";
                            else if (paperType == 75)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new PoisonStrikeScroll()); paperName = "poison strike";
                            else if (paperType == 76)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new WitherScroll()); paperName = "wither";
                            else if (paperType == 77)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new StrangleScroll()); paperName = "strangle";
                            else if (paperType == 78)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new LichFormScroll()); paperName = "lich form";
                            else if (paperType == 79)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new ExorcismScroll()); paperName = "exorcism";
                            else if (paperType == 80)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new VengefulSpiritScroll()); paperName = "vengeful spirit";
                            else if (paperType == 81)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new VampiricEmbraceScroll()); paperName = "vampiric embrace";
                            else if (paperType == 82)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new ArmysPaeonScroll()); paperName = "army's paeon sheet music";
                            else if (paperType == 83)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new EnchantingEtudeScroll()); paperName = "enchanting etude sheet music";
                            else if (paperType == 84)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new EnergyCarolScroll()); paperName = "energy carol sheet music";
                            else if (paperType == 85)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new EnergyThrenodyScroll()); paperName = "energy threnody sheet music";
                            else if (paperType == 86)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new FireCarolScroll()); paperName = "fire carol sheet music";
                            else if (paperType == 87)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new FireThrenodyScroll()); paperName = "fire threnody sheet music";
                            else if (paperType == 88)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new FoeRequiemScroll()); paperName = "foe requiem sheet music";
                            else if (paperType == 89)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new IceCarolScroll()); paperName = "ice carol sheet music";
                            else if (paperType == 90)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new IceThrenodyScroll()); paperName = "ice threnody sheet music";
                            else if (paperType == 91)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new KnightsMinneScroll()); paperName = "knight's minne sheet music";
                            else if (paperType == 92)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new MagesBalladScroll()); paperName = "mage's ballad sheet music";
                            else if (paperType == 93)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new MagicFinaleScroll()); paperName = "magic finale sheet music";
                            else if (paperType == 94)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new PoisonCarolScroll()); paperName = "poison carol sheet music";
                            else if (paperType == 95)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new PoisonThrenodyScroll()); paperName = "poison threnody sheet music";
                            else if (paperType == 96)
                                from.AddToBackpack(new SheepfoeMamboScroll()); paperName = "shepherd's dance sheet music";
                                from.AddToBackpack(new SinewyEtudeScroll()); paperName = "sinewy etude sheet music";

                            m_Scribe.SayTo(from, "This seems to be a scroll of " + paperName + ".");
                            int nJunk = Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 6);

                            switch (nJunk)
                            case 1: paperName = "useless scribbles"; break;

                            case 2: paperName = "a useless recipe"; break;

                            case 3: paperName = "a useless list of monsters"; break;

                            case 4: paperName = "useless writings"; break;

                            case 5: paperName = "a useless drawing"; break;

                            case 6: paperName = "a useless map"; break;
                            m_Scribe.SayTo(from, "This seems to be " + paperName + ".");

                        m_Scribe.SayTo(from, "It would cost you {0} gold to have that identified.", toConsume);
                        from.SendMessage("You do not have enough gold.");
                else if (targeted is ScrollClue)
                    Container packs = from.Backpack;
                    nCost = 100;
                    ScrollClue WhatIsIt = (ScrollClue)targeted;

                    if (BeggingPose(from) > 0)                       // LET US SEE IF THEY ARE BEGGING - WIZARD
                        nCost = nCost - (int)((from.Skills[SkillName.Begging].Value * 0.005) * nCost); if (nCost < 1)
                            nCost = 1;
                    int toConsume = nCost;

                    if (WhatIsIt.ScrollIntelligence == 0)
                        m_Scribe.SayTo(from, "That was already deciphered by someone.");
                    else if (packs.ConsumeTotal(typeof(Gold), toConsume))
                        if (WhatIsIt.ScrollIntelligence >= 80)
                            WhatIsIt.Name = "diabolically coded parchment";
                        else if (WhatIsIt.ScrollIntelligence >= 70)
                            WhatIsIt.Name = "ingeniously coded parchment";
                        else if (WhatIsIt.ScrollIntelligence >= 60)
                            WhatIsIt.Name = "deviously coded parchment";
                        else if (WhatIsIt.ScrollIntelligence >= 50)
                            WhatIsIt.Name = "cleverly coded parchment";
                        else if (WhatIsIt.ScrollIntelligence >= 40)
                            WhatIsIt.Name = "adeptly coded parchment";
                        else if (WhatIsIt.ScrollIntelligence >= 30)
                            WhatIsIt.Name = "expertly coded parchment";
                            WhatIsIt.Name = "plainly coded parchment";

                        WhatIsIt.ScrollIntelligence = 0;
                        from.SendMessage(String.Format("You pay {0} gold.", toConsume));
                        m_Scribe.SayTo(from, "Let me show you what this reads...");
                        WhatIsIt.ScrollSolved = "Deciphered by " + m_Scribe.Name + " the Scribe";
                        m_Scribe.SayTo(from, "It would cost you {0} gold to have that deciphered.", toConsume);
                        from.SendMessage("You do not have enough gold.");
                    m_Scribe.SayTo(from, "That does not need my services.");