예제 #1
        private static void MakeChestItems(BlockManager bm, int x, int y, int z, int[] intResourceChances, string[] strResourceNames)
            string strResource = strResourceNames[RandomHelper.RandomWeightedNumber(intResourceChances)];
            string strAmount;

            _dictResourceAmounts.TryGetValue(strResource.ToLower(), out strAmount);
            strAmount = strAmount ?? "1,1";
            int intAmount = RandomHelper.Next(Convert.ToInt32(strAmount.Split(',')[0]),
                                              Convert.ToInt32(strAmount.Split(',')[1]) + 1);
            string strBlockID;

            _dictResourceIDs.TryGetValue(strResource.ToLower(), out strBlockID);
            TileEntityChest tec     = new TileEntityChest();
            int             intSlot = 0;

                if (intAmount > MINECRAFT_ITEM_STACK_AMOUNT)
                    tec.Items[intSlot++] = BlockHelper.MakeItem(Convert.ToInt32(strBlockID),
                    tec.Items[intSlot++] = BlockHelper.MakeItem(Convert.ToInt32(strBlockID), intAmount);
                intAmount -= MINECRAFT_ITEM_STACK_AMOUNT;
            } while (intAmount > 0);

            bm.SetTileEntity(x, y, z, tec);
예제 #2
        private static void MakeGuardChest(BlockManager bm, int x, int y, int z)
            TileEntityChest tec = new TileEntityChest();

            if (City.HasItemsInChests)
                for (int a = 0; a < 5; a++)
                    tec.Items[a] = BlockHelper.MakeItem(RNG.RandomItem(ItemInfo.IronSword.ID,
                                                                       ItemInfo.StoneSword.ID), 1);
                tec.Items[6] = BlockHelper.MakeItem(ItemInfo.Bow.ID, 1);
                tec.Items[7] = BlockHelper.MakeItem(ItemInfo.Arrow.ID, 64);
                int intArmourStartID = RNG.RandomItem(ItemInfo.LeatherCap.ID,
                for (int a = 9; a < 18; a++)
                    // random armour
                    tec.Items[a] = BlockHelper.MakeItem(intArmourStartID + RNG.Next(4), 1);
            bm.SetID(x, y, z, BlockInfo.Chest.ID);
            bm.SetTileEntity(x, y, z, tec);
예제 #3
        private static void MakeHelperChest(BlockManager bm, int x, int y, int z)
            TileEntityChest tec = new TileEntityChest();

            tec.Items[0]  = BlockHelper.MakeItem(ItemInfo.DiamondSword.ID);
            tec.Items[1]  = BlockHelper.MakeItem(ItemInfo.DiamondPickaxe.ID);
            tec.Items[2]  = BlockHelper.MakeItem(ItemInfo.DiamondShovel.ID);
            tec.Items[3]  = BlockHelper.MakeItem(ItemInfo.DiamondAxe.ID);
            tec.Items[4]  = BlockHelper.MakeItem((int)BlockType.LADDER, 64);
            tec.Items[5]  = BlockHelper.MakeItem((int)BlockType.DIRT, 64);
            tec.Items[6]  = BlockHelper.MakeItem((int)BlockType.SAND, 64);
            tec.Items[7]  = BlockHelper.MakeItem((int)BlockType.CRAFTING_TABLE, 64);
            tec.Items[8]  = BlockHelper.MakeItem((int)BlockType.FURNACE, 64);
            tec.Items[9]  = BlockHelper.MakeItem(ItemInfo.Bread.ID, 64);
            tec.Items[10] = BlockHelper.MakeItem((int)BlockType.TORCH, 64);
            tec.Items[11] = BlockHelper.MakeItem((int)BlockType.STONE, 64);
            tec.Items[12] = BlockHelper.MakeItem((int)BlockType.CHEST, 64);
            tec.Items[13] = BlockHelper.MakeItem((int)BlockType.GLASS, 64);
            tec.Items[14] = BlockHelper.MakeItem((int)BlockType.WOOD, 64);
            tec.Items[15] = BlockHelper.MakeItem(ItemInfo.Cookie.ID, 64);
            tec.Items[16] = BlockHelper.MakeItem(ItemInfo.RedstoneDust.ID, 64);
            tec.Items[17] = BlockHelper.MakeItem((int)BlockType.IRON_BLOCK, 64);
            tec.Items[18] = BlockHelper.MakeItem((int)BlockType.DIAMOND_BLOCK, 64);
            tec.Items[19] = BlockHelper.MakeItem((int)BlockType.GOLD_BLOCK, 64);
            bm.SetID(x, y, z, (int)BlockType.CHEST);
            bm.SetTileEntity(x, y, z, tec);
예제 #4
        // This function will create a new Block object of type 'Chest', fills it
        // with random items, and returns it
        static AlphaBlock BuildChest()
            // A default, appropriate TileEntity entry is created
            AlphaBlock      block = new AlphaBlock(BlockType.CHEST);
            TileEntityChest ent   = block.GetTileEntity() as TileEntityChest;

            // Unless Substrate has a bug, the TileEntity was definitely a TileEntityChest
            if (ent == null)

            // Loop through each slot in the chest, assign an item
            // with a probability
            for (int i = 0; i < ent.Items.Capacity; i++)
                if (rand.NextDouble() < 0.3)
                    // Ask the ItemTable for a random Item type registered with Substrate
                    ItemInfo itype = ItemInfo.GetRandomItem();

                    // Create the item object, give it an appropriate, random count (items in stack)
                    Item item = new Item(itype.ID);
                    item.Count = 1 + rand.Next(itype.StackSize);

                    // Assign the item to the chest at slot i
                    ent.Items[i] = item;

            // That's all, we've got a loaded chest block ready to be
            // inserted into a chunk
예제 #5
        private static void MakeSewerEntrance(BlockManager bm, int x, int z, int intPlotSize)
            // path
            BlockShapes.MakeHollowLayers(x, x + 8, 63, 63, z, z + intPlotSize, (int)BlockType.DOUBLE_SLAB);
            // building
            BlockShapes.MakeHollowBox(x + 2, x + 6, 63, 67, z + 2, z + 6, (int)BlockType.STONE);
            // doorway
            BlockShapes.MakeSolidBox(x + 4, x + 4, 64, 65, z + 2, z + 2, (int)BlockType.AIR);
            // tunnel down
            BlockShapes.MakeSolidBox(x + 4, x + 4, 55, 63, z + 4, z + 4, (int)BlockType.AIR);
            // ladder back
            BlockShapes.MakeSolidBox(x + 4, x + 4, 52, 55, z + 5, z + 5, (int)BlockType.STONE);
            // ladder rungs
            BlockHelper.MakeLadder(x + 4, 52, 63, z + 4);
            // hatch
            bm.SetID(x + 4, 64, z + 4, (int)BlockType.TRAPDOOR);
            bm.SetData(x + 4, 64, z + 4, 2);
            // chest with torches
            bm.SetID(x + 5, 64, z + 5, (int)BlockType.CHEST);
            TileEntityChest tec = new TileEntityChest();

            tec.Items[0] = BlockHelper.MakeItem((int)BlockType.REDSTONE_TORCH_ON, 64);
            tec.Items[1] = BlockHelper.MakeItem((int)BlockType.TORCH, 32);
            bm.SetTileEntity(x + 5, 64, z + 5, tec);
            // sign
            BlockHelper.MakeSign(x + 4, 66, z + 1, "Sewers||Currently|empty!", (int)BlockType.STONE);
예제 #6
        private static TileEntityChest MakeHouseChest()
            TileEntityChest tec = new TileEntityChest();

            for (int intItems = RandomHelper.Next(4, 8); intItems >= 0; intItems--)
                tec.Items[intItems] = BlockHelper.MakeItem(RandomHelper.RandomNumber(
                                                               ItemInfo.Shears.ID), 1);
        private bool Func_50078_a(World par1World, int par2, int par3, int par4)
            int i = par1World.GetBlockId(par2, par3, par4);
            int j = par1World.GetBlockMetadata(par2, par3, par4);

            if (i == Block.Chest.BlockID)
                TileEntityChest tileentitychest = (TileEntityChest)par1World.GetBlockTileEntity(par2, par3, par4);

                if (tileentitychest.NumUsingPlayers < 1)
                if (i == Block.StoneOvenActive.BlockID)

                if (i == Block.Bed.BlockID && !BlockBed.IsBlockFootOfBed(j))

