예제 #1
 public DiaryController(yfjbContext dbContext, TicketsBusiness ticketsBusiness)
     ReptilesApp     = new ReptilesApp(dbContext);
     TicketsBusiness = ticketsBusiness;
예제 #2
        //-- Validate User Input and Values
        private bool VerifyAddLine(TicketsBusiness.Action action)
            // verify data was entered properly
            bool canSave = true;
            Alert alert = new Alert(AddLineBrokenRules);

            if (action.Identification == 1 || action.Identification == 2)
                // activate / modify rules

                // speed is required
                if (ddlSpeed.SelectedIndex == 0)
                    canSave = false;
                    alert.AddError("No Speed", "Speed is a required field.");

                // at least one vlan is required
                if (ddlVLAN.SelectedIndex == 0)
                    canSave = false;
                    alert.AddError("No VLAN", "VLAN is a required field.");

                if (pnlTrunk.Visible)
                    bool dupeVlan = false;
                    foreach (ListItem vlan in lstVLAN.Items)
                        if (vlan.Selected)
                            if (ddlVLAN.SelectedIndex > 0 && vlan.Value == ddlVLAN.SelectedValue)
                                dupeVlan = true;
                    if (dupeVlan)
                        canSave = false;
                        alert.AddError("Duplicate VLAN", "The Native VLAN selected cannot also be selected as a Tagged VLAN. Please ensure all VLAN selections are unique.");

                // valid account info is required
                if (ddlAccountType.SelectedIndex == 0)
                    canSave = false;
                    alert.AddError("No AccountType", "Account Type is a required field.");
                    if (AcctValidation(alert) == false)
                        canSave = false;
            if (!canSave)

            return canSave;
예제 #3
        private void AddPhoneOnly_csv(string[] values, DataRow line, Interface pic, TicketsBusiness.Action action)
            line["LocationID"] = pic.Device.Room.LocationID;
            line["ActionID"] = action.Identification;
            line["ActionName"] = action.Name;
            line["LocationID"] = pic.Device.Room.LocationID;
            line["SpeedName"] = "VoIP Phone Speed Settings";
            line["NativeVLANName"] = "VoIP Phone VLAN Settings";
            line["ServiceNames"] = "VoIP Phone Settings";
            line["IsVoIP"] = true;
            line["IsOnlyAccountChange"] = false;
            // Set Account Info for Phone Only
            string fund = values[7];
            string cost = values[8];
            string order = values[9];
            string wbs = values[10];
            string sio = values[11];
            string bpn = values[12];
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fund) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(cost))
                // cost center
                AccountType at = AccountType.GetByIdentification(1);
                line["AccountTypeID"] = at.Identification;
                line["AccountTypeName"] = at.Name;
                line["AccountNumber1"] = fund;
                line["AccountNumber2"] = cost;
                line["AccountNumber3"] = sio;
            else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fund) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(order))
                // real order
                AccountType at = AccountType.GetByIdentification(2);
                line["AccountTypeID"] = at.Identification;
                line["AccountTypeName"] = at.Name;
                line["AccountNumber1"] = fund;
                line["AccountNumber2"] = order;
                string fundCenter = LineItem.GetFundCenter(order);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fundCenter))
                    line["AccountNumber3"] = fundCenter;
            else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(wbs))
                // wbs element
                AccountType at = AccountType.GetByIdentification(3);
                line["AccountTypeID"] = at.Identification;
                line["AccountTypeName"] = at.Name;
                line["AccountNumber1"] = wbs;
                line["AccountNumber2"] = sio;
            else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(bpn))
                // business partner number
                AccountType at = AccountType.GetByIdentification(4);
                line["AccountTypeID"] = at.Identification;
                line["AccountTypeName"] = at.Name;
                line["AccountNumber1"] = bpn;
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Add current .csv upload line item.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="values"></param>
        /// <param name="line">Current Line Item</param>
        /// <param name="pic">Line Item PIC</param>
        /// <param name="action"></param>
        private void AddLineActivateModify_csv(string[] values, DataRow line, Interface pic, TicketsBusiness.Action action)
            // logic to fill activate/modify line data from csv row
            /* 0 = Line
             * 1 = Action
             * 2 = PIC
             * 3 = Speed
             * 4 = VLAN
             * 5 = Tagged VLANs
             * 6 = Services
             * 7 = Fund
             * 8 = Cost Center
             * 9 = Real Order
             * 10 = WBS
             * 11 = SIO
             * 12 = BPN
             * 13 = Repair Notes
             * 14 = Phone Only Connection
            // Check if the Line is a Phone Only Connection -- if So add different values
            if (values[14] == "Y".ToUpperInvariant())
                AddPhoneOnly_csv(values, line, pic, action);
                line["LocationID"] = pic.Device.Room.LocationID;
                line["IsVoIP"] = false;
                if (values[3] != string.Empty) // Speed
                    InterfaceSpeed speed = InterfaceSpeedList.GetByCriteria(new InterfaceSpeedCriteria { Name = values[3] })[0];
                    line["InterfaceSpeedID"] = speed.Identification;
                    line["SpeedName"] = speed.Name;

