public void Create() { _logger = GameObject.Find("Logger").GetComponent <Text>(); _printer = new TextPrinter(_logger); // Initializing variables _tank = GetComponent <Tank>(); if (ScriptPath != "") { // Initializing LUA _luaState = new Lua(); Debug.Log(Environment.CurrentDirectory); Debug.Log("Loading script: " + ScriptPath); try { _mainFile = _luaState.LoadFile(ScriptPath); _mainFile.Call(); SetupPrefs(); RegFuncs(); } catch (LuaException ex) { Debug.LogError("Exception occured while loading Lua script: " + ex); _printer.Print("Exception occured while loading Lua script: " + ex,, true, false); _printer.Endl(); } } else { gameObject.AddComponent <ManualTankController>(); _player = true; } }
public static void Main(String[] args) { Lexer l = new Lexer(new StreamReader(args[0])); Parser p = new Parser(l); Start s = p.Parse(); TextPrinter printer = new TextPrinter(); if (args.Length > 0 && args[0] == "-ansi") { printer.SetColor(true); } //s.Apply(printer); int indexOfLastDot = args[0].LastIndexOf('.'); int extensionLength = args[0].Length - indexOfLastDot; string output = args[0].Remove(indexOfLastDot, extensionLength); CodeGenerator cg = new CodeGenerator(new StreamWriter(output + ".il")); //CodeGenerator cg = new CodeGenerator(Console.Out); s.Apply(cg); //comment out later // Console.ReadLine(); }
void Start() { textPrinterScript = GetComponent <TextPrinter>(); myRigidbody = GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); isGrounded = true; animator = GetComponent <Animator>(); }
public MainForm() { InitializeComponent(); print = new TextPrinter(new Font("Verdana", 9.0f, FontStyle.Bold)); hudPage = HudPages.ModelStats; hudBackColor = Color.FromArgb(96, Color.Black); glControl1.VSync = Properties.Settings.Default.VSync; enableHUDToolStripMenuItem.Checked = Properties.Settings.Default.EnableHUD; disableAllShadersToolStripMenuItem.Checked = Properties.Settings.Default.DisableAllShaders; enableSkeletalRenderingToolStripMenuItem.Checked = Properties.Settings.Default.EnableSkeletalStuff; iconImageListSmall = new ImageList() { ColorDepth = ColorDepth.Depth32Bit, ImageSize = new Size(16, 16) }; iconImageListSmall.Images.Add("folderc", Win32.GetFolderIcon(Win32.IconSize.Small, Win32.FolderType.Closed)); iconImageListSmall.Images.Add("foldero", Win32.GetFolderIcon(Win32.IconSize.Small, Win32.FolderType.Open)); iconImageListSmall.Images.Add("default", Win32.GetDllIcon("shell32.dll", 72, Win32.IconSize.Small)); treeViewEx1.ImageList = iconImageListSmall; treeViewEx1.ImageKey = "folderc"; treeViewEx1.SelectedImageKey = "foldero"; meshToRender = -1; renderError = false; this.Text = Program.Description; }
/// <summary> /// Context unique creation /// </summary> public TGPAContext() { Shots = new List <Shot>(); Enemies = new List <BadGuy>(); Bonuses = new List <Bonus>(); Saver = new Saver(); ParticleManager = new ParticleManager(); ButtonPrinter = new ButtonPrinter(); InputManager = new InputManager(); SongInfo = new SongInfo(); Cheatcodes = new Cheatcodes(); TextPrinter = new TextPrinter(); CurrentGameState = GameState.None; #if WINDOWS IsTrialMode = false; #else IsTrialMode = Guide.IsTrialMode; #endif PaperRect = new Rectangle(180, 630, 640, 150); ScoreMulti = 1f; DamageMulti = 1f; }
public override void Draw(Graphics2D g) { int width = 800; int height = 600; //clear the image to white g.Clear(ColorRGBA.White); // draw a circle Ellipse ellipsePro = new Ellipse(0, 0, 100, 50); for (double angleDegrees = 0; angleDegrees < 180; angleDegrees += 22.5) { var mat = Affine.NewMatix( AffinePlan.Rotate(MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(angleDegrees)), AffinePlan.Translate(width / 2, 150)); VertexStore sp1 = mat.TransformToVxs(ellipsePro.MakeVxs()); g.Render(sp1, ColorRGBA.Yellow); //Stroke ellipseOutline = new Stroke(sp1, 3); g.Render(StrokeHelp.MakeVxs(sp1, 3), ColorRGBA.Blue); } // and a little polygon PathWriter littlePoly = new PathWriter(); littlePoly.MoveTo(50, 50); littlePoly.LineTo(150, 50); littlePoly.LineTo(200, 200); littlePoly.LineTo(50, 150); littlePoly.LineTo(50, 50); g.Render(littlePoly.MakeVertexSnap(), ColorRGBA.Cyan); // draw some text // draw some text var textPrinter = new