예제 #1
        private void Summarize(int MaxCount, BaseTimeSeries bts)
            TimespanSeries  tspan = bts as TimespanSeries;
            TimestampSeries tstam = bts as TimestampSeries;

            if (tspan != null)
                if (tspan.Items.Count > MaxCount)
                    List <TimespanValue> temp = new List <TimespanValue>();

                    DateTime Start      = tspan.Items.First().StartTime;
                    DateTime End        = tspan.Items.Last().EndTime;
                    double   periodDays = End.Subtract(Start).TotalDays / MaxCount;

                    for (int i = 0; i < MaxCount; i++)
                        TimespanValue TValue = new TimespanValue(Start.AddDays(i * periodDays), Start.AddDays((i + 1) * periodDays), 0);
                        TValue.Value = tspan.GetValue(TValue.StartTime, TValue.EndTime);

                    foreach (var v in temp)
            if (tstam != null)
                if (tstam.Items.Count > MaxCount)
                    List <TimestampValue> temp = new List <TimestampValue>();

                    DateTime Start      = tstam.Items.First().Time;
                    DateTime End        = tstam.Items.Last().Time;
                    double   periodDays = End.Subtract(Start).TotalDays / MaxCount;

                    for (int i = 0; i < MaxCount; i++)
                        TimestampValue TValue = new TimestampValue(Start.AddDays(i * periodDays), 0);
                        TValue.Value = tstam.GetValue(TValue.Time);

                    foreach (var v in temp)
예제 #2
    public void KeyedCollection()
      List<TimestampValue> _list = new List<TimestampValue>();

      DateTime Start = DateTime.Now;

      int n = 100000;

      for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        _list.Add(new TimestampValue(Start.AddSeconds(i), i));

      Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();

      TimestampSeries ts = new TimestampSeries();
      for (int i = n - 1; i > 0; i--)
        ts.AddValue(_list[i].Time, _list[i].Value);
      Console.WriteLine("TimestampSeries:" + sw.Elapsed);

      TimestampSeries2 ts2 = new TimestampSeries2();
      for (int i = n - 1; i > 0; i--)
        ts2.AddValue(_list[i].Time, _list[i].Value);
      Console.WriteLine("TimestampSeries2:" + sw.Elapsed);

      for (int i = n - 1; i > 0; i--)

      for (int i = n - 1; i > 0; i--)

예제 #3
        public void AppendValue()
            TimestampSeries ts = new TimestampSeries();

            Assert.AreEqual(new DateTime(2020, 1, 1), ts.Items[0].Time);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, ts.Items[0].Value);
            Assert.AreEqual(new DateTime(2020, 1, 2), ts.Items[1].Time);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, ts.Items[1].Value);

            ts = new TimestampSeries(); //testing when timestep is two seconds
            ts.Items.Add(new TimestampValue(new DateTime(2010, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1), 10));
            ts.Items.Add(new TimestampValue(new DateTime(2010, 1, 1, 0, 0, 3), 20));
            Assert.AreEqual(new DateTime(2010, 1, 1, 0, 0, 5), ts.Items[2].Time);

            ts = new TimestampSeries(); //testing when timestep is two minutes
            ts.Items.Add(new TimestampValue(new DateTime(2010, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0), 10));
            ts.Items.Add(new TimestampValue(new DateTime(2010, 1, 1, 0, 3, 0), 20));
            Assert.AreEqual(new DateTime(2010, 1, 1, 0, 5, 0), ts.Items[2].Time);

            ts = new TimestampSeries(); //testing when timestep is two days
            ts.Items.Add(new TimestampValue(new DateTime(2010, 1, 1), 10));
            ts.Items.Add(new TimestampValue(new DateTime(2010, 1, 3), 20));
            Assert.AreEqual(new DateTime(2010, 1, 5), ts.Items[2].Time);

            ts = new TimestampSeries(); //testing when timestep is two days, when passing end of month
            ts.Items.Add(new TimestampValue(new DateTime(2010, 1, 31), 10));
            ts.Items.Add(new TimestampValue(new DateTime(2010, 2, 2), 20));
            Assert.AreEqual(new DateTime(2010, 2, 4), ts.Items[2].Time);

            ts = new TimestampSeries(); //testing when timestep two months
            ts.Items.Add(new TimestampValue(new DateTime(2010, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), 10));
            ts.Items.Add(new TimestampValue(new DateTime(2010, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0), 20));
            Assert.AreEqual(new DateTime(2010, 5, 1, 0, 0, 0), ts.Items[2].Time);

            ts = new TimestampSeries(); //testing when timestep two months, when passing january 1st
            ts.Items.Add(new TimestampValue(new DateTime(2010, 12, 1, 0, 0, 0), 10));
            ts.Items.Add(new TimestampValue(new DateTime(2011, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0), 20));
            Assert.AreEqual(new DateTime(2011, 4, 1, 0, 0, 0), ts.Items[2].Time);

            ts = new TimestampSeries(); //testing when timestep is two years
            ts.Items.Add(new TimestampValue(new DateTime(2010, 6, 17), 10));
            ts.Items.Add(new TimestampValue(new DateTime(2011, 6, 17), 20));
            Assert.AreEqual(new DateTime(2012, 6, 17), ts.Items[2].Time);
예제 #4
        public void IsVisibleTest()
            TimestampSeries target = new TimestampSeries();

            Assert.AreEqual(true, target.IsVisible);
            bool expected = false;
            bool actual;

            target.IsVisible = expected;
            actual           = target.IsVisible;
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
예제 #5
        public void ConvertUnit()
            TimestampSeries timestampSeries = new TimestampSeries();

            timestampSeries.Unit = new HydroNumerics.Core.Unit("cm pr second", 0.01, 0.0);
            timestampSeries.Items.Add(new TimestampValue(new DateTime(2010, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), 7));
            timestampSeries.Items.Add(new TimestampValue(new DateTime(2010, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0), 9));
            HydroNumerics.Core.Unit newUnit = new HydroNumerics.Core.Unit("mm pr sec", 0.001, 0.0);
            Assert.AreEqual(70, timestampSeries.Items[0].Value);
            Assert.AreEqual(90, timestampSeries.Items[1].Value);
예제 #6
        public void TimestampSeries01()
            TimestampSeries ts = new TimestampSeries("tsname", new DateTime(2010, 1, 1), 3, 2, TimestepUnit.Days, 3.2);

            Assert.AreEqual("tsname", ts.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual(3, ts.Items.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(new DateTime(2010, 1, 1), ts.Items[0].Time);
            Assert.AreEqual(new DateTime(2010, 1, 3), ts.Items[1].Time);
            Assert.AreEqual(new DateTime(2010, 1, 5), ts.Items[2].Time);
            Assert.AreEqual(3.2, ts.Items[0].Value);
            Assert.AreEqual(3.2, ts.Items[1].Value);
            Assert.AreEqual(3.2, ts.Items[2].Value);
예제 #7
        public Observations(string ID)
            : base()
            Discharge      = new TimestampSeries();
            Discharge.Name = ID + ": Discharge";
            Discharge.Unit = UnitFactory.Instance.GetUnit(NamedUnits.cubicmeterpersecond);

            WaterLevel      = new TimestampSeries();
            WaterLevel.Name = ID + ": WaterLevel";
            WaterLevel.Unit = UnitFactory.Instance.GetUnit(NamedUnits.meter);

            ChemicalConcentrations = new Dictionary <Chemical, TimestampSeries>();
        public void Create()
            string          filename        = "HydroNumerics.Time.Core.UnitTest.TimeSeriesGroupFactoryTest.Create.xts";
            TimeSeriesGroup tsg             = new TimeSeriesGroup();
            TimespanSeries  timespanSeries  = new TimespanSeries("timespanseriesname", new System.DateTime(2010, 1, 1), 10, 2, TimestepUnit.Days, 4.3);
            TimestampSeries timestampSeries = new TimestampSeries("timestampseriesname", new System.DateTime(2010, 1, 1), 10, 2, TimestepUnit.Days, 4.3);


            TimeSeriesGroup tsg2 = TimeSeriesGroupFactory.Create(filename);

            for (int i = 0; i < tsg.Items.Count; i++)
                Assert.AreEqual(tsg.Items[i], tsg2.Items[i]);
예제 #9
        public void RemoveAfter()
            TimestampSeries ts = new TimestampSeries();

            ts.Items.Add(new TimestampValue(new DateTime(2010, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), 1));
            ts.Items.Add(new TimestampValue(new DateTime(2010, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0), 2));
            ts.Items.Add(new TimestampValue(new DateTime(2010, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0), 3));
            ts.Items.Add(new TimestampValue(new DateTime(2010, 1, 4, 0, 0, 0), 4));
            ts.Items.Add(new TimestampValue(new DateTime(2010, 1, 5, 0, 0, 0), 5));
            ts.Items.Add(new TimestampValue(new DateTime(2010, 1, 6, 0, 0, 0), 6));
            ts.RemoveAfter(new DateTime(2010, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0));
            Assert.AreEqual(2, ts.Items.Count);
            ts.RemoveAfter(new DateTime(2010, 1, 8, 0, 0, 0));
            Assert.AreEqual(2, ts.Items.Count);
            ts.RemoveAfter(new DateTime(2009, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0));
            Assert.AreEqual(0, ts.Items.Count);
            ts.RemoveAfter(new DateTime(2010, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0));
            Assert.AreEqual(0, ts.Items.Count);
예제 #10
        public void Load()
            string          filename = "HydroNumerics.Time.Core.UnitTest.TimestampSeriesTest.Load.xts";
            TimestampSeries ts1      = new TimestampSeries("TSName", new DateTime(2010, 1, 1), 10, 1, TimestepUnit.Days, 5.5);


