예제 #1
        public void GetDefaultDurationTest()
            var timelineGroup = new TimelineGroup();
            var animation     = new Vector2FAnimation();
            var animation2    = new AnimationClip <float>
                Animation = new SingleFromToByAnimation(),
                Delay     = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10),
            var animation3 = new AnimationClip <float>
                Animation = new SingleFromToByAnimation(),
                Delay     = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(8),
                Duration  = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(4),

            Assert.AreEqual(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.0), timelineGroup.GetTotalDuration());

            Assert.AreEqual(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.0), timelineGroup.GetTotalDuration());

            Assert.AreEqual(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(11.0), timelineGroup.GetTotalDuration());

            Assert.AreEqual(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(12.0), timelineGroup.GetTotalDuration());
예제 #2
        public void GetDefaultDurationTest()
            var timelineGroup = new TimelineGroup();
              var animation = new Vector2FAnimation();
              var animation2 = new AnimationClip<float>
            Animation = new SingleFromToByAnimation(),
            Delay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10),
              var animation3 = new AnimationClip<float>
            Animation = new SingleFromToByAnimation(),
            Delay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(8),
            Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(4),

              Assert.AreEqual(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.0), timelineGroup.GetTotalDuration());

              Assert.AreEqual(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.0), timelineGroup.GetTotalDuration());

              Assert.AreEqual(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(11.0), timelineGroup.GetTotalDuration());

              Assert.AreEqual(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(12.0), timelineGroup.GetTotalDuration());
예제 #3
        public void CreateInstanceTest()
            var animation1 = new SingleFromToByAnimation();
            var animation2 = new SingleFromToByAnimation();
            var animation3 = new SingleFromToByAnimation();

            var childGroup = new TimelineGroup();


            var rootGroup = new TimelineGroup();


            var animationInstance = rootGroup.CreateInstance();

            Assert.AreEqual(2, animationInstance.Children.Count);
            Assert.That(animationInstance.Children[0], Is.TypeOf <AnimationInstance <float> >());
            Assert.That(animationInstance.Children[0].Animation, Is.EqualTo(animation1));
            Assert.That(animationInstance.Children[1], Is.TypeOf <AnimationInstance>());
            Assert.That(animationInstance.Children[1].Animation, Is.EqualTo(childGroup));
            Assert.That(animationInstance.Children[1].Children[0], Is.TypeOf <AnimationInstance <float> >());
            Assert.That(animationInstance.Children[1].Children[0].Animation, Is.EqualTo(animation2));
            Assert.That(animationInstance.Children[1].Children[1], Is.TypeOf <AnimationInstance <float> >());
            Assert.That(animationInstance.Children[1].Children[1].Animation, Is.EqualTo(animation3));
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Add the supplied time line activity to the time lien groups
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="timelineGroupModel">timline group model updated</param>
        /// <param name="activityOnMeme"></param>
        /// <param name="maxCount"></param>
        private void AddActivitytoTimeLineGroups(ref TimelineGroupModel timelineGroupModel, ITimeLine activityOnMeme, int maxCount)
            // Find a time line group has has activity on thie meme already
            TimelineGroup existingTimelineGroup =
                timelineGroupModel.TimelineGroups.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Meme.Id == activityOnMeme.TimeLineRefId);

            if (existingTimelineGroup != null)
                // Don't add more than 10
                if (existingTimelineGroup.TimelineEntries.Count < maxCount)
                    // Don't re-add an timeline entry that is already there
                    if (existingTimelineGroup.TimelineEntries.Any(x => x.TimelineId == activityOnMeme.Id) == false)
                    // If more than 10 just flag as having more
                    existingTimelineGroup.HasMore = true;
                var timeLineGroup = new TimelineGroup();
                timeLineGroup.TimeStamp       = activityOnMeme.DateOfEntry;
                timeLineGroup.Meme            = new MemeLiteModel(repository, repository.GetMeme(activityOnMeme.TimeLineRefId));
                timeLineGroup.TimelineEntries = new List <TimelineEntryModel> {

예제 #5
        public void GetSelfAndAncestors()
            var animationA = new TimelineGroup();
            var animationB = new SingleFromToByAnimation();
            var animationC = new SingleFromToByAnimation();
            var animationD = new TimelineGroup();
            var animationE = new TimelineGroup();
            var animationF = new SingleFromToByAnimation();
            var animationG = new TimelineGroup();


            Assert.That(() => AnimationHelper.GetSelfAndAncestors(null), Throws.TypeOf <ArgumentNullException>());

            var animationInstance = animationA.CreateInstance();
            var ancestors         = animationInstance.Children[2].Children[0].GetSelfAndAncestors().ToArray();

            Assert.AreEqual(3, ancestors.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual(animationInstance.Children[2].Children[0], ancestors[0]);
            Assert.AreEqual(animationInstance.Children[2], ancestors[1]);
            Assert.AreEqual(animationInstance, ancestors[2]);
예제 #6
        public void CreateInstanceTest()
            var animation1 = new SingleFromToByAnimation();
              var animation2 = new SingleFromToByAnimation();
              var animation3 = new SingleFromToByAnimation();

              var childGroup = new TimelineGroup();

              var rootGroup = new TimelineGroup();

              var animationInstance = rootGroup.CreateInstance();
              Assert.AreEqual(2, animationInstance.Children.Count);
              Assert.That(animationInstance.Children[0], Is.TypeOf<AnimationInstance<float>>());
              Assert.That(animationInstance.Children[0].Animation, Is.EqualTo(animation1));
              Assert.That(animationInstance.Children[1], Is.TypeOf<AnimationInstance>());
              Assert.That(animationInstance.Children[1].Animation, Is.EqualTo(childGroup));
              Assert.That(animationInstance.Children[1].Children[0], Is.TypeOf<AnimationInstance<float>>());
              Assert.That(animationInstance.Children[1].Children[0].Animation, Is.EqualTo(animation2));
              Assert.That(animationInstance.Children[1].Children[1], Is.TypeOf<AnimationInstance<float>>());
              Assert.That(animationInstance.Children[1].Children[1].Animation, Is.EqualTo(animation3));
예제 #7
        public void GetDescendantsDepthFirst()
            var animationA = new TimelineGroup();
            var animationB = new SingleFromToByAnimation();
            var animationC = new SingleFromToByAnimation();
            var animationD = new TimelineGroup();
            var animationE = new TimelineGroup();
            var animationF = new SingleFromToByAnimation();
            var animationG = new TimelineGroup();


            Assert.That(() => AnimationHelper.GetDescendants(null), Throws.TypeOf <ArgumentNullException>());

            var animationInstance = animationA.CreateInstance();
            var descendants       = animationInstance.GetDescendants().ToArray();

            Assert.AreEqual(6, descendants.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual(animationInstance.Children[0], descendants[0]);
            Assert.AreEqual(animationInstance.Children[1], descendants[1]);
            Assert.AreEqual(animationInstance.Children[2], descendants[2]);
            Assert.AreEqual(animationInstance.Children[2].Children[0], descendants[3]);
            Assert.AreEqual(animationInstance.Children[2].Children[0].Children[0], descendants[4]);
            Assert.AreEqual(animationInstance.Children[2].Children[1], descendants[5]);
예제 #8
        public void AnimateProperty()
            var property = new AnimatableProperty <float> {
                Value = 10.0f

            var animationA = new SingleFromToByAnimation
                From           = 100.0f,
                To             = 200.0f,
                TargetObject   = "ObjectA",   // Should be ignored.
                TargetProperty = "PropertyA", // Should be ignored.
            var animationB = new SingleFromToByAnimation
                From           = 200.0f,
                To             = 300.0f,
                TargetObject   = "ObjectB",   // Should be ignored.
                TargetProperty = "PropertyB", // Should be ignored.
            var animationGroup = new TimelineGroup();


            var manager = new AnimationManager();

            // Should assign both animations to 'property'.
            var controller = manager.CreateController(animationGroup, property);

            Assert.AreEqual(property, ((AnimationInstance <float>)controller.AnimationInstance.Children[0]).Property);
            Assert.AreEqual(property, ((AnimationInstance <float>)controller.AnimationInstance.Children[1]).Property);

            // When started then animationB (last in the composition chain) should be active.
            Assert.AreEqual(200.0f, property.Value);

            Assert.AreEqual(10.0f, property.Value);

            // Same test for AnimationManager.StartAnimation()
            controller = manager.StartAnimation(animationGroup, property);
            Assert.AreEqual(property, ((AnimationInstance <float>)controller.AnimationInstance.Children[0]).Property);
            Assert.AreEqual(property, ((AnimationInstance <float>)controller.AnimationInstance.Children[1]).Property);
            Assert.AreEqual(200.0f, property.Value);

            Assert.AreEqual(10.0f, property.Value);
예제 #9
        // The following code contains two helper methods to animate the opacity and offset
        // of a group of UI controls. The methods basically do the same, they animate the
        // properties from/to a specific value. However the methods demonstrate two different
        // approaches.
        // The AnimateFrom method uses a more direct approach. It directly starts an
        // animation for each UI control in list, thereby creating several independently
        // running animations.
        // The AnimateTo method uses a more declarative approach. All animations are
        // defined and assigned to the target objects by setting the name of the UI control
        // in the TargetObject property. Then all animations are grouped together into
        // a single animation. When the resulting animation is started the animation system
        // creates the required animation instances and assigns the instances to the correct
        // objects and properties by matching the TargetObject and TargetProperty with the
        // name of the UI controls and their properties.
        // Both methods achieve a similar result. The advantage of the first method is more
        // direct control. The advantage of the seconds method is that only a single animation
        // controller is required to control all animations at once.

        /// <summary>
        /// Animates the opacity and offset of a group of controls from the specified value to their
        /// current value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="controls">The UI controls to be animated.</param>
        /// <param name="opacity">The initial opacity.</param>
        /// <param name="offset">The initial offset.</param>
        private void AnimateFrom(IList <UIControl> controls, float opacity, Vector2F offset)
            TimeSpan duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.8);

            // First, let's define the animation that is going to be applied to a control.
            // Animate the "Opacity" from the specified value to its current value.
            var opacityAnimation = new SingleFromToByAnimation
                TargetProperty = "Opacity",
                From           = opacity,
                Duration       = duration,
                EasingFunction = new CubicEase {
                    Mode = EasingMode.EaseOut

            // Animate the "RenderTranslation" property from the specified offset to its
            // its current value, which is usually (0, 0).
            var offsetAnimation = new Vector2FFromToByAnimation
                TargetProperty = "RenderTranslation",
                From           = offset,
                Duration       = duration,
                EasingFunction = new CubicEase {
                    Mode = EasingMode.EaseOut

            // Group the opacity and offset animation together using a TimelineGroup.
            var timelineGroup = new TimelineGroup();


            // Run the animation on each control using a negative delay to give the first controls
            // a slight head start.
            var numberOfControls = controls.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < controls.Count; i++)
                var clip = new TimelineClip(timelineGroup)
                    Delay        = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(-0.04 * (numberOfControls - i)),
                    FillBehavior = FillBehavior.Stop, // Stop and remove the animation when it is done.
                var animationController = AnimationService.StartAnimation(clip, controls[i]);


                // Enable "auto-recycling" to ensure that the animation resources are recycled once
                // the animation stops or the target objects are garbage collected.
예제 #10
        private void AnimatePossessionBar(TimelineGroup storyBoard, double possession, DependencyProperty property)
            var animation = new DoubleAnimation
                To       = possession,
                Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(AnimationDuration),

            Storyboard.SetTarget(animation, MatchAnimations);
            Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(animation, new PropertyPath(property));
예제 #11
        private static void AddFade(TimelineGroup storyboard, float duration, int from, int to)
            var animation = new DoubleAnimation
                Duration = new Duration(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(duration)),
                From     = from,
                To       = to

            Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(animation, new PropertyPath("Opacity"));
예제 #12
 /// <summary>
 /// 比較関数
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="a"></param>
 /// <param name="b"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 static public int Compare(TimelineGroup a, TimelineGroup b)
     if (a.OrderId > b.OrderId)
     else if (a.OrderId < b.OrderId)
        public CharacterCrossFadeSample(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game game)
            : base(game)
            var modelNode = ContentManager.Load <ModelNode>("Marine/PlayerMarine");

            _meshNode = modelNode.GetSubtree().OfType <MeshNode>().First().Clone();

            Dictionary <string, SkeletonKeyFrameAnimation> animations = _meshNode.Mesh.Animations;

            // Create a looping 'Idle' animation.
            _idleAnimation = new AnimationClip <SkeletonPose>(animations["Idle"])
                LoopBehavior = LoopBehavior.Cycle,
                Duration     = TimeSpan.MaxValue,

            // Create a looping 'Run' animation.
            _runAnimation = new AnimationClip <SkeletonPose>(animations["Run"])
                LoopBehavior = LoopBehavior.Cycle,
                Duration     = TimeSpan.MaxValue,

            // Combine the 'Aim' and 'Shoot' animation. The 'Aim' animation should start immediately.
            // The 'Shoot' animation should start after 0.3 seconds.
            // (Animations can be combined by creating timeline groups. All timelines/animations
            // in a timeline group are played simultaneously. AnimationClips can be used to
            // arrange animations on a timeline. The property Delay, for example, can be used to
            // set the begin time.)
            _aimAndShootAnimation = new TimelineGroup();
            _aimAndShootAnimation.Add(new AnimationClip <SkeletonPose>(animations["Shoot"])
                Delay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.3)

            // Start 'Idle' animation. We use a Replace transition with a fade-in.
            _idleAnimationController = AnimationService.StartAnimation(

        public CustomAvatarAnimationSample(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game game)
            : base(game)
            SampleFramework.IsMouseVisible = false;

            // Add a custom game object which controls the camera.
            _cameraObject = new CameraObject(Services);
            _cameraObject.ResetPose(new Vector3(0, 1, -3), ConstantsF.Pi, 0);

            // Create a random avatar.
            _avatarDescription = AvatarDescription.CreateRandom();
            _avatarRenderer    = new AvatarRenderer(_avatarDescription);

            // Wrap the Stand0 AvatarAnimationPreset (see WrappedAnimationSample) to create an
            // infinitely looping stand animation.
            AvatarAnimation standAnimationPreset = new AvatarAnimation(AvatarAnimationPreset.Stand0);
            TimelineGroup   standAnimation       = new TimelineGroup
                new WrappedAvatarExpressionAnimation(standAnimationPreset),
                new WrappedAvatarSkeletonAnimation(standAnimationPreset),

            _standAnimation = new TimelineClip(standAnimation)
                LoopBehavior = LoopBehavior.Cycle, // Cycle the Stand animation...
                Duration     = TimeSpan.MaxValue,  // ...forever.

