예제 #1
        private Func <CancellationToken, Task> PeerAppendLog(Peer peer)
            return((CancellationToken c) =>
                long nextIndex;
                long matchIndex;

                var hasMatch = _volatileLeaderState.TryGetMatchIndex(peer.Id, out matchIndex);
                var hasNext = _volatileLeaderState.TryGetNextIndex(peer.Id, out nextIndex);
                var myLastIndex = _logPersister.LastIndex;

                if (!hasMatch)
                    TheTrace.TraceWarning($"[{_meAsAPeer.ShortName}] Could not find peer with id {peer.Id} and address {peer.Address} in matchIndex dic.");
                    return Task.CompletedTask;

                if (!hasNext)
                    TheTrace.TraceWarning($"[{_meAsAPeer.ShortName}] Could not find peer with id {peer.Id} and address {peer.Address} in nextIndex dic.");
                    return Task.CompletedTask;

                if (nextIndex > myLastIndex)
                    TheTrace.TraceVerbose($"[{_meAsAPeer.ShortName}] PeerAppendLog - Nothing to do for peer {peer.ShortName} since myIndex is {myLastIndex} and nextIndex is {nextIndex}.");
                    return Task.CompletedTask; // nothing to do

                var count = (int)Math.Min(_settings.MaxNumberLogEntriesToAskToBeAppended, myLastIndex + 1 - nextIndex);
                var proxy = _peerManager.GetProxy(peer.Address);
                var retry = TheTrace.LogPolicy(_meAsAPeer.ShortName).WaitAndRetryAsync(2, (i) => TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(20));
                var policy = Policy.TimeoutAsync(_settings.CandidacyTimeout).WrapAsync(retry); // TODO: create its own timeout

                if (nextIndex >= _logPersister.LogOffset)
                    TheTrace.TraceVerbose($"[{_meAsAPeer.ShortName}] Intending to do SendLog for peer {peer.Address} with nextIndex {nextIndex} and count {count}.");
                    return SendLogs(proxy, policy, peer, nextIndex, matchIndex, count);
                    TheTrace.TraceVerbose($"[{_meAsAPeer.ShortName}] Intending to do SendSnapshot for peer {peer.Address}.");
                    return SendSnapshot(proxy, policy, peer, nextIndex, matchIndex);
예제 #2
        /// <inheritdocs/>
        public void Append(LogEntry[] entries, long?startingOffset = null)
            if (startingOffset.HasValue && startingOffset.Value != LastIndex + 1)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Starting index is {startingOffset} but LastIndex is {LastIndex}");

            if (entries.Length == 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Entries is empty.");

            TheTrace.TraceVerbose($"[{Name}] LmdbPersister.Append - Before Lock");
            lock (_lock)
                startingOffset = LastIndex + 1;
                TheTrace.TraceVerbose($"[{Name}] LmdbPersister.Append - Inside Lock. Entries: {entries.Length}. startingOffset: {startingOffset}");
                var indices = Enumerable.Range(0, entries.Length).Select(x => x + startingOffset);
                TheTrace.TraceVerbose($"[{Name}] LmdbPersister.Append - Before tx");
                using (var tx = _env.BeginTransaction())
                    TheTrace.TraceVerbose($"[{Name}] LmdbPersister.Append - After tx");
                    foreach (var e in entries.Zip(indices, (l, i) => (i, l)).Select(x => new Bufferable(x.l.Body).PrefixWithIndexAndTerm(x.i.Value, x.l.Term)))
                        TheTrace.TraceVerbose($"[{Name}] LmdbPersister.Append - Before put");
                        tx.Put(_logDb, LogKey, e, TransactionPutOptions.AppendDuplicateData);
                        TheTrace.TraceVerbose($"[{Name}] LmdbPersister.Append - After Put");


                TheTrace.TraceVerbose($"[{Name}] LmdbPersister.Append - Before LoadLastTermAndIndex");
                TheTrace.TraceVerbose($"[{Name}] LmdbPersister.Append - After LoadLastTermAndIndex");
                if (LastIndex != startingOffset + entries.Length - 1)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"THIS IS BAD!! expected {startingOffset} + {entries.Length} but found {LastIndex}.");
                if (LastEntryTerm != entries.Last().Term)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"THIS IS BAD!! expected last term {entries.Last().Term} but found {LastEntryTerm}.");
예제 #3
        private Task ProcessCommandsQueue(CancellationToken c)
            if (_isSnapshotting)

            if (Role == Role.Leader)
                TheTrace.TraceVerbose($"[{_meAsAPeer.ShortName}] ProcessCommandsQueue with {_commands.Count} items.");

            var entries = new List <LogEntry>();
            StateMachineCommandRequest command;

            TheTrace.TraceVerbose($"[{_meAsAPeer.ShortName}] ProcessCommandsQueue - Before with trying to take.");
            while (_commands.TryTake(out command, 10)) // we can set up a maximum but really we should accept all
                TheTrace.TraceVerbose($"[{_meAsAPeer.ShortName}] ProcessCommandsQueue - Got an item.");
                entries.Add(new LogEntry()
                    Body = command.Command,
                    Term = State.CurrentTerm

            if (entries.Any())
                TheTrace.TraceVerbose($"[{_meAsAPeer.ShortName}] ProcessCommandsQueue - Before applying {entries.Count} entries.");
                TheTrace.TraceVerbose($"[{_meAsAPeer.ShortName}] ProcessCommandsQueue - His Majesty appended {entries.Count} entries.");
