public static EstadoVehiculo GetEstadoVehiculo(Coche vehiculo, DAOFactory daoFactory) { if (vehiculo == null) { return(null); } var ts = new TimeElapsed(); var estadoVehiculo = EstadoVehiculo.Load(vehiculo, daoFactory); if (ts.getTimeElapsed().TotalSeconds > 1) { STrace.Debug("DispatcherLock", vehiculo.Dispositivo.Id, String.Format("EstadoVehiculo.Load ({0} secs)", ts.getTimeElapsed().TotalSeconds)); } if (estadoVehiculo == null) { var posicion = daoFactory.LogPosicionDAO.GetLastOnlineVehiclePosition(vehiculo); if (posicion == null) { return(null); } var point = new GPSPoint(posicion.FechaMensaje, (float)posicion.Latitud, (float)posicion.Longitud, posicion.Velocidad, GPSPoint.SourceProviders.Unknown, 0); return(CalcularEstadoVehiculo(vehiculo, point, daoFactory)); } return(estadoVehiculo); }
protected override void OnExecute(Timer timer) { STrace.Trace(GetType().FullName, "Iniciando tarea..."); var te = new TimeElapsed(); try { var empresas = DaoFactory.EmpresaDAO.FindAll().Where(e => e.Baja == false); var lineas = DaoFactory.LineaDAO.FindAll().Where(l => l.Baja == false); foreach (var empresa in empresas) { var lineaEmpresa = lineas.Where(l => l.Empresa.Id == empresa.Id); GeocercaManager.GetQtreeTest(empresa.Id, -1); foreach (var linea in lineaEmpresa) { GeocercaManager.GetQtreeTest(empresa.Id, linea.Id); } } var ts = te.getTimeElapsed().TotalSeconds; STrace.Trace(GetType().FullName, string.Format("Tarea finalizada en {0} segundos", ts)); } catch (Exception ex) { AddError(ex); } finally { ClearData(); } }
public override int GetHashCode() { int hash = 1; if (TimeElapsed != 0D) { hash ^= TimeElapsed.GetHashCode(); } if (TimeUser != 0D) { hash ^= TimeUser.GetHashCode(); } if (TimeSystem != 0D) { hash ^= TimeSystem.GetHashCode(); } if (TotalCpuTime != 0UL) { hash ^= TotalCpuTime.GetHashCode(); } if (IdleCpuTime != 0UL) { hash ^= IdleCpuTime.GetHashCode(); } return(hash); }
public override bool CreateConfigurationMenu(ExtensionParameter extensionParameter, ref Dictionary <String, Object> Parameters) { ImGui.TextDisabled("Condition Info"); ImGuiExtension.ToolTip("This condition is used to determine if we can use a specific flask.\nIt will ensure that health/hybrid/mana potions are not used when we are at full health/mana.\nThis will also ensure that we do not use up reserved uses."); base.CreateConfigurationMenu(extensionParameter, ref Parameters); TimerName = ImGuiExtension.InputText("Timer Name", TimerName, 30, InputTextFlags.Default); ImGuiExtension.ToolTip("Name for this timer"); Parameters[TimerNameString] = TimerName.ToString(); var tempTimerLength = ImGuiExtension.InputText("Time Elapsed (ms)", TimeElapsed.ToString(), 30, InputTextFlags.Default); if (Int32.TryParse(tempTimerLength, out int convertedTimerLength)) { TimeElapsed = convertedTimerLength; } ImGuiExtension.ToolTip("True if timer has run longer than specified time\n1000 ms = 1 sec"); Parameters[TimeElapsedString] = TimeElapsed.ToString(); TrueIfStopped = ImGuiExtension.Checkbox("True if stopped", TrueIfStopped); ImGuiExtension.ToolTip("When enabled, returns true if timer is stopped (or never started)"); Parameters[TrueIfStoppedString] = TrueIfStopped.ToString(); return(true); }
public override int GetHashCode() { int hash = 1; if (TimeElapsed != 0D) { hash ^= TimeElapsed.GetHashCode(); } if (TimeUser != 0D) { hash ^= TimeUser.GetHashCode(); } if (TimeSystem != 0D) { hash ^= TimeSystem.GetHashCode(); } if (TotalCpuTime != 0UL) { hash ^= TotalCpuTime.GetHashCode(); } if (IdleCpuTime != 0UL) { hash ^= IdleCpuTime.GetHashCode(); } if (CqPollCount != 0UL) { hash ^= CqPollCount.GetHashCode(); } if (coreStats_ != null) { hash ^= CoreStats.GetHashCode(); } return(hash); }
