static void trainImprint(out TimeCanvas canvas, List <Sequence> trainSet, int iterations, bool bidirectional) { canvas = new TimeCanvas(25, 7); canvas.c2 = c2; for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) { foreach (Sequence s in trainSet) { canvas.Imprint(s, bidirectional); } } canvas.Save("debugImprint.csv"); }
static void Main(string[] args) { //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Create the network int timelineSize = 50; TimeCells.TimeCanvas canvas = new TimeCanvas(2, timelineSize, null); //TimeCells.TimeCanvas canvas = new TimeCanvas(2, 50, HarvesineDistance); canvas.parameterLineCreationTreshold = 0.005; canvas.parameterFFLearningRate = 0; bool doTraining = true; double avgTrajectoryLength = timelineSize; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Load the training set if (doTraining) { double[] minBound = new double[2], maxBound = new double[2]; //List<TaxiCourse> trainSet = LoadDataSet("C:\\Users\\Stephane\\Documents\\GitHub\\Myline\\Datasets\\Kaggle Taxis\\train.csv", ref minBound, ref maxBound, ref avgTrajectoryLength, -1); List <TaxiCourse> trainSet = LoadDataSet("D:\\robotology\\src\\Myline\\CDZ.NET\\Datasets\\Kaggle Taxis\\train.csv", canvas.parameterLineCreationTreshold, ref minBound, ref maxBound, ref avgTrajectoryLength, -1); Console.WriteLine("Range is: Lattitude=" + (maxBound[0] - minBound[0]) + "\t Longitude=" + (maxBound[1] - minBound[1])); Console.WriteLine("MinMax are: Lattitude=" + maxBound[0] + "/" + minBound[0] + "\t Longitude=" + maxBound[1] + "/" + minBound[1]); //List<TaxiCourse> testSet = LoadDataSet("C:\\Users\\Stephane\\Documents\\GitHub\\Myline\\Datasets\\Kaggle Taxis\\test.csv", ref minBoundTest, ref maxBoundTest, ref avgTrajectoryLengthTest, -1); StreamWriter stats = new StreamWriter("stats.txt"); stats.WriteLine("Min " + minBound[0] + " " + minBound[1]); stats.WriteLine("Max " + maxBound[0] + " " + maxBound[1]); stats.WriteLine("Lines " + trainSet.Count); stats.Close(); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Prepare the data //ScaleTrajectoryData(trainSet, minBound, maxBound); //ScaleTrajectoryData(testSet, minBound, maxBound); AddTerminalSymbol(trainSet, new double[] { 999, 999 }); //Try to imprint (fast training) int imprintIteration = 0; Stopwatch watch2 = new Stopwatch(); watch2.Start(); foreach (TaxiCourse course in trainSet) { canvas.Imprint(course.polyline); imprintIteration++; if (imprintIteration % 1000 == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Epoch done : " + Math.Floor(100 * imprintIteration / (double)trainSet.Count) + "%"); } } watch2.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Training set (" + trainSet.Count + " elements) processed in " + watch2.Elapsed + "."); canvas.Save("SavedCanvas.csv"); } else //if (false) { Console.WriteLine("Loading previously learnt canvas."); canvas.Load("SavedCanvas.csv"); Console.WriteLine("Loading complete."); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Load the test set double[] minBoundTest = null, maxBoundTest = null; double avgTrajectoryLengthTest = 0.0; List <TaxiCourse> testSet = LoadDataSet("D:\\robotology\\src\\Myline\\CDZ.NET\\Datasets\\Kaggle Taxis\\test.csv", canvas.parameterLineCreationTreshold, ref minBoundTest, ref maxBoundTest, ref avgTrajectoryLengthTest, -1); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Generate the test results StreamWriter results = new StreamWriter("Results.csv"); results.WriteLine("\"TRIP_ID\",\"LATITUDE\",\"LONGITUDE\""); foreach (TaxiCourse course in testSet) { canvas.Reset(); //Load the begining of the sequence foreach (double[] point in course.polyline) { canvas.PresentInput(point, false, false); canvas.PropagateActivity(); } double[] prediction = new double[] { 0, 0 }; double[] lastPrediction = new double[] { 0, 0 }; Console.WriteLine("Predicting"); int iterationCount = 0; while (prediction[0] != 999 && prediction[1] != 999 && iterationCount < 2 * avgTrajectoryLength) { prediction.CopyTo(lastPrediction, 0); canvas.PresentInput(prediction, false, false); canvas.PropagateActivity(); //We take the best prediction after the actual spot List <KeyValuePair <double[], double> > sortedPredictions = canvas.PredictAll(); foreach (KeyValuePair <double[], double> pair in sortedPredictions) { if (pair.Key[0] != prediction[0] || pair.Key[1] != prediction[1]) { pair.Key.CopyTo(prediction, 0); break; } } Console.WriteLine(prediction[0] + "\t\t" + prediction[1]); iterationCount++; } results.WriteLine("\"" + course.tripID + "\"," + lastPrediction[1] + "," + lastPrediction[0]); } results.Close(); }