예제 #8
        private static void MakeHelperChest(BlockManager bm, int x, int y, int z)
            TileEntityChest tec = new TileEntityChest();

            tec.Items[0]  = BlockHelper.MakeItem(ItemInfo.DiamondSword.ID, 1);
            tec.Items[1]  = BlockHelper.MakeItem(ItemInfo.DiamondPickaxe.ID, 1);
            tec.Items[2]  = BlockHelper.MakeItem(ItemInfo.DiamondShovel.ID, 1);
            tec.Items[3]  = BlockHelper.MakeItem(ItemInfo.DiamondAxe.ID, 1);
            tec.Items[4]  = BlockHelper.MakeItem(BlockInfo.Ladder.ID, 64);
            tec.Items[5]  = BlockHelper.MakeItem(BlockInfo.Dirt.ID, 64);
            tec.Items[6]  = BlockHelper.MakeItem(BlockInfo.Sand.ID, 64);
            tec.Items[7]  = BlockHelper.MakeItem(BlockInfo.CraftTable.ID, 64);
            tec.Items[8]  = BlockHelper.MakeItem(BlockInfo.Furnace.ID, 64);
            tec.Items[9]  = BlockHelper.MakeItem(ItemInfo.Bread.ID, 64);
            tec.Items[10] = BlockHelper.MakeItem(BlockInfo.Torch.ID, 64);
            tec.Items[11] = BlockHelper.MakeItem(BlockInfo.Stone.ID, 64);
            tec.Items[12] = BlockHelper.MakeItem(BlockInfo.Chest.ID, 64);
            tec.Items[13] = BlockHelper.MakeItem(BlockInfo.Glass.ID, 64);
            tec.Items[14] = BlockHelper.MakeItem(BlockInfo.Wood.ID, 64);
            tec.Items[15] = BlockHelper.MakeItem(ItemInfo.Cookie.ID, 64);
            tec.Items[16] = BlockHelper.MakeItem(ItemInfo.RedstoneDust.ID, 64);
            tec.Items[17] = BlockHelper.MakeItem(BlockInfo.IronBlock.ID, 64);
            tec.Items[18] = BlockHelper.MakeItem(BlockInfo.DiamondBlock.ID, 64);
            tec.Items[19] = BlockHelper.MakeItem(BlockInfo.GoldBlock.ID, 64);
            bm.SetID(x, y, z, BlockInfo.Chest.ID);
            bm.SetTileEntity(x, y, z, tec);
예제 #9
 public override bool onRightClick(World world, EntityPlayer player, ItemStack heldStack, BlockPos pos, int meta, Direction clickedFace, Vector3 clickedPos)
     if (!world.getBlock(pos.move(Direction.UP)).isSolid)
         TileEntityChest chest = ((TileEntityChest)world.getTileEntity(pos));
         player.contManager.openContainer(player, ContainerManager.containerChest, chest.chestData);
        /// <summary>
        /// performs the check for adjacent chests to determine if this chest is double or not.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void CheckForAdjacentChests()
            if (AdjacentChestChecked)

            AdjacentChestChecked = true;
            AdjacentChestZNeg    = null;
            AdjacentChestXPos    = null;
            AdjacentChestXNeg    = null;
            AdjacentChestZPos    = null;

            if (WorldObj.GetBlockId(XCoord - 1, YCoord, ZCoord) == Block.Chest.BlockID)
                AdjacentChestXNeg = (TileEntityChest)WorldObj.GetBlockTileEntity(XCoord - 1, YCoord, ZCoord);

            if (WorldObj.GetBlockId(XCoord + 1, YCoord, ZCoord) == Block.Chest.BlockID)
                AdjacentChestXPos = (TileEntityChest)WorldObj.GetBlockTileEntity(XCoord + 1, YCoord, ZCoord);

            if (WorldObj.GetBlockId(XCoord, YCoord, ZCoord - 1) == Block.Chest.BlockID)
                AdjacentChestZNeg = (TileEntityChest)WorldObj.GetBlockTileEntity(XCoord, YCoord, ZCoord - 1);

            if (WorldObj.GetBlockId(XCoord, YCoord, ZCoord + 1) == Block.Chest.BlockID)
                AdjacentChestZPos = (TileEntityChest)WorldObj.GetBlockTileEntity(XCoord, YCoord, ZCoord + 1);

            if (AdjacentChestZNeg != null)

            if (AdjacentChestZPos != null)

            if (AdjacentChestXPos != null)

            if (AdjacentChestXNeg != null)
예제 #11
 public static void MakeDrawbridges(BlockManager bm, int intFarmSize, int intMapSize,
                                    bool booIncludeMoat, bool booIncludeWalls)
     if (booIncludeWalls)
         // drawbridge
         int intBridgeEnd = booIncludeMoat ? -2 : 5;
         BlockShapes.MakeSolidBox((intMapSize / 2) - 2, intMapSize / 2, 63, 63,
                                  intFarmSize + intBridgeEnd, intFarmSize + 13, (int)BlockType.STONE, 2);
         // carve out the entrance/exit
         BlockShapes.MakeSolidBox((intMapSize / 2) - 2, intMapSize / 2, 64, 67,
                                  intFarmSize + 6, intFarmSize + 10, (int)BlockType.AIR, 2);
         // add the bottom of a portcullis
         BlockShapes.MakeSolidBox((intMapSize / 2) - 2, intMapSize / 2, 67, 67,
                                  intFarmSize + 6, intFarmSize + 6, (int)BlockType.FENCE, 2);
         // add room for murder holes
         BlockShapes.MakeSolidBox((intMapSize / 2) - 2, (intMapSize / 2) + 2, 69, 71,
                                  intFarmSize + 8, intFarmSize + 9, (int)BlockType.AIR, 2);
         BlockShapes.MakeSolidBox(intMapSize / 2, intMapSize / 2, 69, 72,
                                  intFarmSize + 8, intFarmSize + 9, (int)BlockType.AIR, 2);
         BlockHelper.MakeLadder(intMapSize / 2, 69, 72, intFarmSize + 9, 2, (int)BlockType.STONE);
         BlockShapes.MakeSolidBox(intMapSize / 2, intMapSize / 2, 72, 72,
                                  intFarmSize + 8, intFarmSize + 8, (int)BlockType.STONE, 2);
         // murder holes
         BlockShapes.MakeSolidBox((intMapSize / 2) - 2, (intMapSize / 2) - 2, 68, 68,
                                  intFarmSize + 8, intFarmSize + 8, (int)BlockType.AIR, 2);
         BlockShapes.MakeSolidBox(intMapSize / 2, intMapSize / 2, 68, 68,
                                  intFarmSize + 8, intFarmSize + 8, (int)BlockType.AIR, 2);
         BlockShapes.MakeSolidBox((intMapSize / 2) + 2, (intMapSize / 2) + 2, 68, 68,
                                  intFarmSize + 8, intFarmSize + 8, (int)BlockType.AIR, 2);
         // chests
         BlockShapes.MakeBlock((intMapSize / 2) - 4, 69, intFarmSize + 9, (int)BlockType.GRAVEL, 2, 100, -1);
         BlockShapes.MakeBlock((intMapSize / 2) + 4, 69, intFarmSize + 9, (int)BlockType.GRAVEL, 2, 100, -1);
         BlockShapes.MakeBlock((intMapSize / 2) - 3, 70, intFarmSize + 9, (int)BlockType.AIR, 2, 100, -1);
         BlockShapes.MakeBlock((intMapSize / 2) + 3, 70, intFarmSize + 9, (int)BlockType.AIR, 2, 100, -1);
         TileEntityChest tec = new TileEntityChest();
         tec.Items[0] = BlockHelper.MakeItem(ItemInfo.LavaBucket.ID, 1);
         tec.Items[1] = BlockHelper.MakeItem(ItemInfo.LavaBucket.ID, 1);
         tec.Items[2] = BlockHelper.MakeItem(ItemInfo.LavaBucket.ID, 1);
         BlockHelper.MakeChest((intMapSize / 2) - 3, 69, intFarmSize + 9, (int)BlockType.GRAVEL, tec, 2);
         // add torches
         BlockHelper.MakeTorch((intMapSize / 2) - 1, 70, intFarmSize + 9, (int)BlockType.STONE, 2);
         BlockHelper.MakeTorch((intMapSize / 2) + 1, 70, intFarmSize + 9, (int)BlockType.STONE, 2);
         // link to main roads
         //BlockShapes.MakeSolidBox((intMapSize / 2) - 1, (intMapSize / 2) + 1, 63, 63,
         //                         intFarmSize + 11, intFarmSize + 13, (int)BlockType.DOUBLE_SLAB, 0);
     else if (booIncludeMoat)
         BlockShapes.MakeSolidBox((intMapSize / 2) - 2, intMapSize / 2, 63, 63,
                                  intFarmSize - 2, intFarmSize + 6, (int)BlockType.STONE, 2);
예제 #12
        private static int FixPotions(ref TileEntityChest chest)
            int fixedPotions = 0;

