예제 #1
        // [Category("QuickTests")]
        public void FindSupportNode()
            var nFaces     = 1;
            var length     = 10.0;
            var xIncMesh   = length / nFaces;
            var limit_dist = xIncMesh / 100.0;

            // create the mesh
            var mesh = new Mesh3((nFaces + 1) * 2, nFaces);

            mesh.AddVertex(new Point3(0, -0.5, 0));
            mesh.AddVertex(new Point3(0, 0.5, 0));
            for (var faceInd = 0; faceInd < nFaces; ++faceInd)
                mesh.AddVertex(new Point3((faceInd + 1) * xIncMesh, -0.5, 0));
                mesh.AddVertex(new Point3((faceInd + 1) * xIncMesh, 0.5, 0));
                var nV = mesh.Vertices.Count;
                mesh.AddFace(nV - 4, nV - 3, nV - 1, nV - 2);

            // create a shell
            MeshToShell.solve(new List <Point3>(), new List <Mesh3>()
            }, limit_dist, new List <string>(), new List <Color>(), new List <CroSec>(), true,
                              out List <Point3> outPoints, out List <BuilderShell> outBuilderShells, out MessageLogger outLogger);

            // create two supports
            var support1 = new Support(new Point3(0, -0.5, 0), new List <bool>()
                true, true, true, true, true, true
            }, Plane3.Default);
            var support2 = new Support(new Point3(0, 0.5, 0), new List <bool>()
                true, true, true, true, true, true
            }, Plane3.Default);

            // create a gravity load
            var gravityLoad = new GravityLoad(new Vector3(0, 0, -1));

            // assemble the model
            var modelBuilder = new ModelBuilder(limit_dist);
            var model        = modelBuilder.build(new List <Point3>(), new List <FemMaterial>(), new List <CroSec>(),
                                                  new List <Support>()
                support1, support2
            }, new List <Load>()
            }, outBuilderShells, new List <ElemSet>(),
                                                  new List <Joint>(), new MessageLogger()

            ThIAnalyze.solve(model, out var outMaxDisp, out var outG, out var outComp, out var warning, out model);

            // Assert.AreEqual(outMaxDisp[0], 53.621934860880543, 1E-5);
            Assert.AreEqual(outMaxDisp[0], 53.62193486094136, 1E-5);
예제 #2
        public void FindSupportNode()
            var k3d = new Toolkit();

            var nFaces     = 1;
            var length     = 10.0;
            var xIncMesh   = length / nFaces;
            var limit_dist = xIncMesh / 100.0;

            // create the mesh
            var mesh = new Mesh();

            mesh.Vertices.Add(new Point3d(0, -0.5, 0));
            mesh.Vertices.Add(new Point3d(0, 0.5, 0));
            for (var faceInd = 0; faceInd < nFaces; ++faceInd)
                mesh.Vertices.Add(new Point3d((faceInd + 1) * xIncMesh, -0.5, 0));
                mesh.Vertices.Add(new Point3d((faceInd + 1) * xIncMesh, 0.5, 0));
                var nV = mesh.Vertices.Count;
                mesh.Faces.AddFace(new MeshFace(nV - 4, nV - 3, nV - 1, nV - 2));

            // create a shell
            var outLogger        = new MessageLogger();
            var outBuilderShells = k3d.Part.MeshToShell(new List <Mesh3>()
            }, new List <string>(), new List <CroSec>(),
                                                        outLogger, out var outPoints);

            // create two supports
            var support1 = k3d.Support.Support(new Point3(0, -0.5, 0), k3d.Support.SupportFixedConditions);
            var support2 = k3d.Support.Support(new Point3(0, 0.5, 0), k3d.Support.SupportFixedConditions);

            // create a gravity load
            var gravityLoad = new GravityLoad(new Vector3(0, 0, -1));

            // assemble the model
            var model = k3d.Model.AssembleModel(outBuilderShells, new List <Support>()
                support1, support2
                                                new List <Load>()
            }, out var info, out var mass, out var cog, out var warning, out var runtimeWarning);

            var targetMass = length * 0.01 * 7850;

