예제 #1
        public static string ToTimeStr(this Statistics s, Encoding encoding, TimeUnit unit = null, bool calcHistogram = false)
            if (s == null)
            if (unit == null)
                unit = TimeUnit.GetBestTimeUnit(s.Mean);
            var    builder         = new StringBuilder();
            string errorPercent    = (s.StandardError / s.Mean * 100).ToStr("0.00");
            var    ci              = s.ConfidenceInterval;
            string ciMarginPercent = (ci.Margin / s.Mean * 100).ToStr("0.00");
            double mValue          = MathHelper.CalculateMValue(s);

            builder.AppendLine($"Mean = {s.Mean.ToTimeStr(unit, encoding)}, StdErr = {s.StandardError.ToTimeStr(unit, encoding)} ({errorPercent}%); N = {s.N}, StdDev = {s.StandardDeviation.ToTimeStr(unit, encoding)}");
            builder.AppendLine($"Min = {s.Min.ToTimeStr(unit, encoding)}, Q1 = {s.Q1.ToTimeStr(unit, encoding)}, Median = {s.Median.ToTimeStr(unit, encoding)}, Q3 = {s.Q3.ToTimeStr(unit, encoding)}, Max = {s.Max.ToTimeStr(unit, encoding)}");
            builder.AppendLine($"IQR = {s.InterquartileRange.ToTimeStr(unit, encoding)}, LowerFence = {s.LowerFence.ToTimeStr(unit, encoding)}, UpperFence = {s.UpperFence.ToTimeStr(unit, encoding)}");
            builder.AppendLine($"ConfidenceInterval = {s.ConfidenceInterval.ToTimeStr(encoding, unit)}, Margin = {ci.Margin.ToTimeStr(unit, encoding)} ({ciMarginPercent}% of Mean)");
            builder.AppendLine($"Skewness = {s.Skewness.ToStr()}, Kurtosis = {s.Kurtosis.ToStr()}, MValue = {mValue.ToStr()}");
            if (calcHistogram)
                var histogram = HistogramBuilder.Adaptive.Build(s);
                builder.AppendLine("-------------------- Histogram --------------------");
                builder.AppendLine(histogram.ToTimeStr(encoding: encoding));
예제 #2
        public string GetValue(Summary summary, BenchmarkCase benchmarkCase, SummaryStyle style)
            var valueOfN = (int)benchmarkCase.Parameters.Items.Single(p => p.Name == "N").Value;
            var timePerN = summary[benchmarkCase].ResultStatistics.Mean / valueOfN;

            return(timePerN.ToTimeStr(benchmarkCase.Config.Encoding, TimeUnit.GetBestTimeUnit(timePerN)));
예제 #3
        public static void Log(Summary summary, ITestOutputHelper output)
            var logger = new OutputLogger(output);

            // We construct HostEnvironmentInfo manually, so that we can have the HardwareTimerKind enum as text, rather than an integer
            // SimpleJson serializer doesn't seem to have an enum String/Value option (to-be-fair, it is meant to be "Simple")
            //var environmentInfo = new
            //    HostEnvironmentInfo.BenchmarkDotNetCaption,
            //    summary.HostEnvironmentInfo.BenchmarkDotNetVersion,
            //    OsVersion = summary.HostEnvironmentInfo.OsVersion.Value,
            //    ProcessorName = ProcessorBrandStringHelper.Prettify(summary.HostEnvironmentInfo.CpuInfo.Value),
            //    summary.HostEnvironmentInfo.CpuInfo.Value?.PhysicalProcessorCount,
            //    summary.HostEnvironmentInfo.CpuInfo.Value?.PhysicalCoreCount,
            //    summary.HostEnvironmentInfo.CpuInfo.Value?.LogicalCoreCount,
            //    summary.HostEnvironmentInfo.RuntimeVersion,
            //    summary.HostEnvironmentInfo.Architecture,
            //    summary.HostEnvironmentInfo.HasAttachedDebugger,
            //    summary.HostEnvironmentInfo.HasRyuJit,
            //    summary.HostEnvironmentInfo.Configuration,
            //    DotNetCliVersion = summary.HostEnvironmentInfo.DotNetSdkVersion.Value,
            //    summary.HostEnvironmentInfo.ChronometerFrequency,
            //    HardwareTimerKind = summary.HostEnvironmentInfo.HardwareTimerKind.ToString()

