public void LoadList(SorryCardGamePlayerItem tempPlayer, CommandContainer command) { _thisPlayer = tempPlayer; StackLayout thisStack = new StackLayout(); thisStack.Orientation = StackOrientation.Horizontal; _clickCommand = tempPlayer.GetPlainCommand(command, nameof(SorryCardGamePlayerItem.SorryPlayerAsync)); //not just player anymore. thisStack.InputTransparent = true; _thisList = new CustomBasicList <CardGraphicsXF>(); for (int x = 1; x <= 4; x++) { var thisCard = new CardGraphicsXF(); _thisList.Add(thisCard); thisCard.SendSize("", new SorryCardGameCardInformation()); thisCard.BindingContext = null; thisCard.InputTransparent = true; thisStack.Children.Add(thisCard); } Text = _thisPlayer.NickName; BindingContext = _thisPlayer; var thisRect = ThisFrame.GetControlArea(); thisStack.Margin = new Thickness(thisRect.Left + 3, thisRect.Top + 10, 3, 3); var thisGrid = new Grid(); ThisDraw.EnableTouchEvents = true; ThisDraw.Touch += ThisDraw_Touch; thisGrid.Children.Add(ThisDraw); thisGrid.Children.Add(thisStack); Content = thisGrid; _clickCommand !.CanExecuteChanged += ClickCommandChange; _thisPlayer.PropertyChanged += ThisPlayerPropertyChange; RefreshList(); }
protected override void FirstSetUp() { var thisScore = new ScoringGuideClassCP(); ThisFrame.Text = "Scoring Guide"; Grid firstGrid = new Grid(); firstGrid.Children.Add(ThisDraw); var thisRect = ThisFrame.GetControlArea(); Grid otherGrid = new Grid(); otherGrid.Margin = new Thickness(thisRect.Left + 3, thisRect.Top + 3, 3, 5); GridHelper.AddLeftOverColumn(otherGrid, 2); GridHelper.AddLeftOverColumn(otherGrid, 2); StackPanel thisStack = new StackPanel(); AddLabel(thisScore.OffenseText, true, thisStack); GridHelper.AddControlToGrid(otherGrid, thisStack, 0, 0); var thisList = thisScore.OffenseList(); thisList.ForEach(item => AddLabel(item, false, thisStack)); thisStack = new StackPanel(); GridHelper.AddControlToGrid(otherGrid, thisStack, 0, 1); thisList = thisScore.DefenseList(); AddLabel(thisScore.DefenseText, true, thisStack); thisList.ForEach(item => AddLabel(item, false, thisStack)); firstGrid.Children.Add(otherGrid); Content = firstGrid; }
protected override void FirstSetUp() { HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Start; VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Start; Grid firstGrid = new Grid(); firstGrid.Children.Add(ThisDraw); ScrollView thisScroll = new ScrollView(); Text = "Score Details"; var thisRect = ThisFrame.GetControlArea(); thisScroll.Margin = new Thickness(thisRect.Left, thisRect.Top, 3, 2); _mainGrid = new Grid(); _mainGrid.RowSpacing = 0; _mainGrid.ColumnSpacing = 4; thisScroll.Orientation = ScrollOrientation.Both; thisScroll.Content = _mainGrid; firstGrid.Children.Add(thisScroll); Content = firstGrid; GridHelper.AddAutoRows(_mainGrid, 1); _rowList = new CustomBasicList <BindData>(); AddColumn("Nick Name", true, "NickName", rightMargin: 8); firstGrid.HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Start; firstGrid.VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Start; }
public void Init(ScoreHandCP mod) { _tempMod = mod; _cardList = _tempMod.CardList; _cardList.CollectionChanged += CollectionChanged; _thisGrid = new Grid(); Text = _tempMod.Text; // i think Grid parentGrid = new Grid(); parentGrid.Children.Add(ThisDraw); parentGrid.Children.Add(_thisGrid); var thisRect = ThisFrame.GetControlArea(); SetUpMarginsOnParentControl(_thisGrid, thisRect); _thisGrid.Margin = new Thickness(_thisGrid.Margin.Left, _thisGrid.Margin.Top + 8, _thisGrid.Margin.Right, _thisGrid.Margin.Bottom); // not sure why did not work well this time (?) AddAutoColumns(_thisGrid, 3); AddAutoRows(_thisGrid, 2); HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch; Content = parentGrid; if (_cardList.Count > 0) { PopulateList(); } }
