예제 #1
        public void nextTextureEvent()
            TextureSet next = SSTUUtils.findNext(textureSetData, m => m.setName == currentTextureSet, false);

            currentTextureSet = next?.setName;
            onTextureUpdated(null, null);
예제 #2
        public void Load(string filePath, ObjectDatabase objectDatabase, TextureDatabase textureDatabase)
            string textureSetFilePath = string.Empty;

            var objectEntry = objectDatabase?.GetObjectByFileName(Path.GetFileName(filePath));

            if (objectEntry != null)
                textureSetFilePath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath), objectEntry.TextureFileName);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(textureSetFilePath) || !File.Exists(textureSetFilePath))
                if (filePath.EndsWith("_obj.bin", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    textureSetFilePath = $"{filePath.Substring( 0, filePath.Length - 8 )}_tex.bin";
                else if (filePath.EndsWith(".osd", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    textureSetFilePath = Path.ChangeExtension(filePath, "txd");

            TextureSet textureSet = null;

            if (File.Exists(textureSetFilePath))
                textureSet = Load <TextureSet>(textureSetFilePath);

            using (var source = File.OpenRead(filePath))
                Load(source, textureSet, textureDatabase);
예제 #3
파일: Title.cs 프로젝트: yunmiha/TizenFX
        private TextureSet CreateTexture(Vector4 color1, Vector4 color2)
            TextureSet textureSet = new TextureSet();
            const int  width      = 2;
            const int  height     = 1;
            uint       size       = width * height * 4;

            byte[] pixelBuffer = new byte[size];
            pixelBuffer[0] = (byte)(0xFF * color1.X);
            pixelBuffer[1] = (byte)(0xFF * color1.Y);
            pixelBuffer[2] = (byte)(0xFF * color1.Z);
            pixelBuffer[3] = (byte)(0xFF * color1.W);
            pixelBuffer[4] = (byte)(0xFF * color2.X);
            pixelBuffer[5] = (byte)(0xFF * color2.Y);
            pixelBuffer[6] = (byte)(0xFF * color2.Z);
            pixelBuffer[7] = (byte)(0xFF * color2.W);

            PixelData pixelData = new PixelData(pixelBuffer, size, width, height, PixelFormat.RGBA8888, PixelData.ReleaseFunction.DeleteArray);
            Texture   texture   = new Texture(TextureType.TEXTURE_2D, PixelFormat.RGBA8888, width, height);


            textureSet.SetTexture(0u, texture);
예제 #4
        private void AddOverlay(TextureSet mTexture, TextureSet dTexture, float altitude, float fadeDistance, float pqsfadeDistance)
            Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();

            string[] resources = assembly.GetManifestResourceNames();

            StreamReader shaderStreamReader = new StreamReader(assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("CityLights.Shaders.Compiled-SphereCityLights.shader"));

            Log("read stream");
            String   shaderString     = shaderStreamReader.ReadToEnd();
            Material lightMaterial    = new Material(shaderString);
            Material pqsLightMaterial = new Material(shaderString);

            lightMaterial.SetTexture("_MainTex", mTexture.Texture);
            lightMaterial.SetTexture("_DetailTex", dTexture.Texture);
            lightMaterial.SetFloat("_DetailScale", dTexture.Scale);
            lightMaterial.SetVector("_DetailOffset", dTexture.Offset);
            lightMaterial.SetFloat("_FadeDist", fadeDistance);
            lightMaterial.SetFloat("_FadeScale", 1);

            pqsLightMaterial.SetTexture("_MainTex", mTexture.Texture);
            pqsLightMaterial.SetTexture("_DetailTex", dTexture.Texture);
            pqsLightMaterial.SetFloat("_DetailScale", dTexture.Scale);
            pqsLightMaterial.SetVector("_DetailOffset", dTexture.Offset);
            pqsLightMaterial.SetFloat("_FadeDist", pqsfadeDistance);
            pqsLightMaterial.SetFloat("_FadeScale", .02f);

            overlayList.Add(Overlay.GeneratePlanetOverlay("Kerbin", altitude, lightMaterial, pqsLightMaterial, mTexture.StartOffset, false, true));
예제 #5
    void Update()
        Texture2D newTexture = targetRenderer.sprite.texture;

        if (previousTexture != newTexture)
            previousTexture = newTexture;

            if (textureLookup.ContainsKey(newTexture))
                TextureSet thisSet = new TextureSet();
                textureLookup.TryGetValue(newTexture, out thisSet);
                if (thisSet.normalDepthMap != null)
                    targetMaterial.SetTexture("_NormalDepth", thisSet.normalDepthMap);
                if (thisSet.emissiveMap != null)
                    targetMaterial.SetTexture("_EmissiveColour", thisSet.emissiveMap);
                if (thisSet.specMap != null)
                    targetMaterial.SetTexture("_SpecGloss", thisSet.emissiveMap);
                if (thisSet.aoMap != null)
                    targetMaterial.SetTexture("_AmbientOcclusion", thisSet.emissiveMap);
예제 #6
파일: Brouk.cs 프로젝트: JakubVanek/pudding
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="pudink.Brouk"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="texset">Texture set.</param>
 /// <param name="typ">Type.</param>
 public Brouk(TextureSet texset,Typ typ)
     this.textureset = texset;
     this.typbug = typ;
     this.NastavTyp (typ);
     this.schopnosti = new Abilities (typ);
예제 #7
        private static Ai.Material ConvertAiMaterialFromMaterial(Material material, TextureSet textures)
            var aiMaterial = new Ai.Material
                Name          = material.Name,
                ColorDiffuse  = material.DiffuseColor.ToAssimp(),
                ColorAmbient  = material.AmbientColor.ToAssimp(),
                ColorSpecular = material.SpecularColor.ToAssimp(),
                ColorEmissive = material.EmissionColor.ToAssimp(),
                Shininess     = material.Shininess,
                ShadingMode   = Ai.ShadingMode.Phong,

            ConvertMaterialTexture(material.Diffuse, Ai.TextureType.Diffuse);
            ConvertMaterialTexture(material.Ambient, Ai.TextureType.Ambient);
            ConvertMaterialTexture(material.Normal, Ai.TextureType.Normals);
            ConvertMaterialTexture(material.Specular, Ai.TextureType.Specular);
            ConvertMaterialTexture(material.Reflection, Ai.TextureType.Reflection);
            ConvertMaterialTexture(material.SpecularPower, Ai.TextureType.Shininess);

            void ConvertMaterialTexture(MaterialTexture materialTexture, Ai.TextureType textureType)
                if (materialTexture.IsActive)
                    var texture = ConvertTextureSlotFromTextureId(materialTexture.TextureId, textureType, textures);
                    aiMaterial.AddMaterialTexture(ref texture);

