public void Close() { IsActive = false; StateChanged?.Invoke(); _timer?.Dispose(); }
public async Task StartAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) { _logger.LogInformation(@"Startup Leader Elector for operator ""{operatorName}"".", _settings.Name); _leaseCheck?.Dispose(); _leaseCheck = new Timer( TimeSpan.FromSeconds(_settings.LeaderElectionCheckInterval).TotalMilliseconds) { AutoReset = true, }; _logger.LogTrace("Fetching namespace for leader election."); _namespace = await _client.GetCurrentNamespace(); _operatorDeployment = (await _client.List <V1Deployment>( _namespace, new EqualsSelector("operator-deployment", _settings.Name))).FirstOrDefault(); if (_operatorDeployment != null) { _operatorDeployment.Kind = V1Deployment.KubeKind; _operatorDeployment.ApiVersion = $"{V1Deployment.KubeGroup}/{V1Deployment.KubeApiVersion}"; } #if DEBUG _election.LeadershipChanged(LeaderState.Leader); #else _leaseCheck.Start(); _leaseCheck.Elapsed += async(_, __) => await CheckLeaderLease(); await CheckLeaderLease(); #endif }
/// <summary> /// Close the Producer. /// </summary> public void Close() { if (_closed) { return; } lock (_closeLock) { if (_closed) { return; } _logger.LogDebug($"Close() | Producer:{ProducerId}"); _closed = true; _checkConsumersTimer?.Dispose(); // Remove notification subscriptions. _channel.MessageEvent -= OnChannelMessage; //_payloadChannel.MessageEvent -= OnPayloadChannelMessage; // Fire and forget _channel.RequestAsync(MethodId.PRODUCER_CLOSE, _internal).ContinueWithOnFaultedHandleLog(_logger); Emit("@close"); // Emit observer event. Observer.Emit("close"); } }
/// <summary> /// Debounce reset timer and after last item received give you last item. /// </summary> /// <param name="obj">Your object</param> /// <param name="interval">Milisecond interval</param> /// <param name="debounceAction">Called when last item call this method and after interval was finished</param> public static void Debounce(object?obj, int interval, Action <object> debounceAction) { _lastObjectDebounce = obj; _debounceAction = debounceAction; _debounceTimerInterval?.Dispose(); _debounceTimerInterval = new Timer(DebounceTimerIntervalOnTick, obj, interval, interval); }
void ProcessResendRequest(Message request) { _testRequestTimer?.Dispose(); _testRequestTimer = null; int beginSeqNo = request.BeginSeqNo; int endSeqNo = request.EndSeqNo; PerformResend(beginSeqNo, endSeqNo); }
/// <summary> /// Debounce reset timer and after last item recieved give you last item. /// <exception cref="">See this example for understanding what is RateLimiting and Debounce</exception> /// </summary> /// <param name="obj">Your object</param> /// <param name="interval">Milisecond interval</param> /// <param name="debounceAction">Called when last item call this method and after interval was finished</param> public void Debounce <T>(int interval, Action <T> action, [AllowNull] T param) { _timer?.Dispose(); _timer = new Timer(state => { _timer !.Dispose(); if (_timer != null) { #pragma warning disable CS8604 // Possible null reference argument. action.Invoke(param); #pragma warning restore CS8604 // Possible null reference argument. } _timer = null; }, param, interval, interval); }
static void Main() { // Create an event to signal the timeout count threshold in the // timer callback. AutoResetEvent autoEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false); StatusChecker statusChecker = new StatusChecker(10); // Create an inferred delegate that invokes methods for the timer. TimerCallback tcb = statusChecker.CheckStatus; // Create a timer that signals the delegate to invoke // CheckStatus after one second, and every 1/4 second // thereafter. Console.WriteLine("{0} Creating timer.\n", DateTime.Now.ToString("h:mm:ss.fff")); Timer stateTimer = new Timer(tcb, autoEvent, 1000, 250); // When autoEvent signals, change the period to every // 1/2 second. autoEvent.WaitOne(5000, false); stateTimer.Change(0, 500); Console.WriteLine("\nChanging period.\n"); // When autoEvent signals the second time, dispose of // the timer. autoEvent.WaitOne(5000, false); stateTimer.Dispose(); Console.WriteLine("\nDestroying timer."); }
protected override void ExecutionLoop(IAsyncResult result) { icon = new NotifyIcon(); timer = new Timer(); icons = new Icon[4]; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { icons[i] = (Icon) GetResourceObject( (i + 1).ToString()); } icon.Icon = icons[currentIconIndex]; icon.Text = GetResourceString("IconTip"); icon.Visible = true; icon.DoubleClick += OnIconDoubleClick; timer.Tick += OnTimerTick; timer.Interval = 350; timer.Start(); Application.Run(); icon.Dispose(); timer.Dispose(); }