            // Load animations from content pipeline.
            _faintAnimation = ContentManager.Load <TimelineGroup>("XboxAvatars/Faint");
            _jumpAnimation  = ContentManager.Load <TimelineGroup>("XboxAvatars/Jump");
            _kickAnimation  = ContentManager.Load <TimelineGroup>("XboxAvatars/Kick");
            _punchAnimation = ContentManager.Load <TimelineGroup>("XboxAvatars/Punch");

            // The walk cycle should loop: Put it into a timeline clip and set a
            // loop-behavior.
            TimelineGroup walkAnimation = ContentManager.Load <TimelineGroup>("XboxAvatars/Walk");

            _walkAnimation = new TimelineClip(walkAnimation)
                LoopBehavior = LoopBehavior.Cycle, // Cycle the Walk animation...
                Duration     = TimeSpan.MaxValue,  // ...forever.
예제 #15
    public CustomAvatarAnimationSample(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game game)
      : base(game)
      SampleFramework.IsMouseVisible = false;

      // Add a custom game object which controls the camera.
      _cameraObject = new CameraObject(Services);
      _cameraObject.ResetPose(new Vector3F(0, 1, -3), ConstantsF.Pi, 0);

      // Create a random avatar.
      _avatarDescription = AvatarDescription.CreateRandom();
      _avatarRenderer = new AvatarRenderer(_avatarDescription);

      // Wrap the Stand0 AvatarAnimationPreset (see WrappedAnimationSample) to create an
      // infinitely looping stand animation.
      AvatarAnimation standAnimationPreset = new AvatarAnimation(AvatarAnimationPreset.Stand0);
      TimelineGroup standAnimation = new TimelineGroup
        new WrappedAvatarExpressionAnimation(standAnimationPreset),
        new WrappedAvatarSkeletonAnimation(standAnimationPreset),
      _standAnimation = new TimelineClip(standAnimation)
        LoopBehavior = LoopBehavior.Cycle,  // Cycle the Stand animation...
        Duration = TimeSpan.MaxValue,       // ...forever.

      // Load animations from content pipeline.
      _faintAnimation = ContentManager.Load<TimelineGroup>("XboxAvatars/Faint");
      _jumpAnimation = ContentManager.Load<TimelineGroup>("XboxAvatars/Jump");
      _kickAnimation = ContentManager.Load<TimelineGroup>("XboxAvatars/Kick");
      _punchAnimation = ContentManager.Load<TimelineGroup>("XboxAvatars/Punch");

      // The walk cycle should loop: Put it into a timeline clip and set a
      // loop-behavior.
      TimelineGroup walkAnimation = ContentManager.Load<TimelineGroup>("XboxAvatars/Walk");
      _walkAnimation = new TimelineClip(walkAnimation)
        LoopBehavior = LoopBehavior.Cycle,  // Cycle the Walk animation...
        Duration = TimeSpan.MaxValue,       // ...forever.
예제 #16
    // Animates the buttons to slide in from the left.
    private void PlayStartAnimation()
      // Create an animation that animates the RenderTranslation of a UIControl:
      Vector2FFromToByAnimation animation = new Vector2FFromToByAnimation
        TargetProperty = "RenderTranslation",   // Animate the property UIControl.RenderTranslation
        From = new Vector2F(-400, 0),           // from (-400, 0) to its default value
        Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.8),   // over a duration of 0.8 seconds.
        EasingFunction = new HermiteEase { Mode = EasingMode.EaseInOut },

      // We apply this animation to all buttons. Each animation should be started with a 
      // different delay. The delay is negative, which means that a part of the animation
      // beginning is skipped.
      // To add a delay we wrap the animation in TimelineClips. The TimelineClips can be 
      // grouped together in a TimelineGroup.
      const float delay = 0.05f;
      TimelineGroup timelineGroup = new TimelineGroup
        new TimelineClip(animation) { Delay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(-6 * delay), TargetObject = "Button0" },
        new TimelineClip(animation) { Delay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(-5 * delay), TargetObject = "Button1" },
        new TimelineClip(animation) { Delay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(-4 * delay), TargetObject = "Button2" },
        new TimelineClip(animation) { Delay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(-3 * delay), TargetObject = "Button3" },
        new TimelineClip(animation) { Delay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(-2 * delay), TargetObject = "Button4" },
        new TimelineClip(animation) { Delay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(-1 * delay), TargetObject = "Button5" },
        new TimelineClip(animation) { Delay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0 * delay), TargetObject = "Button6" },

      // The animation can be removed after it has finished.
      timelineGroup.FillBehavior = FillBehavior.Stop;

      // Start the animation.

      var animationController = AnimationService.StartAnimation(timelineGroup, (IEnumerable<IAnimatableObject>)_buttonStackPanel.Children.OfType<Button>());
      var animationController = AnimationService.StartAnimation(timelineGroup, _buttonStackPanel.Children.OfType<Button>().Cast<IAnimatableObject>());

      // Note: The animation effectively starts when AnimationManager.Update() and Apply() are
      // called. To start the animation immediately we can call UpdateAndApply() manually.
예제 #17
    public CharacterCrossFadeSample(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game game)
      : base(game)
      var modelNode = ContentManager.Load<ModelNode>("Marine/PlayerMarine");
      _meshNode = modelNode.GetSubtree().OfType<MeshNode>().First().Clone();

      Dictionary<string, SkeletonKeyFrameAnimation> animations = _meshNode.Mesh.Animations;

      // Create a looping 'Idle' animation.
      _idleAnimation = new AnimationClip<SkeletonPose>(animations["Idle"])
        LoopBehavior = LoopBehavior.Cycle,
        Duration = TimeSpan.MaxValue,

      // Create a looping 'Run' animation.
      _runAnimation = new AnimationClip<SkeletonPose>(animations["Run"])
        LoopBehavior = LoopBehavior.Cycle,
        Duration = TimeSpan.MaxValue,

      // Combine the 'Aim' and 'Shoot' animation. The 'Aim' animation should start immediately. 
      // The 'Shoot' animation should start after 0.3 seconds.
      // (Animations can be combined by creating timeline groups. All timelines/animations 
      // in a timeline group are played simultaneously. AnimationClips can be used to 
      // arrange animations on a timeline. The property Delay, for example, can be used to
      // set the begin time.)
      _aimAndShootAnimation = new TimelineGroup();
      _aimAndShootAnimation.Add(new AnimationClip<SkeletonPose>(animations["Shoot"]) { Delay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.3) });

      // Start 'Idle' animation. We use a Replace transition with a fade-in.
      _idleAnimationController = AnimationService.StartAnimation(

예제 #18
        /// <summary>
        /// <summary>
        /// Recursively counts up active clocks in this Timeline.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="clock">The current clock in a tree of clocks.</param>
        private void InitializeTimeline(Timeline timeline)
            // The primary purpose of this method is to count up the number of clocks.

            // This event handler will count down the number of completed clocks.  Only when the counter reaches zero will the new 'Completed' event be raised
            // for this Timeline.
            timeline.Completed += this.ClockEnd;

            // If this clock is the parent of a group, then each of the children in the group will be examined for clocks.  By this method, all the clocks in a
            // tree are recursively counted.
            if (timeline is TimelineGroup)
                TimelineGroup timelineGroup = timeline as TimelineGroup;
                foreach (Timeline childTimeline in timelineGroup.Children)
        public AvatarAttachmentSample(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game game)
            : base(game)
            SampleFramework.IsMouseVisible = false;

            // This sample uses Scene and MeshRenderer for rendering the attached models.
            _scene        = new Scene();
            _meshRenderer = new MeshRenderer();

            // Add a custom game object which controls the camera.
            _cameraObject = new CameraObject(Services);
            _cameraObject.ResetPose(new Vector3F(0, 1, -3), ConstantsF.Pi, 0);

            // Create a random avatar.
            _avatarDescription = AvatarDescription.CreateRandom();
            _avatarRenderer    = new AvatarRenderer(_avatarDescription);

            // Load walk animation using the content pipeline.
            TimelineGroup animation = ContentManager.Load <TimelineGroup>("XboxAvatars/Walk");

            // Create a looping walk animation.
            _walkAnimation = new TimelineClip(animation)
                LoopBehavior = LoopBehavior.Cycle, // Cycle Walk animation...
                Duration     = TimeSpan.MaxValue,  // ...forever.

            var baseballBatModelNode = ContentManager.Load <ModelNode>("XboxAvatars/BaseballBat").Clone();

            _baseballBatMeshNode = baseballBatModelNode.GetChildren().OfType <MeshNode>().First();

            // If we only render the baseball bat, it appears black. We need to add it to
            // a scene with some lights. (The lights do not affect the avatar.)

            // We must detach the mesh node from its current parent (the model node) before
            // we can add it to the scene.
예제 #20
    // Animates the buttons to slide out to the left.
    public void PlayExitAnimation()
      // An animation that animates the RenderTranslation of a UIControl:
      Vector2FFromToByAnimation animation = new Vector2FFromToByAnimation
        TargetProperty = "RenderTranslation",
        To = new Vector2F(-400, 0),
        Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.8),
        EasingFunction = new HermiteEase { Mode = EasingMode.EaseInOut },

      // We apply this animation to all buttons. Each animation should be started with a 
      // different delay. 
      // To add a delay we wrap the animation in TimelineClips. The TimelineClips can be 
      // grouped together in a TimelineGroup.
      const float delay = 0.05f;
      TimelineGroup timelineGroup = new TimelineGroup
        new TimelineClip(animation) { Delay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(6 * delay), TargetObject = "Button0" },
        new TimelineClip(animation) { Delay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5 * delay), TargetObject = "Button1" },
        new TimelineClip(animation) { Delay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(4 * delay), TargetObject = "Button2" },
        new TimelineClip(animation) { Delay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3 * delay), TargetObject = "Button3" },
        new TimelineClip(animation) { Delay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2 * delay), TargetObject = "Button4" },
        new TimelineClip(animation) { Delay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1 * delay), TargetObject = "Button5" },
        new TimelineClip(animation) { Delay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0 * delay), TargetObject = "Button6" },

      // The animation should hold the animation value after it is finished (the buttons should
      // not jump back onto the screen).
      timelineGroup.FillBehavior = FillBehavior.Hold;

      // Start the animation and keep the animation controller. We need it to query the
      // state of the animation in Update().