            Assert.AreEqual(mass, targetMass, 1E-5);

            ThIAnalyze.solve(model, out var outMaxDisp, out var outG, out var outComp, out warning, out model);

            // Assert.AreEqual(outMaxDisp[0], 34.137028934059728, 1E-5);
            Assert.AreEqual(outMaxDisp[0], 53.621934860941359, 1E-5);
예제 #3
        public void AxialSpringOnBothSides()
            var k3d = new Toolkit();

            var crosec = k3d.CroSec.CircularHollow();

            crosec.Az = 1E20; // make the cross section very stiff in shear

            var elems = new List <BuilderBeam>()
                k3d.Part.IndexToBeam(0, 1, "", crosec),
                k3d.Part.IndexToBeam(1, 2, "", crosec),

            double cx     = 100;
            var    joint0 = new Joint(new double?[] { cx, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null });
            var    joint1 = new Joint(new double?[] { null, null, null, null, null, null, cx, null, null, null, null, null });

            elems[0].joint = joint0;
            elems[1].joint = joint1;

            var L      = 10.0; // in meter
            var points = new List <Point3> {
                new Point3(), new Point3(L * 0.5, 0, 0), new Point3(L, 0, 0)

            var supports = new List <Support> {
                k3d.Support.Support(0, new List <bool> {
                    true, true, true, true, false, false
                k3d.Support.Support(2, new List <bool> {
                    false, true, true, false, false, false

            var fx    = 1.0; // in kN
            var loads = new List <Load> {
                k3d.Load.PointLoad(2, new Vector3(fx, 0, 0))

            var model = k3d.Model.AssembleModel(elems, supports, loads, out var info, out var mass, out var cog, out var msg,
                                                out var runtimeWarning, new List <Joint>(), points);

            ThIAnalyze.solve(model, out var outMaxDisp, out var outG, out var outComp, out var warning, out model);

            var A          = (model.elems[0].crosec as CroSec_Beam).A;
            var E          = model.elems[0].crosec.material.E();
            var c_inv_tot  = L / (E * A) + 2 / cx;
            var dispTarget = Math.Abs(fx) * c_inv_tot;

            Assert.AreEqual(outMaxDisp[0], dispTarget, 1E-10);
예제 #4
        public void ModifyModel()
            var k3d = new Toolkit();

            var crosec = k3d.CroSec.CircularHollow();

            crosec.Az = 1E20; // make the cross section very stiff in shear

            var elems = new List <BuilderBeam>()
                k3d.Part.IndexToBeam(0, 1, "", crosec),
                k3d.Part.IndexToBeam(1, 2, "", crosec),

            var L      = 10.0; // in meter
            var points = new List <Point3> {
                new Point3(), new Point3(L * 0.5, 0, 0), new Point3(L, 0, 0)

            var supports = new List <Support> {
                k3d.Support.Support(0, k3d.Support.SupportHingedConditions),
                k3d.Support.Support(2, k3d.Support.SupportHingedConditions)

            var fz    = -0.1; // in kN
            var loads = new List <Load> {
                k3d.Load.PointLoad(1, new Vector3(0, 0, fz))

            var model = k3d.Model.AssembleModel(elems, supports, loads, out var info, out var mass, out var cog, out var msg,
                                                out var runtimeWarning, new List <Joint>(), points);

            ThIAnalyze.solve(model, out var outMaxDisp, out var outG, out var outComp, out var warning, out model);

            var I          = (model.elems[0].crosec as CroSec_Beam).Iyy;
            var E          = model.elems[0].crosec.material.E();
            var dispTarget = Math.Abs(fz) * L * L * L / (48 * E * I);

            Assert.AreEqual(outMaxDisp[0], dispTarget, 1E-10);
예제 #5
        public void MeshLoadProfiling()
            var k3d = new Toolkit();

            int    nBeams      = 20;
            int    nFaces      = 1500;
            double lengthBeams = 10.0;
            double xIncBeam    = lengthBeams / nBeams;
            double xIncMesh    = lengthBeams / nFaces;
            double limit_dist  = xIncBeam / 100.0;