public async Task Debounce(int interval, Func <Task> action) { // kill pending timer and pending ticks if (timer is not null) { await timer.DisposeAsync(); } timer = null; // timer is recreated for each event and effectively // resets the timeout. Action only fires after timeout has fully // elapsed without other events firing in between timer = new Timer( async(_) => { if (timer == null) { return; } timer?.Dispose(); timer = null; await action.Invoke(); }, null, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(interval), Timeout.InfiniteTimeSpan); }
private void RunUntil(object?state) { StopMotor(PortLeft); StopMotor(PortRight); _timer?.Dispose(); _timer = null; }
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing) { _timer?.Dispose(); } }
/// <summary> /// Clean up can be called by: /// 1. The user. AsyncUnaryCall.Dispose et al will call this on Dispose /// 2. <see cref="ValidateHeaders"/> will call dispose if errors fail validation /// 3. <see cref="FinishResponseAndCleanUp"/> will call dispose /// </summary> private void Cleanup(Status status) { if (!ResponseFinished) { // If the response is not finished then cancel any pending actions: // 1. Call HttpClient.SendAsync // 2. Response Stream.ReadAsync // 3. Client stream // - Getting the Stream from the Request.HttpContent // - Holding the Request.HttpContent.SerializeToStream open // - Writing to the client stream CancelCall(status); } else { _callTcs.TrySetResult(status); ClientStreamWriter?.WriteStreamTcs.TrySetCanceled(); ClientStreamWriter?.CompleteTcs.TrySetCanceled(); ClientStreamReader?.HttpResponseTcs.TrySetCanceled(); } _ctsRegistration?.Dispose(); _deadlineTimer?.Dispose(); HttpResponse?.Dispose(); ClientStreamReader?.Dispose(); ClientStreamWriter?.Dispose(); // To avoid racing with Dispose, skip disposing the call CTS. // This avoid Dispose potentially calling cancel on a disposed CTS. // The call CTS is not exposed externally and all dependent registrations // are cleaned up. }
public static void Main(string[] args) { int tickCount = 0; //sample callback which does the work you want. Action callback = () => { tickCount++; }; // perform work after a specfic interval TimeSpan interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1); //instatiate the timer var timer = new Timer(callback, interval); //start it timer.Start(); //wait and give some room for processing Thread.Sleep(20); timer.Stop(); timer.Dispose(); //tick count should be ~20-23 Console.WriteLine("Tick Count => {0}", tickCount); // keep result window open to see the result Thread.Sleep(2000); }
protected virtual void Dispose(bool isDisposing) { _StopHandle.Set(); _LogMessageProcessingThread.Join(); if (isDisposing) { _Timer?.Dispose(); _LogFileManager.Dispose(); _OptionsReloadToken.Dispose(); _StopHandle.Dispose(); _ArchiveNowHandle.Dispose(); _MessageReadyHandle.Dispose(); } }
public void Timer_Change_UInt32_Int64_AfterDispose_Throws() { var t = new Timer(EmptyTimerTarget); t.Dispose(); Assert.Throws<ObjectDisposedException>(() => t.Change(0u, 0u)); Assert.Throws<ObjectDisposedException>(() => t.Change(0L, 0L)); }
public void Collapse(bool silent = false) { if (silent || AnimationDelay == 0) { Width = pnClosed.Width; pnOpened.Visible = false; pnClosed.Visible = true; } else { var timer = new Timer(); timer.Interval = AnimationDelay > ContentSize ? AnimationDelay / ContentSize : 100; timer.Tick += (o, e) => { if (Width > (pnClosed.Width + 50)) Width -= 50; else { Width = pnClosed.Width; pnOpened.Visible = false; pnClosed.Visible = true; timer.Stop(); timer.Dispose(); timer = null; } Application.DoEvents(); }; timer.Start(); } if (!silent) StateChanged?.Invoke(this, new StateChangedEventArgs(false)); }
/// <summary> /// Override this method and dispose any objects you own the lifetime of if disposing is true. /// </summary> /// <param name="disposing">True if managed objects should be disposed, if false, only unmanaged resources should be released.</param> private void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (_disposed) { return; } if (disposing) { _disposed = true; _logger.LogDebug("Disposing instance."); _rebroadcastAliveNotificationsTimer?.Dispose(); _rebroadcastAliveNotificationsTimer = null; _networkManager.NetworkChanged -= NetworkChanged; DlnaServerPlugin.Instance !.ConfigurationChanging -= UpdateConfiguration; var tasks = Devices.ToList().Select(RemoveDevice).ToArray(); Task.WaitAll(tasks); // Must be last, or there won't be any sockets available. Server.DeleteEvent("M-SEARCH", RequestReceived); } _disposed = true; }