      _exitAnimationController = AnimationService.StartAnimation(timelineGroup, _buttonStackPanel.Children.OfType<Button>());
      _exitAnimationController = AnimationService.StartAnimation(timelineGroup, _buttonStackPanel.Children.OfType<Button>().Cast<IAnimatableObject>());

예제 #21
        public void GetRoot()
            var animationA = new TimelineGroup();
            var animationB = new SingleFromToByAnimation();
            var animationC = new SingleFromToByAnimation();
            var animationD = new TimelineGroup();
            var animationE = new TimelineGroup();
            var animationF = new SingleFromToByAnimation();
            var animationG = new TimelineGroup();


            Assert.That(() => AnimationHelper.GetRoot(null), Throws.TypeOf <ArgumentNullException>());

            var animationInstance = animationA.CreateInstance();

            Assert.AreEqual(animationInstance, animationInstance.GetRoot());
            Assert.AreEqual(animationInstance, animationInstance.Children[2].Children[0].GetRoot());
예제 #22
        public EasingWindow(IServiceLocator services)
            : base(services)
            _inputService     = services.GetInstance <IInputService>();
            _animationService = services.GetInstance <IAnimationService>();

            Title = "EasingWindow";

            StackPanel stackPanel = new StackPanel {
                Margin = new Vector4(8)

            Content = stackPanel;

            TextBlock textBlock = new TextBlock
                Text   = "Test different Easing Functions in this window.",
                Margin = new Vector4(0, 0, 0, 8),


            StackPanel horizontalPanel = new StackPanel
                Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal,
                Margin      = new Vector4(0, 0, 0, 8)


            textBlock = new TextBlock
                Text   = "Easing Function:",
                Width  = 80,
                Margin = new Vector4(0, 0, 8, 0),

            _functionDropDown = new DropDownButton
                Width = 100,

                // The DropDownButton automatically converts the items to string (using ToString) and
                // displays this string. This is not helpful for this sort of items. We want to display
                // the type name of the items instead. The following is a callback which creates a
                // TextBlock for each item. It is called when the drop-down list is opened.
                CreateControlForItem = item => new TextBlock {
                    Text = item.GetType().Name

            _functionDropDown.Items.Add(new BackEase());
            _functionDropDown.Items.Add(new BounceEase());
            _functionDropDown.Items.Add(new CircleEase());
            _functionDropDown.Items.Add(new CubicEase());
            _functionDropDown.Items.Add(new ElasticEase());
            _functionDropDown.Items.Add(new ExponentialEase());
            _functionDropDown.Items.Add(new LogarithmicEase());
            _functionDropDown.Items.Add(new HermiteEase());
            _functionDropDown.Items.Add(new PowerEase());
            _functionDropDown.Items.Add(new QuadraticEase());
            _functionDropDown.Items.Add(new QuinticEase());
            _functionDropDown.Items.Add(new SineEase());
            _functionDropDown.SelectedIndex = 0;

            horizontalPanel = new StackPanel
                Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal,
                Margin      = new Vector4(0, 0, 0, 8)

            textBlock = new TextBlock
                Text   = "Easing Mode:",
                Width  = 80,
                Margin = new Vector4(0, 0, 8, 0),

            _modeDropDown = new DropDownButton
                Width = 100,

            _modeDropDown.SelectedIndex = 0;

            _slider = new Slider
                Margin              = new Vector4(0, 16, 0, 0),
                SmallChange         = 0.01f,
                LargeChange         = 0.1f,
                Minimum             = -0.5f,
                Maximum             = 1.5f,
                Width               = 250,
                HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center,

            // Display the current value of the slider.
            var valueLabel = new TextBlock
                Text = _slider.Value.ToString("F2"),
                HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center,
                Margin = new Vector4(0, 0, 0, 8),


            // Update the text every time the slider value changes.
            var valueProperty = _slider.Properties.Get <float>("Value");

            valueProperty.Changed += (s, e) => valueLabel.Text = e.NewValue.ToString("F2");

            Button button = new Button
                Content = new TextBlock {
                    Text = "Animate"
                HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center,
                Margin = new Vector4(0, 0, 0, 8),

            button.Click += OnButtonClicked;

            textBlock = new TextBlock
                Text = "(Press the Animate button to animate the slider\n"
                       + "value using the selected EasingFunction.\n"
                       + "The slider goes from -0.5 to 1.5. The animation\n"
                       + "animates the value to 0 or to 1.)",

            // When the window is loaded, the window appears under the mouse cursor and flies to
            // its position.
            Vector2F mousePosition = _inputService.MousePosition;

            // The loading animation is a timeline group of three animations:
            // - One animations animates the RenderScale from (0, 0) to its current value.
            // - The other animations animate the X and Y positions from the mouse position
            //   to current values.
            // The base class AnimatedWindow will apply this timeline group on this window
            // when the window is loaded.
            TimelineGroup timelineGroup = new TimelineGroup
                new Vector2FFromToByAnimation
                    TargetProperty = "RenderScale",
                    From           = new Vector2F(0, 0),
                    Duration       = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.3),
                    EasingFunction = new HermiteEase {
                        Mode = EasingMode.EaseOut
                new SingleFromToByAnimation
                    TargetProperty = "X",
                    From           = mousePosition.X,
                    Duration       = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.3),
                new SingleFromToByAnimation
                    TargetProperty = "Y",
                    From           = mousePosition.Y,
                    Duration       = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.3),
                    EasingFunction = new QuadraticEase {
                        Mode = EasingMode.EaseIn

            // The default FillBehavior is "Hold". But this animation can be removed when it is finished.
            // It should not "Hold" the animation value. If FillBehavior is set to Hold, we cannot
            // drag the window with the mouse because the animation overrides the value.
            timelineGroup.FillBehavior = FillBehavior.Stop;
            LoadingAnimation           = timelineGroup;

            // The closing animation is a timeline group of three animations:
            // - One animations animates the RenderScale to (0, 0).
            // - The other animations animate the X and Y positions to the mouse position.
            // The base class AnimatedWindow will apply this timeline group on this window
            // when the window is loaded.
            ClosingAnimation = new TimelineGroup
                new Vector2FFromToByAnimation
                    TargetProperty = "RenderScale",
                    To             = new Vector2F(0, 0),
                    Duration       = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.3),
                    EasingFunction = new HermiteEase {
                        Mode = EasingMode.EaseIn
                new SingleFromToByAnimation
                    TargetProperty = "X",
                    To             = mousePosition.X,
                    Duration       = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.3),
                new SingleFromToByAnimation
                    TargetProperty = "Y",
                    To             = mousePosition.Y,
                    Duration       = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.3),
                    EasingFunction = new QuadraticEase {
                        Mode = EasingMode.EaseOut
예제 #23
    // Create morph target animation in code.
    private static ITimeline CreateMorphingAnimation()
      // The weight of each morph target is controlled by a keyframe animation.
      var browMad = new SingleKeyFrameAnimation { TargetProperty = "BROW-mad" };
      browMad.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame<float>(FrameToTime(15), 0));
      browMad.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame<float>(FrameToTime(30), 1));
      browMad.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame<float>(FrameToTime(65), 1));
      browMad.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame<float>(FrameToTime(80), 0));

      var browSurp = new SingleKeyFrameAnimation { TargetProperty = "BROW-surp" };
      browSurp.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame<float>(FrameToTime(0), 0));
      browSurp.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame<float>(FrameToTime(15), 0.5f));
      browSurp.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame<float>(FrameToTime(30), 0));
      browSurp.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame<float>(FrameToTime(210), 0));
      browSurp.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame<float>(FrameToTime(220), 0.5f));
      browSurp.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame<float>(FrameToTime(230), 0.5f));
      browSurp.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame<float>(FrameToTime(250), 0));

      var cheekIn = new SingleKeyFrameAnimation { TargetProperty = "CHEEK-in" };
      cheekIn.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame<float>(FrameToTime(0), 0));
      cheekIn.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame<float>(FrameToTime(15), 1));
      cheekIn.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame<float>(FrameToTime(30), 0));

      var cheekOut = new SingleKeyFrameAnimation { TargetProperty = "CHEEK-out" };
      cheekOut.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame<float>(FrameToTime(25), 0));
      cheekOut.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame<float>(FrameToTime(35), 1));
      cheekOut.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame<float>(FrameToTime(65), 1));
      cheekOut.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame<float>(FrameToTime(80), 0));

      var eyeClosed = new SingleKeyFrameAnimation { TargetProperty = "EYE-closed" };
      eyeClosed.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame<float>(FrameToTime(20), 0));
      eyeClosed.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame<float>(FrameToTime(25), 1));
      eyeClosed.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame<float>(FrameToTime(55), 0.2f));
      eyeClosed.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame<float>(FrameToTime(65), 0.2f));
      eyeClosed.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame<float>(FrameToTime(80), 0));
      eyeClosed.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame<float>(FrameToTime(230), 0));
      eyeClosed.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame<float>(FrameToTime(235), 1));
      eyeClosed.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame<float>(FrameToTime(240), 0));

      var mouthE = new SingleKeyFrameAnimation { TargetProperty = "MOUTH-e" };
      mouthE.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame<float>(FrameToTime(115), 0));
      mouthE.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame<float>(FrameToTime(125), 0.7f));
      mouthE.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame<float>(FrameToTime(130), 0.7f));
      mouthE.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame<float>(FrameToTime(140), 0.9f));
      mouthE.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame<float>(FrameToTime(145), 0.9f));
      mouthE.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame<float>(FrameToTime(155), 0.0f));

      var mouthU = new SingleKeyFrameAnimation { TargetProperty = "MOUTH-u" };
      mouthU.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame<float>(FrameToTime(25), 0));
      mouthU.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame<float>(FrameToTime(35), 0.5f));
      mouthU.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame<float>(FrameToTime(55), 0));
      mouthU.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame<float>(FrameToTime(145), 0));
      mouthU.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame<float>(FrameToTime(155), 0.5f));
      mouthU.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame<float>(FrameToTime(160), 0.5f));
      mouthU.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame<float>(FrameToTime(170), 0.9f));
      mouthU.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame<float>(FrameToTime(175), 0.9f));
      mouthU.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame<float>(FrameToTime(170), 0.9f));
      mouthU.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame<float>(FrameToTime(190), 0.0f));

      var mouthSmile = new SingleKeyFrameAnimation { TargetProperty = "MOUTH-smile" };
      mouthSmile.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame<float>(FrameToTime(210), 0));
      mouthSmile.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame<float>(FrameToTime(220), 1));
      mouthSmile.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame<float>(FrameToTime(230), 1));
      mouthSmile.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame<float>(FrameToTime(250), 0));

      // Combine the key frame animations into a single animation.
      var timelineGroup = new TimelineGroup();

      // Make an endless loop.
      return new TimelineClip(timelineGroup)
        Duration = TimeSpan.MaxValue,
        LoopBehavior = LoopBehavior.Cycle
예제 #24
    public AnimatableObjectSample(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game game)
      : base(game)
      Rectangle bounds = GraphicsService.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.TitleSafeArea;

      // ----- Create three named AnimatableSprite instances.
      _animatableSpriteA = new AnimatableSprite("SpriteA", SpriteBatch, Logo)
        Position = new Vector2(bounds.Center.X, bounds.Center.Y / 2.0f),
        Color = Color.Red,

      _animatableSpriteB = new AnimatableSprite("SpriteB", SpriteBatch, Logo)
        Position = new Vector2(bounds.Center.X, bounds.Center.Y),
        Color = Color.Green,

      _animatableSpriteC = new AnimatableSprite("SpriteC", SpriteBatch, Logo)
        Position = new Vector2(bounds.Center.X, 3.0f * bounds.Center.Y / 2.0f),
        Color = Color.Blue,

      // Create a looping color key-frame animation.
      ColorKeyFrameAnimation colorAnimation = new ColorKeyFrameAnimation
        TargetProperty = "Color",
        EnableInterpolation = true,
      colorAnimation.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame<Color>(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.0), Color.Red));
      colorAnimation.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame<Color>(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.5), Color.Orange));
      colorAnimation.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame<Color>(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1.0), Color.Yellow));
      colorAnimation.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame<Color>(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1.5), Color.Green));
      colorAnimation.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame<Color>(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2.0), Color.Blue));
      colorAnimation.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame<Color>(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2.5), Color.Indigo));
      colorAnimation.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame<Color>(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3.0), Color.Violet));
      colorAnimation.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame<Color>(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3.5), Color.Red));
      AnimationClip<Color> loopedColorAnimation = new AnimationClip<Color>(colorAnimation)
        TargetObject = "SpriteB",
        LoopBehavior = LoopBehavior.Cycle,
        Duration = TimeSpan.MaxValue,

      // Create a oscillating from/to animation for the position.
      Vector2FromToByAnimation vector2Animation = new Vector2FromToByAnimation
        TargetProperty = "Position",
        From = new Vector2(bounds.Left + 100, _animatableSpriteC.Position.Y),
        To = new Vector2(bounds.Right - 100, _animatableSpriteC.Position.Y),
        Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2),
        EasingFunction = new HermiteEase { Mode = EasingMode.EaseInOut },
      AnimationClip<Vector2> oscillatingVector2Animation = new AnimationClip<Vector2>(vector2Animation)
        LoopBehavior = LoopBehavior.Oscillate,
        Duration = TimeSpan.MaxValue,

      // Create a timeline group that contains both animations.
      TimelineGroup spriteCAnimation = new TimelineGroup { TargetObject = "SpriteC", };

      // Create a timeline group that contains the animations for SpriteB and SpriteC.
      TimelineGroup allSpriteAnimations = new TimelineGroup();

      // There are several ways to apply animations to animatable objects and properties:
      // Method 1: Apply to an IAnimatableProperty directly.
      // We either have direct access to a IAnimatableProperty or we can ask the IAnimatableObject
      // to give us a named IAnimatableProperty. 
      // For example:
      //     AnimationService.StartAnimation(loopedColorAnimation, _animatableSpriteB.GetAnimatableProperty<Color>("Color"));
      //     AnimationService.StartAnimation(loopedColorAnimation, _animatableSpriteC.GetAnimatableProperty<Color>("Color"));
      //     AnimationService.StartAnimation(oscillatingLeftRightAnimation, _animatableSpriteC.GetAnimatableProperty<Vector2>("Position"));
      // In this case, the "TargetObject" and the "TargetProperty" values of the timelines/animations do not matter. 
      // Method 2: Apply to an IAnimatableObject directly.
      // For example: 
      //     AnimationService.StartAnimation(loopedColorAnimation, _animatableSpriteB);
      //     AnimationService.StartAnimation(spriteCAnimation, _animatableSpriteC);
      // The animation service checks the TargetProperty value of the animations to see which
      // IAnimatableProperty of the IAnimatableObjects should be animated by the animation.
      // The "TargetObject" values of the timelines are ignored.
      // Method 3: Apply a timeline to a collection of IAnimatableObjects.
      // For example: 
      var animationController = AnimationService.StartAnimation(allSpriteAnimations, new[] { _animatableSpriteA, _animatableSpriteB, _animatableSpriteC });
      // The "TargetObject" and "TargetProperty" values are used to check which objects and
      // properties must be animated by which animation.
      // combinedSpriteAnimation is a "tree" of timelines:
      //                                  Type                         TargetObject   TargetProperty
      // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      // allSpriteAnimations              TimelineGroup                -              -
      //   loopedColorAnimation           AnimationClip<Color>         "SpriteB"      -
      //     colorAnimation               ColorKeyFrameAnimation       -              "Color"
      //   spriteCAnimation               TimelineGroup                "SpriteC"      -
      //     loopedColorAnimation         AnimationClip<Color>         "SpriteB"      - 
      //       colorAnimation             ColorKeyFrameAnimation       -             "Color"
      //     oscillatingVector2Animation  AnimationClip<Vector2>       -             -
      //       vector2Animation           FromToByAnimation            -             "Position"
      // No animation specifies "SpriteA" as its TargetObject, therefore no animation
      // are applied to SpriteA.
      // The first loopedColorAnimation is applied to "SpriteB". And the contained 
      // colorAnimation is applied to the Color property of SpriteB.
      // The spriteCAnimation is applied to "SpriteC". Therefore, all "children" of 
      // spriteCAnimation are also applied to this object! The TargetObject property of
      // the second loopedColorAnimation is ignored! The second loopedColorAnimation is 
      // applied to SpriteC!

