public ActionResult RprintTicket(TrRprintTicketViewModel vmodel) { try { if (ModelState.IsValid) { TrRprintTicketViewModel vm = new TrRprintTicketViewModel { Tickets = TicketBL.FindTicket(vmodel), MethodsP = PaymentBL.FindMethodsList(), Languages = LanguageBL.FindLanguageListWithoutUniversal() }; ViewBag.ticket = true; return(View(vm)); } vmodel.MethodsP = PaymentBL.FindMethodsList(); vmodel.Languages = LanguageBL.FindLanguageListWithoutUniversal(); ViewBag.ticket = false; return(View(vmodel)); } catch (Exception ex) { //to do insert to log file var e1 = ex.GetBaseException(); // --> log var e4 = ex.Message; // --> log var e5 = ex.Source; // --> log var e8 = ex.GetType(); // --> log var e9 = ex.GetType().Name; // --> log return(View("Error")); } }
private ActionResult PayCash(TrPaymentMenuViewModel vmodel) { var temp = vmodel.Amount.Replace(".", ","); decimal cash = decimal.Parse(temp); // legal limit for cash if (cash <= 3000) { PaymentBL.CalculCash(vmodel); } else { @ViewBag.limitCash = "Montant cash max de 3000 € dépassé !"; } ViewBag.tot = vmodel.GlobalTotal; ViewBag.amount = vmodel.Amount; ViewBag.cashBack = vmodel.CashReturn; vmodel.MethodsP = PaymentBL.FindMethodsList(); vmodel.AmountsPaid = PaymentBL.MakeAmountsList(vmodel.NumTransaction); ViewBag.messageCard = ""; if (ViewBag.tot == "0") { vmodel.Ticket = TicketBL.FillTicket(vmodel.NumTransaction); ViewBag.NumT = vmodel.Ticket.Ticket; vmodel.NumTicket = vmodel.Ticket.Ticket; ViewBag.ticket = true; } else { ViewBag.ticket = false; } return(View(vmodel)); }
public List <Ticket> GetListTicketByMatchID(int matchID, Customer customer) { TicketBL tkbl = new TicketBL(); List <Ticket> listShowTicket = new List <Ticket>(); try { listShowTicket = tkbl.GetListTicketByMatchID(matchID); if (listShowTicket.Count != 0) { var table = new ConsoleTable("Ma Ve", "Loai Ve", "Gia", "So Luong"); foreach (var item in listShowTicket) { string ticketprice = pricevalid(item.TicketPrice); table.AddRow(item.TicketID, item.TicketType, ticketprice, item.Amount); } table.Write(Format.Default); return(listShowTicket); } } catch (Exception) { Console.Write("Loi!! Nhan phim bat ki de tro lai man hinh dang nhap!"); Console.ReadKey(); m.LoginInterface(); } return(listShowTicket); }
public async Task <TicketBL> EditTicket(TicketBL ticket) { await _unitOfWork.TicketRepository.Update(_mapper.Map <TicketEntity>(ticket)); _unitOfWork.Save(); return(await GetTicketById(ticket.Id)); }
public ApplicationUsersController() { _puBL = new ProjectUserBL(); _userBL = new UserBL(); _pBL = new ProjectBL(); _tBL = new TicketBL(); }
public TicketsController() { _tRepo = new TicketBL(); _pRepo = new ProjectBL(); _tpRepo = new TicketPriorityBL(); _tsRepo = new TicketStatusBL(); _ttRepo = new TicketTypeBL(); _uBL = new UserBL(); }
private void txtMedicamento_EditorButtonClick(object sender, Infragistics.Win.UltraWinEditors.EditorButtonEventArgs e) { TicketBL oTicketBL = new TicketBL(); var f = new frmSearchMedicamento(); var result = f.ShowDialog(); if (result == DialogResult.OK) { var medicamento = f.MedicamentoSeleccionado; if (medicamento == null) { return; } txtMedicamento.Text = medicamento.NombreCompleto; txtMedicamento.Tag = medicamento.IdProductoDetalle; idUnidadProductiva = medicamento.IdLinea; txtUnidadProductiva.Text = medicamento.IdLinea; txtPrecio.Text = medicamento.PrecioVenta.ToString(); var tienePlan = false; var resultplan = oTicketBL.TienePlan(_protocolId, txtUnidadProductiva.Text); if (resultplan.Count > 0) { tienePlan = true; } else { tienePlan = false; } if (tienePlan) { if (resultplan[0].i_EsCoaseguro == 1) { #region Conexion SAM ConexionSigesoft conectasam = new ConexionSigesoft(); conectasam.opensigesoft(); #endregion var cadena1 = "select PR.r_MedicineDiscount, OO.v_Name, PR.v_CustomerOrganizationId from Organization OO inner join protocol PR On PR.v_AseguradoraOrganizationId = OO.v_OrganizationId where PR.v_ProtocolId ='" + _protocolId + "'"; SqlCommand comando = new SqlCommand(cadena1, connection: conectasam.conectarsigesoft); SqlDataReader lector = comando.ExecuteReader(); string eps = ""; while (lector.Read()) { eps = lector.GetValue(0).ToString(); } lector.Close(); conectasam.closesigesoft(); //calculo nuevo precio txtPPS.Text = medicamento.d_PrecioMayorista.ToString(); txtDctoEPS.Text = eps; decimal nuevoPrecio = decimal.Parse(txtPPS.Text) - ((decimal.Parse(eps) * decimal.Parse(txtPPS.Text)) / 100); txtNuevoPrecio.Text = nuevoPrecio.ToString(); } } } }
public JsonResult LoadData() { int draw, start, length; int pageIndex = 0; if (null != Request.Form.GetValues("draw")) { draw = int.Parse(Request.Form.GetValues("draw").FirstOrDefault().ToString()); start = int.Parse(Request.Form.GetValues("start").FirstOrDefault().ToString()); length = int.Parse(Request.Form.GetValues("length").FirstOrDefault().ToString()); } else { draw = 1; start = 0; length = 500; } if (start == 0) { pageIndex = 1; } else { pageIndex = (start / length) + 1; } TicketBL bL = new TicketBL(); int totalrecords = 0; List <Ticket> pocoList = new List <Ticket>(); pocoList = bL.GetAllTicketPageWise(pageIndex, ref totalrecords, length); List <Ticket> pList = new List <Ticket>(); foreach (Ticket pC in pocoList) { Ticket pOCO = new Ticket(); //pOCO.Id = pC.Id; pOCO.TicketNumber = pC.TicketNumber; pOCO.Error = pC.Error; pOCO.Description = pC.Description; pOCO.IsSolved = pC.IsSolved; pList.Add(pOCO); } var data = pList; return(Json(new { draw = draw, recordsFiltered = totalrecords, recordsTotal = totalrecords, data = data }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
private void btnEliminarTicket_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DialogResult Result = MessageBox.Show("¿Está seguro de eliminar el ticket?", "ADVERTENCIA!", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); if (Result == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes) { OperationResult objOperationResult = new OperationResult(); TicketBL oTicketBL = new TicketBL(); var ServiceId = grdData.Selected.Rows[0].Cells["v_ServiceId"].Value.ToString(); var ticketId = grdData.Selected.Rows[0].Cells["v_TicketId"].Value.ToString(); oTicketBL.DeleteTicket(ticketId, Globals.ClientSession.GetAsList()); } }