public async Task DebounceAsync <T>(TimeSpan interval, Action <T> action, T param) { await _semaphoreSlim.WaitAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); _timer?.Dispose(); _timer = null; _timer = new Timer( async s => { await _semaphoreSlim.WaitAsync().ConfigureAwait(true); if (_timer == null) { _semaphoreSlim.Release(); return; } _timer?.Dispose(); _timer = null; _semaphoreSlim.Release(); ExecuteAction(action, param); }, null, interval, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(-1)); _semaphoreSlim.Release(); }
public void Dispose() { lock (_work) { if (_disposed) { return; } _disposed = true; _timer?.Dispose(); _timer = null; _work.Clear(); _disposalCts.Cancel(); _disposalCts.Dispose(); } }
public async Task DisposeTest() { int callCount = 0; //Run the timer for a second, then change it, and run it for another second to get a total count //Expect 9 iterations Timer timer = new Timer((s) => callCount++, null, 100, 100); await Task.Delay(1000); //Expect no more iterations timer.Dispose(); int lastCallCount = callCount; await Task.Delay(1000); timer.Dispose(); Assert.AreEqual(lastCallCount, callCount, "Timer continued to fire after being stopped"); }
// Internal so it can be overridden in tests internal virtual void StopCleanupTimer() { lock (_cleanupTimerLock) { _cleanupTimer?.Dispose(); _cleanupTimer = null; } }
public void Dispose() { _peerRefreshQueue?.Dispose(); _refreshLoopCancellation?.Dispose(); _refreshLoopTask?.Dispose(); _signals?.Dispose(); _upgradeTimer?.Dispose(); }
public override bool ShowDataSourceSelector() { Timer t = new Timer(); t.Interval = 5; t.Tick += (s, e) => { t.Stop(); t.Dispose(); t = null; ShowDataSeriesConfig(); }; t.Start(); return true; }
public void Dispose() { _Timer?.Dispose(); _Timer = null; _stringWriterRedirect?.Dispose(); _stringWriterRedirect = null; _stringReaderRedirect?.Dispose(); _stringReaderRedirect = null; }
/// <inheritdoc /> public void Dispose() { _initialiseTokenSrc.Cancel(); _modConfigService.Items.CollectionChanged -= OnGetModifications; _refreshProcessesWithLoaderTimer?.Dispose(); _instanceTracker.OnProcessesChanged -= OnProcessesChanged; _instanceTracker.Dispose(); GC.SuppressFinalize(this); }
void FadeOut() { if (InFadeOut) return; if (SystemInformation.TerminalServerSession) { if (Startup) Application.ExitThread(); StressForm = null; base.Close(); return; } int duration = 500;//in milliseconds int steps = 50; Timer timer = new Timer(); timer.Interval = duration / steps; timer.Enabled = true; int currentStep = steps; timer.Tick += (arg1, arg2) => { Opacity = ((double)currentStep) / steps; currentStep--; if (currentStep <= 0) { timer.Stop(); timer.Dispose(); if (Startup) Application.ExitThread(); Visible = false; if (StressForm != null && StressForm.Visible) StressForm.Invoke(new Action(() => { if (StressForm != null) { StressForm.TopMost = true; Application.DoEvents(); StressForm.TopMost = false; } })); StressForm = null; base.Close(); } }; timer.Start(); }
internal void Shutdown() { _state = State.ShuttingDown; // deactivate timer callbacks Timer?t = _cleanupTimer; _cleanupTimer = null; t?.Dispose(); }
/// <summary> /// Disposes the underlying timer. /// </summary> /// <exception cref="ObjectDisposedException">thrown if the instance is disposed</exception> public void Dispose() { if (_disposed) { return; } _disposed = true; _timer?.Dispose(); }
void IDisposable.Dispose() { _editTimer?.Dispose(); _editTimer = null; if (PageCriteria != null) { PageCriteria.PageChanged -= PageCriteria_PageChanged; PageCriteria.PageSizeChanged -= PageCriteria_PageSizeChanged; } }
public void BiometricsLogin() { var context = new LAContext(); NSError AuthError; var myReason = new NSString(LoginScreenData.BioLoginMessage); if (context.CanEvaluatePolicy(LAPolicy.DeviceOwnerAuthenticationWithBiometrics, out AuthError)) { var replyHandler = new LAContextReplyHandler((success, error) => { this.InvokeOnMainThread(() => { if (success) { var obj = Global.DatabaseManager.GetUsername(); var pwd = Encrypt.DecryptString(obj.PWD); Dictionary<string, string> parameters = new Dictionary<string, string>(); parameters.Add("username", obj.Username); parameters.Add("password", pwd); parameters.Add("app_device_number", Device.DeviceID); loginScreenView.Hide(); initLoadingScreenView(LoginScreenData.LoadingScreenTextLogin); atimer = new Timer(1000); atimer.Elapsed += (s, e) => { if (ServerURLReady) { InvokeOnMainThread(() => { LoginWebCall(parameters); atimer.Stop(); atimer.Dispose(); }); } }; atimer.AutoReset = true; atimer.Enabled = true; } else if (error!=null && error.ToString().Contains("Application retry limit exceeded")){ //Show fallback mechanism here new UIAlertView(LoginScreenData.AlertScreenBioLoginFailTitle, error.ToString()+" "+LoginScreenData.AlertScreenBioLoginFaildMessage, null, LoginScreenData.AlertScreenBioLoginFaildCancelBtnTitle, null).Show(); } PWDLogin(); }); }); context.EvaluatePolicy(LAPolicy.DeviceOwnerAuthenticationWithBiometrics, myReason, replyHandler); } else { loginScreenView.userNameTextField.Hidden = false; loginScreenView.passwordTextField.Hidden = false; loginScreenView.loginBtn.Hidden = false; loginScreenView.fingerPrintView.Hidden = true; } }