public ActionDoAgainView(FluxxVMData model, ActionContainer actionContainer, KeeperContainer keeperContainer) { Text = "Card List"; StackPanel stack = new StackPanel(); SKRect thisRect = ThisFrame.GetControlArea(); SetUpMarginsOnParentControl(stack, thisRect); //i think. ListChooserWPF list = new ListChooserWPF(); list.LoadLists(actionContainer.CardList1 !); // i think ScrollViewer thisScroll = new ScrollViewer(); thisScroll.VerticalScrollBarVisibility = ScrollBarVisibility.Auto; thisScroll.Content = list; thisScroll.Height = 500; // well see. stack.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal; stack.Children.Add(thisScroll); StackPanel finalStack = new StackPanel(); stack.Children.Add(finalStack); var button = GetGamingButton("Select Card", nameof(ActionDoAgainViewModel.SelectCardAsync)); // i think finalStack.Children.Add(button); button = GetGamingButton("View Card", nameof(ActionDoAgainViewModel.ViewCard)); finalStack.Children.Add(button); button = ActionHelpers.GetKeeperButton(); finalStack.Children.Add(button); Grid grid = new Grid(); grid.Children.Add(ThisDraw); grid.Children.Add(stack); Content = ActionHelpers.GetFinalStack(grid, model, actionContainer, keeperContainer); }
public void Init(MainSetsObservable <SU, CO, RU, SE, T> thisMod, string tagUsed) { _tagUsed = tagUsed; _thisStack = new StackLayout(); _thisStack.Orientation = StackOrientation.Horizontal; IndividualRummySetXF <SU, CO, RU, GC, GW, SE, T> thisTemp; Grid firstGrid = new Grid(); ScrollView thisScroll = new ScrollView(); thisScroll.Orientation = ScrollOrientation.Both; if (thisMod.HasFrame == true) { Text = thisMod.Text; var thisRect = ThisFrame.GetControlArea(); thisScroll.Margin = new Thickness((double)thisRect.Left + (float)3, (double)thisRect.Top + (float)3, 3, 5); // try this way. firstGrid.Children.Add(ThisDraw); firstGrid.Children.Add(thisScroll); } else { firstGrid.Children.Add(thisScroll);// this alone. } _setList = thisMod.SetList; foreach (var thisSet in thisMod.SetList) { thisTemp = new IndividualRummySetXF <SU, CO, RU, GC, GW, SE, T>(); thisTemp.Divider = Divider; thisTemp.Additionals = Additionals; thisTemp.LoadList(thisSet, tagUsed); _thisStack.Children.Add(thisTemp); } _setList.CollectionChanged += SetList_CollectionChanged; thisScroll.Content = _thisStack; Content = firstGrid; }
public void LoadLists(PickelCardGameVMData model) { NumberChooserWPF firstBid = new NumberChooserWPF(); firstBid.Columns = 7; Text = "Bid Info"; EnumPickerWPF <DeckPieceCP, DeckPieceWPF, EnumSuitList> firstSuit = new EnumPickerWPF <DeckPieceCP, DeckPieceWPF, EnumSuitList>(); var thisRect = ThisFrame.GetControlArea(); StackPanel thisStack = new StackPanel(); SetUpMarginsOnParentControl(thisStack, thisRect); firstBid.Margin = new Thickness(3, 3, 3, 3); firstSuit.Margin = new Thickness(3, 3, 3, 3); firstSuit.LoadLists(model.Suit1 !); firstBid.LoadLists(model.Bid1 !); thisStack.Children.Add(firstBid); thisStack.Children.Add(firstSuit); StackPanel otherStack = new StackPanel(); otherStack.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal; GamePackageViewModelBinder.ManuelElements.Clear(); Button button = GetGamingButton("Place Bid", nameof(PickelBidViewModel.ProcessBidAsync)); GamePackageViewModelBinder.ManuelElements.Add(button); otherStack.Children.Add(button); button = GetGamingButton("Pass", nameof(PickelBidViewModel.PassAsync)); otherStack.Children.Add(button); GamePackageViewModelBinder.ManuelElements.Add(button); thisStack.Children.Add(otherStack); Grid thisGrid = new Grid(); thisGrid.Children.Add(ThisDraw); thisGrid.Children.Add(thisStack); Content = thisGrid; }