            TimestampSeries ts2 = new TimestampSeries();

            Assert.AreEqual(ts1.Id, ts2.Id);
            Assert.AreEqual(ts1.Description, ts2.Description);
            Assert.AreEqual(ts1.Name, ts2.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual(ts1.Unit, ts2.Unit);
            Assert.AreEqual(ts1.Items.Count, ts2.Items.Count);
            for (int i = 0; i < ts1.Items.Count; i++)
                Assert.AreEqual(ts1.Items[i].Time, ts2.Items[i].Time);
                Assert.AreEqual(ts1.Items[i].Value, ts2.Items[i].Value);
예제 #11
        public void Getvalue3()
            TimestampSeries ts = new TimestampSeries("Test", new DateTime(1999, 1, 1), 400, 1, TimestepUnit.Days, 0);

            ts.ExtrapolationMethod = ExtrapolationMethods.RecycleYear;
            ts.AllowExtrapolation  = true;
            for (int i = 0; i < ts.Items.Count; i++)
                ts.Items[i].Value = i;

            Assert.AreEqual(7, ts.GetValue(new DateTime(1999, 1, 8)));
            Assert.AreEqual(7, ts.GetValue(new DateTime(1995, 1, 8)));
            Assert.AreEqual(365 + 7, ts.GetValue(new DateTime(2010, 1, 8)));
            Assert.AreEqual(7.5, ts.GetValue(new DateTime(1995, 1, 8, 12, 0, 0)));

            Assert.AreEqual(7.5, ts.GetValue(new DateTime(1999, 1, 8), new DateTime(1999, 1, 9)));
            Assert.AreEqual(7.5, ts.GetValue(new DateTime(1995, 1, 8), new DateTime(1995, 1, 9)));
            Assert.AreEqual(365 + 7 + 0.5, ts.GetValue(new DateTime(2010, 1, 8), new DateTime(2010, 1, 9)));
            Assert.AreEqual(365 + 8, ts.GetValue(new DateTime(2010, 1, 8), new DateTime(2010, 1, 10)));
예제 #12
        public void Equals()
            TimestampSeries ts1 = new TimestampSeries("tsname", new DateTime(2010, 1, 1), 3, 2, TimestepUnit.Days, 4.5);
            TimestampSeries ts2 = new TimestampSeries("tsname", new DateTime(2010, 1, 1), 3, 2, TimestepUnit.Days, 4.5);

            Assert.AreEqual(ts1, ts2);
            ts2.Name = "something else";
            Assert.AreNotEqual(ts1, ts2);

            ts2 = new TimestampSeries("tsname", new DateTime(2010, 1, 1), 3, 2, TimestepUnit.Days, 4.5);
            Assert.AreEqual(ts1, ts2);
            ts2.Id = 99;
            Assert.AreNotEqual(ts1, ts2);

            ts2 = new TimestampSeries("tsname", new DateTime(2010, 1, 1), 3, 2, TimestepUnit.Days, 4.5);
            Assert.AreEqual(ts1, ts2);
            ts2.Description = "another description";
            Assert.AreNotEqual(ts1, ts2);

            ts2 = new TimestampSeries("tsname", new DateTime(2010, 1, 1), 3, 2, TimestepUnit.Days, 4.5);
            Assert.AreEqual(ts1, ts2);
            ts2.RelaxationFactor = 0.2323;
            Assert.AreNotEqual(ts1, ts2);

            ts2 = new TimestampSeries("tsname", new DateTime(2010, 1, 1), 3, 2, TimestepUnit.Days, 4.5);
            Assert.AreEqual(ts1, ts2);
            ts2.Unit.Dimension.ElectricCurrent = 6;
            Assert.AreNotEqual(ts1, ts2);

            ts2 = new TimestampSeries("tsname", new DateTime(2010, 1, 1), 3, 2, TimestepUnit.Days, 4.5);
            Assert.AreEqual(ts1, ts2);
            ts2.Items.Add(new TimestampValue(new DateTime(2010, 1, 1), 66));
            Assert.AreNotEqual(ts1, ts2);

            ts2 = new TimestampSeries("tsname", new DateTime(2010, 1, 1), 3, 2, TimestepUnit.Days, 4.5);
            Assert.AreEqual(ts1, ts2);
            ts2.Items[2].Value = 33;
            Assert.AreNotEqual(ts1, ts2);
예제 #13
        public void Save()
            string filename = "HydroNumerics.Time.Core.UnitTest.TimeSeriesGroupTest.Save.xts";

            TimespanSeries timespanSeries = new TimespanSeries("Flow", new System.DateTime(2010, 1, 1), 10, 2, TimestepUnit.Days, 4.3);

            timespanSeries.Unit = new HydroNumerics.Core.Unit("Liters pr. sec", 0.001, 0.0, "Liters pr second");
            timespanSeries.Unit.Dimension.Length = 3;
            timespanSeries.Unit.Dimension.Time   = -1;
            timespanSeries.Description           = "Measured Flow";
            TimestampSeries timestampSeries = new TimestampSeries("Water Level", new System.DateTime(2010, 1, 1), 6, 2, TimestepUnit.Days, 6.3);

            timestampSeries.Unit = new HydroNumerics.Core.Unit("cm", 0.01, 0.0, "centimeters");
            timestampSeries.Unit.Dimension.Length = 1;
            timestampSeries.Description           = "Measured Head";

            TimeSeriesGroup tsg = new TimeSeriesGroup();

            tsg.Name = "MyTsGroup";
예제 #14
        public void PropertyChangedEvent()
            TimestampSeries timeSeries = new TimestampSeries();

            timeSeries.Unit = new HydroNumerics.Core.Unit("liter/sec", 0.001, 0.0, "liters pr. second");
            timeSeries.AddValue(new DateTime(2010, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), 5.0);
            timeSeries.AddValue(new DateTime(2010, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0), 5.0);
            timeSeries.PropertyChanged += new System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventHandler(timeSeries_PropertyChanged);
            propertyChanged             = false;
            timeSeries.Name             = "something else";

            propertyChanged           = false;
            timeSeries.Items[0].Value = 7.3;

            propertyChanged      = false;
            timeSeries.IsVisible = false;
            Assert.AreEqual("IsVisible", changedProperty);

            //TODO: implement test like above for the remaining properties
예제 #15
 public QStation()
     Discharge = new TimestampSeries();
예제 #16
        public void GroundWaterTest()
            WaterPacket GroundWater = new WaterPacket(1);

//      GroundWater.AddChemical(ChemicalFactory.Instance.GetChemical(ChemicalNames.Radon), 0.01);
            GroundWater.IDForComposition = 4;

            Lake Vedsted = LakeFactory.GetLake("Vedsted Sø");

            Vedsted.Depth      = 5;
            Vedsted.WaterLevel = 45.7;

            //Create and add a discharge boundary
            TimestampSeries Discharge = new TimestampSeries();

            Discharge.AddSiValue(new DateTime(2007, 3, 12), 6986 / TimeSpan.FromDays(365).TotalSeconds);
            Discharge.AddSiValue(new DateTime(2007, 4, 3), 5894 / TimeSpan.FromDays(365).TotalSeconds);
            Discharge.AddSiValue(new DateTime(2007, 4, 25), 1205 / TimeSpan.FromDays(365).TotalSeconds);
            Discharge.RelaxationFactor   = 1;
            Discharge.AllowExtrapolation = true;
            Assert.AreEqual(Discharge.GetValue(new DateTime(2007, 4, 25)), Discharge.GetValue(new DateTime(2007, 6, 25)), 0.0000001);
            SinkSourceBoundary Kilde = new SinkSourceBoundary(Discharge);

            Kilde.Name = "Small spring";
            Kilde.ID   = 3;
            Kilde.WaterSample.IDForComposition = 3;

            Vedsted.Output.LogAllChemicals = true;
            Vedsted.Output.LogComposition  = true;

            //Add to an engine
            Model Engine = new Model();

            Engine.Name = "Vedsted-opsætning";

            //Set initial state
            WaterPacket InitialStateWater = new WaterPacket(1);

            InitialStateWater.IDForComposition = 1;
            DateTime Start = new DateTime(2007, 1, 1);
            DateTime End   = new DateTime(2007, 12, 31);

            Engine.SetState("Initial", Start, InitialStateWater);
            Engine.SimulationEndTime = End;
            Engine.TimeStep          = TimeSpan.FromDays(30);

            Engine.MoveInTime(End, TimeSpan.FromDays(30));
            Vedsted.Name = "Vedsted step 1";
            Engine.Save(testDataPath + Vedsted.Name + ".xml");

            //Create and add precipitation boundary
            TimespanSeries Precipitation = new TimespanSeries();

            Precipitation.ExtrapolationMethod = ExtrapolationMethods.RecycleYear;
            Precipitation.AllowExtrapolation  = true;
            double[] values = new double[] { 108, 83, 73, 52, 61, 86, 99, 101, 75, 108, 85, 101 };
            AddMonthlyValues(Precipitation, 2007, values);
            SinkSourceBoundary Precip = new SinkSourceBoundary(Precipitation);

            Precip.ContactGeometry = Vedsted.SurfaceArea;
            Precip.Name            = "Precipitation";
            Precip.ID = 2;
            Precip.WaterSample.IDForComposition = 2;