            // If we just ask SimpleJson to serialize the entire "summary" object it throws several errors.
            // So we are more specific in what we serialize (plus some fields/properties aren't relevant)

            var benchmarks = summary.Reports.Select(report =>
                var data = new Dictionary <string, object>
                    // We don't need Benchmark.ShortInfo, that info is available via Benchmark.Parameters below
                    { "DisplayInfo", report.BenchmarkCase.DisplayInfo },
                    { "Namespace", report.BenchmarkCase.Descriptor.Type.Namespace },
                    { "Type", GetTypeName(report.BenchmarkCase.Descriptor.Type) },
                    { "Method", report.BenchmarkCase.Descriptor.WorkloadMethod.Name },
                    { "MethodTitle", report.BenchmarkCase.Descriptor.WorkloadMethodDisplayInfo },
                    { "Parameters", report.BenchmarkCase.Parameters.PrintInfo },
                    { "FullName", FullNameProvider.GetBenchmarkName(report.BenchmarkCase) }, // do NOT remove this property, it is used for xunit-performance migration
                    { "ExecutionTime", $"{report.ResultStatistics.Mean.ToTimeStr(TimeUnit.GetBestTimeUnit(report.ResultStatistics.Mean))}" },

                // We show MemoryDiagnoser's results only if it is being used
                if (report.BenchmarkCase.Config.HasMemoryDiagnoser())
                    data.Add("Memory", report.GcStats);


            logger.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new Dictionary <string, object>
                { "Title", summary.Title },
                // { "HostEnvironmentInfo", environmentInfo },
                { "Benchmarks", benchmarks }
            }, Formatting.Indented));
예제 #4
        internal SummaryTable(Summary summary, ISummaryStyle style = null)
            Summary = summary;

            if (summary.HasCriticalValidationErrors)
                Columns                 = Array.Empty <SummaryTableColumn>();
                ColumnCount             = 0;
                FullHeader              = Array.Empty <string>();
                FullContent             = Array.Empty <string[]>();
                FullContentStartOfGroup = Array.Empty <bool>();
                FullContentWithHeader   = Array.Empty <string[]>();
                IsDefault               = Array.Empty <bool>();

            // Ensure we have all required data for styling
            style = style ?? SummaryStyle.Default;
            if (style.TimeUnit == null)
                style = style.WithTimeUnit(TimeUnit.GetBestTimeUnit(summary.Reports.Where(r => r.ResultStatistics != null).Select(r => r.ResultStatistics.Mean).ToArray()));
            if (style.SizeUnit == null)
                style = style.WithSizeUnit(SizeUnit.GetBestSizeUnit(summary.Reports.Select(r => r.GcStats.BytesAllocatedPerOperation).ToArray()));

            var columns = summary.GetColumns();

            ColumnCount = columns.Length;
            FullHeader  = columns.Select(c => c.GetColumnTitle(style)).ToArray();

            var orderProvider = summary.Config.GetOrderProvider() ?? DefaultOrderProvider.Instance;

            FullContent = summary.Reports.Select(r => columns.Select(c => c.GetValue(summary, r.Benchmark, style)).ToArray()).ToArray();
            IsDefault   = columns.Select(c => summary.Reports.All(r => c.IsDefault(summary, r.Benchmark))).ToArray();
            var groupKeys = summary.Benchmarks.Select(b => orderProvider.GetGroupKey(b, summary)).ToArray();

            FullContentStartOfGroup = new bool[summary.Reports.Length];

            if (groupKeys.Distinct().Count() > 1 && FullContentStartOfGroup.Length > 0)
                FullContentStartOfGroup[0] = true;
                for (int i = 1; i < summary.Reports.Length; i++)
                    FullContentStartOfGroup[i] = groupKeys[i] != groupKeys[i - 1];

            var full = new List <string[]> {

            FullContentWithHeader = full.ToArray();