public void LoadList(ScatteringPiecesObservable <CA, LI> mod, string tagUsed) { EventAggregator thisE = Resolve <EventAggregator>(); thisE.Subscribe(this); SetBinding(TextProperty, nameof(ScatteringPiecesObservable <CA, LI> .TextToAppear)); SetBinding(IsEnabledProperty, nameof(ScatteringPiecesObservable <CA, LI> .IsEnabled)); _thisMod = mod; DataContext = _thisMod; // so it can do the text and isenabled. _tagUsed = tagUsed; _objectList = mod.RemainingList; _objectList.CollectionChanged += ObjectList_CollectionChanged; _thisCanvas = new Canvas(); _thisCanvas.Height = _thisMod.MaxSize.Height; _thisCanvas.Width = _thisMod.MaxSize.Width; Grid tirstGrid = new Grid(); tirstGrid.Children.Add(ThisDraw); ScrollViewer thisScroll = new ScrollViewer(); thisScroll.HorizontalScrollBarVisibility = ScrollBarVisibility.Auto; thisScroll.VerticalScrollBarVisibility = ScrollBarVisibility.Auto; thisScroll.Content = _thisCanvas; tirstGrid.Children.Add(thisScroll); if (Text == "" && _thisMod.TextToAppear != "") { throw new BasicBlankException("The bindings did not even work for text"); } var thisRect = ThisFrame.GetControlArea(); thisScroll.Margin = new Thickness(thisRect.Left + 3, thisRect.Top + 3, 3, 5); // try this way. PopulateCards(); MouseUp += BoneYardWPF_MouseUp; Content = tirstGrid; }
public ScoreView(ThinkTwiceVMData model) { Grid grid = new Grid(); grid.Children.Add(ThisDraw); StackPanel stack = new StackPanel(); Text = model.DisplayScoreText; SetBinding(IsEnabledProperty, new Binding(nameof(ScoreViewModel.IsEnabled))); // this needs bindings var rect = ThisFrame.GetControlArea(); stack.Margin = new Thickness((double)rect.Left + (float)3, (double)rect.Top + 10, 3, 3); // try this way. Button button; foreach (var thisItem in model.TextList) { button = GetButtonNormalButton(thisItem); stack.Children.Add(button); } StackPanel finalStack = new StackPanel(); finalStack.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal; button = GetGamingButton("Your Score", nameof(ScoreViewModel.CalculateScoreAsync)); finalStack.Children.Add(button); button = GetGamingButton("Description", nameof(ScoreViewModel.ScoreDescriptionAsync)); finalStack.Children.Add(button); stack.Children.Add(finalStack); grid.Children.Add(stack); Content = grid; }
//public int ItemHeight //{ // get // { // return _list.ItemHeight; // } // set // { // _list.ItemHeight = value; // } //} //public int ItemWidth //{ // get // { // return _list.ItemWidth; // } // set // { // _list.ItemWidth = value; // } //} public PlayerUI(ActionContainer actionContainer, bool usePlayerButton, int itemHeight = 40, int itemWidth = 300) { GamePackageViewModelBinder.ManuelElements.Clear(); Text = "Player List"; StackPanel thisStack = new StackPanel(); SKRect thisRect = ThisFrame.GetControlArea(); SetUpMarginsOnParentControl(thisStack, thisRect); //i think. _list.ItemHeight = itemHeight; _list.ItemWidth = itemWidth; _list.LoadLists(actionContainer.Player1 !); thisStack.Children.Add(_list); if (usePlayerButton) { var button = GetGamingButton("Choose Player", nameof(ActionTakeUseViewModel.ChoosePlayerAsync)); // i think GamePackageViewModelBinder.ManuelElements.Add(button); //try this too. var bind = GetVisibleBinding(nameof(ActionContainer.ButtonChoosePlayerVisible)); button.SetBinding(VisibilityProperty, bind); thisStack.Children.Add(button); } Grid grid = new Grid(); grid.Children.Add(ThisDraw); grid.Children.Add(thisStack); Content = grid; }
