public static bool TryDropSpawn(Thing thing, IntVec3 dropCell, Map map, ThingPlaceMode mode, out Thing resultingThing, Action <Thing, int> placedAction = null, Predicate <IntVec3> nearPlaceValidator = null) { if (map == null) { Log.Error("Dropped " + thing + " in a null map."); resultingThing = null; return(false); } if (!dropCell.InBounds(map)) { Log.Error("Dropped " + thing + " out of bounds at " + dropCell); resultingThing = null; return(false); } if (thing.def.destroyOnDrop) { thing.Destroy(); resultingThing = null; return(true); } if (thing.def.soundDrop != null) { thing.def.soundDrop.PlayOneShot(new TargetInfo(dropCell, map)); } return(GenPlace.TryPlaceThing(thing, dropCell, map, mode, out resultingThing, placedAction, nearPlaceValidator)); }
public static bool TryDropSpawn(Thing thing, IntVec3 dropCell, Map map, ThingPlaceMode mode, out Thing resultingThing, Action <Thing, int> placedAction = null) { if (map == null) { Log.Error("Dropped " + thing + " in a null map."); resultingThing = null; return(false); } if (!dropCell.InBounds(map)) { Log.Error(string.Concat(new object[] { "Dropped ", thing, " out of bounds at ", dropCell })); resultingThing = null; return(false); } if (thing.def.destroyOnDrop) { thing.Destroy(DestroyMode.Vanish); resultingThing = null; return(true); } if (thing.def.soundDrop != null) { thing.def.soundDrop.PlayOneShot(new TargetInfo(dropCell, map, false)); } return(GenPlace.TryPlaceThing(thing, dropCell, map, mode, out resultingThing, placedAction)); }
// duplicated to make changes public bool TryDropSpawn(Thing thing, IntVec3 dropCell, ThingPlaceMode mode, out Thing resultingThing) { if (!dropCell.InBounds()) { Log.Error(string.Concat(new object[] { "Dropped ", thing, " out of bounds at ", dropCell })); resultingThing = null; return(false); } if (thing.def.destroyOnDrop) { thing.Destroy(DestroyMode.Vanish); resultingThing = null; return(true); } if (thing.def.soundDrop != null) { thing.def.soundDrop.PlayOneShot(dropCell); } // call duplicated to make changes return(TryPlaceThing(thing, dropCell, mode, out resultingThing)); }
public static void Postfix(Pawn_CarryTracker __instance, IntVec3 dropLoc, ThingPlaceMode mode, Thing resultingThing, Action <Thing, int> placedAction = null) { if (resultingThing.IsForbidden(Faction.OfPlayer) && __instance.pawn.IsPrisonerOfColony) { resultingThing.SetForbidden(false); } }
static void Postfix(Thing thing, IntVec3 dropCell, Map map, ThingPlaceMode mode, Thing resultingThing, Action <Thing, int> placedAction, Predicate <IntVec3> nearPlaceValidator) { CompStripChecker UChecker = resultingThing.TryGetComp <CompStripChecker>(); if (UChecker != null) { UChecker.ShouldStrip = false; } }
public static bool DropItem(this Pawn pawn, IntVec3 DropLoc, ThingPlaceMode mode, out Thing resultingThing, Action <Thing, int> placedAction = null) { if (pawn?.carryTracker?.CarriedThing != null) { return(pawn.carryTracker.TryDropCarriedThing(DropLoc, mode, out resultingThing, placedAction)); } resultingThing = null; return(false); }
static bool TryPlaceThing(Thing thing, IntVec3 dropCell, Map map, ThingPlaceMode mode, out Thing resultingThing, Action <Thing, int> placedAction = null) { Comp_StorageInput comp = dropCell.GetStorageComponent <Comp_StorageInput>(map); if (comp != null) { return(comp.Store(thing, out resultingThing, placedAction)); } return(GenPlace.TryPlaceThing(thing, dropCell, map, mode, out resultingThing, placedAction)); }
// Token: 0x0600000F RID: 15 RVA: 0x00002834 File Offset: 0x00000A34 internal static void DoSpawnTropicalFishMeat(Thing parent, int age) { if (parent.Spawned && (parent?.Map) != null) { int stack = Math.Max(1, (int)Mathf.Lerp(1f, 10f, age / (float)CompAquarium.oldFishAge)); ThingPlaceMode TPMode = ThingPlaceMode.Near; Thing thing = ThingMaker.MakeThing(ThingDef.Named("AQFishMeat"), null); thing.stackCount = Math.Min(thing.def.stackLimit, stack); GenPlace.TryPlaceThing(thing, parent.Position, parent.Map, TPMode, null, null, default); } }