            //Create and add evaporation boundary
            TimespanSeries Evaporation = new TimespanSeries();

            Evaporation.AllowExtrapolation  = true;
            Evaporation.ExtrapolationMethod = ExtrapolationMethods.RecycleYear;
            double[] values2 = new double[] { 4, 11, 34, 66, 110, 118, 122, 103, 61, 26, 7, 1 };
            AddMonthlyValues(Evaporation, 2007, values2);
            EvaporationRateBoundary eva = new EvaporationRateBoundary(Evaporation);

            eva.ContactGeometry = Vedsted.SurfaceArea;
            eva.Name            = "Evapo";


            Engine.MoveInTime(End, TimeSpan.FromDays(30));
            Vedsted.Name = "Vedsted step 2";
            Engine.Save(testDataPath + Vedsted.Name + ".xml");

            //To be used by other tests
            Engine.Save(testDataPath + "VedstedNoGroundwater.xml");

            XYPolygon ContactArea = XYPolygon.GetSquare(Vedsted.Area / 10);

            #region Groundwater boundaries
            //Add groundwater boundaries
            GroundWaterBoundary B1 = new GroundWaterBoundary(Vedsted, 1.3e-4, 1, 45.47, ContactArea);
            B1.Name        = "B1";
            B1.ID          = 4;
            B1.WaterSample = GroundWater;

            GroundWaterBoundary B2 = new GroundWaterBoundary(Vedsted, 1e-6, 1, 44.96, ContactArea);
            B2.Name        = "B2";
            B2.ID          = 5;
            B2.WaterSample = GroundWater;

            GroundWaterBoundary B3 = new GroundWaterBoundary(Vedsted, 2e-6, 1, 44.63, ContactArea);
            B3.Name        = "B3";
            B3.ID          = 6;
            B3.WaterSample = GroundWater;

            GroundWaterBoundary B4 = new GroundWaterBoundary(Vedsted, 4.9e-7, 1, 44.75, ContactArea);
            B4.Name        = "B4";
            B4.ID          = 7;
            B4.WaterSample = GroundWater;

            GroundWaterBoundary B5 = new GroundWaterBoundary(Vedsted, 1.5e-8, 1, 44.27, ContactArea);
            B5.Name        = "B5";
            B5.ID          = 8;
            B5.WaterSample = GroundWater;

            GroundWaterBoundary B6 = new GroundWaterBoundary(Vedsted, 1.5e-8, 1, 44.16, ContactArea);
            B6.Name        = "B6";
            B6.ID          = 9;
            B6.WaterSample = GroundWater;

            GroundWaterBoundary B7 = new GroundWaterBoundary(Vedsted, 1.1e-6, 1, 45.15, ContactArea);
            B7.Name        = "B7";
            B7.ID          = 10;
            B7.WaterSample = GroundWater;

            GroundWaterBoundary B8 = new GroundWaterBoundary(Vedsted, 1.1e-6, 1, 44.54, ContactArea);
            B8.Name        = "B8";
            B8.ID          = 11;
            B8.WaterSample = GroundWater;

            GroundWaterBoundary B9 = new GroundWaterBoundary(Vedsted, 2.1e-8, 1, 45.4, ContactArea);
            B9.Name        = "B9";
            B9.ID          = 12;
            B9.WaterSample = GroundWater;

            GroundWaterBoundary B10 = new GroundWaterBoundary(Vedsted, 3.5e-6, 1, 45.16, ContactArea);
            B10.Name        = "B10";
            B10.ID          = 13;
            B10.WaterSample = GroundWater;


            Engine.MoveInTime(End, TimeSpan.FromDays(30));
            Vedsted.Name = "Vedsted step 3";
            Engine.Save(testDataPath + Vedsted.Name + ".xml");


            var cl = ChemicalFactory.Instance.GetChemical(ChemicalNames.IsotopeFraction);

            GroundWaterBoundary Inflow = new GroundWaterBoundary(Vedsted, 1e-7, 1, 46.7, XYPolygon.GetSquare(Vedsted.Area / 2));
            Inflow.Name = "Inflow";
            GroundWater.AddChemical(cl, 3);
            Inflow.WaterSample = GroundWater;

            Vedsted.RealData.ChemicalConcentrations[cl].AddSiValue(new DateTime(2007, 8, 7), 2.5);

            ((WaterPacket)InitialStateWater).AddChemical(cl, 2.5 * InitialStateWater.Volume);
            Engine.SetState("Initial", Start, InitialStateWater);

            GroundWaterBoundary Outflow = new GroundWaterBoundary(Vedsted, 1e-7, 1, 44.7, XYPolygon.GetSquare(Vedsted.Area / 2));
            Outflow.Name = "Outflow";


            Engine.MoveInTime(End, TimeSpan.FromDays(30));
            Vedsted.Name = "Vedsted step 4";
            Engine.Save(testDataPath + Vedsted.Name + ".xml");

            #region ////Add seepage meter boundaries
            //GroundWaterBoundary S1 = new GroundWaterBoundary(Vedsted, 4e-5, 1, 2, 46);
            //GroundWaterBoundary S2 = new GroundWaterBoundary(Vedsted, 4e-5, 1, 2, 46);
            //GroundWaterBoundary S3 = new GroundWaterBoundary(Vedsted, 4e-5, 1, 2, 46);
            //GroundWaterBoundary I1 = new GroundWaterBoundary(Vedsted, 4e-5, 1, 2, 46);
            //GroundWaterBoundary I2 = new GroundWaterBoundary(Vedsted, 4e-5, 1, 2, 46);
            //GroundWaterBoundary I3 = new GroundWaterBoundary(Vedsted, 4e-5, 1, 2, 46);


            Assert.AreEqual(Evaporation.EndTime, Engine.MaximumEndTime);
            Engine.Save(testDataPath + "Vedsted.xml");

            Engine.MoveInTime(End, TimeSpan.FromDays(30));

            double outflow2 = Vedsted.Output.Outflow.GetValue(Start, End.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromDays(5)));
            double evapo2   = Vedsted.Output.Evaporation.GetValue(Start, End.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromDays(5)));

            Engine.Save(testDataPath + "Vedsted2.xml");
예제 #17
    public void TestMethod1()

      List<TimestampValue> _list = new List<TimestampValue>();

      DateTime Start = DateTime.Now;

      int n=100000;

      for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        _list.Add(new TimestampValue(Start.AddSeconds(i), i));

      Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();

      SortedList<DateTime, double> _sortedList = new SortedList<DateTime, double>();

      for (int i = n - 1; i > 0; i--)
        _sortedList.Add(_list[i].Time, _list[i].Value);
      Console.WriteLine("SortedList:" + sw.Elapsed);

      SortedDictionary<DateTime, double> _sortedDictionary = new SortedDictionary<DateTime, double>();

      for (int i = n - 1; i > 0; i--)
        _sortedDictionary.Add(_list[i].Time, _list[i].Value);

      Console.WriteLine("SortedDictionary:" + sw.Elapsed);

      TimestampSeries ts = new TimestampSeries();
      for (int i = n-1; i >0; i--)
        ts.AddValue(_list[i].Time, _list[i].Value);
      Console.WriteLine("TimestampSeries:" + sw.Elapsed);

      List<TimestampValue> _listAndSort = new List<TimestampValue>();
      for (int i = n - 1; i > 0; i--)
      _listAndSort.Sort((var,var2) => var.Time.CompareTo(var2.Time));

      Console.WriteLine("_listAndSort:" + sw.Elapsed);

      _listAndSort.Sort((var, var2) => var.Time.CompareTo(var2.Time));


      Console.WriteLine("Sort sorted list:" + sw.Elapsed);

예제 #18
        public void KrabbenhoftExample()
            Lake L = new Lake("Sparkling Lake", XYPolygon.GetSquare(0.81e6));

            L.Depth = 8.84e6 / L.Area;
            L.Output.LogAllChemicals = true;

            IsotopeWater LakeWater = new IsotopeWater(1);

            TimestampSeries EvapoConcentrations = new TimestampSeries();

            EvapoConcentrations.AddSiValue(new DateTime(1985, 4, 1), 3.95);
            EvapoConcentrations.AddSiValue(new DateTime(1985, 5, 1), 13.9);
            EvapoConcentrations.AddSiValue(new DateTime(1985, 6, 1), 25.24);
            EvapoConcentrations.AddSiValue(new DateTime(1985, 7, 1), 23.97);
            EvapoConcentrations.AddSiValue(new DateTime(1985, 8, 1), 17.13);
            EvapoConcentrations.AddSiValue(new DateTime(1985, 9, 1), 10.40);
            EvapoConcentrations.AddSiValue(new DateTime(1985, 10, 1), 6.12);
            EvapoConcentrations.AddSiValue(new DateTime(1985, 10, 1), 33.24);
            EvapoConcentrations.AllowExtrapolation  = true;
            EvapoConcentrations.ExtrapolationMethod = ExtrapolationMethods.RecycleYear;
            LakeWater.EvaporationConcentration      = EvapoConcentrations;

            TimestampSeries PrecipConcentrations = new TimestampSeries();