private void ErrorCallback(object?state) { _errorOccurred = false; _waitHandles.ErrorEvent.Reset(); // the error state is cleaned, destroy the timer to avoid periodic invocation Timer?t = _errorTimer; _errorTimer = null; t?.Dispose(); // Cancel timer request. }
private void InitTimer() { _timer = new Timer(); _timer.Interval = 1; _timer.Tick += (o, e) => { SetBrowser(); _timer.Stop(); _timer.Dispose(); }; }
void IDisposable.Dispose() { lock (_lockObj) { _disposed = true; _timer?.Dispose(); _timer = null; } }
public void Dispose() { _isDisposed = true; _timer?.Dispose(); _requests.Writer.TryComplete(); Flush(); _output.Finish(); _cancellationTokenSource.Cancel(); _cancellationTokenSource.Dispose(); _task.Dispose(); }
/// <summary> /// Handler for releasing the button. /// </summary> protected void HandleButtonReleased() { if (_debounceTime.Ticks > 0 && !IsPressed) { return; } _debounceStartTicks = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks; _holdingTimer?.Dispose(); _holdingTimer = null; IsPressed = false; ButtonUp?.Invoke(this, new EventArgs()); Press?.Invoke(this, new EventArgs()); if (IsHoldingEnabled && _holdingState == ButtonHoldingState.Started) { _holdingState = ButtonHoldingState.Completed; Holding?.Invoke(this, new ButtonHoldingEventArgs { HoldingState = ButtonHoldingState.Completed }); } if (IsDoublePressEnabled) { if (_lastPress == DateTime.MinValue.Ticks) { _lastPress = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks; } else { if (DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks - _lastPress <= _doublePressTicks) { DoublePress?.Invoke(this, new EventArgs()); } _lastPress = DateTime.MinValue.Ticks; } } }
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing) { _timer?.Dispose(); _cancellationCts?.Cancel(); _cancellationCts?.Dispose(); _semaphoreSlim?.Dispose(); } }
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (!_disposedValue) { if (disposing) { _timer?.Dispose(); } _disposedValue = true; } }
public void Dispose() { _logger.LogTrace("Disposing SQLite cache database at {SqliteCacheDbPath}", _config.CachePath); _cleanupTimer?.Dispose(); Commands?.Dispose(); if (_db is not null) { _logger.LogTrace("Closing connection to SQLite database at {SqliteCacheDbPath}", _config.CachePath); _db.Close(); _db.Dispose(); } }
public static int Main(string[] args) { Thread th = new Thread(new ThreadStart(Thread2)); th.Start(); Thread th2 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(Thread3)); th2.Start(); for (int i = 0; i < 20000 && !_fTestFailed; i++) { _mre = new ManualResetEvent(false); Timer t = new Timer(new TimerCallback(callback), null, 1000000, Timeout.Infinite); _are.Set(); bool bDisposeSucceeded = false; //Used to improve speed of the test when Dispose has failed try { t.Dispose(); bDisposeSucceeded = true; } catch (ObjectDisposedException) { } if (bDisposeSucceeded) { try { if (_mre.WaitOne(0)) { Console.Write("@"); } } catch (ObjectDisposedException) { } } } _fTestDone = true; _are.Set(); th.Join(); th2.Join(); if (!_fTestFailed) { Console.WriteLine("Test Passed"); return 100; } Console.WriteLine("Test Failed"); return 101; }
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (!disposedValue) { if (disposing) { StopMulticast(); MulticastTimer?.Dispose(); Multicaster?.Dispose(); } disposedValue = true; } }
public Task StartAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) { _logger.LogInformation(@"Startup Leader Elector for operator ""{operatorName}"".", _settings.Name); _leaseCheck?.Dispose(); _leaseCheck = new Timer( TimeSpan.FromSeconds(_settings.LeaderElectionCheckInterval).TotalMilliseconds) { AutoReset = true, }; #if DEBUG _election.LeadershipChanged(LeaderState.Leader); return(Task.CompletedTask); #else _leaseCheck.Start(); _leaseCheck.Elapsed += async(_, __) => await CheckLeaderLease(); return(CheckLeaderLease()); #endif }
public static void ShowPopup(MailScreen parent, string newBlockedUser) { Timer timer = new Timer { Interval = 30 }; timer.Tick += new EventHandler(MailUserBlockPopup.tooltipCallbackFunction); timer.Tag = "0"; timer.Enabled = true; MailUserBlockPopup popup = new MailUserBlockPopup(); popup.init(parent, newBlockedUser); popup.ShowDialog(InterfaceMgr.Instance.ParentForm); popup.Dispose(); timer.Stop(); timer.Dispose(); }
