예제 #1
    void CreateGrid()
        grid = new Tile_Online[gridX, gridY];  //"grid" is a new array of size gridX by gridY
        //this will store the nodes and test for "walkability"

        Vector3 bLCorner = transform.position - Vector3.right * gridSize.x / 2 - Vector3.forward * gridSize.y / 2;

        //The above code gets us the bottom-left corner of our tile/node

        //this is how we get the correct node (this is a VERY taxing alg.)
        for (int x = 0; x < gridX; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < gridY; y++)
                Vector3 worldPoint = bLCorner + Vector3.right * (x * tileDiameter + tileRadius)
                                     + Vector3.forward * (y * tileDiameter + tileRadius);
                //"worldPoint" is the space a node will occupy relative to the world

                bool walkable = !(Physics.CheckSphere(worldPoint, tileRadius, noWalkMask));
                //checks to see if the area nearby is walkable

                /*if(y >= 1 && x >= 1)
                 * {
                 *  grid[x, y] = new Tile(walkable, worldPoint, x, y, grid[x-1, y-1]);
                 * }else if(x )*/

                //below code creates a new node/tile object with values
                grid[x, y] = new Tile_Online(walkable, worldPoint, x, y, null);
                //"walkable" and "worldPoint" are inserted into the constructor found in "Tile"
예제 #2
    //the following method comes from the 2nd site
    //the following method is used to ...
    public List <Tile_Online> GetNeighbors(Tile_Online tile)
        List <Tile_Online> neighbors = new List <Tile_Online>();    //makes a list of nodes/the neighboring tiles

        //the code MUST be optimized
        //we are searching in a 3x3 block around a tile for smaller F(x) and H(x) values
        for (int x = -1; x <= 1; x++)
            for (int y = -1; y <= 1; y++)
                //if x and y are 0, we're in the center of the tile/the current tile and not a neighbor
                if (x == 0 && y == 0)
                    continue;   //this skips the iteration

                //checkX & checkY are the node's x-y values + the value of x and y
                int checkX = tile.gridx + x;
                int checkY = tile.gridy + y;

                //if the checks are on the grid, add the tile to the list "neighbors"
                if ((checkX == 0 && checkX < gridSize.x) && (checkY == 0 && checkY < gridSize.y))
                    neighbors.Add(grid[checkX, checkY]);

    //"StepBack" retraces the path the player follows from the final node to the start node
    void StepBack(Tile_Online startTile, Tile_Online endTile)
        List <Tile_Online> path    = new List <Tile_Online>();
        Tile_Online        current = endTile;

        /* while the current tile is not the starting tile, add the current tile to the list
         * and set "current" value to its parent, tracing the path backwards and putting it
         * into the list
        while (current != startTile)
            if (path.Contains(current))
                Debug.Log("insert successful");
            current = current.parent;

        path.Reverse();        //reverses the list to get the correct order of the path to traverse/traversed

        grid.AStarPath = path; //creates a gizmo to show where the path exists
        starPath       = path;
예제 #4
    public Tile_Online parent; //public parent Tile of the current tile
    //"parent" contains the previos Tile the player was on

    //constructor for the tile object/script
    //sets the values of the public variables above
    //3rd and 4th var and space are from the 2nd site
    public Tile_Online(bool walk, Vector3 pos, int grid_xVal, int grid_yVal, Tile_Online _parent)
        walkable = walk;
        worldPos = pos;

        //from 2nd site
        gridx  = grid_xVal;
        gridy  = grid_yVal;
        parent = _parent;
예제 #5
    private void PlopTowersToMap()
        foreach (float[] towerInTile in OpponentConfig.userMapConfig)
            string towerPath = "Prefabs/towers_Online/tower_" + towerInTile[2] + "/Tower";

            Tile_Online tile = Tiles[new Point((int)towerInTile[0], (int)towerInTile[1])];

            GameObject towerPrefab = Resources.Load <GameObject>(towerPath);

            tile.PlaceTower(towerPrefab, 0, towerInTile);
예제 #6
    private void PlaceTile(string tileType, int x, int y, Vector3 origin)
        bool walkable;

        int tileIndex = int.Parse(tileType);