public frmTicket(List <TicketList> Lista, string IdControl, string id, string mode, string protocolId, string modo) { _tickId = id; _mode = mode; _serviceId = IdControl; _protocolId = protocolId; //_ticketId = IdControl; InitializeComponent(); _objHospitalizacionBl = new HospitalizacionBL(); _objRecetaBl = new RecetaBl(); _objTicketBl = new TicketBL(); _listTicketList = Lista; _listTicketDetalleList = new List <TicketDetalleList>(); _modo = modo; }
private void handleFinishEdit(object sender, System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary e) { if (sender.Equals(this.addTicket)) { string code = e[Constants.codeField].ToString(); string spectacol = e[Constants.spectacolField].ToString(); int nrOfTickets = SpectacleBL.getNrOfTicketsForSpectacle(spectacol); if (nrOfTickets == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Cannot add more tickets"); return; } else if (nrOfTickets == -1) { MessageBox.Show("Bad request,please check fields"); return; } int rand = int.Parse(e[Constants.randField].ToString()); int numar = int.Parse(e[Constants.numarField].ToString()); OperationResult.opResult result = TicketBL.addTicketForSpectacle(code, spectacol, rand, numar); if (result == OperationResult.opResult.OperationInsertTicketDuplicate || result == OperationResult.opResult.OperationAddTicketFail) { MessageBox.Show("Cannot add ticket for this place"); return; } else { MessageBox.Show("Succes"); } } else if (sender.Equals(this.export)) { ExporterType type = (ExporterType)int.Parse(e["Export Type"].ToString()); Exporter exporter = ExportFactory.getExporter(type); string spectacol = e[Constants.spectacolField].ToString(); Array tickets = TicketBL.getAllTicketsForSpectacle(spectacol).ToArray(); string path = e["File Path"].ToString(); exporter.exportTickets(tickets.OfType <Ticket>().ToList(), path); } }
private ActionResult PayCardDebit(TrPaymentMenuViewModel vmodel) { PaymentBL.CalculCash(vmodel); ViewBag.tot = vmodel.GlobalTotal; ViewBag.amount = vmodel.Amount; ViewBag.cashBack = vmodel.CashReturn; if (ViewBag.tot == "0") { vmodel.Ticket = TicketBL.FillTicket(vmodel.NumTransaction); ViewBag.ticket = true; } else { ViewBag.ticket = false; } vmodel.AmountsPaid = PaymentBL.MakeAmountsList(vmodel.NumTransaction); vmodel.MethodsP = PaymentBL.FindMethodsList(); return(View(vmodel)); }
//[Authorize(Roles = "admin")] //[Authorize(Roles = "manager")] //[Authorize(Roles = "vendor")] public ActionResult ProductBack(string nTransac) { TrProductBackViewModel vm = new TrProductBackViewModel(); if (Session["Language"] == null) { Session["Language"] = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Language"]; } string language = Session["Language"].ToString(); //to do --> change init isChange.. bool isChange = false; vm.Ticket = TicketBL.FillTicket(nTransac, language, isChange); vm.Language = language; vm.Languages = LanguageBL.FindLanguageList(); vm.NumTransaction = nTransac; vm.DateT = vm.Ticket.DateTicket; ViewBag.DateTi = vm.Ticket.DateTicket; return(View(vm)); }
public SellsManagement() { cliente = productos = 0; InitializeComponent(); this.CenterToScreen(); productBL = new ProductBL(); naturalClientBL = new NaturalClientBL(); legalClientBL = new LegalClientBL(); ticketBL = new TicketBL(); addedQuantity = new Dictionary <int, int>(); DateTime thisDay = DateTime.Today; fechaTextBox.Text = thisDay.ToString("d"); dataGridView3.AutoGenerateColumns = false; dataGridView2.AutoGenerateColumns = false; dataGridView2.RowHeadersVisible = false; dataGridView3.RowHeadersVisible = false; listAdded = new BindingList <Product>(); dataGridView2.DataSource = productBL.listProducts(); dataGridView3.DataSource = listAdded; textBox4.Text = Constants.CurrentUserText; comboBox1.SelectedIndex = 0; comboBox2.SelectedIndex = 0; textBox2.Show(); textBox6.Hide(); BindingList <Product> products = productBL.listProducts(); foreach (Product p in products) { addedQuantity.Add(p.Id, 0); } }
private void handlerTableEditRow(object sender, System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary e) { if (sender.Equals(spectalesTable)) { string titlu = e[Constants.titluField].ToString(); Array tickets = TicketBL.getAllTicketsForSpectacle(titlu).ToArray(); if (tickets == null || tickets.Length == 0) { MessageBox.Show("No tickets added for this spectacle"); return; } if (currentView != null) { currentView.dismissFromContainer(); } ticketsTable.drawInForm(this); ticketsTable.refreshWithData(tickets); currentView = ticketsTable; } }
private ActionResult PayCash(TrPaymentMenuViewModel vmodel, string language) { var temp = vmodel.Amount.Replace(".", ","); decimal cash = decimal.Parse(temp); // legal limit for cash if (cash <= 3000) { PaymentBL.CalculCash(vmodel); } else { @ViewBag.limitCash = "Montant cash max de 3000 € dépassé !"; } ViewBag.tot = vmodel.GlobalTotal; ViewBag.amount = vmodel.Amount; ViewBag.cashBack = vmodel.CashReturn; vmodel.MethodsP = PaymentBL.FindMethodsList(); vmodel.AmountsPaid = PaymentBL.MakeAmountsList(vmodel.NumTransaction); ViewBag.messageCard = ""; if (ViewBag.tot == "0") { //to do --> change init isChange... bool isChange = false; vmodel.Ticket = TicketBL.FillTicket(vmodel.NumTransaction, language, isChange); vmodel.Language = vmodel.Ticket.Language; vmodel.Languages = LanguageBL.FindLanguageListWithoutUniversal(); vmodel.DateT = vmodel.Ticket.DateTicket; ViewBag.DateTi = vmodel.Ticket.DateTicket; ViewBag.ticket = true; } else { ViewBag.ticket = false; } return(View(vmodel)); }
private ActionResult PayCardDebit(TrPaymentMenuViewModel vmodel, string language) { PaymentBL.CalculCash(vmodel); ViewBag.tot = vmodel.GlobalTotal; ViewBag.amount = vmodel.Amount; ViewBag.cashBack = vmodel.CashReturn; if (ViewBag.tot == "0") { //to do --> change init isChange... bool isChange = false; vmodel.Ticket = TicketBL.FillTicket(vmodel.NumTransaction, language, isChange); vmodel.Language = vmodel.Ticket.Language; vmodel.Languages = LanguageBL.FindLanguageListWithoutUniversal(); ViewBag.DateTi = vmodel.Ticket.DateTicket; ViewBag.ticket = true; } else { ViewBag.ticket = false; } vmodel.AmountsPaid = PaymentBL.MakeAmountsList(vmodel.NumTransaction); vmodel.MethodsP = PaymentBL.FindMethodsList(); return(View(vmodel)); }