예제 #8
    /// <summary>
    /// Standard MonoBehavior Start method, creates the TextureSet and internal WebView
    /// note that WebViews are uniquely named and requests for a WebView with an identical view name
    /// will reuse that view
    /// </summary>
    void Start()
        TSet = new TextureSet();
        TSet.Init(Width, Height, SmartRects);

        if (_windowId == 0)
            _windowId = sWindowId;

            // defaults to front

        if (!JSPopup)
            Command cmd         = Command.NewCommand("CRVW", Name, Width, Height, SmartRects ? 1 : 0);
            cmd.Post().Process += processCRVW;

        // listen in on inbound commands
        Plugin.ProcessInbound += processInbound;

        _mobileRect      = new Rect(0, 0, Width, Height);
        _mobileRectDirty = false;

        if (JSPopup)
        private void AddOverlay(TextureSet mTexture, TextureSet dTexture, float altitude, float fadeDistance, float pqsfadeDistance)
            Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
            string[] resources = assembly.GetManifestResourceNames();

            StreamReader shaderStreamReader = new StreamReader(assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("CityLights.Shaders.Compiled-SphereCityLights.shader"));

            Log("read stream");
            String shaderString = shaderStreamReader.ReadToEnd();
            Material lightMaterial = new Material(shaderString);
            Material pqsLightMaterial = new Material(shaderString);

            lightMaterial.SetTexture("_MainTex", mTexture.Texture);
            lightMaterial.SetTexture("_DetailTex", dTexture.Texture);
            lightMaterial.SetFloat("_DetailScale", dTexture.Scale);
            lightMaterial.SetVector("_DetailOffset", dTexture.Offset);
            lightMaterial.SetFloat("_FadeDist", fadeDistance);
            lightMaterial.SetFloat("_FadeScale", 1);

            pqsLightMaterial.SetTexture("_MainTex", mTexture.Texture);
            pqsLightMaterial.SetTexture("_DetailTex", dTexture.Texture);
            pqsLightMaterial.SetFloat("_DetailScale", dTexture.Scale);
            pqsLightMaterial.SetVector("_DetailOffset", dTexture.Offset);
            pqsLightMaterial.SetFloat("_FadeDist", pqsfadeDistance);
            pqsLightMaterial.SetFloat("_FadeScale", .02f);

            overlayList.Add(Overlay.GeneratePlanetOverlay("Kerbin", altitude, lightMaterial, pqsLightMaterial, mTexture.StartOffset, false, true));
예제 #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets the texture set to be used by this renderer.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="textureSet">The texture set to be used by this renderer.</param>
 /// <since_tizen> 3 </since_tizen>
 public void SetTextures(TextureSet textureSet)
     NDalicPINVOKE.Renderer_SetTextures(swigCPtr, TextureSet.getCPtr(textureSet));
     if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
         throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
예제 #11
 public void setData(TextureSet set)
     bInitialized = false;
     data         = set;
     bInitialized = true;
예제 #12
    private IEnumerator DeleteTextureSetCoroutine(TextureSet textureSetToDelete, int gameobjectID)
        // Wait a conservative amount of time for gpu upload to finish. Unity 2017 doesn't support async GPU calls,
        // so this 10 second time is a very conservative delay for this process to occur, which should be <1 sec.
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(GPU_TEXTURE_COPY_WAIT_TIME));

        // Spin if an avatar is loading
        while (OvrAvatarSDKManager.Instance.IsAvatarLoading())
            yield return(null);

        // The avatar's texture set is compared against all other loaded or loading avatar texture sets.
        foreach (var textureIdAndSingleMeshFlag in textureSetToDelete.TextureIDSingleMeshPair)
            bool triggerDelete = !textureIdAndSingleMeshFlag.Value;
            if (triggerDelete)
                foreach (KeyValuePair <int, TextureSet> textureSet in textureSets)
                    if (textureSet.Key == gameobjectID)

                    foreach (var comparisonTextureIDSingleMeshPair in textureSet.Value.TextureIDSingleMeshPair)
                        // Mark the texture as not deletable if it's present in another set and that set hasn't been processed
                        // or that texture ID is marked as part of a single mesh component.
                        if (comparisonTextureIDSingleMeshPair.Key == textureIdAndSingleMeshFlag.Key &&
                            (!textureSet.Value.IsProcessed || comparisonTextureIDSingleMeshPair.Value))
                            triggerDelete = false;

                    if (!triggerDelete)

            if (triggerDelete)
                Texture2D textureToDelete = OvrAvatarComponent.GetLoadedTexture(textureIdAndSingleMeshFlag.Key);
                if (textureToDelete != null)
                    AvatarLogger.Log("Deleting texture " + textureIdAndSingleMeshFlag.Key);
        textureSetToDelete.IsProcessed = true;
예제 #13
        public static NetInfo SetAllNodesTexture(this NetInfo info, TextureSet newTextures, LODTextureSet newLODTextures = null)
            foreach (var node in info.m_nodes)
                node.SetTextures(newTextures, newLODTextures);

예제 #14
        public Tile(string name, TextureSet set, RectangleF uv)
            this.name        = name;
            this.set         = set;
            this.uv          = uv;
            this.aspectRatio = uv.Width / uv.Height;

예제 #15
        public static NetInfo SetAllSegmentsTexture(this NetInfo info, TextureSet newTextures, LODTextureSet newLODTextures = null)
            foreach (var segment in info.m_segments)
                segment.SetTextures(newTextures, newLODTextures);

예제 #16
    public void CreateTextureSet(TextureSet s)

        if (Program.tilePicker != null)
예제 #17
        public void SetTextureSet(TextureSet set)
            foreach (var registeredMat in _textureSetMaterials)

            CurrentTextureSet = set;
 public TextureSetUpdater(int receiverId, IPEndPoint senderEndPoint)
     State               = PrepareState.Unprepared;
     this.receiverId     = receiverId;
     this.senderEndPoint = senderEndPoint;
     textureSet          = new TextureSet();
     Debug.Log($"textureSet ID: {textureSet.GetId()}");
     lastFrameId = -1;
예제 #19
        public static NetInfo SetAllSegmentsTexture(this NetInfo info, TextureSet newTextures, LODTextureSet newLODTextures = null)
            for (var i = 0; i < info.m_segments.Length; i++)
                info.m_segments[i].SetTextures(newTextures, newLODTextures);

예제 #20
 public static bool Equals(TextureBundle a, TextureBundle b)
     return(TextureSet.Equals(a.albedo, b.albedo) &&
            TextureSet.Equals(a.normals, b.normals) &&
            //TextureSet.Equals(a.roughness, b.roughness) &&
            //TextureSet.Equals(a.ao, b.ao) &&
            //TextureSet.Equals(a.height, b.height) &&
            TextureSet.Equals(a.rho, b.rho));
예제 #21
        public TextureSet getTextureSet(string textureListName)
            if (!textures.ContainsKey(textureListName))
                textures[textureListName] = new TextureSet(this);

예제 #22
        public GLMaterial(Material material, Dictionary <int, GLTexture> textures, TextureSet textureSet)
            if (textureSet == null)