예제 #25
		protected ClockGroup (TimelineGroup timelineGroup)
			: base (timelineGroup)
			throw new NotImplementedException ();
예제 #26
    // Animates the buttons to slide in from the left.
    private void PlayStartAnimation()
      // Create an animation that animates the RenderTranslation of a UIControl:
      Vector2FFromToByAnimation animation = new Vector2FFromToByAnimation
        TargetProperty = "RenderTranslation",   // Animate the property UIControl.RenderTranslation
        From = new Vector2F(-400, 0),           // from (-400, 0) to its default value
        Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.8),   // over a duration of 0.8 seconds.
        EasingFunction = new HermiteEase { Mode = EasingMode.EaseInOut },

      // We apply this animation to all buttons. Each animation should be started with a 
      // different delay. The delay is negative, which means that a part of the animation
      // beginning is skipped.
      // To add a delay we wrap the animation in TimelineClips. The TimelineClips can be 
      // grouped together in a TimelineGroup.
      const float delay = 0.05f;
      TimelineGroup timelineGroup = new TimelineGroup
        new TimelineClip(animation) { Delay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(-6 * delay), TargetObject = "Button0" },
        new TimelineClip(animation) { Delay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(-5 * delay), TargetObject = "Button1" },
        new TimelineClip(animation) { Delay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(-4 * delay), TargetObject = "Button2" },
        new TimelineClip(animation) { Delay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(-3 * delay), TargetObject = "Button3" },
        new TimelineClip(animation) { Delay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(-2 * delay), TargetObject = "Button4" },
        new TimelineClip(animation) { Delay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(-1 * delay), TargetObject = "Button5" },
        new TimelineClip(animation) { Delay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0 * delay), TargetObject = "Button6" },

      // The animation can be removed after it has finished.
      timelineGroup.FillBehavior = FillBehavior.Stop;

      // Start the animation.
#if !XBOX && !WP7
      var animationController = AnimationService.StartAnimation(timelineGroup, (IEnumerable<IAnimatableObject>)_buttonStackPanel.Children.OfType<Button>());
      var animationController = AnimationService.StartAnimation(timelineGroup, _buttonStackPanel.Children.OfType<Button>().Cast<IAnimatableObject>());

      // Note: The animation effectively starts when AnimationManager.Update() and Apply() are
      // called. To start the animation immediately we can call UpdateAndApply() manually.
예제 #27
        protected override void LoadContent()
            _model = Game.Content.Load<Model>("PlayerMarine");
              var additionalData = (Dictionary<string, object>)_model.Tag;
              var skeleton = (Skeleton)additionalData["Skeleton"];
              _skeletonPose = SkeletonPose.Create(skeleton);
              var animations = (Dictionary<string, SkeletonKeyFrameAnimation>)additionalData["Animations"];

              // Create a looping 'Idle' animation.
              _idleAnimation = new AnimationClip<SkeletonPose>(animations["Idle"])
            LoopBehavior = LoopBehavior.Cycle,
            Duration = TimeSpan.MaxValue,

              // Create a looping 'Run' animation.
              _runAnimation = new AnimationClip<SkeletonPose>(animations["Run"])
            LoopBehavior = LoopBehavior.Cycle,
            Duration = TimeSpan.MaxValue,

              // Combine the 'Aim' and 'Shoot' animation. The 'Aim' animation should start immediately.
              // The 'Shoot' animation should start after 0.3 seconds.
              // (Animations can be combined by creating timeline groups. All timelines/animations
              // in a timeline group are played simultaneously. AnimationClips can be used to
              // arrange animations on a timeline. The property Delay, for example, can be used to
              // set the begin time.)
              _aimAndShootAnimation = new TimelineGroup();
              _aimAndShootAnimation.Add(new AnimationClip<SkeletonPose>(animations["Shoot"]) { Delay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.3) });

              // Start 'Idle' animation. We use a Replace transition with a fade-in.
              _idleAnimationController = AnimationService.StartAnimation(


예제 #28
        public void AnimateObjects()
            var objectA    = new AnimatableObject("ObjectA");
            var propertyA1 = new AnimatableProperty <float> {
                Value = 10.0f

            objectA.Properties.Add("Value", propertyA1);
            var propertyA2 = new AnimatableProperty <float> {
                Value = 20.0f

            objectA.Properties.Add("Value2", propertyA2);

            var objectB   = new AnimatableObject("ObjectB");
            var propertyB = new AnimatableProperty <float> {
                Value = 30.0f

            objectB.Properties.Add("Value", propertyB);

            var objectC   = new AnimatableObject("ObjectC");
            var propertyC = new AnimatableProperty <float> {
                Value = 40.0f

            objectC.Properties.Add("Value", propertyC);

            var animationA1 = new SingleFromToByAnimation // Should be assigned to ObjectA
                From           = 100.0f,
                To             = 200.0f,
                TargetObject   = "ObjectXyz",             // Ignored because ObjectA is selected by animationGroup1.
                TargetProperty = "Value",                 // Required.
            var animationA2 = new SingleFromToByAnimation // Should be assigned to ObjectA
                From           = 200.0f,
                To             = 300.0f,
                TargetObject   = "ObjectB",                 // Ignored because ObjectA is selected by animationGroup1.
                TargetProperty = "Value",                   // Required.
            var animationA3 = new Vector3FFromToByAnimation // Ignored because of incompatible type.
                From           = new Vector3F(300.0f),
                To             = new Vector3F(400.0f),
                TargetObject   = "ObjectA",
                TargetProperty = "Value",
            var animationA4 = new SingleFromToByAnimation // Ignored because TargetProperty is not set.
                From           = 400.0f,
                To             = 500.0f,
                TargetObject   = "",
                TargetProperty = "",
            var animationGroupA = new TimelineGroup {
                TargetObject = "ObjectA"


            var animationB1 = new SingleFromToByAnimation // Should be assigned to ObjectB
                From           = 100.0f,
                To             = 200.0f,
                TargetObject   = "ObjectB",
                TargetProperty = "Value",
            var animationA5 = new SingleFromToByAnimation
                From           = 600.0f,
                To             = 700.0f,
                TargetObject   = "",
                TargetProperty = "Value",

            var animationGroupRoot = new TimelineGroup();


            var manager = new AnimationManager();

            // CreateController()
            var controller = manager.CreateController(animationGroupRoot, new[] { objectA, objectB, objectC });

            Assert.AreEqual(propertyA1, ((AnimationInstance <float>)controller.AnimationInstance.Children[0].Children[0]).Property);
            Assert.AreEqual(propertyA1, ((AnimationInstance <float>)controller.AnimationInstance.Children[0].Children[1]).Property);
            Assert.AreEqual(null, ((AnimationInstance <Vector3F>)controller.AnimationInstance.Children[0].Children[2]).Property);
            Assert.AreEqual(null, ((AnimationInstance <float>)controller.AnimationInstance.Children[0].Children[3]).Property);
            Assert.AreEqual(propertyB, ((AnimationInstance <float>)controller.AnimationInstance.Children[1]).Property);
            Assert.AreEqual(propertyA1, ((AnimationInstance <float>)controller.AnimationInstance.Children[2]).Property);
            Assert.AreEqual(10.0f, propertyA1.Value);
            Assert.AreEqual(20.0f, propertyA2.Value);
            Assert.AreEqual(30.0f, propertyB.Value);
            Assert.AreEqual(40.0f, propertyC.Value);

            Assert.AreEqual(600.0f, propertyA1.Value);
            Assert.AreEqual(20.0f, propertyA2.Value);
            Assert.AreEqual(100.0f, propertyB.Value);
            Assert.AreEqual(40.0f, propertyC.Value);

            Assert.AreEqual(10.0f, propertyA1.Value);
            Assert.AreEqual(20.0f, propertyA2.Value);
            Assert.AreEqual(30.0f, propertyB.Value);
            Assert.AreEqual(40.0f, propertyC.Value);

            // StartAnimation()
            controller = manager.StartAnimation(animationGroupRoot, new[] { objectA, objectB, objectC });
            Assert.AreEqual(propertyA1, ((AnimationInstance <float>)controller.AnimationInstance.Children[0].Children[0]).Property);
            Assert.AreEqual(propertyA1, ((AnimationInstance <float>)controller.AnimationInstance.Children[0].Children[1]).Property);
            Assert.AreEqual(null, ((AnimationInstance <Vector3F>)controller.AnimationInstance.Children[0].Children[2]).Property);
            Assert.AreEqual(null, ((AnimationInstance <float>)controller.AnimationInstance.Children[0].Children[3]).Property);
            Assert.AreEqual(propertyB, ((AnimationInstance <float>)controller.AnimationInstance.Children[1]).Property);
            Assert.AreEqual(propertyA1, ((AnimationInstance <float>)controller.AnimationInstance.Children[2]).Property);
            Assert.AreEqual(600.0f, propertyA1.Value);
            Assert.AreEqual(20.0f, propertyA2.Value);
            Assert.AreEqual(100.0f, propertyB.Value);
            Assert.AreEqual(40.0f, propertyC.Value);

            manager.StopAnimation(new[] { objectA, objectB, objectC });
            manager.UpdateAndApplyAnimation(new[] { objectA, objectB, objectC });
            Assert.AreEqual(10.0f, propertyA1.Value);
            Assert.AreEqual(20.0f, propertyA2.Value);
            Assert.AreEqual(30.0f, propertyB.Value);
            Assert.AreEqual(40.0f, propertyC.Value);
예제 #29
    // Animates the buttons to slide out to the left.
    public void PlayExitAnimation()
      // An animation that animates the RenderTranslation of a UIControl:
      Vector2FFromToByAnimation animation = new Vector2FFromToByAnimation
        TargetProperty = "RenderTranslation",
        To = new Vector2F(-400, 0),
        Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.8),
        EasingFunction = new HermiteEase { Mode = EasingMode.EaseInOut },

      // We apply this animation to all buttons. Each animation should be started with a 
      // different delay. 
      // To add a delay we wrap the animation in TimelineClips. The TimelineClips can be 
      // grouped together in a TimelineGroup.
      const float delay = 0.05f;
      TimelineGroup timelineGroup = new TimelineGroup
        new TimelineClip(animation) { Delay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(6 * delay), TargetObject = "Button0" },
        new TimelineClip(animation) { Delay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5 * delay), TargetObject = "Button1" },
        new TimelineClip(animation) { Delay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(4 * delay), TargetObject = "Button2" },
        new TimelineClip(animation) { Delay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3 * delay), TargetObject = "Button3" },
        new TimelineClip(animation) { Delay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2 * delay), TargetObject = "Button4" },
        new TimelineClip(animation) { Delay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1 * delay), TargetObject = "Button5" },
        new TimelineClip(animation) { Delay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0 * delay), TargetObject = "Button6" },

      // The animation should hold the animation value after it is finished (the buttons should
      // not jump back onto the screen).
      timelineGroup.FillBehavior = FillBehavior.Hold;

      // Start the animation and keep the animation controller. We need it to query the
      // state of the animation in Update().
#if !XBOX && !WP7
      _exitAnimationController = AnimationService.StartAnimation(timelineGroup, _buttonStackPanel.Children.OfType<Button>());
      _exitAnimationController = AnimationService.StartAnimation(timelineGroup, _buttonStackPanel.Children.OfType<Button>().Cast<IAnimatableObject>());
예제 #30
        public AnimatableObjectSample(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game game)
            : base(game)
            Rectangle bounds = GraphicsService.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.TitleSafeArea;

            // ----- Create three named AnimatableSprite instances.
            _animatableSpriteA = new AnimatableSprite("SpriteA", SpriteBatch, Logo)
                Position = new Vector2(bounds.Center.X, bounds.Center.Y / 2.0f),
                Color    = Color.Red,

            _animatableSpriteB = new AnimatableSprite("SpriteB", SpriteBatch, Logo)
                Position = new Vector2(bounds.Center.X, bounds.Center.Y),
                Color    = Color.Green,

