public FormImage(string url) { Image = url; Alex.Instance.ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(() => { try { byte[] imageData = _cache.GetOrAdd(Image, (path) => { using (WebClient wc = new WebClient()) { var data = wc.DownloadData(path); return(data); } }); Background = (TextureSlice2D)TextureUtils.BitmapToTexture2D(Alex.Instance.GraphicsDevice, SixLabors.ImageSharp.Image.Load <Rgba32>(imageData)); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(ex, $"Could not convert image!"); } }); }
public void CreateOrUpdateProfile(ProfileType type, PlayerProfile profile, bool setActive = false) { if (profile.Skin.Texture == null) { if (Alex.Resources.ResourcePack.TryGetBitmap("entity/alex", out var rawTexture)) { profile.Skin.Texture = TextureUtils.BitmapToTexture2D(Alex.GraphicsDevice, rawTexture); profile.Skin.Slim = true; } } SavedProfile savedProfile; if (Profiles.TryGetValue(profile.Uuid, out savedProfile)) { savedProfile.Profile = profile; Profiles[profile.Uuid] = savedProfile; } else { savedProfile = new SavedProfile(); savedProfile.Type = type; savedProfile.Profile = profile; Profiles.Add(profile.Uuid, savedProfile); } if (setActive) { //ActiveProfile = savedProfile; Alex.Services.GetService <IPlayerProfileService>()?.Force(profile); //_playerProfileService.Force(profile); } Alex.UIThreadQueue.Enqueue(SaveProfiles); }
public ResourcePackEntry(ResourcePackManifest manifest, string path) : this(path, manifest.Name, manifest.Description) { if (manifest.Icon != null) { _icon.Texture = TextureUtils.BitmapToTexture2D(Alex.Instance.GraphicsDevice, manifest.Icon); } }
internal void UpdateSkin(PooledTexture2D skinTexture) { if (skinTexture == null) { skinTexture = TextureUtils.BitmapToTexture2D(Alex.Instance.GraphicsDevice, Alex.PlayerTexture); } //if (skinSlim) { var gotModel = ModelFactory.TryGetModel(GeometryName, out EntityModel m); ValidModel = gotModel; if (gotModel || ModelFactory.TryGetModel("geometry.humanoid.customSlim", out m)) { if (!gotModel) { } _model = m; ModelRenderer = new EntityModelRenderer(_model, skinTexture); //UpdateModelParts(); } } /*else * { * if (ModelFactory.TryGetModel("geometry.humanoid.custom", * out EntityModel m)) * { * _model = m; * ModelRenderer = new EntityModelRenderer(_model, skinTexture); * UpdateModelParts(); * } * }*/ }
private void ApplyModel(Entity entity) { if (Alex.PlayerModel != null && Alex.PlayerTexture != null) { var texture = TextureUtils.BitmapToTexture2D(Alex.GraphicsDevice, Alex.PlayerTexture); entity.ModelRenderer = new EntityModelRenderer(Alex.PlayerModel, texture); } }
internal void UpdateSkin(PooledTexture2D skinTexture) { if (skinTexture != null && ModelRenderer != null) { ModelRenderer.Texture = skinTexture; return; } string geometry = "geometry.humanoid.customSlim"; if (skinTexture == null) { string skinVariant = "entity/alex"; var uuid = UUID.GetBytes(); if ((uuid[3] ^ uuid[7] ^ uuid[11] ^ uuid[15]) % 2 == 0) { skinVariant = "entity/steve"; geometry = "geometry.humanoid.custom"; } if (Alex.Instance.Resources.ResourcePack.TryGetBitmap(skinVariant, out var rawTexture)) { skinTexture = TextureUtils.BitmapToTexture2D(Alex.Instance.GraphicsDevice, rawTexture); //skinBitmap = rawTexture; } else { skinTexture = TextureUtils.BitmapToTexture2D(Alex.Instance.GraphicsDevice, Alex.PlayerTexture); } } //if (skinSlim) { //var gotModel = ModelFactory.TryGetModel(GeometryName, // out EntityModel m); //ValidModel = gotModel; if (ModelFactory.TryGetModel(geometry, out var m)) { _model = m; ValidModel = true; ModelRenderer = new EntityModelRenderer(_model, skinTexture); //UpdateModelParts(); } } /*else * { * if (ModelFactory.TryGetModel("geometry.humanoid.custom", * out EntityModel m)) * { * _model = m; * ModelRenderer = new EntityModelRenderer(_model, skinTexture); * UpdateModelParts(); * } * }*/ }
public World(Alex alex, GraphicsDevice graphics, AlexOptions options, Camera camera, INetworkProvider networkProvider) { Alex = alex; Graphics = graphics; Camera = camera; Options = options; PhysicsEngine = new PhysicsManager(alex, this); ChunkManager = new ChunkManager(alex, graphics, options, this); EntityManager = new EntityManager(graphics, this, networkProvider); Ticker = new TickManager(this); PlayerList = new PlayerList(); ChunkManager.Start(); var profileService = alex.Services.GetService <IPlayerProfileService>(); string username = string.Empty; Skin skin = profileService?.CurrentProfile?.Skin; if (skin == null) { alex.Resources.ResourcePack.TryGetBitmap("entity/alex", out Bitmap rawTexture); var t = TextureUtils.BitmapToTexture2D(graphics, rawTexture); skin = new Skin() { Texture = t, Slim = true }; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(profileService?.CurrentProfile?.Username)) { username = profileService.CurrentProfile.Username; } Player = new Player(graphics, alex, username, this, skin, networkProvider, PlayerIndex.One); Player.KnownPosition = new PlayerLocation(GetSpawnPoint()); Camera.MoveTo(Player.KnownPosition, Vector3.Zero); Options.FieldOfVision.ValueChanged += FieldOfVisionOnValueChanged; Camera.FOV = Options.FieldOfVision.Value; PhysicsEngine.AddTickable(Player); Player.Inventory.IsPeInventory = true; if (ItemFactory.TryGetItem("minecraft:diamond_sword", out var sword)) { Player.Inventory[Player.Inventory.SelectedSlot] = sword; Player.Inventory.MainHand = sword; } else { Log.Warn($"Could not get diamond sword!"); } }
public static void LoadResources(GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, McResourcePack resourcePack) { if (resourcePack.TryGetBitmap("minecraft:entity/chest/normal", out var bmp)) { ChestTexture = TextureUtils.BitmapToTexture2D(graphicsDevice, bmp); } else { Log.Warn($"Could not load chest texture."); } }
