// Expands all regions in the current document
        public static void ExpandAllRegions(DTE dte, Language language)
            if (IsSupportedLanguage(language))
                bool suppressedUI = false;
                if (!dte.SuppressUI)
                    dte.SuppressUI = true;                     // Disable UI while we do this
                    suppressedUI   = true;

                    if (language == Language.Python)
                        // The Python Tools language provider outlines a #region as "#region Test[...]".
                        // Using FindText(...) to force a region expansion won't work for Python because
                        // the "#region" part is still in the visible, non-hidden, non-collapsed text.
                        // So we'll use the ExpandAllOutlining command instead.  It will also expand
                        // non-region collapses (e.g., if someone has collapsed a function definition),
                        // so it's not really just an "ExpandAllRegions" command like we want.  :-(
                        // Note: This command is only available if outlining is enabled and something
                        // in the document is collapsed.
                        const string   ExpandAllCommand = "Edit.ExpandAllOutlining";
                        EnvDTE.Command command          = dte.Commands.Item(ExpandAllCommand, 0);
                        if (command.IsAvailable)
                        TextSelection selection = (TextSelection)dte.ActiveDocument.Selection; // Hook up to the ActiveDocument's selection
                        selection.StartOfDocument();                                           // Shoot to the start of the document

                        string regionBeginRegex = GetRegionBeginRegex(language);

                        // Loop through the document finding all instances of #region. This action has the side benefit
                        // of actually zooming us to the text in question when it is found and ALSO expanding it since it
                        // is an outline.
                        const int FindOptions = (int)vsFindOptions.vsFindOptionsMatchInHiddenText +
                                                (int)vsFindOptions.vsFindOptionsMatchCase +
                        while (selection.FindText(regionBeginRegex, FindOptions))
                            // The FindText command will expand the #region block if "#region" is hidden.

                        selection.StartOfDocument();                         // Shoot us back to the start of the document
                    if (suppressedUI)
                        dte.SuppressUI = false;                         // Reenable the UI
예제 #2
        private void UpdateCallback(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DTE dte = ServiceProvider.GetServiceAsync(typeof(DTE)).Result as DTE;

            if (dte == null)

            TextSelection section = dte.ActiveDocument.Selection as TextSelection;

            // 光标移动至第一行第一列
            section.MoveToLineAndOffset(1, 1);
            bool result = section.FindText("database", (int)vsFindOptions.vsFindOptionsRegularExpression);

            if (!result)
                section.Text = "";
        private Boolean FindCommentEnd(ref TextSelection selection, out int Index)
            var result = selection.FindText(DocumentTag.CommentBaseEnd.JavaDocTag, vsFindOptionsNone);

            Index = selection.CurrentLine;

예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs custom wizard logic when the wizard has completed all tasks.
        /// </summary>
        public void RunFinished()
                // The interface implmentation inserted in the ProjectFinishedGenerating event has its Region twistie open
                // This code is to close the interface implmentation twistie so that the region appears like the common methods and support code twisties

                TL.Enabled = true;
                TL.LogMessage("RunFinished", "Start");

                if (myProjectItem != null) // We do have a project item to work on
                    myProjectItem.Open();  // Open the item for editing
                    TL.LogMessage("RunFinished", "Done Open");

                    Document itemDocument = myProjectItem.Document; // Get the open file's document object
                    TL.LogMessage("RunFinished", "Created Document");

                    itemDocument.Activate(); // Make this the current document
                    TL.LogMessage("RunFinished", "Activated Document");

                    TextSelection documentSelection = (TextSelection)itemDocument.Selection; // Create a document selection
                    TL.LogMessage("RunFinished", "Created Selection object");

                    documentSelection.StartOfDocument(); // GO to the top of the document
                    TL.LogMessage("RunFinished", "Done StartOfDocument Region");

                    string pattern = "[Rr]egion \"*I" + DeviceClass;                                            // Cerate a regular expression string that works for region in both VB and C#
                    TL.LogMessage("", "RegEx search pattern: " + pattern);
                    if (documentSelection.FindText(pattern, (int)vsFindOptions.vsFindOptionsRegularExpression)) // Search for the interface implemnetation start of region
                        // Found the interface implementation region so toggle its twistie closed
                        TL.LogMessage("RunFinished", "Found region I" + DeviceClass + " - " + documentSelection.Text); // Log the line actuall found
                        myDTE.ExecuteCommand("Edit.ToggleOutliningExpansion");                                         // Toggle the twistie closed
                        TL.LogMessage("RunFinished", "Done ToggleOutliningExpansion Region");