            for (int slot = 0; slot <= chest.Items.Capacity; slot++)
                Item item = chest.Items[slot];
                if (item != null && item.ID == ItemInfo.Potion.NameID && FixPotion(ref item))
예제 #13
 public static void MakeChest(int x, int y, int z, int intBlockAgainst, TileEntityChest tec, int intMirror)
     BlockShapes.MakeBlock(x, y, z, BlockType.CHEST, BlockHelper.BlockDirection(x, y, z, intBlockAgainst));
     _bmDest.SetTileEntity(x, y, z, tec);
     if (intMirror > 0)
         MakeChest(_intMapSize - x, y, z, intBlockAgainst, tec, 0);
         MakeChest(x, y, _intMapSize - z, intBlockAgainst, tec, 0);
         MakeChest(_intMapSize - x, y, _intMapSize - z, intBlockAgainst, tec, 0);
         if (intMirror == 2)
             MakeChest(z, y, x, intBlockAgainst, tec, 1);
예제 #14
 public static void MakeChest(int x, int y, int z, int intBlockAgainst, TileEntityChest tec, int intMirror)
     BlockShapes.MakeBlock(x, y, z, BlockInfo.Chest.ID, BlockHelper.BlockDirection(x, y, z, intBlockAgainst));
     _bmDest.SetTileEntity(x, y, z, tec);
     if (intMirror > 0)
         MakeChest(City.MapLength - x, y, z, intBlockAgainst, tec, 0);
         MakeChest(x, y, City.MapLength - z, intBlockAgainst, tec, 0);
         MakeChest(City.MapLength - x, y, City.MapLength - z, intBlockAgainst, tec, 0);
         if (intMirror == 2)
             MakeChest(z, y, x, intBlockAgainst, tec, 1);
예제 #15
        private static void MakeChestItems(BlockManager bm, int x, int y, int z)
            string strResource = strResourceNames[RandomHelper.RandomWeightedNumber(intResourceChances)];
            string strAmount;

            dictResourceAmounts.TryGetValue(strResource.ToLower(), out strAmount);
            strAmount = strAmount ?? "1,1";
            int intAmount = RandomHelper.Next(Convert.ToInt32(strAmount.Split(',')[0]),
                                              Convert.ToInt32(strAmount.Split(',')[1]) + 1);
            string strBlockID;

            dictResourceIDs.TryGetValue(strResource.ToLower(), out strBlockID);
            TileEntityChest tec = new TileEntityChest();

            tec.Items[0] = BlockHelper.MakeItem(Convert.ToInt32(strBlockID), intAmount);
            bm.SetTileEntity(x, y, z, tec);
예제 #16
        private static void MakeGuardChest(int x, int y, int z)
            TileEntityChest tec = new TileEntityChest();

            // todo: replace numbers with constants when next version of Substrate is released
            for (int a = 0; a < 5; a++)
                tec.Items[a] = MakeItem(SelectRandomNumber(267, 268, 272), 1); // random sword (iron, wood, stone)
            tec.Items[6] = MakeItem(261, 1);                                   // crossbow
            tec.Items[7] = MakeItem(262, 64);                                  // arrows
            int intArmourStartID = SelectRandomNumber(298, 302, 306);

            for (int a = 9; a < 18; a++)
                tec.Items[a] = MakeItem(SelectRandomNumber(intArmourStartID, intArmourStartID + 1,
                                                           intArmourStartID + 2, intArmourStartID + 3), 1); // random armour
            bm.SetID(x, y, z, (int)BlockType.CHEST);
            bm.SetTileEntity(x, y, z, tec);
예제 #17
        private static void MakeGuardChest(BlockManager bm, int x, int y, int z)
            TileEntityChest tec = new TileEntityChest();

            for (int a = 0; a < 5; a++)
                tec.Items[a] = BlockHelper.MakeItem(RandomHelper.RandomNumber(ItemInfo.IronSword.ID,
                                                                              ItemInfo.StoneSword.ID), 1);
            tec.Items[6] = BlockHelper.MakeItem(ItemInfo.Bow.ID, 1);
            tec.Items[7] = BlockHelper.MakeItem(ItemInfo.Arrow.ID, 64);
            int intArmourStartID = RandomHelper.RandomNumber(ItemInfo.LeatherCap.ID, ItemInfo.ChainHelmet.ID,

            for (int a = 9; a < 18; a++)
                tec.Items[a] = BlockHelper.MakeItem(intArmourStartID + rand.Next(4), 1); // random armour
            bm.SetID(x, y, z, (int)BlockType.CHEST);
            bm.SetTileEntity(x, y, z, tec);
예제 #18
        private static TileEntityChest MakeTreasureChest()
            TileEntityChest tec = new TileEntityChest();

            for (int intItems = RandomHelper.Next(5, 7); intItems >= 2; intItems--)
                tec.Items[intItems] = BlockHelper.MakeItem(RandomHelper.RandomNumber(
                                                               ), 1);
            tec.Items[0] = BlockHelper.MakeItem(ItemInfo.GetRandomItem().ID, 1);
            tec.Items[1] = BlockHelper.MakeItem(ItemInfo.GetRandomItem().ID, 1);
 public ChestItemRenderHelper()
     Field_35610_b = new TileEntityChest();
예제 #20
        public static void InsertBuilding(BlockManager bmDest, int[,] intArea, int intBlockStart,
                                          int x1dest, int z1dest, Building bldInsert, int y1dest)
            List <Spawner> lstSpawners = new List <Spawner>();

            int intRandomWoolColour = RandomHelper.Next(16);
            int intSourceX = 0, intSourceZ = 0;
            int intRotate = -1;

            if (bldInsert.btThis == BuildingTypes.MineshaftSection)
                intRotate = 0;
                for (int intDistance = 0; intRotate == -1 && intDistance < 10; intDistance++)
                    for (int intCheck = 0; intRotate == -1 && intCheck <= bldInsert.intSizeX; intCheck++)
                        if (CheckArea(intArea, x1dest + intCheck, z1dest - intDistance) == 1)
                            intRotate = 0;
                        else if (CheckArea(intArea, x1dest - intDistance, z1dest + intCheck) == 1)
                            intRotate = 1;
                        else if (CheckArea(intArea, x1dest + bldInsert.intSizeX + intDistance, z1dest + intCheck) == 1)
                            intRotate = 2;
                        else if (CheckArea(intArea, x1dest + intCheck, z1dest + bldInsert.intSizeZ + intDistance) == 1)
                            intRotate = 3;
            if (intRotate == -1)
                intRotate = RandomHelper.Next(4);

            for (int x = 0; x < bldInsert.intSizeX; x++)
                for (int z = 0; z < bldInsert.intSizeZ; z++)
                    switch (intRotate)
                    case 0:
                        intSourceX = x;
                        intSourceZ = z;

                    case 1:
                        intSourceX = (bldInsert.intSizeX - 1) - z;
                        intSourceZ = x;

                    case 2:
                        intSourceX = z;
                        intSourceZ = (bldInsert.intSizeZ - 1) - x;

                    case 3:
                        intSourceX = (bldInsert.intSizeX - 1) - x;
                        intSourceZ = (bldInsert.intSizeZ - 1) - z;

                        Debug.Fail("Invalid switch result");

                    int intSourceEndY;
                    if (bldInsert.btThis == BuildingTypes.MineshaftSection)
                        intSourceEndY = bldInsert.intSourceStartY + 4;
                        for (intSourceEndY = 128; intSourceEndY > 64; intSourceEndY--)
                            if (_bmSource.GetID(intSourceX + bldInsert.intSourceX, intSourceEndY,
                                                intSourceZ + bldInsert.intSourceZ) != BlockType.AIR)
                    for (int ySource = bldInsert.intSourceStartY; ySource <= intSourceEndY; ySource++)
                        int yDest = ySource;
                        if (bldInsert.btThis == BuildingTypes.MineshaftSection)
                            yDest = y1dest + (ySource - bldInsert.intSourceStartY);

                        if (bldInsert.btThis == BuildingTypes.MineshaftSection ||
                            ((yDest != 64 || bmDest.GetID(intBlockStart + x + x1dest, yDest, intBlockStart + z + z1dest) == BlockType.AIR) &&
                             bmDest.GetID(intBlockStart + x + x1dest, yDest, intBlockStart + z + z1dest) != BlockType.WOOD_PLANK))
                            int intBlockID = _bmSource.GetID(intSourceX + bldInsert.intSourceX, ySource,
                                                             intSourceZ + bldInsert.intSourceZ);
                            int intBlockData = _bmSource.GetData(intSourceX + bldInsert.intSourceX, ySource,
                                                                 intSourceZ + bldInsert.intSourceZ);
                            bmDest.SetID(intBlockStart + x + x1dest, yDest, intBlockStart + z + z1dest, intBlockID);
                            bmDest.SetData(intBlockStart + x + x1dest, yDest, intBlockStart + z + z1dest, intBlockData);