            PrecipConcentrations.AddSiValue(new DateTime(1985, 1, 1), 22.8);
            PrecipConcentrations.AddSiValue(new DateTime(1985, 2, 1), 22.8);
            PrecipConcentrations.AddSiValue(new DateTime(1985, 3, 1), 22.8);
            PrecipConcentrations.AddSiValue(new DateTime(1985, 4, 1), 14.8);
            PrecipConcentrations.AddSiValue(new DateTime(1985, 5, 1), 10.7);
            PrecipConcentrations.AddSiValue(new DateTime(1985, 6, 1), 6.3);
            PrecipConcentrations.AddSiValue(new DateTime(1985, 7, 1), 5.1);
            PrecipConcentrations.AddSiValue(new DateTime(1985, 8, 1), 8.4);
            PrecipConcentrations.AddSiValue(new DateTime(1985, 9, 1), 11.1);
            PrecipConcentrations.AddSiValue(new DateTime(1985, 10, 1), 13.8);
            PrecipConcentrations.AddSiValue(new DateTime(1985, 10, 1), 21.9);
            PrecipConcentrations.AllowExtrapolation  = true;
            PrecipConcentrations.ExtrapolationMethod = ExtrapolationMethods.RecycleYear;

            TimespanSeries Precipitation = new TimespanSeries();

            Precipitation.Unit = new HydroNumerics.Core.Unit("cm/month", 1.0 / 100.0 / (86400.0 * 30.0), 0);
            Precipitation.AddValue(new DateTime(1985, 1, 1), new DateTime(1985, 3, 1), 0);
            Precipitation.AddValue(new DateTime(1985, 3, 1), new DateTime(1985, 3, 31), 12.5);
            Precipitation.AddValue(new DateTime(1985, 4, 1), new DateTime(1985, 4, 30), 7.1);
            Precipitation.AddValue(new DateTime(1985, 5, 1), new DateTime(1985, 5, 31), 7.6);
            Precipitation.AddValue(new DateTime(1985, 6, 1), new DateTime(1985, 6, 30), 8.8);
            Precipitation.AddValue(new DateTime(1985, 7, 1), new DateTime(1985, 7, 31), 8.6);
            Precipitation.AddValue(new DateTime(1985, 8, 1), new DateTime(1985, 8, 31), 12.7);
            Precipitation.AddValue(new DateTime(1985, 9, 1), new DateTime(1985, 9, 30), 11);
            Precipitation.AddValue(new DateTime(1985, 10, 1), new DateTime(1985, 10, 31), 6.2);
            Precipitation.AddValue(new DateTime(1985, 11, 1), new DateTime(1985, 11, 30), 4.8);
            Precipitation.AddValue(new DateTime(1985, 11, 30), new DateTime(1985, 12, 31), 0);
            Precipitation.AllowExtrapolation  = true;
            Precipitation.ExtrapolationMethod = ExtrapolationMethods.RecycleYear;

            Assert.AreEqual(79, 12 * Precipitation.GetValue(new DateTime(1985, 1, 1), new DateTime(1985, 12, 31)), 3);

            SourceBoundary Precip = new SourceBoundary(Precipitation);

            Precip.WaterSample = new IsotopeWater(1);
            Precip.AddChemicalConcentrationSeries(ChemicalFactory.Instance.GetChemical(ChemicalNames.IsotopeFraction), PrecipConcentrations);

            TimespanSeries Evaporation = new TimespanSeries();

            Evaporation.Unit = new HydroNumerics.Core.Unit("cm/month", 1.0 / 100.0 / (86400.0 * 30.0), 0);
            Evaporation.AddValue(new DateTime(1985, 1, 1), new DateTime(1985, 4, 1), 0);
            Evaporation.AddValue(new DateTime(1985, 4, 1), new DateTime(1985, 4, 30), 2.8);
            Evaporation.AddValue(new DateTime(1985, 5, 1), new DateTime(1985, 5, 31), 7.0);
            Evaporation.AddValue(new DateTime(1985, 6, 1), new DateTime(1985, 6, 30), 10.5);
            Evaporation.AddValue(new DateTime(1985, 7, 1), new DateTime(1985, 7, 31), 11.1);
            Evaporation.AddValue(new DateTime(1985, 8, 1), new DateTime(1985, 8, 31), 10.0);
            Evaporation.AddValue(new DateTime(1985, 9, 1), new DateTime(1985, 9, 30), 7.0);
            Evaporation.AddValue(new DateTime(1985, 10, 1), new DateTime(1985, 10, 31), 4.7);
            Evaporation.AddValue(new DateTime(1985, 11, 1), new DateTime(1985, 11, 30), 0.6);
            Evaporation.AddValue(new DateTime(1985, 11, 30), new DateTime(1985, 12, 31), 0);
            Evaporation.AllowExtrapolation  = true;
            Evaporation.ExtrapolationMethod = ExtrapolationMethods.RecycleYear;
            EvaporationRateBoundary erb = new EvaporationRateBoundary(Evaporation);

            Assert.AreEqual(54, 12 * Evaporation.GetValue(new DateTime(1985, 1, 1), new DateTime(1985, 12, 31)), 3);

            GroundWaterBoundary grb = new GroundWaterBoundary(L, 1e-7, 1, 1, (XYPolygon)L.Geometry);

            grb.FlowType  = GWType.Flow;
            grb.WaterFlow = new TimespanSeries();
            grb.WaterFlow.AddSiValue(DateTime.MinValue, DateTime.MaxValue, Evaporation.Unit.ToSiUnit(29 / 12) * L.Area);
            IsotopeWater gwsp25 = new IsotopeWater(1);

            grb.WaterSample = gwsp25;

            GroundWaterBoundary gout = new GroundWaterBoundary(L, 1e-7, 1, -1, (XYPolygon)L.Geometry);

            gout.FlowType  = GWType.Flow;
            gout.WaterFlow = new TimespanSeries();
            gout.WaterFlow.AddSiValue(DateTime.MinValue, DateTime.MaxValue, -Evaporation.Unit.ToSiUnit(54 / 12) * L.Area);

            DateTime Start = new DateTime(1985, 1, 1);

            Precip.ContactGeometry = L.Geometry;
            erb.ContactGeometry = L.Geometry;

            Model M = new Model();

            M.SetState("Initial", Start, LakeWater);

            L.Depth *= 1.5;
            ((IsotopeWater)L.CurrentStoredWater).CurrentTime = Start;
            M.MoveInTime(new DateTime(1985, 12, 31), TimeSpan.FromDays(10));

예제 #19
 public Intake()
     HeadObservations = new TimestampSeries();
     Extractions      = new TimespanSeries();
        public void GetValues_AsAcceptor()
            filename = "HydroNumerics.Time.OpenMI.UnitTest.LinkableTimeSeriesGroupTest.GetValues_AsAcceptor.xts";
            string acceptorOutputFilename = "HydroNumerics.Time.OpenMI.UnitTest.LinkableTimeSeriesGroupTest.GetValues_AsAcceptor.out.xts";

            TimespanSeries timespanSeries = new TimespanSeries("Flow", new System.DateTime(2010, 1, 1), 10, 2, TimestepUnit.Days, 10.2);

            timespanSeries.Unit = new HydroNumerics.Core.Unit("Liters pr. sec", 0.001, 0.0, "Liters pr second");
            timespanSeries.Unit.Dimension.Length = 3;
            timespanSeries.Unit.Dimension.Time   = -1;
            timespanSeries.Description           = "Measured Flow";
            TimestampSeries timestampSeries = new TimestampSeries("Water Level", new System.DateTime(2010, 1, 1), 6, 2, TimestepUnit.Days, 12.2);

            timestampSeries.Unit = new HydroNumerics.Core.Unit("cm", 0.01, 0.0, "centimeters");
            timestampSeries.Unit.Dimension.Length = 1;
            timestampSeries.Description           = "Measured Head";

            TimeSeriesGroup tsg = new TimeSeriesGroup();

            tsg.Name = "Acceptor";

            Argument filenameArgument       = new Argument("Filename", filename, true, "someDescription");
            Argument outputFilenameArgument = new Argument("OutputFilename", acceptorOutputFilename, true, "someDescription");

            Argument[] acceptorArguments = new Argument[2] {
                filenameArgument, outputFilenameArgument

            LinkableTimeSeriesGroup acceptorTs = new LinkableTimeSeriesGroup();


            LinkableTimeSeriesGroup linkableTimeSeriesGroup = new LinkableTimeSeriesGroup();


            Link ts2tsLink1 = new Link();

            ts2tsLink1.SourceComponent  = linkableTimeSeriesGroup;
            ts2tsLink1.TargetComponent  = acceptorTs;
            ts2tsLink1.SourceQuantity   = linkableTimeSeriesGroup.GetOutputExchangeItem(0).Quantity;
            ts2tsLink1.SourceElementSet = linkableTimeSeriesGroup.GetOutputExchangeItem(0).ElementSet;
            ts2tsLink1.TargetQuantity   = acceptorTs.GetInputExchangeItem(0).Quantity;
            ts2tsLink1.TargetElementSet = acceptorTs.GetInputExchangeItem(0).ElementSet;
            ts2tsLink1.ID = "ts2ts1";

            Link ts2tsLink2 = new Link();

            ts2tsLink2.SourceComponent  = linkableTimeSeriesGroup;
            ts2tsLink2.TargetComponent  = acceptorTs;
            ts2tsLink2.SourceQuantity   = linkableTimeSeriesGroup.GetOutputExchangeItem(1).Quantity;
            ts2tsLink2.SourceElementSet = linkableTimeSeriesGroup.GetOutputExchangeItem(1).ElementSet;
            ts2tsLink2.TargetQuantity   = acceptorTs.GetInputExchangeItem(1).Quantity;
            ts2tsLink2.TargetElementSet = acceptorTs.GetInputExchangeItem(1).ElementSet;
            ts2tsLink2.ID = "ts2ts2";

