예제 #1
        public IActionResult Index()
            var api = new TheMoviedb();

예제 #2
        public IEnumerable <Result> GetListOfPopularMovies()
            var popular = new TheMoviedb();

            var items        = popular.GetPopularity();
            var listofMovies = items.results;

            var listOfMTString = new List <Result>();

            foreach (var movie in listofMovies)

예제 #3
파일: Grab.cs 프로젝트: GuzziMP/my-films
        public List<DbMovieInfo> GetTMDBinfos(string otitle, string ttitle, int year, string director, string fanartPath, bool multiImage, bool choose, string masterTitle, string language)
            var listemovies = new List<DbMovieInfo>();
              if (otitle.Length == 0) return listemovies;
              string wtitle1 = otitle;
              string wtitle2 = ttitle;
              if (otitle.IndexOf("\\") > 0)
            wtitle1 = wtitle1.Substring(wtitle1.IndexOf("\\") + 1);
              if (ttitle.IndexOf("\\") > 0)
            wtitle2 = wtitle2.Substring(wtitle2.IndexOf("\\") + 1);
              if (ttitle.Length == 0)
            ttitle = otitle;
              var theMoviedb = new TheMoviedb();
              listemovies = theMoviedb.GetMoviesByTitles(wtitle1, wtitle2, year, director, "", null, choose, language);

              string filename = string.Empty;
              string filename1 = string.Empty;
              string filename2 = string.Empty;
              if (masterTitle == "OriginalTitle")
            wtitle2 = wtitle1;
              if (listemovies.Count == 1 && listemovies[0].Posters != null && listemovies[0].Posters.Count > 0 && !choose)
            bool first = true;
            foreach (string backdrop in listemovies[0].Posters)
              filename1 = GrabUtil.DownloadCovers(fanartPath, backdrop, wtitle2, multiImage, first, out filename);
              //if (filename2 == string.Empty)
              //    filename2 = filename1;
              if ((filename2 != "added") && (filename1 != "already"))
            filename2 = "added";
            filename2 = "already";
              first = false;
            listemovies[0].Name = filename2;
              else if (listemovies.Count > 1)

            //listemovies[0].Name = "(toomany)";
            listemovies[0].Name = "(toomany) - (" + listemovies.Count + " results) - " + listemovies[0].Name;

              return listemovies;
예제 #4
파일: Grab.cs 프로젝트: GuzziMP/my-films
        public List<DbMovieInfo> GetFanart(string otitle, string ttitle, int year, string director, string imdbid, string fanartPath, bool multiImage, bool choose, string masterTitle, string personArtworkPath = "", int downloadlimit = 0, string resolutionMin = "", string resolutionMax = "")
            string language = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name.Substring(0, 2); // use local language instead

              List<DbMovieInfo> listemovies = new List<DbMovieInfo>();
              if (otitle.Length == 0) return listemovies;
              if (ttitle.Length == 0) ttitle = otitle;
              string wtitle1 = otitle;
              string wtitle2 = ttitle;
              if (otitle.IndexOf("\\") > 0) wtitle1 = wtitle1.Substring(wtitle1.IndexOf("\\") + 1);
              if (ttitle.IndexOf("\\") > 0) wtitle2 = wtitle2.Substring(wtitle2.IndexOf("\\") + 1);
              var theMoviedb = new TheMoviedb();
              listemovies = theMoviedb.GetMoviesByTitles(wtitle1, wtitle2, year, director, imdbid, null, choose, language);

