/// ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- /// <name>SaveAthleteSeasonData</name> /// <date>30/03/15</date> /// <summary> /// Reads the athlete season details xml from file and decodes it. /// </summary> /// <param name="fileName">name of xml file</param> /// <returns>decoded athlete's details</returns> /// ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- public List <IAthleteSeasonDetails> LoadAthleteSeasonData( string fileName, IResultsConfigMngr resultsConfigurationManager) { List <IAthleteSeasonDetails> seasonDetails = new List <IAthleteSeasonDetails>(); try { XDocument reader = XDocument.Load(fileName); XElement rootElement = reader.Root; var athleteList = from Athlete in rootElement.Elements(c_athleteElement) select new { key = (int)Athlete.Attribute(c_keyAttribute), name = (string)Athlete.Attribute(c_nameAttribute), runningNumbers = from RunningNumbers in Athlete.Elements(c_runningNumbersElement) select new { numbers = from Numbers in RunningNumbers.Elements(c_numberElement) select new { number = (string)Numbers.Attribute(c_numberAttribute) } }, eventTimes = from EventTimes in Athlete.Elements(c_timesElement) select new { events = from Times in EventTimes.Elements(c_eventTimeElement) select new { time = (string)Times.Attribute(c_eventTimeAttribute), date = (string)Times.Attribute(c_eventDateAttribute) } }, mobTrophyPoints = from Points in Athlete.Elements(MobTrophyPointsElement) select new { point = from Point in Points.Elements(c_eventPointsElement) select new { finishing = (int)Point.Attribute(c_finishingPoints), position = (int)Point.Attribute(c_positionPoints), best = (int)Point.Attribute(c_bestPoints), date = (string)Point.Attribute(c_eventDateAttribute) } }, teamTrophyPoints = from Points in Athlete.Elements(TeamTrophyPointsElement) select new { point = from Point in Points.Elements(c_eventPointsElement) select new { teamTrophyPoint = (int)Point.Attribute(TeamTrophyPointsAttribute), date = (string)Point.Attribute(c_eventDateAttribute) } } }; foreach (var athlete in athleteList) { AthleteSeasonDetails athleteDetails = new AthleteSeasonDetails( athlete.key, athlete.name); foreach (var eventTms in athlete.eventTimes) { foreach (var times in eventTms.events) { athleteDetails.AddNewTime(new Appearances(new RaceTimeType(times.time), new DateType(times.date))); } } foreach (var points in athlete.mobTrophyPoints) { foreach (var point in points.point) { DateType eventDate = new DateType( point.date); CommonPoints commonPoints = new CommonPoints( point.finishing, point.position, point.best, eventDate); athleteDetails.Points.AddNewEvent(commonPoints); // TODO, should probably check that there are the correct number read from the xml file. // i.e. there is one for each event in the currently loaded season. // Will want to change it to proper serialisation at some point. } } foreach (var points in athlete.teamTrophyPoints) { foreach (var point in points.point) { DateType date = new DateType(point.date); IAthleteTeamTrophyPoints newEvent = new AthleteTeamTrophyPoints( point.teamTrophyPoint, date); athleteDetails.TeamTrophyPoints.AddNewEvent(newEvent); } } seasonDetails.Add(athleteDetails); } } catch (Exception ex) { this.logger.WriteLog("Error reading athlete data: " + ex.ToString()); seasonDetails = new List <IAthleteSeasonDetails>(); } return(seasonDetails); }