private void GuardarEvento(LogMensaje log) { var t = new TimeElapsed(); DaoFactory.LogMensajeDAO.Save(log); var totalSeconds = t.getTimeElapsed().TotalSeconds; if (totalSeconds > 1) { STrace.Debug("DispatcherLock", log.Dispositivo.Id, String.Format("GuardarEvento/LogMensajeDAO.Save ({0} secs)", totalSeconds)); } if (log.Viaje == null && log.Entrega == null) { return; } t.Restart(); var evenDistri = new EvenDistri { LogMensaje = log, Fecha = log.Fecha, Entrega = log.Entrega, Viaje = log.Viaje ?? log.Entrega.Viaje }; DaoFactory.EvenDistriDAO.Save(evenDistri); totalSeconds = t.getTimeElapsed().TotalSeconds; if (totalSeconds > 1) { STrace.Debug("DispatcherLock", log.Dispositivo.Id, String.Format("GuardarEvento/EvenDistriDAO.Save ({0} secs)", totalSeconds)); } }
public virtual void AddStatus(Status status) { if (status.imediate == true) { status.nextInterval = 0f; } else { status.nextInterval = Time.time + status.intervalLength; } if (status.HasDurationType(typeof(TimeElapsed))) { TimeElapsed tE = status.GetDurationOfType <TimeElapsed>(); tE.endTime = Time.time + tE.timeDuration; } status.FinishStatus = FinishStatus; for (int i = 0; i < curStatuses.Count; i++)//TODO: This might not be needed { if (curStatuses[i].OnStatusAdded(this, status) == false) { return; } } curStatuses.Add(status); status.DoStatusInitialEffect(this); }
private void OnTimeElasped(TimeElapsed @event) { menu.Update(mutator => { mutator.UpdateRemainingTime(@event.RemainingTime.ToTimeString()); }); }
private void OnTimeElapsed(TimeElapsed @event) { if (window != null) { window.UpdateTimeDisplay(@event.RemainingTime.ToTimeString()); } }
public override int GetHashCode() { int hash = 1; if (latencies_ != null) { hash ^= Latencies.GetHashCode(); } if (TimeElapsed != 0D) { hash ^= TimeElapsed.GetHashCode(); } if (TimeUser != 0D) { hash ^= TimeUser.GetHashCode(); } if (TimeSystem != 0D) { hash ^= TimeSystem.GetHashCode(); } hash ^= requestResults_.GetHashCode(); if (CqPollCount != 0UL) { hash ^= CqPollCount.GetHashCode(); } return(hash); }
private void labelTime_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (TimeLeft == 0) { TimeElapsed?.Invoke(); } }
/// <summary> /// Updates the timer. /// </summary> /// <param name="gameTime">Provides a snapshot of timing values.</param> public override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { base.Update(gameTime); if (!timerEnabled) { return; } currentInterval -= gameTime.ElapsedGameTime; if (currentInterval < TimeSpan.Zero) { TimeElapsed?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); if (AutoReset) { currentInterval = Interval; } else { timerEnabled = false; } } }
public IEnumerable <Geocerca> GetGeocercasFor(int empresaId, int lineaId) { Dictionary <int, Poligono> poligonos; Dictionary <int, Direccion> direcciones; var t = new TimeElapsed(); var poligonosList = GetPoligonosVigentes(empresaId, lineaId); var ts = t.getTimeElapsed().TotalSeconds; if (ts > 1) { STrace.Trace("DispatcherLock", string.Format("GetPoligonosVigentes({0},{1}): {2} segundos", empresaId, lineaId, ts)); } t.Restart(); if (poligonosList != null && poligonosList.Any()) { poligonos = poligonosList.ToDictionary(x => x.Id, x => x); } else { poligonos = new Dictionary <int, Poligono>(); } ts = t.getTimeElapsed().TotalSeconds; if (ts > 1) { STrace.Trace("DispatcherLock", string.Format("poligonosList.ToDictionary({0},{1}): {2} segundos", empresaId, lineaId, ts)); } t.Restart(); var direccionesList = GetDireccionesVigentes(empresaId, lineaId); ts = t.getTimeElapsed().TotalSeconds; if (ts > 1) { STrace.Trace("DispatcherLock", string.Format("GetDireccionesVigentes({0},{1}): {2} segundos", empresaId, lineaId, ts)); } t.Restart(); if (direccionesList != null && direccionesList.Any()) { direcciones = direccionesList.ToDictionary(x => x.Id, x => x); } else { direcciones = new Dictionary <int, Direccion>(); } ts = t.getTimeElapsed().TotalSeconds; if (ts > 1) { STrace.Trace("DispatcherLock", string.Format("direccionesList.ToDictionary({0},{1}): {2} segundos", empresaId, lineaId, ts)); } return(GetGeocercasFor(empresaId, lineaId, direcciones, poligonos)); }
private void LoadPosiciones() { var posicionDao = DaoFactory.LogPosicionDAO; var maxMonths = Vehiculo.Empresa != null ? Vehiculo.Empresa.MesesConsultaPosiciones : 3; var t = new TimeElapsed(); PosicionSiguiente = posicionDao.GetFirstPositionNewerThanDate(Vehiculo.Id, Fin, maxMonths); var ts = t.getTimeElapsed().TotalSeconds; if (ts > 1) { STrace.Error("Logictracker.Scheduler.Tasks.Mantenimiento.DatamartGeneration", string.Format("GetFirstPositionNewerThanDate en {0} segundos", ts)); } t.Restart(); PosicionAnterior = Vehiculo.LastOdometerUpdate.HasValue ? posicionDao.GetFirstPositionOlderThanDate(Vehiculo.Id, Inicio, maxMonths) : null; ts = t.getTimeElapsed().TotalSeconds; if (ts > 1) { STrace.Error("Logictracker.Scheduler.Tasks.Mantenimiento.DatamartGeneration", string.Format("GetFirstPositionOlderThanDate en {0} segundos", ts)); } t.Restart(); var originalPositions = posicionDao.GetPositionsBetweenDates(Vehiculo.Id, Inicio, Fin, maxMonths); ts = t.getTimeElapsed().TotalSeconds; if (ts > 1) { STrace.Error("Logictracker.Scheduler.Tasks.Mantenimiento.DatamartGeneration", string.Format("GetPositionsBetweenDates: {0} posiciones en {1} segundos", originalPositions.Count, ts)); } if (Vehiculo.Dispositivo != null && !DaoFactory.DetalleDispositivoDAO.GetDiscardsInvalidPositionsValue(Vehiculo.Dispositivo.Id)) { Posiciones = CorrectGeorefferenciation(originalPositions); } else { var cleanPositions = new List <LogPosicion>(); var lastValidPosition = PosicionAnterior; foreach (var position in originalPositions) { if (!EsPosicionValida(lastValidPosition, position)) { posicionDao.Delete(position); var discartedPosition = new LogPosicionDescartada(position, DiscardReason.DatamartCleanUp); DaoFactory.LogPosicionDescartadaDAO.Save(discartedPosition); } else { cleanPositions.Add(position); lastValidPosition = position; } } Posiciones = CorrectGeorefferenciation(cleanPositions); } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { NumberOfDaysForAlienToShowUp = 7; // should find objects with tags instead of object's names t = GameObject.Find("Game Manager").transform.GetComponent <TimeElapsed>(); this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject.SetActive(false); }
public void Start(int secondsToWait, TimeElapsed args) { _arg = args; _sendtime = secondsToWait; _updateTimer.Enabled = false; _updateTimer.AutoReset = true; _updateTimer.Interval = _checkTime; // 500 milliseconds wait to start async ops _updateTimer.Elapsed += timer_elapsed; }
private void MessageReceived(IAsyncResult ar) { var t = new TimeElapsed(); try { var msg = MessageQueue.EndReceive(ar); var payload = (IMessage)msg.Body; if (payload == null) { STrace.Debug(GetType().FullName, String.Format("MessageConsumer: IMessage no castea. Body.ToString='{0}'", msg.Body)); if (DeadMessageQueue != null) { DeadMessageQueue.Send(msg); } return; } if (DispatcherLayer.Dispatch(payload).Action == ReplyAction.None) { return; } if (DeadMessageQueue != null) { DeadMessageQueue.Send(msg); } } catch (System.Messaging.MessageQueueException