예제 #1
    private float helper_timeSlice_lastYUpdate = 0.0f;      // helper value to keep track of the last y-position update of the Time Slice when moved through Leap Motion Grasp Interaction

    /// <summary>
    /// Method to identify the Activation Toggle of a 3D Radar Chart (from potentially multiple in the Scene) the Leap Motion controller collided with, and set link interface references accordingly.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="controller">InteractionController representing the Leap Motion hand controller a contact event occured with.</param>
    private void vrlmTriggerActivationToggleOnPerControllerContactBegin(InteractionController controller)
        // Developer Note: This is basically required to support interaction with multiple 3D Radar Charts in the Scene, assuming interaction with each charts' Activation Toggle switches the focus.

        // Generally, the routine goes as follows
        // (1) Identify collided (contacted) GameObject (potentially one or multiple).
        // (2) Identify Activation Toggle component among collided GameObjects, and retrieve reference to its 3D Radar Chart's main interface.
        // (3) Link references between VRLM and TDRC interfaces accordingly.
        // (4) Continue with interaction.

        // (1)
        HashSet <IInteractionBehaviour> .Enumerator em = controller.contactingObjects.GetEnumerator();
        IInteractionBehaviour ib = null;

        while (em.MoveNext())
            ib = em.Current;

            // (2)
            TDRCInteractionActivationToggle iatComponent = ib.transform.GetComponent <TDRCInteractionActivationToggle>();
            if (iatComponent != null)

        // (3)
        ThreeDimRadarChartInterface tdrcInterfaceRef = ib.transform.parent.parent.GetComponent <ThreeDimRadarChartInterface>();

        tdrcInterface = tdrcInterfaceRef;

        // (4)
예제 #2
    /// <summary>
    /// Method to set up all necessary GameObjects references for VR and Leap Motion Interaction.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="tdrcInterfaceRef">Reference to the ThreeDimRadarChartInterface instance.</param>
    /// <returns>True once everything has been set up.</returns>
    public bool setupForVRAndLeapMotionInteraction(ThreeDimRadarChartInterface tdrcInterfaceRef)
        tdrcInterface = tdrcInterfaceRef;

        // Generally, the setup of GameObjects for Leap Motion interaction follows the same routine of:
        // (1) Attach an InteractionBehaviour component to the corresponding GameObject.
        // (2) Configure the attached InteractionBehaviour component if necessary.
        // (3) Setup EventListerners in the attached InteractionBehaviour component.

        if (tdrcInterface.interact_activationToggle != null)
            InteractionBehaviour ibActivationToggle = tdrcInterface.interact_activationToggle.gameObject.AddComponent <InteractionBehaviour>();
            ibActivationToggle.ignoreGrasping = true;
            ibActivationToggle.OnPerControllerContactBegin = vrlmTriggerActivationToggleOnPerControllerContactBegin;

        if (tdrcInterface.interact_rotationHandle != null)
            InteractionBehaviour ibRotationHandle = tdrcInterface.interact_rotationHandle.gameObject.AddComponent <InteractionBehaviour>();
            ibRotationHandle.moveObjectWhenGrasped = true;      // Note: Movement properties can be adjusted by editing the RigidBody component of the TDRCInteractionInteractionRotationHandle GameObject

        if (tdrcInterface.interact_timeSliceGO != null)
            ibTimeSliceGO = tdrcInterface.interact_timeSliceGO.AddComponent <InteractionBehaviour>();
            ibTimeSliceGO.moveObjectWhenGrasped = false;
            ibTimeSliceGO.OnGraspStay           = vrlmGraspStayTimeSlice;

예제 #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Method to keep track of a reference to the 3D Radar Chart's main interface.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="tdrcInterfaceRef">Reference to the ThreeDimRadarChartInterface instance.</param>
 public void setTDRCInterface(ThreeDimRadarChartInterface tdrcInterfaceRef)
     tdrcInterface = tdrcInterfaceRef;
     if (tdrcInterface != null)
예제 #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Method to keep track of a reference to the 3D Radar Chart's main interface.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="tdrcInterfaceRef">Reference to the ThreeDimRadarChartInterface instance.</param>
 public void setTDRCInterface(ThreeDimRadarChartInterface tdrcInterfaceRef)
     tdrcInterface = tdrcInterfaceRef;
예제 #5
    private GameObject visualFeedback_rangeSelectionAxis;                                   // reference to temporary created axis during time range selection process (as visual feedback during the time range selection process)


    /// <summary>
    /// Method to keep track of a reference to the 3D Radar Chart's main interface.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="tdrcInterfaceRef">Reference to the ThreeDimRadarChartInterface instance.</param>
    public void setTDRCInterface(ThreeDimRadarChartInterface tdrcInterfaceRef)
        tdrcInterface = tdrcInterfaceRef;
        tdrcInterface.stt_timeRangeSelectionState = RangeSelectionState.NothingSelected;
예제 #6
    /// <summary>
    /// General update routine.
    /// </summary>
    private void Update()
        // KEYBOARD INTERACTION for demonstration purposes

        // Q - init and load data
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Q))
            Debug.Log("Q pressed");

            // only instantiate if not already existing
            if (demo_TDRCInterface == null && mainCamera != null)
                // instantiate new TDRCInterface GameObject (attached as a Child to the GameObject this demo script is attached to) and get reference to ThreeDimRadarChartInterface component
                demo_TDRCInterface      = Instantiate(Resources.Load(demo_TDRCInterfacePrefab) as GameObject, this.transform).GetComponent <ThreeDimRadarChartInterface>();
                demo_TDRCInterface.name = "TDRCInterface_1";