            Columns = Enumerable.Range(0, columns.Length).Select(i => new SummaryTableColumn(this, i, columns[i])).ToArray();
            EffectiveSummaryStyle = style;
예제 #5
        public static string ToTimeStr(this double value, TimeUnit unit = null, int unitNameWidth = 1)
            unit = unit ?? TimeUnit.GetBestTimeUnit(value);
            var unitValue = TimeUnit.Convert(value, TimeUnit.Nanoseconds, unit);
            var unitName  = unit.Name.PadLeft(unitNameWidth);

            return($"{unitValue.ToStr("N4")} {unitName}");
예제 #6
        public static string ToTimeStr(this double value, TimeUnit unit = null, int unitNameWidth = 1, bool showUnit = true, string format = "N4",
                                       Encoding encoding = null)
            unit = unit ?? TimeUnit.GetBestTimeUnit(value);
            double unitValue = TimeUnit.Convert(value, TimeUnit.Nanosecond, unit);

            if (showUnit)
                string unitName = unit.Name.ToString(encoding ?? Encoding.ASCII).PadLeft(unitNameWidth);
                return($"{unitValue.ToStr(format)} {unitName}");

예제 #7
        public static string ToTimeStr(this double value, TimeUnit unit = null, int unitNameWidth = 1, bool showUnit = true, string format = "N4")
            unit = unit ?? TimeUnit.GetBestTimeUnit(value);
            var unitValue = TimeUnit.Convert(value, TimeUnit.Nanosecond, unit);

            if (showUnit)
                var unitName = unit.Name.PadLeft(unitNameWidth);
                return($"{unitValue.ToStr(format)} {unitName}");
예제 #8
        public Summary(string title, IList <BenchmarkReport> reports, EnvironmentHelper hostEnvironmentHelper, IConfig config, string currentDirectory, TimeSpan totalTime)
            Title = title;
            HostEnvironmentHelper = hostEnvironmentHelper;
            Config           = config;
            CurrentDirectory = currentDirectory;
            TotalTime        = totalTime;

            Reports    = new Dictionary <Benchmark, BenchmarkReport>();
            Benchmarks = reports.Select(r => r.Benchmark).ToArray();
            foreach (var report in reports)
                Reports[report.Benchmark] = report;

            TimeUnit = TimeUnit.GetBestTimeUnit(reports.Where(r => r.ResultStatistics != null).Select(r => r.ResultStatistics.Mean).ToArray());
            Table    = new SummaryTable(this);
예제 #9
        public static string ToTimeStr(this Statistics s, TimeUnit unit = null)
            if (s == null)
            if (unit == null)
                unit = TimeUnit.GetBestTimeUnit(s.Mean);
            var builder      = new StringBuilder();
            var errorPercent = (s.StandardError / s.Mean * 100).ToStr();

            builder.AppendLine($"Mean = {s.Mean.ToTimeStr(unit)}, StdError = {s.StandardError.ToTimeStr(unit)} ({errorPercent}%); N = {s.N}, StdDev = {s.StandardDeviation.ToTimeStr(unit)}");
            builder.AppendLine($"Min = {s.Min.ToTimeStr(unit)}, Q1 = {s.Q1.ToTimeStr(unit)}, Median = {s.Median.ToTimeStr(unit)}, Q3 = {s.Q3.ToTimeStr(unit)}, Max = {s.Max.ToTimeStr(unit)}");
            builder.AppendLine($"IQR = {s.InterquartileRange.ToTimeStr(unit)}, LowerFence = {s.LowerFence.ToTimeStr(unit)}, UpperFence = {s.UpperFence.ToTimeStr(unit)}");
            builder.AppendLine($"ConfidenceInterval = {s.ConfidenceInterval.ToTimeStr(unit)}");
예제 #10
        public Summary(string title, IList <BenchmarkReport> reports, HostEnvironmentInfo hostEnvironmentInfo, IConfig config, string resultsDirectoryPath, TimeSpan totalTime, ValidationError[] validationErrors)
            : this(title, hostEnvironmentInfo, config, resultsDirectoryPath, totalTime, validationErrors)
            Benchmarks = reports.Select(r => r.Benchmark).ToArray();
            foreach (var report in reports)
                reportMap[report.Benchmark] = report;
            Reports = Benchmarks.Select(b => reportMap[b]).ToArray();

            var orderProvider = config.GetOrderProvider() ?? DefaultOrderProvider.Instance;

