예제 #1
        private static TifFileInfo TrackCropToolStripMenuItem_click(ROI roi, string dir, TifFileInfo fi)
            ROI oldROI = roi;

            roi = ROITransformer.ROIEditor.TransformToRect(fi, roi);

            if (roi == null)

            fi.available = false;
            TifFileInfo newFI = null;

            //crop the rectangle
            newFI     = DuplicateFI(fi);
            newFI.Dir = newFI.Dir.Substring(0, newFI.Dir.LastIndexOf(".")) + "_ROI"
                        + (fi.roiList[fi.cValue].IndexOf(roi) + 1).ToString() + ".tif";
            Size size = new Size(roi.Width, roi.Height);

            newFI.sizeX         = roi.Width;
            newFI.sizeY         = roi.Height;
            newFI.xCompensation = 0;
            newFI.yCompensation = 0;

            newFI.imageCount   = fi.imageCount;
            newFI.openedImages = newFI.imageCount;

            Point[] locs = roi.GetLocationAll()[0];

            switch (fi.bitsPerPixel)
            case 8:

                byte[][][] image8bit = new byte[fi.imageCount][][];
                Parallel.For(0, fi.imageCount, frame =>
                    Point location = locs[frame];
                    Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(location, size);

                    image8bit[frame] = new byte[rect.Height][];
                    for (int y = rect.Y, yNew = 0; y < rect.Y + rect.Height; y++, yNew++)
                        image8bit[frame][yNew] = new byte[rect.Width];

                        for (int x = rect.X, xNew = 0; x < rect.X + rect.Width; x++, xNew++)
                            if (x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < fi.sizeX && y < fi.sizeY)
                                image8bit[frame][yNew][xNew] = fi.image8bit[frame][y][x];
                newFI.image8bit       = image8bit;
                newFI.image8bitFilter = newFI.image8bit;

            case 16:
                ushort[][][] image16bit = new ushort[fi.imageCount][][];
                Parallel.For(0, fi.imageCount, frame =>
                    Point location = locs[frame];

                    Rectangle rect    = new Rectangle(location, size);
                    image16bit[frame] = new ushort[rect.Height][];
                    for (int y = rect.Y, yNew = 0; y < rect.Y + rect.Height; y++, yNew++)
                        image16bit[frame][yNew] = new ushort[rect.Width];

                        for (int x = rect.X, xNew = 0; x < rect.X + rect.Width; x++, xNew++)
                            if (x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < fi.sizeX && y < fi.sizeY)
                                image16bit[frame][yNew][xNew] = fi.image16bit[frame][y][x];
                newFI.image16bit       = image16bit;
                newFI.image16bitFilter = newFI.image16bit;

            newFI.loaded   = true;
            newFI.original = false;
            //FileEncoder.SaveTif(newFI, dir);
            fi.available = true;

            RecalculateOriginalROI(oldROI, roi, newFI);

예제 #2
        private static string calculateCTTagValue(TifFileInfo fi)
            List <string> vals = new List <string>();

                vals.Add("seriesCount->" + fi.seriesCount.ToString());
                vals.Add("imageCount->" + fi.imageCount.ToString());
                vals.Add("sizeX->" + fi.sizeX.ToString());
                vals.Add("sizeY->" + fi.sizeY.ToString());
                vals.Add("sizeC->" + fi.sizeC.ToString());
                vals.Add("sizeZ->" + fi.sizeZ.ToString());
                vals.Add("sizeT->" + fi.sizeT.ToString());
                vals.Add("umXY->" + fi.umXY.ToString());
                vals.Add("umZ->" + fi.umZ.ToString());
                vals.Add("bitsPerPixel->" + fi.bitsPerPixel.ToString());
                vals.Add("dimensionOrder->" + fi.dimensionOrder);
                vals.Add("pixelType->" + fi.pixelType.ToString());
                vals.Add("FalseColored->" + fi.FalseColored.ToString());
                vals.Add("isIndexed->" + fi.isIndexed.ToString());
                vals.Add("MetadataComplete->" + fi.MetadataComplete.ToString());
                vals.Add("DatasetStructureDescription->" + fi.DatasetStructureDescription);
                vals.Add("Micropoint->" + fi.Micropoint.ToString());
                vals.Add("autoDetectBandC->" + fi.autoDetectBandC.ToString());
                vals.Add("applyToAllBandC->" + fi.applyToAllBandC.ToString());
                vals.Add("xCompensation->" + fi.xCompensation.ToString());
                vals.Add("yCompensation->" + fi.yCompensation.ToString());
                vals.Add("DataSourceInd->" + fi.DataSourceInd.ToString());
                vals.Add("LutList->" + TagValueToString(fi.LutList));
                vals.Add("TimeSteps->" + TagValueToString(fi.TimeSteps));