                            #region import paintings
                            // todo: test for mineshaft features
                            foreach (EntityPainting entPainting in _AllEntityPainting)
                                if (entPainting.TileX == intSourceX + bldInsert.intSourceX &&
                                    entPainting.TileY == ySource &&
                                    entPainting.TileZ == intSourceZ + bldInsert.intSourceZ)
                                    EntityPainting entNewPainting = (EntityPainting)entPainting.Copy();
                                    entNewPainting.TileX      = intBlockStart + x + x1dest;
                                    entNewPainting.TileY      = yDest;
                                    entNewPainting.TileZ      = intBlockStart + z + z1dest;
                                    entNewPainting.Position.X = entNewPainting.TileX;
                                    entNewPainting.Position.Z = entNewPainting.TileZ;
                                    entNewPainting.Direction  = BlockHelper.RotatePortrait(entPainting.Direction,
                                    ChunkRef chunkBuilding = _cmDest.GetChunkRef((intBlockStart + x + x1dest) / 16,
                                                                                 (intBlockStart + z + z1dest) / 16);
                            #region Rotation
                            if (intRotate > 0)
                                switch (intBlockID)
                                case BlockType.PORTAL:
                                    bmDest.SetData(intBlockStart + x + x1dest, yDest, intBlockStart + z + z1dest,
                                                   BlockHelper.RotatePortal(intBlockData, intRotate));

                                case BlockType.SIGN_POST:
                                    bmDest.SetData(intBlockStart + x + x1dest, yDest, intBlockStart + z + z1dest,
                                                   BlockHelper.RotateSignPost(intBlockData, intRotate));

                                case BlockType.STONE_BUTTON:
                                    bmDest.SetData(intBlockStart + x + x1dest, yDest, intBlockStart + z + z1dest,
                                                   BlockHelper.RotateButton(intBlockData, intRotate));

                                case BlockType.PUMPKIN:
                                case BlockType.JACK_O_LANTERN:
                                    bmDest.SetData(intBlockStart + x + x1dest, yDest, intBlockStart + z + z1dest,
                                                   BlockHelper.RotatePumpkin(intBlockData, intRotate));

                                case BlockType.IRON_DOOR:
                                case BlockType.WOOD_DOOR:
                                    bmDest.SetData(intBlockStart + x + x1dest, yDest, intBlockStart + z + z1dest,
                                                   BlockHelper.RotateDoor(intBlockData, intRotate));

                                case BlockType.TRAPDOOR:
                                    bmDest.SetData(intBlockStart + x + x1dest, yDest, intBlockStart + z + z1dest,
                                                   BlockHelper.RotateTrapdoor(intBlockData, intRotate));

                                case BlockType.BED:
                                    bmDest.SetData(intBlockStart + x + x1dest, yDest, intBlockStart + z + z1dest,
                                                   BlockHelper.RotateBed(intBlockData, intRotate));

                                case BlockType.REDSTONE_TORCH_OFF:
                                case BlockType.REDSTONE_TORCH_ON:
                                case BlockType.TORCH:
                                case BlockType.LEVER:
                                    bmDest.SetData(intBlockStart + x + x1dest, yDest, intBlockStart + z + z1dest,
                                                   BlockHelper.RotateTorchOrLever(intBlockData, intRotate));

                                case BlockType.WALL_SIGN:
                                case BlockType.LADDER:
                                case BlockType.DISPENSER:
                                case BlockType.FURNACE:
                                    bmDest.SetData(intBlockStart + x + x1dest, yDest, intBlockStart + z + z1dest,
                                                       intBlockData, intRotate));

                                case BlockType.COBBLESTONE_STAIRS:
                                case BlockType.WOOD_STAIRS:
                                    bmDest.SetData(intBlockStart + x + x1dest, yDest, intBlockStart + z + z1dest,
                                                   BlockHelper.RotateStairs(intBlockData, intRotate));
                                    // no need for a default - all other blocks are okay
                            #region Handle entities
                            switch (intBlockID)
                            case BlockType.SPONGE:
                                bmDest.SetID(intBlockStart + x + x1dest, yDest, intBlockStart + z + z1dest, BlockType.WOOL);
                                bmDest.SetData(intBlockStart + x + x1dest, yDest, intBlockStart + z + z1dest,

                            case BlockType.CHEST:
                                TileEntityChest tec = (TileEntityChest)_bmSource.GetTileEntity(
                                    intSourceX + bldInsert.intSourceX, ySource, intSourceZ + bldInsert.intSourceZ);
                                if (_booIncludeItemsInChests)
                                    if (tec.Items[0] != null)
                                        if (tec.Items[0].ID == ItemInfo.Paper.ID &&
                                            tec.Items[0].Count == 3)
                                            tec = MakeHouseChest();
                                        if (tec.Items[0].ID == ItemInfo.Paper.ID &&
                                            tec.Items[0].Count == 4)
                                            tec = MakeTreasureChest();
                                bmDest.SetTileEntity(intBlockStart + x + x1dest, yDest, intBlockStart + z + z1dest, tec);

                            case BlockType.FURNACE:
                            case BlockType.MONSTER_SPAWNER:
                            case BlockType.NOTE_BLOCK:
                                bmDest.SetTileEntity(intBlockStart + x + x1dest, yDest, intBlockStart + z + z1dest,
                                                     _bmSource.GetTileEntity(intSourceX + bldInsert.intSourceX, ySource,
                                                                             intSourceZ + bldInsert.intSourceZ));

                            case BlockType.SIGN_POST:
                            case BlockType.WALL_SIGN:
                                #region Determine sign text
                                int            intUniqueType = 0;
                                TileEntitySign tes           = (TileEntitySign)_bmSource.
                                                               GetTileEntity(intSourceX + bldInsert.intSourceX, ySource,
                                                                             intSourceZ + bldInsert.intSourceZ);
                                string strSourceSign = tes.Text1 + " " + tes.Text2 + " " + tes.Text3 + " " + tes.Text4;
                                switch (strSourceSign.Substring(0, 1))
                                case "2":
                                case "1":
                                case "0":
                                    intUniqueType = Convert.ToInt32(strSourceSign.Substring(0, 1));
                                    strSourceSign = strSourceSign.Remove(0, 1);

                                    intUniqueType = 0;
                                if (tes.Text1.ToLower() == "commentsign" || tes.Text1.ToLower() == "comment sign")
                                    // these exist to give advice to people in the resource world.
                                    // so we just remove them from the real world
                                    bmDest.SetID(intBlockStart + x + x1dest, yDest, intBlockStart + z + z1dest,
                                    bmDest.SetData(intBlockStart + x + x1dest, yDest, intBlockStart + z + z1dest, 0);
                                if (tes.Text1.ToLower() == "spawner" || tes.Text1.ToLower() == "gspawner")
                                    if (!tes.Text2.ToLower().StartsWith("g") || tes.Text2.ToLower() == "[randomenemy]" || _booIncludeGhostdancerSpawners)
                                        Spawner spawnerCurrent = new Spawner();
                                        if (tes.Text2.ToLower() == "[randomenemy]")
                                            if (_booIncludeGhostdancerSpawners)
                                                spawnerCurrent.strEntityID = RandomHelper.RandomString("Creeper", "Skeleton", "Spider", "Zombie", "GGeist", "GGrim");
                                                spawnerCurrent.strEntityID = RandomHelper.RandomString("Creeper", "Skeleton", "Spider", "Zombie");
                                            spawnerCurrent.strEntityID = tes.Text2;

                                        if (tes.Text3.Split(' ').GetUpperBound(0) == 2)
                                            spawnerCurrent.sy = yDest + Convert.ToInt32(tes.Text3.Split(' ')[1]);
                                            spawnerCurrent.sx = 0;
                                            spawnerCurrent.sz = 0;
                                            switch (intRotate)
                                            case 0:
                                                spawnerCurrent.sx = intBlockStart + x + x1dest +
                                                                    (Convert.ToInt32(tes.Text3.Split(' ')[0]));
                                                spawnerCurrent.sz = intBlockStart + z + z1dest +
                                                                    (Convert.ToInt32(tes.Text3.Split(' ')[2]));

