protected void PoPuP(object sender, DirectEventArgs e) { try { int dayId = Convert.ToInt32(e.ExtraParams["dayId"]); int employeeId = Convert.ToInt32(e.ExtraParams["employeeId"]); CurrentDay.Text = dayId.ToString(); CurrentEmployee.Text = employeeId.ToString(); CurrentCA.Text = e.ExtraParams["ca"]; CurrentSC.Text = e.ExtraParams["sc"]; string type = e.ExtraParams["type"]; switch (type) { case "imgEdit": break; case "LinkRender": TimeApprovalWindow.Show(); break; default: break; } } catch (Exception exp) { X.MessageBox.Alert(GetGlobalResourceObject("Common", "Error").ToString(), exp.Message); } }
protected void PoPuP(object sender, DirectEventArgs e) { string dayId = e.ExtraParams["dayId"]; int employeeId = Convert.ToInt32(e.ExtraParams["employeeId"]); CurrentDay.Text = dayId.ToString(); CurrentEmployee.Text = employeeId.ToString(); CurrentCA.Text = e.ExtraParams["ca"]; CurrentSC.Text = e.ExtraParams["sc"]; string type = e.ExtraParams["type"]; switch (type) { case "imgEdit": //Step 1 : get the object from the Web Service AttendanceShiftListRequest request = new AttendanceShiftListRequest(); request.EmployeeId = employeeId; request.DayId = dayId; ListResponse <AttendanceShift> shifts = _timeAttendanceService.ChildGetAll <AttendanceShift>(request); if (shifts.Success) { attendanceShiftStore.DataSource = shifts.Items; attendanceShiftStore.DataBind(); AttendanceShiftWindow.Show(); } break; case "LinkRender": FillTimeApproval(dayId, employeeId); TimeApprovalWindow.Show(); break; default: break; } }
public void DisplayApprovals(string dayId, string employeeId, string shiftId, string code) { ReportGenericRequest req = new ReportGenericRequest(); req.paramString = "1|" + employeeId + "^2|" + dayId + "^3|" + dayId + "^5|" + code; ListResponse <Time> resp = _timeAttendanceService.ChildGetAll <Time>(req); if (!resp.Success) { Common.errorMessage(resp); return; } timeCode = ConstTimeVariationType.TimeCodeList(_systemService); resp.Items.ForEach(x => { x.timeCodeString = timeCode.Where(y => y.key == Convert.ToInt16(x.timeCode)).Count() != 0 ? timeCode.Where(y => y.key == Convert.ToInt32(x.timeCode)).First().value : string.Empty; x.statusString = FillApprovalStatus(x.status); }); Store3.DataSource = resp.Items; Store3.DataBind(); TimeApprovalWindow.Show(); }
protected void PoPuP(object sender, DirectEventArgs e) { try { BasicInfoTab.Reset(); FillDamageStore(); string id = e.ExtraParams["id"]; int dayId = Convert.ToInt32(e.ExtraParams["dayId"]); int employeeId = Convert.ToInt32(e.ExtraParams["employeeId"]); string damageLavel = e.ExtraParams["damage"]; string durationValue = e.ExtraParams["duration"]; string timeCodeParameter = e.ExtraParams["timeCode"]; string shiftId = e.ExtraParams["shiftId"]; string apStatus = e.ExtraParams["apStatus"]; string type = e.ExtraParams["type"]; string justificationParam = e.ExtraParams["justification"]; string clockDuration = e.ExtraParams["clockDuration"]; string arId = e.ExtraParams["arId"]; switch (type) { case "imgEdit": //Step 1 : get the object from the Web Service //Step 2 : call setvalues with the retrieved object damage.Select(damageLavel); duration.Text = durationValue; clock.Text = clockDuration; // recordId.Text = id; justification.Text = justificationParam; TimeApprovalReasonControl.setApprovalReason(arId); if (apStatus == "2" || apStatus == "-1") { disableEditing(false); } else { disableEditing(true); } recordId.Text = id; this.EditRecordWindow.Title = Resources.Common.EditWindowsTitle; this.EditRecordWindow.Show(); break; case "imgDelete": X.Msg.Confirm(Resources.Common.Confirmation, Resources.Common.DeleteOneRecord, new MessageBoxButtonsConfig { Yes = new MessageBoxButtonConfig { //We are call a direct request metho for deleting a record Handler = String.Format("{0})", id), Text = Resources.Common.Yes }, No = new MessageBoxButtonConfig { Text = Resources.Common.No } }).Show(); break; case "imgReject": X.Msg.Confirm(Resources.Common.Confirmation, GetLocalResourceObject("RejectRecord").ToString(), new