            Benchmarks = orderProvider.GetSummaryOrder(Benchmarks, this).ToArray();
            Reports    = Benchmarks.Select(b => reportMap[b]).ToArray();

            TimeUnit   = TimeUnit.GetBestTimeUnit(reports.Where(r => r.ResultStatistics != null).Select(r => r.ResultStatistics.Mean).ToArray());
            Table      = new SummaryTable(this);
            shortInfos = new Dictionary <IJob, string>();
            jobs       = new Lazy <IJob[]>(() => Benchmarks.Select(b => b.Job).ToArray());
예제 #11
        public static string ToTimeStr(this Histogram histogram, TimeUnit unit = null, char binSymbol = '@', bool full = false, Encoding encoding = null)
            const string format   = "0.000";
            var          bins     = histogram.Bins;
            int          binCount = histogram.Bins.Length;

            if (unit == null)
                unit = TimeUnit.GetBestTimeUnit(bins.SelectMany(bin => bin.Values).ToArray());
            if (encoding == null)
                encoding = Encoding.ASCII;

            var lower = new string[binCount];
            var upper = new string[binCount];

            for (int i = 0; i < binCount; i++)
                lower[i] = bins[i].Lower.ToTimeStr(unit, encoding, format);
                upper[i] = bins[i].Upper.ToTimeStr(unit, encoding, format);

            int lowerWidth = lower.Max(it => it.Length);
            int upperWidth = upper.Max(it => it.Length);

            var builder = new StringBuilder();

            for (int i = 0; i < binCount; i++)
                string intervalStr = $"[{lower[i].PadLeft(lowerWidth)} ; {upper[i].PadLeft(upperWidth)})";
                string barStr      = full
                    ? string.Join(", ", bins[i].Values.Select(it => it.ToTimeStr(unit, encoding, format)))
                    : new string(binSymbol, bins[i].Count);
                builder.AppendLine($"{intervalStr} | {barStr}");

예제 #12
        [PublicAPI] public string ToString(CultureInfo cultureInfo)
            var unit    = TimeUnit.GetBestTimeUnit(Values);
            var builder = new StringBuilder();

            builder.Append(TimeInterval.FromNanoseconds(Lower).ToString(unit, cultureInfo));
            builder.Append(TimeInterval.FromNanoseconds(Upper).ToString(unit, cultureInfo));
            builder.Append(' ');
            for (var i = 0; i < Values.Length; i++)
                if (i != 0)
                    builder.Append("; ");
                builder.Append(TimeInterval.FromNanoseconds(Values[i]).ToString(unit, cultureInfo));

        public static Func <double, string> CreateNanosecondFormatter(this Histogram histogram, CultureInfo cultureInfo = null, string format = "0.000")
            var timeUnit = TimeUnit.GetBestTimeUnit(histogram.Bins.SelectMany(bin => bin.Values).ToArray());

            return(value => TimeInterval.FromNanoseconds(value).ToString(timeUnit, cultureInfo, format));
예제 #14
        internal SummaryTable(Summary summary, SummaryStyle style = null)
            Summary = summary;

            if (summary.HasCriticalValidationErrors)
                Columns     = Array.Empty <SummaryTableColumn>();
                ColumnCount = 0;
                FullHeader  = Array.Empty <string>();
                FullContent = Array.Empty <string[]>();
                FullContentStartOfHighlightGroup = Array.Empty <bool>();
                FullContentWithHeader            = Array.Empty <string[]>();
                IsDefault = Array.Empty <bool>();