            //setting up the work arround type of trigger
            InputExchangeItem targetExchangeItem = new InputExchangeItem();
            Quantity          targetQuantity     = new Quantity();

            targetQuantity.ID   = "Water Level";
            targetQuantity.Unit = new HydroNumerics.OpenMI.Sdk.Backbone.Unit("meter", 1, 0, "meter");
            ElementSet targetElementSet = new ElementSet("inputLocation", "Location", ElementType.IDBased, new SpatialReference(""));

            Link triggerLink = new Link();

            triggerLink.SourceComponent  = acceptorTs;
            triggerLink.TargetComponent  = null;
            triggerLink.SourceQuantity   = acceptorTs.GetOutputExchangeItem(0).Quantity;
            triggerLink.SourceElementSet = acceptorTs.GetOutputExchangeItem(0).ElementSet;
            triggerLink.TargetQuantity   = targetQuantity;
            triggerLink.TargetElementSet = targetElementSet;
            triggerLink.ID = "TriggerLink";


            TimespanSeries  tss1 = (TimespanSeries)acceptorTs.TimeSeriesGroup.Items[0];
            TimestampSeries tss2 = (TimestampSeries)acceptorTs.TimeSeriesGroup.Items[1];

            Assert.AreEqual(10.2, tss1.Items[0].Value);
            Assert.AreEqual(12.2, tss2.Items[0].Value);

            acceptorTs.GetValues(new TimeStamp(new System.DateTime(2010, 1, 3)), triggerLink.ID);

            Assert.AreEqual(4.3, tss1.Items[0].Value);
            Assert.AreEqual(6.3, tss2.Items[0].Value);

            linkableTimeSeriesGroup.Finish(); //save file
            acceptorTs.Finish();              //save file
예제 #21
        public HydroCatEditor()
            hydroCatEngine = new HydroNumerics.HydroCat.Core.HydroCatEngine();

            //-- Default Initial values
            hydroCatEngine.InitialSnowStorage     = 0;
            hydroCatEngine.InitialSurfaceStorage  = 0;
            hydroCatEngine.InitialRootZoneStorage = 220;
            hydroCatEngine.InitialOverlandFlow    = 0;
            hydroCatEngine.InitialInterFlow       = 0;
            hydroCatEngine.InitialBaseFlow        = 0.6;

            //-- Parameters
            hydroCatEngine.CatchmentArea            = 160000000;
            hydroCatEngine.SnowmeltCoefficient      = 2.0;
            hydroCatEngine.SurfaceStorageCapacity   = 18;
            hydroCatEngine.RootZoneStorageCapacity  = 250;
            hydroCatEngine.OverlandFlowCoefficient  = 0.61;
            hydroCatEngine.InterflowCoefficient     = 0.027586; // svarende til = 24/CKIF = 24/870
            hydroCatEngine.OverlandFlowTreshold     = 0.38;
            hydroCatEngine.InterflowTreshold        = 0.08;
            hydroCatEngine.OverlandFlowTimeConstant = 1.25;        //   svarende til CK12/24    30/24
            hydroCatEngine.InterflowTimeConstant    = 1.25;        //   svarende til CK12/24    30/24
            hydroCatEngine.BaseflowTimeConstant     = 116.6666666; //svarende til  2800/24

            // -- Default simulatio time ---
            hydroCatEngine.SimulationStartTime = new System.DateTime(1973, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0);
            hydroCatEngine.SimulationEndTime   = new System.DateTime(1975, 12, 1, 12, 0, 0);

            int numberOfTimesteps = 1095;

            TimespanSeries precipitationTs = new TimespanSeries("Precipitation", hydroCatEngine.SimulationStartTime, numberOfTimesteps, 1, TimestepUnit.Days, 0);

            precipitationTs.Unit = Units.MmPrDay;

            TimespanSeries potentialEvaporationTs = new TimespanSeries("PotentialEvaporation", hydroCatEngine.SimulationStartTime, numberOfTimesteps, 1, TimestepUnit.Days, 0);

            potentialEvaporationTs.Unit = Units.MmPrDay;

            TimespanSeries temperatureTs = new TimespanSeries("Temperature", hydroCatEngine.SimulationStartTime, numberOfTimesteps, 1, TimestepUnit.Days, 0);

            temperatureTs.Unit = Units.Centigrade;

            TimestampSeries observedRunoffTs = new TimestampSeries("ObservedRunoff", hydroCatEngine.SimulationStartTime, numberOfTimesteps, 1, TimestepUnit.Days, 0);

            observedRunoffTs.Unit = Units.M3PrSec;