            // create beams
            var lines = new List <Line3>();
            var nodeI = new Point3(0, 0, 0);

            for (int beamInd = 0; beamInd < nBeams; ++beamInd)
                var nodeK = new Point3(nodeI.X + xIncBeam, 0, 0);
                lines.Add(new Line3(nodeI, nodeK));
                nodeI = nodeK;
            LineToBeam.solve(new List <Point3>(), lines, true, true, limit_dist, new List <Vector3>(), new List <string>(),
                             new List <Color>(), new List <CroSec>(), true,
                             out List <Point3> outPoints, out List <BuilderBeam> builderElements, out string info);

            // create a MeshLoad
            var meshUnitLoadsBuffer = new Dictionary <MeshUnitLoad, MeshUnitLoad>();
            var mesh = new Mesh();

            mesh.Vertices.Add(new Point3d(0, -0.5, 0));
            mesh.Vertices.Add(new Point3d(0, 0.5, 0));
            for (var faceInd = 0; faceInd < nFaces; ++faceInd)
                mesh.Vertices.Add(new Point3d((faceInd + 1) * xIncMesh, -0.5, 0));
                mesh.Vertices.Add(new Point3d((faceInd + 1) * xIncMesh, 0.5, 0));
                var nV = mesh.Vertices.Count;
                mesh.Faces.AddFace(new MeshFace(nV - 4, nV - 3, nV - 1, nV - 2));
            UnitsConversionFactory ucf = UnitsConversionFactories.Conv();
            UnitConversion         m   = ucf.m();
            var baseMesh = m.toBaseMesh(new RhinoMesh(mesh));

            var load = new MeshLoad(new List <Vector3>()
                new Vector3(0, 0, -1)

            load.InitUnitLoads(meshUnitLoadsBuffer, baseMesh, LoadOrientation.global, new List <bool>()
                true, true
                               new List <Point3>(), new List <string>());

            // create a Support
            var support = k3d.Support.Support(new Point3(0, 0, 0), k3d.Support.SupportFixedConditions);

            // assemble the model
            var model = k3d.Model.AssembleModel(builderElements, new List <Support>()
            }, new List <Load>()
                                                out info, out var mass, out var cog, out var msg, out var runtimeWarning);

            ThIAnalyze.solve(model, out var outMaxDisp, out var outG, out var outComp, out var warning, out model);

            Assert.AreEqual(outMaxDisp[0], 2.8232103119331837, 1E-5);
            // Assert.AreEqual(1, 1, 1E-8);
예제 #6
        public void TSection_2Elems()
            var k3d = new Toolkit();

            var logger = new MessageLogger();

            double Lx     = 1.0;
            double Ly     = 2.0;
            double Lz     = 3.0;
            var    points = new List <Point3> {
                new Point3(0, Ly, 0), new Point3(0, 0, 0),
                new Point3(Lx, 0, 0),
                new Point3(0, 0, Lz)

            var mesh = new Mesh3();

            foreach (var point in points)
            mesh.AddFace(new Face3(0, 1, 2));
            mesh.AddFace(new Face3(1, 2, 3));

            var material = k3d.Material.IsotropicMaterial("", "", 200000, 100000, 100000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
            var crosec   = k3d.CroSec.ShellConst(0.1, 0, material);
            var shells   = k3d.Part.MeshToShell(
                new List <Mesh3> {
            }, null, new List <CroSec> {
            }, true, logger, out var nodes,
                0.005, null, points);

            // create supports
            var supportConditions_1 = new List <bool>()
                true, true, true, true, true, true
            var supports = new List <Support>
                k3d.Support.Support(points[0], supportConditions_1),
                k3d.Support.Support(points[1], supportConditions_1),
                k3d.Support.Support(points[2], supportConditions_1)