////// same simulation process PayCardDebit //private ActionResult PayCardCredit(TrPaymentMenuViewModel vmodel) //{ // vmodel.Resp = TransactionBL.AskValidationCard(vmodel.Amount); // if (vmodel.Resp == 1) // { // //to do --> create payment // ViewBag.messageCard = "Demande acceptée !"; // ViewBag.tot = vmodel.GlobalTot; // ViewBag.amount = vmodel.Amount; // ViewBag.cashBack = vmodel.CashReturn; // if (ViewBag.tot == "0") // { // vmodel.Ticket = TransactionBL.FillTicket(vmodel.NumTransaction); // //vmodel.NumTicket = vmodel.Ticket.Ticket; // ViewBag.NumT = vmodel.Ticket.Ticket; // vmodel.NumTicket = vmodel.Ticket.Ticket; // ViewBag.ticket = true; // } // else // { // ViewBag.ticket = false; // } // } // else // { // ViewBag.messageCard = "Demande refusée !"; // ViewBag.tot = vmodel.GlobalTot; // ViewBag.amount = ""; // ViewBag.cashBack = "0"; // ViewBag.ticket = false; // } // vmodel.MethodsP = TransactionBL.FindMethodsList(); // return View(vmodel); //} #endregion #region OptionsTicket public ActionResult ChangeLanguageTicket(TrPaymentMenuViewModel vmodel) { bool?isChange = true; vmodel.Ticket = TicketBL.FillTicket(vmodel.NumTransaction, vmodel.Language, isChange); ViewBag.ticket = true; switch (vmodel.Language) { case "1": return(PartialView("_PartialTicket", vmodel.Ticket)); case "2": return(PartialView("_PartialTicketNl", vmodel.Ticket)); case "3": return(PartialView("_PartialTicketDe", vmodel.Ticket)); case "4": return(PartialView("_PartialTicketEn", vmodel.Ticket)); default: return(PartialView("_PartialTicket", vmodel.Ticket)); } }
private void btnGuardar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { TicketBL oTicketBL = new TicketBL(); try { _pobjOperationResult = new OperationResult(); if (!uvDatos.Validate(true, false).IsValid) { return; } if (txtMedicamento.Tag == null) { MessageBox.Show(@"Por favor seleccione un medicamento", @"Error de validación", MessageBoxButtons.OK); txtMedicamento.Focus(); return; } decimal d; _recetaDto.d_Cantidad = decimal.TryParse(txtCantidad.Text, out d) ? d : 0; _recetaDto.v_Duracion = txtDuracion.Text.Trim(); _recetaDto.v_Posologia = txtPosologia.Text.Trim(); _recetaDto.t_FechaFin = dtpFechaFin.Value; _recetaDto.v_IdProductoDetalle = txtMedicamento.Tag.ToString(); _recetaDto.v_IdUnidadProductiva = idUnidadProductiva; _recetaDto.v_ServiceId = _serviceId; var tienePlan = false; var resultplan = oTicketBL.TienePlan(_protocolId, txtUnidadProductiva.Text); if (resultplan.Count > 0) { tienePlan = true; } else { tienePlan = false; } if (tienePlan) { if (resultplan[0].i_EsCoaseguro == 1) { #region Conexion SIGESOFT verificar la unidad productiva del componente ConexionSigesoft conectasam = new ConexionSigesoft(); conectasam.opensigesoft(); var cadena1 = "select PL.d_ImporteCo " + "from [dbo].[plan] PL " + "inner join protocol PR on PL.v_ProtocoloId=PR.v_ProtocolId " + "inner join servicecomponent SC on PL.v_IdUnidadProductiva=SC.v_IdUnidadProductiva " + "inner join diagnosticrepository DR on DR.v_ComponentId=SC.v_ComponentId " + "where PR.v_ProtocolId='" + _protocolId + "' and DR.v_DiagnosticRepositoryId='" + _idDiagnosticRepository + "' "; SqlCommand comando = new SqlCommand(cadena1, connection: conectasam.conectarsigesoft); SqlDataReader lector = comando.ExecuteReader(); string ImporteCo = ""; bool lectorleido = false; while (lector.Read()) { ImporteCo = lector.GetValue(0).ToString(); lectorleido = true; } if (lectorleido == false) { MessageBox.Show(@"El consultorio no tiene Plan de Seguros", @"Error de validación", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return; } lector.Close(); conectasam.closesigesoft(); #endregion _recetaDto.d_SaldoPaciente = (decimal.Parse(ImporteCo) / 100) * (decimal.Parse(txtNuevoPrecio.Text) * _recetaDto.d_Cantidad); _recetaDto.d_SaldoAseguradora = (decimal.Parse(txtNuevoPrecio.Text) * _recetaDto.d_Cantidad) - _recetaDto.d_SaldoPaciente; } } else { _recetaDto.d_SaldoPaciente = decimal.Parse(txtPrecio.Text) * _recetaDto.d_Cantidad; } _objRecetaBl.AddUpdateRecipe(ref _pobjOperationResult, _recetaDto); if (_pobjOperationResult.Success == 0) { MessageBox.Show(_pobjOperationResult.ErrorMessage, @"Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, @"btnGuardar_Click()", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
private void btnGuardar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { TicketBL oTicketBL = new TicketBL(); if (_TempTicketDetalleList == null) { _TempTicketDetalleList = new List <TicketDetalleList>(); } OperationResult objOperationResult = new OperationResult(); string[] componentIdFromProtocol = _TempTicketDetalleList.FindAll(p => p.i_RecordStatus != (int)RecordStatus.EliminadoLogico) .Select(p => p.v_IdProductoDetalle).ToArray(); bool IsExists = _ticketlBL.IsExistsproductoInTicket(ref objOperationResult, componentIdFromProtocol, _ProductoId); if (IsExists) { var msj = string.Format("El examen producto puede agregar, ya existe", labelmensaje.Text); MessageBox.Show(msj, "Error de validación", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } if (_mode == "New") { // || cbExamen.Text == "" if (txtMedicamento.Tag == null) { string mensage = ""; if (txtMedicamento.Tag == null) { mensage = @"Por favor seleccione un medicamento"; } //else if (cbExamen.Text == ""){mensage = @"Por favor seleccione un examen";} MessageBox.Show(mensage, @"Error de validación", MessageBoxButtons.OK); txtMedicamento.Focus(); return; } var findResult = _TempTicketDetalleList.Find(p => p.v_IdProductoDetalle == _ProductoId); _objTicketDetalleList = new TicketDetalleList(); if (findResult == null) { _objTicketDetalleList.v_TicketDetalleId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); _objTicketDetalleList.v_IdProductoDetalle = txtMedicamento.Tag.ToString(); _objTicketDetalleList.v_NombreProducto = txtMedicamento.Text; _objTicketDetalleList.v_CodInterno = txtCodigo.Text; _objTicketDetalleList.v_IdUnidadProductiva = txtUnidadProductiva.Text; var precioTarifa = oTicketBL.ObtenerPrecioTarifario(_serviceId, _objTicketDetalleList.v_IdProductoDetalle); decimal d; _objTicketDetalleList.d_Cantidad = decimal.TryParse(txtCantidad.Text, out d) ? d : 0; //nuevo //int planId = 0; //var servicioDet = oTicketBL.GetService(ref objOperationResult,_serviceId); //if (servicioDet.i_PlanId != null) //{ // planId = (int)servicioDet.i_PlanId; //} ////// var tienePlan = false; //var resultplan = oTicketBL.TienePlan_(_protocolId, planId); var resultplan = oTicketBL.TienePlan(_protocolId, lineId); if (resultplan.Count > 0) { tienePlan = true; } else { tienePlan = false; } if (tienePlan) { if (resultplan[0].i_EsCoaseguro == 1) { #region Conexion SIGESOFT verificar la unidad productiva del componente ConexionSigesoft conectasam = new ConexionSigesoft(); conectasam.opensigesoft(); var cadena1 = "select PL.d_ImporteCo, PL.i_PlanId " + "from [dbo].[plan] PL " + "inner join protocol PR on PL.v_ProtocoloId=PR.v_ProtocolId " + "where PR.v_ProtocolId='" + _protocolId + "' and PL.v_IdUnidadProductiva='" + lineId + "'"; SqlCommand comando = new SqlCommand(cadena1, connection: conectasam.conectarsigesoft); SqlDataReader lector = comando.ExecuteReader(); string ImporteCo = ""; string PlanId = ""; bool lectorleido = false; while (lector.Read()) { ImporteCo = lector.GetValue(0).ToString(); PlanId = lector.GetValue(1).ToString(); lectorleido = true; } if (lectorleido == false) { MessageBox.Show(@"Elija un Examen que tenga Plan de Seguros", @"Error de validación", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return; } lector.Close(); #endregion _objTicketDetalleList.d_SaldoPaciente = decimal.Round((decimal.Parse(txtPrecioVenta.Text)), 2) * decimal.Round((decimal.Parse(txtCantidad.Text)), 2) * decimal.Round((decimal.Parse(ImporteCo)), 2) / 100; _objTicketDetalleList.d_SaldoAseguradora = decimal.Round((decimal.Parse(txtPrecioVenta.Text)), 2) * decimal.Round((decimal.Parse(txtCantidad.Text)), 2) - _objTicketDetalleList.d_SaldoPaciente; _objTicketDetalleList.d_PrecioVenta = decimal.Round((decimal.Parse(txtPrecioVenta.Text)), 2); #region Update a service agrega el PlanId var cadena2 = "update service set " + "i_PlanId = '" + PlanId + "' " + "where v_ServiceId = '" + _serviceId + "' "; SqlCommand comando_ = new SqlCommand(cadena2, connection: conectasam.conectarsigesoft); SqlDataReader lector_ = comando_.ExecuteReader(); lector_.Close(); conectasam.closesigesoft(); #endregion } else if (resultplan[0].i_EsDeducible == 1) { } } else { _objTicketDetalleList.d_PrecioVenta = decimal.Round((decimal.Parse(txtPrecio.Text)), 2); // decimal.Parse(txtPrecioVenta.Text); } _objTicketDetalleList.i_RecordStatus = (int)RecordStatus.Agregado; _objTicketDetalleList.i_RecordType = (int)RecordType.Temporal; _TempTicketDetalleList.Add(_objTicketDetalleList); } else { if (findResult.i_RecordStatus == (int)RecordStatus.EliminadoLogico) { if (findResult.i_RecordType == (int)RecordType.NoTemporal) { _objTicketDetalleList.v_IdProductoDetalle = txtMedicamento.Tag.ToString(); _objTicketDetalleList.v_NombreProducto = txtMedicamento.Text; _objTicketDetalleList.v_CodInterno = txtCodigo.Text; _objTicketDetalleList.v_IdUnidadProductiva = txtUnidadProductiva.Text; var precioTarifa = oTicketBL.ObtenerPrecioTarifario(_serviceId, _objTicketDetalleList.v_IdProductoDetalle); _objTicketDetalleList.d_PrecioVenta = precioTarifa; // decimal.Parse(txtPrecioVenta.Text); decimal d; _objTicketDetalleList.d_Cantidad = decimal.TryParse(txtCantidad.Text, out d) ? d : 0; var tienePlan = false; var resultplan = oTicketBL.TienePlan(_protocolId, txtUnidadProductiva.Text); if (resultplan.Count > 0) { tienePlan = true; } else { tienePlan = false; } if (tienePlan) { if (resultplan[0].i_EsCoaseguro == 1) { _objTicketDetalleList.d_SaldoPaciente = resultplan[0].d_Importe; _objTicketDetalleList.d_SaldoAseguradora = (decimal.Parse(_objTicketDetalleList.d_PrecioVenta.ToString()) * _objTicketDetalleList.d_Cantidad) - resultplan[0].d_Importe; } if (resultplan[0].i_EsDeducible == 1) { _objTicketDetalleList.d_SaldoPaciente = resultplan[0].d_Importe * decimal.Parse(_objTicketDetalleList.d_PrecioVenta.ToString()) * _objTicketDetalleList.d_Cantidad / 100; _objTicketDetalleList.d_SaldoAseguradora = (decimal.Parse(_objTicketDetalleList.d_PrecioVenta.ToString()) * _objTicketDetalleList.d_Cantidad) - _objTicketDetalleList.d_SaldoPaciente; } } findResult.i_RecordStatus = (int)RecordStatus.Grabado; } else if (findResult.i_RecordType == (int)RecordType.Temporal) // El registro tiene un ID temporal [GUID] { _objTicketDetalleList.v_IdProductoDetalle = txtMedicamento.Tag.ToString(); _objTicketDetalleList.v_NombreProducto = txtMedicamento.Text; _objTicketDetalleList.v_CodInterno = txtCodigo.Text; _objTicketDetalleList.d_PrecioVenta = decimal.Parse(txtPrecioVenta.Text); _objTicketDetalleList.v_IdUnidadProductiva = txtUnidadProductiva.Text; decimal d; _objTicketDetalleList.d_Cantidad = decimal.TryParse(txtCantidad.Text, out d) ? d : 0; var tienePlan = false; var resultplan = oTicketBL.TienePlan(_protocolId, txtUnidadProductiva.Text); if (resultplan.Count > 0) { tienePlan = true; } else { tienePlan = false; } if (tienePlan) { if (resultplan[0].i_EsCoaseguro == 1) { _objTicketDetalleList.d_SaldoPaciente = resultplan[0].d_Importe; _objTicketDetalleList.d_SaldoAseguradora = (decimal.Parse(_objTicketDetalleList.d_PrecioVenta.ToString()) * _objTicketDetalleList.d_Cantidad) - resultplan[0].d_Importe; } if (resultplan[0].i_EsDeducible == 1) { _objTicketDetalleList.d_SaldoPaciente = resultplan[0].d_Importe * decimal.Parse(_objTicketDetalleList.d_PrecioVenta.ToString()) * _objTicketDetalleList.d_Cantidad / 100; _objTicketDetalleList.d_SaldoAseguradora = (decimal.Parse(_objTicketDetalleList.d_PrecioVenta.ToString()) * _objTicketDetalleList.d_Cantidad) - _objTicketDetalleList.d_SaldoPaciente; } } _objTicketDetalleList.i_RecordType = (int)RecordType.Temporal; findResult.i_RecordStatus = (int)RecordStatus.Agregado; } } else { MessageBox.Show("Por favor seleccione otro medicamento. ya existe", "Error de validación", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } } } else if (_mode == "Edit") { var result = _TempTicketDetalleList.Find(p => p.v_TicketDetalleId == _id); decimal d; result.d_Cantidad = decimal.Round((decimal.TryParse(txtCantidad.Text, out d) ? d : 0), 2); if ((result.d_SaldoAseguradora != null || result.d_SaldoAseguradora >= 0) || result.d_SaldoPaciente != null || result.d_SaldoPaciente >= 0) { result.d_SaldoAseguradora = decimal.Round((decimal.TryParse(txtCantidad.Text, out d) ? d : 0), 2) * decimal.Round((decimal)result.d_PrecioVenta, 2); result.d_SaldoPaciente = 0; } result.v_CodInterno = txtCodigo.Text; result.i_RecordStatus = (int)RecordStatus.Modificado; } MessageBox.Show("Se grabo correctamente.", "INFORMACION!