TextPrinter(); textPrinter.CurrentFont = SvgFontStore.LoadFont(SvgFontStore.DEFAULT_SVG_FONTNAME, 30); //new TypeFacePrinter("Printing from a printer", 30, justification: Justification.Center); VertexStore vxs = textPrinter.CreateVxs("Printing from a printer".ToCharArray()); var affTx = Affine.NewTranslation(width / 2, height / 4 * 3); VertexStore s1 = affTx.TransformToVxs(vxs); g.Render(s1, ColorRGBA.Black); g.Render(StrokeHelp.MakeVxs(s1, 1), ColorRGBA.Red); var aff2 = Affine.NewMatix( AffinePlan.Rotate(MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(90)), AffinePlan.Translate(40, height / 2)); g.Render(aff2.TransformToVertexSnap(vxs), ColorRGBA.Black); }
public void Setup(int canvasW, int canvasH) { //-------------------------------------- //TODO: review here again DrawingGL.Text.Utility.SetLoadFontDel( fontfile => { if (File.Exists("DroidSans.ttf")) { using (Stream s = new FileStream("DroidSans.ttf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) using (var ms = new MemoryStream()) // This is a simple hack because on Xamarin.Android, a `Stream` created by `AssetManager.Open` is not seekable. { s.CopyTo(ms); return(new MemoryStream(ms.ToArray())); } } return(null); }); //-------------------------------------- simpleCanvas = new SimpleCanvas(canvasW, canvasH); var text = "Typography"; //optional .... //var directory = AndroidOS.Environment.ExternalStorageDirectory; //var fullFileName = Path.Combine(directory.ToString(), "TypographyTest.txt"); //if (File.Exists(fullFileName)) //{ // text = File.ReadAllText(fullFileName); //} //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- //we want to create a prepared visual object *** //textContext = new TypographyTextContext() //{ // FontFamily = "DroidSans.ttf", //corresponding to font file Assets/DroidSans.ttf // FontSize = 64,//size in Points // FontStretch = FontStretch.Normal, // FontStyle = FontStyle.Normal, // FontWeight = FontWeight.Normal, // Alignment = DrawingGL.Text.TextAlignment.Leading //}; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- //create blank text run textRun = new TextRun(); //generate glyph run inside text text run TextPrinter textPrinter = simpleCanvas.TextPrinter; textPrinter.FontFilename = "DroidSans.ttf"; //corresponding to font file Assets/DroidSans.ttf textPrinter.FontSizeInPoints = 64; // simpleCanvas.TextPrinter.GenerateGlyphRuns(textRun, text.ToCharArray(), 0, text.Length); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
public FPSDisplay() { textPrinter = new TextPrinter(TextQuality.High); this.Color = Color.Black; AccumCount = 100; accumTime = 0; timeBuffer = new LinkedList <double>(); }
public void ReprintAllText() { TextPrinter.ClearText(); foreach (ChatBufferItem item in textBuffer) { ProcessBufferItem(item, false); } }
public void ReprintAllText() { TextPrinter.ClearText(); PrintLastLog(); foreach (object obj in textBuffer) { ProcessIM(obj, false); } }
private void PrintLastLog() { string last = string.Empty; try { last = ReadEndTokens(instance.ChatFileName(sessionName + ".txt"), 20, Encoding.UTF8, Environment.NewLine); } catch { } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(last)) { return; } string[] lines = last.Split(Environment.NewLine.ToCharArray()); foreach (var line in lines) { string msg = line.Trim(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(msg)) { /* * if(fontSettings.ContainsKey("History")) * { * var fontSetting = fontSettings["History"]; * TextPrinter.ForeColor = fontSetting.ForeColor; * TextPrinter.BackColor = fontSetting.BackColor; * TextPrinter.Font = fontSetting.Font; * } * else * { * TextPrinter.ForeColor = SystemColors.GrayText; * TextPrinter.BackColor = Color.Transparent; * TextPrinter.Font = Settings.FontSetting.DefaultFont; * } */ TextPrinter.PrintTextLine(msg); } } /* * if(fontSettings.ContainsKey("History")) * { * var fontSetting = fontSettings["History"]; * TextPrinter.ForeColor = fontSetting.ForeColor; * TextPrinter.BackColor = fontSetting.BackColor; * TextPrinter.Font = fontSetting.Font; * } * else * { * TextPrinter.ForeColor = SystemColors.GrayText; * TextPrinter.BackColor = Color.Transparent; * TextPrinter.Font = Settings.FontSetting.DefaultFont; * } */ TextPrinter.PrintTextLine("===="); }