e) { if (e.MessageQueueErrorCode != System.Messaging.MessageQueueErrorCode.IOTimeout) { STrace.Exception(GetType().FullName, e); } } catch (Exception e) { STrace.Exception(GetType().FullName, e); } finally { if (!CountMore(MessageQueue, MinMessagesToSleep)) { //STrace.Debug(GetType().FullName, "Sleep"); Thread.Sleep(SleepTime); } if (MessageQueue != null) { MessageQueue.BeginReceive(AsyncTimeout, null, MessageReceived); } var ts = t.getTimeElapsed().TotalSeconds; if (ts > 1) { STrace.Debug("DispatcherLock", "MessageReceived: " + ts); } } }
public void FireTimeElapsedIfActive() { if (_isDisposed || _dueTime == Timeout.Infinite) { return; } _dueTime = Timeout.Infinite; TimeElapsed?.Invoke(); }
private static String GetFilePath(INode Device, String ext) { var t = new TimeElapsed(); var path = Process.GetApplicationFolder("FOTA"); if (t.getTimeElapsed().TotalSeconds > 1) { STrace.Debug("ParserLock", Device.Id, String.Format("Inside GetFilePath (GetApplicationFolder)({0} secs)", t.getTimeElapsed().TotalSeconds.ToString())); } return(GetFilePath(Device.Id, path, ext)); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes this VideoView instance. /// </summary> private void Init() { Status = MediaPlayerStatus.Idle; SetMediaController(new MediaController(Context)); _timer = new Timer(); _timer.Elapsed += (sender, args) => TimeElapsed.RaiseEvent(this); // Register Events Prepared += OnPrepared; Completion += OnCompletion; Error += OnError; }
public void ParseAsignaciones(out int rutas, out string observaciones) { var te = new TimeElapsed(); var rows = ParseExcelFile(Llfile.FilePath, true); STrace.Trace(Component, string.Format("Archivo parseado en {0} segundos", te.getTimeElapsed().TotalSeconds)); te.Restart(); PreBufferAsignaciones(rows); STrace.Trace(Component, string.Format("PreBufferAsignaciones en {0} segundos", te.getTimeElapsed().TotalSeconds)); var listViajes = new List <ViajeDistribucion>(); rutas = 0; observaciones = string.Empty; STrace.Trace(Component, "Cantidad de filas: " + rows.Count); var filas = 0; foreach (var row in rows) { filas++; STrace.Trace(Component, string.Format("Procesando fila: {0}/{1}", filas, rows.Count)); var planilla = row[Properties.AsignacionCCU.Planilla].ToString().Trim(); var viaje = _viajesBuffer.SingleOrDefault(l => l.Codigo == planilla); if (viaje == null) { observaciones = observaciones + "PLANILLA: " + planilla + " no encontrada. "; continue; } var patente = row[Properties.AsignacionCCU.Patente].ToString().Trim(); var vehiculo = _cochesBuffer.SingleOrDefault(v => v.Patente == patente); if (vehiculo == null) { observaciones = observaciones + "PATENTE: " + patente + " no encontrada. "; continue; } viaje.Vehiculo = vehiculo; listViajes.Add(viaje); rutas++; } STrace.Trace(Component, "Guardando Viajes: " + listViajes.Count); te.Restart(); foreach (var viajeDistribucion in listViajes) { DaoFactory.ViajeDistribucionDAO.SaveOrUpdate(viajeDistribucion); } STrace.Trace(Component, string.Format("Viajes guardados en {0} segundos", te.getTimeElapsed().TotalSeconds)); }
private void GuardarEvento(LogMensajeAdmin log) { var t = new TimeElapsed(); DaoFactory.LogMensajeAdminDAO.Save(log); var totalSeconds = t.getTimeElapsed().TotalSeconds; if (totalSeconds > 1) { STrace.Debug("DispatcherLock", log.Dispositivo.Id, String.Format("GuardarEvento/LogMensajeAdminDAO.Save ({0} secs)", totalSeconds)); } }
public static void GetQtreeTest(int empresa, int linea) { var t = new TimeElapsed(); GetQtree(empresa, linea); var ts = t.getTimeElapsed().TotalSeconds; if (ts > 1) { STrace.Trace("DispatcherLock", string.Format("GetQtree({0},{1}): {2} segundos", empresa, linea, ts)); } }