            // create a Point-load
            double Fx    = 100.0;
            var    loads = new List <Load>
                k3d.Load.PointLoad(points[3], new Vector3(Fx, 0, 0), new Vector3()),

            double c      = 0.1;
            var    joints = new List <Joint>()
                new JointLine(new List <string> {
                              new PolyLine3(new List <Point3> {
                    points[1], points[2]
                              -Vector3.ZAxis, null, Math.PI * 0.25, new double?[] { c })

            // create the model
            var model = k3d.Model.AssembleModel(shells, supports, loads,
                                                out var info, out var mass, out var cog, out var message, out var warning, joints);

            // var model = k3d.Model.AssembleModel(shells, supports, loads,
            //    out var info, out var mass, out var cog, out var message, out var warning, joints, points);
            // var model = k3d.Model.AssembleModel(shells, supports, loads,
            //    out var info, out var mass, out var cog, out var message, out var warning);

            ThIAnalyze.solve(model, out var outMaxDisp, out var outG, out var outComp, out var warning_msg, out model);

            var dispTarget = Fx / Lx / c;
            var dispCalc   = outMaxDisp[0];

            Assert.AreEqual(dispCalc, dispTarget, 1);
예제 #7
        public void Membrane_Triangle_InPlaneSpringOnOneSide()
            var k3d = new Toolkit();

            var logger = new MessageLogger();

            double L      = 1.0;
            var    points = new List <Point3> {
                new Point3(0, 0.5 * L, 0), new Point3(0, -0.5 * L, 0), new Point3(L, 0, 0)

            var mesh = new Mesh3();

            foreach (var point in points)
            mesh.AddFace(new Face3(0, 1, 2));

            var material = k3d.Material.IsotropicMaterial("", "", 200000, 100000, 100000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
            var crosec   = k3d.CroSec.ShellConst(0.01, 0, material);
            var shells   = k3d.Part.MeshToShell(new List <Mesh3> {
            }, null, new List <CroSec> {
            }, false, logger, out var out_nodes);

            // create supports
            var supportConditions_1 = new List <bool>()
                true, true, true, true, true, true
            var supports = new List <Support>
                k3d.Support.Support(points[0], supportConditions_1),
                k3d.Support.Support(points[1], supportConditions_1),

            // create a Point-load
            double fx    = 100.0;
            var    loads = new List <Load>
                k3d.Load.PointLoad(points[2], new Vector3(fx, 0, 0), new Vector3()),

            double cx     = 2.0;
            var    joints = new List <Joint>()
                new JointLine(new List <string> {
                              new PolyLine3(new List <Point3> {
                    points[1], points[0]
                              -Vector3.XAxis, Vector3.ZAxis, Math.PI * 0.5, new double?[] { null, cx })

            // create the model
            var model = k3d.Model.AssembleModel(shells, supports, loads,
                                                out var info, out var mass, out var cog, out var message, out var warning, joints);

            // var model = k3d.Model.AssembleModel(shells, supports, loads,
            //     out var info, out var mass, out var cog, out var message, out var warning);

            ThIAnalyze.solve(model, out var outMaxDisp, out var outG, out var outComp, out var warning_msg, out model);

            var h = (model.elems[0].crosec as CroSec_Shell).getHeight();
            var E = model.elems[0].crosec.material.E();
            // var c_inv_tot = 2 * L / (E * h);
            var c_inv_tot  = 2 * L / (E * h) + 1 / cx / L;
            var dispTarget = Math.Abs(fx) / L * c_inv_tot;
            var dispCalc   = outMaxDisp[0];

            Assert.AreEqual(dispCalc, dispTarget, 1);
예제 #8
        public void DeformationTestIsotropicShellInPlane()
            var nFaces     = 1;
            var length     = 1.0;
            var xIncMesh   = length / nFaces;
            var limit_dist = xIncMesh / 100.0;

            var y0 = 0.0;
            var y1 = 1.0;