public static bool TryPlaceThing(Thing thing, IntVec3 center, Map map, ThingPlaceMode mode, out Thing lastResultingThing, Action <Thing, int> placedAction = null, Predicate <IntVec3> nearPlaceValidator = null) { if (map == null) { Log.Error("Tried to place thing " + thing + " in a null map.", false); lastResultingThing = null; return(false); } if (thing.def.category == ThingCategory.Filth) { mode = ThingPlaceMode.Direct; } if (mode == ThingPlaceMode.Direct) { return(GenPlace.TryPlaceDirect(thing, center, map, out lastResultingThing, placedAction)); } if (mode == ThingPlaceMode.Near) { lastResultingThing = null; for (;;) { int stackCount = thing.stackCount; IntVec3 loc; if (!GenPlace.TryFindPlaceSpotNear(center, map, thing, true, out loc, nearPlaceValidator)) { break; } if (GenPlace.TryPlaceDirect(thing, loc, map, out lastResultingThing, placedAction)) { return(true); } if (thing.stackCount == stackCount) { goto Block_7; } } return(false); Block_7: Log.Error(string.Concat(new object[] { "Failed to place ", thing, " at ", center, " in mode ", mode, "." }), false); lastResultingThing = null; return(false); } throw new InvalidOperationException(); }
public bool TryDropCarriedThing(IntVec3 dropLoc, int count, ThingPlaceMode mode, out Thing resultingThing, Action <Thing, int> placedAction = null) { if (this.innerContainer.TryDrop(this.CarriedThing, dropLoc, this.pawn.MapHeld, mode, count, out resultingThing, placedAction, null)) { if (resultingThing != null && this.pawn.Faction.HostileTo(Faction.OfPlayer)) { resultingThing.SetForbidden(true, false); } return(true); } return(false); }
public bool TryDrop(Thing thing, IntVec3 dropLoc, Map map, ThingPlaceMode mode, int count, out Thing resultingThing, Action <Thing, int> placedAction = null, Predicate <IntVec3> nearPlaceValidator = null) { bool result; if (!this.Contains(thing)) { Log.Error("Tried to drop " + thing.ToStringSafe <Thing>() + " but it's not here.", false); resultingThing = null; result = false; } else { if (thing.stackCount < count) { Log.Error(string.Concat(new object[] { "Tried to drop ", count, " of ", thing, " while only having ", thing.stackCount }), false); count = thing.stackCount; } if (count == thing.stackCount) { if (GenDrop.TryDropSpawn(thing, dropLoc, map, mode, out resultingThing, placedAction, nearPlaceValidator)) { this.Remove(thing); result = true; } else { result = false; } } else { Thing thing2 = thing.SplitOff(count); if (GenDrop.TryDropSpawn(thing2, dropLoc, map, mode, out resultingThing, placedAction, nearPlaceValidator)) { result = true; } else { thing.TryAbsorbStack(thing2, false); result = false; } } } return(result); }
public bool TryDropCarriedThing(IntVec3 dropLoc, ThingPlaceMode mode, out Thing resultingThing, Action <Thing, int> placedAction = null) { if (innerContainer.TryDrop(CarriedThing, dropLoc, pawn.MapHeld, mode, out resultingThing, placedAction)) { if (resultingThing != null && pawn.Faction.HostileTo(Faction.OfPlayer)) { resultingThing.SetForbidden(value: true, warnOnFail: false); } return(true); } return(false); }
public static bool TryDropAndSetForbidden(Thing th, IntVec3 pos, Map map, ThingPlaceMode mode, out Thing resultingThing, bool forbidden) { if (GenDrop.TryDropSpawn(th, pos, map, ThingPlaceMode.Near, out resultingThing, (Action <Thing, int>)null)) { if (resultingThing != null) { resultingThing.SetForbidden(forbidden, false); } return(true); } resultingThing = null; return(false); }
// duplicated to make changes public bool TryDropCarriedThing(Pawn actor, IntVec3 dropLoc, ThingPlaceMode mode, out Thing resultingThing) { // call duplicated to make changes if (TryDrop(actor, actor.carrier.CarriedThing, dropLoc, mode, out resultingThing)) { if (actor.Faction.HostileTo(Faction.OfColony)) { resultingThing.SetForbidden(true, false); } return(true); } return(false); }