              string filename = string.Empty;
              string filename1 = string.Empty;
              string filename2 = string.Empty;
              if (masterTitle == "OriginalTitle")
            wtitle2 = wtitle1;
              if (listemovies.Count == 1 && listemovies[0].Backdrops != null && listemovies[0].Backdrops.Count > 0 && !choose)
            // Download Fanart !!!
            bool first = true;
            foreach (string backdrop in listemovies[0].Backdrops)
              // old: filename1 = GrabUtil.DownloadBacdropArt(fanartPath, backdrop, wtitle2, multiImage, first, out filename);
              filename1 = GrabUtil.DownloadBacdropArt(fanartPath, backdrop, wtitle2, multiImage, first, out filename, downloadlimit, resolutionMin, resolutionMax);
              //if (filename2 == string.Empty)
              //    filename2 = filename1;
              if ((filename2 != "added") && (filename1 != "already") && !filename1.StartsWith("numberlimit") && !filename1.StartsWith("resolution"))
            filename2 = "added";
            if (filename1.StartsWith("numberlimit"))
              filename2 = "numberlimit";
            else if (filename1.StartsWith("resolution"))
              filename2 = "resolution";
              filename2 = "already";
              first = false;

            listemovies[0].Name = filename2;

            #region Download PersonArtwork (disabled)
            //// Get Actors from TMDB
            //string filenameperson = string.Empty;
            //string filename1person = string.Empty;
            //string filename2person = string.Empty;
            ////string ImdbBaseUrl = "http://www.imdb.com/";
            //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(personArtworkPath) && listemovies[0].Persons != null && listemovies[0].Persons.Count > 0)
            //  List<grabber.DBPersonInfo> listepersons = listemovies[0].Persons;
            //  foreach (grabber.DBPersonInfo person in listepersons)
            //  {
            //    bool firstpersonimage = true;
            //    grabber.DBPersonInfo persondetails = new DBPersonInfo();
            //    persondetails = TheMoviedb.getPersonsById(person.Id, string.Empty);
            //    foreach (var image in persondetails.Images)
            //    {
            //      filename1person = GrabUtil.DownloadPersonArtwork(personArtworkPath, image, persondetails.Name, multiImage, firstpersonimage, out filenameperson);
            //      if ((filename2person != "added") && (filename1person != "already"))
            //        filename2person = "added";
            //      else
            //        filename2person = "already";
            //      firstpersonimage = false;
            //    }
            //    //// Get further IMDB images
            //    //Grabber.MyFilmsIMDB _imdb = new Grabber.MyFilmsIMDB();
            //    //Grabber.MyFilmsIMDB.IMDBUrl wurl;
            //    //_imdb.FindActor(persondetails.Name);
            //    //IMDBActor imdbActor = new IMDBActor();

            //    //if (_imdb.Count > 0)
            //    //{
            //    //  string url = string.Empty;
            //    //  wurl = (Grabber.MyFilmsIMDB.IMDBUrl)_imdb[0]; // Assume first match is the best !
            //    //  if (wurl.URL.Length != 0)
            //    //  {
            //    //    url = wurl.URL;
            //    //    //url = wurl.URL + "videogallery"; // Assign proper Webpage for Actorinfos
            //    //    //url = ImdbBaseUrl + url.Substring(url.IndexOf("name"));
            //    //    this.GetActorDetails(url, persondetails.Name, false, out imdbActor);
            //    //    filename1person = GrabUtil.DownloadPersonArtwork(personArtworkPath, imdbActor.ThumbnailUrl, persondetails.Name, multiImage, firstpersonimage, out filenameperson);
            //    //    firstpersonimage = false;
            //    //  }
            //    //}
            //  }
            //  //// Get further Actors from IMDB
            //  //IMDBMovie MPmovie = new IMDBMovie();
            //  //MPmovie.Title = listemovies[0].Name;
            //  //MPmovie.IMDBNumber = listemovies[0].ImdbID;
            //  //FetchActorsInMovie(MPmovie, personArtworkPath);
              else if (listemovies.Count > 1)
            //listemovies[0].Name = "(toomany)";
            listemovies[0].Name = "(toomany) - (" + listemovies.Count + " results) - " + listemovies[0].Name;
              return listemovies;
예제 #5
    //  Dowload backdrops on theMovieDB.org
    public static void Download_Backdrops_Fanart(string wtitle, string wttitle, string wftitle, string director, string imdbid, string year, bool choose, int wGetId, string savetitle, string personartworkpath, bool loadFanart, bool loadPersonImages, GUIAnimation searchanimation)
      new Thread(delegate()
        var grab = new GrabberUrlClass();
        int wyear = 0;
        try { wyear = Convert.ToInt32(year); } catch { }
          SetProcessAnimationStatus(true, searchanimation);  // GUIWaitCursor.Init(); GUIWaitCursor.Show();
          List<DbMovieInfo> listemovies = grab.GetFanart(wtitle, savetitle, wyear, director, imdbid, MyFilms.conf.StrPathFanart, true, choose, MyFilms.conf.StrTitle1, personartworkpath);
          SetProcessAnimationStatus(false, searchanimation);  //GUIWaitCursor.Hide();
          //System.Collections.Generic.List<grabber.DBMovieInfo> listemovies = Grab.GetFanart(wtitle, wttitle, wyear, director, MyFilms.conf.StrPathFanart, true, choose);
          LogMyFilms.Debug("(DownloadBackdrops) - listemovies: '" + wtitle + "', '" + wttitle + "', '" + wyear + "', '" + director + "', '" + MyFilms.conf.StrPathFanart + "', 'true', '" + choose + "', '" + MyFilms.conf.StrTitle1 + "'");
          int listCount = listemovies.Count;
          LogMyFilms.Debug("(DownloadBackdrops) - listemovies: Result Listcount: '" + listCount + "'");