            Diffuse    = GetTexture(material.Diffuse);
            Ambient    = GetTexture(material.Ambient);
            Normal     = GetTexture(material.Normal);
            Specular   = GetTexture(material.Specular);
            Reflection = GetTexture(material.Reflection);

            if (material.Shader.Equals("EYEBALL", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                DiffuseColor = Vector4.One;
                DiffuseColor = new Vector4(material.DiffuseColor.R, material.DiffuseColor.G, material.DiffuseColor.B,
            AmbientColor = new Vector4(material.AmbientColor.R, material.AmbientColor.G, material.AmbientColor.B,
            SpecularColor = new Vector4(material.SpecularColor.R, material.SpecularColor.G, material.SpecularColor.B,
            EmissionColor = new Vector4(material.EmissionColor.R, material.EmissionColor.G, material.EmissionColor.B,
            Shininess = material.Shininess;

            GLTexture GetTexture(MaterialTexture materialTexture)
                if (!materialTexture.IsActive)

                if (textures.TryGetValue(materialTexture.TextureId, out GLTexture texture))
                    var textureToUpload =
                        textureSet.Textures.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id.Equals(materialTexture.TextureId));
                    if (textureToUpload == null)

                    texture = new GLTexture(textureToUpload);
                    textures.Add(textureToUpload.Id, texture);
예제 #23
        void ParseTextureSet(string name, JSONNode textureSetJson)
            TextureSet textureSet = new TextureSet();

            textureSet.m_Name   = name;
            textureSet.m_Shader = textureSetJson["shader"];
            Utils.Log("Parsed texture set " + textureSet.m_Name);
예제 #24
        private string getTIXPathFromTextureSet(Dream dream, TextureSet textureSet)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dream.LBDFolder))
                Debug.LogError("Could not get TIX path from dream, dream did not have LBD folder");

            return(LSDUtil.GetTIXPathFromLBDPath(dream.LBDFolder, textureSet));
        public GLMaterial(Material material, Dictionary <uint, GLTexture> textures, TextureSet textureSet)
            if (textureSet == null)

            Diffuse    = GetTexture(MaterialTextureType.Color, 0);
            Ambient    = GetTexture(MaterialTextureType.Color, 1);
            Normal     = GetTexture(MaterialTextureType.Normal, 0);
            Specular   = GetTexture(MaterialTextureType.Specular, 0);
            Reflection = GetTexture(MaterialTextureType.EnvironmentCube, 0);

            DiffuseColor   = material.Diffuse.ToGL();
            SpecularColor  = material.Specular.ToGL();
            AmbientColor   = new Color4(0.25f, 0.25f, 0.25f, 1.0f);
            Shininess      = material.Shininess;
            AnisoDirection = material.AnisoDirection;

            GLTexture GetTexture(MaterialTextureType type, uint offset)
                uint index = 0;

                foreach (var materialTexture in material.MaterialTextures)
                    if (materialTexture.Type != type)

                    if (index++ < offset)

                    if (textures.TryGetValue(materialTexture.TextureId, out var texture))

                    var textureToUpload = textureSet.Textures.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id.Equals(materialTexture.TextureId));

                    if (textureToUpload == null)

                    texture = new GLTexture(textureToUpload);
                    textures.Add(textureToUpload.Id, texture);

예제 #26
        public void SetModel(Mesh mesh, TextureSet textureSet)
            if (!CanRender)

            mModel = new GLMesh(mesh, new Dictionary <int, GLTexture>(), textureSet);
예제 #27
        bool BeginReadRequest(int count, ref ReadRequest req)
            if (count == 0)


            TextureSet TextureSet = null;

            if (AvailableRenderTextures.Count != 0)
                TextureSet = AvailableRenderTextures.Pop();

            if (TextureSet == null)
                TextureSet = new TextureSet();
                TextureSet.Alloc(RenderTextureWidth, RenderTextureHeight);
            else if (!TextureSet.IsValid())
                TextureSet.Alloc(RenderTextureWidth, RenderTextureHeight);

            activeTarget = TextureSet;

            req = new ReadRequest()
                TextureSet = TextureSet,
                Index      = CurrentIndex,
                Count      = count,
                Origin     = SensorCamera.transform.position,

                CameraToWorldMatrix = SensorCamera.cameraToWorldMatrix,

            if (!Compensated)
                req.Transform = transform.worldToLocalMatrix;


            CurrentIndex = (CurrentIndex + count) % CurrentMeasurementsPerRotation;

예제 #28
        public static void RefreshTextureSet(bool canUseCurrent)
            TextureSet textureSet = (TextureSet)RandUtil.Int(1, 5);

            if (!canUseCurrent && textureSet == CurrentTextureSet)
            CurrentTextureSet = textureSet;
            Shader.SetGlobalInt("_TextureSet", (int)textureSet);
예제 #29
 public virtual void AddTexture(TextureSet textureSet)
     if (textureSets.ContainsKey(textureSet.name))
         Debug.LogError("TEXTURE ALREADY EXISTS WITH NAME: " + textureSet.name);
         textureSets.Add(textureSet.name, textureSet);
예제 #30
        public GLModel(Model model, TextureSet textureSet)
            Meshes = new List <GLMesh>();

            var textures = new Dictionary <int, GLTexture>();

            foreach (var mesh in model.Meshes)
                Meshes.Add(new GLMesh(mesh, textures, textureSet));
예제 #31
        public void SetModel(Object obj, TextureSet textureSet)
            if (!CanRender)

            mModel = new GLObject(obj, new Dictionary <int, GLTexture>(), textureSet);
예제 #32
        public Shader FindTextureSetShader(string name)
            TextureSet textureSet = FindTextureSet(name);

            if (textureSet == null)

        protected void Awake()
            if (HighLogic.LoadedScene == GameScenes.FLIGHT && !setup)
                ConfigNode[] cityLightsConfigs = GameDatabase.Instance.GetConfigNodes("CITY_LIGHTS");

                foreach (ConfigNode node in cityLightsConfigs)
                    float altitude = float.Parse(node.GetValue("altitude"));
                    float fadeDistance = float.Parse(node.GetValue("fadeDistance"));
                    float pqsfadeDistance = float.Parse(node.GetValue("pqsFadeDistance"));

                    TextureSet mTexture = new TextureSet(node.GetNode("main_texture"), false);
                    TextureSet dTexture = new TextureSet(node.GetNode("detail_texture"), false);