public async Task ChangeTest() { int callCount = 0; //Run the timer for a second, then change it, and run it for another second to get a total count //Expect 9 iterations Timer timer = new Timer((s) => callCount++, null, 100, 100); await Task.Delay(1000); //Expect 4 iterations timer.Change(200, 200); await Task.Delay(1000); timer.Dispose(); Assert.AreEqual(13, callCount, "Callcount was incorrect"); }
public void RefreshGrid2() { /// /// a criacao de um timer foi um arremedo que fiz para que o municipio seja excluido da grade /// tentei excluir diretamente ou dar um rebuild, mas este componente dá um erro de recursividade. /// timerRefresh = new Timer(); timerRefresh.Tick += delegate { timerRefresh.Stop(); timerRefresh.Dispose(); this.grid2.RefreshMunicipiosDefinidos(); }; timerRefresh.Start(); }
public BrowseSamplesForm() { this.InitializeComponent(); this.webBrowser.DocumentStream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Connecting...")); this.webBrowser.Navigating += new WebBrowserNavigatingEventHandler(this.webBrowser_Navigating); this.EnableControls(); base.Icon = Resources.LINQPad; Timer tmr = new Timer(); tmr.Tick += delegate (object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!this.IsDisposed) { this.webBrowser.Navigate(""); } tmr.Dispose(); }; tmr.Start(); }
private void AboutForm_Shown(object sender, EventArgs e) { var timer = new Timer { Interval = 1, Enabled = true }; timer.Tick += (o, args) => { if (Opacity < 1d) { Opacity += .1d; return; } timer.Dispose(); }; }
private static void Slide(Toast slice) { int targetY = slice.Top + slice.Height; Timer timer = new Timer() { Interval = 10 }; timer.Tick += delegate(object sender, EventArgs args) { slice.Top = Math.Min(slice.Top + 10, targetY); if (slice.Top == targetY) { timer.Stop(); timer.Dispose(); } }; timer.Start(); }
public static int Main() { TestLibrary.TestFramework.BeginTestCase("Timer.Dispose()"); TestLibrary.TestFramework.BeginScenario("Timer.Dispose() hang test"); TestLibrary.TestFramework.LogInformation("Creating timercallback"); TimerCallback tcb = new TimerCallback(Target); TestLibrary.TestFramework.LogInformation("Creating timer"); Timer timer = new Timer(tcb,null,0,0); TestLibrary.TestFramework.LogInformation("Calling timer.Dispose"); timer.Dispose(); TestLibrary.TestFramework.EndTestCase(); TestLibrary.TestFramework.LogInformation("PASS"); return 100; }
private void setupFadeIn() { int duration = 1000;//in milliseconds int steps = 100; Timer timer = new Timer(); timer.Interval = duration / steps; int currentStep = 0; timer.Tick += (arg1, arg2) => { Opacity = ((double)currentStep) / steps; currentStep++; if (currentStep >= steps) { timer.Stop(); timer.Dispose(); complete = true; } }; timer.Start(); }
/// <summary>Creates a Task that will complete after the specified delay.</summary> /// <param name="factory">The TaskFactory.</param> /// <param name="millisecondsDelay">The delay after which the Task should transition to RanToCompletion.</param> /// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token that can be used to cancel the timed task.</param> /// <returns>A Task that will be completed after the specified duration and that's cancelable with the specified token.</returns> public static Task StartNewDelayed(this TaskFactory factory, int millisecondsDelay, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { // Validate arguments if (factory == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("factory"); if (millisecondsDelay < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("millisecondsDelay"); // Check for a pre-canceled token if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) return factory.FromCancellation(cancellationToken); // Create the timed task var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<object>(factory.CreationOptions); var ctr = default(CancellationTokenRegistration); // Create the timer but don't start it yet. If we start it now, // it might fire before ctr has been set to the right registration. var timer = new Timer(self => { // Clean up both the cancellation token and the timer, and try to transition to completed ctr.Dispose(); ((Timer)self).Dispose(); tcs.TrySetResult(null); }); // Register with the cancellation token. if (cancellationToken.CanBeCanceled) { // When cancellation occurs, cancel the timer and try to transition to canceled. // There could be a race, but it's benign. ctr = cancellationToken.Register(() => { timer.Dispose(); tcs.TrySetCanceled(); }); } // Start the timer and hand back the task... try { timer.Change(millisecondsDelay, Timeout.Infinite); } catch(ObjectDisposedException) {} // in case there's a race with cancellation; this is benign return tcs.Task; }