            double[] observedRunoff = new double[1095] {
                1.1970, 0.9910, 1.0470, 1.0270, 1.1230, 1.2220, 1.2130, 1.2450, 1.1300, 1.0580, 1.0120, 0.9200, 0.9010, 0.9180, 0.9840, 1.6800, 1.8050, 1.6600, 1.4070, 1.1980, 1.1140, 1.2660, 1.6370, 1.4360, 1.4890, 2.0670, 2.9970, 2.3670, 2.3300, 2.0210, 1.8180, 1.6670, 1.4660, 1.3810, 1.2980, 1.2300, 1.2670, 1.4510, 1.2620, 1.4870, 1.4700, 1.3190, 1.5200, 4.4690, 3.9720, 2.4260, 2.0370, 2.3040, 3.8690, 3.0320, 2.3240, 1.9890, 1.6320, 1.5460, 1.5170, 1.3530, 1.1970, 1.0720, 1.0710, 1.1180, 1.9850, 2.3790, 2.1200, 1.9040, 1.5970, 1.3640, 1.1700, 1.0590, 1.0580, 0.9980, 0.9280, 0.9040, 0.8770, 0.8510, 0.8350, 0.8310, 0.8160, 0.7910, 0.7760, 0.7620, 0.7470, 0.7330, 0.7300, 0.7260, 0.7120, 0.7080, 0.6950, 0.6910, 0.6880, 0.6840, 0.7100, 0.7370, 0.6960, 0.6750, 0.8540, 1.1070, 1.2230, 0.9430, 0.8030, 0.7310, 0.8090, 0.8480, 0.7640, 0.7040, 0.6820, 0.6710, 0.6600, 0.6300, 0.6210, 0.6030, 0.6400, 0.6770, 0.6400, 0.6120, 0.6120, 0.6140, 0.6150, 0.6170, 0.6180, 0.6290, 0.7500, 0.7220, 0.6940, 0.6970, 0.8050, 0.8190, 0.8570, 1.7410, 1.5130, 1.5150, 2.0980, 1.4650, 1.2940, 1.2450, 1.0620, 0.9060, 0.8170, 0.7450, 0.6970, 0.6530, 0.6210, 0.5980, 0.5700, 0.5900, 0.5700, 0.5440, 0.5200, 0.5030, 0.4950, 0.4870, 0.4790, 0.5310, 0.5070, 0.6100, 0.5260, 0.4800, 0.4430, 0.4090, 0.3870, 0.3720, 0.3720, 0.3530, 0.3270, 0.3270, 0.3200, 0.2960, 0.2810, 0.2750, 0.2690, 0.2640, 0.2510, 0.2650, 0.2640, 0.2570, 0.2560, 0.2560, 0.2620, 0.2750, 0.3030, 0.2950, 0.2870, 0.2700, 0.2660, 0.2650, 0.2650, 0.2460, 0.2460, 0.2220, 0.2190, 0.2130, 0.2300, 0.2480, 0.2310, 0.2160, 0.2090, 0.2030, 0.2000, 0.2050, 0.2130, 0.2100, 0.2080, 0.2060, 0.2040, 0.2090, 0.2650, 0.2290, 0.2230, 0.2450, 0.2230, 0.2210, 0.2150, 0.2130, 0.2070, 0.1980, 0.2000, 0.2100, 0.2090, 0.2080, 0.2100, 0.2190, 0.2110, 0.2200, 0.2050, 0.1900, 0.1820, 0.1850, 0.1800, 0.1750, 0.1700, 0.1650, 0.1630, 0.1580, 0.1530, 0.1490, 0.1490, 0.1450, 0.1430, 0.1390, 0.1400, 0.1440, 0.1440, 0.1850, 0.2030, 0.1810, 0.1870, 0.1760, 0.1720, 0.1770, 0.1550, 0.1270, 0.1220, 0.1490, 0.1610, 0.1490, 0.1450, 0.1420, 0.1400, 0.1380, 0.1360, 0.1340, 0.1320, 0.1300, 0.2990, 0.3070, 0.6170, 0.7010, 0.5070, 0.4260, 0.3910, 0.3780, 0.6120, 0.6630, 0.5590, 0.4920, 0.4490, 0.4150, 0.4160, 0.4160, 0.4100, 0.4110, 0.4110, 0.5120, 0.6560, 0.5030, 0.4560, 0.4330, 0.4170, 0.4070, 0.3980, 0.4030, 0.4760, 0.6100, 0.5670, 0.4900, 0.4450, 0.4290, 0.4200, 0.4310, 0.4330, 0.4220, 0.4110, 0.4130, 0.4160, 0.3920, 0.3820, 0.3720, 0.3680, 0.3640, 0.3850, 0.5690, 0.4660, 0.4360, 0.4310, 0.4020, 0.4360, 0.5670, 1.0330, 0.7080, 0.6220, 0.6970, 0.6920, 0.6610, 1.0210, 1.1710, 0.8260, 0.7740, 0.7880, 1.2850, 1.3900, 1.0730, 0.8990, 0.8900, 0.8850, 0.8800, 0.8750, 0.8700, 2.0790, 1.8000, 1.1910, 2.0740, 3.2910, 2.0310, 1.3100, 1.1250, 1.4480, 1.6390, 2.0280, 2.4840, 1.7430, 1.5070, 2.0170, 2.0250, 1.3710, 1.1440, 1.1370, 1.2150, 1.3840, 1.7270, 3.0710, 3.0830, 2.9360, 2.3620, 1.9840, 2.0680, 2.5220, 1.8970, 1.6560, 1.4810, 1.3640, 1.3660, 1.3300, 1.2810, 1.2570, 1.3100, 1.3510, 1.4050, 2.3300, 4.8060, 4.6420, 5.2280, 5.1240, 5.0420, 4.7750, 3.8090, 3.0730, 2.5830, 2.2200, 1.9690, 2.9730, 2.6900, 2.2590, 2.0980, 2.5040, 2.4490, 2.4910, 2.1520, 1.8190, 1.7710, 1.6960, 1.6220, 1.5630, 1.6540, 1.7850, 1.4880, 1.3260, 1.9420, 4.4560, 5.5210, 4.5020, 3.4410, 3.7220, 2.8500, 2.2120, 1.9490, 1.7010, 1.4940, 1.5510, 1.5560, 1.3940, 1.1940, 1.1870, 1.1350, 1.0830, 1.0330, 0.9890, 0.9130, 0.8810, 0.8590, 0.8380, 0.7970, 0.7860, 0.7650, 0.7540, 0.7340, 0.7140, 0.7130, 0.7210, 0.7110, 0.7090, 0.7170, 0.7440, 0.7900, 0.9290, 0.8760, 0.9570, 0.9240, 0.8320, 0.7730, 0.7340, 0.7140, 0.6860, 0.6580, 0.6480, 0.6200, 0.6190, 0.6180, 0.6170, 0.6160, 0.6120, 0.6090, 0.6050, 0.6020, 0.5980, 0.5950, 0.5910, 0.5880, 0.5600, 0.5410, 0.5380, 0.5420, 0.5330, 0.5240, 0.5150, 0.5070, 0.4980, 0.4900, 0.4820, 0.4740, 0.4660, 0.4510, 0.4440, 0.4370, 0.4230, 0.4230, 0.4160, 0.4040, 0.3990, 0.4900, 0.5740, 0.4900, 0.4150, 0.3800, 0.4050, 0.3940, 0.3840, 0.3740, 0.3640, 0.3600, 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0.2800, 0.2780, 0.2790, 0.2810, 0.3030, 0.3050, 0.5230, 0.7040, 0.6710, 0.8020, 0.7890, 0.7690, 1.1390, 0.9570, 0.9190, 0.8830, 0.8140, 1.6300, 1.7260, 2.1340, 2.1120, 1.9080, 1.6170, 1.4350, 1.3690, 1.4380, 1.3500, 1.2420, 1.1790, 1.1480, 1.1080, 1.0990, 1.0800, 1.0500, 2.3200, 2.1690, 1.9390, 3.2440, 2.9380, 2.0800, 1.6430, 1.4490, 1.0440, 1.6950, 1.7660, 1.5260, 1.4690, 1.3770, 1.2630, 1.2220, 1.1690, 1.1510, 1.1770, 1.2160, 1.8230, 3.3650, 3.4090, 3.8940, 3.2520, 3.9900, 4.8740, 4.7210, 5.9580, 5.4190, 4.5530, 4.0140, 3.1490, 2.4340, 1.9920, 1.8300, 2.0340, 2.3090, 2.3160, 3.4970, 4.2260, 3.3720, 2.2530, 2.2600, 2.1770, 2.5250, 3.6390, 3.0750, 3.2950, 3.5950, 3.3140, 4.4300, 5.5010, 4.9340, 3.5600, 3.3710, 4.4610, 3.9200, 4.7380, 4.6690, 3.9600, 4.0720, 4.5080, 4.3190, 5.1720, 4.4300, 4.6090, 5.3970, 4.8080, 4.0850, 3.9410, 3.1290, 2.8590, 3.4560, 3.0320, 2.7640, 2.7390, 2.4810, 2.4090, 2.0550, 1.8230, 1.8600, 2.9750, 3.7280, 4.9730, 4.2310, 3.5730, 3.0830, 2.7920, 2.8020, 3.5650, 3.5960, 3.4940, 3.2610, 4.3150, 6.7780, 7.1950, 6.4270, 5.8290, 5.2530, 6.9740, 7.1390, 6.9050, 6.3820, 6.0870, 5.2740, 4.1730, 3.5690, 3.1670, 2.9430, 2.7260, 2.3330, 2.2790, 2.3070, 2.1420, 2.0750, 1.9930, 1.7640, 1.5040, 1.4180, 1.3880, 1.5770, 1.6870, 1.6410, 1.6800, 1.6760, 1.5880, 1.6410, 1.6090, 1.5220, 1.5330, 1.5430, 1.5680, 1.5510, 1.7450, 2.1940, 2.3500, 4.5640, 3.6630, 3.5130, 3.0930, 2.4300, 2.0110, 1.6800, 1.5070, 1.4310, 1.4100, 1.2990, 1.1690, 1.0910, 1.0610, 1.0430, 1.0020, 0.9960, 0.9900, 0.9940, 0.9880, 1.0030, 1.0190, 1.0350, 0.9960, 0.9570, 0.9090, 0.9130, 0.9180, 0.8610, 0.8250, 0.8100, 0.8750, 1.1040, 1.1080, 1.2150, 1.2320, 1.3910, 1.2180, 1.1540, 0.9950, 1.4220, 1.4470, 1.1320, 0.9950, 0.8850, 0.8280, 0.8110, 0.8330, 0.8640, 0.8090, 0.7460, 0.7130, 0.7160, 0.7090, 0.7030, 0.7670, 0.8810, 1.2100, 1.0420, 0.8870, 0.8060, 0.7550, 0.7140, 0.6910, 0.6760, 0.6710, 0.6690, 0.6670, 0.6490, 0.6630, 0.6530, 0.6440, 0.6340, 0.6400, 1.1660, 1.9310, 1.2910, 0.8750, 0.7260, 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            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfTimesteps; i++)
                precipitationTs.Items[i].Value        = precipitation[i];
                potentialEvaporationTs.Items[i].Value = potentialEvaporation[i];
                temperatureTs.Items[i].Value          = temperature[i];

                observedRunoffTs.Items[i].Value = observedRunoff[i];

            hydroCatEngine.InputPrecipitation        = precipitationTs;
            hydroCatEngine.InputPotentialEvaporation = potentialEvaporationTs;
            hydroCatEngine.InputTemperature          = temperatureTs;
            hydroCatEngine.InputObservedRunoff       = observedRunoffTs;

            parametersPropertyGrid.SelectedObject = hydroCatEngine;

            timeSeriesPlot.Visible = true;
예제 #22
        private void Configurate()
            numberOfTimesteps    = (int)(SimulationEndTime.ToOADate() - SimulationStartTime.ToOADate() - 0.5);
            precipitation        = new TimestampSeries("Precipitation", simulationStartTime, numberOfTimesteps, 1, TimestepUnit.Days, 0, Units.MmPrDay);
            potentialEvaporation = new TimestampSeries("PotentialEvaportion", simulationStartTime, numberOfTimesteps, 1, TimestepUnit.Days, 0, Units.MmPrDay);
            temperature          = new TimestampSeries("Temperature", simulationStartTime, numberOfTimesteps, 1, TimestepUnit.Days, 0, Units.Centigrade);
            int numberOfObservedRunoffValues = 0;

            if (inputObservedRunoff is TimespanSeries)
                numberOfObservedRunoffValues = ((TimespanSeries)inputObservedRunoff).Items.Count;
            else if (inputObservedRunoff is TimestampSeries)
                numberOfObservedRunoffValues = ((TimestampSeries)inputObservedRunoff).Items.Count;
                throw new Exception("Unexpected exception");
            observedSpecificRunoff = new TimestampSeries("Observed specific runoff", simulationStartTime, numberOfObservedRunoffValues, 1, TimestepUnit.Days, 0, Units.MmPrDay);
            observedRunoff         = new TimestampSeries("Observed Runoff", simulationStartTime, numberOfObservedRunoffValues, 1, TimestepUnit.Days, 0, Units.M3PrSec);

            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfTimesteps; i++)
                DateTime fromTime = SimulationStartTime.AddDays(i);
                DateTime toTime   = SimulationStartTime.AddDays(i + 1);
                precipitation.Items[i].Value        = InputPrecipitation.GetValue(fromTime, toTime, precipitation.Unit);
                potentialEvaporation.Items[i].Value = InputPotentialEvaporation.GetValue(fromTime, toTime, potentialEvaporation.Unit);
                temperature.Items[i].Value          = InputTemperature.GetValue(fromTime, toTime, temperature.Unit);