                                            case 1:
                                                spawnerCurrent.sx = intBlockStart + x + x1dest +
                                                                    (Convert.ToInt32(tes.Text3.Split(' ')[2]));
                                                spawnerCurrent.sz = intBlockStart + z + z1dest +
                                                                    (-1 * Convert.ToInt32(tes.Text3.Split(' ')[0]));

                                            case 2:
                                                spawnerCurrent.sx = intBlockStart + x + x1dest +
                                                                    (-1 * Convert.ToInt32(tes.Text3.Split(' ')[2]));
                                                spawnerCurrent.sz = intBlockStart + z + z1dest +
                                                                    (Convert.ToInt32(tes.Text3.Split(' ')[0]));

                                            case 3:
                                                spawnerCurrent.sx = intBlockStart + x + x1dest +
                                                                    (-1 * Convert.ToInt32(tes.Text3.Split(' ')[0]));
                                                spawnerCurrent.sz = intBlockStart + z + z1dest +
                                                                    (-1 * Convert.ToInt32(tes.Text3.Split(' ')[2]));
                                            spawnerCurrent.sx = intBlockStart + x + x1dest;
                                            spawnerCurrent.sy = yDest - 2;
                                            spawnerCurrent.sz = intBlockStart + z + z1dest;
                                        if (tes.Text4.ToLower() == "no")
                                            spawnerCurrent.booGrass = false;
                                        else if (tes.Text4.Split(' ').GetUpperBound(0) == 2)
                                            spawnerCurrent.gy = yDest + Convert.ToInt32(tes.Text4.Split(' ')[1]);
                                            switch (intRotate)
                                            case 0:
                                                spawnerCurrent.gx = intBlockStart + x + x1dest +
                                                                    (Convert.ToInt32(tes.Text4.Split(' ')[0]));
                                                spawnerCurrent.gz = intBlockStart + z + z1dest +
                                                                    (Convert.ToInt32(tes.Text4.Split(' ')[2]));

                                            case 1:
                                                spawnerCurrent.gx = intBlockStart + x + x1dest +
                                                                    (-1 * Convert.ToInt32(tes.Text4.Split(' ')[2]));
                                                spawnerCurrent.gz = intBlockStart + z + z1dest +
                                                                    (Convert.ToInt32(tes.Text4.Split(' ')[0]));

                                            case 2:
                                                spawnerCurrent.gx = intBlockStart + x + x1dest +
                                                                    (Convert.ToInt32(tes.Text4.Split(' ')[2]));
                                                spawnerCurrent.gz = intBlockStart + z + z1dest +
                                                                    (-1 * Convert.ToInt32(tes.Text4.Split(' ')[0]));

                                            case 3:
                                                spawnerCurrent.gx = intBlockStart + x + x1dest +
                                                                    (-1 * Convert.ToInt32(tes.Text4.Split(' ')[0]));
                                                spawnerCurrent.gz = intBlockStart + z + z1dest +
                                                                    (-1 * Convert.ToInt32(tes.Text4.Split(' ')[2]));
                                            spawnerCurrent.booGrass = true;
                                            spawnerCurrent.gx       = intBlockStart + x + x1dest;
                                            spawnerCurrent.gy       = yDest - 1;
                                            spawnerCurrent.gz       = intBlockStart + z + z1dest;
                                            spawnerCurrent.booGrass = true;
                                    bmDest.SetID(intBlockStart + x + x1dest, yDest, intBlockStart + z + z1dest, BlockType.AIR);
                                    bmDest.SetData(intBlockStart + x + x1dest, yDest, intBlockStart + z + z1dest, 0);
                                else if (strSourceSign.Contains("["))
                                    string strSignText;
                                    bool   booDuplicate;
                                    int    intFail = 0;
                                        strSignText  = SignText(strSourceSign);
                                        booDuplicate = false;
                                        switch (intUniqueType)
                                        case 1:         // unique by instance
                                            booDuplicate = _lstInstanceSigns.Contains(strSignText);