                if (values[4] != string.Empty) // VLAN
                    Vlan vlan = VlanList.FetchByFriendlyName(values[4])[0];
                    line["NativeVLAN"] = vlan.Identification;
                    line["NativeVLANName"] = vlan.FriendlyName + "<br />";

                // Tagged VLAN(s)
                string[] linevlans = values[5].Split(new[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Distinct().ToArray();
                List<int> vlans = new List<int>();
                string vlansConcat = "";

                foreach (string linevlan in linevlans)
                    Vlan vlanObj = VlanList.FetchByFriendlyName(linevlan)[0];
                    vlansConcat += vlanObj.FriendlyName + "<br />";

                if (vlansConcat.Length > 2)
                    vlansConcat = vlansConcat.Substring(0, vlansConcat.Length - 6);

                line["InterfaceVLANs"] = vlans;
                line["TaggedVlanNames"] = vlansConcat;

                // services
                string[] lineservices = values[6].Split(new[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Distinct().ToArray();
                List<int> services = new List<int>();
                string servicesConcat = "";

                foreach (string lineservice in lineservices)
                    Service serviceObj = ServiceList.GetByCriteria(new ServiceCriteria { Name = lineservice })[0];
                    servicesConcat += serviceObj.Name + "<br />";

                if (servicesConcat.Length > 2)
                    servicesConcat = servicesConcat.Substring(0, servicesConcat.Length - 6);

                line["InterfaceServiceAssignments"] = services;
                line["ServiceNames"] = servicesConcat;

                if (pic.BillingPlanID != null)
                    line["prevBillingPlanID"] = pic.BillingPlanID;

                // Account
                string fund = values[7];
                string cost = values[8];
                string order = values[9];
                string wbs = values[10];
                string sio = values[11];
                string bpn = values[12];
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fund) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(cost))
                    // cost center
                    AccountType at = AccountType.GetByIdentification(1);
                    line["AccountTypeID"] = at.Identification;
                    line["AccountTypeName"] = at.Name;
                    line["AccountNumber1"] = fund;
                    line["AccountNumber2"] = cost;
                    line["AccountNumber3"] = sio;
                else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fund) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(order))
                    // real order
                    AccountType at = AccountType.GetByIdentification(2);
                    line["AccountTypeID"] = at.Identification;
                    line["AccountTypeName"] = at.Name;
                    line["AccountNumber1"] = fund;
                    line["AccountNumber2"] = order;
                    string fundCenter = LineItem.GetFundCenter(order);

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fundCenter))
                        line["AccountNumber3"] = fundCenter;
                else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(wbs))
                    // wbs element
                    AccountType at = AccountType.GetByIdentification(3);
                    line["AccountTypeID"] = at.Identification;
                    line["AccountTypeName"] = at.Name;
                    line["AccountNumber1"] = wbs;
                    line["AccountNumber2"] = sio;
                else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(bpn))
                    // business partner number
                    AccountType at = AccountType.GetByIdentification(4);
                    line["AccountTypeID"] = at.Identification;
                    line["AccountTypeName"] = at.Name;
                    line["AccountNumber1"] = bpn;

