/// <summary> /// Handles the Load event of the Page control. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param> /// <param name="e">The <see cref="System.EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param> private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { int threadID = HnDGeneralUtils.TryConvertToInt(Request.QueryString["ThreadID"]); _thread = ThreadGuiHelper.GetThread(threadID); if (_thread == null) { // not found, return to default page Response.Redirect("default.aspx", true); } _startAtMessageIndex = HnDGeneralUtils.TryConvertToInt(Request.QueryString["StartAtMessage"]); _quoteMessageID = HnDGeneralUtils.TryConvertToInt(Request.QueryString["QuoteMessageID"]); // Check credentials bool userHasAccess = SessionAdapter.CanPerformForumActionRight(_thread.ForumID, ActionRights.AccessForum); if (!userHasAccess) { // doesn't have access to this forum. redirect Response.Redirect("default.aspx"); } // Check if the current user is allowed to add new messages to the thread. bool userMayAddNewMessages = false; if (!_thread.IsClosed) { if (_thread.IsSticky) { if (SessionAdapter.CanPerformForumActionRight(_thread.ForumID, ActionRights.AddAndEditMessageInSticky)) { userMayAddNewMessages = true; } } else { if (SessionAdapter.CanPerformForumActionRight(_thread.ForumID, ActionRights.AddAndEditMessage)) { userMayAddNewMessages = true; } } } if (!userMayAddNewMessages) { // is not allowed to post a new message Response.Redirect("Messages.aspx?ThreadID=" + threadID, true); } // use BL class. We could have used Lazy loading, though for the sake of separation, we'll call into the BL class. ForumEntity forum = CacheManager.GetForum(_thread.ForumID); if (forum == null) { // orphaned thread Response.Redirect("default.aspx"); } // check if the user can view the thread the message is in. If not, don't continue. if ((_thread.StartedByUserID != SessionAdapter.GetUserID()) && !SessionAdapter.CanPerformForumActionRight(_thread.ForumID, ActionRights.ViewNormalThreadsStartedByOthers)) { // can't add a message, it's in a thread which isn't visible to the user Response.Redirect("default.aspx", true); } meMessageEditor.ShowAddAttachment = ((forum.MaxNoOfAttachmentsPerMessage > 0) && SessionAdapter.CanPerformForumActionRight(_thread.ForumID, ActionRights.AddAttachment)); meMessageEditor.ShowSubscribeToThread = !UserGuiHelper.CheckIfThreadIsAlreadySubscribed(SessionAdapter.GetUserID(), _thread.ThreadID); // User is able to post a new message to the current thread. if (!Page.IsPostBack) { // fill the page's content lnkThreads.Text = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(forum.ForumName); lnkThreads.NavigateUrl += "?ForumID=" + _thread.ForumID; meMessageEditor.ForumName = forum.ForumName; meMessageEditor.ThreadSubject = _thread.Subject; lblSectionName.Text = CacheManager.GetSectionName(forum.SectionID); lnkMessages.NavigateUrl += threadID; lnkMessages.Text = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(_thread.Subject); phLastPostingInThread.Visible = (_quoteMessageID <= 0); bool userMayEditMemo = SessionAdapter.CanPerformForumActionRight(_thread.ForumID, ActionRights.EditThreadMemo); // get quoted message if passed in. if (_quoteMessageID > 0) { // get message and insert it into the textbox including quote tags. MessageEntity messageToQuote = MessageGuiHelper.GetMessage(_quoteMessageID); if (messageToQuote != null) { // message found. UserEntity quotedUser = UserGuiHelper.GetUser(messageToQuote.PostedByUserID); if (quotedUser != null) { // user found. proceed meMessageEditor.OriginalMessageText = TextParser.MakeStringQuoted(messageToQuote.MessageText, quotedUser.NickName); } } } else { // no quoted message. Load the last message from the active thread and display it in the form. This // message entity has the poster user entity prefetched, together with the usertitle of the user. MessageEntity lastMessageInThread = ThreadGuiHelper.GetLastMessageInThreadWithUserInfo(threadID); if (lastMessageInThread != null) { litMessageBody.Text = lastMessageInThread.MessageTextAsHTML; lblPostingDate.Text = lastMessageInThread.PostingDate.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss"); if (lastMessageInThread.PostedByUser != null) { UserEntity messagePoster = lastMessageInThread.PostedByUser; if (messagePoster.UserTitle != null) { lblUserTitleDescription.Text = messagePoster.UserTitle.UserTitleDescription; } lblLocation.Text = messagePoster.Location; if (messagePoster.JoinDate.HasValue) { lblJoinDate.Text = messagePoster.JoinDate.Value.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss"); } if (messagePoster.AmountOfPostings.HasValue) { lblAmountOfPostings.Text = messagePoster.AmountOfPostings.Value.ToString(); } if (messagePoster.SignatureAsHTML != null) { litSignature.Text = messagePoster.SignatureAsHTML; } lblNickname.Text = messagePoster.NickName; } } } if ((_thread.Memo.Length > 0) && userMayEditMemo) { // convert memo contents to HTML so it's displayed above the thread. string parserLog, messageTextXml; bool errorsOccured = false; string memoAsHTML = TextParser.TransformUBBMessageStringToHTML(_thread.Memo, ApplicationAdapter.GetParserData(), out parserLog, out errorsOccured, out messageTextXml); lblMemo.Text = memoAsHTML; } phMemo.Visible = userMayEditMemo; } }