public SqlParseResult Parse(string input) { var result = new SqlParseResult(Dialect); var timer = new Timer(); try { long time; var node = ParseNode(input, result.Errors, out time); result.RootNode = node; } catch (Exception ex) { // TODO: form a better exception result.Errors.Add(new SqlParseError(ex.Message, 0, 0)); } finally { timer.Dispose(); result.ParseTime = timer.Elapsed; } return result; }
async void WBLoaderShown(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized; this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal; this.BringToFront(); int duration = 1000;//in milliseconds int steps = 100; Timer timer = new Timer(); timer.Interval = duration / steps; int currentStep = 0; timer.Tick += (arg1, arg2) => { Opacity = ((double)currentStep) / steps; currentStep++; if (currentStep >= steps) { timer.Stop(); timer.Dispose(); } }; timer.Start(); var t = Task.Run(()=>PulseLogo()); SetStatus("R E A D I N G"); await Task.Delay(2000); /* #if DEBUG LoadBXB(); #else var t2 = Task.Run(()=>LoadBXB()); await t2; #endif */ var t2 = Task.Run(()=>LoadBXB()); await t2; await t; }
public AboutBox() { InitializeComponent(); this.Icon = Resources.zss_main; Bitmap bmp = Resources.main; bmp = ColorMatrices.ApplyColorMatrix(bmp, ColorMatrices.InverseFilter()); bmp = ColorMatrices.ApplyColorMatrix(bmp, ColorMatrices.SaturationFilter(-250)); pbLogo.Image = bmp; this.Text = String.Format("About {0}", AssemblyTitle); this.labelProductName.Text = AssemblyProduct; this.labelVersion.Text = String.Format("Version {0}", Application.ProductVersion); this.lblRev.Location = new Point(this.labelVersion.Left + this.labelVersion.Width + 10, this.labelVersion.Top); this.lblRev.Text = string.Format("Rev. {0}", Adapter.AppRevision); this.labelCopyright.Text = AssemblyCopyright; lblDevelopers.Text = string.Format("{0} is developed by:", AssemblyTitle); Timer timer = new Timer { Interval = 100 }; timer.Tick += new EventHandler(timer_Tick); timer.Start(); this.FormClosing += (v1, v2) => timer.Dispose(); }
public void Timer_Dispose_WaitHandle() { int tickCount = 0; var someTicksPending = new ManualResetEvent(false); var completeTicks = new ManualResetEvent(false); var allTicksCompleted = new ManualResetEvent(false); var t = new Timer(s => { if (Interlocked.Increment(ref tickCount) == 2) someTicksPending.Set(); Assert.True(completeTicks.WaitOne(MaxPositiveTimeoutInMs)); Interlocked.Decrement(ref tickCount); }, null, 0, 1); Assert.True(someTicksPending.WaitOne(MaxPositiveTimeoutInMs)); completeTicks.Set(); t.Dispose(allTicksCompleted); Assert.True(allTicksCompleted.WaitOne(MaxPositiveTimeoutInMs)); Assert.Equal(0, tickCount); Assert.Throws<ObjectDisposedException>(() => t.Change(0, 0)); }
void FadeAway() { int duration = 1000;//in milliseconds int steps = 100; Timer timer = new Timer(); timer.Interval = duration / steps; int currentStep = 0; timer.Tick += (arg1, arg2) => { Opacity = 1 - ((double)currentStep) / steps; currentStep++; if (currentStep >= steps) { timer.Stop(); timer.Dispose(); this.Hide(); } }; timer.Start(); }
public static int Main() { int retVal = 0; Timer timer = new Timer(new TimerCallback(Target),new Object(), 1000,1000); timer.Dispose(); try { timer.Change(5000,5000); retVal = -5; } catch(ObjectDisposedException) { Console.WriteLine("Caught Expected exception"); retVal = 100; } catch(Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Unexpected exception: " + ex.ToString()); retVal = -1; } Console.WriteLine(100 == retVal ? "Test Passed":"Test Failed"); return retVal; }
/// <summary> /// Método para animación de opacado al inicio de la aplicación. El Form /// afectado y sus componentes pasan de una opacidad mínima a su opacidad /// total (transición de this.Opacity de 0.0d a 1.0d en una serie de pasos) /// </summary> private void opacarForm() { int duracion = 200; // en milisegundos int pasos = 30; Timer timer = new Timer(); timer.Interval = duracion / pasos; int pasoActual = 0; timer.Tick += (arg1, arg2) => { // Calcular una fracción para configurar la opacidad gradualmente Opacity = ((double) pasoActual) / pasos; pasoActual++; if (pasoActual >= pasos) { timer.Stop(); timer.Dispose(); } }; timer.Start(); }