                    AddOverlay(mTexture, dTexture, altitude, fadeDistance, pqsfadeDistance);

                setup = true;
        public CloudLayer(String url, ConfigNode node, String body, Color color, float altitude,
            TextureSet mainTexture,
            TextureSet detailTexture,
            ShaderFloats ScaledShaderFloats,
            ShaderFloats ShaderFloats,
            bool useVolume)
            if (!BodyDatabase.ContainsKey(body))
                BodyDatabase.Add(body, new List<CloudLayer>());
            if (!ConfigBodyDatabase.ContainsKey(url))
                ConfigBodyDatabase.Add(url, new Dictionary<String, List<CloudLayer>>());
                ConfigBodyDatabase[url].Add(body, new List<CloudLayer>());
            else if (!ConfigBodyDatabase[url].ContainsKey(body))
                ConfigBodyDatabase[url].Add(body, new List<CloudLayer>());
            this.url = url;
            this.node = node;
            this.body = body;
            this.color = color;
            this.altitude = altitude;
            this.mainTexture = mainTexture;

            this.detailTexture = detailTexture;

            this.scaledShaderFloats = ScaledShaderFloats;
            this.shaderFloats = ShaderFloats;

            this.useVolume = useVolume;
        protected void DrawWater(World world, System.Drawing.Rectangle region, bool background, Graphics g, TextureSet textures)
            for (int y = region.Top; y < region.Bottom; y++) {
                for (int x = region.Left; x < region.Right; x++) {
                    if (y == 0) {

                    // Skip if the tile contains no liquid.
                    if (world.tile[x, y].Liquid <= 0) {

                    // What is the liquid level of the tile?
                    float liquidLevel = 256 - world.tile[x, y].Liquid;

                    liquidLevel /= 32f;

                    int liquidTextureIndex = 0;

                    if (world.tile[x, y].Lava) {
                        liquidTextureIndex = 1;

                    float intensity = 0.5f;

                    if (background) {
                        intensity = 1f;

                    Vector2 vector = new Vector2((float) (x * 16), (float) ((y * 16) + (((int) liquidLevel) * 2)));

                    Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle rectangle = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 16 - (((int) liquidLevel) * 2));

                    if ((world.tile[x, y + 1].Liquid < 245) && ((!world.tile[x, y + 1].Active || !World.tileSolid[world.tile[x, y + 1].Type]) || World.tileSolidTop[world.tile[x, y + 1].Type])) {
                        float num10 = 256 - world.tile[x, y + 1].Liquid;
                        num10 /= 32f;
                        intensity = (0.5f * (8f - liquidLevel)) / 4f;
                        if (intensity > 0.55) {
                            intensity = 0.55f;
                        if (intensity < 0.35) {
                            intensity = 0.35f;
                        float num11 = liquidLevel / 2f;
                        if (world.tile[x, y + 1].Liquid < 200) {
                            if (background) {
                            if ((world.tile[x, y - 1].Liquid > 0) && (world.tile[x, y - 1].Liquid > 0)) {
                                rectangle = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle(0, 4, 16, 16);
                                intensity = 0.5f;
                            } else if (world.tile[x, y - 1].Liquid > 0) {
                                vector = new Vector2((float) (x * 16), (float) ((y * 16) + 4));
                                rectangle = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle(0, 4, 16, 12);
                                intensity = 0.5f;
                            } else if (world.tile[x, y + 1].Liquid > 0) {
                                vector = new Vector2((float) (x * 16), (float) (((y * 16) + (((int) liquidLevel) * 2)) + (((int) num10) * 2)));
                                rectangle = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle(0, 4, 16, 16 - (((int) liquidLevel) * 2));
                            } else {
                                vector = new Vector2((float) ((x * 16) + ((int) num11)), (float) (((y * 16) + (((int) num11) * 2)) + (((int) num10) * 2)));
                                rectangle = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle(0, 4, 16 - (((int) num11) * 2), 16 - (((int) num11) * 2));
                        } else {
                            intensity = 0.5f;
                            rectangle = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle(0, 4, 16, (16 - (((int) liquidLevel) * 2)) + (((int) num10) * 2));
                    } else if (world.tile[x, y - 1].Liquid > 32) {
                        rectangle = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle(0, 4, rectangle.Width, rectangle.Height - 4);
                    } else if (((liquidLevel < 1f) && world.tile[x, y - 1].Active) && (World.tileSolid[world.tile[x, y - 1].Type] && !World.tileSolidTop[world.tile[x, y - 1].Type])) {
                        vector = new Vector2((float) (x * 16), (float) (y * 16));
                        rectangle = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle(0, 4, 16, 16 - 4);
                    } else {
                        bool flag = true;
                        for (int k = y + 1; k < (y + 6); k++) {
                            if ((world.tile[x, k].Active && World.tileSolid[world.tile[x, k].Type]) && !World.tileSolidTop[world.tile[x, k].Type]) {
                            if (world.tile[x, k].Liquid < 200) {
                                flag = false;
                        if (!flag) {
                            intensity = 0.5f;
                            rectangle = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle(0, 4, 16, 16 - 4);
                        } else if (world.tile[x, y - 1].Liquid > 0) {
                            rectangle = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle(0, 2, rectangle.Width, rectangle.Height - 2);
                    if (world.tile[x, y].Lava) {
                        intensity *= 1.6f;

                    if (intensity > 1f) {
                        intensity = 1f;

                    ColorMatrix colorMatrix = new ColorMatrix();
                    colorMatrix.Matrix33 = intensity;

                    ImageAttributes imageAttributes = new ImageAttributes();

                    int waterWidth = 16;
                    int waterHeight = 16 - ((int) vector.Y - (y * 16));

                    g.DrawImage(textures.liquidTexture[liquidTextureIndex], new System.Drawing.Rectangle((int) (vector.X - region.Left * 16), (int) (vector.Y - region.Top * 16), waterWidth, waterHeight), rectangle.X, rectangle.Y, rectangle.Width, rectangle.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, imageAttributes);
        private static TextureSet LoadTextureSet(ConfigNode node)
            string textureSet = node.name;

            // Sanity check
            if (node.GetNode("sides") == null || node.GetNode("ends") == null)
                Debug.LogError("*ST* Invalid Textureset " + textureSet);
                return null;
            if (!node.GetNode("sides").HasValue("texture") || !node.GetNode("ends").HasValue("texture"))
                Debug.LogError("*ST* Invalid Textureset " + textureSet);
                return null;

            // get settings
            TextureSet tex = new TextureSet
                name = textureSet,
                sidesName = node.GetNode("sides").GetValue("texture"),
                endsName = node.GetNode("ends").GetValue("texture"),
                sidesBumpName = ""
            if (node.GetNode("sides").HasValue("bump"))
                tex.sidesBumpName = node.GetNode("sides").GetValue("bump");

            if (node.GetNode("sides").HasValue("uScale"))
                float.TryParse(node.GetNode("sides").GetValue("uScale"), out tex.scale.x);
            if (node.GetNode("sides").HasValue("vScale"))
                float.TryParse(node.GetNode("sides").GetValue("vScale"), out tex.scale.y);

            if (node.GetNode("sides").HasValue("autoScale"))
                bool.TryParse(node.GetNode("sides").GetValue("autoScale"), out tex.autoScale);
            if (node.GetNode("sides").HasValue("autoWidthDivide"))
                bool.TryParse(node.GetNode("sides").GetValue("autoWidthDivide"), out tex.autoWidthDivide);
            if (node.GetNode("sides").HasValue("autoHeightSteps"))
                float.TryParse(node.GetNode("sides").GetValue("autoHeightSteps"), out tex.autoHeightSteps);

            if (node.GetNode("sides").HasValue("specular"))
                tex.sidesSpecular = ConfigNode.ParseColor(node.GetNode("sides").GetValue("specular"));
            if (node.GetNode("sides").HasValue("shininess"))
                float.TryParse(node.GetNode("sides").GetValue("shininess"), out tex.sidesShininess);