            // create the mesh
            var mesh = new Mesh3((nFaces + 1) * 2, nFaces);

            mesh.AddVertex(new Point3(0, y0, 0));
            mesh.AddVertex(new Point3(0, y1, 0));
            for (var faceInd = 0; faceInd < nFaces; ++faceInd)
                mesh.AddVertex(new Point3((faceInd + 1) * xIncMesh, y0, 0));
                mesh.AddVertex(new Point3((faceInd + 1) * xIncMesh, y1, 0));
                var nV = mesh.Vertices.Count;
                mesh.AddFace(nV - 4, nV - 3, nV - 1, nV - 2);

            // create a shell
            MeshToShell.solve(new List <Point3>(), new List <Mesh3>()
            }, limit_dist, new List <string>(), new List <Color>(), new List <CroSec>(), true,
                              out List <Point3> outPoints, out List <BuilderShell> outBuilderShells, out MessageLogger outLogger);

            // create two supports
            var support1 = new Support(new Point3(0, y0, 0), new List <bool>()
                true, true, true, true, true, true
            }, Plane3.Default);
            var support2 = new Support(new Point3(0, y1, 0), new List <bool>()
                true, false, true, true, true, true
            }, Plane3.Default);

            // create two point loads
            var pl1 = new PointLoad(mesh.Vertices.Count - 2, new Vector3(25, 0, 0), new Vector3(), false);
            var pl2 = new PointLoad(mesh.Vertices.Count - 1, new Vector3(25, 0, 0), new Vector3(), false);

            // assemble the model
            var modelBuilder = new ModelBuilder(limit_dist);
            var model        = modelBuilder.build(new List <Point3>(), new List <FemMaterial>(), new List <CroSec>(),
                                                  new List <Support>()
                support1, support2
            }, new List <Load>()
                pl1, pl2
            }, outBuilderShells, new List <ElemSet>(),
                                                  new List <Joint>(), new MessageLogger()

            ThIAnalyze.solve(model, out var outMaxDisp, out var outG, out var outComp, out var warning, out model);

            Assert.AreEqual(outMaxDisp[0], 2.4858889456113236E-05, 1E-5);
예제 #9
        public void TwoPointLoads()
            var    k3d    = new Toolkit();
            var    logger = new MessageLogger();
            double length = 4.0;
            var    p0     = new Point3(0, 0, 0);
            var    p1     = new Point3(length, 0, 0);
            var    axis   = new Line3(p0, p1);

            var resourcePath = @"";

            // get a material from the material table in the folder 'Resources'
            var materialPath = Path.Combine(resourcePath, "Materials/MaterialProperties.csv");
            var inMaterials  = k3d.Material.ReadMaterialTable(materialPath);
            var material     = inMaterials.Find(x => x.name == "Steel");

            // get a cross section from the cross section table in the folder 'Resources'
            var         crosecPath     = Path.Combine(resourcePath, "CrossSections/CrossSectionValues.bin");
            CroSecTable inCroSecs      = k3d.CroSec.ReadCrossSectionTable(crosecPath, out var info);
            var         crosec_family  = inCroSecs.crosecs.FindAll(x => x.family == "FRQ");
            var         crosec_initial = crosec_family.Find(x => x.name == "FRQ45/5");

            // attach the material to the cross section

            // create the column
            var beams = k3d.Part.LineToBeam(new List <Line3> {
            }, new List <string>()
            }, new List <CroSec>()
            }, logger,
                                            out var out_points);

            // create supports
            var supports = new List <Support>
                k3d.Support.Support(p0, new List <bool>()
                    true, true, true, true, true, true

            // create a Point-load
            var loads = new List <Load>
                k3d.Load.PointLoad(p1, new Vector3(0, 100, 0), new Vector3(), "LC0"),
                k3d.Load.PointLoad(p1, new Vector3(0, 0, 50), new Vector3(), "LC1")

            // create the model
            var model = k3d.Model.AssembleModel(beams, supports, loads,
                                                out info, out var mass, out var cog, out var message, out var is_warning);

            // calculate the displacements
            ThIAnalyze.solve(model, out var outMaxDisp, out var outG, out var outComp, out var warning, out model);
            Assert.AreEqual(54.338219302231252, outMaxDisp[0], 1e-5);
            Assert.AreEqual(27.169109651115626, outMaxDisp[1], 1e-5);