                    itemDocument.Close(vsSaveChanges.vsSaveChangesYes); // SAve changes and close the file
                    TL.LogMessage("RunFinished", "Done Save");
                else // No project item so just report this (happens when a test project is being created)
                    TL.LogMessage("RunFinished", "Project item is null, no action taken");
                TL.LogMessage("RunFinished", "End");
            catch (Exception ex)
                TL.LogMessageCrLf(" RunFinished Exception", ex.ToString());                                             // Log any error message
                MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString(), "RunFinished Wizard Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); // Show an error message
        public static void Execute(ProjectItem projectItem)
            TextSelection txtSel = (TextSelection)projectItem.Document.Selection;

            usingSystemFound = false;
            if (txtSel.FindText("using System;"))
                usingSystemFound = true;

            foreach (var codeElement in projectItem.FileCodeModel.CodeElements)
                if ((codeElement as CodeElement) != null)
                    AddCommentsTo(codeElement as CodeElement);
예제 #6
        public static void navigate(KnowledgeController controller, Object tag, String sourceFile)
                log.Debug(" navigation ... ");

                string regExpression = getRegExpr(tag);
                if (regExpression == null)
                string actualString = getActualString(sourceFile, regExpression);
                if (actualString == null)

                Window        textEditor    = controller.environment.ApplicationObject.OpenFile(Constants.vsViewKindCode, sourceFile);
                TextSelection textSelection = (TextSelection)textEditor.Document.Selection;

                // TODO: textSelection.findPattern doesn't work for some reason
                if (textSelection.FindText(actualString, (int)vsFindOptions.vsFindOptionsFromStart))
                    log.Debug("log. actualString is not found in text file, actualString=" + actualString);

                textEditor.Visible = true;
                // TODO: save of the document
            catch (Exception e0)
예제 #7
        private void postCompileCpp(string generatedFile, int mode, string functionOfInterest, string curCodeLine)
            if (!File.Exists(generatedFile))
                package.showMsgBox("Could not find expected output file\n" + generatedFile);

            // clean the preprocessed output
            // TODO: do this in a better way
            if (mode == 2)
                var input = new StreamReader(generatedFile);
                generatedFile = Path.GetTempFileName() + ".cpp";
                var output = new StreamWriter(generatedFile);

                while (input.Peek() >= 0)
                    string curReadLine = input.ReadLine();
                    if (curReadLine != "")

            // TODO: there are a thousand ways to open a file
            //			dte.Documents.Open(asmFile, EnvDTE.Constants.vsViewKindCode);
            //			dte.ExecuteCommand("File.OpenFile", asmFile);
            Window       tmp           = dte.ItemOperations.OpenFile(generatedFile, Constants.vsViewKindCode);
            TextDocument genFileWindow = (TextDocument)tmp.Document.Object("TextDocument");

            // crashes VS
            //			bool ddd = genFileWindow.ReplacePattern("^$\n", "", (int)vsFindOptions.vsFindOptionsRegularExpression);
            // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12453160/remove-empty-lines-in-text-using-visual-studio
            // ^:b*$\n -> ^(?([^\r\n])\s)*\r?$\r?\n

            // now try to find the function the user was looking at

            // if it's a template the fullName will be like ns::bar<T>
            // try to find an instantiation instead then
            int bracketPos = functionOfInterest.IndexOf("<", StringComparison.Ordinal);

            if (bracketPos > 0)
                functionOfInterest = functionOfInterest.Substring(0, bracketPos + 1);

            TextSelection textSelObj = genFileWindow.Selection;

            // first try to find the function
            // TODO: for some reason vsFindOptions.vsFindOptionsFromStart option doesn't work
            bool res = textSelObj.FindText("PROC ; " + functionOfInterest, (int)vsFindOptions.vsFindOptionsMatchCase);

            if (!res && mode == 1)
                dte.StatusBar.Text = "Couldn't find function '" + functionOfInterest + "'";

            // then search for the code line
            // it might not be there if it's optimized away
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(curCodeLine))
                textSelObj.FindText(curCodeLine.Trim(), (int)vsFindOptions.vsFindOptionsMatchCase);

예제 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs custom wizard logic when a project has finished generating.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="project"></param>
        public void ProjectFinishedGenerating(Project project)
            // Iterate through the project items and
            // remove any files that begin with the word "Placeholder".
            // and the Rates class unless it's the Telescope class
            // done this way to avoid removing items from inside a foreach loop
            List <string> rems = new List <string>();

            foreach (ProjectItem item in project.ProjectItems)
                if (item.Name.StartsWith("Placeholder", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
                    item.Name.StartsWith("Rate", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
                    !this.DeviceClass.Equals("Telescope", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    //MessageBox.Show("adding " + item.Name);
            foreach (string item in rems)
                //MessageBox.Show("Deleting " + item);