public static bool TryDropAndSetForbidden(Thing th, IntVec3 pos, Map map, ThingPlaceMode mode, out Thing resultingThing, bool forbidden) { if (GenDrop.TryDropSpawn_NewTmp(th, pos, map, ThingPlaceMode.Near, out resultingThing)) { if (resultingThing != null) { resultingThing.SetForbidden(forbidden, warnOnFail: false); } return(true); } resultingThing = null; return(false); }
public bool TryDrop(Thing thing, ThingPlaceMode mode, out Thing lastResultingThing, Action <Thing, int> placedAction = null, Predicate <IntVec3> nearPlaceValidator = null) { Map rootMap = ThingOwnerUtility.GetRootMap(this.owner); IntVec3 rootPosition = ThingOwnerUtility.GetRootPosition(this.owner); if (rootMap == null || !rootPosition.IsValid) { Log.Error("Cannot drop " + thing + " without a dropLoc and with an owner whose map is null.", false); lastResultingThing = null; return(false); } return(this.TryDrop(thing, rootPosition, rootMap, mode, out lastResultingThing, placedAction, nearPlaceValidator)); }
public static Toil DropTheCarriedInCell(TargetIndex StoreCellInd, ThingPlaceMode placeMode, TargetIndex CarrierInd) { Toil toil = new Toil(); toil.initAction = () => { Pawn actor =; Job curJob =; Vehicle_Cart carrier = as Vehicle_Cart; if ( <= 0) { return; },; Thing dropThing =; IntVec3 destLoc =; Thing dummy; SlotGroup slotGroup = Find.SlotGroupManager.SlotGroupAt(destLoc); // if (destLoc.GetStorable() == null) if (slotGroup != null && slotGroup.Settings.AllowedToAccept(dropThing)) { Find.DesignationManager.RemoveAllDesignationsOn(dropThing);, destLoc, placeMode, out dummy); } //Check cell queue is adjacent List <TargetInfo> cells = curJob.GetTargetQueue(StoreCellInd); for (int i = 0; i < cells.Count && i <; i++) { if (destLoc.AdjacentTo8Way(cells[i].Cell) && cells[i].Cell.GetStorable() == null) { Find.DesignationManager.RemoveAllDesignationsOn([i]);[i], cells[i].Cell, ThingPlaceMode.Direct, out dummy); cells.RemoveAt(i); i--; } } //Check item queue is valid storage for adjacent cell foreach (IntVec3 adjCell in GenAdj.CellsAdjacent8Way(destLoc)) { if ( > 0 && adjCell.GetStorable() == null && adjCell.IsValidStorageFor( { Find.DesignationManager.RemoveAllDesignationsOn(;, adjCell, ThingPlaceMode.Direct, out dummy); } } }; toil.FailOnDestroyedOrNull(CarrierInd); return(toil); }
// duplicated to make changes public bool TryPlaceThing(Thing thing, IntVec3 center, ThingPlaceMode mode, out Thing lastResultingThing) { if (thing.def.category == ThingCategory.Filth) { mode = ThingPlaceMode.Direct; } if (mode == ThingPlaceMode.Direct) { // call duplicated to make changes return(TryPlaceDirect(thing, center, out lastResultingThing)); } if (mode == ThingPlaceMode.Near) { lastResultingThing = null; while (true) { int stackCount = thing.stackCount; IntVec3 loc; // call duplicated cause vanilla is private if (!TryFindPlaceSpotNear(center, thing, out loc)) { break; } // call duplicated to make changes if (TryPlaceDirect(thing, loc, out lastResultingThing)) { return(true); } if (thing.stackCount == stackCount) { goto Block_6; } } return(false); Block_6: Log.Error(string.Concat(new object[] { "Failed to place ", thing, " at ", center, " in mode ", mode, "." })); lastResultingThing = null; return(false); } throw new InvalidOperationException(); }
public static Toil DropAllInCell(TargetIndex StoreCellInd, ThingPlaceMode placeMode) { Toil toil = new Toil(); toil.initAction = () => { Pawn actor =; Job curJob =; IntVec3 destLoc =; actor.inventory.container.TryDropAll(destLoc, placeMode); }; return(toil); }
public bool TryDropAll(IntVec3 dropLoc, Map map, ThingPlaceMode mode, Action <Thing, int> placeAction = null, Predicate <IntVec3> nearPlaceValidator = null) { bool result = true; for (int i = this.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Thing thing; if (!this.TryDrop(this.GetAt(i), dropLoc, map, mode, out thing, placeAction, nearPlaceValidator)) { result = false; } } return(result); }