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); this.Close(); }
public void TicketTest() { TicketBL ticketTest = new TicketBL(); Assert.NotNull(ticketTest.GetListTicketByMatchID(1)); }
public ActionResult SendTicket(string error, string description, List <HttpPostedFileBase> fileData) { TicketBL ticketBl = new TicketBL(); bool isSendSuccessfully = false; Ticket ticket = new Ticket(); if (Request.Files.Count > 0) { try { string relativePath = "~/TicketFiles"; string path = Server.MapPath(relativePath); //string fileFath = Path.Combine(path, categoryName); StringBuilder mailBody = new StringBuilder(); string senderEmail = string.Empty; string fileFath = path; if (!Directory.Exists(fileFath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(fileFath); } // Get all files from Request object HttpFileCollectionBase files = Request.Files; for (int i = 0; i < files.Count; i++) { HttpPostedFileBase file = files[i]; string fname; // Checking for Internet Explorer if (Request.Browser.Browser.ToUpper() == "IE" || Request.Browser.Browser.ToUpper() == "INTERNETEXPLORER") { string[] testfiles = file.FileName.Split(new char[] { '\\' }); fname = testfiles[testfiles.Length - 1]; } else { fname = file.FileName; } // Get the complete folder path and store the file inside it. //string fnameWithPath = Path.Combine(fileFath, fname); fname = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmm") + "_" + fname; string fnameWithPath = fileFath + "/" + fname; file.SaveAs(fnameWithPath); ticket.Error = error; ticket.Description = description; ticket.FilePath = relativePath + "/" + fname; ticket.ShipId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["ShipId"].ToString()); } string ticketNumber = ticketBl.SaveTicket(ticket, Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserType"].ToString())); if (ticketNumber != null) { if (Session["UserType"].ToString() == "1") { senderEmail = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["shipEmail"]; } else { senderEmail = Session["Email"].ToString(); } MailMessage mail = new MailMessage(); mailBody.Append("Ticket Number : "); mailBody.Append(ticketNumber.ToString()); mailBody.Append("\n"); mailBody.Append("Error Message : "); mailBody.Append(error); mailBody.Append("\n"); mailBody.Append("Error Description : "); mailBody.Append(description); mailBody.Append("\n"); mail.Body = mailBody.ToString(); if (ticket.FilePath != null || ticket.FilePath != "") { mail.Attachments.Add(new Attachment(Server.MapPath(ticket.FilePath))); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(senderEmail)) { //SendEmail.SendMail("Ticket", senderEmail, "*****@*****.**", ticketNumber.ToString(), error, description, Server.MapPath(ticket.FilePath)); SendEmail.SendMail("Ticket", senderEmail, mail, ref isSendSuccessfully); } //SendEmail.SendMail("Ticket", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", ticketNumber.ToString(), error, description, Server.MapPath(ticket.FilePath)); //SendEmail.SendMail("Ticket", "*****@*****.**", Session["Email"].ToString(), ticketNumber.ToString(), error, description, Server.MapPath(ticket.FilePath)); } // Returns message that successfully uploaded return(Json(ticketNumber, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } catch (Exception ex) { return(Json("Error occurred. Error details: " + ex.Message)); } } else { return(Json("No files selected.")); } }
public Ticket InputTicketInfo(Customer customer) { string choice; string path = Path.GetFullPath("DataCart" + customer.Username + ".txt"); TicketBL tkbl = new TicketBL(); List <Ticket> listShowTicket = new List <Ticket>(); Ticket t = new Ticket(); bool checkchoice = false; bool check1 = false; bool check2 = false; bool check3 = false; while (check1 == false) { Console.Write("Nhap ma tran:"); t.M.MatchID = Input(Console.ReadLine()); listShowTicket = GetListTicketByMatchID(t.M.MatchID, customer); if (listShowTicket.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Ma tran khong dung!Moi Ban nhap lai:"); check1 = false; continue; } int sumAmount = GetAmountBoughtByMatchID(t.M.MatchID, customer, path); if (sumAmount == 10) { Console.WriteLine("Ban da mua du 10 ve cho tran nay,Ban co muon mua ve tran khac khong?(C/K):"); choice = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper(); checkchoice = m.Choose(choice); if (checkchoice == true) { check1 = false; } else { check1 = true; m.MenuTicket(customer); } } if (sumAmount < 10) { check1 = true; } } while (check2 == false) { Console.Write("Nhap loai ve:"); t.TicketType = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper(); if (validateString(t.TicketType) != true) { Console.WriteLine("Loai ve la ki tu chu cai A-Z!Moi ban nhap lai"); continue; } try { foreach (var item in listShowTicket) { if (t.TicketType == item.TicketType) { t.TicketID = item.TicketID; t.TicketPrice = item.TicketPrice; check2 = true; } } } catch (System.Exception) { } if (check2 == false) { Console.WriteLine("Loai ve khong dung!Moi ban nhap lai:"); continue; } } while (check3 == false) { int amountCount = 0; amountCount = GetAmountBoughtByMatchID(t.M.MatchID, customer, path); Console.Write("Nhap so luong ve muon mua:"); t.Amount = Input(Console.ReadLine()); if ((t.Amount + amountCount) > 10) { Console.WriteLine("Moi nguoi chi duoc mua toi da 10 ve cho 1 tran!Ban co muon nhap lai khong?