public void Init(DeckObservablePile <CA> cardModel, string tagUsed) { DataContext = cardModel; _tagUsed = tagUsed; _thisMod = cardModel; if (_thisMod.DrawInCenter == true) { CanDrawText = false; _thisNumber = new NumberPieceWPF(); _thisNumber.CanHighlight = false; // not this time. _thisNumber.TextColor = SKColors.SeaGreen; _thisNumber.Margin = new Thickness(2, 2, 2, 2); } SetBinding(TextProperty, nameof(DeckObservablePile <CA> .TextToAppear)); SetBinding(IsEnabledProperty, nameof(DeckObservablePile <CA> .IsEnabled)); _thisGrid = new Grid(); _thisObject = new GW(); HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left; VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top; CA temps = new CA(); if (temps.DefaultSize.Height == 0 || temps.DefaultSize.Width == 0) { throw new BasicBlankException("The width and height cannot be 0. Rethink"); } _thisObject.SendSize(tagUsed, temps); //i think _thisObject.DataContext = cardModel.CurrentDisplayCard; Binding thisBind = new Binding(nameof(DeckObservablePile <CA> .DeckObjectClickedCommand)); thisBind.Source = _thisMod; // has to be that one _thisObject.SetBinding(GraphicsCommand.CommandProperty, thisBind); //if we need visible, rethink. //SetBinding(VisibilityProperty, GetVisibleBinding(nameof(DeckViewModel<CA>.Visible))); if (_thisMod.DrawInCenter == false) { var thisRect = ThisFrame.GetControlArea(); //i think only if no center. try this way. SetUpMarginsOnParentControl(_thisObject, thisRect); _objectLocation = new SKPoint(thisRect.Left, thisRect.Top); } else { _thisObject.Margin = new Thickness(2, 2, 2, 2); _objectLocation = new SKPoint(2, 2); } EventAggregator thisE = Resolve <EventAggregator>(); thisE.Subscribe(this, EnumNewCardCategories.Deck.ToString()); _thisGrid.Children.Add(ThisDraw); _thisGrid.Children.Add(_thisObject); if (_thisMod.DrawInCenter == true) { _thisNumber !.Height = _thisObject.ObjectSize.Height; _thisNumber.Width = _thisObject.ObjectSize.Width; _thisNumber.NumberValue = int.Parse(_thisMod.TextToAppear); _thisNumber.Init(); _thisGrid.Children.Add(_thisNumber); // so this goes on top hopefully animations still work (?) } Content = _thisGrid; _thisObject.Init(); // this should be okay. will do the right thing afterall }
public ActionDirectionView(FluxxVMData model, ActionContainer actionContainer, KeeperContainer keeperContainer) { Text = "Direction"; StackPanel stack = new StackPanel(); SKRect rect = ThisFrame.GetControlArea(); SetUpMarginsOnParentControl(stack, rect); //i think. ListChooserWPF list = new ListChooserWPF(); list.ItemHeight = 60; list.LoadLists(actionContainer.Direction1 !); stack.Children.Add(list); var button = GetGamingButton("Choose Direction", nameof(ActionDirectionViewModel.DirectionAsync)); button.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left; button.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top; StackPanel otherStack = new StackPanel(); otherStack.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal; stack.Children.Add(otherStack); otherStack.Children.Add(button); button = ActionHelpers.GetKeeperButton(); otherStack.Children.Add(button); Grid grid = new Grid(); grid.Children.Add(ThisDraw); grid.Children.Add(stack); Content = ActionHelpers.GetFinalStack(grid, model, actionContainer, keeperContainer); }
public RookBiddingView(RookVMData model) { NumberChooserWPF firstBid = new NumberChooserWPF(); firstBid.Columns = 7; Text = "Bid Info"; var rect = ThisFrame.GetControlArea(); StackPanel stack = new StackPanel(); SetUpMarginsOnParentControl(stack, rect); firstBid.LoadLists(model.Bid1 !); stack.Children.Add(firstBid); StackPanel otherStack = new StackPanel(); otherStack.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal; stack.Children.Add(otherStack); Button button = GetGamingButton("Place Bid", nameof(RookBiddingViewModel.BidAsync)); otherStack.Children.Add(button); button = GetGamingButton("Pass", nameof(RookBiddingViewModel.PassAsync)); otherStack.Children.Add(button); Grid grid = new Grid(); grid.Children.Add(ThisDraw); grid.Children.Add(stack); Content = grid; }
