void Start () { //THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE if (mapController != null && mapController != this) { Destroy (this.gameObject); return; } mapController = this; GameObject tileMap_go = transform.FindChild ("TileMap").gameObject; if (tileMap_go) { tileMap = tileMap_go.GetComponent<TileMapController> (); } else { Debug.LogError ("TileMap not found"); } GameObject heroes_go = GameObject.Find ("Heroes"); if (heroes_go) { heroes_go.transform.SetParent (this.transform); heroes = heroes_go.GetComponent<HeroesController> (); } else { Debug.LogError ("Heroes GameObject not found"); } tileMap.CreateTileMap (); heroes.CreateHeroMap (); tileHighlightPrefab = (GameObject) Resources.Load ("UI/TileHighlight"); pathfinder = new PathfinderDijkstra (); }
void Start() { _fullBrickPrefab = gameObject.GetComponent <GameManager>().AvalableBlocks[0].MyPrefab; var y = 0.5f; _bricks = new List <BrickPlacement> { new BrickPlacement(2, y, 1, 0, 0, 0), new BrickPlacement(4, y, 1, 0, 0, 0), new BrickPlacement(5, y, 1, 0, 90, 0), new BrickPlacement(5, y, 3, 0, 90, 0), new BrickPlacement(5, y, 5, 0, 0, 0), new BrickPlacement(3, y, 5, 0, 0, 0), new BrickPlacement(1, y, 5, 0, -90, 0), new BrickPlacement(1, y, 3, 0, -90, 0) }; _tileController = TileMapController.instance; foreach (var brickPosition in _bricks) { var newPieceGameObject = Instantiate(_fullBrickPrefab) as GameObject; newPieceGameObject.transform.position = brickPosition.GetPostion(); newPieceGameObject.transform.Rotate(brickPosition.GetRotationEuler(), Space.World); newPieceGameObject.transform.parent = HouseOrigin.transform; _tileController.AddPiece(newPieceGameObject); } }
public void Awake() { tileAStar = new TileAStar(); _controller = GetComponent <TileMapController>(); _renderer = GetComponent <MinimapRenderer_Tile>(); }
public void Awake() { waypointAStar = new Minimap_Waypoint(); _controller = GetComponent <TileMapController>(); _renderer = GetComponent <MinimapRenderer_Waypoint>(); }
void Start() { var controller = new TileMapController(); controller.tileMap = tileMapGenerator.tileMap; GetComponent <GamepadGeneric>().controller = controller; }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { Debug.Log("Hello World, motherfuckers!"); tileMapController = mainTileMap.GetComponent <TileMapController>(); autoGenButton.onClick.AddListener(() => InitPlayerAndTiles()); }
public void Awake() { _controller = GetComponent <TileMapController>(); _renderRoot = new GameObject(); _renderRoot.name = "Render Root"; _renderRoot.transform.SetParent(transform); _renderRoot.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 200); _rTiles = null; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { GameObject level1 = GameObject.Instantiate(tileMapPrefab, levelsParent, false); TileMapController tmc = level1.GetComponent <TileMapController>(); tmc.StartTileMap(MatrixReader.GetLevelMatrix("/Level1Background.json"), MatrixReader.GetLevelMatrix("/Level1Roads.json")); levels.Add(tmc); level1.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 1, 0); }
//sets the dimensions of the coridoor public void setVariables(int width, int height) { this.width = width; this.height = height; xCentre = gameObject.transform.position.x; zCentre = gameObject.transform.position.z; size = width * height; tileGenerator = GameObject.Find("LevelManager").GetComponent <TileMapController>(); }
void Start() { finalRooms = new List <GameObject> (); map = GameObject.Find("TileMap").GetComponent <TileMapController> (); player = GameObject.Find("Player"); player.gameObject.SetActive(false); StartCoroutine(CreateRooms(level.roomCount)); groundDecorations = new GameObject[(int)level.mapSize.x, (int)level.mapSize.y]; }
public void RegistraVisita(int id) { RegistraVisitaAux(id, true); TileMapController tileController = TileMapController.Instance; foreach (Vector2Int neighbour in tileController.neighbourAux) { tileController.GetTile(pos + neighbour).RegistraVisitaAux(id); } }
//controls what happens when the player enters the room public void OnPlayerEnter() { //if being entered for the first time if (!explored) { explored = true; tileController = GameObject.Find("LevelManager").GetComponent <TileMapController>(); tileController.RemoveFog(xCentre, zCentre, width, height); GetComponent <RoomController>().AddToMiniMap(); } }