                // check if only account changed
                bool isOnlyAccountChange = true;

                if (pic.InterfaceSpeedID != (int)line["InterfaceSpeedID"])
                    isOnlyAccountChange = false;

                if (vlans.Count + 1 != pic.InterfaceVLANs.Count)
                    isOnlyAccountChange = false;
                    foreach (int vlan in vlans)
                        if (!pic.InterfaceVLANs.Contains(pic.Identification, vlan))
                            isOnlyAccountChange = false;

                if (!pic.InterfaceVLANs.Contains(pic.Identification, (int) line["NativeVLAN"]))
                    isOnlyAccountChange = false;
                else if (!pic.InterfaceVLANs.GetInterfaceVLAN(pic.Identification, (int) line["NativeVLAN"]).IsNative)
                    isOnlyAccountChange = false;

                if (services.Count != pic.InterfaceServiceAssignments.Count)
                    isOnlyAccountChange = false;
                    foreach (int service in services)
                        if (!pic.InterfaceServiceAssignments.Contains(pic.Identification, service))
                            isOnlyAccountChange = false;

                if (action.Name != TicketsBusiness.Action.Modify)
                    isOnlyAccountChange = false;

                line["IsOnlyAccountChange"] = isOnlyAccountChange;

            // run special cases
예제 #5
        //--- Add Line Item for Active and/or Modify Line items
        private void AddLineActivateModify(DataRow drLine, Interface lineItemPic, TicketsBusiness.Action action)
            AddLineGeneral(drLine, lineItemPic, action);
            drLine["LocationID"] = lineItemPic.Device.Room.LocationID;
            drLine["IsVoIP"]     = false;
            // Set Speed
            if (ddlSpeed.SelectedIndex > 0)
                InterfaceSpeed speed = InterfaceSpeed.GetByIdentification(int.Parse(ddlSpeed.SelectedValue));
                drLine["InterfaceSpeedID"] = speed.Identification;
                drLine["SpeedName"] = speed.Name;
            // Set selected native vlan.
            LineItemVLAN.SetNewNativeVlan(drLine, ddlVLAN);

            // Set selected tagged vlans.
            LineItemVLAN.SetNewTaggedVlans(drLine, lstVLAN);

            // Set if the native VLAN is trunk.
            drLine["isTrunk"] = chkTrunk.Checked;

            //--Services, check if PIC is in a VoIP Building--//
            List<int> services = new List<int>();
            string servicesConcat = string.Empty;
            foreach (ListItem service in lstAdvanced.Items)
                if (service.Selected)
                    servicesConcat += service.Text + "<br />";
            if (servicesConcat.Length > 2)
                servicesConcat = servicesConcat.Substring(0, servicesConcat.Length - 6);

            drLine["InterfaceServiceAssignments"] = services;
            drLine["ServiceNames"] = servicesConcat;

            if (ddlAccountType.SelectedIndex > 0) // Billing Account Information
                AccountType at = AccountType.GetByIdentification(int.Parse(ddlAccountType.SelectedValue));
                drLine["AccountTypeID"] = at.Identification;
                drLine["AccountTypeName"] = at.Name;

                // If Modify or Deactivate, Store Original Billing plan; otherwise ignore it
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lineItemPic.BillingPlanID.ToString()) == false)
                    if (action.Identification == 2 || action.Identification == 3)
                        drLine["prevBillingPlanID"] = lineItemPic.BillingPlanID;
                switch (at.Identification) // Add Account Numbers Based on Type
                    case 1: // Cost Center
                            drLine["AccountNumber1"] = txtFund.Text.Trim();
                            drLine["AccountNumber2"] = txtCostCenter.Text.Trim();
                            drLine["AccountNumber3"] = txtSIO.Text.Trim();
                    case 2: // Real order
                            drLine["AccountNumber1"] = txtFund.Text.Trim();
                            drLine["AccountNumber2"] = txtRealOrder.Text.Trim();

                            string fundCenter = LineItem.GetFundCenter(txtRealOrder.Text.Trim());
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fundCenter))
                                drLine["AccountNumber3"] = fundCenter;
                    case 3: //. WBS Element
                            drLine["AccountNumber1"] = txtWBS.Text.Trim();
                            drLine["AccountNumber2"] = txtSIO.Text.Trim();
                    case 4: //. Business Partner Number
                            drLine["AccountNumber1"] = txtBPN.Text.Trim();
            // Keep track of changes other than the account.
            bool isAccountChangeOnly = lineItemPic.InterfaceSpeedID == (int)drLine["InterfaceSpeedID"];

            if (!lineItemPic.InterfaceVLANs.Contains(lineItemPic.Identification, (int)drLine["NativeVLAN"]))
                isAccountChangeOnly = false;
            else if (!lineItemPic.InterfaceVLANs.GetInterfaceVLAN(lineItemPic.Identification, (int) drLine["NativeVLAN"]).IsNative)
                isAccountChangeOnly = false;

            if (services.Count != lineItemPic.InterfaceServiceAssignments.Count)
                isAccountChangeOnly = false;
                isAccountChangeOnly = services.Any(srvc => !lineItemPic.InterfaceServiceAssignments.Contains(lineItemPic.Identification, srvc));

            if (action.Name != TicketsBusiness.Action.Modify)
                isAccountChangeOnly = false;

            drLine["IsOnlyAccountChange"] = isAccountChangeOnly;