public void LoadList(Pinochle2PlayerVMData model) { Text = "Scoring Guide"; _thisGrid = new Grid(); var thisRect = ThisFrame.GetControlArea(); SetUpMarginsOnParentControl(_thisGrid, thisRect); AddAutoColumns(_thisGrid, 2); AddAutoRows(_thisGrid, 20); var thisLabel = GetLargestLabel("Point Values:"); AddControlToGrid(_thisGrid, thisLabel, 0, 0); _rowNumber = 1; model.Guide1 !.PointValueList.ForEach(thisScore => AddStandardLabel(thisScore)); thisLabel = GetLargestLabel("Value Of Melds:"); AddControlToGrid(_thisGrid, thisLabel, _rowNumber, 0); _rowNumber++; thisLabel = GetClassLabel("A"); AddControlToGrid(_thisGrid, thisLabel, _rowNumber, 0); _rowNumber++; model.Guide1.ClassAList.ForEach(thisScore => AddStandardLabel(thisScore)); thisLabel = GetClassLabel("B"); AddControlToGrid(_thisGrid, thisLabel, _rowNumber, 0); _rowNumber++; model.Guide1.ClassBList.ForEach(thisScore => AddStandardLabel(thisScore)); thisLabel = GetClassLabel("C"); AddControlToGrid(_thisGrid, thisLabel, _rowNumber, 0); _rowNumber++; model.Guide1.ClassCList.ForEach(thisScore => AddStandardLabel(thisScore)); Grid finalGrid = new Grid(); finalGrid.Children.Add(ThisDraw); finalGrid.Children.Add(_thisGrid); Content = finalGrid; }
public void LoadList(SorryCardGamePlayerItem tempPlayer, CommandContainer command) { _thisPlayer = tempPlayer; StackPanel thisStack = new StackPanel(); thisStack.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal; _clickCommand = tempPlayer.GetPlainCommand(command, nameof(SorryCardGamePlayerItem.SorryPlayerAsync)); //not just player anymore. _thisList = new CustomBasicList <CardGraphicsWPF>(); for (int x = 1; x <= 4; x++) { var thisCard = new CardGraphicsWPF(); _thisList.Add(thisCard); thisCard.SendSize("", new SorryCardGameCardInformation()); thisCard.DataContext = null; thisStack.Children.Add(thisCard); } Text = _thisPlayer.NickName; DataContext = _thisPlayer; var thisRect = ThisFrame.GetControlArea(); thisStack.Margin = new Thickness(thisRect.Left + 3, thisRect.Top + 10, 3, 3); var thisGrid = new Grid(); thisGrid.Children.Add(ThisDraw); thisGrid.Children.Add(thisStack); Content = thisGrid; _clickCommand !.CanExecuteChanged += ClickCommandChange; MouseUp += BoardWPF_MouseUp; _thisPlayer.PropertyChanged += ThisPlayerPropertyChange; RefreshList(); }
public void LoadControls(MonopolyCardGameVMData model) { _thisDetail = model.AdditionalInfo1; Text = "Card Information"; _thisDetail !.Change = this; Grid tempGrid = new Grid(); SKRect thisRect = ThisFrame.GetControlArea(); SetUpMarginsOnParentControl(tempGrid, thisRect); //i think. AddAutoColumns(tempGrid, 1); AddLeftOverColumn(tempGrid, 1); _thisG = new CardGraphicsWPF(); _thisLabel = GetDefaultLabel(); _thisLabel.Text = _thisDetail.CurrentCard.Description; _thisLabel.TextWrapping = TextWrapping.Wrap; _thisG.SendSize("", _thisDetail.CurrentCard); AddControlToGrid(tempGrid, _thisG, 0, 0); _thisLabel.Margin = new Thickness(10, 3, 5, 3); AddControlToGrid(tempGrid, _thisLabel, 0, 1); Grid thisGrid = new Grid(); thisGrid.Children.Add(ThisDraw); thisGrid.Children.Add(tempGrid); Content = thisGrid; }
public void LoadList(DominosRegularVMData model, IGamePackageResolver resolver) { _model = model; IProportionImage thisP = resolver.Resolve <IProportionImage>(ts.TagUsed); Text = "Display"; _thisGrid = new Grid(); Grid finalGrid = new Grid(); _dominoList = _model.GameBoard1 !.DominoList; _dominoList.CollectionChanged += DominoCollectionChange; if (_dominoList.Count != 3) { throw new BasicBlankException("Only 3 dominos are supported"); } if (_dominoList.First().DefaultSize.Width == 0) { throw new BasicBlankException("The width can never be 0 for dominos"); } SKSize thisSize = _dominoList.First().DefaultSize.GetSizeUsed(thisP.Proportion); int pixels = (int)thisSize.Width / 2; for (int x = 0; x < 4; x++) { AddPixelColumn(_thisGrid, pixels); } RepopulateList(); var thisRect = ThisFrame.GetControlArea(); SetUpMarginsOnParentControl(_thisGrid, thisRect); finalGrid.Children.Add(ThisDraw); finalGrid.Children.Add(_thisGrid); Content = finalGrid; }