public override int GetHashCode() { unchecked { var hashCode = Map?.GetHashCode() ?? 0; hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (GameMode?.GetHashCode() ?? 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ FragLimit; hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ TimeLimit; hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ TimeElapsed.GetHashCode(); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (Scoreboard?.GetHashCode() ?? 0); return(hashCode); } }
private void TimerTick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (TimeElapsed > 1) { TimeElapsed--; this.RemainingTime = TimeElapsed.ToString(); } else { timer.Stop(); ViewEnglishCommand()); } }
public static void Dequeue(IFoteable Device, ulong?msgid) { if (!Device.LastSent.IsOnTheFly()) { var t = new TimeElapsed(); UpdateFotaCommand(Device, msgid, BaseDeviceCommand.Attributes.Status_Sent); if (t.getTimeElapsed().TotalSeconds > 1) { STrace.Debug("ParserLock", Device.Id, String.Format("Dequeue ({0} secs)", t.getTimeElapsed().TotalSeconds.ToString())); } } Device.LastSent = null; }
/// <summary> /// Gets datamart regeneration periods. /// </summary> /// <param name="vehicle"></param> /// <param name="from"></param> /// <param name="to"></param> /// <param name="refference"></param> /// <returns></returns> public List <RegenerateDatamart> GetDaysToRegenerate(Coche vehicle, DateTime from, DateTime to, DateTime refference) { var posicionesDao = new LogPosicionDAO(); int maxMonths; try { maxMonths = vehicle != null && vehicle.Empresa != null ? vehicle.Empresa.MesesConsultaPosiciones : 3; } catch (Exception) { maxMonths = 3; } var te = new TimeElapsed(); var start = posicionesDao.GetRegenerationStartDate(vehicle.Id, from, to, refference, maxMonths); var ts = te.getTimeElapsed().TotalSeconds; if (ts > 1) { STrace.Error("Logictracker.Scheduler.Tasks.Mantenimiento.DatamartGeneration", string.Format("GetRegenerationStartDate en {0} segundos", ts)); } if (!start.HasValue) { return(new List <RegenerateDatamart>()); } var startDate = start.Value; te.Restart(); var endDate = posicionesDao.GetRegenerationEndDate(vehicle.Id, from, to, maxMonths); ts = te.getTimeElapsed().TotalSeconds; if (ts > 1) { STrace.Error("Logictracker.Scheduler.Tasks.Mantenimiento.DatamartGeneration", string.Format("GetRegenerationEndDate en {0} segundos", ts)); } var result = new List <RegenerateDatamart>(); while (startDate < endDate) { var period = new RegenerateDatamart(startDate); result.Add(period); startDate = startDate.AddDays(1); } return(result); }
public void Parse(out int viajes, out string observaciones) { var te = new TimeElapsed(); var rows = ParseExcelFile(Llfile.FilePath, true); STrace.Trace(Component, string.Format("Archivo parseado en {0} segundos", te.getTimeElapsed().TotalSeconds)); te.Restart(); PreBufferRows(rows); STrace.Trace(Component, string.Format("PreBufferRows en {0} segundos", te.getTimeElapsed().TotalSeconds)); var listViajes = new List <ViajeDistribucion>(rows.Count); viajes = 0; observaciones = string.Empty; STrace.Trace(Component, "Cantidad de filas: " + rows.Count); var filas = 0; foreach (var row in rows) { filas++; STrace.Trace(Component, string.Format("Procesando fila: {0}/{1}", filas, rows.Count)); var codigo = row[Properties.AsignacionCodigoViaje.Codigo].ToString().Trim(); var viaje = row[Properties.AsignacionCodigoViaje.Viaje].ToString().Trim(); var oViaje = _viajesBuffer.SingleOrDefault(v => v.Codigo == viaje); if (oViaje == null) { observaciones = "Valor inválido para el campo VIAJE"; continue; } oViaje.Codigo = codigo; listViajes.Add(oViaje); viajes++; } STrace.Trace(Component, "Guardando viajes: " + listViajes.Count); te.Restart(); var i = 1; foreach (var viaje in listViajes) { STrace.Trace(Component, string.Format("Guardando: {0}/{1}", i++, listViajes.Count())); DaoFactory.ViajeDistribucionDAO.SaveOrUpdate(viaje); } STrace.Trace(Component, string.Format("Viajes guardados en {0} segundos", te.getTimeElapsed().TotalSeconds)); }