(C/K)"); choice = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper(); checkchoice = m.Choose(choice); if (checkchoice == true) { check1 = false; continue; } else { check3 = true; m.MenuTicket(customer); } } try { foreach (var item in listShowTicket) { if (t.TicketType == item.TicketType && item.Amount == 0) { check3 = true; Console.WriteLine("Tran nay da ban het ve!An phim bat ky de tro ve menu!"); Console.ReadKey(); m.MenuTicket(customer); } if (t.TicketType == item.TicketType && t.Amount <= item.Amount) { check3 = true; } } } catch (System.Exception) { } if (check3 == false) { Console.WriteLine("so luong ve con lai nho hon so ve muon mua!Ban co muon nhap lai khong?(C/K)"); choice = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper(); checkchoice = m.Choose(choice); if (checkchoice == true) { continue; } else { check3 = true; m.MenuTicket(customer); } } } return(t); }
public TicketsController(TicketBL repo) { _tRepo = repo; }
public TicketService() { ticketBL = new TicketBL(); }
public ActionResult Index(string gTot, string nTransac) { try { TrPaymentMenuViewModel vm = new TrPaymentMenuViewModel(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(nTransac)) { ////provisoire //vm.GlobalTotal = "399.97"; //vm.NumTransaction = "11"; //ViewBag.tot = "399.97"; //ViewBag.transac = "11"; //ViewBag.ticket = false; throw new NullReferenceException(); } else { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(gTot)) { gTot = TransactionBL.FindTotalByTransacId(nTransac); } var listAmounts = PaymentBL.MakeAmountsList(nTransac); if (listAmounts.Count == 0) { vm.GlobalTotal = gTot; ViewBag.tot = gTot; ViewBag.ticket = false; } else { vm.AmountsPaid = listAmounts; decimal result = PaymentBL.AdaptTotalWithPaid(gTot, listAmounts); if (result < 0) { decimal temp = Math.Abs(result); vm.CashReturn = temp.ToString(); ViewBag.cashBack = temp.ToString(); vm.GlobalTotal = "0"; ViewBag.tot = "0"; vm.Ticket = TicketBL.FillTicket(nTransac); ViewBag.ticket = true; } else if (result == 0) { ViewBag.cashBack = "0"; vm.GlobalTotal = "0"; ViewBag.tot = "0"; vm.Ticket = TicketBL.FillTicket(nTransac); ViewBag.ticket = true; } else { vm.GlobalTotal = result.ToString(); ViewBag.tot = result.ToString(); ViewBag.ticket = false; } } vm.NumTransaction = nTransac; ViewBag.transac = nTransac; } vm.MethodsP = PaymentBL.FindMethodsList(); ViewBag.messageCard = ""; return(View(vm)); } catch (NullReferenceException ex) { //to do insert to log file var e1 = ex.GetBaseException(); // --> log var e4 = ex.Message; // --> log var e5 = ex.Source; // --> log var e8 = ex.GetType(); // --> log var e9 = ex.GetType().Name; // --> log ViewBag.Error = "Il n'y a pas de transaction en cours !"; return(View("Error")); } catch (Exception ex) { //to do insert to log file var e1 = ex.GetBaseException(); // --> log var e4 = ex.Message; // --> log var e5 = ex.Source; // --> log var e8 = ex.GetType(); // --> log var e9 = ex.GetType().Name; // --> log return(View("Error")); } }
private void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (cboMedico.SelectedValue.ToString() == "-1") { MessageBox.Show("Seleccionar un médico tratante", " ¡ VALIDACIÓN!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); return; } if (_auxiliaryExams == null) { _auxiliaryExams = new List <ServiceComponentList>(); } // Save ListView / recorrer la lista de examenes seleccionados foreach (ListViewItem item in lvExamenesSeleccionados.Items) { var fields = item.SubItems; var ComponentId = fields[1].Text.Split('|'); var NombreComponente = fields[0].Text.Split('|'); MedicalExamBL objComponentBL = new MedicalExamBL(); componentDto objComponentDto = new componentDto(); OperationResult objOperationResult = new OperationResult(); foreach (var scid in ComponentId) { var conCargoA = -1; if (_type == "Hospi") { var oFrmType = new frmType(); oFrmType.ShowDialog(); if (oFrmType._conCargoA == "Médico") { conCargoA = 1; } else { conCargoA = 2; } } objComponentDto = objComponentBL.GetMedicalExam(ref objOperationResult, scid); SystemParameterBL oSp = new SystemParameterBL(); var o = oSp.GetSystemParameter(ref objOperationResult, 116, int.Parse(objComponentDto.i_CategoryId.ToString())); //Lógica de Aumento de Precio Base var porcentajes = o.v_Field.Split('-'); float p1 = porcentajes[0] == null ? 0 : float.Parse(porcentajes[0].ToString()); float p2 = porcentajes[1] == null ? 0 : float.Parse(porcentajes[1].ToString()); float pb = objComponentDto.r_BasePrice.Value; var precio_base = pb + (pb * p1 / 100) + (pb * p2 / 100); //FormPrecioComponente frm = new FormPrecioComponente("", "", ""); //frmConfigSeguros frm1 = new frmConfigSeguros(0, 0, 0, "", ""); ServiceComponentList auxiliaryExam = new ServiceComponentList(); servicecomponentDto objServiceComponentDto = new servicecomponentDto(); ServiceBL _ObjServiceBL = new ServiceBL(); TicketBL oTicketBL = new TicketBL(); if (_modo == "ASEGU") { #region OLD Logica antigua #region Conexion SAM //ConexionSigesoft conectasam = new ConexionSigesoft(); //conectasam.opensigesoft(); #endregion #region Query //var componente = NombreComponente[0].ToString(); //var cadena1 = "select PL.i_EsDeducible, PL.i_EsCoaseguro, PL.d_Importe, PL.d_ImporteCo from [dbo].