            _animatableSpriteC = new AnimatableSprite("SpriteC", SpriteBatch, Logo)
                Position = new Vector2(bounds.Center.X, 3.0f * bounds.Center.Y / 2.0f),
                Color    = Color.Blue,

            // Create a looping color key-frame animation.
            ColorKeyFrameAnimation colorAnimation = new ColorKeyFrameAnimation
                TargetProperty      = "Color",
                EnableInterpolation = true,

            colorAnimation.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame <Color>(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.0), Color.Red));
            colorAnimation.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame <Color>(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.5), Color.Orange));
            colorAnimation.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame <Color>(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1.0), Color.Yellow));
            colorAnimation.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame <Color>(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1.5), Color.Green));
            colorAnimation.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame <Color>(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2.0), Color.Blue));
            colorAnimation.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame <Color>(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2.5), Color.Indigo));
            colorAnimation.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame <Color>(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3.0), Color.Violet));
            colorAnimation.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame <Color>(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3.5), Color.Red));
            AnimationClip <Color> loopedColorAnimation = new AnimationClip <Color>(colorAnimation)
                TargetObject = "SpriteB",
                LoopBehavior = LoopBehavior.Cycle,
                Duration     = TimeSpan.MaxValue,

            // Create a oscillating from/to animation for the position.
            Vector2FromToByAnimation vector2Animation = new Vector2FromToByAnimation
                TargetProperty = "Position",
                From           = new Vector2(bounds.Left + 100, _animatableSpriteC.Position.Y),
                To             = new Vector2(bounds.Right - 100, _animatableSpriteC.Position.Y),
                Duration       = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2),
                EasingFunction = new HermiteEase {
                    Mode = EasingMode.EaseInOut
            AnimationClip <Vector2> oscillatingVector2Animation = new AnimationClip <Vector2>(vector2Animation)
                LoopBehavior = LoopBehavior.Oscillate,
                Duration     = TimeSpan.MaxValue,

            // Create a timeline group that contains both animations.
            TimelineGroup spriteCAnimation = new TimelineGroup {
                TargetObject = "SpriteC",


            // Create a timeline group that contains the animations for SpriteB and SpriteC.
            TimelineGroup allSpriteAnimations = new TimelineGroup();


            // There are several ways to apply animations to animatable objects and properties:
            // Method 1: Apply to an IAnimatableProperty directly.
            // We either have direct access to a IAnimatableProperty or we can ask the IAnimatableObject
            // to give us a named IAnimatableProperty.
            // For example:
            //     AnimationService.StartAnimation(loopedColorAnimation, _animatableSpriteB.GetAnimatableProperty<Color>("Color"));
            //     AnimationService.StartAnimation(loopedColorAnimation, _animatableSpriteC.GetAnimatableProperty<Color>("Color"));
            //     AnimationService.StartAnimation(oscillatingLeftRightAnimation, _animatableSpriteC.GetAnimatableProperty<Vector2>("Position"));
            // In this case, the "TargetObject" and the "TargetProperty" values of the timelines/animations do not matter.
            // Method 2: Apply to an IAnimatableObject directly.
            // For example:
            //     AnimationService.StartAnimation(loopedColorAnimation, _animatableSpriteB);
            //     AnimationService.StartAnimation(spriteCAnimation, _animatableSpriteC);
            // The animation service checks the TargetProperty value of the animations to see which
            // IAnimatabelProperty of the IAnimtableObjects should be animated by the animation.
            // The "TargetObject" values of the timelines are ignored.
            // Method 3: Apply a timeline to a collection of IAnimatableObjects.
            // For example:
            var animationController = AnimationService.StartAnimation(allSpriteAnimations, new[] { _animatableSpriteA, _animatableSpriteB, _animatableSpriteC });

            // The "TargetObject" and "TargetProperty" values are used to check which objects and
            // properties must be animated by which animation.
            // combinedSpriteAnimation is a "tree" of timelines:
            //                                  Type                         TargetObject   TargetProperty
            // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // allSpriteAnimations              TimelineGroup                -              -
            //   loopedColorAnimation           AnimationClip<Color>         "SpriteB"      -
            //     colorAnimation               ColorKeyFrameAnimation       -              "Color"
            //   spriteCAnimation               TimelineGroup                "SpriteC"      -
            //     loopedColorAnimation         AnimationClip<Color>         "SpriteB"      -
            //       colorAnimation             ColorKeyFrameAnimation       -             "Color"
            //     oscillatingVector2Animation  AnimationClip<Vector2>       -             -
            //       vector2Animation           FromToByAnimation            -             "Position"
            // No animation specifies "SpriteA" as its TargetObject, therefore no animation
            // are applied to SpriteA.
            // The first loopedColorAnimation is applied to "SpriteB". And the contained
            // colorAnimation is applied to the Color property of SpriteB.
            // The spriteCAnimation is applied to "SpriteC". Therefore, all "children" of
            // spriteCAnimation are also applied to this object! The TargetObject property of
            // the second loopedColorAnimation is ignored! The second loopedColorAnimation is
            // applied to SpriteC!

예제 #31
        public void GetRoot()
            var animationA = new TimelineGroup();
              var animationB = new SingleFromToByAnimation();
              var animationC = new SingleFromToByAnimation();
              var animationD = new TimelineGroup();
              var animationE = new TimelineGroup();
              var animationF = new SingleFromToByAnimation();
              var animationG = new TimelineGroup();

              Assert.That(() => AnimationHelper.GetRoot(null), Throws.TypeOf<ArgumentNullException>());

              var animationInstance = animationA.CreateInstance();
              Assert.AreEqual(animationInstance, animationInstance.GetRoot());
              Assert.AreEqual(animationInstance, animationInstance.Children[2].Children[0].GetRoot());
예제 #32
        public void AnimateProperty()
            var property = new AnimatableProperty<float> { Value = 10.0f };

              var animationA = new SingleFromToByAnimation
            From = 100.0f,
            To = 200.0f,
            TargetObject = "ObjectA",     // Should be ignored.
            TargetProperty = "PropertyA", // Should be ignored.
              var animationB = new SingleFromToByAnimation
            From = 200.0f,
            To = 300.0f,
            TargetObject = "ObjectB",     // Should be ignored.
            TargetProperty = "PropertyB", // Should be ignored.
              var animationGroup = new TimelineGroup();

              var manager = new AnimationManager();

              // Should assign both animations to 'property'.
              var controller = manager.CreateController(animationGroup, property);
              Assert.AreEqual(property, ((AnimationInstance<float>)controller.AnimationInstance.Children[0]).Property);
              Assert.AreEqual(property, ((AnimationInstance<float>)controller.AnimationInstance.Children[1]).Property);

              // When started then animationB (last in the composition chain) should be active.
              Assert.AreEqual(200.0f, property.Value);

              Assert.AreEqual(10.0f, property.Value);

              // Same test for AnimationManager.StartAnimation()
              controller = manager.StartAnimation(animationGroup, property);
              Assert.AreEqual(property, ((AnimationInstance<float>)controller.AnimationInstance.Children[0]).Property);
              Assert.AreEqual(property, ((AnimationInstance<float>)controller.AnimationInstance.Children[1]).Property);
              Assert.AreEqual(200.0f, property.Value);

              Assert.AreEqual(10.0f, property.Value);
예제 #33
        public void AnimateObject()
            var obj = new AnimatableObject("TestObject");
              var property = new AnimatableProperty<float> { Value = 10.0f };
              obj.Properties.Add("Value", property);
              var property2 = new AnimatableProperty<float> { Value = 20.0f };
              obj.Properties.Add("Value2", property2);

              var animationA = new SingleFromToByAnimation
            From = 100.0f,
            To = 200.0f,
            TargetObject = "ObjectA",     // Should be ignored.
            TargetProperty = "Value",
              var animationB = new SingleFromToByAnimation
            From = 200.0f,
            To = 300.0f,
            TargetObject = "ObjectB",     // Should be ignored.
            TargetProperty = "",
              var animationGroup = new TimelineGroup();

              var manager = new AnimationManager();

              // Should assign animationA to 'obj'.
              var controller = manager.CreateController(animationGroup, obj);
              Assert.AreEqual(property, ((AnimationInstance<float>)controller.AnimationInstance.Children[0]).Property);
              Assert.AreEqual(null, ((AnimationInstance<float>)controller.AnimationInstance.Children[1]).Property);

              // When started then animationA should be active.
              Assert.AreEqual(100.0f, property.Value);
              Assert.AreEqual(20.0f, property2.Value);

              Assert.AreEqual(10.0f, property.Value);
              Assert.AreEqual(20.0f, property2.Value);

              // Same test for AnimationManager.StartAnimation()
              controller = manager.StartAnimation(animationGroup, obj);
              Assert.AreEqual(property, ((AnimationInstance<float>)controller.AnimationInstance.Children[0]).Property);
              Assert.AreEqual(null, ((AnimationInstance<float>)controller.AnimationInstance.Children[1]).Property);
              Assert.AreEqual(100.0f, property.Value);
              Assert.AreEqual(20.0f, property2.Value);

              Assert.AreEqual(10.0f, property.Value);
              Assert.AreEqual(20.0f, property2.Value);
 /// <summary>
 /// Erstellt ein neues SelectionChangedEventArgs
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="tg">ausgewählte TimelineGroup</param>
 /// <param name="te">ausgewählte TimelineGroup</param>
 public SelectionChangedEventArgs(TimelineGroup tg, TimelineEntry te)
     this.m_selectedGroup = tg;
     this.m_selectedEntry = te;
예제 #35
    public RotatingWindow(IServiceLocator services) 
      : base(services)
      Title = "RotatingWindow";

      Width = 250;
      Height = 100;

      Content = new TextBlock
        Margin = new Vector4F(8),
        Text = "The 'RenderScale' and the 'RenderRotation' of this window are animated.",
        WrapText = true,

      // Set the center of the scale and rotation transformations to the center of the window. 
      RenderTransformOrigin = new Vector2F(0.5f, 0.5f);

      // The loading animation is a timeline group of two animations. 
      // One animations animates the RenderScale from (0, 0) to its current value.
      // The other animation animates the RenderRotation from 10 to its current value.
      // The base class AnimatedWindow will apply this timeline group on this window 
      // when the window is loaded.
      LoadingAnimation = new TimelineGroup
        new Vector2FFromToByAnimation
          TargetProperty = "RenderScale",
          From = new Vector2F(0, 0),
          Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.8),
          EasingFunction = new HermiteEase { Mode = EasingMode.EaseOut },
        new SingleFromToByAnimation
          TargetProperty = "RenderRotation",
          From = 10,
          Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.8),
          EasingFunction = new HermiteEase { Mode = EasingMode.EaseOut },

      // The closing animation is a timeline group of two animations. 
      // One animations animates the RenderScale from its current value to (0, 0).
      // The other animation animates the RenderRotation its current value to 10.
      // The base class AnimatedWindow will apply this timeline group on this window when
      // the window is loaded.
      ClosingAnimation = new TimelineGroup
        new Vector2FFromToByAnimation
          TargetProperty = "RenderScale",
          To = new Vector2F(0, 0),
          Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.8),
          EasingFunction = new HermiteEase { Mode = EasingMode.EaseIn },
        new SingleFromToByAnimation
          TargetProperty = "RenderRotation",
          To = 10,
          Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.8),
          EasingFunction = new HermiteEase { Mode = EasingMode.EaseIn },
예제 #36
        public void GetSelfAndAncestors()
            var animationA = new TimelineGroup();
              var animationB = new SingleFromToByAnimation();
              var animationC = new SingleFromToByAnimation();
              var animationD = new TimelineGroup();
              var animationE = new TimelineGroup();
              var animationF = new SingleFromToByAnimation();
              var animationG = new TimelineGroup();

              Assert.That(() => AnimationHelper.GetSelfAndAncestors(null), Throws.TypeOf<ArgumentNullException>());

              var animationInstance = animationA.CreateInstance();
              var ancestors = animationInstance.Children[2].Children[0].GetSelfAndAncestors().ToArray();
              Assert.AreEqual(3, ancestors.Length);
              Assert.AreEqual(animationInstance.Children[2].Children[0], ancestors[0]);
              Assert.AreEqual(animationInstance.Children[2], ancestors[1]);
              Assert.AreEqual(animationInstance, ancestors[2]);
예제 #37
    /// <summary>
    /// Animates the opacity and offset of a group of controls from their current value to the 
    /// specified value.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="controls">The UI controls to be animated.</param>
    /// <param name="opacity">The opacity.</param>
    /// <param name="offset">The offset.</param>
    private AnimationController AnimateTo(IList<UIControl> controls, float opacity, Vector2F offset)
      TimeSpan duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.6f);

      // First, let's define the animation that is going to be applied to a control.
      // Animate the "Opacity" from its current value to the specified value.
      var opacityAnimation = new SingleFromToByAnimation
        TargetProperty = "Opacity",
        To = opacity,
        Duration = duration,
        EasingFunction = new CubicEase { Mode = EasingMode.EaseIn },

      // Animate the "RenderTranslation" property from its current value, which is 
      // usually (0, 0), to the specified value.
      var offsetAnimation = new Vector2FFromToByAnimation
        TargetProperty = "RenderTranslation",
        To = offset,
        Duration = duration,
        EasingFunction = new CubicEase { Mode = EasingMode.EaseIn },

      // Group the opacity and offset animation together using a TimelineGroup.
      var timelineGroup = new TimelineGroup();

      // Now we duplicate this animation by creating new TimelineClips that wrap the TimelineGroup.
      // A TimelineClip is assigned to a target by setting the TargetObject property.
      var storyboard = new TimelineGroup();

      for (int i = 0; i < controls.Count; i++)
        var clip = new TimelineClip(timelineGroup)
          TargetObject = controls[i].Name,  // Assign the clip to the i-th control.
          Delay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.04f * i),
          FillBehavior = FillBehavior.Hold, // Hold the last value of the animation when it            
        };                                  // because we don't want to opacity and offset to
        // jump back to their original value.