                                        case 2:         // unique by city
                                            booDuplicate = _lstCitySigns.Contains(strSignText);
                                        if (++intFail > 100)
                                            Debug.WriteLine("Could not make a unique sign for " + strSourceSign);
                                            booDuplicate = false;
                                    } while (booDuplicate);
                                    string[] strRandomSign = Utils.TextToSign(Utils.ConvertStringToSignText(strSignText));
                                    tes.Text1 = strRandomSign[0];
                                    tes.Text2 = strRandomSign[1];
                                    tes.Text3 = strRandomSign[2];
                                    tes.Text4 = strRandomSign[3];
                                    bmDest.SetTileEntity(intBlockStart + x + x1dest, yDest, intBlockStart + z + z1dest, tes);
                                    bmDest.SetTileEntity(intBlockStart + x + x1dest, yDest, intBlockStart + z + z1dest, tes);
                                // no need for a default - all the other blocks are okay
            foreach (Spawner spnAdd in lstSpawners)
                bmDest.SetID(spnAdd.sx, spnAdd.sy, spnAdd.sz, BlockType.MONSTER_SPAWNER);
                TileEntityMobSpawner tems = new TileEntityMobSpawner();
                tems.EntityID = spnAdd.strEntityID;
                bmDest.SetTileEntity(spnAdd.sx, spnAdd.sy, spnAdd.sz, tems);
                if (spnAdd.booGrass)
                    bmDest.SetID(spnAdd.gx, spnAdd.gy, spnAdd.gz, BlockType.GRASS);
예제 #21
 public static void MakeDrawbridges(BlockManager bm)
     if (City.HasWalls)
         // drawbridge
         int intBridgeEnd = City.HasMoat ? -2 : 5;
         if (City.MoatType == "Lava" || City.MoatType == "Fire")
             BlockShapes.MakeSolidBox((City.MapLength / 2) - 2, City.MapLength / 2, 63, 63,
                                      City.FarmLength + intBridgeEnd, City.FarmLength + 13, BlockInfo.Stone.ID, 2);
             BlockShapes.MakeSolidBox((City.MapLength / 2) - 2, City.MapLength / 2, 63, 63,
                                      City.FarmLength + intBridgeEnd, City.FarmLength + 13, BlockInfo.WoodPlank.ID, 2);
         BlockShapes.MakeSolidBox((City.MapLength / 2) - 2, City.MapLength / 2, 64, 64,
                                  City.FarmLength + intBridgeEnd, City.FarmLength + 13, BlockInfo.Air.ID, 2);
         // carve out the entrance/exit
         BlockShapes.MakeSolidBox((City.MapLength / 2) - 2, City.MapLength / 2, 64, 67,
                                  City.FarmLength + intBridgeEnd, City.FarmLength + 10, BlockInfo.Air.ID, 2);
         if (Utils.IsValidSign(City.Name))
             BlockHelper.MakeSign((City.MapLength / 2) - 3, 65, City.FarmLength + 5,
                                  Utils.ConvertStringToSignText(City.Name.Replace("City of ", "City of~")),
                                  City.WallMaterialID, 2);
         // add the bottom of a portcullis
         BlockShapes.MakeSolidBox((City.MapLength / 2) - 2, City.MapLength / 2, 67, 67,
                                  City.FarmLength + 6, City.FarmLength + 6, BlockInfo.Fence.ID, 2);
         // add room for murder holes
         BlockShapes.MakeSolidBox((City.MapLength / 2) - 2, (City.MapLength / 2) + 2, 69, 71,
                                  City.FarmLength + 8, City.FarmLength + 9, BlockInfo.Air.ID, 2);
         BlockShapes.MakeSolidBox(City.MapLength / 2, City.MapLength / 2, 69, 72,
                                  City.FarmLength + 8, City.FarmLength + 9, BlockInfo.Air.ID, 2);
         BlockHelper.MakeLadder(City.MapLength / 2, 69, 72, City.FarmLength + 9, 2, City.WallMaterialID);
         BlockShapes.MakeSolidBoxWithData(City.MapLength / 2, City.MapLength / 2, 72, 72,
                                          City.FarmLength + 8, City.FarmLength + 8,
                                          City.WallMaterialID, 2, City.WallMaterialData);
         // murder holes
         BlockShapes.MakeSolidBox((City.MapLength / 2) - 2, (City.MapLength / 2) - 2, 68, 68,
                                  City.FarmLength + 8, City.FarmLength + 8, BlockInfo.Air.ID, 2);
         BlockShapes.MakeSolidBox(City.MapLength / 2, City.MapLength / 2, 68, 68,
                                  City.FarmLength + 8, City.FarmLength + 8, BlockInfo.Air.ID, 2);
         BlockShapes.MakeSolidBox((City.MapLength / 2) + 2, (City.MapLength / 2) + 2, 68, 68,
                                  City.FarmLength + 8, City.FarmLength + 8, BlockInfo.Air.ID, 2);
         // chests
         BlockShapes.MakeBlock((City.MapLength / 2) - 4, 69, City.FarmLength + 9, BlockInfo.Gravel.ID, 2, 100, -1);
         BlockShapes.MakeBlock((City.MapLength / 2) + 4, 69, City.FarmLength + 9, BlockInfo.Gravel.ID, 2, 100, -1);
         BlockShapes.MakeBlock((City.MapLength / 2) - 3, 70, City.FarmLength + 9, BlockInfo.Air.ID, 2, 100, -1);
         BlockShapes.MakeBlock((City.MapLength / 2) + 3, 70, City.FarmLength + 9, BlockInfo.Air.ID, 2, 100, -1);
         TileEntityChest tec = new TileEntityChest();
         if (City.HasItemsInChests)
             tec.Items[0] = BlockHelper.MakeItem(ItemInfo.LavaBucket.ID, 1);
             tec.Items[1] = BlockHelper.MakeItem(ItemInfo.LavaBucket.ID, 1);
             tec.Items[2] = BlockHelper.MakeItem(ItemInfo.LavaBucket.ID, 1);
         BlockHelper.MakeChest((City.MapLength / 2) - 3, 69, City.FarmLength + 9, BlockInfo.Gravel.ID, tec, 2);
         // add torches
         BlockHelper.MakeTorch((City.MapLength / 2) - 1, 70, City.FarmLength + 9, City.WallMaterialID, 2);
         BlockHelper.MakeTorch((City.MapLength / 2) + 1, 70, City.FarmLength + 9, City.WallMaterialID, 2);
         // link to main roads
         //BlockShapes.MakeSolidBox((City.intMapLength / 2) - 1, (City.intMapLength / 2) + 1, 63, 63,
         //                         City.intFarmSize + 11, City.intFarmSize + 13, BlockType.DOUBLE_SLAB, 0);
     else if (City.HasMoat)
         BlockShapes.MakeSolidBox((City.MapLength / 2) - 2, City.MapLength / 2, 63, 63,
                                  City.FarmLength - 2, City.FarmLength + 6, BlockInfo.Stone.ID, 2);
예제 #22
 public static void MakeDrawbridges(BlockManager bm, int intFarmLength, int intMapLength,
                                    bool booIncludeMoat, bool booIncludeWalls, bool booIncludeItemsInChests,
                                    int intWallMaterial, string strMoatType, string strCityName)
     if (booIncludeWalls)
         // drawbridge
         int intBridgeEnd = booIncludeMoat ? -2 : 5;
         if (strMoatType == "Lava" || strMoatType == "Fire")
             BlockShapes.MakeSolidBox((intMapLength / 2) - 2, intMapLength / 2, 63, 63,
                                      intFarmLength + intBridgeEnd, intFarmLength + 13, BlockType.STONE, 2);
             BlockShapes.MakeSolidBox((intMapLength / 2) - 2, intMapLength / 2, 63, 63,
                                      intFarmLength + intBridgeEnd, intFarmLength + 13, BlockType.WOOD_PLANK, 2);
         BlockShapes.MakeSolidBox((intMapLength / 2) - 2, intMapLength / 2, 64, 64,
                                  intFarmLength + intBridgeEnd, intFarmLength + 13, BlockType.AIR, 2);
         // carve out the entrance/exit
         BlockShapes.MakeSolidBox((intMapLength / 2) - 2, intMapLength / 2, 64, 67,
                                  intFarmLength + 6, intFarmLength + 10, BlockType.AIR, 2);
         if (Utils.IsValidSign(strCityName))
             BlockHelper.MakeSign((intMapLength / 2) - 3, 65, intFarmLength + 5, Utils.ConvertStringToSignText(strCityName.Replace("City of ", "City of~")), intWallMaterial, 2);
         // add the bottom of a portcullis
         BlockShapes.MakeSolidBox((intMapLength / 2) - 2, intMapLength / 2, 67, 67,
                                  intFarmLength + 6, intFarmLength + 6, BlockType.FENCE, 2);
         // add room for murder holes
         BlockShapes.MakeSolidBox((intMapLength / 2) - 2, (intMapLength / 2) + 2, 69, 71,
                                  intFarmLength + 8, intFarmLength + 9, BlockType.AIR, 2);
         BlockShapes.MakeSolidBox(intMapLength / 2, intMapLength / 2, 69, 72,
                                  intFarmLength + 8, intFarmLength + 9, BlockType.AIR, 2);
         BlockHelper.MakeLadder(intMapLength / 2, 69, 72, intFarmLength + 9, 2, intWallMaterial);
         BlockShapes.MakeSolidBox(intMapLength / 2, intMapLength / 2, 72, 72,
                                  intFarmLength + 8, intFarmLength + 8, intWallMaterial, 2);
         // murder holes
         BlockShapes.MakeSolidBox((intMapLength / 2) - 2, (intMapLength / 2) - 2, 68, 68,
                                  intFarmLength + 8, intFarmLength + 8, BlockType.AIR, 2);
         BlockShapes.MakeSolidBox(intMapLength / 2, intMapLength / 2, 68, 68,
                                  intFarmLength + 8, intFarmLength + 8, BlockType.AIR, 2);
         BlockShapes.MakeSolidBox((intMapLength / 2) + 2, (intMapLength / 2) + 2, 68, 68,
                                  intFarmLength + 8, intFarmLength + 8, BlockType.AIR, 2);
         // chests
         BlockShapes.MakeBlock((intMapLength / 2) - 4, 69, intFarmLength + 9, BlockType.GRAVEL, 2, 100, -1);
         BlockShapes.MakeBlock((intMapLength / 2) + 4, 69, intFarmLength + 9, BlockType.GRAVEL, 2, 100, -1);
         BlockShapes.MakeBlock((intMapLength / 2) - 3, 70, intFarmLength + 9, BlockType.AIR, 2, 100, -1);
         BlockShapes.MakeBlock((intMapLength / 2) + 3, 70, intFarmLength + 9, BlockType.AIR, 2, 100, -1);
         TileEntityChest tec = new TileEntityChest();
         if (booIncludeItemsInChests)
             tec.Items[0] = BlockHelper.MakeItem(ItemInfo.LavaBucket.ID, 1);
             tec.Items[1] = BlockHelper.MakeItem(ItemInfo.LavaBucket.ID, 1);
             tec.Items[2] = BlockHelper.MakeItem(ItemInfo.LavaBucket.ID, 1);
         BlockHelper.MakeChest((intMapLength / 2) - 3, 69, intFarmLength + 9, BlockType.GRAVEL, tec, 2);
         // add torches
         BlockHelper.MakeTorch((intMapLength / 2) - 1, 70, intFarmLength + 9, intWallMaterial, 2);
         BlockHelper.MakeTorch((intMapLength / 2) + 1, 70, intFarmLength + 9, intWallMaterial, 2);
         // link to main roads
         //BlockShapes.MakeSolidBox((intMapLength / 2) - 1, (intMapLength / 2) + 1, 63, 63,
         //                         intFarmLength + 11, intFarmLength + 13, BlockType.DOUBLE_SLAB, 0);
     else if (booIncludeMoat)
         BlockShapes.MakeSolidBox((intMapLength / 2) - 2, intMapLength / 2, 63, 63,
                                  intFarmLength - 2, intFarmLength + 6, BlockType.STONE, 2);
예제 #23
        public static void MakePlots(bool[,] booSewerEntrances)
            Console.WriteLine("Making plots");
            int intPlots = 1 + (((intMapSize - (intFarmSize + 20)) - (intFarmSize + 18)) / intPlotSize);