            // Special handling for VB and C# driver template projects to add the interface implementation to the core driver code
                // Check the name of each item in the project and execute if this is a driver template project (contains Driver.vb or Driver.cs)
                foreach (ProjectItem projectItem in project.ProjectItems)
                    TL.LogMessage("ProjectFinishedGenerating", "Item name: " + projectItem.Name);
                    if ((projectItem.Name.ToUpperInvariant() == "DRIVER.CS") | (projectItem.Name.ToUpperInvariant() == "DRIVER.VB"))
                        driverTemplate = projectItem; // Save the driver item
                        // This is a driver template
                        // Get the filename and directory of the Driver.xx file
                        string directory = Path.GetDirectoryName(projectItem.FileNames[1].ToString());
                        TL.LogMessage("ProjectFinishedGenerating", "File name: " + projectItem.FileNames[1].ToString() + ", Directory: " + directory);
                        TL.LogMessage("ProjectFinishedGenerating", "Found " + projectItem.Name);

                        projectItem.Open(); // Open the item for editing
                        TL.LogMessage("ProjectFinishedGenerating", "Done Open");

                        Document itemDocument = projectItem.Document; // Get the open file's document object
                        TL.LogMessage("ProjectFinishedGenerating", "Created Document");

                        itemDocument.Activate(); // Make this the current document
                        TL.LogMessage("ProjectFinishedGenerating", "Activated Document");

                        TextSelection documentSelection = (TextSelection)itemDocument.Selection; // Create a document selection
                        TL.LogMessage("ProjectFinishedGenerating", "Created Selection object");

                        const string insertionPoint = "//INTERFACECODEINSERTIONPOINT"; // Find the insertion point in the Driver.xx item
                        documentSelection.FindText(insertionPoint, (int)vsFindOptions.vsFindOptionsMatchWholeWord);
                        TL.LogMessage("ProjectFinishedGenerating", "Done INTERFACECODEINSERTIONPOINT FindText:" + documentSelection.Text);

                        // Create the name of the device interface file to be inserted
                        string insertFile = directory + "\\Device" + this.DeviceClass + Path.GetExtension(projectItem.Name);
                        TL.LogMessage("ProjectFinishedGenerating", "Opening file: " + insertFile);

                        documentSelection.InsertFromFile(insertFile); // Insert the required file at the current selection point
                        TL.LogMessage("ProjectFinishedGenerating", "Done InsertFromFile");

                        // Remove the top lines of the inserted file until we get to #Region
                        // These lines are only there to make the file error free in the template develpment project and are not required here
                        documentSelection.SelectLine(); // Select the current line
                        TL.LogMessage("ProjectFinishedGenerating", "Selected initial line: " + documentSelection.Text);
                        while (!documentSelection.Text.ToUpperInvariant().Contains("#REGION"))
                            TL.LogMessage("ProjectFinishedGenerating", "Deleting start line: " + documentSelection.Text);
                            documentSelection.Delete();     // Delete the current line
                            documentSelection.SelectLine(); // Select the new current line ready to test on the next loop

                        // Find the end of file marker that came from the inserted file
                        const string endOfInsertFile = "//ENDOFINSERTEDFILE";
                        documentSelection.FindText(endOfInsertFile, (int)vsFindOptions.vsFindOptionsMatchWholeWord);
                        TL.LogMessage("ProjectFinishedGenerating", "Done ENDOFINSERTEDFILE FindText:" + documentSelection.Text);

                        // Delete the marker line and the last 2 lines from the inserted file
                        TL.LogMessage("ProjectFinishedGenerating", "Found end line: " + documentSelection.Text);
                        while (!documentSelection.Text.ToUpperInvariant().Contains("#REGION"))
                            TL.LogMessage("ProjectFinishedGenerating", "Deleting end line: " + documentSelection.Text);
                            documentSelection.Delete();     // Delete the current line
                            documentSelection.SelectLine(); // Select the new current line ready to test on the next loop
                            TL.LogMessage("ProjectFinishedGenerating", "Found end line: " + documentSelection.Text);

                        // Reformat the document to make it look pretty
                        TL.LogMessage("ProjectFinishedGenerating", "Done SelectAll");
                        TL.LogMessage("ProjectFinishedGenerating", "Done SmartFormat");

                        itemDocument.Save(); // Save the edited file readyfor use!
                        TL.LogMessage("ProjectFinishedGenerating", "Done Save");
                        TL.LogMessage("ProjectFinishedGenerating", "Done Close");

                // Iterate through the project items and remove any files that begin with the word "Device".
                // These are the partial device implementations that are merged in to create a complete device driver template by the code above
                // They are not required in the final project