public ShowCardUI(FluxxVMData model, ActionContainer actionContainer, KeeperContainer keeperContainer, EnumShowCategory category) { DataContext = actionContainer; switch (category) { case EnumShowCategory.MainScreen: Text = "Card Information"; _detail = model.CardDetail; break; case EnumShowCategory.CurrentAction: Text = "Current Card Information"; //var thisAction1 = (ActionViewModel)thisMod.Action1!; _detail = actionContainer.CurrentDetail; break; case EnumShowCategory.MainAction: SetBinding(TextProperty, new Binding(nameof(ActionContainer.ActionFrameText))); //var thisAction2 = (ActionViewModel)thisMod.Action1!; _detail = actionContainer.ActionDetail; break; case EnumShowCategory.KeeperScreen: Text = "Current Card Information"; //var thisKeeper = (KeeperViewModel)thisMod.KeeperControl1!; _detail = keeperContainer.CardDetail; break; default: throw new BasicBlankException("Category Not Found"); } _detail !.Card = this; Grid tempGrid = new Grid(); SKRect thisRect = ThisFrame.GetControlArea(); SetUpMarginsOnParentControl(tempGrid, thisRect); //i think. AddAutoColumns(tempGrid, 1); AddLeftOverColumn(tempGrid, 1); _graphics = new CardGraphicsWPF(); _label = GetDefaultLabel(); _label.Text = _detail.CurrentCard.Description; _label.TextWrapping = TextWrapping.Wrap; _graphics.SendSize("", _detail.CurrentCard); AddControlToGrid(tempGrid, _graphics, 0, 0); _label.Margin = new Thickness(10, 3, 5, 3); AddControlToGrid(tempGrid, _label, 0, 1); Grid grid = new Grid(); grid.Children.Add(ThisDraw); grid.Children.Add(tempGrid); Content = grid; }
public void LoadList(RummyDiceHandVM thisMod, RummyDiceMainGameClass mainGame) { _thisMod = thisMod; _mainGame = mainGame; DataContext = thisMod; _handList = thisMod.HandList; _handList.CollectionChanged += HandList_CollectionChanged; Text = $"Temp Set {thisMod.Index}"; SetBinding(IsEnabledProperty, nameof(RummyDiceHandVM.IsEnabled)); RummyDiceInfo firstDice = new RummyDiceInfo(); if (firstDice.HeightWidth == 0) { throw new BasicBlankException("You must specify the height/width of the dice"); } IProportionImage thisI = new CustomProportionWPF(); SKSize firstSize = new SKSize(firstDice.HeightWidth, firstDice.HeightWidth); var sizeUsed = firstSize.GetSizeUsed(thisI.Proportion); Grid firstGrid = new Grid(); GridHelper.AddPixelRow(firstGrid, (int)sizeUsed.Height + 50); GridHelper.AddLeftOverRow(firstGrid, 1); Margin = new Thickness(3, 3, 3, 3); _thisStack = new StackPanel(); _thisStack.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal; Button thisBut = GetGamingButton("Place Tiles", nameof(RummyDiceHandVM.BoardCommand)); //i think since its a different view model, has to do manually. thisBut.Name = ""; thisBut.Command = thisMod.BoardCommand; thisBut.Margin = new Thickness(5, 5, 5, 5); GridHelper.AddControlToGrid(firstGrid, _thisStack, 0, 0); GridHelper.AddControlToGrid(firstGrid, thisBut, 1, 0); _thisGrid = new Grid(); //hopefully does not need visible. if we need visible, rethink. //SetBinding(VisibilityProperty, GetVisibleBinding(nameof(RummyDiceHandVM.Visible))); _thisGrid.Children.Add(ThisDraw); _thisGrid.Children.Add(firstGrid); var thisRect = ThisFrame.GetControlArea(); _thisStack.Margin = new Thickness(thisRect.Left + 3, thisRect.Top + 10, 3, 3); Width = 1520; //different on xamarin forms. Height = 250; PopulateControls(); //just in case there is something to start with. Content = _thisGrid; }