public ProfileSelectionState(GuiPanoramaSkyBox skyBox, Alex alex) { Alex = alex; _skyBox = skyBox; ProfileService = GetService <IPlayerProfileService>(); Title = "Select Profile"; Background = new GuiTexture2D(_skyBox, TextureRepeatMode.Stretch); base.ListContainer.ChildAnchor = Alignment.MiddleCenter; base.ListContainer.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal; Footer.AddRow(row => { row.AddChild(_addBtn = new GuiButton("Add", AddClicked) { }); row.AddChild(_editBtn = new GuiButton("Edit", EditClicked) { Enabled = false }); row.AddChild(_deleteBtn = new GuiButton("Delete", DeleteClicked) { Enabled = false }); }); Footer.AddRow(row => { // row.ChildAnchor = Alignment.CenterX; row.AddChild(_selectBtn = new GuiButton("Select Profile", OnProfileSelect) { Enabled = false }); row.AddChild(_cancelBtn = new GuiButton("Cancel", OnCancelButtonPressed) { }); }); if (_defaultSkin == null) { Alex.Instance.Resources.ResourcePack.TryGetBitmap("entity/alex", out var rawTexture); _defaultSkin = new Skin() { Slim = true, Texture = TextureUtils.BitmapToTexture2D(Alex.Instance.GraphicsDevice, rawTexture) }; } Reload(); }
public bool TryGetTexture(string textureName, out Texture2D texture) { // if (_textureCache.TryGetValue(textureName, out texture)) // return true; if (TryGetBitmap(textureName, out Bitmap bmp)) { texture = TextureUtils.BitmapToTexture2D(Graphics, bmp); return(true); } texture = null; return(false); }
public override void HandleMcpePlayerList(McpePlayerList message) { if (message.records is PlayerAddRecords addRecords) { foreach (var r in addRecords) { var u = new API.Utils.UUID(r.ClientUuid.GetBytes()); if (_players.ContainsKey(u)) { continue; } Texture2D skinTexture; if (r.Skin.TryGetBitmap(out Bitmap skinBitmap)) { skinTexture = TextureUtils.BitmapToTexture2D(BaseClient.WorldProvider.Alex.GraphicsDevice, skinBitmap); } else { BaseClient.WorldProvider.Alex.Resources.ResourcePack.TryGetBitmap("entity/alex", out Bitmap rawTexture); skinTexture = TextureUtils.BitmapToTexture2D(BaseClient.WorldProvider.Alex.GraphicsDevice, rawTexture); } BaseClient.WorldReceiver?.AddPlayerListItem(new PlayerListItem(u, r.DisplayName, Gamemode.Survival, 0)); PlayerMob m = new PlayerMob(r.DisplayName, BaseClient.WorldReceiver as World, BaseClient, skinTexture, true); if (!_players.TryAdd(u, m)) { Log.Warn($"Duplicate player record! {r.ClientUuid}"); } } } else if (message.records is PlayerRemoveRecords removeRecords) { foreach (var r in removeRecords) { var u = new UUID(r.ClientUuid.GetBytes()); if (_players.TryRemove(u, out var player)) { BaseClient.WorldReceiver?.RemovePlayerListItem(u); if (BaseClient.WorldReceiver is World w) { w.DespawnEntity(player.EntityId); } } } } }
public static bool ResolveItemTexture(string itemName, out Texture2D texture) { if (ResourcePack.ItemModels.TryGetValue(itemName, out ResourcePackItem item)) { var texture0 = item.Textures.FirstOrDefault(); if (texture0.Value != null) { if (ResourcePack.TryGetBitmap(texture0.Value, out Bitmap bmp)) { texture = TextureUtils.BitmapToTexture2D(Alex.Instance.GraphicsDevice, bmp); return(true); } else { Log.Debug($"Could not find texture for item: {itemName} (Search Term: {texture0.Value})"); } } } else { if (ResourcePack.TryGetBlockModel(itemName, out var b)) { var texture0 = b.Textures.OrderBy(x => x.Value.Contains("side")).FirstOrDefault(); if (texture0.Value != null) { if (ResourcePack.TryGetBitmap(texture0.Value, out Bitmap bmp)) { texture = TextureUtils.BitmapToTexture2D(Alex.Instance.GraphicsDevice, bmp); return(true); } else { Log.Debug($"Could not find texture for item: {itemName} (Search Term: {texture0.Value})"); } } } else { Log.Debug($"Could not find model for item: {itemName}"); } } texture = null; return(false); }
private static void Add(ResourceManager resourceManager, GraphicsDevice graphics, EntityDescription def, EntityModel model, ResourceLocation name) { _registeredRenderers.AddOrUpdate(name, (t) => { if (t == null) { var textures = def.Textures; string texture; if (!textures.TryGetValue("default", out texture) && !textures.TryGetValue(name.Path, out texture)) { texture = textures.FirstOrDefault().Value; } if (resourceManager.BedrockResourcePack.Textures.TryGetValue(texture, out var bmp)) { t = TextureUtils.BitmapToTexture2D(graphics, bmp); } } return(new EntityModelRenderer(model, t)); }, (s, func) => { return((t) => { var textures = def.Textures; string texture; if (!(textures.TryGetValue("default", out texture) || textures.TryGetValue(name.Path, out texture))) { texture = textures.FirstOrDefault().Value; } if (resourceManager.BedrockResourcePack.Textures.TryGetValue(texture, out var bmp)) { t = TextureUtils.BitmapToTexture2D(graphics, bmp); } return new EntityModelRenderer(model, t); }); }); }
private void Reload() { ClearItems(); foreach (var skinPack in Alex.Resources.Packs) { foreach (var module in skinPack.Modules.Where(x => x is MCSkinPack).Cast <MCSkinPack>()) { foreach (var skin in module.Skins) { Alex.UIThreadQueue.Enqueue( () => { var texture = TextureUtils.BitmapToTexture2D(Alex.GraphicsDevice, skin.Texture); SkinEntry entry = new SkinEntry(skin, texture, OnDoubleClick); AddItem(entry); }); } } } }
protected override void OnShow() { if (Alex.PlayerModel != null && Alex.PlayerTexture != null) { Alex.UIThreadQueue.Enqueue( () => { var texture = TextureUtils.BitmapToTexture2D(Alex.GraphicsDevice, Alex.PlayerTexture); _playerView.Entity.ModelRenderer = new EntityModelRenderer(Alex.PlayerModel, texture); }); } if (Alex.GameStateManager.TryGetState <OptionsState>("options", out _)) { Alex.GameStateManager.RemoveState("options"); } Alex.GameStateManager.AddState("options", new OptionsState(_backgroundSkyBox)); base.OnShow(); }
public void CreateOrUpdateProfile(string type, PlayerProfile profile, bool setActive = false) { IPlayerProfileService profileService = ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService <IPlayerProfileService>(); var alex = ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService <Alex>(); if (profile.Skin?.Texture == null) { profile.Skin = new Skin(); if (alex.Resources.TryGetBitmap("entity/alex", out var rawTexture)) { profile.Skin.Texture = TextureUtils.BitmapToTexture2D(alex.GraphicsDevice, rawTexture); profile.Skin.Slim = true; } } SavedProfile savedProfile; if (Profiles.TryGetValue(profile.Uuid, out savedProfile)) { savedProfile.Type = type; savedProfile.Profile = profile; Profiles[profile.Uuid] = savedProfile; } else { savedProfile = new SavedProfile(); savedProfile.Type = type; savedProfile.Profile = profile; Profiles.Add(profile.Uuid, savedProfile); } if (setActive) { //ActiveProfile = savedProfile; profileService?.Force(profile); //_playerProfileService.Force(profile); } alex.UIThreadQueue.Enqueue(SaveProfiles); }