      // Now we apply the "storyboard" to the group of UI controls. The animation system
      // will automatically assign individual animations to the right objects and 
      // properties.

      var animationController = AnimationService.StartAnimation(storyboard, controls);
      var animationController = AnimationService.StartAnimation(storyboard, controls.Cast<IAnimatableObject>());


      // The returned animation controller can be used to start, stop, pause, ... all
      // animations at once. (Note that we don't set AutoRecycle here, because we will 
      // explicitly stop and recycle the animations in the code above.)
      return animationController;
예제 #38
    /// <summary>
    /// Animates the opacity and offset of a group of controls from their current value to the 
    /// specified value.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="controls">The UI controls to be animated.</param>
    /// <param name="opacity">The opacity.</param>
    /// <param name="offset">The offset.</param>
    private AnimationController AnimateTo(IList<UIControl> controls, float opacity, Vector2F offset)
      TimeSpan duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.6f);

      // First, let's define the animation that is going to be applied to a control.
      // Animate the "Opacity" from its current value to the specified value.
      var opacityAnimation = new SingleFromToByAnimation
        TargetProperty = "Opacity",
        To = opacity,
        Duration = duration,
        EasingFunction = new CubicEase { Mode = EasingMode.EaseIn },

      // Animate the "RenderTranslation" property from its current value, which is 
      // usually (0, 0), to the specified value.
      var offsetAnimation = new Vector2FFromToByAnimation
        TargetProperty = "RenderTranslation",
        To = offset,
        Duration = duration,
        EasingFunction = new CubicEase { Mode = EasingMode.EaseIn },

      // Group the opacity and offset animation together using a TimelineGroup.
      var timelineGroup = new TimelineGroup();

      // Now we duplicate this animation by creating new TimelineClips that wrap the TimelineGroup.
      // A TimelineClip is assigned to a target by setting the TargetObject property.
      var storyboard = new TimelineGroup();

      for (int i = 0; i < controls.Count; i++)
        var clip = new TimelineClip(timelineGroup)
          TargetObject = controls[i].Name,  // Assign the clip to the i-th control.
          Delay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.04f * i),
          FillBehavior = FillBehavior.Hold, // Hold the last value of the animation when it            
        };                                  // because we don't want to opacity and offset to
        // jump back to their original value.

      // Now we apply the "storyboard" to the group of UI controls. The animation system
      // will automatically assign individual animations to the right objects and 
      // properties.
#if !XBOX && !WP7
      var animationController = AnimationService.StartAnimation(storyboard, controls);
      var animationController = AnimationService.StartAnimation(storyboard, controls.Cast<IAnimatableObject>());


      // The returned animation controller can be used to start, stop, pause, ... all
      // animations at once. (Note that we don't set AutoRecycle here, because we will 
      // explicitly stop and recycle the animations in the code above.)
      return animationController;
예제 #39
    public BlendedAnimationSample(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game game)
      : base(game)
      Rectangle bounds = GraphicsService.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.TitleSafeArea;

      // Create the animatable object.
      _animatableSprite = new AnimatableSprite("SpriteA", SpriteBatch, Logo)
        Position = new Vector2(bounds.Center.X, bounds.Center.Y / 2.0f),
        Color = Color.Red,

      Vector2FromToByAnimation slowLeftRightAnimation = new Vector2FromToByAnimation
        TargetProperty = "Position",
        From = new Vector2(bounds.Left + 100, bounds.Top + 200),
        To = new Vector2(bounds.Right - 100, bounds.Top + 200),
        Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(4),
        EasingFunction = new HermiteEase { Mode = EasingMode.EaseInOut },

      ColorKeyFrameAnimation redGreenAnimation = new ColorKeyFrameAnimation
        TargetProperty = "Color",
        EnableInterpolation = true,
      redGreenAnimation.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame<Color>(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0), Color.Red));
      redGreenAnimation.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame<Color>(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(4), Color.Green));

      TimelineGroup animationA = new TimelineGroup

      Vector2FromToByAnimation fastLeftRightAnimation = new Vector2FromToByAnimation
        TargetProperty = "Position",
        From = new Vector2(bounds.Left + 100, bounds.Bottom - 200),
        To = new Vector2(bounds.Right - 100, bounds.Bottom - 200),
        Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1),
        EasingFunction = new HermiteEase { Mode = EasingMode.EaseInOut },

      ColorKeyFrameAnimation blackWhiteAnimation = new ColorKeyFrameAnimation
        TargetProperty = "Color",
        EnableInterpolation = true,
      blackWhiteAnimation.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame<Color>(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0), Color.Black));
      blackWhiteAnimation.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame<Color>(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), Color.White));

      TimelineGroup animationB = new TimelineGroup

      // Create a BlendGroup that blends animationA and animationB. 
      // The BlendGroup uses the TargetProperty values of the contained animations to 
      // to match the animations that should be blended:
      //   slowLeftRightAnimation with fastLeftRightAnimation
      //   redGreenAnimation with blackWhiteAnimation
      _blendedAnimation = new BlendGroup
        LoopBehavior = LoopBehavior.Oscillate,
        Duration = TimeSpan.MaxValue,
      _blendedAnimation.Add(animationA, 1);
      _blendedAnimation.Add(animationB, 0);

      // Start blended animation.
      AnimationService.StartAnimation(_blendedAnimation, _animatableSprite).UpdateAndApply();
예제 #40
        public void AnimateObjects()
            var objectA = new AnimatableObject("ObjectA");
              var propertyA1 = new AnimatableProperty<float> { Value = 10.0f };
              objectA.Properties.Add("Value", propertyA1);
              var propertyA2 = new AnimatableProperty<float> { Value = 20.0f };
              objectA.Properties.Add("Value2", propertyA2);

              var objectB = new AnimatableObject("ObjectB");
              var propertyB = new AnimatableProperty<float> { Value = 30.0f };
              objectB.Properties.Add("Value", propertyB);

              var objectC = new AnimatableObject("ObjectC");
              var propertyC = new AnimatableProperty<float> { Value = 40.0f };
              objectC.Properties.Add("Value", propertyC);

              var animationA1 = new SingleFromToByAnimation // Should be assigned to ObjectA
            From = 100.0f,
            To = 200.0f,
            TargetObject = "ObjectXyz", // Ignored because ObjectA is selected by animationGroup1.
            TargetProperty = "Value",   // Required.
              var animationA2 = new SingleFromToByAnimation // Should be assigned to ObjectA
            From = 200.0f,
            To = 300.0f,
            TargetObject = "ObjectB",   // Ignored because ObjectA is selected by animationGroup1.
            TargetProperty = "Value",   // Required.
              var animationA3 = new Vector3FFromToByAnimation // Ignored because of incompatible type.
            From = new Vector3F(300.0f),
            To = new Vector3F(400.0f),
            TargetObject = "ObjectA",
            TargetProperty = "Value",
              var animationA4 = new SingleFromToByAnimation   // Ignored because TargetProperty is not set.
            From = 400.0f,
            To = 500.0f,
            TargetObject = "",
            TargetProperty = "",
              var animationGroupA = new TimelineGroup { TargetObject = "ObjectA" };

              var animationB1 = new SingleFromToByAnimation // Should be assigned to ObjectB
            From = 100.0f,
            To = 200.0f,
            TargetObject = "ObjectB",
            TargetProperty = "Value",
              var animationA5 = new SingleFromToByAnimation
            From = 600.0f,
            To = 700.0f,
            TargetObject = "",
            TargetProperty = "Value",

              var animationGroupRoot = new TimelineGroup();

              var manager = new AnimationManager();

              // CreateController()
              var controller = manager.CreateController(animationGroupRoot, new[] { objectA, objectB, objectC });
              Assert.AreEqual(propertyA1, ((AnimationInstance<float>)controller.AnimationInstance.Children[0].Children[0]).Property);
              Assert.AreEqual(propertyA1, ((AnimationInstance<float>)controller.AnimationInstance.Children[0].Children[1]).Property);
              Assert.AreEqual(null, ((AnimationInstance<Vector3F>)controller.AnimationInstance.Children[0].Children[2]).Property);
              Assert.AreEqual(null, ((AnimationInstance<float>)controller.AnimationInstance.Children[0].Children[3]).Property);
              Assert.AreEqual(propertyB, ((AnimationInstance<float>)controller.AnimationInstance.Children[1]).Property);
              Assert.AreEqual(propertyA1, ((AnimationInstance<float>)controller.AnimationInstance.Children[2]).Property);
              Assert.AreEqual(10.0f, propertyA1.Value);
              Assert.AreEqual(20.0f, propertyA2.Value);
              Assert.AreEqual(30.0f, propertyB.Value);
              Assert.AreEqual(40.0f, propertyC.Value);

              Assert.AreEqual(600.0f, propertyA1.Value);
              Assert.AreEqual(20.0f, propertyA2.Value);
              Assert.AreEqual(100.0f, propertyB.Value);
              Assert.AreEqual(40.0f, propertyC.Value);

              Assert.AreEqual(10.0f, propertyA1.Value);
              Assert.AreEqual(20.0f, propertyA2.Value);
              Assert.AreEqual(30.0f, propertyB.Value);
              Assert.AreEqual(40.0f, propertyC.Value);

              // StartAnimation()
              controller = manager.StartAnimation(animationGroupRoot, new[] { objectA, objectB, objectC });
              Assert.AreEqual(propertyA1, ((AnimationInstance<float>)controller.AnimationInstance.Children[0].Children[0]).Property);
              Assert.AreEqual(propertyA1, ((AnimationInstance<float>)controller.AnimationInstance.Children[0].Children[1]).Property);
              Assert.AreEqual(null, ((AnimationInstance<Vector3F>)controller.AnimationInstance.Children[0].Children[2]).Property);
              Assert.AreEqual(null, ((AnimationInstance<float>)controller.AnimationInstance.Children[0].Children[3]).Property);
              Assert.AreEqual(propertyB, ((AnimationInstance<float>)controller.AnimationInstance.Children[1]).Property);
              Assert.AreEqual(propertyA1, ((AnimationInstance<float>)controller.AnimationInstance.Children[2]).Property);
              Assert.AreEqual(600.0f, propertyA1.Value);
              Assert.AreEqual(20.0f, propertyA2.Value);
              Assert.AreEqual(100.0f, propertyB.Value);
              Assert.AreEqual(40.0f, propertyC.Value);

              manager.StopAnimation(new[] { objectA, objectB, objectC });
              manager.UpdateAndApplyAnimation(new[] { objectA, objectB, objectC });
              Assert.AreEqual(10.0f, propertyA1.Value);
              Assert.AreEqual(20.0f, propertyA2.Value);
              Assert.AreEqual(30.0f, propertyB.Value);
              Assert.AreEqual(40.0f, propertyC.Value);
예제 #41
 private static void AddSlide(TimelineGroup storyboard, Timeline thicknessAnimation)
     Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(thicknessAnimation, new PropertyPath("Margin"));
예제 #42
        protected override void LoadContent()
            _avatarDescription = AvatarDescription.CreateRandom();
              _avatarRenderer = new AvatarRenderer(_avatarDescription);

              // Wrap the Stand0 AvatarAnimationPreset (see WrappedAnimationSample) to create an
              // infinitely looping stand animation.
              AvatarAnimation standAnimationPreset = new AvatarAnimation(AvatarAnimationPreset.Stand0);
              TimelineGroup standAnimation = new TimelineGroup
            new WrappedExpressionAnimation(standAnimationPreset),
            new WrappedSkeletonAnimation(standAnimationPreset),
              _standAnimation = new TimelineClip(standAnimation)
            LoopBehavior = LoopBehavior.Cycle,  // Cycle the Stand animation...
            Duration = TimeSpan.MaxValue,       // ...forever.

              // Load animations from content pipeline.
              _faintAnimation = Game.Content.Load<TimelineGroup>("Faint");
              _jumpAnimation = Game.Content.Load<TimelineGroup>("Jump");
              _kickAnimation = Game.Content.Load<TimelineGroup>("Kick");
              _punchAnimation = Game.Content.Load<TimelineGroup>("Punch");

              // The walk cycle should loop: Put it into a timeline clip and set a
              // loop-behavior.
              TimelineGroup walkAnimation = Game.Content.Load<TimelineGroup>("Walk");
              _walkAnimation = new TimelineClip(walkAnimation)
            LoopBehavior = LoopBehavior.Cycle,  // Cycle the Walk animation...
            Duration = TimeSpan.MaxValue,       // ...forever.