                // Done this way to avoid removing items from inside a foreach loop
                rems = new List <string>();
                foreach (ProjectItem item in project.ProjectItems)
                    if (item.Name.StartsWith("Device", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        //MessageBox.Show("adding " + item.Name);
                foreach (string item in rems)
                    TL.LogMessage("ProjectFinishedGenerating", "Deleting file: " + item);
            catch (Exception ex)
                TL.LogMessageCrLf("ProjectFinishedGenerating Exception", ex.ToString());                                              // Log any error message
                MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString(), "ProjectFinishedGenerating Wizard Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); // Show an error message

            TL.LogMessage("ProjectFinishedGenerating", "End");
            TL.Enabled = false;
        // Collapses all regions in the current document
        public static void CollapseAllRegions(DTE dte, Language language, MainPackage package, bool showErrors = true)
            if (IsSupportedLanguage(language))
                dte.SuppressUI = true;                 // Disable UI while we do this
                    // Outling must be enabled.  If Outlining is turned off then the rest of this method will get stuck in an infinite loop.
                    // It can be turned off by default from the C# advanced text editor properties, or it can be turned off by running
                    // the Edit.StopOutlining command (e.g., in the Command window or via Edit -> Outlining -> Stop Outlining).
                    // If the Edit.StartAutomaticOutlining command is available, then that means outlining needs to be turned back on.
                    const string   StartOutliningCommand = "Edit.StartAutomaticOutlining";
                    EnvDTE.Command command = dte.Commands.Item(StartOutliningCommand);
                    if (command.IsAvailable)

                    const string ToggleOutliningExpansion = "Edit.ToggleOutliningExpansion";
                    command = dte.Commands.Item(ToggleOutliningExpansion);
                    const int MaxAttempts = 3;
                    int       maxAttempts = command.IsAvailable ? MaxAttempts : 0;

                    string regionBeginRegex = GetRegionBeginRegex(language);

                    // Sometimes VS can't collapse some regions, so we'll try the whole operation a few times if necessary.
                    bool failedToCollapse = true;
                    for (int attempt = 1; attempt <= maxAttempts && failedToCollapse; attempt++)
                        failedToCollapse = false;
                        ExpandAllRegions(dte, language);                                       // Force the expansion of all regions

                        TextSelection selection = (TextSelection)dte.ActiveDocument.Selection; // Hook up to the ActiveDocument's selection
                        selection.EndOfDocument();                                             // Shoot to the end of the document

                        // Find the first occurence of #region from the end of the document to the start of the document.
                        int       currentFindOffset  = 0;
                        int       previousFindOffset = int.MaxValue;
                        const int FindOptions        = (int)vsFindOptions.vsFindOptionsBackwards +
                                                       (int)vsFindOptions.vsFindOptionsMatchCase +
                        while (selection.FindText(regionBeginRegex, FindOptions))
                            currentFindOffset = selection.TopPoint.AbsoluteCharOffset;
                            if (currentFindOffset >= previousFindOffset)
                                // I don't want to get stuck in an infinite loop.  I'd rather throw if something unexpected happens.
                                throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(
                                                                        "FindText did not go backward!  Previous offset: {0}; Current offset: {1}.",

                            // We can ignore matches where #region is used inside a string or single line comment.
                            // However, this still won't detect if it's used inside a multiline comment with the opening
                            // delimiter on another line.
                            string lineText = selection.Text ?? string.Empty;

                            // Make sure the region begin token is the first non-whitespace on the line.
                            Match match = Regex.Match(lineText.TrimStart(), regionBeginRegex);
                            if (match.Success && match.Index == 0)
                                // The SelectLine call above will leave the end anchor on the next line.  If there's no blank line between
                                // a #region line and an XML doc comment after it, then having the end anchor on the line with the
                                // XML doc comment will cause the comment to collapse instead of the #region.  So we'll avoid that
                                // by moving back to the find offset.

                                // Try to increase the chances that the ToggleOutliningExpansion command will be available.

                                // Collapse this #region.  Sometimes VS reports that the Edit.ToggleOutliningExpansion command
                                // isn't available even though it should be.  Poke it and give it a little bit of time to sync up.
                                if (!command.IsAvailable)
                                    const int WaitMilliseconds = 20;
                                    int tempOffset = selection.TopPoint.AbsoluteCharOffset;

                                if (command.IsAvailable)
                                    // If #region is found in a multiline comment, then this will collapse the enclosing block.
                                    // We couldn't collapse a #region.
                                    failedToCollapse = true;

                            // Move to the start of the last FindText match, so we can continue searching backward from there.
                            previousFindOffset = currentFindOffset;

                        selection.StartOfDocument();                         // All done, head back to the start of the doc

                    if (failedToCollapse && package != null && showErrors)
                            "Some regions couldn't be collapsed because Visual Studio's Edit.ToggleOutliningExpansion command wasn't available.",
                    dte.SuppressUI = false;                     // Reenable the UI