void FadeIn() { this.Show(); this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized; this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal; int duration = 1000;//in milliseconds int steps = 100; Timer timer = new Timer(); timer.Interval = duration / steps; int currentStep = 0; timer.Tick += (arg1, arg2) => { Opacity = ((double)currentStep) / steps; currentStep++; if (currentStep >= steps) { timer.Stop(); timer.Dispose(); } }; timer.Start(); }
static void SafeSetClipboard(object dataObject) { // Work around ExternalException bug. (SD2-426) // Best reproducable inside Virtual PC. int version = unchecked(++_safeSetClipboardDataVersion); try { Clipboard.SetDataObject(dataObject, true); } catch (ExternalException) { var timer = new Timer(); timer.Interval = 100; timer.Tick += delegate { timer.Stop(); timer.Dispose(); if (_safeSetClipboardDataVersion != version) return; try { Clipboard.SetDataObject(dataObject, true, 10, 50); } catch (ExternalException) { } }; timer.Start(); } }
internal void InsertSnippet(Snippet snip, int startPos) { NativeScintilla.BeginUndoAction(); IsActive = false; string snippet = snip.RealCode; // First properly indent the template. We do this by // getting the indent string of the current line and // adding it to all newlines int indentPoint = 0; string line = Scintilla.Lines.Current.Text; if(line != string.Empty) { while (indentPoint < line.Length) { char c = line[indentPoint]; if (c != ' ' && c != '\t') break; indentPoint++; } } // Grab the current selected text in case we have a surrounds with scenario. string selText = Scintilla.Selection.Text; // Now we clear the selection if (selText != string.Empty) Scintilla.Selection.Clear(); if (indentPoint > 0) { string indent = line.Substring(0, indentPoint); // This is a bit of a tough decision, but I think the best way to handle it // is to assume that the Snippet's Eol Marker matches the Platform DOCUMENT_DEFAULT // but the target Eol Marker should match the Document's. snippet = snippet.Replace(Environment.NewLine, Scintilla.EndOfLine.EolString + indent); // Same deal with the selected text if any selText = selText.Replace(Environment.NewLine, Scintilla.EndOfLine.EolString + indent); } int anchorPos = -1; int caretPos = -1; int endPos = -1; int selPos = -1; SortedList<int, int> dropMarkers = new SortedList<int, int>(); SortedList<int, SnippetLinkRange> indexedRangesToActivate = new SortedList<int, SnippetLinkRange>(); List<SnippetLinkRange> unindexedRangesToActivate = new List<SnippetLinkRange>(); Match m = snippetRegex1.Match(snippet); while (m.Success) { // Did it match a $DropMarker$ token? if (m.Groups["dm"].Success) { // Yep, was it an indexed or unindexed DropMarker if (m.Groups["dmi"].Success) { // Indexed, set the indexed drop marker's character offset // if it is specified more than once the last one wins. dropMarkers[int.Parse(m.Groups["dmi"].Value)] = m.Groups["dm"].Index; } else { // Unindexed, just tack it on at the _end dropMarkers[dropMarkers.Count] = m.Groups["dm"].Index; } // Take the token out of the string snippet = snippet.Remove(m.Groups["dm"].Index, m.Groups["dm"].Length); } else if (m.Groups["c"].Success) { // We matched the $Caret$ Token. Since there can be // only 1 we set the caretPos. If this is specified // more than once the last one wins caretPos = m.Groups["c"].Index; // Take the token out of the string snippet = snippet.Remove(m.Groups["c"].Index, m.Groups["c"].Length); } else if (m.Groups["a"].Success) { // We matched the $Anchor$ Token. Since there can be // only 1 we set the anchorPos. If this is specified // more than once the last one wins anchorPos = m.Groups["a"].Index; // Take the token out of the string snippet = snippet.Remove(m.Groups["a"].Index, m.Groups["a"].Length); } else if (m.Groups["e"].Success) { // We matched the $End$ Token. Since there can be // only 1 we set the endPos. If this is specified // more than once the last one wins endPos = m.Groups["e"].Index; // Take the token out of the string snippet = snippet.Remove(m.Groups["e"].Index, m.Groups["e"].Length); } else if (m.Groups["s"].Success) { // We matched the $Selection$ Token. Simply insert the // selected text at this position selPos = m.Groups["s"].Index; // Take the token out of the string snippet = snippet.Remove(m.Groups["s"].Index, m.Groups["s"].Length); snippet = snippet.Insert(m.Groups["s"].Index, selText); } else if (m.Groups["l"].Success) { // Finally match for Snippet Link Ranges. This is at the bottom of the if/else // because we want the more specific regex groups to match first so that this // generic expression group doesn't create a SnippetLinkRange for say the // $Caret$ Token. Group g = m.Groups["l"]; int rangeIndex; string groupKey; if (m.Groups["li"].Success) { // We have a subindexed