[plan] PL where PL.v_IdUnidadProductiva='" + lineId + "' and PL.v_ProtocoloId='" + _protocolId + "' "; //SqlCommand comando = new SqlCommand(cadena1, connection: conectasam.conectarsigesoft); //SqlDataReader lector = comando.ExecuteReader(); //int deducible = 0; //int coaseguro = 0; //decimal? importe = 0; //decimal? importeCo = 0; //while (lector.Read()) //{ // deducible = int.Parse(lector.GetValue(0).ToString()); coaseguro = int.Parse(lector.GetValue(1).ToString()); importe = decimal.Parse(lector.GetValue(2).ToString()); importeCo = decimal.Parse(lector.GetValue(3).ToString()); //} //lector.Close(); //string factores = ""; string aseguradoraName = ""; string organizationId = ""; //var factorGlobal = ""; //var cadena2 = "select PR.r_PriceFactor, OO.v_Name, PR.v_CustomerOrganizationId from Organization OO inner join protocol PR On PR.v_AseguradoraOrganizationId = OO.v_OrganizationId where PR.v_ProtocolId ='" + _protocolId + "'"; //comando = new SqlCommand(cadena2, connection: conectasam.conectarsigesoft); //lector = comando.ExecuteReader(); //while (lector.Read()) //{ // factores = lector.GetValue(0).ToString(); // var factorArray = factores.Split('|');// factores[0].ToString().Split('|'); // factorGlobal = factorArray[0]; // aseguradoraName = lector.GetValue(1).ToString(); // organizationId = lector.GetValue(2).ToString(); //} //lector.Close(); //string empresa = ""; //var cadena3 = "select v_Name from Organization OO where OO.v_OrganizationId ='" + organizationId + "'"; //comando = new SqlCommand(cadena3, connection: conectasam.conectarsigesoft); //lector = comando.ExecuteReader(); //while (lector.Read()) //{ // empresa = lector.GetValue(0).ToString(); //} //lector.Close(); #endregion #region Lógica PARA SABER SI ES DEDUCIBLE O COASEGURO //if (rbNuevaConsulta.Checked)// QUIERE DECIR QUE ES UNA NUEVA ATENCION Y DEBE SER CONSIDERADO COMO DEDUCIBLE SIN FACTOR //{ // factorGlobal = "1"; // coaseguro = 0; // importeCo = null; //} //else if (rbAdicional.Checked) // QUIERE DECIR QUE ES UN COMPONENTE ADICIONAL Y DEBE SER CONSIDERADO COMO COASEGURO CON FACTOR //{ // deducible = 0; // importe = null; //} #endregion #region Formulario //precio_base = (float)objComponentDto.r_PriceSegus;// se cambia el precio inicial por el SEGUS //frmConfigSeguros frm1 = new frmConfigSeguros(deducible, coaseguro, importe, precio_base.ToString(), factorGlobal, importeCo); //frm1.Text = aseguradoraName + " / " + empresa; //frm1.ShowDialog(); #endregion #endregion #region Obteniendo los campos de la BD ConexionSigesoft conectasam = new ConexionSigesoft(); conectasam.opensigesoft(); var componente = NombreComponente[0].ToString(); var cadena = "select i_KindOfService from component where v_ComponentId='" + objComponentDto.v_ComponentId + "'"; SqlCommand comando = new SqlCommand(cadena, connection: conectasam.conectarsigesoft); SqlDataReader lector = comando.ExecuteReader(); int i_KindOfService = 0; while (lector.Read()) { try { i_KindOfService = int.Parse(lector.GetValue(0).ToString()); } catch (Exception exception) { MessageBox.Show(exception.Message, " ¡ ERROR !", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } } lector.Close(); var cadena1 = "select PL.i_PlanId, PL.i_EsCoaseguro, PL.d_Importe, PL.d_ImporteCo " + "from [dbo].[plan] PL " + "where PL.v_IdUnidadProductiva='" + lineId + "' and PL.v_ProtocoloId='" + _protocolId + "' "; comando = new SqlCommand(cadena1, connection: conectasam.conectarsigesoft); lector = comando.ExecuteReader(); string PlanId = ""; int coaseguro = 0; decimal?importe = 0; decimal?importeCo = 0; while (lector.Read()) { try { PlanId = lector.GetValue(0).ToString(); coaseguro = int.Parse(lector.GetValue(1).ToString()); importe = decimal.Parse(lector.GetValue(2).ToString()); importeCo = decimal.Parse(lector.GetValue(3).ToString()); } catch (Exception exception) { MessageBox.Show(exception.Message, " ¡ ERROR !", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } } lector.Close(); string factores = ""; string aseguradoraName = ""; string organizationId = ""; var factorGlobal = ""; var cadena2 = "select PR.r_PriceFactor, OO.v_Name, PR.v_CustomerOrganizationId " + "from Organization OO " + "inner join protocol PR On PR.v_AseguradoraOrganizationId = OO.v_OrganizationId " + "where PR.v_ProtocolId ='" + _protocolId + "'"; comando = new SqlCommand(cadena2, connection: conectasam.conectarsigesoft); lector = comando.ExecuteReader(); while (lector.Read()) { try { factores = lector.GetValue(0).ToString(); var factorArray = factores.Split('|');// factores[0].ToString().Split('|'); factorGlobal = factorArray[0]; aseguradoraName = lector.GetValue(1).ToString(); organizationId = lector.GetValue(2).ToString(); } catch (Exception exception) { MessageBox.Show(exception.Message, " ¡ ERROR !", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } } lector.Close(); #endregion #region Según el tipo de componente se hace el calculo switch (i_KindOfService) { //CLINICA case 1: { if (objComponentDto.r_PriceSegus != 0) { objServiceComponentDto.r_Price = objComponentDto.r_PriceSegus; objServiceComponentDto.d_SaldoPaciente = importe; objServiceComponentDto.d_SaldoAseguradora = (decimal)objComponentDto.r_PriceSegus - importe; } else { frmConfigSeguros frm1 = new frmConfigSeguros("1"); frm1.ShowDialog(); objServiceComponentDto.r_Price = (float)frm1.nuevoPrecio; objServiceComponentDto.d_SaldoPaciente = importe; objServiceComponentDto.d_SaldoAseguradora = frm1.nuevoPrecio - importe; } } break; //SERVICIOS AUXILIARES case 2: { if (objComponentDto.r_PriceSegus != 0) { objServiceComponentDto.r_Price = objComponentDto.r_PriceSegus * float.Parse(factorGlobal); objServiceComponentDto.d_SaldoPaciente = importeCo * (decimal)objServiceComponentDto.r_Price / 100; objServiceComponentDto.d_SaldoAseguradora = (100 - importeCo) * (decimal)objServiceComponentDto.r_Price / 100; } else { frmConfigSeguros frm1 = new frmConfigSeguros(factorGlobal); frm1.ShowDialog(); objServiceComponentDto.r_Price = (float)frm1.nuevoPrecio; objServiceComponentDto.d_SaldoPaciente = importeCo * frm1.nuevoPrecio / 100; objServiceComponentDto.d_SaldoAseguradora = (100 - importeCo) * frm1.nuevoPrecio / 100; } } break; //HONORARIOS MÉDICOS Y/O QUIRURGICOS case 3: { if (objComponentDto.r_PriceSegus != 0) { objServiceComponentDto.r_Price = objComponentDto.r_PriceSegus * float.Parse(factorGlobal); objServiceComponentDto.d_SaldoPaciente = importeCo * (decimal)objServiceComponentDto.r_Price / 100; objServiceComponentDto.d_SaldoAseguradora = (100 - importeCo) * (decimal)objServiceComponentDto.r_Price / 100; } else { frmConfigSeguros frm1 = new frmConfigSeguros(factorGlobal); frm1.ShowDialog(); objServiceComponentDto.r_Price = (float)frm1.nuevoPrecio; objServiceComponentDto.d_SaldoPaciente = importeCo * frm1.nuevoPrecio / 100; objServiceComponentDto.d_SaldoAseguradora = (100 - importeCo) * frm1.nuevoPrecio / 100; } } break; } #endregion objServiceComponentDto.v_ServiceId = _serviceId; objServiceComponentDto.i_ExternalInternalId = (int)Common.ComponenteProcedencia.Interno; objServiceComponentDto.i_ServiceComponentTypeId = 1; objServiceComponentDto.i_IsVisibleId = 1; objServiceComponentDto.i_IsInheritedId = (int)Common.SiNo.NO; objServiceComponentDto.d_StartDate = null; objServiceComponentDto.d_EndDate = null; objServiceComponentDto.i_index = 1; objServiceComponentDto.v_ComponentId = scid; objServiceComponentDto.i_IsInvoicedId = (int)Common.SiNo.NO; objServiceComponentDto.i_ServiceComponentStatusId = (int)Common.ServiceStatus.PorIniciar; objServiceComponentDto.i_QueueStatusId = (int)Common.QueueStatusId.LIBRE; objServiceComponentDto.i_Iscalling = (int)Common.Flag_Call.NoseLlamo; objServiceComponentDto.i_Iscalling_1 = (int)Common.Flag_Call.NoseLlamo; objServiceComponentDto.i_IsManuallyAddedId = (int)Common.SiNo.NO; objServiceComponentDto.i_IsRequiredId = (int)Common.SiNo.SI; objServiceComponentDto.v_IdUnidadProductiva = txtUnidProdId.Text; objServiceComponentDto.i_MedicoTratanteId = int.Parse(cboMedico.SelectedValue.ToString()); if (rbNuevaConsulta.Checked) { objServiceComponentDto.i_TipoDesc = 1; } else if (rbAdicional.Checked) { objServiceComponentDto.i_TipoDesc = 2; } _ObjServiceBL.AddServiceComponent(ref objOperationResult, objServiceComponentDto, Globals.ClientSession.GetAsList()); #region Update a service agrega el PlanId cadena1 = "update service set " + "i_PlanId = '" + PlanId + "' " + "where v_ServiceId = '" + _serviceId + "' "; comando = new SqlCommand(cadena1, connection: conectasam.conectarsigesoft); lector = comando.ExecuteReader(); lector.Close(); #endregion } else { FormPrecioComponente frm = new FormPrecioComponente(NombreComponente[0].ToString(), precio_base.ToString(), ""); frm.ShowDialog(); objServiceComponentDto.i_ConCargoA = conCargoA; objServiceComponentDto.v_ServiceId = _serviceId; objServiceComponentDto.i_ExternalInternalId = (int)Common.ComponenteProcedencia.Interno; objServiceComponentDto.i_ServiceComponentTypeId = 1; objServiceComponentDto.i_IsVisibleId = 1; objServiceComponentDto.i_IsInheritedId = (int)Common.SiNo.NO; objServiceComponentDto.d_StartDate = null; objServiceComponentDto.d_EndDate = null; objServiceComponentDto.i_index = 1; objServiceComponentDto.r_Price = frm.Precio; objServiceComponentDto.v_ComponentId = scid; objServiceComponentDto.i_IsInvoicedId = (int)Common.SiNo.NO; objServiceComponentDto.i_ServiceComponentStatusId = (int)Common.ServiceStatus.PorIniciar; objServiceComponentDto.i_QueueStatusId = (int)Common.QueueStatusId.LIBRE; //objServiceComponentDto.i_IsRequiredId = (int)Common.SiNo.SI; objServiceComponentDto.i_Iscalling = (int)Common.Flag_Call.NoseLlamo; objServiceComponentDto.i_Iscalling_1 = (int)Common.Flag_Call.NoseLlamo; objServiceComponentDto.i_IsManuallyAddedId = (int)Common.SiNo.NO; objServiceComponentDto.i_IsRequiredId = (int)Common.SiNo.SI; objServiceComponentDto.v_IdUnidadProductiva = objComponentDto.v_IdUnidadProductiva; objServiceComponentDto.i_MedicoTratanteId = int.Parse(cboMedico.SelectedValue.ToString()); objServiceComponentDto.d_SaldoPaciente = 0; objServiceComponentDto.d_SaldoAseguradora = 0; _ObjServiceBL.AddServiceComponent(ref objOperationResult, objServiceComponentDto, Globals.ClientSession.GetAsList()); } } //Actualizo si son examenes adicionales if (_DataSource.Count > 0) { new AdditionalExamBL().UpdateAdditionalExamByComponentIdAndServiceId(ComponentId[0], _serviceId, Globals.ClientSession.i_SystemUserId); } } MessageBox.Show("Se grabo correctamente", " ¡ INFORMACIÓN !", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; }
//[Authorize(Roles = "admin")] //[Authorize(Roles = "manager")] //[Authorize(Roles = "vendor")] public ActionResult Index(string gTot, string nTransac) { try { TrPaymentMenuViewModel vm = new TrPaymentMenuViewModel(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(nTransac)) { throw new NullReferenceException(); } else { if (Session["Language"] == null) { Session["Language"] = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Language"]; } string language = Session["Language"].ToString(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(gTot)) { gTot = TransactionBL.FindTotalByTransacId(nTransac); } var listAmounts = PaymentBL.MakeAmountsList(nTransac); if (listAmounts.Count == 0) { vm.GlobalTotal = gTot; ViewBag.tot = gTot; ViewBag.ticket = false; } else { vm.AmountsPaid = listAmounts; decimal result = PaymentBL.AdaptTotalWithPaid(gTot, listAmounts); if (result < 0) { decimal temp = Math.Abs(result); vm.CashReturn = temp.ToString(); ViewBag.cashBack = temp.ToString(); vm.GlobalTotal = "0"; ViewBag.tot = "0"; //to do --> change init isChange... bool isChange = false; vm.Ticket = TicketBL.FillTicket(nTransac, language, isChange); ViewBag.ticket = true; } else if (result == 0) { ViewBag.cashBack = "0"; vm.GlobalTotal = "0"; ViewBag.tot = "0"; //to do --> change init isChange... bool isChange = false; vm.Ticket = TicketBL.FillTicket(nTransac, language, isChange); ViewBag.ticket = true; } else { vm.GlobalTotal = result.ToString(); ViewBag.tot = result.ToString(); ViewBag.ticket = false; } } vm.NumTransaction = nTransac; ViewBag.transac = nTransac; } vm.MethodsP = PaymentBL.FindMethodsList(); vm.Languages = LanguageBL.FindLanguageListWithoutUniversal(); ViewBag.messageCard = ""; return(View(vm)); } catch (NullReferenceException ex) { //to do insert to log file var e1 = ex.GetBaseException(); // --> log var e4 = ex.Message; // --> log var e5 = ex.Source; // --> log var e8 = ex.GetType(); // --> log var e9 = ex.GetType().Name; // --> log ViewBag.Error = "Il n'y a pas de transaction en cours !"; return(View("Error")); } catch (Exception ex) { //to do insert to log file var e1 = ex.GetBaseException(); // --> log var e4 = ex.Message; // --> log var e5 = ex.Source; // --> log var e8 = ex.GetType(); // --> log var e9 = ex.GetType().Name; // --> log return(View("Error")); } }