            // Ensure we have all required data for styling
            style = style ?? summary.Style ?? SummaryStyle.Default;
            if (style.TimeUnit == null)
                style = style.WithTimeUnit(TimeUnit.GetBestTimeUnit(summary.Reports.Where(r => r.ResultStatistics != null).Select(r => r.ResultStatistics.Mean)

            if (style.SizeUnit == null)
                style = style.WithSizeUnit(SizeUnit.GetBestSizeUnit(summary.Reports.Select(r => r.GcStats.GetBytesAllocatedPerOperation(r.BenchmarkCase)).ToArray()));

            var columns = summary.GetColumns();

            ColumnCount = columns.Length;
            FullHeader  = columns.Select(c => c.GetColumnTitle(style)).ToArray();

            FullContent = summary.Reports.Select(r => columns.Select(c => c.GetValue(summary, r.BenchmarkCase, style)).ToArray()).ToArray();
            IsDefault   = columns.Select(c => summary.Reports.All(r => c.IsDefault(summary, r.BenchmarkCase))).ToArray();

            var highlightGroupKeys = summary.BenchmarksCases.Select(b => b.Config.Orderer.GetHighlightGroupKey(b)).ToArray();

            FullContentStartOfHighlightGroup = new bool[summary.Reports.Length];
            if (highlightGroupKeys.Distinct().Count() > 1 && FullContentStartOfHighlightGroup.Length > 0)
                FullContentStartOfHighlightGroup[0] = true;
                for (int i = 1; i < summary.Reports.Length; i++)
                    FullContentStartOfHighlightGroup[i] = highlightGroupKeys[i] != highlightGroupKeys[i - 1];

            var logicalGroupKeys = summary.BenchmarksCases
                                   .Select(b => b.Config.Orderer.GetLogicalGroupKey(summary.BenchmarksCases, b))

            FullContentStartOfLogicalGroup = new bool[summary.Reports.Length];
            if (logicalGroupKeys.Distinct().Count() > 1 && FullContentStartOfLogicalGroup.Length > 0)
                FullContentStartOfLogicalGroup[0] = true;
                for (int i = 1; i < summary.Reports.Length; i++)
                    FullContentStartOfLogicalGroup[i] = logicalGroupKeys[i] != logicalGroupKeys[i - 1];

            SeparateLogicalGroups = summary.Orderer.SeparateLogicalGroups;

            var full = new List <string[]> {

            FullContentWithHeader = full.ToArray();

            Columns = new SummaryTableColumn[columns.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < columns.Length; i++)
                var  column = columns[i];
                bool hide   = summary.ColumnHidingRules.Any(rule => rule.NeedToHide(column));
                Columns[i] = new SummaryTableColumn(this, i, column, hide);

            EffectiveSummaryStyle = style;
예제 #15
        [PublicAPI] public string ToString(Encoding encoding)
            var unit = TimeUnit.GetBestTimeUnit(Values);

            return($"[{Lower.ToTimeStr(unit, encoding)};{Upper.ToTimeStr(unit, encoding)}) {{{string.Join("; ", Values.Select(v => v.ToTimeStr(unit, encoding)))}}}");
        public static Func <double, string> CreateNanosecondFormatter(this Statistics s, CultureInfo cultureInfo, string format = "N3")
            var timeUnit = TimeUnit.GetBestTimeUnit(s.Mean);

            return(x => TimeInterval.FromNanoseconds(x).ToString(timeUnit, cultureInfo, format));
예제 #17
 private void CheckGetBestTimeUnit(TimeUnit timeUnit, params double[] values)
     output.WriteLine($"Best TimeUnit for ({string.Join(";", values)})ns is {timeUnit.Description}");
     Assert.Equal(timeUnit.Name, TimeUnit.GetBestTimeUnit(values).Name);
예제 #18
        public override string ToString()
            var unit = TimeUnit.GetBestTimeUnit(Values);

            return($"[{Lower.ToTimeStr(unit)};{Upper.ToTimeStr(unit)}) {{{string.Join("; ", Values.Select(v => v.ToTimeStr(unit)))}}}");