public static void LoadResources(GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, McResourcePack resourcePack) { if (resourcePack.TryGetBitmap("minecraft:entity/chest/normal", out var bmp)) { ChestTexture = TextureUtils.BitmapToTexture2D(graphicsDevice, bmp); } else { Log.Warn($"Could not load chest texture."); } if (resourcePack.TryGetBitmap("minecraft:entity/chest/ender", out var enderBmp)) { EnderChestTexture = TextureUtils.BitmapToTexture2D(graphicsDevice, enderBmp); } else { Log.Warn($"Could not load enderchest texture"); } if (resourcePack.TryGetBitmap("minecraft:entity/steve", out var steveBmp)) { SkullTexture = TextureUtils.BitmapToTexture2D(graphicsDevice, steveBmp); } else { Log.Warn($"Could not load skull texture"); } if (resourcePack.TryGetBitmap("minecraft:entity/signs/oak", out var signBmp)) { SignTexture = TextureUtils.BitmapToTexture2D(graphicsDevice, signBmp); } else { Log.Warn($"Could not load sign texture"); } }
private void SetVertices() { var def = _entityDefinitions[_index]; EntityModelRenderer renderer = null; //if (def.Value != null) //{ // renderer = EntityFactory.GetEntityRenderer(def.Key, null); //} if (def.Value != null && def.Value.Geometry != null && def.Value.Geometry.ContainsKey("default") && def.Value.Textures != null) { EntityModel model; if (ModelFactory.TryGetModel(def.Value.Geometry["default"], out model) && model != null) { var textures = def.Value.Textures; string texture; if (!textures.TryGetValue("default", out texture)) { texture = textures.FirstOrDefault().Value; } if (Alex.Resources.BedrockResourcePack.Textures.TryGetValue(texture, out var bmp)) { PooledTexture2D t = TextureUtils.BitmapToTexture2D(Alex.GraphicsDevice, bmp.Value); renderer = new EntityModelRenderer(model, t); renderer.Scale = 1f / 16f; } } } _currentRenderer = renderer; }
protected override void OnShow() { if (Alex.PlayerModel != null && Alex.PlayerTexture != null) { Alex.UIThreadQueue.Enqueue( () => { var texture = TextureUtils.BitmapToTexture2D(Alex.GraphicsDevice, Alex.PlayerTexture); _playerView.Entity.ModelRenderer = new EntityModelRenderer(Alex.PlayerModel, texture); }); } if (Alex.GameStateManager.TryGetState <OptionsState>("options", out _)) { Alex.GameStateManager.RemoveState("options"); } Alex.GameStateManager.AddState("options", new OptionsState(_backgroundSkyBox)); _playerView.Entity.SetInventory(new BedrockInventory(46)); _playerView.Entity.ShowItemInHand = true; if (ItemFactory.TryGetItem("minecraft:grass_block", out var grass)) { _playerView.Entity.Inventory.MainHand = grass; _playerView.Entity.Inventory[_playerView.Entity.Inventory.SelectedSlot] = grass; } if (ItemFactory.TryGetItem("minecraft:diamond_sword", out var sword)) { //_playerView.Entity.Inventory.MainHand = sword; //_playerView.Entity.Inventory[_playerView.Entity.Inventory.SelectedSlot] = sword; } base.OnShow(); }
internal void UpdateSkin(PooledTexture2D skinTexture) { if (skinTexture != null && ModelRenderer != null) { ModelRenderer.Texture = skinTexture; return; } string geometry = "geometry.humanoid.customSlim"; if (skinTexture == null) { string skinVariant = "entity/alex"; skinTexture = _alex; var uuid = UUID.GetBytes(); bool isSteve = (uuid[3] ^ uuid[7] ^ uuid[11] ^ uuid[15]) % 2 == 0; if (isSteve) { skinVariant = "entity/steve"; geometry = "geometry.humanoid.custom"; skinTexture = _steve; } if (skinTexture == null) { if (Alex.Instance.Resources.TryGetBitmap(skinVariant, out var rawTexture)) { skinTexture = TextureUtils.BitmapToTexture2D(Alex.Instance.GraphicsDevice, rawTexture); if (isSteve) { _steve = skinTexture; } else { _alex = skinTexture; } //skinBitmap = rawTexture; } } if (skinTexture == null) { skinTexture = TextureUtils.BitmapToTexture2D(Alex.Instance.GraphicsDevice, Alex.PlayerTexture); } } if (ModelFactory.TryGetModel(geometry, out var m)) { _model = m; ValidModel = true; ModelRenderer = new EntityModelRenderer(_model, skinTexture); _texture = skinTexture; //UpdateModelParts(); } }
private void GenerateAtlas(GraphicsDevice device, IDictionary <ResourceLocation, ImageEntry> blockTextures, IProgressReceiver progressReceiver) { Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); Log.Info($"Generating texture atlas out of {(blockTextures.Count)} bitmaps..."); long totalSize = 0; Image <Rgba32> no; using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(ResourceManager.ReadResource(""))) { no = Image.Load <Rgba32>(ms); } Dictionary <ResourceLocation, TextureInfo> stillFrameInfo = new Dictionary <ResourceLocation, TextureInfo>(); GenerateAtlasInternal( new[] { new KeyValuePair <ResourceLocation, Image <Rgba32> >("no_texture", no), }.Concat( blockTextures .Where(x => x.Value.Image.Height == TextureHeight && x.Value.Image.Width == TextureWidth).Select( x => new KeyValuePair <ResourceLocation, Image <Rgba32> >(x.Key, x.Value.Image))).ToArray(), progressReceiver, stillFrameInfo, false, out var stillAtlas); AtlasSize = new Vector2(stillAtlas.Width, stillAtlas.Height); // totalSize += size; _atlasLocations = stillFrameInfo; Dictionary <ResourceLocation, Image <Rgba32>[]> blockFrames = new Dictionary <ResourceLocation, Image <Rgba32>[]>(); foreach (var other in blockTextures.Where( x => x.Value.Image.Height != x.Value.Image.Width)) { if (!blockFrames.TryGetValue(other.Key, out _)) { blockFrames.Add(other.Key, GetFrames(other.Value.Image, TextureWidth, TextureHeight)); } } var animatedFrameInfo = new Dictionary <ResourceLocation, TextureInfo>(); GenerateAtlasInternal( blockFrames.Select(x => new KeyValuePair <ResourceLocation, Image <Rgba32> >(x.Key, x.Value[0])).ToArray(), progressReceiver, animatedFrameInfo, true, out Image <Rgba32> animatedFrame); AnimatedAtlasSize = new Vector2(animatedFrame.Width, animatedFrame.Height); _animatedAtlasLocations = animatedFrameInfo; var frameCount = blockFrames.Max(x => x.Value.Length); while (frameCount % 2 != 0) { frameCount++; } var frames = new Image <Rgba32> [frameCount]; frames[0] = animatedFrame; for (int i = 1; i < frames.Length; i++) { double percentage = 100D * ((double)i / (double)frames.Length); progressReceiver.UpdateProgress((int)percentage, $"Animating frame {i + 1} / {frames.Length}..."); var target = (i > 0 ? frames[i - 1] : animatedFrame).CloneAs <Rgba32>(); //new Bitmap(animatedFrame); // System.Drawing.Rectangle destination; foreach (var animated in blockFrames) { progressReceiver.UpdateProgress((int)percentage, null, animated.Key.ToString()); if (animatedFrameInfo.TryGetValue(animated.Key, out var textureInfo)) { //((i % 3 == 0 ? i - 1 : i) / 6) var destination = new System.Drawing.Rectangle( (int)textureInfo.Position.X, (int)textureInfo.Position.Y, textureInfo.Width, textureInfo.Height); var sourceRegion = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, textureInfo.Width, textureInfo.Height); var index = i % animated.Value.Length; var indexOffset = 0; bool shouldInterpolate = false; float interpolationValue = 0.5f; if (blockTextures.TryGetValue(animated.Key, out var imageEntry) && imageEntry.Meta != null) { var meta = imageEntry.Meta; if (meta.Animation != null) { if (meta.Animation.Interpolate) { int extraFrames = (frames.Length - animated.Value.Length); var interpolationFrames = (int)Math.Floor(((double)extraFrames / (double)animated.Value.Length)); var remainder = i % interpolationFrames; if (remainder != 0) { shouldInterpolate = true; interpolationValue = (1f / interpolationFrames) * remainder; indexOffset = -remainder; // index -= remainder; } } if (meta.Animation.Frames != null) { var entry = meta.Animation.Frames[(i + indexOffset) % meta.Animation.Frames.Length]; if (entry.Integer.HasValue) { index = (int)entry.Integer.Value; } else if (entry.FrameClass != null) { index = (int)entry.FrameClass.Index; } } else { index = (i + indexOffset) % animated.Value.Length; } } } //TextureUtils.ClearRegion(ref target, destination); if (shouldInterpolate) { TextureUtils.CopyRegionIntoImage( ((i + indexOffset >= 0) ? frames[(i + indexOffset) % frames.Length] : animatedFrame), destination, ref target, destination, clear: true); } var texture = animated.Value[index]; TextureUtils.CopyRegionIntoImage(texture, sourceRegion, ref target, destination, shouldInterpolate, interpolationValue, clear: !shouldInterpolate); } } frames[i] = target; } _frames = frames.Select( x => { var a = TextureUtils.BitmapToTexture2D(device, x, out var s); totalSize += s; return(a); }).ToArray(); _stillFrame = TextureUtils.BitmapToTexture2D(device, stillAtlas, out var size); totalSize += size; sw.Stop(); Log.Info( $"TextureAtlas's generated in {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms! ({PlayingState.GetBytesReadable(totalSize, 2)})"); /* * PngEncoder encoder = new PngEncoder(); * * stillAtlas.Save("atlas.png", encoder); * * if (!Directory.Exists("frames")) * Directory.CreateDirectory("frames"); * * for (var index = 0; index < frames.Length; index++) * { * var frame = frames[index]; * * frame.Save(Path.Combine("frames", $"frame-{index}.png"), encoder); * }*/ }
protected override void OnLoad(IRenderArgs args) { Skin skin = _playerProfileService?.CurrentProfile?.Skin; if (skin == null) { Alex.Resources.ResourcePack.TryGetBitmap("entity/alex", out var rawTexture); skin = new Skin() { Slim = true, Texture = TextureUtils.BitmapToTexture2D(Alex.GraphicsDevice, rawTexture) }; } var entity = new RemotePlayer("", null, null, skin.Texture); AddChild(_playerView = new GuiEntityModelView( entity /*new PlayerMob("", null, null, skin.Texture, skin.Slim)*/) /*"geometry.humanoid.customSlim"*/ { BackgroundOverlay = new Color(Color.Black, 0.15f), Margin = new Thickness(15, 15, 5, 40), Width = 92, Height = 128, Anchor = Alignment.BottomRight, }); AddChild(new GuiButton("Change Skin", ChangeSKinBtnPressed) { Anchor = Alignment.BottomRight, Modern = false, TranslationKey = "", Margin = new Thickness(15, 15, 6, 15), Width = 90, //Enabled = false }); AutoResetEvent reset = new AutoResetEvent(false); Alex.UIThreadQueue.Enqueue(() => { using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(ResourceManager.ReadResource("Alex.Resources.GradientBlur.png"))) { BackgroundOverlay = (TextureSlice2D)GpuResourceManager.GetTexture2D(this, args.GraphicsDevice, ms); } BackgroundOverlay.RepeatMode = TextureRepeatMode.Stretch; reset.Set(); }); reset.WaitOne(); reset.Dispose(); BackgroundOverlay.Mask = new Color(Color.White, 0.5f); _splashText.Text = SplashTexts.GetSplashText(); Alex.IsMouseVisible = true; Alex.GameStateManager.AddState("serverlist", new MultiplayerServerSelectionState(_backgroundSkyBox)); //Alex.GameStateManager.AddState("profileSelection", new ProfileSelectionState(_backgroundSkyBox)); }
private void LoadSkin(Skin skin) { try { if (skin == null) { return; } EntityModel model = null; if (!skin.IsPersonaSkin) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(skin.GeometryData) && !skin.GeometryData.Equals( "null", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { try { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(skin.ResourcePatch) || skin.ResourcePatch == "null") { Log.Debug($"Resourcepatch null for player {Name}"); } else { var resourcePatch = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SkinResourcePatch>( skin.ResourcePatch, GeometrySerializationSettings); Dictionary <string, EntityModel> models = new Dictionary <string, EntityModel>(); BedrockResourcePack.LoadEntityModel(skin.GeometryData, models); var processedModels = BedrockResourcePack.ProcessEntityModels(models); if (processedModels == null || processedModels.Count == 0) { Log.Warn($"!! Model count was 0 for player {NameTag} !!"); if (!Directory.Exists("failed")) { Directory.CreateDirectory("failed"); } File.WriteAllText( Path.Combine( "failed", $"{Environment.TickCount64}-{resourcePatch.Geometry.Default}.json"), skin.GeometryData); } else { if (resourcePatch?.Geometry != null) { if (!processedModels.TryGetValue(resourcePatch.Geometry.Default, out model)) { Log.Debug( $"Invalid geometry: {resourcePatch.Geometry.Default} for player {Name}"); } else { } } else { Log.Debug($"Resourcepatch geometry was null for player {Name}"); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { string name = "N/A"; Log.Debug(ex, $"Could not create geometry ({name}): {ex.ToString()} for player {Name}"); } } else { //Log.Debug($"Geometry data null for player {Name}"); } } if (model == null) { ModelFactory.TryGetModel( skin.Slim ? "geometry.humanoid.custom" : "geometry.humanoid.customSlim", out model); /*model = skin.Slim ? (EntityModel) new Models.HumanoidCustomslimModel() : * (EntityModel) new HumanoidModel();*/// new Models.HumanoidCustomGeometryHumanoidModel(); } if (model != null && ValidateModel(model, Name)) { Image <Rgba32> skinBitmap = null; if (!skin.TryGetBitmap(model, out skinBitmap)) { Log.Warn($"No custom skin data for player {Name}"); if (Alex.Instance.Resources.TryGetBitmap("entity/alex", out var rawTexture)) { skinBitmap = rawTexture; } } //if (!Directory.Exists("skins")) // Directory.CreateDirectory("skins"); //var path = Path.Combine("skins", $"{model.Description.Identifier}-{Environment.TickCount64}"); //File.WriteAllText($"{path}.json", skin.GeometryData); //skinBitmap.SaveAsPng($"{path}.png"); var modelTextureSize = new Point( (int)model.Description.TextureWidth, (int)model.Description.TextureHeight); var textureSize = new Point(skinBitmap.Width, skinBitmap.Height); if (modelTextureSize != textureSize) { if (modelTextureSize.Y > textureSize.Y) { skinBitmap = SkinUtils.ConvertSkin(skinBitmap, modelTextureSize.X, modelTextureSize.Y); } /*var bitmap = skinBitmap; * bitmap.Mutate<Rgba32>(xx => * { * xx.Resize(modelTextureSize.X, modelTextureSize.Y); * // xx.Flip(FlipMode.Horizontal); * }); * * skinBitmap = bitmap;*/ } GeometryName = model.Description.Identifier; var modelRenderer = new EntityModelRenderer( model, TextureUtils.BitmapToTexture2D(Alex.Instance.GraphicsDevice, skinBitmap)); if (modelRenderer.Valid) { ModelRenderer = modelRenderer; } else { modelRenderer.Dispose(); Log.Debug($"Invalid model: for player {Name} (Disposing)"); } } else { Log.Debug($"Invalid model for player {Name}"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Warn(ex, $"Error while handling player skin."); } }
public World(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, GraphicsDevice graphics, AlexOptions options, Camera camera, INetworkProvider networkProvider) { Graphics = graphics; Camera = camera; Options = options; PhysicsEngine = new PhysicsManager(this); ChunkManager = new ChunkManager(serviceProvider, graphics, this); EntityManager = new EntityManager(graphics, this, networkProvider); Ticker = new TickManager(); PlayerList = new PlayerList(); ChunkManager.Start(); var settings = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <IOptionsProvider>(); var profileService = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <IPlayerProfileService>(); var resources = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <ResourceManager>(); EventDispatcher = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <IEventDispatcher>(); string username = string.Empty; Skin skin = profileService?.CurrentProfile?.Skin; if (skin == null) { resources.ResourcePack.TryGetBitmap("entity/alex", out var rawTexture); var t = TextureUtils.BitmapToTexture2D(graphics, rawTexture); skin = new Skin() { Texture = t, Slim = true }; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(profileService?.CurrentProfile?.Username)) { username = profileService.CurrentProfile.Username; } Player = new Player(graphics, serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <Alex>().InputManager, username, this, skin, networkProvider, PlayerIndex.One, camera); Player.KnownPosition = new PlayerLocation(GetSpawnPoint()); Camera.MoveTo(Player.KnownPosition, Vector3.Zero); Options.FieldOfVision.ValueChanged += FieldOfVisionOnValueChanged; Camera.FOV = Options.FieldOfVision.Value; PhysicsEngine.AddTickable(Player); if (networkProvider is BedrockClient) { Player.SetInventory(new BedrockInventory(46)); } // Player.Inventory.IsPeInventory = true; /*if (ItemFactory.TryGetItem("minecraft:diamond_sword", out var sword)) * { * Player.Inventory[Player.Inventory.SelectedSlot] = sword; * Player.Inventory.MainHand = sword; * } * else * { * Log.Warn($"Could not get diamond sword!"); * }*/ EventDispatcher.RegisterEvents(this); FormManager = new BedrockFormManager(networkProvider, serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <GuiManager>(), serviceProvider.GetService <Alex>().InputManager); SkyRenderer = new SkyBox(serviceProvider, graphics, this); //SkyLightCalculations = new SkyLightCalculations(); UseDepthMap = options.VideoOptions.Depthmap; options.VideoOptions.Depthmap.Bind((old, newValue) => { UseDepthMap = newValue; }); ServerType = (networkProvider is BedrockClient) ? ServerType.Bedrock : ServerType.Java; }
public void GenerateAtlas(GraphicsDevice device, KeyValuePair <string, Image <Rgba32> >[] bitmaps, IReadOnlyDictionary <string, TextureMeta> meta, IProgressReceiver progressReceiver) { Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); Log.Info($"Generating texture atlas out of {bitmaps.Length} bitmaps..."); long totalSize = 0; Image <Rgba32> no; using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(ResourceManager.ReadResource(""))) { no = Image.Load <Rgba32>(ms); } // Dictionary<string, Bitmap[]> animatedFrames = new Dictionary<string, Bitmap[]>(); foreach (var bmp in bitmaps) { if (meta.TryGetValue(bmp.Key, out var textureMeta)) { if (textureMeta.Animation == null || textureMeta.Animation == default) { continue; } // Bitmap[] bmpFrames = GetFrames(bmp.Value); // animatedFrames.Add(bmp.Key, bmpFrames); } } var regular = new[] { new KeyValuePair <string, Image <Rgba32> >("no_texture", no), }.Concat(bitmaps.Where(x => x.Value.Height == TextureHeight && x.Value.Width == TextureWidth)).ToArray(); var others = bitmaps.Where(x => x.Value.Height != TextureHeight || x.Value.Width != TextureWidth).ToList(); Image <Rgba32>[] waterFrames = new Image <Rgba32> [0]; Image <Rgba32>[] lavaFrames = new Image <Rgba32> [0]; Image <Rgba32>[] waterFlowFrames = new Image <Rgba32> [0]; Image <Rgba32>[] lavaFlowFrames = new Image <Rgba32> [0]; Image <Rgba32>[] fireFrames = new Image <Rgba32> [0]; Image <Rgba32>[] fireFrames2 = new Image <Rgba32> [0]; Image <Rgba32>[] portalFrames = new Image <Rgba32> [0]; Image <Rgba32>[] seagrassFrames = new Image <Rgba32> [0]; foreach (var other in others.ToArray()) { if (other.Key.Contains("water") && other.Key.Contains("still")) { waterFrames = GetFrames(other.Value); others.Remove(other); } else if (other.Key.Contains("water") && other.Key.Contains("flow")) { waterFlowFrames = GetFrames(other.Value); others.Remove(other); } else if (other.Key.Contains("lava") && other.Key.Contains("still")) { lavaFrames = GetFrames(other.Value); others.Remove(other); } else if (other.Key.Contains("lava") && other.Key.Contains("flow")) { lavaFlowFrames = GetFrames(other.Value); others.Remove(other); } else if (other.Key.Contains("fire_0")) { fireFrames = GetFrames(other.Value); others.Remove(other); } else if (other.Key.Contains("fire_1")) { fireFrames2 = GetFrames(other.Value); others.Remove(other); } else if (other.Key.Contains("nether_portal")) { portalFrames = GetFrames(other.Value); others.Remove(other); } else if (other.Key.Contains("seagrass")) { seagrassFrames = GetFrames(other.Value); others.Remove(other); } //seagrass } Dictionary <string, TextureInfo> stillFrameInfo = new Dictionary <string, TextureInfo>(); GenerateAtlasInternal(regular, others.ToArray(), progressReceiver, stillFrameInfo, out var stillAtlas); _stillFrame = TextureUtils.BitmapToTexture2D(device, stillAtlas, out var size); //stillAtlas.Save(Path.Combine(DebugPath, "atlas.png")); totalSize += size; _atlasLocations = stillFrameInfo; Dictionary <string, Image <Rgba32> > animated = new Dictionary <string, Image <Rgba32> >(); if (waterFrames.Length > 0) { animated.Add("block/water_still", waterFrames[0]); } if (waterFlowFrames.Length > 0) { animated.Add("block/water_flow", waterFlowFrames[0]); } if (lavaFrames.Length > 0) { animated.Add("block/lava_still", lavaFrames[0]); } if (lavaFlowFrames.Length > 0) { animated.Add("block/lava_flow", lavaFlowFrames[0]); } if (fireFrames.Length > 0) { animated.Add("block/fire_0", fireFrames[0]); } if (fireFrames2.Length > 0) { animated.Add("block/fire_1", fireFrames2[0]); } if (portalFrames.Length > 0) { animated.Add("block/nether_portal", portalFrames[0]); } if (seagrassFrames.Length > 0) { animated.Add("block/seagrass", seagrassFrames[0]); } var animatedFrameInfo = new Dictionary <string, TextureInfo>(); GenerateAtlasInternal(animated.ToArray(), new KeyValuePair <string, Image <Rgba32> > [0], progressReceiver, animatedFrameInfo, out Image <Rgba32> animatedFrame); AnimatedAtlasSize = new Vector2(animatedFrame.Width, animatedFrame.Height); TextureInfo waterLocation, waterFlowLocation, lavaLocation, lavaFlowLocation, fireLocation, fireLocation2, portalLocation, seagrassLocation; animatedFrameInfo.TryGetValue("block/water_still", out waterLocation); animatedFrameInfo.TryGetValue("block/water_flow", out waterFlowLocation); animatedFrameInfo.TryGetValue("block/lava_still", out lavaLocation); animatedFrameInfo.TryGetValue("block/lava_flow", out lavaFlowLocation); animatedFrameInfo.TryGetValue("block/fire_0", out fireLocation); animatedFrameInfo.TryGetValue("block/fire_1", out fireLocation2); animatedFrameInfo.TryGetValue("block/nether_portal", out portalLocation); animatedFrameInfo.TryGetValue("block/seagrass", out seagrassLocation); //var waterLocation = new Vector3(); // var baseBitmap = new Bitmap(stillAtlas.Width, stillAtlas.Height); var frameCount = Math.Max(Math.Max(Math.Max(waterFrames.Length, Math.Max(waterFlowFrames.Length, Math.Max(lavaFrames.Length, Math.Max(lavaFlowFrames.Length, fireFrames.Length)))), portalFrames.Length), seagrassFrames.Length); while (frameCount % 2 != 0) { frameCount++; } var frames = new Texture2D[frameCount]; for (int i = 0; i < frames.Length; i++) { var target = animatedFrame.CloneAs <Rgba32>(); //new Bitmap(animatedFrame); var r = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, TextureWidth, TextureHeight); var destination = new System.Drawing.Rectangle((int)waterLocation.Position.X, (int)waterLocation.Position.Y, TextureWidth, TextureHeight); if (waterFrames.Length > 0) { TextureUtils.CopyRegionIntoImage(waterFrames[((i % 3 == 0 ? i - 1 : i) / 6) % waterFrames.Length], r, ref target, destination); } destination = new System.Drawing.Rectangle((int)waterFlowLocation.Position.X, (int)waterFlowLocation.Position.Y, TextureWidth, TextureHeight); if (waterFlowFrames.Length > 0) { TextureUtils.CopyRegionIntoImage(waterFlowFrames[i % waterFlowFrames.Length], r, ref target, destination); } destination = new System.Drawing.Rectangle((int)lavaLocation.Position.X, (int)lavaLocation.Position.Y, TextureWidth, TextureHeight); if (lavaFrames.Length > 0) { TextureUtils.CopyRegionIntoImage(lavaFrames[i % lavaFrames.Length], r, ref target, destination); } destination = new System.Drawing.Rectangle((int)lavaFlowLocation.Position.X, (int)lavaFlowLocation.Position.Y, TextureWidth, TextureHeight); if (lavaFlowFrames.Length > 0) { TextureUtils.CopyRegionIntoImage(lavaFlowFrames[i % lavaFlowFrames.Length], r, ref target, destination); } destination = new System.Drawing.Rectangle((int)fireLocation.Position.X, (int)fireLocation.Position.Y, TextureWidth, TextureHeight); if (fireFrames.Length > 0) { TextureUtils.CopyRegionIntoImage(fireFrames[i % fireFrames.Length], r, ref target, destination); } destination = new System.Drawing.Rectangle((int)fireLocation2.Position.X, (int)fireLocation2.Position.Y, TextureWidth, TextureHeight); if (fireFrames2.Length > 0) { TextureUtils.CopyRegionIntoImage(fireFrames2[i % fireFrames2.Length], r, ref target, destination); } destination = new System.Drawing.Rectangle((int)portalLocation.Position.X, (int)portalLocation.Position.Y, TextureWidth, TextureHeight); if (portalFrames.Length > 0) { TextureUtils.CopyRegionIntoImage(portalFrames[i % portalFrames.Length], r, ref target, destination); } destination = new System.Drawing.Rectangle((int)seagrassLocation.Position.X, (int)seagrassLocation.Position.Y, TextureWidth, TextureHeight); if (seagrassFrames.Length > 0) { TextureUtils.CopyRegionIntoImage(seagrassFrames[i % seagrassFrames.Length], r, ref target, destination); } frames[i] = TextureUtils.BitmapToTexture2D(device, target, out var s); totalSize += s; // target.Save(Path.Combine(DebugFramePath, $"frame{i}.png")); } _animatedAtlasLocations = animatedFrameInfo; AtlasSize = new Vector2(stillAtlas.Width, stillAtlas.Height); _frames = frames; sw.Stop(); Log.Info($"TextureAtlas generated in {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms! ({PlayingState.GetBytesReadable(totalSize, 2)})"); }