            Texture[] textures = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(Texture)) as Texture[];

            if (!TryFindTexture(textures, ref tex.sidesName, out tex.sides))
                Debug.LogError("*ST* Sides textures not found for " + textureSet);
                return null;

            if (!TryFindTexture(textures, ref tex.endsName, out tex.ends))
                Debug.LogError("*ST* Ends textures not found for " + textureSet);
                return null;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tex.sidesBumpName))
                tex.sidesBump = null;
            else if (!TryFindTexture(textures, ref tex.sidesBumpName, out tex.sidesBump))
                Debug.LogError("*ST* Side bump textures not found for " + textureSet);
                return null;

            return tex;
예제 #37
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="pudink.PowerUp"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 public PowerUp(TextureSet tex)
     TexturesSet = tex;
예제 #38
파일: Brouk.cs 프로젝트: JakubVanek/pudding
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="pudink.Brouk"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="texset">Texture set.</param>
 public Brouk(TextureSet texset)
     this.textureset = texset;
     this.schopnosti = new Abilities (Typ.Normal);
        private void initialize()
            if (initialized) { return; }
            initialized = true;
            ConfigNode node = SSTUConfigNodeUtils.parseConfigNode(configNodeData);
            ConfigNode[] textureNodes = node.GetNodes("TEXTURESET");
            textureSetData = TextureSet.loadTextureSets(textureNodes);
            currentTextureSetData = Array.Find(textureSetData, m => m.setName == currentTextureSet);
            if (currentTextureSetData == null)
                currentTextureSetData = textureSetData[0];
                currentTextureSet = currentTextureSetData.setName;
            int len = textureSetData.Length;
            string[] textureSetNames = new string[len];
            for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
                textureSetNames[i] = textureSetData[i].setName;
            this.updateUIChooseOptionControl("currentTextureSet", textureSetNames, textureSetNames, true, currentTextureSet);

            TextureData data = currentTextureSetData.textureDatas[0];
            fairingMaterial = SSTUUtils.loadMaterial(data.diffuseTextureName, null, "KSP/Specular");

            fuelType = VolumeContainerLoader.getPreset(fuelPreset);

            Transform modelBase = part.transform.FindRecursive("model");
            minHeight = engineHeight * getEngineScale();
            Transform root = modelBase.FindOrCreate(baseTransformName);
            Transform collider = modelBase.FindOrCreate("InterstageFairingBaseCollider");
            fairingBase = new InterstageDecouplerModel(root.gameObject, collider.gameObject, 0.25f, cylinderSides, numberOfPanels, wallThickness);
            if (!initializedResources && (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight || HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsEditor))
                initializedResources = true;
        protected void DrawBackground(World world, System.Drawing.Rectangle region, Graphics g, TextureSet textures)
            float regionWidth = region.Width * 16;
            float regionHeight = region.Height * 16;

            int skyEnd = (int) world.worldSurface + 1;

            // Draw the Dirt Sky Blend
            if (region.Top < skyEnd && skyEnd <= region.Bottom) {
                float destinationTop = (skyEnd - region.Top - 1) * 16;

                // How many across need to be rendered.
                int instances = (int) Math.Ceiling(regionWidth / textures.backgroundTexture[1].Width) + 1;
                int offset = ((region.Left % 6) + 3) * 16;

                for (int i = 0; i < instances; ++i) {
                    g.DrawImage(textures.backgroundTexture[1], new PointF(i * textures.backgroundTexture[1].Width - offset, destinationTop));

            int rockStart = (int) world.rockLayer + 38;

            // Draw the Dirt Background
            if (skyEnd < region.Bottom || region.Top <= rockStart) {
                int minBlockY = region.Top;
                float startOffsetY = 0.0f;

                if (skyEnd > region.Top) {
                    minBlockY = skyEnd;
                    startOffsetY = (skyEnd - region.Top) * 16;

                int maxBlockY = (int) ((rockStart < region.Bottom) ? rockStart : region.Bottom);

                int blockCount = maxBlockY - minBlockY;

                int dirtBackgroundTextureWidth = textures.backgroundTexture[2].Width;
                int dirtBackgroundTextureHeight = textures.backgroundTexture[2].Height;

                // How many vertical repeats.
                int instancesToDrawY = (int) Math.Ceiling(blockCount * 16.0f / dirtBackgroundTextureHeight) + 1;
                int instancesToDrawX = (int) Math.Ceiling((regionWidth / dirtBackgroundTextureWidth)) + 1;
                int offsetX = (((region.Left) % (dirtBackgroundTextureWidth / 16)) + 3) * 16;
                int offsetY = ((minBlockY - (int) skyEnd) % (dirtBackgroundTextureHeight / 16)) * 16;

                for (int i = 0; i < instancesToDrawX; ++i) {
                    for (int j = 0; j < instancesToDrawY; ++j) {
                        g.DrawImage(textures.backgroundTexture[2], new PointF(i * dirtBackgroundTextureWidth - offsetX, startOffsetY + j * dirtBackgroundTextureHeight - offsetY));

            // Draw the Dirt Rock Blend
            if (region.Top < rockStart && rockStart <= region.Bottom) {
                float destinationTop = (rockStart - region.Top - 1) * 16;

                // How many across need to be rendered.
                int instances = (int) Math.Ceiling(regionWidth / textures.backgroundTexture[4].Width) + 1;
                int offset = ((region.Left % 6) + 3) * 16;

                for (int i = 0; i < instances; ++i) {
                    g.DrawImage(textures.backgroundTexture[4], new PointF(i * textures.backgroundTexture[4].Width - offset, destinationTop));

            int hellStart = world.Size.Height - 230;

            // Draw the Rock Background
            if (region.Bottom > rockStart || region.Top < hellStart) {
                int minBlockY = region.Top;
                float startOffsetY = 0.0f;

                if (rockStart > region.Top) {
                    minBlockY = rockStart;
                    startOffsetY = (rockStart - region.Top) * 16;

                int maxBlockY = (hellStart < region.Bottom) ? hellStart : region.Bottom;

                int blockCount = maxBlockY - minBlockY;

                int rockBackgroundTextureWidth = textures.backgroundTexture[3].Width;
                int rockBackgroundTextureHeight = textures.backgroundTexture[3].Height;