                // AFTER instantiation _AND_ BEFORE INITIALIZATION: do additional custom configurations to the ThreeDimRadarChartInterface, e.g., set data source and data source color coding properties, configure data transformation related values (normalization, scaling), etc.
                // Note: Default configuration possible beforehand by editing the Prefab directly in the Resources directory using the Unity Inspector. (Recommendation: If done so, create a copy of the original Prefab for save keeping of original configuration.)
                // Some configuration examples:
                //demo_TDRCInterface.dataSourceLocalFilePath = "3D_Radar_Chart-resources/data/sample_data-3dtimevis";
                //demo_TDRCInterface.isDataLoadedFromServer = false;
                //demo_TDRCInterface.cnfg2d_isFrequencyPolygonVisualizationNormalized = true;
                //demo_TDRCInterface.cnfg2d_frequencyPolygonMinimumDataValueForNormalization = 1;     // based on Resources/3D_Radar_Chart-resources/data/sample_data-3dtimevis
                //demo_TDRCInterface.cnfg2d_frequencyPolygonMaximumDataValueForNormalization = 36;    // based on Resources/3D_Radar_Chart-resources/data/sample_data-3dtimevis
                //demo_TDRCInterface.cnfg2d_frequencyPolygonNormalizationScaleFactor = 10.0f;
                //demo_TDRCInterface.cnfg2d_frequencyPolygonDataValueScaling = TDRCFrequencyPolygon.DataValueScaling.Linear;
                //demo_TDRCInterface.cnfg2d_linearScaleFactor = 0.25f;
                // ...

                // configuration for VR and Leap Motion
                if (demo_isEnabledForLeapMotionVRUsage)
                    demo_TDRCInterface.cnfgVRLM_isEnabled = true;
                    demo_TDRCInterface.cnfgVRLM_isEnabled = false;

                // initialize 3D Radar Chart
                demo_TDRCInterface.initWithCameraAndPosition(mainCamera, demo_TDRCPosition);

        // if 3D Radar Chart has been set up
        if (demo_TDRCInterface != null)
            // A - toggle activation state
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.A))
                Debug.Log("A pressed");

            // RIGHT / LEFT ARROW KEY - manual rotation of the Rotation Handle
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.RightArrow))
                Debug.Log("RIGHT Arrow pressed");
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.LeftArrow))
                Debug.Log("LEFT Arrow pressed");

            // UP / DOWN ARROW KEY - move Time Slice up and down by one index along the time-series axis
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.UpArrow))
                Debug.Log("UP Arrow pressed");
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.DownArrow))
                Debug.Log("DOWN Arrow pressed");

            // S - iterate through Time Range Selection states
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.S))
                Debug.Log("S pressed");
예제 #7
    /// <summary>
    /// Method used for data value scaling based on the configuration of the 3D Radar Chart's Interface. (Note: Data value is just transformed for visualization, i.e., no changes in the actual data are performed.)
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="dataValue">Float value representing the original data value that is going to be scaled for visualization.</param>
    /// <param name="tdrci">Reference to ThreeDimRadarChartInterface instance used for configuration.</param>
    /// <returns>Float value representing the scaled original data value.</returns>
    private static float getDataValueForVisualizationBasedOnConfiguredScaling(float dataValue, ThreeDimRadarChartInterface tdrci)
        float scaledDataValue;

        switch (tdrci.cnfg2d_frequencyPolygonDataValueScaling)
        case DataValueScaling.NoScaling:
            scaledDataValue = (dataValue > 0) ? dataValue : 0.0f;

        case DataValueScaling.Linear:
            scaledDataValue = (dataValue > 0) ? dataValue * tdrci.cnfg2d_linearScaleFactor : 0.0f;

        case DataValueScaling.Logarithmic_Base2:
            scaledDataValue = (dataValue > 0) ? Mathf.Log(dataValue, 2) : 0.0f;
예제 #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Method used for data value normalization based on the configuration of the 3D Radar Chart's Interface. (Note: Data value is just transformed for visualization, i.e., no changes in the actual data are performed.)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dataValue">Float value representing the original data value that is going to be normalized for visualization.</param>
 /// <param name="tdrci">Reference to ThreeDimRadarChartInterface instance used for configuration.</param>
 /// <returns>Float value representing the normalized original data value (data value range = 0 to 1).</returns>
 private static float getDataValueForVisualizationBasedOnConfiguredNormalization(float dataValue, ThreeDimRadarChartInterface tdrci)
     return((dataValue - tdrci.cnfg2d_frequencyPolygonMinimumDataValueForNormalization) / (tdrci.cnfg2d_frequencyPolygonMaximumDataValueForNormalization - tdrci.cnfg2d_frequencyPolygonMinimumDataValueForNormalization));
예제 #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Method used for data value transformation (normalization or scaling) based on the configuration of the 3D Radar Chart's Interface. (Note: Data value is just transformed for visualization, i.e., no changes in the actual data are performed.)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dataValue">Float value representing the original data value that is going to be transformed (normalized or scaled) for visualization.</param>
 /// <param name="tdrci">Reference to ThreeDimRadarChartInterface instance used for configuration.</param>
 /// <returns>Float value representing the transformed original data value.</returns>
 public static float getDataValueForVisualizationBasedOnTDRCInterfaceConfig(float dataValue, ThreeDimRadarChartInterface tdrci)
     // check whether to apply normalization
     if (tdrci.cnfg2d_isFrequencyPolygonVisualizationNormalized)
         return(getDataValueForVisualizationBasedOnConfiguredNormalization(dataValue, tdrci) * tdrci.cnfg2d_frequencyPolygonNormalizationScaleFactor);
     // if not: apply scaling based on configuration
         return(getDataValueForVisualizationBasedOnConfiguredScaling(dataValue, tdrci));