// Verse.Pawn_HealthTracker public static bool DontWarnOnNonExistingThings(ref bool __result, ref ThingOwner __instance, Thing thing, IntVec3 dropLoc, Map map, ThingPlaceMode mode, out Thing lastResultingThing, Action <Thing, int> placedAction = null, Predicate <IntVec3> nearPlaceValidator = null, bool playDropSound = true) { lastResultingThing = null; if (!__instance.Contains(thing)) { return(true); } __result = false; return(false); }
public bool TryDrop(Thing thing, IntVec3 dropLoc, Map map, ThingPlaceMode mode, out Thing lastResultingThing, Action <Thing, int> placedAction = null, Predicate <IntVec3> nearPlaceValidator = null) { if (!this.Contains(thing)) { Log.Error(this.owner.ToStringSafe <IThingHolder>() + " container tried to drop " + thing.ToStringSafe <Thing>() + " which it didn't contain.", false); lastResultingThing = null; return(false); } if (GenDrop.TryDropSpawn(thing, dropLoc, map, mode, out lastResultingThing, placedAction, nearPlaceValidator)) { this.Remove(thing); return(true); } return(false); }
public static Toil DropTheCarriedInCell(TargetIndex StoreCellInd, ThingPlaceMode placeMode) { Toil toil = new Toil(); toil.initAction = () => { Pawn actor =; Job curJob =; if (actor.inventory.container.Count <= 0) { return; }, actor.inventory.container.First()); Thing dropThing =; IntVec3 destLoc =; Thing dummy; if (destLoc.GetStorable() == null) { Find.DesignationManager.RemoveAllDesignationsOn(dropThing); actor.inventory.container.TryDrop(dropThing, destLoc, placeMode, out dummy); } //Check cell queue is adjacent List <TargetInfo> cells = curJob.GetTargetQueue(StoreCellInd); for (int i = 0; i < cells.Count && i < actor.inventory.container.Count; i++) { if (destLoc.AdjacentTo8Way(cells[i].Cell) && cells[i].Cell.GetStorable() == null) { Find.DesignationManager.RemoveAllDesignationsOn(actor.inventory.container[i]); actor.inventory.container.TryDrop(actor.inventory.container[i], cells[i].Cell, ThingPlaceMode.Direct, out dummy); cells.RemoveAt(i); i--; } } //Check item queue is valid storage for adjacent cell foreach (IntVec3 adjCell in GenAdj.CellsAdjacent8Way(destLoc)) { if (actor.inventory.container.Count > 0 && adjCell.GetStorable() == null && StoreUtility.IsValidStorageFor(adjCell, actor.inventory.container.First())) { Find.DesignationManager.RemoveAllDesignationsOn(actor.inventory.container.First()); actor.inventory.container.TryDrop(actor.inventory.container.First(), adjCell, ThingPlaceMode.Direct, out dummy); } } }; return(toil); }
public static bool TryPlaceThing(Thing thing, IntVec3 center, Map map, ThingPlaceMode mode, out Thing lastResultingThing, Action <Thing, int> placedAction = null) { if (map == null) { Log.Error("Tried to place thing " + thing + " in a null map."); lastResultingThing = null; return(false); } if (thing.def.category == ThingCategory.Filth) { mode = ThingPlaceMode.Direct; } switch (mode) { case ThingPlaceMode.Direct: return(GenPlace.TryPlaceDirect(thing, center, map, out lastResultingThing, placedAction)); case ThingPlaceMode.Near: { lastResultingThing = null; int num = -1; while (true) { num = thing.stackCount; IntVec3 loc = default(IntVec3); if (!GenPlace.TryFindPlaceSpotNear(center, map, thing, true, out loc)) { return(false); } if (GenPlace.TryPlaceDirect(thing, loc, map, out lastResultingThing, placedAction)) { return(true); } if (thing.stackCount == num) { break; } } Log.Error("Failed to place " + thing + " at " + center + " in mode " + mode + "."); lastResultingThing = null; return(false); } default: throw new InvalidOperationException(); } }
public bool TryDrop(Thing thing, IntVec3 dropLoc, Map map, ThingPlaceMode mode, out T lastResultingThing, Action <T, int> placedAction = null, Predicate <IntVec3> nearPlaceValidator = null) { Action <Thing, int> placedAction2 = null; if (placedAction != null) { placedAction2 = delegate(Thing t, int c) { placedAction((T)((object)t), c); }; } Thing thing2; bool result = base.TryDrop(thing, dropLoc, map, mode, out thing2, placedAction2, nearPlaceValidator); lastResultingThing = (T)((object)thing2); return(result); }