public TextController(MonoBehaviour consumer) { canvas = consumer.GetComponent <Text>(); mesh = consumer.GetComponent <TextMesh>(); //Pro = consumer.GetComponent<TextMeshPro>(); //uGUIPro = consumer.GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>(); input = consumer.GetComponent <InputField>(); twife = consumer.GetComponent <TextPrinter>(); }
public AggCanvasPainter(ImageGraphics2D graphic2d) { this.gx = graphic2d; this.sclineRas = gx.ScanlineRasterizer; this.stroke = new Stroke(1);//default this.scline = graphic2d.ScanlinePacked8; this.sclineRasToBmp = graphic2d.ScanlineRasToDestBitmap; this.textPrinter = new TextPrinter(); }
public void PrintDocumentToFile(String Filename, String Type, String Template, Int64 documentId, String connectionstring) { datacollection = new DataSet(); port = new FilePort(Filename); printer = PrinterFactory.getPrinter(Type); port.SetDocumentName("CDS DOC " + documentId); job = printer.getDefaultJobProperties(); PrintDocumentFromTemplate(Template, documentId, connectionstring); printer.endJob(); }
public void Test_Printer_Types() { //arrange TextPrinter printer = new TextPrinter("utterance"); //act printer.Type(); //assert Assert.IsTrue(printer.Typed.Length == "utterance".Length); }
public void Test_Printer_Prints() { //arrange TextPrinter printer = new TextPrinter("utterance"); //act Assert.IsTrue(string.IsNullOrEmpty(printer.Printed)); printer.Print(); //assert Assert.IsTrue(printer.Printed == "utterance"); }
private void btnPrint_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (rbImage.Checked) { ImagePrinter imagePrinter = new ImagePrinter(Convert.ToInt32(txtHeight.Text), Convert.ToInt32(txtWidth.Text)); Status(imagePrinter); } else if (rbtext.Checked) { TextPrinter textPrinter = new TextPrinter(Convert.ToInt32(txtHeight.Text), Convert.ToInt32(txtWidth.Text)); Status(textPrinter); } }
/// <summary> /// Global content loading /// </summary> /// <param name="Content"></param> public void LoadContent(ContentManager Content) { ParticleManager.LoadContent(Content); ButtonPrinter.LoadContent(Content); TextPrinter.LoadContent(Content); BonusTex = Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"gfx/bonus"); ShotsTex = Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"gfx/tirs"); HudTex = Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"gfx/hud"); NullTex = Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"gfx/1x1"); SongInfo.LoadContent(Content); }
public static void Main(String[] args) { Lexer l = new Lexer(Console.In); Parser p = new Parser(l); Start s = p.Parse(); TextPrinter printer = new TextPrinter(); if (args.Length > 0 && args[0] == "-ansi") { printer.SetColor(true); } s.Apply(printer); }
public void DisplayNotification(string message) { if (instance.MainForm.InvokeRequired) { instance.MainForm.Invoke(new System.Windows.Forms.MethodInvoker(() => DisplayNotification(message))); return; } if (ShowTimestamps) { /* * if(fontSettings.ContainsKey("Timestamp")) * { * var fontSetting = fontSettings["Timestamp"]; * TextPrinter.ForeColor = fontSetting.ForeColor; * TextPrinter.BackColor = fontSetting.BackColor; * TextPrinter.Font = fontSetting.Font; * TextPrinter.PrintText(DateTime.Now.ToString("[HH:mm] ")); * } * else * { * TextPrinter.ForeColor = SystemColors.GrayText; * TextPrinter.BackColor = Color.Transparent; * TextPrinter.Font = Settings.FontSetting.DefaultFont; * TextPrinter.PrintText(DateTime.Now.ToString("[HH:mm] ")); * } */ } /* * if(fontSettings.ContainsKey("Notification")) * { * var fontSetting = fontSettings["Notification"]; * TextPrinter.ForeColor = fontSetting.ForeColor; * TextPrinter.BackColor = fontSetting.BackColor; * TextPrinter.Font = fontSetting.Font; * } * else * { * TextPrinter.ForeColor = Color.DarkCyan; * TextPrinter.BackColor = Color.Transparent; * TextPrinter.Font = Settings.FontSetting.DefaultFont; * } */ instance.LogClientMessage(sessionName + ".txt", message); TextPrinter.PrintTextLine(message); }