/// <inheritdoc /> protected override void BlockChanged(Block oldBlock, Block newBlock) { if (newBlock is Skull s) { switch (s.SkullType) { case SkullType.Player: break; case SkullType.Skeleton: if (_skeleton == null) { if (Alex.Instance.Resources.ResourcePack.TryGetBitmap( "minecraft:entity/skeleton/skeleton", out var bmp)) { _skeleton = TextureUtils.BitmapToTexture2D(Alex.Instance.GraphicsDevice, bmp); } } if (_skeleton != null) { ModelRenderer = new EntityModelRenderer(new SkullBlockEntityModel(), _skeleton); //ModelRenderer.Texture = _skeleton; } break; case SkullType.WitherSkeleton: if (_witherSkeleton == null) { if (Alex.Instance.Resources.ResourcePack.TryGetBitmap( "minecraft:entity/skeleton/wither_skeleton", out var bmp)) { _witherSkeleton = TextureUtils.BitmapToTexture2D(Alex.Instance.GraphicsDevice, bmp); } } if (_witherSkeleton != null) { ModelRenderer = new EntityModelRenderer(new SkullBlockEntityModel(), _witherSkeleton); } break; case SkullType.Zombie: if (_zombie == null) { if (Alex.Instance.Resources.ResourcePack.TryGetBitmap( "minecraft:entity/zombie/zombie", out var bmp)) { _zombie = TextureUtils.BitmapToTexture2D(Alex.Instance.GraphicsDevice, bmp); } } if (_zombie != null) { ModelRenderer = new EntityModelRenderer(new SkullBlockEntityModel(), _zombie); } break; case SkullType.Creeper: if (_creeper == null) { if (Alex.Instance.Resources.ResourcePack.TryGetBitmap( "minecraft:entity/creeper/creeper", out var bmp)) { _creeper = TextureUtils.BitmapToTexture2D(Alex.Instance.GraphicsDevice, bmp); } } if (_creeper != null) { ModelRenderer = new EntityModelRenderer(new SkullBlockEntityModel(), _creeper); } break; case SkullType.Dragon: if (_dragon == null) { if (Alex.Instance.Resources.ResourcePack.TryGetBitmap( "minecraft:entity/enderdragon/dragon", out var bmp)) { _dragon = TextureUtils.BitmapToTexture2D(Alex.Instance.GraphicsDevice, bmp); } } if (_dragon != null) { if (ModelFactory.TryGetModel("geometry.dragon_head", out var dragonHead)) { ModelRenderer = new EntityModelRenderer(dragonHead, _dragon); } //ModelRenderer.Texture = _dragon; } break; } } if (newBlock is WallSkull) { if (newBlock.BlockState.TryGetValue("facing", out var facing)) { if (Enum.TryParse <BlockFace>(facing, true, out var face)) { Offset = (face.Opposite().GetVector3() * 0.5f); } } } else if (newBlock is Skull) { if (newBlock.BlockState.TryGetValue("rotation", out var r)) { if (byte.TryParse(r, out var rot)) { Rotation = rot; } } } }
public BitmapFont(GraphicsDevice graphics, Image <Rgba32> bitmap, int gridWidth, int gridHeight, List <char> characters) : this(TextureUtils.BitmapToTexture2D(graphics, bitmap), gridWidth, gridHeight, characters) { Scale = new Vector2(128f / bitmap.Width, 128f / bitmap.Height); LoadGlyphs(bitmap, characters); }
public void LoadSkin(Skin skin) { //PooledTexture2D skinTexture = null; Image <Rgba32> skinBitmap = null; if (!skin.TryGetBitmap(out skinBitmap)) { Log.Warn($"No custom skin data for player {Name}"); if (Alex.Instance.Resources.ResourcePack.TryGetBitmap("entity/alex", out var rawTexture)) { skinBitmap = rawTexture; //skinTexture = TextureUtils.BitmapToTexture2D(AlexInstance.GraphicsDevice, rawTexture); } } EntityModel model = null; if (!skin.IsPersonaSkin) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(skin.GeometryData) && skin.GeometryData != "null") { try { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(skin.ResourcePatch) || skin.ResourcePatch == "null") { Log.Warn($"Resourcepatch null for player {Name}"); } else { var resourcePatch = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SkinResourcePatch>( skin.ResourcePatch, GeometrySerializationSettings); GeometryModel geometryModel = null; // Dictionary<string, EntityModel> models = new Dictionary<string, EntityModel>(); if (!GeometryModel.TryParse(skin.GeometryData, resourcePatch, out geometryModel)) { Log.Warn($"Failed to parse geometry for player {Name}"); } /*try * { * geometryModel = MCJsonConvert.DeserializeObject<GeometryModel>(skin.GeometryData); * } * catch (Exception ex) * { * Log.Warn($"Failed to parse geometry for player {Name}: {ex.ToString()}"); * }*/ if (geometryModel == null || geometryModel.Geometry.Count == 0) { Log.Warn($"!! Model count was 0 for player {Name} !!"); //EntityModel.GetEntries(r.Skin.GeometryData, models); } else { if (resourcePatch?.Geometry != null) { model = geometryModel.FindGeometry(resourcePatch.Geometry.Default); if (model == null) { Log.Warn( $"Invalid geometry: {resourcePatch.Geometry.Default} for player {Name}"); } else { var modelTextureSize = model.Description != null ? new Point((int)model.Description.TextureWidth, (int)model.Description.TextureHeight) : new Point((int)model.Texturewidth, (int)model.Textureheight); var textureSize = new Point(skinBitmap.Width, skinBitmap.Height); if (modelTextureSize != textureSize) { int newHeight = modelTextureSize.Y > textureSize.Y ? textureSize.Y : modelTextureSize.Y; int newWidth = modelTextureSize.X > textureSize.X ? textureSize.X: modelTextureSize.X; var bitmap = skinBitmap; // bitmap.Mutate<Rgba32>(xx => xx.Resize(newWidth, newHeight)); Image <Rgba32> skinTexture = new Image <Rgba32>(modelTextureSize.X, modelTextureSize.Y); skinTexture.Mutate <Rgba32>( c => { c.DrawImage(bitmap, new SixLabors.ImageSharp.Point(0, 0), 1f); }); skinBitmap = skinTexture; } } } else { Log.Warn($"Resourcepatch geometry was null for player {Name}"); } } /*foreach (var mm in models.ToArray()) * { * if (ProcessEntityModel(models, mm.Value, false)) * { * models.Remove(mm.Key); * } * } * * foreach (var mm in models.ToArray()) * { * if (ProcessEntityModel(models, mm.Value, true)) * { * models.Remove(mm.Key); * } * }*/ } } catch (Exception ex) { string name = "N/A"; /*if (r.Skin.SkinResourcePatch != null) * { * name = r.Skin.SkinResourcePatch.Geometry.Default; * }*/ Log.Warn(ex, $"Could not create geometry ({name}): {ex.ToString()} for player {Name}"); // File.WriteAllBytes(Path.Combine("/home/kenny/.config/Alex/skinDebug/failed", $"failed-{Environment.TickCount}.json"), Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(skin.GeometryData)); } } else { Log.Warn($"Geometry data null for player {Name}"); } } if (model == null) { model = skin.Slim ? (EntityModel) new Models.HumanoidCustomslimModel() : (EntityModel) new Models.HumanoidCustomGeometryHumanoidModel(); } if (model != null && ValidateModel(model, Name)) { var modelRenderer = new EntityModelRenderer(model, TextureUtils.BitmapToTexture2D(Alex.Instance.GraphicsDevice, skinBitmap)); if (modelRenderer.Valid) { ModelRenderer = modelRenderer; } else { modelRenderer.Dispose(); Log.Warn($"Invalid model: for player {Name} (Disposing)"); } } else { Log.Warn($"Invalid model for player {Name}"); } }