          if (choose) listCount = 2;
          switch (listCount)
            case 0:
            case 1:
              LogMyFilms.Debug("Fanart " + listemovies[0].Name.Substring(listemovies[0].Name.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1) + " downloaded for " + wttitle);
              if (listemovies[0].Persons.Count > 0)
                LogMyFilms.Debug("PersonArtwork: " + listemovies[0].Persons.Count + " Persons checked for " + wttitle);
                foreach (DbPersonInfo person in listemovies[0].Persons)
                  LogMyFilms.Debug("PersonArtwork: " + person.Images.Count + " images found for " + person.Name);

              const int MinChars = 2;
              const bool Filter = true; // no "der die das"

              GUIDialogMenu dlg = (GUIDialogMenu)GUIWindowManager.GetWindow((int)GUIWindow.Window.WINDOW_DIALOG_MENU);
              if (dlg == null) return;
              dlg.SetHeading(loadFanart ? GUILocalizeStrings.Get(1079862) : GUILocalizeStrings.Get(1079900));  // Load fanart (online)  // Download person images (selected film)
              dlg.Add("  *****  " + GUILocalizeStrings.Get(1079860) + "  *****  "); //manual selection
              foreach (DbMovieInfo t in listemovies)
                string dialoginfoline = t.Name + "  (" + t.Year + ")";
                if (loadFanart) dialoginfoline += " - Fanarts: " + t.Backdrops.Count;
                if (loadPersonImages) dialoginfoline += " - Persons: " + t.Persons.Count.ToString();
                LogMyFilms.Debug("TMDB listemovies: " + t.Name + "  (" + t.Year + ") - Fanarts: " + t.Backdrops.Count + " - TMDB-Id: " + t.Identifier + " - Persons: " + t.Persons.Count);
              if (!(dlg.SelectedLabel > -1))
                dlg.SelectedLabel = -1;
              if (dlg.SelectedLabel == 0)
                #region Get SubTitles and Subwords from otitle and ttitle
                //First Show Dialog to choose Otitle, Ttitle or substrings - or Keyboard to manually enter searchstring!!!
                var dlgSearchFilm = (GUIDialogMenu)GUIWindowManager.GetWindow((int)GUIWindow.Window.WINDOW_DIALOG_MENU);
                if (dlgSearchFilm == null) return;
                dlgSearchFilm.SetHeading(GUILocalizeStrings.Get(1079859)); // choose search expression
                dlgSearchFilm.Add("  *****  " + GUILocalizeStrings.Get(1079858) + "  *****  ");
                //manual selection with keyboard
                //dlgs.Add(wtitle); //Otitle
                dlgSearchFilm.Add(savetitle); //Otitle = savetitle
                dlgSearchFilm.Add(wttitle); //Ttitle
                foreach (string t in MyFilms.SubTitleGrabbing(wtitle).Where(t => t.Length > 1)) dlgSearchFilm.Add(t);
                foreach (string t in MyFilms.SubTitleGrabbing(wttitle).Where(t => t.Length > 1)) dlgSearchFilm.Add(t);
                foreach (string t in MyFilms.SubWordGrabbing(wtitle, MinChars, Filter).Where(t => t.Length > 1)) dlgSearchFilm.Add(t);