예제 #43
        public RotatingWindow(IServiceLocator services)
            : base(services)
            Title = "RotatingWindow";

            Width  = 250;
            Height = 100;

            Content = new TextBlock
                Margin   = new Vector4F(8),
                Text     = "The 'RenderScale' and the 'RenderRotation' of this window are animated.",
                WrapText = true,

            // Set the center of the scale and rotation transformations to the center of the window.
            RenderTransformOrigin = new Vector2F(0.5f, 0.5f);

            // The loading animation is a timeline group of two animations.
            // One animations animates the RenderScale from (0, 0) to its current value.
            // The other animation animates the RenderRotation from 10 to its current value.
            // The base class AnimatedWindow will apply this timeline group on this window
            // when the window is loaded.
            LoadingAnimation = new TimelineGroup
                new Vector2FFromToByAnimation
                    TargetProperty = "RenderScale",
                    From           = new Vector2F(0, 0),
                    Duration       = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.8),
                    EasingFunction = new HermiteEase {
                        Mode = EasingMode.EaseOut
                new SingleFromToByAnimation
                    TargetProperty = "RenderRotation",
                    From           = 10,
                    Duration       = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.8),
                    EasingFunction = new HermiteEase {
                        Mode = EasingMode.EaseOut

            // The closing animation is a timeline group of two animations.
            // One animations animates the RenderScale from its current value to (0, 0).
            // The other animation animates the RenderRotation its current value to 10.
            // The base class AnimatedWindow will apply this timeline group on this window when
            // the window is loaded.
            ClosingAnimation = new TimelineGroup
                new Vector2FFromToByAnimation
                    TargetProperty = "RenderScale",
                    To             = new Vector2F(0, 0),
                    Duration       = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.8),
                    EasingFunction = new HermiteEase {
                        Mode = EasingMode.EaseIn
                new SingleFromToByAnimation
                    TargetProperty = "RenderRotation",
                    To             = 10,
                    Duration       = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.8),
                    EasingFunction = new HermiteEase {
                        Mode = EasingMode.EaseIn
예제 #44
    public EasingWindow(IServiceLocator services) 
      : base(services)
      _inputService = services.GetInstance<IInputService>();
      _animationService = services.GetInstance<IAnimationService>();

      Title = "EasingWindow";

      StackPanel stackPanel = new StackPanel { Margin = new Vector4F(8) };
      Content = stackPanel;

      TextBlock textBlock = new TextBlock
        Text = "Test different Easing Functions in this window.",
        Margin = new Vector4F(0, 0, 0, 8),

      StackPanel horizontalPanel = new StackPanel
        Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal,
        Margin = new Vector4F(0, 0, 0, 8)

      textBlock = new TextBlock
        Text = "Easing Function:",
        Width = 80,
        Margin = new Vector4F(0, 0, 8, 0),

      _functionDropDown = new DropDownButton
        Width = 100,

        // The DropDownButton automatically converts the items to string (using ToString) and 
        // displays this string. This is not helpful for this sort of items. We want to display
        // the type name of the items instead. The following is a callback which creates a
        // TextBlock for each item. It is called when the drop-down list is opened.
        CreateControlForItem = item => new TextBlock { Text = item.GetType().Name },

      _functionDropDown.Items.Add(new BackEase());
      _functionDropDown.Items.Add(new BounceEase());
      _functionDropDown.Items.Add(new CircleEase());
      _functionDropDown.Items.Add(new CubicEase());
      _functionDropDown.Items.Add(new ElasticEase());
      _functionDropDown.Items.Add(new ExponentialEase());
      _functionDropDown.Items.Add(new LogarithmicEase());
      _functionDropDown.Items.Add(new HermiteEase());
      _functionDropDown.Items.Add(new PowerEase());
      _functionDropDown.Items.Add(new QuadraticEase());
      _functionDropDown.Items.Add(new QuinticEase());
      _functionDropDown.Items.Add(new SineEase());
      _functionDropDown.SelectedIndex = 0;

      horizontalPanel = new StackPanel
        Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal,
        Margin = new Vector4F(0, 0, 0, 8)

      textBlock = new TextBlock
        Text = "Easing Mode:",
        Width = 80,
        Margin = new Vector4F(0, 0, 8, 0),

      _modeDropDown = new DropDownButton
        Width = 100,

      _modeDropDown.SelectedIndex = 0;

      _slider = new Slider
        Margin = new Vector4F(0, 16, 0, 0),
        SmallChange = 0.01f,
        LargeChange = 0.1f,
        Minimum = -0.5f,
        Maximum = 1.5f,
        Width = 250,
        HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center,

      // Display the current value of the slider.
      var valueLabel = new TextBlock
        Text = _slider.Value.ToString("F2"),
        HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center,
        Margin = new Vector4F(0, 0, 0, 8),

      // Update the text every time the slider value changes.
      var valueProperty = _slider.Properties.Get<float>("Value");
      valueProperty.Changed += (s, e) => valueLabel.Text = e.NewValue.ToString("F2");

      Button button = new Button
        Content = new TextBlock { Text = "Animate" },
        HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center,
        Margin = new Vector4F(0, 0, 0, 8),
      button.Click += OnButtonClicked;

      textBlock = new TextBlock
        Text = "(Press the Animate button to animate the slider\n"
                + "value using the selected EasingFunction.\n"
                + "The slider goes from -0.5 to 1.5. The animation\n"
                + "animates the value to 0 or to 1.)",

      // When the window is loaded, the window appears under the mouse cursor and flies to
      // its position.
      Vector2F mousePosition = _inputService.MousePosition;

      // The loading animation is a timeline group of three animations:
      // - One animations animates the RenderScale from (0, 0) to its current value.
      // - The other animations animate the X and Y positions from the mouse position 
      //   to current values.
      // The base class AnimatedWindow will apply this timeline group on this window 
      // when the window is loaded.
      TimelineGroup timelineGroup = new TimelineGroup
        new Vector2FFromToByAnimation
          TargetProperty = "RenderScale",
          From = new Vector2F(0, 0),
          Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.3),
          EasingFunction = new HermiteEase { Mode = EasingMode.EaseOut },
        new SingleFromToByAnimation
          TargetProperty = "X",     
          From = mousePosition.X, 
          Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.3),
        new SingleFromToByAnimation
          TargetProperty = "Y",     
          From = mousePosition.Y, 
          Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.3),
          EasingFunction = new QuadraticEase { Mode = EasingMode.EaseIn },
      // The default FillBehavior is "Hold". But this animation can be removed when it is finished. 
      // It should not "Hold" the animation value. If FillBehavior is set to Hold, we cannot
      // drag the window with the mouse because the animation overrides the value.
      timelineGroup.FillBehavior = FillBehavior.Stop;
      LoadingAnimation = timelineGroup;

      // The closing animation is a timeline group of three animations:
      // - One animations animates the RenderScale to (0, 0).
      // - The other animations animate the X and Y positions to the mouse position.
      // The base class AnimatedWindow will apply this timeline group on this window 
      // when the window is loaded.
      ClosingAnimation = new TimelineGroup
        new Vector2FFromToByAnimation
          TargetProperty = "RenderScale",
          To = new Vector2F(0, 0),
          Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.3),
          EasingFunction = new HermiteEase { Mode = EasingMode.EaseIn },
        new SingleFromToByAnimation
          TargetProperty = "X",
          To = mousePosition.X,
          Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.3),
        new SingleFromToByAnimation
          TargetProperty = "Y",
          To = mousePosition.Y,
          Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.3),
          EasingFunction = new QuadraticEase { Mode = EasingMode.EaseOut },
예제 #45
        public void GetSubtreeDepthFirst()
            var animationA = new TimelineGroup();
              var animationB = new SingleFromToByAnimation();
              var animationC = new SingleFromToByAnimation();
              var animationD = new TimelineGroup();
              var animationE = new TimelineGroup();
              var animationF = new SingleFromToByAnimation();
              var animationG = new TimelineGroup();

              Assert.That(() => AnimationHelper.GetSubtree(null), Throws.TypeOf<ArgumentNullException>());

              var animationInstance = animationA.CreateInstance();
              var descendants = animationInstance.Children[2].GetSubtree().ToArray();
              Assert.AreEqual(4, descendants.Length);
              Assert.AreEqual(animationInstance.Children[2], descendants[0]);
              Assert.AreEqual(animationInstance.Children[2].Children[0], descendants[1]);
              Assert.AreEqual(animationInstance.Children[2].Children[0].Children[0], descendants[2]);
              Assert.AreEqual(animationInstance.Children[2].Children[1], descendants[3]);
예제 #46
 protected ClockGroup(TimelineGroup timelineGroup)
     : base(timelineGroup)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
예제 #47
        private void CreateAndStartAnimations()
            // Get the scene nodes that we want to animate using their names (as defined
            // in the .fbx file).
            _frontWheelLeft          = _tank.GetSceneNode("l_steer_geo");
            _frontWheelLeftRestPose  = _frontWheelLeft.PoseLocal;
            _frontWheelRight         = _tank.GetSceneNode("r_steer_geo");
            _frontWheelRightRestPose = _frontWheelRight.PoseLocal;
            _hatch          = _tank.GetSceneNode("hatch_geo");
            _hatchRestPose  = _hatch.PoseLocal;
            _turret         = _tank.GetSceneNode("turret_geo");
            _turretRestPose = _turret.PoseLocal;
            _cannon         = _tank.GetSceneNode("canon_geo");
            _cannonRestPose = _cannon.PoseLocal;

            // Create and start some animations. For general information about the DigitalRune Animation
            // system, please check out the user documentation and the DigitalRune Animation samples.

            // The front wheel should rotate left/right; oscillating endlessly.
            var frontWheelSteeringAnimation = new AnimationClip <float>(
                new SingleFromToByAnimation
                From           = -0.3f,
                To             = 0.3f,
                Duration       = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3),
                EasingFunction = new SineEase {
                    Mode = EasingMode.EaseInOut
                Duration     = TimeSpan.MaxValue,
                LoopBehavior = LoopBehavior.Oscillate,

            AnimationService.StartAnimation(frontWheelSteeringAnimation, _frontWheelSteeringAngle)

            // The hatch opens using a bounce ease.
            var bounceOpenAnimation = new SingleFromToByAnimation
                By             = -0.8f,
                Duration       = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1),
                EasingFunction = new BounceEase {
                    Mode = EasingMode.EaseOut
            // Then it should close again.
            var bounceCloseAnimation = new SingleFromToByAnimation
                By       = 0.8f,
                Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.5f),
            // We combine the open and close animation. The close animation should start
            // 2 seconds after the open animation (Delay = 2) and it should stay some
            // time in the final position (Duration = 2).
            var bounceOpenCloseAnimation = new TimelineGroup
                new TimelineClip(bounceCloseAnimation)
                    Delay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2), Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2)
            // The bounceOpenCloseAnimation should loop forever.
            var hatchAnimation = new TimelineClip(bounceOpenCloseAnimation)
                Duration     = TimeSpan.MaxValue,
                LoopBehavior = LoopBehavior.Cycle,

            AnimationService.StartAnimation(hatchAnimation, _hatchAngle)

            // The turret rotates left/right endlessly.
            var turretAnimation = new AnimationClip <float>(
                new SingleFromToByAnimation
                From           = -0.5f,
                To             = 0.5f,
                Duration       = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(4),
                EasingFunction = new HermiteEase {
                    Mode = EasingMode.EaseInOut
                Duration     = TimeSpan.MaxValue,
                LoopBehavior = LoopBehavior.Oscillate,

            AnimationService.StartAnimation(turretAnimation, _turretAngle)

            // The cannon rotates up/down endlessly.
            var cannonAnimation = new AnimationClip <float>(
                new SingleFromToByAnimation
                By             = -0.7f,
                Duration       = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(6),
                EasingFunction = new HermiteEase {
                    Mode = EasingMode.EaseInOut
                Duration     = TimeSpan.MaxValue,
                LoopBehavior = LoopBehavior.Oscillate,