                // How many vertical repeats.
                int instancesToDrawY = (int) Math.Ceiling(blockCount * 16.0f / rockBackgroundTextureHeight) + 1;
                int instancesToDrawX = (int) Math.Ceiling((regionWidth / rockBackgroundTextureWidth)) + 1;
                int offsetX = (((region.Left) % (rockBackgroundTextureWidth / 16)) + 3) * 16;
                int offsetY = ((minBlockY - (int) rockStart - 1) % (rockBackgroundTextureHeight / 16)) * 16 + 8;

                for (int i = 0; i < instancesToDrawX; ++i) {
                    for (int j = 0; j < instancesToDrawY; ++j) {
                        g.DrawImage(textures.backgroundTexture[3], new PointF(i * rockBackgroundTextureWidth - offsetX, startOffsetY + j * rockBackgroundTextureHeight - offsetY));

            // Draw the Rock Hell Blend
            if (region.Top < hellStart && hellStart <= region.Bottom) {
                float destinationTop = (hellStart - region.Top - 1) * 16 + 24;

                // How many across need to be rendered.
                int instances = (int) Math.Ceiling(regionWidth / textures.backgroundTexture[6].Width) + 1;
                int offset = ((region.Left % 6) + 3) * 16;

                for (int i = 0; i < instances; ++i) {
                    g.DrawImage(textures.backgroundTexture[6], new PointF(i * textures.backgroundTexture[6].Width - offset, destinationTop));

            // Draw the Hell Background
            if (region.Bottom > hellStart) {
                int minBlockY = region.Top;
                float startOffsetY = 0.0f;

                if (hellStart > region.Top) {
                    minBlockY = hellStart;
                    startOffsetY = (hellStart - region.Top) * 16;

                int maxBlockY = region.Bottom;

                int blockCount = maxBlockY - minBlockY;

                int rockBackgroundTextureWidth = textures.backgroundTexture[5].Width;
                int rockBackgroundTextureHeight = textures.backgroundTexture[5].Height;

                // How many vertical repeats.
                int instancesToDrawY = (int) Math.Ceiling(blockCount * 16.0f / rockBackgroundTextureHeight) + 1;
                int instancesToDrawX = (int) Math.Ceiling((regionWidth / rockBackgroundTextureWidth)) + 1;
                int offsetX = (((region.Left) % (rockBackgroundTextureWidth / 16)) + 3) * 16;
                int offsetY = ((minBlockY - (int) hellStart - 1) % (rockBackgroundTextureHeight / 16)) * 16 - 16;

                for (int i = 0; i < instancesToDrawX; ++i) {
                    for (int j = 0; j < instancesToDrawY; ++j) {
                        g.DrawImage(textures.backgroundTexture[5], new PointF(i * rockBackgroundTextureWidth - offsetX, startOffsetY + j * rockBackgroundTextureHeight - offsetY));
            public TextureSet Copy()
                lock (copyLock) {
                    TextureSet newSet = new TextureSet();

                    for (int i = 0; i < World.NumTiles; i++) {
                        newSet.tileTexture[i] = tileTexture[i].Clone() as Image;

                    for (int i = 1; i < wallTexture.Length; i++) {
                        newSet.wallTexture[i] = wallTexture[i].Clone() as Image;

                    for (int i = 0; i < backgroundTexture.Length; i++) {
                        newSet.backgroundTexture[i] = backgroundTexture[i].Clone() as Image;

                    for (int i = 0; i < npcTexture.Length; i++) {
                        newSet.npcTexture[i] = npcTexture[i].Clone() as Image;

                    for (int i = 0; i < cloudTexture.Length; i++) {
                        newSet.cloudTexture[i] = cloudTexture[i].Clone() as Image;

                    for (int i = 0; i < liquidTexture.Length; i++) {
                        newSet.liquidTexture[i] = liquidTexture[i].Clone() as Image;

                    for (int i = 0; i < treeTopTexture.Length; i++) {
                        newSet.treeTopTexture[i] = treeTopTexture[i].Clone() as Image;

                    for (int i = 0; i < treeBranchTexture.Length; i++) {
                        newSet.treeBranchTexture[i] = treeBranchTexture[i].Clone() as Image;

                    newSet.sunTexture = sunTexture.Clone() as Image;
                    newSet.moonTexture = moonTexture.Clone() as Image;
                    newSet.shroomCapTexture = shroomCapTexture.Clone() as Image;

                    return newSet;
        private Image CreateBlockImage(World world, System.Drawing.Rectangle region, float zoomLevel, MapGeneratorLayerOptions layer)
            Image blockImage = new Bitmap(16 * options.BlockSize.Width, 16 * options.BlockSize.Height, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);

            TextureSet textures = null;

            lock (availableTextureSetLock) {
                if (availableTextureSet.Count == 0) {
                    System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("Creating new texture set for thread: " + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);
                    textures = this.textures.Copy();
                } else {
                    textures = availableTextureSet.Dequeue();

            using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(blockImage)) {
                g.Clip = new Region(new RectangleF(0, 0, region.Width * 16 * zoomLevel, region.Height * 16 * zoomLevel));
                g.ScaleTransform(zoomLevel, zoomLevel);

                g.PixelOffsetMode = PixelOffsetMode.Half;
                g.CompositingMode = CompositingMode.SourceOver;

                g.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.NearestNeighbor;
                g.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.HighSpeed;

                if (layer.DrawBackground) {
                    DrawSky(world, region, g);

                if (layer.DrawBackgroundWater) {
                    DrawWater(world, region, true, g, textures);

                if (layer.DrawBackground) {
                    DrawBackground(world, region, g, textures);

                if (layer.DrawWalls) {
                    DrawWalls(world, region, g, textures);

                if (layer.DrawBackgroundTiles) {
                    DrawTiles(world, region, false, g, textures);

                if (layer.DrawForegroundTiles) {
                    DrawTiles(world, region, true, g, textures);

                if (layer.DrawForegroundWater) {
                    DrawWater(world, region, false, g, textures);

            lock (availableTextureSetLock) {

            return blockImage;
 private void textureWasUpdated()
     currentTextureSetData = Array.Find(textureSetData, m => m.setName == currentTextureSet);
     if (currentTextureSetData == null)
         currentTextureSetData = textureSetData[0];
         currentTextureSet = currentTextureSetData.setName;
     TextureData data = currentTextureSetData.textureDatas[0];
     fairingMaterial.mainTexture = GameDatabase.Instance.GetTexture(data.diffuseTextureName, false);
     data.enableForced(fairingBase.rootObject.transform, true);
        private void DrawTiles(World world, System.Drawing.Rectangle region, bool foreground, Graphics g, TextureSet textures)
            int height = 16;
            int width = 16;
            bool solidOnly = !foreground;

            int frameOverlap = 4;
            int frameOverlapTimes2 = frameOverlap * 2;

            int startX = region.Left - frameOverlap;
            int startY = region.Top - frameOverlap;
            int endX = region.Right + frameOverlapTimes2;
            int endY = region.Bottom + frameOverlapTimes2;

            if (startX < 0) {
                startX = 0;

            if (startY < 0) {
                startY = 0;

            if (endX >= world.Size.Width) {
                endX = world.Size.Width - 1;

            if (endY >= world.Size.Height) {
                endY = world.Size.Height - 1;

            for (int y = startY; y < endY; y++) {
                for (int x = startX; x < endX; x++) {
                    if (world.tile[x, y].Active && (World.tileSolid[world.tile[x, y].Type] == solidOnly)) {
                        int num9 = 0;