public void LoadList(RummyDiceHandVM thisMod, RummyDiceMainGameClass mainGame) { _thisMod = thisMod; _mainGame = mainGame; BindingContext = thisMod; HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand; //hopefully this works too. _handList = thisMod.HandList; _handList.CollectionChanged += HandList_CollectionChanged; Text = $"Temp Set {thisMod.Index}"; SetBinding(IsEnabledProperty, new Binding(nameof(RummyDiceHandVM.IsEnabled))); RummyDiceInfo firstDice = new RummyDiceInfo(); if (firstDice.HeightWidth == 0) { throw new BasicBlankException("You must specify the height/width of the dice"); } IProportionImage thisI = new CustomProportionXF(); SKSize firstSize = new SKSize(firstDice.HeightWidth, firstDice.HeightWidth); var sizeUsed = firstSize.GetSizeUsed(thisI.Proportion); Margin = new Thickness(3, 3, 3, 3); _thisStack = new StackLayout(); _thisStack.Orientation = StackOrientation.Horizontal; _thisStack.Spacing = 0; Button thisBut = GetSmallerButton("Place Tiles", ""); thisBut.Command = thisMod.BoardCommand; //i think this way this time. StackLayout finalStack = new StackLayout(); finalStack.Orientation = StackOrientation.Horizontal; finalStack.Children.Add(thisBut); finalStack.Spacing = 2; finalStack.Children.Add(_thisStack); thisBut.HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Start; thisBut.VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Start; _thisStack.HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand; thisBut.FontSize *= .7f; _thisGrid = new Grid(); _thisGrid.Children.Add(ThisDraw); _thisGrid.Children.Add(finalStack); var thisRect = ThisFrame.GetControlArea(); thisBut.Margin = new Thickness(thisRect.Left + 3, thisRect.Top + 10, 3, 3); _thisStack.Margin = new Thickness(thisRect.Left + 3, thisRect.Top + 10, 3, 3); PopulateControls(); //just in case there is something to start with. Content = _thisGrid; }
public void LoadControls(FluxxGameContainer gameContainer) { Text = "Rule Information"; _ruleList = gameContainer.SaveRoot !.RuleList; _ruleList.CollectionChanged += RuleListChange; _stack = new StackPanel(); Grid grid = new Grid(); Width = 200; SKRect rect = ThisFrame.GetControlArea(); SetUpMarginsOnParentControl(_stack, rect); //i think. grid.Children.Add(ThisDraw); grid.Children.Add(_stack); Content = grid; LoadRules(); }
public void Init(PokerMainViewModel thisMod) { NumberChooserWPF thisNumber = new NumberChooserWPF(); thisNumber.Columns = 3; thisNumber.Rows = 1; thisNumber.LoadLists(thisMod.Bet1 !); Text = "Bet Information"; var thisRect = ThisFrame.GetControlArea(); SetUpMarginsOnParentControl(thisNumber, thisRect); Grid thisGrid = new Grid(); thisGrid.Children.Add(ThisDraw); thisGrid.Children.Add(thisNumber); Content = thisGrid; }
public SkuckSuitView(SkuckCardGameVMData model) { Text = "Trump Info"; Grid grid = new Grid(); var rect = ThisFrame.GetControlArea(); StackPanel thisStack = new StackPanel(); SetUpMarginsOnParentControl(thisStack, rect); EnumPickerWPF <DeckPieceCP, DeckPieceWPF, EnumSuitList> thisSuit = new EnumPickerWPF <DeckPieceCP, DeckPieceWPF, EnumSuitList>(); thisStack.Children.Add(thisSuit); thisSuit.LoadLists(model.Suit1 !); Button thisBut = GetGamingButton("Choose Trump Suit", nameof(SkuckSuitViewModel.TrumpAsync)); thisStack.Children.Add(thisBut); grid.Children.Add(ThisDraw); grid.Children.Add(thisStack); Content = grid; }
public SkuckChoosePlayView() { Text = "Choose Play Or Pass Options"; Grid grid = new Grid(); var rect = ThisFrame.GetControlArea(); StackPanel stack = new StackPanel(); SetUpMarginsOnParentControl(stack, rect); Button button = GetGamingButton("Play", nameof(SkuckChoosePlayViewModel.FirstPlayAsync)); button.CommandParameter = EnumChoiceOption.Play; stack.Children.Add(button); button = GetGamingButton("Pass", nameof(SkuckChoosePlayViewModel.FirstPlayAsync)); button.CommandParameter = EnumChoiceOption.Pass; stack.Children.Add(button); grid.Children.Add(ThisDraw); grid.Children.Add(stack); Content = grid; }