public SkyBox(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, GraphicsDevice device, World world) { World = world; //Game = alex; var alex = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <Alex>(); OptionsProvider = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <IOptionsProvider>(); if (alex.Resources.ResourcePack.TryGetBitmap("environment/sun", out var sun)) { SunTexture = TextureUtils.BitmapToTexture2D(device, sun); } else { CanRender = false; return; } if (alex.Resources.ResourcePack.TryGetBitmap("environment/moon_phases", out var moonPhases)) { MoonTexture = TextureUtils.BitmapToTexture2D(device, moonPhases); } else { CanRender = false; return; } if (alex.Resources.ResourcePack.TryGetBitmap("environment/clouds", out var cloudTexture)) { CloudTexture = TextureUtils.BitmapToTexture2D(device, cloudTexture); EnableClouds = false; } else { EnableClouds = false; } //var d = 144; CelestialPlaneEffect = new BasicEffect(device); CelestialPlaneEffect.VertexColorEnabled = false; CelestialPlaneEffect.LightingEnabled = false; CelestialPlaneEffect.TextureEnabled = true; SkyPlaneEffect = new BasicEffect(device); SkyPlaneEffect.VertexColorEnabled = false; SkyPlaneEffect.FogEnabled = true; SkyPlaneEffect.FogStart = 0; SkyPlaneEffect.FogEnd = 64 * 0.8f; SkyPlaneEffect.LightingEnabled = true; var planeDistance = 64; var plane = new[] { new VertexPositionColor(new Vector3(-planeDistance, 0, -planeDistance), Color.White), new VertexPositionColor(new Vector3(planeDistance, 0, -planeDistance), Color.White), new VertexPositionColor(new Vector3(-planeDistance, 0, planeDistance), Color.White), new VertexPositionColor(new Vector3(planeDistance, 0, -planeDistance), Color.White), new VertexPositionColor(new Vector3(planeDistance, 0, planeDistance), Color.White), new VertexPositionColor(new Vector3(-planeDistance, 0, planeDistance), Color.White) }; SkyPlane = GpuResourceManager.GetBuffer(this, device, VertexPositionColor.VertexDeclaration, plane.Length, BufferUsage.WriteOnly); SkyPlane.SetData <VertexPositionColor>(plane); planeDistance = 60; var celestialPlane = new[] { new VertexPositionTexture(new Vector3(-planeDistance, 0, -planeDistance), new Vector2(0, 0)), new VertexPositionTexture(new Vector3(planeDistance, 0, -planeDistance), new Vector2(1, 0)), new VertexPositionTexture(new Vector3(-planeDistance, 0, planeDistance), new Vector2(0, 1)), new VertexPositionTexture(new Vector3(planeDistance, 0, -planeDistance), new Vector2(1, 0)), new VertexPositionTexture(new Vector3(planeDistance, 0, planeDistance), new Vector2(1, 1)), new VertexPositionTexture(new Vector3(-planeDistance, 0, planeDistance), new Vector2(0, 1)) }; CelestialPlane = GpuResourceManager.GetBuffer(this, device, VertexPositionTexture.VertexDeclaration, celestialPlane.Length, BufferUsage.WriteOnly); CelestialPlane.SetData <VertexPositionTexture>(celestialPlane); _moonPlaneVertices = new[] { new VertexPositionTexture(new Vector3(-planeDistance, 0, -planeDistance), new Vector2(0, 0)), new VertexPositionTexture(new Vector3(planeDistance, 0, -planeDistance), new Vector2(MoonX, 0)), new VertexPositionTexture(new Vector3(-planeDistance, 0, planeDistance), new Vector2(0, MoonY)), new VertexPositionTexture(new Vector3(planeDistance, 0, -planeDistance), new Vector2(MoonX, 0)), new VertexPositionTexture(new Vector3(planeDistance, 0, planeDistance), new Vector2(MoonX, MoonY)), new VertexPositionTexture(new Vector3(-planeDistance, 0, planeDistance), new Vector2(0, MoonY)), }; MoonPlane = GpuResourceManager.GetBuffer(this, device, VertexPositionTexture.VertexDeclaration, _moonPlaneVertices.Length, BufferUsage.WriteOnly); MoonPlane.SetData <VertexPositionTexture>(_moonPlaneVertices); if (EnableClouds) { SetupClouds(device, planeDistance); } RenderSkybox = Options.VideoOptions.Skybox.Value; Options.VideoOptions.Skybox.Bind(SkyboxSettingUpdated); }
public World(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, GraphicsDevice graphics, AlexOptions options, NetworkProvider networkProvider) { Graphics = graphics; Options = options; PhysicsEngine = new PhysicsManager(this); ChunkManager = new ChunkManager(serviceProvider, graphics, this); EntityManager = new EntityManager(graphics, this, networkProvider); Ticker = new TickManager(); PlayerList = new PlayerList(); Ticker.RegisterTicked(this); Ticker.RegisterTicked(EntityManager); //Ticker.RegisterTicked(PhysicsEngine); Ticker.RegisterTicked(ChunkManager); ChunkManager.Start(); var profileService = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <IPlayerProfileService>(); var resources = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <ResourceManager>(); EventDispatcher = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <IEventDispatcher>(); string username = string.Empty; PooledTexture2D texture; if (Alex.PlayerTexture != null) { texture = TextureUtils.BitmapToTexture2D(graphics, Alex.PlayerTexture); } else { resources.ResourcePack.TryGetBitmap("entity/alex", out var rawTexture); texture = TextureUtils.BitmapToTexture2D(graphics, rawTexture); } Skin skin = profileService?.CurrentProfile?.Skin; if (skin == null) { skin = new Skin() { Texture = texture, Slim = true }; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(profileService?.CurrentProfile?.Username)) { username = profileService.CurrentProfile.Username; } Player = new Player(graphics, serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <Alex>().InputManager, username, this, skin, networkProvider, PlayerIndex.One); Camera = new EntityCamera(Player); if (Alex.PlayerModel != null) { EntityModelRenderer modelRenderer = new EntityModelRenderer(Alex.PlayerModel, texture); if (modelRenderer.Valid) { Player.ModelRenderer = modelRenderer; } } Player.KnownPosition = new PlayerLocation(GetSpawnPoint()); Options.FieldOfVision.ValueChanged += FieldOfVisionOnValueChanged; Camera.FOV = Options.FieldOfVision.Value; PhysicsEngine.AddTickable(Player); EventDispatcher.RegisterEvents(this); var guiManager = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <GuiManager>(); InventoryManager = new InventoryManager(guiManager); SkyRenderer = new SkyBox(serviceProvider, graphics, this); options.VideoOptions.RenderDistance.Bind( (old, newValue) => { Camera.SetRenderDistance(newValue); }); Camera.SetRenderDistance(options.VideoOptions.RenderDistance); }