                        // Pot
                        if (world.tile[x, y].Type == 78) {
                            num9 = 2;

                        // Red candle, blue candle.
                        if ((world.tile[x, y].Type == 33) || (world.tile[x, y].Type == 49)) {
                            num9 = -4;

                        // Flowers, torches, trees, fungus, red candle, blue candle, grass, mushrooms.
                        if ((((world.tile[x, y].Type == 3) || (world.tile[x, y].Type == 4)) || ((world.tile[x, y].Type == 5) || (world.tile[x, y].Type == 24))) || (((world.tile[x, y].Type == 33) || (world.tile[x, y].Type == 49)) || ((world.tile[x, y].Type == 61) || (world.tile[x, y].Type == 71)))) {
                            height = 20;

                        // Chairs, table, anvil, forge, workbench, sappling, chest, demon forge, sunflowers, corrupted thorns, thorns, ?, hell forge
                        } else if (((((world.tile[x, y].Type == 15) || (world.tile[x, y].Type == 14)) || ((world.tile[x, y].Type == 16) || (world.tile[x, y].Type == 17))) || (((world.tile[x, y].Type == 18) || (world.tile[x, y].Type == 20)) || ((world.tile[x, y].Type == 21) || (world.tile[x, y].Type == 26)))) || (((world.tile[x, y].Type == 27) || (world.tile[x, y].Type == 32)) || (((world.tile[x, y].Type == 69) || (world.tile[x, y].Type == 72)) || (world.tile[x, y].Type == 77) || (world.tile[x, y].Type == 80)))) {
                            height = 18;
                        } else {
                            height = 16;

                        // Torch, tree
                        if ((world.tile[x, y].Type == 4) || (world.tile[x, y].Type == 5)) {
                            width = 20;
                        } else {
                            width = 16;

                        // Grass, grass.
                        if ((world.tile[x, y].Type == 73) || (world.tile[x, y].Type == 74)) {
                            num9 -= 12;
                            height = 32;

                        // Draw tree tops and branches.
                        if (((world.tile[x, y].Type == 5) && (world.tile[x, y].FrameY >= 198)) && (world.tile[x, y].FrameX >= 22)) {
                            int num11 = 0;
                            if (world.tile[x, y].FrameX == 22) {
                                if (world.tile[x, y].FrameY == 220) {
                                    num11 = 1;
                                } else if (world.tile[x, y].FrameY == 242) {
                                    num11 = 2;
                                int num14 = 0;
                                int num15 = 80;
                                int num16 = 80;
                                int num17 = 0x20;
                                for (int k = y; k < (y + 100); k++) {
                                    if (world.tile[x, k].Type == 2) {
                                        num14 = 0;
                                    if (world.tile[x, k].Type == 0x17) {
                                        num14 = 1;
                                    if (world.tile[x, k].Type == 60) {
                                        num14 = 2;
                                        num15 = 0x72;
                                        num16 = 0x60;
                                        num17 = 0x30;
                                g.DrawImage(textures.treeTopTexture[num14], (x - region.Left) * 16 - num17, (y - region.Top) * 16 - num16 + 16, new RectangleF(num11 * (num15 + 2), 0, num15, num16), GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
                            } else if (world.tile[x, y].FrameX == 44) {
                                if (world.tile[x, y].FrameY == 220) {
                                    num11 = 1;
                                } else if (world.tile[x, y].FrameY == 242) {
                                    num11 = 2;
                                int num19 = 0;
                                for (int m = y; m < (y + 100); m++) {
                                    if (world.tile[x, m].Type == 2) {
                                        num19 = 0;
                                    if (world.tile[x, m].Type == 0x17) {
                                        num19 = 1;
                                    if (world.tile[x, m].Type == 60) {
                                        num19 = 2;
                                g.DrawImage(textures.treeBranchTexture[num19], (x - region.Left) * 16 - 24, (y - region.Top) * 16 - 12, new RectangleF(0, num11 * 42, 40, 40), GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
                            } else if (world.tile[x, y].FrameX == 66) {
                                if (world.tile[x, y].FrameY == 220) {
                                    num11 = 1;
                                } else if (world.tile[x, y].FrameY == 242) {
                                    num11 = 2;
                                int num21 = 0;
                                for (int n = y; n < (y + 100); n++) {
                                    if (world.tile[x, n].Type == 2) {
                                        num21 = 0;
                                    if (world.tile[x, n].Type == 0x17) {
                                        num21 = 1;
                                    if (world.tile[x, n].Type == 60) {
                                        num21 = 2;
                                g.DrawImage(textures.treeBranchTexture[num21], (x - region.Left) * 16, (y - region.Top) * 16 - 12, new RectangleF(42, num11 * 42, 40, 40), GraphicsUnit.Pixel);

                        // Drawn mushroom tops.
                        if ((world.tile[x, y].Type == 72) && (world.tile[x, y].FrameX >= 36)) {
                            int num12 = 0;
                            if (world.tile[x, y].FrameY == 18) {
                                num12 = 1;
                            } else if (world.tile[x, y].FrameY == 36) {
                                num12 = 2;
                            g.DrawImage(textures.shroomCapTexture, (x - region.Left) * 16 - 22, (y - region.Top) * 16 - 26, new RectangleF(num12 * 62, 0, 60, 42), GraphicsUnit.Pixel);

                        // Draw liquids behind solids.
                        if (solidOnly && (x > 1 && y > 1 && x < world.Size.Width - 2 && y < world.Size.Height - 2) && (((world.tile[x - 1, y].Liquid > 0) || (world.tile[x + 1, y].Liquid > 0)) || ((world.tile[x, y - 1].Liquid > 0) || (world.tile[x, y + 1].Liquid > 0)))) {
                            int liquidLevel = 0;
                            bool liquidToLeft = false;
                            bool liquidToRight = false;
                            bool liquidAbove = false;
                            bool liquidBelow = false;
                            bool hasLava = false;
                            bool hasWater = false;

                            if (world.tile[x - 1, y].Liquid > 0) {
                                liquidToLeft = true;

                                if (world.tile[x - 1, y].Liquid > liquidLevel) {
                                    liquidLevel = world.tile[x - 1, y].Liquid;

                                if (world.tile[x - 1, y].Lava) {
                                    hasLava = true;
                                } else {
                                    hasWater = true;

                            if (world.tile[x + 1, y].Liquid > 0) {
                                liquidToRight = true;
                                liquidLevel = world.tile[x + 1, y].Liquid;

                                if (world.tile[x + 1, y].Lava) {
                                    hasLava = true;
                                } else {
                                    hasWater = true;