                foreach (string t in MyFilms.SubWordGrabbing(wttitle, MinChars, Filter).Where(t => t.Length > 1)) dlgSearchFilm.Add(t);
                //Now all titles and Substrings listed in dialog !
                //dlgs.Add("  *****  " + GUILocalizeStrings.Get(1079860) + "  *****  "); //manual selection
                if (!(dlgSearchFilm.SelectedLabel > -1))
                  dlgSearchFilm.SelectedLabel = -1;
                if (dlgSearchFilm.SelectedLabel == 0) // enter manual searchstring via VK
                  VirtualKeyboard keyboard = (VirtualKeyboard)GUIWindowManager.GetWindow((int)GUIWindow.Window.WINDOW_VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD);
                  if (null == keyboard) return;
                  keyboard.SetLabelAsInitialText(false); // set to false, otherwise our intial text is cleared
                  keyboard.Text = wtitle;
                  if (keyboard.IsConfirmed && (keyboard.Text.Length > 0))
                    //Remove_Backdrops_Fanart(wtitle, true);
                    //Remove_Backdrops_Fanart(wttitle, true);
                    //Remove_Backdrops_Fanart(wftitle, true);
                    Download_Backdrops_Fanart(keyboard.Text, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, true, wGetId, savetitle, personartworkpath, loadFanart, loadPersonImages, searchanimation);
                if (dlgSearchFilm.SelectedLabel > 0 && dlgSearchFilm.SelectedLabel < 3) // if one of otitle or ttitle selected, keep year and director
                  Download_Backdrops_Fanart(dlgSearchFilm.SelectedLabelText, wttitle, wftitle, year, director, string.Empty, true, wGetId, savetitle, personartworkpath, loadFanart, loadPersonImages, searchanimation);
                  //Download_Backdrops_Fanart(string wtitle, string wttitle, string director, string year, bool choose,int wGetID, string savetitle)
                if (dlgSearchFilm.SelectedLabel > 2) // For subitems, search without year and director !
                  Download_Backdrops_Fanart(dlgSearchFilm.SelectedLabelText, wttitle, wftitle, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, true, wGetId, savetitle, personartworkpath, loadFanart, loadPersonImages, searchanimation);
                  //Download_Backdrops_Fanart(string wtitle, string wttitle, string director, string year, bool choose,int wGetID, string savetitle)

              if (dlg.SelectedLabel > 0)
                // Load Fanart  -> show progress dialog !

                var dlgPrgrs = (GUIDialogProgress)GUIWindowManager.GetWindow((int)GUIWindow.Window.WINDOW_DIALOG_PROGRESS);
                if (dlgPrgrs != null)
                  dlgPrgrs.DisplayProgressBar = true;
                  dlgPrgrs.ShowWaitCursor = false;
                  dlgPrgrs.SetHeading("MyFilms Artwork Download");
                  dlgPrgrs.SetLine(1, "Loading Artwork ...");
                  dlgPrgrs.Percentage = 0;