            for (int x = intFarmSize + 18; x < intMapSize - (intFarmSize + 20); x += intPlotSize)
                for (int z = intFarmSize + 18; z < intMapSize - (intFarmSize + 20); z += intPlotSize)
                    if (booSewerEntrances[(x - (intFarmSize + 18)) / intPlotSize, (z - (intFarmSize + 18)) / intPlotSize])
                        BlockShapes.MakeHollowBox(x + (intPlotSize / 2) - 2, x + (intPlotSize / 2) + 2, 63, 67,
                                                  z + (intPlotSize / 2) - 2, z + (intPlotSize / 2) + 2,
                        BlockShapes.MakeSolidBox(x + (intPlotSize / 2), x + (intPlotSize / 2), 64, 65,
                                                 z + (intPlotSize / 2) - 2, z + (intPlotSize / 2) - 2,
                        BlockShapes.MakeSolidBox(x + (intPlotSize / 2), x + (intPlotSize / 2), 55, 63,
                                                 z + (intPlotSize / 2), z + (intPlotSize / 2),
                        BlockShapes.MakeSolidBox(x + (intPlotSize / 2), x + (intPlotSize / 2), 52, 55,
                                                 z + (intPlotSize / 2) + 1, z + (intPlotSize / 2) + 1, (int)BlockType.STONE);
                        BlockShapes.MakeLadder(x + (intPlotSize / 2), 52, 63, z + (intPlotSize / 2), 2);
                        bm.SetID(x + (intPlotSize / 2), 64, z + (intPlotSize / 2), 96); // hatch
                        bm.SetData(x + (intPlotSize / 2), 64, z + (intPlotSize / 2), 2);
                        bm.SetID(x + (intPlotSize / 2) + 1, 64, z + (intPlotSize / 2) + 1, (int)BlockType.CHEST);
                        TileEntityChest tec = new TileEntityChest();
                        tec.Items[0] = MakeItem((int)BlockType.REDSTONE_TORCH_ON, 32);
                        tec.Items[1] = MakeItem((int)BlockType.TORCH, 8);
                        bm.SetTileEntity(x + (intPlotSize / 2) + 1, 64, z + (intPlotSize / 2) + 1, tec);
                        MakeSign(x + (intPlotSize / 2), 66, z + (intPlotSize / 2) - 3, "Sewers||Currently|empty!", (int)BlockType.STONE);
                        int intRandBuilding = rand.Next(100);
                        if (intRandBuilding >= 90)
                            BlockShapes.MakeHollowLayers(x + 3, x + 9, 63, 63, z + 3, z + 9, (int)BlockType.DOUBLE_SLAB);
                            for (int a = 0; a <= 3; a++)
                                bm.SetID(x + 6, 63, z + a, (int)BlockType.DOUBLE_SLAB);
                            int x1 = x + rand.Next(5, 7);
                            int z1 = z + rand.Next(5, 7);
                            BlockShapes.MakeSolidBox(x1, x1 + 1, 63, 63, z1, z1 + 1, (int)BlockType.STATIONARY_WATER);
                            int  intFail = 0, intTrees = 10;
                            bool blnValid = true;
                                x1 = x + 1 + rand.Next(0, intPlotSize - 2);
                                z1 = z + 1 + rand.Next(0, intPlotSize - 2);
                                if (bm.GetID(x1, 63, z1) != (int)BlockType.DOUBLE_SLAB &&
                                    bm.GetID(x1, 63, z1) != (int)BlockType.STATIONARY_WATER)
                                    blnValid = true;
                                    for (int a = x1 - 4; a <= x1 + 4 && blnValid; a++)
                                        for (int b = z1 - 4; b <= z1 + 4 && blnValid; b++)
                                            if (bm.GetID(a, 64, b) == (int)BlockType.SAPLING)
                                                blnValid = false;
                                    if (blnValid)
                                        bm.SetID(x1, 64, z1, (int)BlockType.SAPLING);
                                        bm.SetData(x1, 64, z1, 15);
                                        intFail = 0;
                            } while (intTrees > 0 && intFail < 200);
                            for (x1 = x + 1; x1 < x + intPlotSize - 1; x1++)
                                for (z1 = z + 1; z1 < z + intPlotSize - 1; z1++)
                                    if (bm.GetID(x1, 63, z1) != (int)BlockType.STATIONARY_WATER &&
                                        bm.GetID(x1, 64, z1) != (int)BlockType.SAPLING &&
                                        bm.GetID(x1, 63, z1) != (int)BlockType.DOUBLE_SLAB)
                                        int intRand = rand.Next(100);
                                        if (intRand > 66)
                                            bm.SetID(x1, 64, z1, (int)BlockType.YELLOW_FLOWER);
                                        else if (intRand > 33)
                                            bm.SetID(x1, 64, z1, (int)BlockType.RED_ROSE);
                            BlockShapes.MakeHollowBox(x + 2, x + 10, 63, 67, z + 2, z + 10, (int)BlockType.WOOD_PLANK);
                            for (int a = 0; a <= 4; a++)
                                BlockShapes.MakeSolidBox(x + 2, x + 10, 67 + a, 67 + a, z + 2 + a, z + 10 - a, (int)BlockType.WOOD);
                            BlockShapes.MakeSolidBox(x + 10, x + 10, 65, 65, z + 6, z + 8, (int)BlockType.GLASS);
                            BlockShapes.MakeSolidBox(x + 2, x + 2, 65, 65, z + 4, z + 8, (int)BlockType.GLASS);
                            BlockShapes.MakeSolidBox(x + 4, x + 8, 65, 65, z + 2, z + 2, (int)BlockType.GLASS);
                            BlockShapes.MakeSolidBox(x + 4, x + 8, 65, 65, z + 10, z + 10, (int)BlockType.GLASS);
                            bm.SetID(x + 10, 64, z + 4, (int)BlockType.WOOD_DOOR);
                            bm.SetData(x + 10, 64, z + 4, 5);
                            bm.SetID(x + 10, 65, z + 4, (int)BlockType.WOOD_DOOR);
                            bm.SetData(x + 10, 65, z + 4, 13);
                    BlockShapes.MakeHollowLayers(x, x + intPlotSize, 63, 63, z, z + intPlotSize, (int)BlockType.DOUBLE_SLAB);
예제 #24
        public static void InsertBuilding(BlockManager bmDest, int[,] intArea, int intBlockStart, int x1dest, int z1dest, Building bldInsert)
            int intHighestSourceY = 0;
            int intSourceX = 0, intSourceZ = 0;
            int intRotate = -1;

            for (int intDistance = 0; intRotate == -1 && intDistance < 10; intDistance++)
                for (int intCheck = 0; intRotate == -1 && intCheck <= bldInsert.intSize; intCheck++)
                    if (CheckArea(intArea, x1dest + intCheck, z1dest - intDistance) == 1)
                        intRotate = 0;
                    else if (CheckArea(intArea, x1dest - intDistance, z1dest + intCheck) == 1)
                        intRotate = 1;
                    else if (CheckArea(intArea, x1dest + bldInsert.intSize + intDistance, z1dest + intCheck) == 1)
                        intRotate = 2;
                    else if (CheckArea(intArea, x1dest + intCheck, z1dest + bldInsert.intSize + intDistance) == 1)
                        intRotate = 3;
            if (intRotate == -1)
                intRotate = RandomHelper.Next(4);
            for (int x = 0; x < bldInsert.intSize; x++)
                for (int z = 0; z < bldInsert.intSize; z++)
                    switch (intRotate)
                    case 0:
                        intSourceX = x;
                        intSourceZ = z;

                    case 1:
                        intSourceX = (bldInsert.intSize - 1) - z;
                        intSourceZ = x;

                    case 2:
                        intSourceX = z;
                        intSourceZ = (bldInsert.intSize - 1) - x;

                    case 3:
                        intSourceX = (bldInsert.intSize - 1) - x;
                        intSourceZ = (bldInsert.intSize - 1) - z;

                    int intSourceEndY;
                    for (intSourceEndY = 128; intSourceEndY > 64; intSourceEndY--)
                        if (bmSource.GetID(intSourceX + bldInsert.intSourceX, intSourceEndY, intSourceZ + bldInsert.intSourceZ) != (int)BlockType.AIR)
                    if (intSourceEndY > intHighestSourceY)
                        intHighestSourceY = intSourceEndY;
                    for (int y = bldInsert.intSourceStartY; y <= intSourceEndY; y++)
                        if (y != 64 || bmDest.GetID(intBlockStart + x + x1dest, y, intBlockStart + z + z1dest) == (int)BlockType.AIR)
                            int intBlockID   = bmSource.GetID(intSourceX + bldInsert.intSourceX, y, intSourceZ + bldInsert.intSourceZ);
                            int intBlockData = bmSource.GetData(intSourceX + bldInsert.intSourceX, y, intSourceZ + bldInsert.intSourceZ);
                            bmDest.SetID(intBlockStart + x + x1dest, y, intBlockStart + z + z1dest, intBlockID);
                            bmDest.SetData(intBlockStart + x + x1dest, y, intBlockStart + z + z1dest, intBlockData);