                            if (world.tile[x, y - 1].Liquid > 0) {
                                liquidAbove = true;

                                if (world.tile[x, y - 1].Lava) {
                                    hasLava = true;
                                } else {
                                    hasWater = true;

                            if (world.tile[x, y + 1].Liquid > 0) {
                                if (world.tile[x, y + 1].Lava) {
                                    hasLava = true;
                                } else {
                                    hasWater = true;

                                if (world.tile[x, y + 1].Liquid > 240) {
                                    liquidBelow = true;

                            if (!hasWater || !hasLava) {
                                float num15 = 0f;
                                Vector2 vector = new Vector2((float) (x * 16), (float) (y * 16));
                                Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle rectangle = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle(0, 4, 16, 16 - 4);
                                if (liquidBelow && (liquidToLeft || liquidToRight)) {
                                    liquidToLeft = true;
                                    liquidToRight = true;
                                if ((!liquidAbove || (!liquidToLeft && !liquidToRight)) && (!liquidBelow || !liquidAbove)) {
                                    if (liquidAbove) {
                                        rectangle = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle(0, 4, 16, 4);
                                    } else if ((liquidBelow && !liquidToLeft) && !liquidToRight) {
                                        vector = new Vector2((float) (x * 16), (float) ((y * 16) + 12));
                                        rectangle = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle(0, 4, 16, 4);
                                    } else {
                                        num15 = 256 - liquidLevel;
                                        num15 /= 32f;
                                        if (liquidToLeft && liquidToRight) {
                                            vector = new Vector2((float) (x * 16), (float) ((y * 16) + (((int) num15) * 2)));
                                            rectangle = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle(0, 4, 16, 16 - (((int) num15) * 2) - 4);
                                        } else if (liquidToLeft) {
                                            vector = new Vector2((float) (x * 16), (float) ((y * 16) + (((int) num15) * 2)));
                                            rectangle = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle(0, 4, 4, 16 - (((int) num15) * 2) - 4);
                                        } else {
                                            vector = new Vector2((float) (x * 16), (float) ((y * 16) + (((int) num15) * 2)));
                                            rectangle = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle(0, 4, 4, 16 - (((int) num15) * 2) - 4);

                                float intensity = 0.5f;
                                int liquidTextureIndex = hasWater ? 0 : 1;

                                if (liquidTextureIndex == 1) {
                                    intensity *= 1.6f;

                                if ((y < world.worldSurface) || (intensity > 1f)) {
                                    intensity = 1f;

                                ColorMatrix colorMatrix = new ColorMatrix();
                                colorMatrix.Matrix33 = intensity;

                                ImageAttributes imageAttributes = new ImageAttributes();

                                int waterWidth = 16;
                                int waterHeight = 16 - ((int) vector.Y - (y * 16));

                                g.DrawImage(textures.liquidTexture[liquidTextureIndex], new System.Drawing.Rectangle((int) (vector.X - region.Left * 16), (int) (vector.Y - region.Top * 16), waterWidth, waterHeight), rectangle.Left, rectangle.Top, rectangle.Width, rectangle.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, imageAttributes);

                        g.DrawImage(textures.tileTexture[world.tile[x, y].Type], (x - region.Left) * 16 - (width - 16) / 2, (y - region.Top) * 16 + num9, new RectangleF(world.tile[x, y].FrameX, world.tile[x, y].FrameY, width, height), GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
 protected void DrawWalls(World world, System.Drawing.Rectangle region, Graphics g, TextureSet textures)
     for (int y = region.Top; y < region.Bottom; y++) {
         for (int x = region.Left; x < region.Right; x++) {
             if (world.tile[x, y].Wall > 0) {
                 System.Drawing.RectangleF rectangle3 = new System.Drawing.RectangleF(world.tile[x, y].WallFrameX * 2, world.tile[x, y].WallFrameY * 2, 32, 32);
                 g.DrawImage(textures.wallTexture[world.tile[x, y].Wall], new System.Drawing.RectangleF((x - region.Left) * 16 - 8, (y - region.Top) * 16 - 8, 32, 32), rectangle3, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
 private static int TextureSetNameComparison(TextureSet s1, TextureSet s2)
     bool s1Start = s1.sidesName.StartsWith("ProceduralParts");
     if (s1Start != s2.sidesName.StartsWith("ProceduralParts"))
         return s1Start ? -1 : 1;
     return string.Compare(s1.name, s2.name, StringComparison.Ordinal);
예제 #47
 private static int TextureSetNameComparison(TextureSet s1, TextureSet s2)
     bool s1Start = s1.sidesName.StartsWith("ProceduralParts");
     if (s1Start != s2.sidesName.StartsWith("ProceduralParts"))
         return s1Start ? -1 : 1;
     return s1.name.CompareTo(s2.name);
예제 #48
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="pudink.Pudink"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pudink">Type of pudding</param>
 /// <param name="setTextur">Set of textures</param>
 public Pudink(Typ pudink, TextureSet setTextur)
     textury = setTextur;
     typpudinku = pudink;
     schopnosti = new Abilities(pudink);
        private void LoadConfigNode(ConfigNode node, string url, bool useVolume, bool defaults)
            ConfigNode loadNode = node.GetNode("SAVED");
            if ((loadNode == null || defaults) && node.HasNode("DEFAULTS"))
                loadNode = node.GetNode("DEFAULTS");
            else if( node.HasValue("REMOVED") && bool.Parse(node.GetValue("REMOVED")))
            else if (defaults && !node.HasNode("DEFAULTS"))
                node.AddValue("REMOVED", true);

            String body = loadNode.GetValue("body");
            Transform bodyTransform = null;
                bodyTransform = ScaledSpace.Instance.scaledSpaceTransforms.Single(t => t.name == body);

            if (bodyTransform != null)
                float altitude = float.Parse(loadNode.GetValue("altitude"));

                TextureSet mTexture = new TextureSet(loadNode.GetNode("main_texture"), false);
                TextureSet dTexture = new TextureSet(loadNode.GetNode("detail_texture"), false);
                ConfigNode floatsConfig = loadNode.GetNode("shader_floats");
                ShaderFloats shaderFloats = null;
                if (floatsConfig != null)
                    shaderFloats = new ShaderFloats(floatsConfig);
                ConfigNode scaledfloatsConfig = loadNode.GetNode("scaled_shader_floats");
                ShaderFloats scaledShaderFloats = null;
                if (scaledfloatsConfig != null)
                    scaledShaderFloats = new ShaderFloats(scaledfloatsConfig);
                ConfigNode colorNode = loadNode.GetNode("color");
                Color color = new Color(
                if (useVolume)
                    bool.TryParse(loadNode.GetValue("volume"), out useVolume);

                    new CloudLayer(url, node, body, color, altitude,
                    mTexture, dTexture, scaledShaderFloats, shaderFloats, useVolume));
                CloudLayer.Log("body " + body + " does not exist!");