void Start() { holder = transform.Find("Holder").gameObject; // plate = transform.Find ("Plate").gameObject; rock = transform.Find("Rock").gameObject; mapController = GameObject.Find("TileMap").GetComponent <TileMapController>(); int minHeightCheck = 4; int maxHeightCheck = 64; bool madeTrap = false; // for (int y = Mathf.RoundToInt(transform.position.y) + minHeightCheck; y < Mathf.RoundToInt(transform.position.y) + maxHeightCheck; y++) { // TileMapController.TileInfo tile = mapController.GetTileAtPosition (transform.position); // if (tile.type == TileMapController.TileType.Empty) { // madeTrap = true; // SetTopOffset (y - Mathf.RoundToInt(transform.position.y)); // break; // } // } for (int y = 1; y < maxHeightCheck; y++) { Vector2 checkPos = gameObject.transform.position; checkPos.y += y; TileMapController.TileInfo tile = mapController.GetTileAtPosition(checkPos, TileMapController.TileLayer.Floor); if (y <= minHeightCheck) { if (tile.type == TileMapController.TileType.Empty) { continue; } else { break; } } else if (y <= maxHeightCheck) { if (tile.type == TileMapController.TileType.Wall) { madeTrap = true; SetTopOffset(y); break; } } } if (!madeTrap) { print("Trap not made"); Destroy(gameObject); } else { print("Trap made"); } }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { TileMapController controller = (TileMapController)target; DrawDefaultInspector(); if (GUILayout.Button("Toggle Tileset")) { controller.SwapTileset(); } }
//sets the dimensions of the coridoor public void setVariables(int width, int height, bool isHorizontal) { this.width = width; this.height = height; this.isHorizontal = isHorizontal; xCentre = gameObject.transform.position.x; zCentre = gameObject.transform.position.z; tileGenerator = GameObject.Find("LevelManager").GetComponent <TileMapController>(); tileGenerator.DrawFog(xCentre, zCentre, width, height); col = GetComponent <BoxCollider>(); col.size = (new Vector3(width, 2f, height)); }
//controls what happens when the player enters the room public void OnPlayerEnter() { //if being entered for the first time if (!explored) { explored = true; tileController = GameObject.Find("LevelManager").GetComponent <TileMapController>(); tileController.RemoveFog(xCentre, zCentre, width, height); GetComponent <RoomController>().AddToMiniMap(); enemies = GameObject.Find("EnemiesList").transform; Instantiate(generator.bossRoom.mobs[0], transform.position + new Vector3(0f, 1f, 0f), Quaternion.identity, enemies); } }
//controls what happens when the player enters the room public void OnPlayerEnter() { //if being entered for the first time if (!explored) { explored = true; tileController = GameObject.Find("LevelManager").GetComponent <TileMapController>(); tileController.RemoveFog(xCentre, zCentre, width, height); roomController = gameObject.GetComponent <RoomController>(); roomController.SpawnMobs(generator.mobRoom.mobs, generator.mobRoom.mobThreatValues, extraThreatValue); enemies = GameObject.Find("EnemiesList").transform; roomController.LockDoors(); GetComponent <RoomController>().AddToMiniMap(); } }
private void Awake() { buildableSprite = Resources.Load("Map/Buildings/Buildable", typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite; //刷新图片 unbuildableSprite = Resources.Load("Map/Buildings/Unbuildable", typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite; //刷新图片 inBuildMode = true; _Instance = this; arableCheckLayer = FindChild.FindTheChild(GameObject.Find("Map"), "ArableCheckLayer"); plowLayer = FindChild.FindTheChild(GameObject.Find("Map"), "PlowLayer"); wateringLayer = FindChild.FindTheChild(GameObject.Find("Map"), "WateringLayer"); cropsLayer = FindChild.FindTheChild(GameObject.Find("Map"), "CropsLayer"); BuildableCheckLayer = FindChild.FindTheChild(GameObject.Find("Map"), "BuildableCheckLayer"); arableTM = arableCheckLayer.GetComponent <Tilemap>(); plowTM = plowLayer.GetComponent <Tilemap>(); waterTM = wateringLayer.GetComponent <Tilemap>(); cropsTM = cropsLayer.GetComponent <Tilemap>(); BuildableTM = BuildableCheckLayer.GetComponent <Tilemap>(); }
static void StartGame() { //Set the gamestate gameState = GameState.Paused; //set the TileMapController tmc = GameObject.Find("TileMapController").GetComponent <TileMapController> (); tmc.StartGame(); //Find a random square of Beach List <Tile> beaches = new List <Tile> (); for (int i = 0; i < fullMap.Width; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < fullMap.Height; j++) { if (fullMap.GetTile(i, j, 25).Biome == "Beach" && !fullMap.GetTile(i, j, 25).IsBlocked) { beaches.Add(fullMap.GetTile(i, j, 25)); } } } Tile startTile = beaches[Random.Range(0, beaches.Count)]; startTile.Biome = "Start Location"; Vector3 tilePos = tileMap.GetTilePosition(startTile.PointX, startTile.PointY); tilePos.z = Camera.main.transform.position.z; Camera.main.transform.position = tilePos; //Initialize the character list characters = new List <WorldObject> (); WorldObject dwarf = new WorldObject("Dwarf", startTile.PointX, startTile.PointY, 25); characters.Add(dwarf); //tmc.DrawWorldObj (); }
private void Awake() { Instance = this; }
public void Awake() { controller = GameObject.Find("TileMap").GetComponent <TileMapController> (); }
void Awake() { this.tileMapController = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <TileMapController>(); this.triangleColorController = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <TriangleColorController>(); }
private void Awake() { Instance = this; Tiles = new Dictionary <Vector2Int, Tile>(); }
void Awake() { instance = this; WorldModel = new TileMapModel(WorldSize.x, WorldSize.y, WorldSize.z); }