                            foreach (EntityPainting entPainting in AllEntityPainting)
                                if (entPainting.TileX == intSourceX + bldInsert.intSourceX &&
                                    entPainting.TileY == y &&
                                    entPainting.TileZ == intSourceZ + bldInsert.intSourceZ)
                                    EntityPainting entNewPainting = (EntityPainting)entPainting.Copy();
                                    entNewPainting.TileX      = intBlockStart + x + x1dest;
                                    entNewPainting.TileY      = y;
                                    entNewPainting.TileZ      = intBlockStart + z + z1dest;
                                    entNewPainting.Position.X = entNewPainting.TileX;
                                    entNewPainting.Position.Z = entNewPainting.TileZ;
                                    entNewPainting.Direction  = BlockHelper.RotatePortrait(entPainting.Direction, intRotate);
                                    ChunkRef chunkBuilding = cmDest.GetChunkRef((intBlockStart + x + x1dest) / 16, (intBlockStart + z + z1dest) / 16);

                            #region Rotation
                            if (intRotate > 0)
                                switch (intBlockID)
                                case (int)BlockType.SIGN_POST:
                                    bmDest.SetData(intBlockStart + x + x1dest, y, intBlockStart + z + z1dest,
                                                   BlockHelper.RotateSignPost(intBlockData, intRotate));

                                case (int)BlockType.STONE_BUTTON:
                                    bmDest.SetData(intBlockStart + x + x1dest, y, intBlockStart + z + z1dest,
                                                   BlockHelper.RotateButton(intBlockData, intRotate));

                                case (int)BlockType.PUMPKIN:
                                case (int)BlockType.JACK_O_LANTERN:
                                    bmDest.SetData(intBlockStart + x + x1dest, y, intBlockStart + z + z1dest,
                                                   BlockHelper.RotatePumpkin(intBlockData, intRotate));

                                case (int)BlockType.IRON_DOOR:
                                case (int)BlockType.WOOD_DOOR:
                                    bmDest.SetData(intBlockStart + x + x1dest, y, intBlockStart + z + z1dest,
                                                   BlockHelper.RotateDoor(intBlockData, intRotate));

                                case (int)BlockType.TRAPDOOR:
                                    bmDest.SetData(intBlockStart + x + x1dest, y, intBlockStart + z + z1dest,
                                                   BlockHelper.RotateTrapdoor(intBlockData, intRotate));

                                case (int)BlockType.BED:
                                    bmDest.SetData(intBlockStart + x + x1dest, y, intBlockStart + z + z1dest,
                                                   BlockHelper.RotateBed(intBlockData, intRotate));

                                case (int)BlockType.REDSTONE_TORCH_OFF:
                                case (int)BlockType.REDSTONE_TORCH_ON:
                                case (int)BlockType.TORCH:
                                case (int)BlockType.LEVER:
                                    bmDest.SetData(intBlockStart + x + x1dest, y, intBlockStart + z + z1dest,
                                                   BlockHelper.RotateTorchOrLever(intBlockData, intRotate));

                                case (int)BlockType.WALL_SIGN:
                                case (int)BlockType.LADDER:
                                case (int)BlockType.DISPENSER:
                                case (int)BlockType.FURNACE:
                                    bmDest.SetData(intBlockStart + x + x1dest, y, intBlockStart + z + z1dest,
                                                   BlockHelper.RotateWallSignOrLadderOrFurnanceOrDispenser(intBlockData, intRotate));

                                case (int)BlockType.COBBLESTONE_STAIRS:
                                case (int)BlockType.WOOD_STAIRS:
                                    bmDest.SetData(intBlockStart + x + x1dest, y, intBlockStart + z + z1dest,
                                                   BlockHelper.RotateStairs(intBlockData, intRotate));
                            #region Handle entities
                            switch (intBlockID)
                            case (int)BlockType.CHEST:
                                TileEntityChest tec = (TileEntityChest)bmSource.GetTileEntity(intSourceX + bldInsert.intSourceX, y, intSourceZ + bldInsert.intSourceZ);
                                if (tec.Items[0] != null)
                                    if (tec.Items[0].ID == ItemInfo.Paper.ID &&
                                        tec.Items[0].Count == 3)
                                        tec = MakeHouseChest();
                                bmDest.SetTileEntity(intBlockStart + x + x1dest, y, intBlockStart + z + z1dest, tec);

                            case (int)BlockType.FURNACE:
                            case (int)BlockType.MONSTER_SPAWNER:
                            case (int)BlockType.NOTE_BLOCK:
                            case (int)BlockType.JUKEBOX:
                            case (int)BlockType.TRAPDOOR:
                                bmDest.SetTileEntity(intBlockStart + x + x1dest, y, intBlockStart + z + z1dest,
                                                     bmSource.GetTileEntity(intSourceX + bldInsert.intSourceX, y, intSourceZ + bldInsert.intSourceZ));

                            case (int)BlockType.SIGN_POST:
                            case (int)BlockType.WALL_SIGN:
                                #region Determine sign text
                                int            intUniqueType = 0;
                                TileEntitySign tes           = (TileEntitySign)bmSource.GetTileEntity(intSourceX + bldInsert.intSourceX, y, intSourceZ + bldInsert.intSourceZ);
                                string         strSourceSign = tes.Text1 + " " + tes.Text2 + " " + tes.Text3 + " " + tes.Text4;
                                switch (strSourceSign.Substring(0, 1))
                                case "2":
                                case "1":
                                case "0":
                                    intUniqueType = Convert.ToInt32(strSourceSign.Substring(0, 1));
                                    strSourceSign = strSourceSign.Remove(0, 1);

                                    intUniqueType = 0;
                                if (strSourceSign.Contains("["))
                                    string strSignText;
                                    bool   booDuplicate;
                                    int    intFail = 0;
                                        strSignText  = SignText(strSourceSign);
                                        booDuplicate = false;
                                        switch (intUniqueType)
                                        case 1:         // unique by instance
                                            booDuplicate = lstInstanceSigns.Contains(strSignText);

                                        case 2:         // unique by city
                                            booDuplicate = lstCitySigns.Contains(strSignText);
                                        if (intFail > 100)
                                            Debug.WriteLine("Could not make a unique sign for " + strSourceSign);
                                            booDuplicate = false;
                                    } while (booDuplicate);
                                    string[] strRandomSign = BlockHelper.TextToSign(ConvertToSignText(strSignText));
                                    tes.Text1 = strRandomSign[0];
                                    tes.Text2 = strRandomSign[1];
                                    tes.Text3 = strRandomSign[2];
                                    tes.Text4 = strRandomSign[3];
                                bmDest.SetTileEntity(intBlockStart + x + x1dest, y, intBlockStart + z + z1dest, tes);
예제 #25
        private static TileEntityChest MakeHouseChest()
            TileEntityChest tec = new TileEntityChest();

            for (int intItems = RandomHelper.Next(4, 8); intItems >= 0; intItems--)
                switch (RandomHelper.Next(0, 17))
                case 0:
                    tec.Items[intItems] = BlockHelper.MakeItem(ItemInfo.Apple.ID, 1);

                case 1:
                    tec.Items[intItems] = BlockHelper.MakeItem(ItemInfo.Book.ID, 1);

                case 2:
                    tec.Items[intItems] = BlockHelper.MakeItem(ItemInfo.Bowl.ID, 1);

                case 3:
                    tec.Items[intItems] = BlockHelper.MakeItem(ItemInfo.Bread.ID, 1);

                case 4:
                    tec.Items[intItems] = BlockHelper.MakeItem(ItemInfo.Cake.ID, 1);

                case 5:
                    tec.Items[intItems] = BlockHelper.MakeItem(ItemInfo.Clock.ID, 1);

                case 6:
                    tec.Items[intItems] = BlockHelper.MakeItem(ItemInfo.Compass.ID, 1);

                case 7:
                    tec.Items[intItems] = BlockHelper.MakeItem(ItemInfo.Cookie.ID, 1);

                case 8:
                    tec.Items[intItems] = BlockHelper.MakeItem(ItemInfo.Diamond.ID, 1);

                case 9:
                    tec.Items[intItems] = BlockHelper.MakeItem(ItemInfo.Egg.ID, 1);

                case 10:
                    tec.Items[intItems] = BlockHelper.MakeItem(ItemInfo.Feather.ID, 1);

                case 11:
                    tec.Items[intItems] = BlockHelper.MakeItem(ItemInfo.FishingRod.ID, 1);

                case 12:
                    tec.Items[intItems] = BlockHelper.MakeItem(ItemInfo.GoldMusicDisc.ID, 1);

                case 13:
                    tec.Items[intItems] = BlockHelper.MakeItem(ItemInfo.GreenMusicDisc.ID, 1);

                case 14:
                    tec.Items[intItems] = BlockHelper.MakeItem(ItemInfo.Paper.ID, 1);

                case 15:
                    tec.Items[intItems] = BlockHelper.MakeItem(ItemInfo.Saddle.ID, 1);

                case 16:
                    tec.Items[intItems] = BlockHelper.MakeItem(ItemInfo.String.ID, 1);