                if (fi.MinBrightness != null)
                    vals.Add("MinBrightness->" + TagValueToString(fi.MinBrightness));
                    int[] a = new int[fi.sizeC];
                    vals.Add("MinBrightness->" + TagValueToString(a));

                if (fi.MaxBrightness != null)
                    vals.Add("MaxBrightness->" + TagValueToString(fi.MaxBrightness));
                    int[] a  = new int[fi.sizeC];
                    int   c1 = 250;
                    if (fi.bitsPerPixel != 8)
                        c1 = 16000;
                    for (int i = 0; i < a.Length; i++)
                        a[i] = c1;
                    vals.Add("MaxBrightness->" + TagValueToString(a));

                vals.Add("tracking_MaxSize->" + TagValueToString(fi.tracking_MaxSize));
                vals.Add("tracking_MinSize->" + TagValueToString(fi.tracking_MinSize));
                vals.Add("tracking_Speed->" + TagValueToString(fi.tracking_Speed));
                vals.Add("SegmentationProtocol->" + TagValueToString(fi.SegmentationProtocol));
                vals.Add("SegmentationCBoxIndex->" + TagValueToString(fi.SegmentationCBoxIndex));
                vals.Add("thresholdsCBoxIndex->" + TagValueToString(fi.thresholdsCBoxIndex));
                vals.Add("SelectedSpotThresh->" + TagValueToString(fi.SelectedSpotThresh));
                vals.Add("typeSpotThresh->" + TagValueToString(fi.typeSpotThresh));
                vals.Add("SpotThresh->" + TagValueToString(fi.SpotThresh));
                vals.Add("spotSensitivity->" + TagValueToString(fi.spotSensitivity));
                vals.Add("thresholds->" + TagValueToString(fi.thresholds));
                vals.Add("SpotColor->" + TagValueToString(fi.SpotColor));
                vals.Add("RefSpotColor->" + TagValueToString(fi.RefSpotColor));
                vals.Add("sumHistogramChecked->" + TagValueToString(fi.sumHistogramChecked));
                vals.Add("SpotTailType->" + string.Join("\t", fi.SpotTailType));
                vals.Add("thresholdColors->" + TagValueToString(fi.thresholdColors));
                vals.Add("RefThresholdColors->" + TagValueToString(fi.RefThresholdColors));
                vals.Add("thresholdValues->" + TagValueToString(fi.thresholdValues));
                vals.Add("FileDescription->" + fi.FileDescription);
                vals.Add("xAxisTB->" + fi.xAxisTB.ToString());
                vals.Add("yAxisTB->" + fi.yAxisTB.ToString());

                //Roi part
                int c = 0;
                foreach (List <ROI> roiList in fi.roiList)
                    if (roiList != null)
                        foreach (ROI roi in roiList)
                            string str = "roi.new->" + roi_new(c, roi);
                //it is important FilterHistory to be the last
                vals.Add("FilterHistory->" + TagValueToString(fi.FilterHistory.ToArray()));
            catch { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(vals[vals.Count - 1]); }
            return(string.Join(";\n", vals));
예제 #3
        private static TifFileInfo CropToolStripMenuItem_click(ROI roi, string dir, TifFileInfo fi)
            if (roi.Type == 1)
                return(TrackCropToolStripMenuItem_click(roi, dir, fi));

            fi.available = false;
            TifFileInfo newFI = null;

            Rectangle rect = Rectangle.Empty;

            //find rectangles

            switch (roi.Type)
            case 0:
                if (roi.Shape == 1 | roi.Shape == 0)
                    Point p    = roi.GetLocation(fi.cValue)[0];
                    Size  size = new Size(roi.Width, roi.Height);

                    rect = new Rectangle(p, size);
                else if (roi.Shape == 2 || roi.Shape == 3 || roi.Shape == 4 || roi.Shape == 5)
                    Point[] pList = roi.GetLocation(fi.cValue);

                    int X = int.MaxValue;
                    int Y = int.MaxValue;
                    int W = int.MinValue;
                    int H = int.MinValue;

                    foreach (Point p1 in pList)
                        if (p1.X < X)
                            X = p1.X;
                        if (p1.Y < Y)
                            Y = p1.Y;
                        if (p1.X > W)
                            W = p1.X;
                        if (p1.Y > H)
                            H = p1.Y;