                  #region load fanarts ...
                  bool first = true;
                  string filename = string.Empty;
                  string filename1 = string.Empty;
                  //if (MyFilms.conf.StrTitle1 == "OriginalTitle")
                  //  wttitle = savetitle; // Was wttitle = wtitle;
                  int i = 0;
                  if (loadFanart) // Download Fanart
                    if (dlgPrgrs != null) dlgPrgrs.SetLine(1, "Loading Fanart for '" + savetitle + "'");

                    foreach (string backdrop in listemovies[dlg.SelectedLabel - 1].Backdrops)
                      filename1 = Grabber.GrabUtil.DownloadBacdropArt(MyFilms.conf.StrPathFanart, backdrop, savetitle, true, first, out filename);
                      if (dlgPrgrs != null) dlgPrgrs.SetLine(2, "loading '" + System.IO.Path.GetFileName(filename) + "'");
                      if (dlgPrgrs != null) dlgPrgrs.Percentage = i * 100 / listemovies[dlg.SelectedLabel - 1].Backdrops.Count;
                      LogMyFilms.Debug("Fanart " + filename1.Substring(filename1.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1) + " downloaded for " + savetitle);

                      if (filename == string.Empty) filename = filename1;
                      if (!(filename == "already" && filename1 == "already")) filename = "added";
                      first = false;

                  listemovies[0].Name = filename;

                  if (loadPersonImages) // Download PersonArtwork
                    string filenameperson = string.Empty;
                    string filename1person = string.Empty;
                    LogMyFilms.Debug("Person Artwork - " + listemovies[0].Persons.Count + " persons found - now loading artwork");
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(personartworkpath) && listemovies[0].Persons != null &&
                        listemovies[0].Persons.Count > 0)
                      if (dlgPrgrs != null) dlgPrgrs.SetLine(1, "Loading person images for '" + wttitle + "'");
                      if (dlgPrgrs != null) dlgPrgrs.SetLine(2, "");

                      foreach (DbPersonInfo person in listemovies[0].Persons)
                        bool firstpersonimage = true;
                        bool onlysinglepersonimage = true;
                        var persondetails = new DbPersonInfo();
                        var theMoviedb = new TheMoviedb();
                        persondetails = theMoviedb.GetPersonsById(person.Id, string.Empty);
                        LogMyFilms.Debug("Person Artwork: found '" + persondetails.Images.Count + "' TMDB images for '" + persondetails.Name + "' in movie '" + savetitle + "'");
                        if (dlgPrgrs != null) dlgPrgrs.SetLine(2, "loading '" + persondetails.Name + "'");
                        if (dlgPrgrs != null) dlgPrgrs.Percentage = 0;

                        if (persondetails.Images.Count > 0)
                          i = 0;
                          foreach (var image in persondetails.Images)
                            filename1person = Grabber.GrabUtil.DownloadPersonArtwork(personartworkpath, image, persondetails.Name, true, firstpersonimage, out filenameperson);
                            if (dlgPrgrs != null) dlgPrgrs.SetLine(2, "loading '" + persondetails.Name + "' (TMDB - #" + i + ")");
                            if (dlgPrgrs != null) dlgPrgrs.Percentage = i * 100 / persondetails.Images.Count;

                            LogMyFilms.Debug("Person Artwork " + filename1person.Substring(filename1person.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1) + " downloaded for '" + persondetails.Name + "' in movie '" + savetitle + "', path='" + filename1person + "'");
                            if (filenameperson == string.Empty) filenameperson = filename1person;
                            if (!(filenameperson == "already" && filename1person == "already")) filenameperson = "added";
                            firstpersonimage = false;
                            if (onlysinglepersonimage) break;
                    else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(personartworkpath)) LogMyFilms.Debug("No Personartwork loaded - Personartworkpath is not set in setup!");
                  if (dlgPrgrs != null) dlgPrgrs.Percentage = 100;
                  dlgPrgrs.ShowWaitCursor = false;
                  dlgPrgrs.SetLine(1, GUILocalizeStrings.Get(1079846));
                  dlgPrgrs.SetLine(2, "");
                  dlgPrgrs.Close(); // Done...
        catch (Exception ex)
          LogMyFilms.Debug(ex, "Thread 'MyFilmsTMDBLoader' - exception!");
        GUIWindowManager.SendThreadCallbackAndWait((p1, p2, data) =>
          //dlgPrgrs.ShowWaitCursor = false;
          // enter here what to load after background thread has finished !
          if (DetailsUpdated != null) DetailsUpdated(true);
          return 0;
        }, 0, 0, null);
      }) { Name = "MyFilmsTMDBLoader", IsBackground = true }.Start();
예제 #6
    static void downloadingWorker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
      var tmdbapi = new TheMoviedb();
        if (downloadingWorker.CancellationPending)
          LogMyFilms.Debug("cancel person info updater...");