public IEnumerable <Geocerca> GetGeocercasFor(int empresaId, int lineaId, Dictionary <int, Direccion> direcciones, Dictionary <int, Poligono> poligonos) { var t = new TimeElapsed(); var sqlQ = Session.CreateSQLQuery("exec [dbo].[sp_getReferenciasGeoVigentes] @company = :company, @branch = :branch;"); sqlQ.SetInt32("company", empresaId); sqlQ.SetInt32("branch", lineaId); sqlQ.SetResultTransformer(Transformers.AliasToBean(typeof(Geocerca))); var results = sqlQ.List <Geocerca>(); STrace.Debug("DispatcherLock", string.Format("sp_getReferenciasGeoVigentes {0} en {1} segundos", results.Count(), t.getTimeElapsed().TotalSeconds)); t = new TimeElapsed(); foreach (var geo in results) { Direccion direccion = null; if (geo.DireccionId != null) { if (direcciones.ContainsKey(geo.DireccionId.Value)) { direccion = direcciones[geo.DireccionId.Value]; } else { STrace.Error("DispatcherLock", string.Format("ERROR DIRECCION NO ENCONTRADA EN CACHE !!! {0} ({1},{2}) ", geo.DireccionId.Value, empresaId, lineaId)); } } Poligono poligono = null; if (geo.PoligonoId != null) { if (poligonos.ContainsKey(geo.PoligonoId.Value)) { poligono = poligonos[geo.PoligonoId.Value]; } else { STrace.Error("DispatcherLock", string.Format("ERROR POLIGONO NO ENCONTRADO EN CACHE !!! {0} ({1},{2}) ", geo.PoligonoId.Value, empresaId, lineaId)); } } if (direccion != null || poligono != null) { geo.Calculate(direccion, poligono); } } STrace.Debug("DispatcherLock", string.Format("geo.Calculate {0} en {1} segundos", results.Count(), t.getTimeElapsed().TotalSeconds)); return(results); }
/// <summary> /// Instanciates a new position vo based on the givenn position. /// </summary> /// <param name="lastPosition"></param> public LogPosicionVo(LogPosicionBase lastPosition) { var te = new TimeElapsed(); Id = lastPosition.Id; FechaRecepcion = lastPosition.FechaRecepcion; FechaMensaje = lastPosition.FechaMensaje; Longitud = lastPosition.Longitud; Latitud = lastPosition.Latitud; Altitud = lastPosition.Altitud; IdDispositivo = lastPosition.Dispositivo.Id; try { Dispositivo = lastPosition.Dispositivo.Codigo; TipoDispositivo = String.Format("{0} - {1}", lastPosition.Dispositivo.TipoDispositivo.Fabricante, lastPosition.Dispositivo.TipoDispositivo.Modelo); //Firmware = lastPosition.Dispositivo.FullFirmwareVersion; //Qtree = lastPosition.Dispositivo.QtreeRevision; EstadoDispositivo = lastPosition.Dispositivo.Estado; } catch {} Velocidad = lastPosition.Velocidad; Curso = lastPosition.Curso; MotorOn = lastPosition.MotorOn; HDop = lastPosition.HDop; var totalSecs = te.getTimeElapsed().TotalSeconds; if (totalSecs > 1) { STrace.Error("DispatcherLock", lastPosition.Dispositivo.Id, "LogPosicionVo #1: " + totalSecs); } te.Restart(); ApplyVehicleData(lastPosition.Coche); totalSecs = te.getTimeElapsed().TotalSeconds; if (totalSecs > 1) { STrace.Error("DispatcherLock", lastPosition.Dispositivo.Id, "ApplyVehicleData: " + totalSecs); } te.Restart(); HasValidParents(lastPosition); totalSecs = te.getTimeElapsed().TotalSeconds; if (totalSecs > 1) { STrace.Error("DispatcherLock", lastPosition.Dispositivo.Id, "HasValidParents: " + totalSecs); } }
public void SetTotalTime() { TotalTime = timerScript.GetTimeElapsedFromStart(); }