public Block(ArkanoidLevelScreen _levelInst, TiledObject _obj) : base("ArkanoidSprites/Breakout-006-A.png", 5, 5) { SetXY(_obj.X, _obj.Y); _blockHealth = _obj.GetIntProperty("health"); _level = _levelInst; _canBlockBeDestroyed = _obj.GetBoolProperty("canBeDestroyed"); SetFrame(_obj.GetIntProperty("type")); _destroyableBlockSound = new Sound("ArkanoidSounds/BallHitBox.mp3"); }
// Constructor that needs an instance of type Block, a TiledObject instance and a Level instance. // Again this is used so I can call certain methods from those classes and get property information of Ball from Tiled. public Ball(TiledObject _obj, PlayerArkanoid _playerInst) : base("ArkanoidSprites/ball.png", addCollider: true) { // Scales the sprite of Ball to 25% of its original width and height. this.scale = 0.25f; // Sets the X and Y pos of ball to X and Y values defined in Tiled. xPos = _obj.X; yPos = _obj.Y; SetXY(xPos, yPos); _moveSpeedX = 0; _moveSpeedY = 0; _ballSpeedX = -_obj.GetIntProperty("speedX"); _ballSpeedY = -_obj.GetIntProperty("speedY"); _player = _playerInst; }
public PlayerArkanoid(TiledObject _obj, ArkanoidLevelScreen _levelInst, MainGame tempGame) : base("ArkanoidSprites/paddle.png") { this.scale = 0.2f; SetXY(_obj.X, _obj.Y); _moveSpeedPlayer = 12; _lives = _obj.GetIntProperty("lives"); score = 0; _level = _levelInst; _playerHitSound = new Sound("ArkanoidSounds/BallHitPaddle.mp3"); _game = tempGame; _game.ticketsReceived = 0; }