        DbPersonInfo f;
        lock (PersonstoDownloadQueue)
          f = PersonstoDownloadQueue.Dequeue();
        bool bDownloadSuccess = true;

          #region download person image

          bDownloadSuccess = UpdatePersonDetails(f.Name, null, false, false);

          #region experimental TMDB v3 code...
          //Grabber.TMDBv3.Tmdb api = new Grabber.TMDBv3.Tmdb("apikey", "de"); // language is optional, default is "en"
          //TmdbConfiguration tmdbConf = api.GetConfiguration();
          //TmdbPersonSearch person = api.SearchPerson("name", 1);
          //List<PersonResult> persons = person.results;
          //PersonResult pinfo = persons[0];
          //TmdbPerson singleperson = api.GetPersonInfo(pinfo.id);
          //TmdbPersonCredits personFilmList = api.GetPersonCredits(pinfo.id);

          // Search
          //TmdbMovieSearch SearchMovie(string query, int page)
          //TmdbPersonSearch SearchPerson(string query, int page)
          //TmdbCompanySearch SearchCompany(string query, int page);             

          // Person Info
          //TmdbPerson GetPersonInfo(int PersonID)
          //TmdbPersonCredits GetPersonCredits(int PersonID)
          //TmdbPersonImages GetPersonImages(int PersonID)
          //Movie Info
          //TmdbMovie GetMovieInfo(int MovieID)
          //TmdbMovie GetMovieByIMDB(string IMDB_ID)
          //TmdbMovieAlternateTitles GetMovieAlternateTitles(int MovieID, string Country)
          //TmdbMovieCast GetMovieCast(int MovieID)
          //TmdbMovieImages GetMovieImages(int MovieID)
          //TmdbMovieKeywords GetMovieKeywords(int MovieID)
          //TmdbMovieReleases GetMovieReleases(int MovieID)
          //TmdbMovieTrailers GetMovieTrailers(int MovieID)
          //TmdbSimilarMovies GetSimilarMovies(int MovieID, int page)
          //TmdbTranslations GetMovieTranslations(int MovieID)

          // Social Movie Info
          //TmdbNowPlaying GetNowPlayingMovies(int page)
          //TmdbPopular GetPopularMovies(int page)
          //TmdbTopRated GetTopRatedMovies(int page)
          //TmdbUpcoming GetUpcomingMovies(int page)

          #region TMDBv3 loading (inactive)
          //string language = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name.Substring(0, 2);
          //List<DbPersonInfo> personlist = tmdbapi.GetPersonsByName(f.Name, false, language);
          //if (personlist.Count == 0)
          //  LogMyFilms.Debug("downloadingWorker_DoWork() - Person '" + f.Name + "' not found on TMDB, remaining items: '" + PersonstoDownloadQueue.Count + "'");
          //  bDownloadSuccess = false;
          //  f = personlist[0];

          //  if (f != null && !File.Exists(Path.Combine(MyFilms.conf.StrPathArtist, f.Name)))
          //  {
          //    if (f.Images.Count == 0)
          //    {
          //      LogMyFilms.Debug("downloadingWorker_DoWork() - Person '" + f.Name + "' found, but no images available on TMDB! - remaining items: '" + PersonstoDownloadQueue.Count + "'");
          //      bDownloadSuccess = false;
          //    }
          //    else
          //    {
          //      string filename = Path.Combine(MyFilms.conf.StrPathArtist, f.Name);

