private void GetIP(TheStorageMirror <TheVisitorLogData> .StoreResponse pRec) { lock (mVisitorList.MyLock) { TheVisitorLogData tLog = null; if (pRec == null || pRec.HasErrors || pRec.MyRecords.Count == 0) { if (pRec != null) { mVisitorList.TryGetValue(pRec.SQLFilter, out tLog); if (tLog != null) { TheREST.GetRESTAsync(new Uri($"{tLog.ip}?access_key={APIKey}"), 0, sinkProcessLocation, tLog); mVisitorList.RemoveNoCare(pRec.SQLFilter); } } } else { tLog = pRec.MyRecords[0]; tLog.Visits++; tLog.LastVisit = DateTimeOffset.Now; if (tLog.latitude == 0 && tLog.longitude == 0) { TheREST.GetRESTAsync(new Uri($"{tLog.ip}?access_key={APIKey}"), 0, sinkProcessLocation, tLog); } else { MyVisitorLogStore.UpdateItem(MyLocation); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Returns the external IP of this hosting hardware by making a reverse lookup via /// </summary> /// <param name="pCallback">Will be called when the host was resolved</param> /// <param name="pCookie">A cookie to track this call with</param> public static void GetExternalIp(Action <IPAddress, object> pCallback, object pCookie) { string whatIsMyIp = ""; ExIP tExIP = new ExIP { Callback = pCallback, Cookie = pCookie }; TheREST.GetRESTAsync(new Uri(whatIsMyIp), 0, sinkExternalIP, tExIP); }
/// <summary> /// Gets a token, header or just cookies from Target Website /// </summary> /// <param name="pTokenUrl">Url Of the token page</param> /// <param name="pTokenLocator">null for just cookies; HEADER: to fetch a specific header entry; otherwise a matchpattern for a token inside a page</param> /// <returns></returns> public bool FetchToken(Uri pTokenUrl, string pTokenLocator = null) { if (pTokenUrl == null) { return(false); } mTokenLocator = pTokenLocator; var MyRequestData = new TheRequestData { RequestUri = pTokenUrl }; // new Uri("") }; TheREST.GetRESTAsync(MyRequestData, sinkLoginFetchSuccess, sinkError); return(true); }
private void sinkRegisterHost(IPAddress pIP, object pData) { TheVisitorLogData tData = pData as TheVisitorLogData; if (tData != null) { if (pIP == null) { pIP = nsCDEngine.Discovery.TheNetworkInfo.GetIPAddress(false); } tData.ip = pIP.ToString(); TheBaseAssets.MySYSLOG.WriteToLog(511, TSM.L(eDEBUG_LEVELS.ESSENTIALS) ? null : new TSM("VisitorLog", "GetExternalIp returned: " + pIP.ToString(), eMsgLevel.l4_Message)); TheREST.GetRESTAsync(new Uri($"{pIP}?access_key={APIKey}"), 0, sinkProcessLocation, tData); } }
private void StoreIsUp(StoreEventArgs ID) { if (!mIsHostLogged) { mIsHostLogged = true; TheVisitorLogData tLog = new TheVisitorLogData { LastVisit = DateTimeOffset.Now, Description = TheBaseAssets.MyServiceHostInfo.MyStationName }; IPAddress myaddr = nsCDEngine.Discovery.TheNetworkInfo.GetIPAddress(true); if (myaddr == null) { nsCDEngine.Discovery.TheNetworkInfo.GetExternalIp(sinkRegisterHost, tLog); } else { TheREST.GetRESTAsync(new Uri($"{myaddr}?access_key={APIKey}"), 0, sinkProcessLocation, tLog); } } }
private void ReadHttpPage(TheRequestData pRequest, Guid MyAppGuid, string tMagixc, Action <TheRequestData> pSinkProcessResponse) //TheRelayAppInfo MyApp, { TheRelayAppInfo MyApp = TheThingRegistry.GetThingObjectByMID(MyBaseEngine.GetEngineName(), MyAppGuid) as TheRelayAppInfo; // MyRelayApps.MyMirrorCache.GetEntryByFunc(s => s.cdeMID.Equals(MyAppGuid)); if (MyApp == null) { if (pRequest.cdeN.Equals(TheBaseAssets.MyServiceHostInfo.MyDeviceInfo.DeviceID)) { TSM tTSM = new TSM(MyBaseEngine.GetEngineName(), "WEBRELAY_REQUEST") { PLB = pRequest.PostData }; pRequest.PostData = null; pRequest.ResponseBuffer = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pRequest.CookieString)) { pRequest.CookieString += ";"; } else { pRequest.CookieString = ""; } pRequest.CookieString += tMagixc; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(TheBaseAssets.MyServiceHostInfo.RootDir)) { pRequest.RequestUriString = pRequest.RequestUri.ToString(); } else { pRequest.RequestUriString = pRequest.RequestUri.Scheme + "://" + pRequest.RequestUri.Host + ":" + pRequest.RequestUri.Port + pRequest.cdeRealPage; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pRequest.RequestUri.Query)) { pRequest.RequestUriString += "?" + pRequest.RequestUri.Query; } } TheBaseAssets.MySYSLOG.WriteToLog(400, TSM.L(eDEBUG_LEVELS.ESSENTIALS) ? null : new TSM(MyBaseEngine.GetEngineName(), string.Format("Requesting Page:{0}", pRequest.RequestUriString), eMsgLevel.l6_Debug)); tTSM.PLS = TheCommonUtils.SerializeObjectToJSONString(pRequest); tTSM.SID = pRequest.SessionState.GetSID(); TheCommCore.PublishCentral(tTSM); // .PublishToNode(MyApp.HostUrl, pRequest.SessionState.SScopeID, tTSM); } return; } if (TheCommonUtils.IsUrlLocalhost(MyApp.GetBaseThing().Address)) { TheCommonUtils.GetAnyFile(pRequest); if (tMagixc != null) { pRequest.CookieString = tMagixc; } pSinkProcessResponse(pRequest); } else { int relPathIndex = pRequest.RequestUri.AbsolutePath.IndexOf('/', 1); string relPath = relPathIndex == -1 ? "" : pRequest.RequestUri.AbsolutePath.Substring(relPathIndex + 1) + pRequest.RequestUri.Query; var tUri = pRequest.RequestUri.AbsolutePath.StartsWith("/CDEWRA") ? new Uri(MyApp.GetBaseThing().Address + MyApp.HomePage + relPath) : new Uri(MyApp.GetBaseThing().Address.TrimEnd('/') + pRequest.RequestUri.AbsolutePath + pRequest.RequestUri.Query); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tMagixc)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pRequest.CookieString)) { pRequest.CookieString += ";"; } else { pRequest.CookieString = ""; } pRequest.CookieString += tMagixc; } pRequest.RequestUri = tUri; pRequest.ErrorDescription = ""; pRequest.RequestCookies = pRequest.SessionState.StateCookies; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(MyApp.SUID) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(MyApp.SPWD)) { pRequest.UID = MyApp.SUID; pRequest.PWD = MyApp.SPWD; } if (MyApp.IsHTTP10) { pRequest.HttpVersion = 1.0; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(MyApp.CloudUrl)) { MyApp.CloudUrl = TheBaseAssets.MyServiceHostInfo.GetPrimaryStationURL(false); } pRequest.Header = null; if (pRequest.PostData != null && pRequest.PostData.Length > 0) //MONO Relay might not work right! { TheREST MyRest = new TheREST(); MyRest.PostRESTAsync(pRequest, pSinkProcessResponse, pSinkProcessResponse); } else { TheREST.GetRESTAsync(pRequest, pSinkProcessResponse, pSinkProcessResponse); } TheBaseAssets.MySYSLOG.WriteToLog(400, TSM.L(eDEBUG_LEVELS.VERBOSE) ? null : new TSM(MyBaseEngine.GetEngineName(), string.Format("Requesting Page:{0} Sent", pRequest.RequestUri), eMsgLevel.l3_ImportantMessage)); } }
public void GetDevices(Uri pDeviceURL = null, string tPost = null, cdeConcurrentDictionary <string, string> addHeader = null) { if (!IsConnected || !TheBaseAssets.MasterSwitch) { return; } if (pDeviceURL != null) { mDeviceUrl = pDeviceURL; } if (tPost != null) { mDevicePost = tPost; } if (addHeader != null) { mAddHeader = addHeader; } if (mDevicePost == null) { TheRequestData tRequest = new TheRequestData { RequestUri = mDeviceUrl, RequestCookies = MyRequestData?.SessionState?.StateCookies }; if (mAddHeader != null) { tRequest.Header = new cdeConcurrentDictionary <string, string>(); foreach (string key in mAddHeader.Keys) { tRequest.Header.TryAdd(key, mAddHeader[key]); } } TheREST.GetRESTAsync(tRequest, ParseDevices, sinkError); } else { MyRequestData.RequestUri = mDeviceUrl; // new Uri(""); //tPost = $"_token={WebSocketSharp.Ext.UrlEncode(mToken)}"; MyRequestData.PostData = TheCommonUtils.CUTF8String2Array(mDevicePost); MyRequestData.HttpMethod = "POST"; MyRequestData.Header = null; if (mAddHeader != null) { MyRequestData.Header = new cdeConcurrentDictionary <string, string>(); foreach (string key in mAddHeader.Keys) { MyRequestData.Header.TryAdd(key, mAddHeader[key]); } } MyRequestData.RequestCookies = MyRequestData?.SessionState?.StateCookies; MyRequestData.ResponseMimeType = mPostMimeType; // "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8"; while (MyRest.IsPosting > 1 && IsConnected) { TheCommonUtils.SleepOneEye(1000, 100); } if (IsConnected) { MyRest.PostRESTAsync(MyRequestData, ParseDevices, sinkError); } } }