public bool TryDrop(Thing thing, IntVec3 dropLoc, Map map, ThingPlaceMode mode, out T lastResultingThing, Action <T, int> placedAction = null) { Action <Thing, int> placedAction2 = null; if (placedAction != null) { placedAction2 = delegate(Thing t, int c) { placedAction((T)t, c); }; } Thing thing2 = default(Thing); bool result = base.TryDrop(thing, dropLoc, map, mode, out thing2, placedAction2); lastResultingThing = (T)thing2; return(result); }
public bool TryDrop(Thing thing, IntVec3 dropLoc, Map map, ThingPlaceMode mode, int count, out T resultingThing, Action <T, int> placedAction = null, Predicate <IntVec3> nearPlaceValidator = null) { Action <Thing, int> placedAction2 = null; if (placedAction != null) { placedAction2 = delegate(Thing t, int c) { placedAction((T)t, c); }; } Thing resultingThing2; bool result = TryDrop(thing, dropLoc, map, mode, count, out resultingThing2, placedAction2, nearPlaceValidator); resultingThing = (T)resultingThing2; return(result); }
public bool SneakyMoveToInventory(IntVec3 dropLoc, ThingPlaceMode mode, out Thing resultingThing, Action <Thing, int> placedAction = null) { CompUnloadChecker cuc = CarriedThing.TryGetComp <CompUnloadChecker>(); Thing r = null; bool b; if (cuc == null || !cuc.WasInInventory) { b = TryDropCarriedThing(dropLoc, mode, out r, placedAction); resultingThing = r; return(b); } b = innerContainer.TryTransferToContainer(CarriedThing, pawn.inventory.innerContainer, true); resultingThing = CarriedThing; return(b); }
public static Toil DropTheCarriedInCell(TargetIndex StoreCellInd, ThingPlaceMode placeMode, Thing lastItem) { Toil toil = new Toil(); toil.initAction = () => { Pawn actor =; Job curJob =; if (actor.inventory.container.Count <= 0) { return; } //Check dropThing is last item that should not be dropped Thing dropThing = null; if (lastItem != null) { for (int i = 0; i + 1 < actor.inventory.container.Count; i++) { if (actor.inventory.container[i] == lastItem) { dropThing = actor.inventory.container[i + 1]; } else if (lastItem == null && actor.inventory.container.Count > 0) { dropThing = actor.inventory.container.First(); } } } if (dropThing == null) { //Log.Error( + "try drop null thing in " +; return; } IntVec3 destLoc =; Thing dummy; if (destLoc.GetStorable() == null) { Find.DesignationManager.RemoveAllDesignationsOn(dropThing); actor.inventory.container.TryDrop(dropThing, destLoc, placeMode, out dummy); } }; return(toil); }
public bool TryDrop(Thing thing, ThingPlaceMode mode, out T lastResultingThing, Action <T, int> placedAction = null, Predicate <IntVec3> nearPlaceValidator = null) { Action <Thing, int> placedAction2 = null; if (placedAction != null) { placedAction2 = delegate(Thing t, int c) { placedAction((T)t, c); }; } Thing lastResultingThing2; bool result = TryDrop(thing, mode, out lastResultingThing2, placedAction2, nearPlaceValidator); lastResultingThing = (T)lastResultingThing2; return(result); }
public static Toil DropAllInCell(TargetIndex StoreCellInd, ThingPlaceMode placeMode) { Toil toil = new Toil(); toil.initAction = () => { Pawn actor =; Job curJob =; IntVec3 destLoc =; actor.inventory.container.TryDropAll(destLoc, placeMode); }; return toil; }
// duplicated to make changes public bool TryPlaceThing(Thing thing, IntVec3 center, ThingPlaceMode mode, out Thing lastResultingThing) { if (thing.def.category == ThingCategory.Filth) { mode = ThingPlaceMode.Direct; } if (mode == ThingPlaceMode.Direct) { // call duplicated to make changes return TryPlaceDirect(thing, center, out lastResultingThing); } if (mode == ThingPlaceMode.Near) { lastResultingThing = null; while (true) { int stackCount = thing.stackCount; IntVec3 loc; // call duplicated cause vanilla is private if (!TryFindPlaceSpotNear(center, thing, out loc)) { break; } // call duplicated to make changes if (TryPlaceDirect(thing, loc, out lastResultingThing)) { return true; } if (thing.stackCount == stackCount) { goto Block_6; } } return false; Block_6: Log.Error(string.Concat(new object[] { "Failed to place ", thing, " at ", center, " in mode ", mode, "." })); lastResultingThing = null; return false; } throw new InvalidOperationException(); }