            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfObservedRunoffValues; i++)
                DateTime fromTime = SimulationStartTime.AddDays(i);
                DateTime toTime   = SimulationStartTime.AddDays(i + 1);
                observedSpecificRunoff.Items[i].Value = InputObservedRunoff.GetValue(fromTime, toTime, observedSpecificRunoff.Unit) * (1000.0 * 3600 * 24 / CatchmentArea);
                observedRunoff.Items[i].Value         = InputObservedRunoff.GetValue(fromTime, toTime, observedRunoff.Unit);

            surfaceEvaporation  = new TimestampSeries("SurfaceEvaporation", simulationStartTime, numberOfTimesteps, 1, TimestepUnit.Days, 0, Units.MmPrDay);
            rootZoneEvaporation = new TimestampSeries("RootZoneEvaporation", simulationStartTime, numberOfTimesteps, 1, TimestepUnit.Days, 0, Units.MmPrDay);
            rainfall            = new TimestampSeries("Rainfall", simulationStartTime, numberOfTimesteps, 1, TimestepUnit.Days, 0, Units.MmPrDay);
            snowfall            = new TimestampSeries("Snowfall", simulationStartTime, numberOfTimesteps, 1, TimestepUnit.Days, 0, Units.MmPrDay);
            snowMelt            = new TimestampSeries("Snowmelt", simulationStartTime, numberOfTimesteps, 1, TimestepUnit.Days, 0, Units.MmPrDay);
            snowStorage         = new TimestampSeries("Snow storage", simulationStartTime, numberOfTimesteps, 1, TimestepUnit.Days, 0, Units.Millimiters);
            surfaceStorage      = new TimestampSeries("Surface storage", simulationStartTime, numberOfTimesteps, 1, TimestepUnit.Days, 0, Units.Millimiters);
            rootZoneStorage     = new TimestampSeries("Root zone storage", simulationStartTime, numberOfTimesteps, 1, TimestepUnit.Days, 0, Units.Millimiters);
            overlandflow        = new TimestampSeries("Overlandflow", simulationStartTime, numberOfTimesteps, 1, TimestepUnit.Days, 0, Units.MmPrDay);
            routedOverlandflow  = new TimestampSeries("Routed overlandflow", simulationStartTime, numberOfTimesteps, 1, TimestepUnit.Days, 0, Units.MmPrDay);
            interflow           = new TimestampSeries("Inteflow", simulationStartTime, numberOfTimesteps, 1, TimestepUnit.Days, 0, Units.MmPrDay);
            routedInterflow     = new TimestampSeries("Routed interflow", simulationStartTime, numberOfTimesteps, 1, TimestepUnit.Days, 0, Units.MmPrDay);
            baseflow            = new TimestampSeries("Baseflow", simulationStartTime, numberOfTimesteps, 1, TimestepUnit.Days, 0, Units.MmPrDay);
            routedBaseflow      = new TimestampSeries("Routed baseflow", simulationStartTime, numberOfTimesteps, 1, TimestepUnit.Days, 0, Units.MmPrDay);
            specificRunoff      = new TimestampSeries("Specific runoff", simulationStartTime, numberOfTimesteps, 1, TimestepUnit.Days, 0, Units.MmPrDay);
            runoff = new TimestampSeries("Runoff", simulationStartTime, numberOfTimesteps, 1, TimestepUnit.Days, 0, Units.M3PrSec);


            foreach (TimestampSeries ts in OutputTimeSeries.Items)
                ts.IsVisible = false;
            observedRunoff.IsVisible = true;
            runoff.IsVisible         = true;

            isConfigurated = true;
예제 #23
        public void TestMethod1()
            Lake Vedsted = LakeFactory.GetLake("Vedsted Sø");

            Vedsted.Depth      = 5;
            Vedsted.WaterLevel = 45.7;

            //Create and add precipitation boundary
            TimespanSeries Precipitation = new TimespanSeries();

            double[] values = new double[] { 108, 83, 73, 52, 61, 86, 99, 101, 75, 108, 85, 101 };
            LakeVedsted.AddMonthlyValues(Precipitation, 2007, values);
            SinkSourceBoundary Precip = new SinkSourceBoundary(Precipitation);

            Precip.ContactGeometry = Vedsted.SurfaceArea;

            //Create and add evaporation boundary
            TimespanSeries Evaporation = new TimespanSeries();

            double[] values2 = new double[] { 4, 11, 34, 66, 110, 118, 122, 103, 61, 26, 7, 1 };
            LakeVedsted.AddMonthlyValues(Evaporation, 2007, values2);
            EvaporationRateBoundary eva = new EvaporationRateBoundary(Evaporation);

            eva.ContactGeometry = Vedsted.SurfaceArea;

            //Create and add a discharge boundary
            TimestampSeries Discharge = new TimestampSeries();

            Discharge.AddSiValue(new DateTime(2007, 3, 12), 6986 / TimeSpan.FromDays(365).TotalSeconds);
            Discharge.AddSiValue(new DateTime(2007, 4, 3), 5894 / TimeSpan.FromDays(365).TotalSeconds);
            Discharge.AddSiValue(new DateTime(2007, 4, 25), 1205 / TimeSpan.FromDays(365).TotalSeconds);
            Discharge.RelaxationFactor   = 1;
            Discharge.AllowExtrapolation = true;
            Assert.AreEqual(Discharge.GetValue(new DateTime(2007, 4, 25)), Discharge.GetValue(new DateTime(2007, 6, 25)), 0.0000001);
            SinkSourceBoundary Kilde = new SinkSourceBoundary(Discharge);


            //Add a groundwater boundary
            GroundWaterBoundary gwb = new GroundWaterBoundary(Vedsted, 1e-5, 1, 46, (XYPolygon)Vedsted.Geometry);

            DateTime Start = new DateTime(2007, 1, 1);

            //Add the chemicals
            Chemical cl = ChemicalFactory.Instance.GetChemical(ChemicalNames.Cl);

            //Tell the lake to log the chemicals

            IsotopeWater Iw = new IsotopeWater(1);

            Iw.AddChemical(cl, 0.1);
            Precip.WaterSample = Iw.DeepClone();

            //Evaporate some of the water to get realistic initial conditions
            Iw.Evaporate(Iw.Volume / 2);
            Vedsted.SetState("Initial", Start, Iw.DeepClone());
            Kilde.WaterSample = Iw.DeepClone();

            Iw.Evaporate(Iw.Volume / 2);
            gwb.WaterSample = Iw.DeepClone();

            //Add to an engine
            Model Engine = new Model();

            Engine.Name = "Vedsted-opsætning";

            //Set initial state
            Engine.SetState("Initial", Start, new WaterPacket(1));

예제 #24
 public TimestampSeriesGrid(TimestampSeries timestampSeries) : this()
     this.dataGridView1.DataSource = timestampSeries;
     this.timeSeriesData           = timestampSeries;
예제 #25
 public void AddChemicalConcentrationSeries(Chemical C, TimestampSeries Concentration)
     _concentrations.Add(C, Concentration);
예제 #26
        public void BuildConcFromCSV()
            TimeSeriesGroup tsg = new TimeSeriesGroup();

            TimestampSeries ts1 = new TimestampSeries();

            ts1.Name = "Alkalinitet";
            TimestampSeries ts2 = new TimestampSeries();

            ts2.Name = "Nitrate";
            TimestampSeries ts3 = new TimestampSeries();

            ts3.Name = "Total nitrogen";
            TimestampSeries ts4 = new TimestampSeries();

            ts4.Name = "Chlorid";
            TimestampSeries ts5 = new TimestampSeries();

            ts5.Name = "Phosphor";
            TimestampSeries ts6 = new TimestampSeries();

            ts6.Name = "Suspenderet stof";


            using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(@"..\..\..\TestData\gjeller_analyse.csv"))

                while (!sr.EndOfStream)
                    var arr = sr.ReadLine().Split(';');

                    DateTime date = DateTime.Parse(arr[0]);

                    double d;
                    if (double.TryParse(arr[9], out d))
                        ts6.AddSiValue(date, d);
                    if (double.TryParse(arr[15], out d))
                        ts1.AddSiValue(date, d);
                    if (double.TryParse(arr[23], out d))
                        ts2.AddSiValue(date, d);
                    if (double.TryParse(arr[25], out d))
                        ts3.AddSiValue(date, d);
                    if (double.TryParse(arr[29], out d))
                        ts4.AddSiValue(date, d);
                    if (double.TryParse(arr[31], out d))
                        ts5.AddSiValue(date, d);

        public override IValueSet GetValues(ITime time, string LinkID)
            if (!initializeWasInvoked)
                throw new Exception("Method \"GetValues\" in LinkableTimeSeriesGroup class was invoked before the Initialize method was invoked");

            ILink link = this.GetLink(LinkID);

            SendSourceAfterGetValuesCallEvent(time, link);