            // run special cases
예제 #6
        // General Line Item Information that All Line Items Use
        private static void AddLineGeneral(DataRow drLine, Interface lineItemPic, TicketsBusiness.Action action)
            // Deactivate == Special
            if (action.Identification == 3) {
                /*Set Basic Lines known not to be null*/
                drLine["ActionID"]     = action.Identification;
                drLine["ActionName"]   = action.Name;
                drLine["InterfaceID"]  = lineItemPic.Identification;
                drLine["PICID"]        = lineItemPic.FriendlyLongName;

                // Check that Speed Exists to avoid thrown exceptions
                if (lineItemPic.InterfaceSpeed != null) {
                    drLine["SpeedName"] = lineItemPic.InterfaceSpeed.Name;
                    drLine["InterfaceSpeedID"] = lineItemPic.InterfaceSpeedID;

                //Set Services (Advanced Column)
                if (lineItemPic.InterfaceServiceAssignments.Count > 0) {
                    string servicesConcat = String.Empty;
                    var services = new List<int>();
                    foreach (InterfaceServiceAssignment isa in lineItemPic.InterfaceServiceAssignments) {
                        servicesConcat += isa.Service.Name + "<br />";
                    if (servicesConcat.Length > 2) {
                        servicesConcat = servicesConcat.Substring(0, servicesConcat.Length - 6);
                    drLine["InterfaceServiceAssignments"] = services;
                    drLine["ServiceNames"] = servicesConcat;

                // Find and Set Account Information
                int accountInfo = 0;
                // Cost Center
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lineItemPic.AccountFund) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(lineItemPic.AccountCost))
                    accountInfo = 1;
                // Real Order.
                else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lineItemPic.AccountFund) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(lineItemPic.AccountOrder))
                    accountInfo = 2;
                // WBS Element
                else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lineItemPic.AccountWBS))
                    accountInfo = 3;
                // Business Partner Number (BPN)
                else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lineItemPic.AccountBusinessPartner))
                    accountInfo = 4;

                //Check account numbers.  Store in the amdLineItems table for the save event.
                if (accountInfo != 0) {
                    var at = AccountType.GetByIdentification(accountInfo);
                    drLine["AccountTypeID"] = at.Identification;
                    drLine["AccountTypeName"] = at.Name;
                    switch (accountInfo) {
                        case 1: // Cost Center
                                drLine["AccountNumber1"] = lineItemPic.AccountFund;
                                drLine["AccountNumber2"] = lineItemPic.AccountCost;
                                drLine["AccountNumber3"] = lineItemPic.AccountSIO;
                        case 2: // Real Order
                            drLine["AccountNumber1"] = lineItemPic.AccountFund;
                            drLine["AccountNumber2"] = lineItemPic.AccountOrder;
                            string fundCenter = LineItem.GetFundCenter(lineItemPic.AccountOrder);
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fundCenter))
                                drLine["AccountNumber3"] = fundCenter;
                        case 3: // WBS Element
                            drLine["AccountNumber1"] = lineItemPic.AccountWBS;
                            drLine["AccountNumber2"] = lineItemPic.AccountSIO;
                        case 4: // Business Partner Number
                            drLine["AccountNumber1"] = lineItemPic.AccountBusinessPartner;
                // Find Current VLANs and Set Trunk and Native VLAN(s) for deactivate line items.
                if (lineItemPic.InterfaceVLANs.Any())
                {   // Set native.
                    LineItemVLAN.SetCurrentNativeVlan(lineItemPic, drLine);

                    // Set tagged.
                    LineItemVLAN.SetCurrentTaggedVlans(lineItemPic, drLine);
            {  // Used in all other create ticket events (Activate / Modify / Repair)
                drLine["ActionID"]    = action.Identification;
                drLine["ActionName"]  = action.Name;
                drLine["InterfaceID"] = lineItemPic.Identification;
                drLine["PICID"]       = lineItemPic.FriendlyLongName;