// duplicated to make changes public bool TryDrop(Pawn actor, Thing thing, IntVec3 dropLoc, ThingPlaceMode mode, out Thing lastResultingThing) { if (!actor.carrier.container.Contains(thing)) { Log.Error(string.Concat(new object[] { actor.carrier.container.owner, " container tried to drop ", thing, " which it didn't contain." })); lastResultingThing = null; return false; } // call duplicated to make changes if (TryDropSpawn(thing, dropLoc, mode, out lastResultingThing)) { actor.carrier.container.Remove(thing); return true; } return false; }
// duplicated to make changes public bool TryDropCarriedThing(Pawn actor, IntVec3 dropLoc, ThingPlaceMode mode, out Thing resultingThing) { // call duplicated to make changes if (TryDrop(actor, actor.carrier.CarriedThing, dropLoc, mode, out resultingThing)) { if (actor.Faction.HostileTo(Faction.OfColony)) { resultingThing.SetForbidden(true, false); } return true; } return false; }
public static Toil DropTheCarriedInCell(TargetIndex StoreCellInd, ThingPlaceMode placeMode, Thing lastItem) { Toil toil = new Toil(); toil.initAction = () => { Pawn actor =; Job curJob =; if (actor.inventory.container.Count <= 0) return; //Check dropThing is last item that should not be dropped Thing dropThing = null; if (lastItem != null) for (int i = 0; i + 1 < actor.inventory.container.Count; i++) if (actor.inventory.container[i] == lastItem) dropThing = actor.inventory.container[i + 1]; else if (lastItem == null && actor.inventory.container.Count > 0) dropThing = actor.inventory.container.First(); if (dropThing == null) { //Log.Error( + "try drop null thing in " +; return; } IntVec3 destLoc =; Thing dummy; if (destLoc.GetStorable() == null) { Find.DesignationManager.RemoveAllDesignationsOn(dropThing); actor.inventory.container.TryDrop(dropThing, destLoc, placeMode, out dummy); } }; return toil; }
public static Toil DropTheCarriedInCell(TargetIndex StoreCellInd, ThingPlaceMode placeMode, TargetIndex CarrierInd) { Toil toil = new Toil(); toil.initAction = () => { Pawn actor =; Job curJob =; Vehicle_Cart carrier = as Vehicle_Cart; if ( <= 0) return;,; Thing dropThing =; IntVec3 destLoc =; Thing dummy; if (destLoc.GetStorable() == null) { Find.DesignationManager.RemoveAllDesignationsOn(dropThing);, destLoc, placeMode, out dummy); } //Check cell queue is adjacent List<TargetInfo> cells = curJob.GetTargetQueue(StoreCellInd); for (int i = 0; i < cells.Count && i <; i++) if (destLoc.AdjacentTo8Way(cells[i].Cell) && cells[i].Cell.GetStorable() == null) { Find.DesignationManager.RemoveAllDesignationsOn([i]);[i], cells[i].Cell, ThingPlaceMode.Direct, out dummy); cells.RemoveAt(i); i--; } //Check item queue is valid storage for adjacent cell foreach (IntVec3 adjCell in GenAdj.CellsAdjacent8Way(destLoc)) if ( > 0 && adjCell.GetStorable() == null && StoreUtility.IsValidStorageFor(adjCell, { Find.DesignationManager.RemoveAllDesignationsOn(;, adjCell, ThingPlaceMode.Direct, out dummy); } }; toil.FailOnDespawned(CarrierInd); return toil; }
// duplicated to make changes public bool TryDropSpawn(Thing thing, IntVec3 dropCell, ThingPlaceMode mode, out Thing resultingThing) { if (!dropCell.InBounds()) { Log.Error(string.Concat(new object[] { "Dropped ", thing, " out of bounds at ", dropCell })); resultingThing = null; return false; } if (thing.def.destroyOnDrop) { thing.Destroy(DestroyMode.Vanish); resultingThing = null; return true; } if (thing.def.soundDrop != null) { thing.def.soundDrop.PlayOneShot(dropCell); } // call duplicated to make changes return TryPlaceThing(thing, dropCell, mode, out resultingThing); }