        Tile_Online newTile = Instantiate(tilePrefabs[tileIndex]).GetComponent <Tile_Online>();

        if (tileIndex % 2 == 1)
            walkable = true;
            walkable = false;

        newTile.Setup(new Point(x, y), new Vector3(origin.x + TileWidth * x, origin.y - TileHeight * y, 0), walkable, map);
    //method gets the distance b/w the start and end nodes
    int GetDist(Tile_Online startTile, Tile_Online endTile)
        int xDist = Mathf.Abs(startTile.gridx - endTile.gridx); //absolute val. of x-distance
        int yDist = Mathf.Abs(startTile.gridy - endTile.gridy); //absolute val. of y-distance

        //this calculates the distance (x and y) b/w the end tile and the start tile

        /*if(xDist > yDist)
         * {
         *  return 14 * yDist + 10 * (xDist - yDist);
         * }
         * else
         * {
         *  return 14 * xDist + 10 * (yDist - xDist);
         * }*/

        if (xDist > yDist)
            return(14 * yDist + 10 * (xDist - yDist));
        return(14 * xDist + 10 * (yDist - xDist));
    //finds the shortest path along a grid
    void FindPath(Vector3 startPos, Vector3 targetPos)
        Tile_Online startPoint  = grid.TilefromWorldPoint(startPos);   //grid point/tile where the player starts moving from
        Tile_Online targetPoint = grid.TilefromWorldPoint(targetPos);  //goal point

        List <Tile_Online> unCalcTiles = new List <Tile_Online>();
        //list of tiles with F = G + H values that have not been calculated
        HashSet <Tile_Online> calcTiles = new HashSet <Tile_Online>();

        //list of tiles that have been traversed or have calculated F = G + H values

        unCalcTiles.Add(startPoint);    //first tile to be calculated

        //Debug.Log("Open Nodes " + unCalcTiles);

        //while the list of uncalculated tiles is not empty:...
        while (unCalcTiles.Count > 0)
            //find the tile in "unCalcTiles" with the lowest F-cost
            Tile_Online current = unCalcTiles[0];

            //traverses through the list "unCalcTiles"
            //need to change this so the alg. is efficient
            for (int i = 1; i < unCalcTiles.Count; i++)
                /*if the current tile's F(x) val is less than the next
                 * "unCalcTiles'" value; or the current tile's and "unCalcTiles[i]'s"
                 * F(X) equal each other and "unCalcTiles[i]'s" H(x) is less than the
                 * current tile's H(x), make current tile "unCalcTile"
                if (unCalcTiles[i].FCost() < current.FCost() ||
                    unCalcTiles[i].FCost() == current.FCost() &&
                    unCalcTiles[i].H < current.H)
                    current = unCalcTiles[i];

            unCalcTiles.Remove(current); //remove the selected tile/tile we chose to move across
            calcTiles.Add(current);      //add the tile we are using to the calculated Tile hash set

            //if the current tile is the target, exit the loop
            if (current == targetPoint)
                StepBack(startPoint, targetPoint);

            //for each Tile object in "grid" (a tile list), check if the tile "neighbor" is walkable or not
            foreach (Tile_Online neighbor in grid.GetNeighbors(current))
                /* if the tile/current tile in the loop (not the current tile for the player) is not walkable
                 * or already calculated, skip a run and move to the next part of the loop*/
                if (!neighbor.walkable || calcTiles.Contains(neighbor))

                int moveCostNeigh = current.G + GetDist(current, neighbor);
                //the cost of moving from the current tile to the neighboring tile
                //this is the new/current G-cost from the neighbor/when when we move to the neighbor node

                /* if the calculated move cost is less than the current neighbor's g-cost or the neighbor has
                 * not been traversed/has not had its values calculated yet, ...
                if (moveCostNeigh < neighbor.G || !unCalcTiles.Contains(neighbor))
                    neighbor.G = moveCostNeigh;                  //new G-cost of the neighbor tile
                    neighbor.H = GetDist(neighbor, targetPoint); //used to get the new H-cost of the neighbor tile

                    neighbor.parent = current;

                    Debug.Log("current node: " + current);
                    Debug.Log("parent of neighbor: " + neighbor.parent);

                    //the parent of the neighboring tile is the current node we're on
                    //this is b/c we have not traversed/moved the player yet

                    /* if we have not calculated the distances of the neighbor tile yet, calculate it and mark it has
                     * having been calculated*/
                    if (!unCalcTiles.Contains(neighbor))