                    Point p    = new Point(X, Y);
                    Size  size = new Size(W - X, H - Y);

                    rect = new Rectangle(p, size);

            case 1:
                if (roi.Shape == 1 | roi.Shape == 0)
                    Point[] pList = roi.GetLocationAll()[0];

                    int X = int.MaxValue;
                    int Y = int.MaxValue;
                    int W = int.MinValue;
                    int H = int.MinValue;

                    for (int i = fi.cValue; i < fi.imageCount; i += fi.sizeC)
                        Point p1 = pList[i];
                        if (p1 != null)
                            if (p1.X < X)
                                X = p1.X;
                            if (p1.Y < Y)
                                Y = p1.Y;
                            if (p1.X > W)
                                W = p1.X;
                            if (p1.Y > H)
                                H = p1.Y;

                    Point p    = new Point(X, Y);
                    Size  size = new Size(W - X + roi.Width, H - Y + roi.Height);

                    rect = new Rectangle(p, size);
                else if (roi.Shape == 2 || roi.Shape == 3 || roi.Shape == 4 || roi.Shape == 5)
                    int     X = int.MaxValue;
                    int     Y = int.MaxValue;
                    int     W = int.MinValue;
                    int     H = int.MinValue;
                    Point[] pList;

                    for (int i = fi.cValue; i < fi.imageCount; i += fi.sizeC)
                        pList = roi.GetLocation(i);

                        foreach (Point p1 in pList)
                            if (p1.X < X)
                                X = p1.X;
                            if (p1.Y < Y)
                                Y = p1.Y;
                            if (p1.X > W)
                                W = p1.X;
                            if (p1.Y > H)
                                H = p1.Y;

                    Point p    = new Point(X, Y);
                    Size  size = new Size(W - X, H - Y);

                    rect = new Rectangle(p, size);

            //crop the rectangle
            newFI     = DuplicateFI(fi);
            newFI.Dir = newFI.Dir.Substring(0, newFI.Dir.LastIndexOf(".")) + "_ROI"
                        + (fi.roiList[fi.cValue].IndexOf(roi) + 1).ToString() + ".tif";

            newFI.sizeX         = rect.Width;
            newFI.sizeY         = rect.Height;
            newFI.xCompensation = rect.X;
            newFI.yCompensation = rect.Y;

            newFI.imageCount   = fi.imageCount;
            newFI.openedImages = newFI.imageCount;

            switch (fi.bitsPerPixel)
            case 8:
                byte[][][] image8bit = new byte[fi.imageCount][][];
                Parallel.For(0, fi.imageCount, frame =>
                    image8bit[frame] = new byte[rect.Height][];
                    for (int y = rect.Y, yNew = 0; y < rect.Y + rect.Height; y++, yNew++)
                        image8bit[frame][yNew] = new byte[rect.Width];

                        for (int x = rect.X, xNew = 0; x < rect.X + rect.Width; x++, xNew++)
                            if (x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < fi.sizeX && y < fi.sizeY)
                                image8bit[frame][yNew][xNew] = fi.image8bit[frame][y][x];
                newFI.image8bit       = image8bit;
                newFI.image8bitFilter = newFI.image8bit;

            case 16:
                ushort[][][] image16bit = new ushort[fi.imageCount][][];
                Parallel.For(0, fi.imageCount, frame =>
                    image16bit[frame] = new ushort[rect.Height][];
                    for (int y = rect.Y, yNew = 0; y < rect.Y + rect.Height; y++, yNew++)
                        image16bit[frame][yNew] = new ushort[rect.Width];

                        for (int x = rect.X, xNew = 0; x < rect.X + rect.Width; x++, xNew++)
                            if (x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < fi.sizeX && y < fi.sizeY)
                                image16bit[frame][yNew][xNew] = fi.image16bit[frame][y][x];
                newFI.image16bit       = image16bit;
                newFI.image16bitFilter = newFI.image16bit;

            newFI.loaded   = true;
            newFI.original = false;
            //FileEncoder.SaveTif(newFI, dir);
            fi.available = true;