            // -- handle incoming links (where this component is the target)
            if (!isBusy) //avoiding deadlocks
                isBusy = true;
                foreach (ILink acceptingLink in _acceptingLinks)
                    if (((TsQuantity)acceptingLink.TargetQuantity).BaseTimeSeries is TimestampSeries)
                        TimestampSeries timestampSeries = (TimestampSeries)((TsQuantity)acceptingLink.TargetQuantity).BaseTimeSeries;
                        foreach (TimestampValue timestampValue in timestampSeries.Items)
                            TimeStamp getValuesTime = new TimeStamp(timestampValue.Time);
                            SendTargetBeforeGetValuesCall(getValuesTime, acceptingLink);
                            IValueSet valueSet = acceptingLink.SourceComponent.GetValues(getValuesTime, acceptingLink.ID);
                            timestampValue.Value = ((IScalarSet)valueSet).GetScalar(0);
                            SendTargetAfterGetValuesReturn(timestampValue.Value, acceptingLink);
                    else if (((TsQuantity)acceptingLink.TargetQuantity).BaseTimeSeries is TimespanSeries)
                        TimespanSeries timespanSeries = (TimespanSeries)((TsQuantity)acceptingLink.TargetQuantity).BaseTimeSeries;
                        foreach (TimespanValue timespanValue in timespanSeries.Items)
                            HydroNumerics.OpenMI.Sdk.Backbone.TimeSpan timeSpan = new HydroNumerics.OpenMI.Sdk.Backbone.TimeSpan(new HydroNumerics.OpenMI.Sdk.Backbone.TimeStamp(timespanValue.StartTime), new HydroNumerics.OpenMI.Sdk.Backbone.TimeStamp(timespanValue.EndTime));
                            SendTargetBeforeGetValuesCall(timeSpan, acceptingLink);
                            IValueSet valueSet = acceptingLink.SourceComponent.GetValues(timeSpan, acceptingLink.ID);
                            timespanValue.Value = ((IScalarSet)valueSet).GetScalar(0);
                            SendTargetAfterGetValuesReturn(timespanValue.Value, acceptingLink);
                        throw new Exception("Unexpected exception : Undefined timeseries type (occured in HydroNumerics.Time.OpenMI.LinkableTimeSeriesGroup class)");
                isBusy = false;

            // -- handle outgoing links (where this component is the source)
            HydroNumerics.Core.Unit toUnit = new HydroNumerics.Core.Unit();
            toUnit.ConversionFactorToSI = link.TargetQuantity.Unit.ConversionFactorToSI;
            toUnit.OffSetToSI           = link.TargetQuantity.Unit.OffSetToSI;

            if (time is ITimeStamp)
                HydroNumerics.OpenMI.Sdk.Backbone.TimeStamp t = new TimeStamp((ITimeStamp)time);

                double    x         = ((TsQuantity)link.SourceQuantity).BaseTimeSeries.GetValue(t.ToDateTime(), toUnit);
                ScalarSet scalarSet = new ScalarSet(new double[] { x });
                SendSourceBeforeGetValuesReturn(x, link);
                HydroNumerics.OpenMI.Sdk.Backbone.TimeStamp start = new TimeStamp(((ITimeSpan)time).Start);
                HydroNumerics.OpenMI.Sdk.Backbone.TimeStamp end   = new TimeStamp(((ITimeSpan)time).End);

                double    x         = ((TsQuantity)link.SourceQuantity).BaseTimeSeries.GetValue(start.ToDateTime(), end.ToDateTime(), toUnit);
                ScalarSet scalarSet = new ScalarSet(new double[] { x });
                SendSourceBeforeGetValuesReturn(x, link);
예제 #28
        public void GetValue02() // GetValue(DateTime fromTime, DateTime toTime)
            //-- Expected exception when GetValues is invoked on an empty timeseries. --
            TimestampSeries timeSeries = new TimestampSeries();

                timeSeries.GetValue(new DateTime(2010, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), new DateTime(2010, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0));
            catch (Exception ex)
                Assert.IsTrue(ex.GetType() == typeof(Exception));

            timeSeries.Items.Add(new TimestampValue(new DateTime(2010, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), 3.0));

            //Testing when only one record in timeseries
            Assert.AreEqual(3.0, timeSeries.GetValue(new DateTime(2010, 11, 1, 0, 0, 0), new DateTime(2010, 12, 1, 0, 0, 0)));

            timeSeries.Items.Add(new TimestampValue(new DateTime(2010, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0), 6.0));
            timeSeries.Items.Add(new TimestampValue(new DateTime(2010, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0), 6.0));
            timeSeries.Items.Add(new TimestampValue(new DateTime(2010, 1, 4, 0, 0, 0), 4.0));

            timeSeries.RelaxationFactor = 1.0;

                timeSeries.GetValue(new DateTime(2010, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), new DateTime(2010, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0));
            catch (Exception ex)
                //Testing invalid argument for timespan
                Assert.IsTrue(ex.GetType() == typeof(Exception));

                timeSeries.GetValue(new DateTime(2010, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0), new DateTime(2010, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0));
            catch (Exception ex)
                //Testing invalid argument for timespan
                Assert.IsTrue(ex.GetType() == typeof(Exception));

            timeSeries.RelaxationFactor = 0.0;

            // v--------------------------------------V
            // |------------|------------|------------|
            // 3            6            6            4
            Assert.AreEqual(15.5 / 3.0, timeSeries.GetValue(new DateTime(2010, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), new DateTime(2010, 1, 4, 0, 0, 0))); //interval same as the full timeseries

            //        v-----------v
            // |------------|------------|------------|
            Assert.AreEqual(5.625, timeSeries.GetValue(new DateTime(2010, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0), new DateTime(2010, 1, 2, 12, 0, 0)));

            //        v-------------------------v
            // |------------|------------|------------|
            Assert.AreEqual(11.375 / 2.0, timeSeries.GetValue(new DateTime(2010, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0), new DateTime(2010, 1, 3, 12, 0, 0)));

            //     v----v
            // |------------|------------|------------|
            Assert.AreEqual(4.5, timeSeries.GetValue(new DateTime(2010, 1, 1, 6, 0, 0), new DateTime(2010, 1, 1, 18, 0, 0)));

            // v--------------------------------------------------------------v
            // ------------|------------|------------|------------|------------
            Assert.AreEqual(4.0, timeSeries.GetValue(new DateTime(2009, 12, 31, 0, 0, 0), new DateTime(2010, 1, 5, 0, 0, 0)));  //Extrapolating outside timeseries
예제 #29
        public DemoViewModel(string Name, XYPolygon SurfaceArea, TimespanSeries Evaporation, TimespanSeries Precipitation)
            Calibration      = 1;
            _lake            = new Lake(Name, SurfaceArea);
            _lake.Depth      = 5;
            _lake.WaterLevel = 45.7;

            //Create and add precipitation boundary
            SinkSourceBoundary Precip = new SinkSourceBoundary(Precipitation);

            Precip.ContactGeometry = _lake.SurfaceArea;

            //Create and add evaporation boundary
            EvaporationRateBoundary eva = new EvaporationRateBoundary(Evaporation);

            eva.ContactGeometry = _lake.SurfaceArea;

            //Create and add a discharge boundary
            Discharge = new TimestampSeries();
            Discharge.AddSiValue(new DateTime(2007, 3, 12), 6986 / TimeSpan.FromDays(365).TotalSeconds);
            Discharge.AddSiValue(new DateTime(2007, 4, 3), 5894 / TimeSpan.FromDays(365).TotalSeconds);
            Discharge.AddSiValue(new DateTime(2007, 4, 25), 1205 / TimeSpan.FromDays(365).TotalSeconds);
            Discharge.RelaxationFactor   = 1;
            Discharge.AllowExtrapolation = true;
            Discharge.Name = "Inflow";
            SinkSourceBoundary Kilde = new SinkSourceBoundary(Discharge);


            //Add a groundwater boundary
            GroundWaterBoundary gwb = new GroundWaterBoundary(_lake, 1e-7, 1, 46, (XYPolygon)_lake.Geometry);


            DateTime Start = new DateTime(2007, 1, 1);

            //Add to an engine
            Engine = new Model();

            //Set initial state
            Engine.SetState("Initial", Start, new WaterPacket(1));

            //Add the chemicals
            Chemical cl = ChemicalFactory.Instance.GetChemical(ChemicalNames.Cl);

            //Tell the lake to log the chemicals

            IsotopeWater Iw = new IsotopeWater(1);

            Iw.AddChemical(cl, 0.1);
            Precip.WaterSample = Iw.DeepClone();

            //Evaporate some of the water to get realistic initial conditions
            Iw.Evaporate(Iw.Volume / 2);
            _lake.SetState("Initial", Start, Iw.DeepClone(_lake.Volume));
            Kilde.WaterSample = Iw.DeepClone();

            Iw.Evaporate(Iw.Volume / 2);
            gwb.WaterSample = Iw.DeepClone();
예제 #30
        public void TestMethod1()
            List <TimestampValue> _list = new List <TimestampValue>();

            DateTime Start = DateTime.Now;

            int n = 100000;

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                _list.Add(new TimestampValue(Start.AddSeconds(i), i));

            Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();

            SortedList <DateTime, double> _sortedList = new SortedList <DateTime, double>();

            for (int i = n - 1; i > 0; i--)
                _sortedList.Add(_list[i].Time, _list[i].Value);
            Console.WriteLine("SortedList:" + sw.Elapsed);

            SortedDictionary <DateTime, double> _sortedDictionary = new SortedDictionary <DateTime, double>();

            for (int i = n - 1; i > 0; i--)
                _sortedDictionary.Add(_list[i].Time, _list[i].Value);

            Console.WriteLine("SortedDictionary:" + sw.Elapsed);

            TimestampSeries ts = new TimestampSeries();

            for (int i = n - 1; i > 0; i--)
                ts.AddValue(_list[i].Time, _list[i].Value);
            Console.WriteLine("TimestampSeries:" + sw.Elapsed);

            List <TimestampValue> _listAndSort = new List <TimestampValue>();

            for (int i = n - 1; i > 0; i--)
            _listAndSort.Sort((var, var2) => var.Time.CompareTo(var2.Time));

            Console.WriteLine("_listAndSort:" + sw.Elapsed);

            _listAndSort.Sort((var, var2) => var.Time.CompareTo(var2.Time));


            Console.WriteLine("Sort sorted list:" + sw.Elapsed);