public GoogleSpeechSynthesizer(IOptions <GoogleCredentialOptions> googleCredentialOptions) { if (googleCredentialOptions == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(googleCredentialOptions)); } var credentials = GoogleCredential.FromJson(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(googleCredentialOptions.Value)); var builder = new TextToSpeechClientBuilder(); builder.ChannelCredentials = credentials.ToChannelCredentials(); _client = builder.Build(); }
public TtsBot(ILogger <TtsBot> logger, Option option, AdminAccess.AdminAccess.AdminAccessClient grpcClient, DataStore store) { _option = option ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(option)); _grpcClient = grpcClient ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(grpcClient)); _store = store ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(store)); _logger = logger ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(logger)); _tweetIdRegex = new Regex(@"\/(?<tweetId>\d+)"); if (option.GoogleUseEnvironmentVariable) { _ttsClient = TextToSpeechClient.Create(); } else { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_option.GoogleApplicationCredentialsPath)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(_option.GoogleApplicationCredentialsPath), "Credential path cannot be empty if not using Enviornment Variable \"GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS\""); } TextToSpeechClientBuilder builder = new TextToSpeechClientBuilder(); builder.CredentialsPath = _option.GoogleApplicationCredentialsPath; _ttsClient = builder.Build(); } _discord = new DiscordSocketClient(); _discord.Log += obj => { _logger.LogDebug("{0}", obj); return(Task.CompletedTask); }; _userCredentials = Auth.CreateCredentials(option.TwitterConsumerKey, option.TwitterConsumerSecret, option.TwitterUserAccessToken, option.TwitterUserAccessSecret); Auth.SetCredentials(_userCredentials); _stream = TwitterStream.CreateFilteredStream(_userCredentials, TweetMode.Extended); _stream.MatchingTweetReceived += OnMatchingTweetReceived; foreach (var user in _store.Users) { _stream.AddFollow(user.Id); } _store.UsersChanged += OnUserAddedToDataStore; }
public GoogleTranslationOptionsRetriever(ILogger <GoogleTranslationOptionsRetriever> logger, IOptions <GoogleCredentialOptions> googleCredentialOptions) { if (logger == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(logger)); } if (googleCredentialOptions == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(googleCredentialOptions)); } var credentials = GoogleCredential.FromJson(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(googleCredentialOptions.Value)); var builder = new TextToSpeechClientBuilder(); builder.ChannelCredentials = credentials.ToChannelCredentials(); _logger = logger; _client = builder.Build(); }
public TTSRenderer( ICommunication communication, ISoundEffectSystem soundEffectSystem) { this.communication = communication; this.soundEffectSystem = soundEffectSystem; // // Prepare Google TTS // TextToSpeechClientBuilder builder = new TextToSpeechClientBuilder(); string googleCredentialsPath = BGC.IO.DataManagement.PathForDataFile("Config", "googleCloudCredentials.json"); if (!File.Exists(googleCredentialsPath)) { throw new FileNotFoundException($"Could not find credentials for Google TTS at {googleCredentialsPath}"); } builder.CredentialsPath = googleCredentialsPath; googleClient = builder.Build(); // // Prepare Amazon TTS // string awsCredentialsPath = BGC.IO.DataManagement.PathForDataFile("Config", "awsPollyCredentials.json"); if (!File.Exists(awsCredentialsPath)) { throw new FileNotFoundException($"Could not find credentials for AWS Polly at {awsCredentialsPath}"); } AWSPollyCredentials awsPolyCredentials = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <AWSPollyCredentials>(File.ReadAllText(awsCredentialsPath)); Amazon.Runtime.BasicAWSCredentials awsCredentials = new Amazon.Runtime.BasicAWSCredentials( awsPolyCredentials.AccessKey, awsPolyCredentials.SecretKey); amazonClient = new AmazonPollyClient(awsCredentials, Amazon.RegionEndpoint.USWest1); }
public SpeechSynthesizer() { // TTS won't work without Discord auth if (DiscordOAuth.firebaseCred == null) { return; } // Instantiate a client TextToSpeechClientBuilder builder = new TextToSpeechClientBuilder { JsonCredentials = DiscordOAuth.firebaseCred }; client = builder.Build(); ttsThread = new Thread(TTSThread); ttsThread.IsBackground = true; ttsThread.Start(); #region Set up the event listeners to actually use TTS Program.PlayerJoined += (frame, team, player) => { if (Settings.Default.playerJoinTTS) { Program.synth.SpeakAsync($"{} {Resources.tts_join_1} {team.color} {Resources.tts_join_2}"); } }; Program.PlayerLeft += (frame, team, player) => { if (Settings.Default.playerLeaveTTS) { Program.synth.SpeakAsync($"{} {Resources.tts_leave_1} {team.color} {Resources.tts_leave_2}"); } }; Program.PlayerSwitchedTeams += (frame, fromTeam, toTeam, player) => { if (!Settings.Default.playerSwitchTeamTTS) { return; } if (fromTeam != null) { Program.synth.SpeakAsync($"{} {Resources.tts_switch_1} {fromTeam.color} {Resources.tts_switch_2} {toTeam.color} {Resources.tts_switch_3}"); } else { Program.synth.SpeakAsync($"{} {Resources.tts_switch_alt_1} {toTeam.color} {Resources.tts_switch_alt_2}"); } }; Program.PauseRequest += (frame) => { if (Settings.Default.pausedTTS) { Program.synth.SpeakAsync($"{frame.pause.paused_requested_team} {Resources.tts_pause_req}"); } }; Program.GamePaused += (frame) => { if (Settings.Default.pausedTTS) { Program.synth.SpeakAsync($"{frame.pause.paused_requested_team} {Resources.tts_paused}"); } }; Program.GameUnpaused += (frame) => { if (Settings.Default.pausedTTS) { Program.synth.SpeakAsync($"{frame.pause.paused_requested_team} {Resources.tts_unpause}"); } }; Program.LocalThrow += (frame) => { if (Settings.Default.throwSpeedTTS && frame.last_throw.total_speed > 10) { Program.synth.SpeakAsync($"{frame.last_throw.total_speed:N1}"); } }; Program.BigBoost += (frame, team, player, speed, howLongAgo) => { if (Settings.Default.maxBoostSpeedTTS && == frame.client_name) { Program.synth.SpeakAsync($"{speed:N0} {Resources.tts_meters_per_second}"); } }; Program.PlayspaceAbuse += (frame, team, player, playspacePos) => { if (Settings.Default.playspaceTTS) { Program.synth.SpeakAsync($"{} {Resources.tts_abused}"); } }; Program.Joust += (frame, team, player, isNeutral, joustTime, maxSpeed, maxTubeExitSpeed) => { // only joust time if (Settings.Default.joustTimeTTS && !Settings.Default.joustSpeedTTS) { Program.synth.SpeakAsync($"{team.color} {joustTime:N1}"); } // only joust speed else if (!Settings.Default.joustTimeTTS && Settings.Default.joustSpeedTTS) { Program.synth.SpeakAsync($"{team.color} {maxSpeed:N0} {Resources.tts_meters_per_second}"); } // both else if (Settings.Default.joustTimeTTS && Settings.Default.joustSpeedTTS) { Program.synth.SpeakAsync($"{team.color} {joustTime:N1} {maxSpeed:N0} {Resources.tts_meters_per_second}"); } }; Program.Goal += (frame, goalEvent) => { if (Settings.Default.goalDistanceTTS) { Program.synth.SpeakAsync($"{frame.last_score.distance_thrown:N1} {Resources.tts_meters}"); } if (Settings.Default.goalSpeedTTS) { Program.synth.SpeakAsync($"{frame.last_score.disc_speed:N1} {Resources.tts_meters_per_second}"); } }; #endregion }
public ActionResult TextToSpeech(string text, string lang, string voice, double rate) { try { TextToSpeechClient client; try { client = TextToSpeechClient.Create(); } catch (Exception e) { var clientBuilder = new TextToSpeechClientBuilder(); clientBuilder.CredentialsPath = Server.MapPath("/Views/key.json"); client = clientBuilder.Build(); } // Set the text input to be synthesized. SynthesisInput input = new SynthesisInput { Text = text }; // Build the voice request, select the language code ("en-US"), // and the SSML voice gender ("neutral"). SsmlVoiceGender gender; switch (voice) { case "0": gender = SsmlVoiceGender.Male; break; case "1": gender = SsmlVoiceGender.Female; break; default: gender = SsmlVoiceGender.Neutral; break; } VoiceSelectionParams voiceSel = new VoiceSelectionParams { LanguageCode = lang, SsmlGender = gender, }; // Select the type of audio file you want returned. AudioConfig config = new AudioConfig { AudioEncoding = AudioEncoding.Mp3, SpeakingRate = rate, }; // Perform the Text-to-Speech request, passing the text input // with the selected voice parameters and audio file type var response = client.SynthesizeSpeech(new SynthesizeSpeechRequest { Input = input, Voice = voiceSel, AudioConfig = config }); // Write the binary AudioContent of the response to an MP3 file. return(Content(response.AudioContent.ToBase64())); }catch (Exception e) { return(Content(e.ToString())); } }
private byte[] GoogleTTS(string msg) { try { TextToSpeechClientBuilder builder = new TextToSpeechClientBuilder { CredentialsPath = opts.GoogleCredentials }; TextToSpeechClient client = builder.Build(); SynthesisInput input = new SynthesisInput { Text = msg }; VoiceSelectionParams voice = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(opts.Voice)) { voice = new VoiceSelectionParams() { Name = opts.Voice, LanguageCode = opts.Voice.Substring(0, 5), }; } else { voice = new VoiceSelectionParams { LanguageCode = opts.Culture, }; switch (opts.Gender.ToLowerInvariant().Trim()) { case "male": voice.SsmlGender = SsmlVoiceGender.Male; break; case "neutral": voice.SsmlGender = SsmlVoiceGender.Neutral; break; case "female": voice.SsmlGender = SsmlVoiceGender.Female; break; default: voice.SsmlGender = SsmlVoiceGender.Male; break; } } AudioConfig config = new AudioConfig { AudioEncoding = AudioEncoding.Linear16, SampleRateHertz = INPUT_SAMPLE_RATE }; var response = client.SynthesizeSpeech(new SynthesizeSpeechRequest { Input = input, Voice = voice, AudioConfig = config }); var tempFile = Path.GetTempFileName(); using (var stream = File.Create(tempFile)) { response.AudioContent.WriteTo(stream); } byte[] bytes = null; using (var reader = new WaveFileReader(tempFile)) { bytes = new byte[reader.Length]; var read = reader.Read(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); Logger.Info($"Success with Google TTS - read {read} bytes"); } //cleanup File.Delete(tempFile); return(bytes); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error(ex, $"Error with Google Text to Speech: {ex.Message}"); } return(new byte[0]); }