public static void RemoveThoughtRecord() { try { Log.Info(TAG, "RemoveThoughtRecord: ThoughtRecordId - " + ThoughtRecordId.ToString()); if (ThoughtRecordId > 0) { Log.Info(TAG, "RemoveThoughtRecord: Id > 0, proceeding to remove"); var dbHelp = new Globals(); dbHelp.OpenDatabase(); ThoughtRecordItem.RemoveThisThoughtRecord(dbHelp.GetSQLiteDatabase()); dbHelp.CloseDatabase(); Log.Info(TAG, "RemoveThoughtRecord: Reset ThoughtRecordItem"); ThoughtRecordId = 0; ThoughtRecordItem = new ThoughtRecord(); //empty one for next use } if (ThoughtRecordId == 0) { Log.Info(TAG, "RemoveThoughtRecord: Skipped Removal, ID is zero!"); } } catch (System.Exception e) { Log.Error(TAG, "RemoveThoughtRecord: Error removing Thought Record with ID " + ThoughtRecordId.ToString() + " - " + e.Message); } }
public static void SetupDataFields() { try { ThoughtRecordId = 0; ThoughtRecordItem = new ThoughtRecord(); SituationItem = new Situation(); MoodItems = new List <Mood>(); MoodListItems = new List <MoodList>(); AutomaticThoughtsItems = new List <AutomaticThoughts>(); EvidenceForHotThoughtItems = new List <EvidenceForHotThought>(); EvidenceAgainstHotThoughtItems = new List <EvidenceAgainstHotThought>(); AlternativeThoughtsItems = new List <AlternativeThoughts>(); RerateMoodsItems = new List <RerateMood>(); ThoughtRecordsItems = new List <ThoughtRecord>(); Log.Info(TAG, "Exiting SetupDataFields with ThoughtRecordId = " + ThoughtRecordId.ToString()); } catch (System.Exception e) { Log.Error(TAG, "SetupDataFields: Error occurred initialising default data objects - " + e.Message); } }
private void SaveThoughtRecord(SQLiteDatabase sqLiteDatabase) { if (sqLiteDatabase.IsOpen) { Log.Info(TAG, "SaveThoughtRecord: Database is Open"); if (IsNew) { Log.Info(TAG, "SaveThoughtRecord: New record"); try { //string commandText = "INSERT INTO ThoughtRecord([RecordDate]) VALUES (CDateTime(#" + RecordDateTime + "#))"; string commandText = "INSERT INTO ThoughtRecord([RecordDate]) VALUES ('" + RecordDateTime.ToString() + "')"; Log.Info(TAG, "SaveThoughtRecord: Command text is '" + commandText + "'"); ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.Put("RecordDate", String.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}", RecordDateTime)); var retVal = sqLiteDatabase.Insert("ThoughtRecord", null, values); GlobalData.ThoughtRecordId = retVal; ThoughtRecordId = retVal; Log.Info(TAG, "SaveThoughtRecord: retVal assigned to global thoughtrecordId - " + retVal.ToString()); Log.Info(TAG, "SaveThoughtRecord: Internal ThoughtRecord Id is " + ThoughtRecordId.ToString()); IsNew = false; IsDirty = false; } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error(TAG, "SaveThoughtRecord: Exception - " + e.Message); throw new Exception("Attempt to save Thought Record failed - " + e.Message); } } } }