public SkuckBiddingView(SkuckCardGameVMData model) { Text = "Bid Info"; Grid grid = new Grid(); var rect = ThisFrame.GetControlArea(); StackPanel thisStack = new StackPanel(); SetUpMarginsOnParentControl(thisStack, rect); NumberChooserWPF bid = new NumberChooserWPF(); bid.Columns = 9; bid.LoadLists(model.Bid1 !); thisStack.Children.Add(bid); Button button = GetGamingButton("Place Bid", nameof(SkuckBiddingViewModel.BidAsync)); thisStack.Children.Add(button); grid.Children.Add(ThisDraw); grid.Children.Add(thisStack); Content = grid; }
public void Init(CribbagePatienceMainViewModel thisMod) { _thisMod = thisMod; Text = "Score Summary"; _scoreList = thisMod.Scores !.ScoreList; _scoreList.CollectionChanged += CollectionChanged; Grid parentGrid = new Grid(); _thisGrid = new Grid(); AddPixelColumn(_thisGrid, 150); AddAutoColumns(_thisGrid, 1); var thisRect = ThisFrame.GetControlArea(); SetUpMarginsOnParentControl(_thisGrid, thisRect); parentGrid.Children.Add(ThisDraw); parentGrid.Children.Add(_thisGrid); HorizontalAlignment = System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Stretch; PopulateList(); Content = parentGrid; }
public async Task InitAsync(MonasteryCardGameVMData model, IUIView view, IEventAggregator aggregator) { _view = view; _aggregator = aggregator; Text = "Mission List"; _thisList = model.CompleteMissions; Grid mainGrid = new Grid(); var thisRect = ThisFrame.GetControlArea(); _thisGrid = new Grid(); _thisGrid.Margin = new Thickness(thisRect.Left + 3, thisRect.Top + 10, 3, 3); AddAutoRows(_thisGrid, 6); AddLeftOverColumn(_thisGrid, 50); AddLeftOverColumn(_thisGrid, 50); mainGrid.Children.Add(ThisDraw); mainGrid.Children.Add(_thisGrid); await PopulateListAsync(); _thisList.CollectionChanged += ListChange; Content = mainGrid; }
protected override void FirstSetUp() { _thisHelp = new SimpleLabelGridXF(); HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Start; VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Start; base.FirstSetUp(); Grid firstGrid = new Grid(); firstGrid.Children.Add(ThisDraw); ScrollView thisScroll = new ScrollView(); Text = "Additional Information"; // defaults to that but its adjustable var thisRect = ThisFrame.GetControlArea(); thisScroll.Margin = new Thickness(thisRect.Left + 3, thisRect.Top + 3, 3, 5); // try this way. _mainGrid = _thisHelp.GetContent; // hopefully as i add to it, its still okay. thisScroll.Orientation = ScrollOrientation.Both; thisScroll.Content = _mainGrid; firstGrid.Children.Add(thisScroll); Content = firstGrid; }
public void LoadList(SixtySix2PlayerVMData model) { Text = "Scoring Guide"; _thisGrid = new Grid(); var thisRect = ThisFrame.GetControlArea(); SetUpMarginsOnParentControl(_thisGrid, thisRect); AddAutoColumns(_thisGrid, 2); AddAutoRows(_thisGrid, 9); var thisLabel = GetLargestLabel("Point Values:"); AddControlToGrid(_thisGrid, thisLabel, 0, 0); _rowNumber = 1; var thisList = model.GetDescriptionList(); thisList.ForEach(thisscore => AddStandardLabel(thisscore)); Grid finalGrid = new Grid(); finalGrid.Children.Add(ThisDraw); finalGrid.Children.Add(_thisGrid); Content = finalGrid; }
public SpadesBiddingView(Spades2PlayerVMData model) { NumberChooserWPF firstBid = new NumberChooserWPF(); firstBid.Columns = 7; Text = "Bid Info"; var rect = ThisFrame.GetControlArea(); StackPanel stack = new StackPanel(); SetUpMarginsOnParentControl(stack, rect); firstBid.Margin = new Thickness(3, 3, 3, 3); firstBid.LoadLists(model.Bid1 !); stack.Children.Add(firstBid); Button button = GetGamingButton("Place Bid", nameof(SpadesBiddingViewModel.BidAsync)); stack.Children.Add(button); Grid grid = new Grid(); grid.Children.Add(ThisDraw); grid.Children.Add(stack); Content = grid; }