MessageBoxButtonsConfig { Yes = new MessageBoxButtonConfig { //We are call a direct request metho for deleting a record Handler = String.Format("{0})", id), Text = Resources.Common.Yes }, No = new MessageBoxButtonConfig { Text = Resources.Common.No } }).Show(); break; case "imgAttach": overrideForm.Reset(); RecordRequest req = new RecordRequest(); //req.employeeId = employeeId.ToString(); //req.dayId = dayId.ToString(); //req.shiftId = shiftId; //req.timeCode = timeCodeParameter; req.RecordID = id; RecordResponse <DashBoardTimeVariation> resp = _timeAttendanceService.ChildGetRecord <DashBoardTimeVariation>(req); if (!resp.Success) { Common.errorMessage(resp); return; } ORId.Text = resp.result.recordId; timeCodeStore.DataSource = ConstTimeVariationType.TimeCodeList(_systemService).Where(x => x.key == Convert.ToInt32(timeCodeParameter)).ToList(); timeCodeStore.DataBind(); FillBranch(); EmployeeQuickViewRecordRequest QVReq = new EmployeeQuickViewRecordRequest(); QVReq.RecordID = employeeId.ToString(); QVReq.asOfDate = DateTime.Now; RecordResponse <EmployeeQuickView> qv = _employeeService.ChildGetRecord <EmployeeQuickView>(QVReq); if (!qv.Success) { Common.errorMessage(qv); return; } overrideForm.SetValues(resp.result); branchId.Select(qv.result.branchId); ListRequest UdIdReq = new ListRequest(); UdIdReq.Filter = ""; ListResponse <BiometricDevice> UdIdResp = _timeAttendanceService.ChildGetAll <BiometricDevice>(UdIdReq); if (!UdIdResp.Success) { Common.errorMessage(UdIdResp); return; } udIdStore.DataSource = UdIdResp.Items; udIdStore.DataBind(); FlatPunchesListRequest FPreq = new FlatPunchesListRequest(); FPreq.shiftId = shiftId; FPreq.sortBy = "clockStamp"; FPreq.StartAt = "0"; FPreq.Size = "30"; ListResponse <FlatPunch> FPresp = _timeAttendanceService.ChildGetAll <FlatPunch>(FPreq); if (!FPresp.Success) { Common.errorMessage(FPresp); return; } punchesList.Text = ""; FPresp.Items.ForEach(x => { punchesList.Text += x.clockStamp.ToString(_systemService.SessionHelper.GetDateformat() + " HH:mm", CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture) + System.Environment.NewLine; } ); inOutStore.DataSource = Common.XMLDictionaryList(_systemService, "34"); inOutStore.DataBind(); overrideWindow.Show(); break; case "LinkRender": FillTimeApproval(id); TimeApprovalWindow.Show(); break; case "imgHistory": TimeVariationHistoryControl1.Show("41203", id); break; default: break; } } catch (Exception exp) { X.Msg.Alert(Resources.Common.Error, exp.Message).Show(); } }
protected void PoPuP(object sender, DirectEventArgs e) { try { string id = e.ExtraParams["id"]; int dayId = Convert.ToInt32(e.ExtraParams["dayId"]); int employeeId = Convert.ToInt32(e.ExtraParams["employeeId"]); string damageLavel = e.ExtraParams["damage"]; string durationValue = e.ExtraParams["duration"]; string timeCode = e.ExtraParams["timeCode"]; string shiftId = e.ExtraParams["shiftId"]; string type = e.ExtraParams["type"]; switch (type) { case "imgEdit": //Step 1 : get the object from the Web Service //Step 2 : call setvalues with the retrieved object damage.Select(damageLavel); duration.Text = durationValue; recordId.Text = id; this.EditRecordWindow.Title = Resources.Common.EditWindowsTitle; this.EditRecordWindow.Show(); break; case "imgDelete": X.Msg.Confirm(Resources.Common.Confirmation, Resources.Common.DeleteOneRecord, new MessageBoxButtonsConfig { Yes = new MessageBoxButtonConfig { //We are call a direct request metho for deleting a record Handler = String.Format("{0})", id), Text = Resources.Common.Yes }, No = new MessageBoxButtonConfig { Text = Resources.Common.No } }).Show(); break; case "imgAttach": //Here will show up a winow relatice to attachement depending on the case we are working on break; case "LinkRender": FillTimeApproval(dayId, employeeId, timeCode, shiftId); TimeApprovalWindow.Show(); break; default: break; } } catch (Exception exp) { X.Msg.Alert(Resources.Common.Error, exp.Message).Show(); } }