          //      LogMyFilms.Debug("downloadingWorker_DoWork() - TMDB Image found for person '" + f.Name + "', URL = '" + f.Images[0] + "' - remaining items: '" + PersonstoDownloadQueue.Count + "'");
          //      string filename1person = Grabber.GrabUtil.DownloadPersonArtwork(MyFilms.conf.StrPathArtist, f.Images[0], f.Name, false, true, out filename);
          //      LogMyFilms.Debug("Person Image (TMDB) '" + filename1person.Substring(filename1person.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1) + "' downloaded for '" + f.Name + "', path = '" + filename1person + "', filename = '" + filename + "'");

          //      if (downloadingWorker.CancellationPending)
          //      {
          //        bDownloadSuccess = false;
          //        LogMyFilms.Debug("cancel person image download - last person: " + f.Name);
          //        lock (PersonstoDownloadQueue)
          //        {
          //          PersonstoDownloadQueue.Clear();
          //        }
          //        return;
          //      }
          //      Application.DoEvents();
          //    }
          //  }

          #region try IMDB, if TMDB was not successful ! (inactive)
          //if (!bDownloadSuccess)
          //  // LogMyFilms.Debug("downloadingWorker_DoWork() - TMDB unsuccessful - try IMDB ...");
          //  bDownloadSuccess = true;
          //  var imdb = new IMDB();
          //  imdb.FindActor(f.Name);

          //  if (imdb.Count == 0)
          //  {
          //    LogMyFilms.Debug("downloadingWorker_DoWork() - Person '" + f.Name + "' not found on IMDB, remaining items: '" + PersonstoDownloadQueue.Count + "'");
          //    bDownloadSuccess = false;
          //  }
          //  else
          //  {
          //    if (imdb[0].URL.Length != 0)
          //    {
          //      var imdbActor = new IMDBActor();
          //      //#if MP1X
          //      //                    _imdb.GetActorDetails(_imdb[0], out imdbActor);
          //      //#else
          //      //                    _imdb.GetActorDetails(_imdb[0], false, out imdbActor);
          //      //#endif
          //      GUIUtils.GetActorDetails(imdb, imdb[0], false, out imdbActor);
          //      if (imdbActor.ThumbnailUrl.Length > 0)
          //      {
          //        LogMyFilms.Debug("downloadingWorker_DoWork() - IMDB Image found for person '" + f.Name + "', URL = '" + imdbActor.ThumbnailUrl + "' - remaining items: '" + PersonstoDownloadQueue.Count + "'");
          //        string filename = Path.Combine(MyFilms.conf.StrPathArtist, f.Name);
          //        string filename1person = GrabUtil.DownloadPersonArtwork(MyFilms.conf.StrPathArtist, imdbActor.ThumbnailUrl, f.Name, false, true, out filename);
          //        LogMyFilms.Debug("Person Image (IMDB) '" + filename1person.Substring(filename1person.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1) + "' downloaded for '" + f.Name + "', path = '" + filename1person + "', filename = '" + filename + "'");
          //      }
          //      else
          //      {
          //        LogMyFilms.Debug("downloadingWorker_DoWork() - Person '" + f.Name + "' found, but no images available on IMDB! - remaining items: '" + PersonstoDownloadQueue.Count + "'");
          //        bDownloadSuccess = false;
          //      }
          //    }
          //    else
          //    {
          //      LogMyFilms.Debug("downloadingWorker_DoWork() - Person '" + f.Name + "' found, but no images available on IMDB! - remaining items: '" + PersonstoDownloadQueue.Count + "'");
          //      bDownloadSuccess = false;
          //    }
          //  }

          if (downloadingWorker.CancellationPending)
            LogMyFilms.Debug("cancel person info download - last person: " + f.Name);
            lock (PersonstoDownloadQueue)

          // LogMyFilms.Debug("Result of person info download for '" + f.Name + "': success = '" + bDownloadSuccess + "'");
          if (bDownloadSuccess) downloadingWorker.ReportProgress(0, f.Name);
        catch (Exception ex) { LogMyFilms.Debug(ex, "Error loading person updates: '" + ex.Message + "'"); }
      while (PersonstoDownloadQueue.Count > 0 && !downloadingWorker.CancellationPending);