            AnimationService.StartAnimation(cannonAnimation, _cannonAngle)
예제 #48
        // Create morph target animation in code.
        private static ITimeline CreateMorphingAnimation()
            // The weight of each morph target is controlled by a keyframe animation.
            var browMad = new SingleKeyFrameAnimation {
                TargetProperty = "BROW-mad"

            browMad.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame <float>(FrameToTime(15), 0));
            browMad.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame <float>(FrameToTime(30), 1));
            browMad.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame <float>(FrameToTime(65), 1));
            browMad.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame <float>(FrameToTime(80), 0));

            var browSurp = new SingleKeyFrameAnimation {
                TargetProperty = "BROW-surp"

            browSurp.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame <float>(FrameToTime(0), 0));
            browSurp.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame <float>(FrameToTime(15), 0.5f));
            browSurp.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame <float>(FrameToTime(30), 0));
            browSurp.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame <float>(FrameToTime(210), 0));
            browSurp.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame <float>(FrameToTime(220), 0.5f));
            browSurp.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame <float>(FrameToTime(230), 0.5f));
            browSurp.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame <float>(FrameToTime(250), 0));

            var cheekIn = new SingleKeyFrameAnimation {
                TargetProperty = "CHEEK-in"

            cheekIn.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame <float>(FrameToTime(0), 0));
            cheekIn.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame <float>(FrameToTime(15), 1));
            cheekIn.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame <float>(FrameToTime(30), 0));

            var cheekOut = new SingleKeyFrameAnimation {
                TargetProperty = "CHEEK-out"

            cheekOut.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame <float>(FrameToTime(25), 0));
            cheekOut.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame <float>(FrameToTime(35), 1));
            cheekOut.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame <float>(FrameToTime(65), 1));
            cheekOut.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame <float>(FrameToTime(80), 0));

            var eyeClosed = new SingleKeyFrameAnimation {
                TargetProperty = "EYE-closed"

            eyeClosed.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame <float>(FrameToTime(20), 0));
            eyeClosed.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame <float>(FrameToTime(25), 1));
            eyeClosed.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame <float>(FrameToTime(55), 0.2f));
            eyeClosed.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame <float>(FrameToTime(65), 0.2f));
            eyeClosed.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame <float>(FrameToTime(80), 0));
            eyeClosed.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame <float>(FrameToTime(230), 0));
            eyeClosed.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame <float>(FrameToTime(235), 1));
            eyeClosed.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame <float>(FrameToTime(240), 0));

            var mouthE = new SingleKeyFrameAnimation {
                TargetProperty = "MOUTH-e"

            mouthE.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame <float>(FrameToTime(115), 0));
            mouthE.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame <float>(FrameToTime(125), 0.7f));
            mouthE.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame <float>(FrameToTime(130), 0.7f));
            mouthE.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame <float>(FrameToTime(140), 0.9f));
            mouthE.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame <float>(FrameToTime(145), 0.9f));
            mouthE.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame <float>(FrameToTime(155), 0.0f));

            var mouthU = new SingleKeyFrameAnimation {
                TargetProperty = "MOUTH-u"

            mouthU.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame <float>(FrameToTime(25), 0));
            mouthU.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame <float>(FrameToTime(35), 0.5f));
            mouthU.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame <float>(FrameToTime(55), 0));
            mouthU.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame <float>(FrameToTime(145), 0));
            mouthU.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame <float>(FrameToTime(155), 0.5f));
            mouthU.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame <float>(FrameToTime(160), 0.5f));
            mouthU.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame <float>(FrameToTime(170), 0.9f));
            mouthU.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame <float>(FrameToTime(175), 0.9f));
            mouthU.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame <float>(FrameToTime(170), 0.9f));
            mouthU.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame <float>(FrameToTime(190), 0.0f));

            var mouthSmile = new SingleKeyFrameAnimation {
                TargetProperty = "MOUTH-smile"

            mouthSmile.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame <float>(FrameToTime(210), 0));
            mouthSmile.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame <float>(FrameToTime(220), 1));
            mouthSmile.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame <float>(FrameToTime(230), 1));
            mouthSmile.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame <float>(FrameToTime(250), 0));

            // Combine the key frame animations into a single animation.
            var timelineGroup = new TimelineGroup();


            // Make an endless loop.
            return(new TimelineClip(timelineGroup)
                Duration = TimeSpan.MaxValue,
                LoopBehavior = LoopBehavior.Cycle
        public BlendedAnimationSample(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game game)
            : base(game)
            Rectangle bounds = GraphicsService.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.TitleSafeArea;

            // Create the animatable object.
            _animatableSprite = new AnimatableSprite("SpriteA", SpriteBatch, Logo)
                Position = new Vector2(bounds.Center.X, bounds.Center.Y / 2.0f),
                Color    = Color.Red,

            Vector2FromToByAnimation slowLeftRightAnimation = new Vector2FromToByAnimation
                TargetProperty = "Position",
                From           = new Vector2(bounds.Left + 100, bounds.Top + 200),
                To             = new Vector2(bounds.Right - 100, bounds.Top + 200),
                Duration       = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(4),
                EasingFunction = new HermiteEase {
                    Mode = EasingMode.EaseInOut

            ColorKeyFrameAnimation redGreenAnimation = new ColorKeyFrameAnimation
                TargetProperty      = "Color",
                EnableInterpolation = true,

            redGreenAnimation.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame <Color>(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0), Color.Red));
            redGreenAnimation.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame <Color>(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(4), Color.Green));

            TimelineGroup animationA = new TimelineGroup

            Vector2FromToByAnimation fastLeftRightAnimation = new Vector2FromToByAnimation
                TargetProperty = "Position",
                From           = new Vector2(bounds.Left + 100, bounds.Bottom - 200),
                To             = new Vector2(bounds.Right - 100, bounds.Bottom - 200),
                Duration       = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1),
                EasingFunction = new HermiteEase {
                    Mode = EasingMode.EaseInOut

            ColorKeyFrameAnimation blackWhiteAnimation = new ColorKeyFrameAnimation
                TargetProperty      = "Color",
                EnableInterpolation = true,

            blackWhiteAnimation.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame <Color>(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0), Color.Black));
            blackWhiteAnimation.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame <Color>(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), Color.White));

            TimelineGroup animationB = new TimelineGroup

            // Create a BlendGroup that blends animationA and animationB.
            // The BlendGroup uses the TargetProperty values of the contained animations to
            // to match the animations that should be blended:
            //   slowLeftRightAnimation with fastLeftRightAnimation
            //   redGreenAnimation with blackWhiteAnimation
            _blendedAnimation = new BlendGroup
                LoopBehavior = LoopBehavior.Oscillate,
                Duration     = TimeSpan.MaxValue,
            _blendedAnimation.Add(animationA, 1);
            _blendedAnimation.Add(animationB, 0);

            // Start blended animation.
            AnimationService.StartAnimation(_blendedAnimation, _animatableSprite).UpdateAndApply();
예제 #50
    private void CreateAndStartAnimations()
      // Get the scene nodes that we want to animate using their names (as defined 
      // in the .fbx file).
      _frontWheelLeft = _tank.GetSceneNode("l_steer_geo");
      _frontWheelLeftRestPose = _frontWheelLeft.PoseLocal;
      _frontWheelRight = _tank.GetSceneNode("r_steer_geo");
      _frontWheelRightRestPose = _frontWheelRight.PoseLocal;
      _hatch = _tank.GetSceneNode("hatch_geo");
      _hatchRestPose = _hatch.PoseLocal;
      _turret = _tank.GetSceneNode("turret_geo");
      _turretRestPose = _turret.PoseLocal;
      _cannon = _tank.GetSceneNode("canon_geo");
      _cannonRestPose = _cannon.PoseLocal;

      // Create and start some animations. For general information about the DigitalRune Animation
      // system, please check out the user documentation and the DigitalRune Animation samples.

      // The front wheel should rotate left/right; oscillating endlessly.
      var frontWheelSteeringAnimation = new AnimationClip<float>(
        new SingleFromToByAnimation
          From = -0.3f,
          To = 0.3f,
          Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3),
          EasingFunction = new SineEase { Mode = EasingMode.EaseInOut }
        Duration = TimeSpan.MaxValue,
        LoopBehavior = LoopBehavior.Oscillate,
      AnimationService.StartAnimation(frontWheelSteeringAnimation, _frontWheelSteeringAngle)

      // The hatch opens using a bounce ease. 
      var bounceOpenAnimation = new SingleFromToByAnimation
        By = -0.8f,
        Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1),
        EasingFunction = new BounceEase { Mode = EasingMode.EaseOut }
      // Then it should close again.
      var bounceCloseAnimation = new SingleFromToByAnimation
        By = 0.8f,
        Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.5f),
      // We combine the open and close animation. The close animation should start 
      // 2 seconds after the open animation (Delay = 2) and it should stay some 
      // time in the final position (Duration = 2).
      var bounceOpenCloseAnimation = new TimelineGroup
        new TimelineClip(bounceCloseAnimation) { Delay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2), Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2)},
      // The bounceOpenCloseAnimation should loop forever.
      var hatchAnimation = new TimelineClip(bounceOpenCloseAnimation)
        Duration = TimeSpan.MaxValue,
        LoopBehavior = LoopBehavior.Cycle,
      AnimationService.StartAnimation(hatchAnimation, _hatchAngle)

      // The turret rotates left/right endlessly.
      var turretAnimation = new AnimationClip<float>(
        new SingleFromToByAnimation
          From = -0.5f,
          To = 0.5f,
          Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(4),
          EasingFunction = new HermiteEase { Mode = EasingMode.EaseInOut }
        Duration = TimeSpan.MaxValue,
        LoopBehavior = LoopBehavior.Oscillate,
      AnimationService.StartAnimation(turretAnimation, _turretAngle)

      // The cannon rotates up/down endlessly.
      var cannonAnimation = new AnimationClip<float>(
        new SingleFromToByAnimation
          By = -0.7f,
          Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(6),
          EasingFunction = new HermiteEase { Mode = EasingMode.EaseInOut }
        Duration = TimeSpan.MaxValue,
        LoopBehavior = LoopBehavior.Oscillate,
      AnimationService.StartAnimation(cannonAnimation, _cannonAngle)
예제 #51
 protected internal ClockGroup(TimelineGroup group) : base(group) {}
예제 #52
    // The following code contains two helper methods to animate the opacity and offset
    // of a group of UI controls. The methods basically do the same, they animate the 
    // properties from/to a specific value. However the methods demonstrate two different 
    // approaches.
    // The AnimateFrom method uses a more direct approach. It directly starts an 
    // animation for each UI control in list, thereby creating several independently 
    // running animations.
    // The AnimateTo method uses a more declarative approach. All animations are 
    // defined and assigned to the target objects by setting the name of the UI control
    // in the TargetObject property. Then all animations are grouped together into
    // a single animation. When the resulting animation is started the animation system
    // creates the required animation instances and assigns the instances to the correct
    // objects and properties by matching the TargetObject and TargetProperty with the
    // name of the UI controls and their properties.
    // Both methods achieve a similar result. The advantage of the first method is more
    // direct control. The advantage of the seconds method is that only a single animation
    // controller is required to control all animations at once.

    /// <summary>
    /// Animates the opacity and offset of a group of controls from the specified value to their 
    /// current value.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="controls">The UI controls to be animated.</param>
    /// <param name="opacity">The initial opacity.</param>
    /// <param name="offset">The initial offset.</param>
    private void AnimateFrom(IList<UIControl> controls, float opacity, Vector2F offset)
      TimeSpan duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.8);

      // First, let's define the animation that is going to be applied to a control.
      // Animate the "Opacity" from the specified value to its current value.
      var opacityAnimation = new SingleFromToByAnimation
        TargetProperty = "Opacity",
        From = opacity,
        Duration = duration,
        EasingFunction = new CubicEase { Mode = EasingMode.EaseOut },

      // Animate the "RenderTranslation" property from the specified offset to its
      // its current value, which is usually (0, 0).
      var offsetAnimation = new Vector2FFromToByAnimation
        TargetProperty = "RenderTranslation",
        From = offset,
        Duration = duration,
        EasingFunction = new CubicEase { Mode = EasingMode.EaseOut },

      // Group the opacity and offset animation together using a TimelineGroup.
      var timelineGroup = new TimelineGroup();

      // Run the animation on each control using a negative delay to give the first controls
      // a slight head start.
      var numberOfControls = controls.Count;
      for (int i = 0; i < controls.Count; i++)
        var clip = new TimelineClip(timelineGroup)
          Delay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(-0.04 * (numberOfControls - i)),
          FillBehavior = FillBehavior.Stop,   // Stop and remove the animation when it is done.
        var animationController = AnimationService.StartAnimation(clip, controls[i]);


        // Enable "auto-recycling" to ensure that the animation resources are recycled once
        // the animation stops or the target objects are garbage collected.
예제 #53
 public void ShouldThrowWhenOwnerHasChildren()
     var timelineGroup = new TimelineGroup();
       var animationInstance = timelineGroup.CreateInstance();
       var collection = new AnimationInstanceCollection(animationInstance);
예제 #54
        public void AnimateObject()
            var obj      = new AnimatableObject("TestObject");
            var property = new AnimatableProperty <float> {
                Value = 10.0f

            obj.Properties.Add("Value", property);
            var property2 = new AnimatableProperty <float> {
                Value = 20.0f

            obj.Properties.Add("Value2", property2);

            var animationA = new SingleFromToByAnimation
                From           = 100.0f,
                To             = 200.0f,
                TargetObject   = "ObjectA", // Should be ignored.
                TargetProperty = "Value",
            var animationB = new SingleFromToByAnimation
                From           = 200.0f,
                To             = 300.0f,
                TargetObject   = "ObjectB", // Should be ignored.
                TargetProperty = "",
            var animationGroup = new TimelineGroup();


            var manager = new AnimationManager();

            // Should assign animationA to 'obj'.
            var controller = manager.CreateController(animationGroup, obj);

            Assert.AreEqual(property, ((AnimationInstance <float>)controller.AnimationInstance.Children[0]).Property);
            Assert.AreEqual(null, ((AnimationInstance <float>)controller.AnimationInstance.Children[1]).Property);

            // When started then animationA should be active.
            Assert.AreEqual(100.0f, property.Value);
            Assert.AreEqual(20.0f, property2.Value);

            Assert.AreEqual(10.0f, property.Value);
            Assert.AreEqual(20.0f, property2.Value);

            // Same test for AnimationManager.StartAnimation()
            controller = manager.StartAnimation(animationGroup, obj);
            Assert.AreEqual(property, ((AnimationInstance <float>)controller.AnimationInstance.Children[0]).Property);
            Assert.AreEqual(null, ((AnimationInstance <float>)controller.AnimationInstance.Children[1]).Property);
            Assert.AreEqual(100.0f, property.Value);
            Assert.AreEqual(20.0f, property2.Value);

            Assert.AreEqual(10.0f, property.Value);
            Assert.AreEqual(20.0f, property2.Value);