SnippetLinkRange along the lines of $sometoken[1]$ Group sg = m.Groups["li"]; // At this point g.Value = $sometoken[1]$ // and sg.Value = [1]. // We want the range's Key, which would be sometoken groupKey = g.Value.Substring(1, g.Value.Length - sg.Length - 2); // Now we need the range's Index which would be 1 in our fictitional case rangeIndex = int.Parse(sg.Value.Substring(1, sg.Value.Length - 2)); // Now we need to determine the actual _start and _end positions of the range. // Keep in mind we'll be stripping out the 2 $ and the subindex string (eg [1]) int start = startPos + g.Index; int end = start + g.Length - sg.Length - 2; // And now we add (or replace) the snippet link range at the index // keep in mind duplicates will stomp all over each other, the last // one wins. Replaced tokens won't get a range indexedRangesToActivate[rangeIndex] = new SnippetLinkRange(start, end, Scintilla, groupKey); ; // And remove all the token info including the subindex from the snippet text // leaving only the key snippet = snippet.Remove(g.Index, 1).Remove(g.Index - 2 + g.Length - sg.Length, sg.Length + 1); } else { // We have a regular old SnippetLinkRange along the lines of $sometoken$ // We want the range's Key, which would be sometoken groupKey = g.Value.Substring(1, g.Value.Length - 2); // Now we need to determine the actual _start and _end positions of the range. // Keep in mind we'll be stripping out the 2 $ int start = startPos + g.Index; int end = start + g.Length - 2; // Now create the range object unindexedRangesToActivate.Add(new SnippetLinkRange(start, end, Scintilla, groupKey)); // And remove all the token info from the snippet text // leaving only the key snippet = snippet.Remove(g.Index, 1).Remove(g.Index + g.Length - 2, 1); } } // Any more matches? Note that I'm rerunning the regexp query // on the snippet string becuase it's contents have been modified // and we need to get the updated index values. m = snippetRegex1.Match(snippet); } // Replace the snippet Keyword with the snippet text. Or if this // isn't triggered by a shortcut, it will insert at the current // Caret Position Scintilla.GetRange(startPos, NativeScintilla.GetCurrentPos()).Text = snippet; // Now that we have the text set we can activate our link ranges // we couldn't do it before becuase they were managed ranges and // would get offset by the text change // Since we are done adding new SnippetLinkRanges we can tack // on the unindexed ranges to the _end of the indexed ranges SnippetLinkRange[] allLinks = new SnippetLinkRange[indexedRangesToActivate.Count + unindexedRangesToActivate.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < indexedRangesToActivate.Values.Count; i++) allLinks[i] = indexedRangesToActivate[i]; for (int i = 0; i < unindexedRangesToActivate.Count; i++) allLinks[i + indexedRangesToActivate.Count] = unindexedRangesToActivate[i]; foreach (SnippetLinkRange slr in allLinks) addSnippetLink(slr); foreach (SnippetLinkRange slr in allLinks) slr.Init(); // Now we need to activate the Snippet links. However we have a bit // of a styling confilct. If we set the indicator styles before the // SQL Lexer styles the newly added text it won't get styled. So to // make sure we set the Indicator Styles after we put the call on // a timer. if (_snippetLinks.Count > 0) { Timer t = new Timer(); t.Interval = 10; // Oh how I love anonymous delegates, this is starting to remind // me of JavaScript and SetTimeout... t.Tick += new EventHandler(delegate(object sender, EventArgs te) { t.Dispose(); IsActive = true; }); t.Start(); } // Add all the Drop markers in the indexed order. The // order is reversed of course because drop markers work // in a FILO manner for (int i = dropMarkers.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) Scintilla.DropMarkers.Drop(startPos + dropMarkers.Values[i]); // Place the caret at either the position of the token or // at the _end of the snippet text. if (caretPos >= 0) Scintilla.Caret.Goto(startPos + caretPos); else Scintilla.Caret.Goto(startPos + snippet.Length); // Ahoy, way anchor! if (anchorPos >= 0) Scintilla.Caret.Anchor = startPos + anchorPos; // Do we have an _end cursor? if (endPos >= 0) { // If they have snippet link ranges activated in this snippet // go ahead and set up an EndPoint marker if (allLinks.Length > 0) { SnippetLinkEnd eci = new SnippetLinkEnd(endPos + startPos, Scintilla); Scintilla.ManagedRanges.Add(eci); _snippetLinks.EndPoint = eci; } else { // Otherwise we treat it like an Anchor command because // the SnippetLink mode isn't activated Scintilla.Caret.Goto(endPos + startPos); } } NativeScintilla.EndUndoAction(); }