public void PrintDocument(String Printer, String Type, String Template, Int64 documentId, String connectionstring) { datacollection = new DataSet(); port = new WindowsPrinter(Printer); printer = PrinterFactory.getPrinter(Type); port.SetDocumentName("CDS DOC " + documentId); job = printer.getDefaultJobProperties(); job.draftQuality = true; job.pitch = 10; //job.paperSize = PaperSize.LETTER; PrintDocumentFromTemplate(Template, documentId, connectionstring); printer.endJob(); }
void OnEnable() { if (rp == null) { rp = GameObject.Find("Response_Pannel").GetComponent <ResponsePrinter> (); } if (tp == null) { tp = GameObject.Find("Text_pannel").GetComponent <TextPrinter> (); } if (terminal == null) { terminal = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <Terminal> (); } //newNodeStart += SetNodeTags; //nodeCleanup += UnSetNodeTags; //newNodeStart += ExecuteNode; rp.onButtonSubmit += FindNextNode; tp.onNodeChange += GetNodePassage; }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { /* up1Prefab = Resources.Load(textPrinterScript.levelTask[textPrinterScript.letterIndex].ToString() ,typeof(GameObject)) as GameObject; * if (up1Prefab != null) * { * Instantiate(up1Prefab,letterPositions[0].transform.position,Quaternion.identity,letterPositions[0].transform); * }*/ textPrinterScript = GameObject.Find("Player").GetComponent <TextPrinter>(); down = Instantiate(letter, letterPositions[1].transform.position, Quaternion.identity, letterPositions[1].transform) as GameObject; down.transform.GetChild(0).transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Text>().text = textPrinterScript.levelTask[textPrinterScript.letterIndex].ToString(); down.GetComponent <Letter>().whichLetter = textPrinterScript.levelTask[textPrinterScript.letterIndex].ToString(); up = Instantiate(letter, letterPositions[0].transform.position, Quaternion.identity, letterPositions[0].transform) as GameObject; up.transform.GetChild(0).transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Text>().text = textPrinterScript.levelTask[textPrinterScript.letterIndex + 1].ToString(); up.GetComponent <Letter>().whichLetter = textPrinterScript.levelTask[textPrinterScript.letterIndex + 1].ToString(); //down = Instantiate(Resources.Load(textPrinterScript.levelTask[textPrinterScript.letterIndex].ToString()), letterPositions[1].transform.position,Quaternion.identity,letterPositions[1].transform) as GameObject; //up = Instantiate(Resources.Load(textPrinterScript.levelTask[textPrinterScript.letterIndex+1].ToString()), letterPositions[0].transform.position,Quaternion.identity,letterPositions[0].transform) as GameObject; }
public static void Main(String[] args) { Lexer l = new Lexer(new StreamReader(args[0])); Parser p = new Parser(l); Start s = p.Parse(); TextPrinter printer = new TextPrinter(); if (args.Length > 0 && args[0] == "-ansi") { printer.SetColor(true); } s.Apply(printer); SemanticAnalyzer sa = new SemanticAnalyzer(); s.Apply(sa); //Console.WriteLine("Press anykey to close..."); //Console.ReadKey(); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { var data = "Hello World !"; AbstractMediator abstractMediator = new Mediator.Mediator(); AbstractPrinter textPrinter = new TextPrinter(abstractMediator); AbstractPrinter xmlPrinter = new XmlPrinter(abstractMediator); AbstractPrinter htmlPrinter = new HtmlPrinter(abstractMediator); abstractMediator.Register(textPrinter); abstractMediator.Register(xmlPrinter); abstractMediator.Register(htmlPrinter); Console.WriteLine("Text Printer talking ......\n"); textPrinter.Print(data, textPrinter.PrinterType); textPrinter.PrintToOtherFormat(data, xmlPrinter.PrinterType, textPrinter.PrinterType); Console.WriteLine("\nText Printer talking ......\n"); xmlPrinter.Print(data, xmlPrinter.PrinterType); xmlPrinter.PrintToOtherFormat(data, textPrinter.PrinterType, xmlPrinter.PrinterType); Console.WriteLine("\nText Printer talking ......\n"); htmlPrinter.PrintToOtherFormat(data, xmlPrinter.PrinterType, htmlPrinter.PrinterType); }
protected void CalculateSizesAndLoadFonts() { double windowWidth = this.Width, windowHeight = this.Height; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Settings.GameDescription)) { // Reserve part of the top screen space for the description text windowHeight *= 0.93; } double descriptionHeight = (this.Height - windowHeight); pixelSize = Math.Min(windowWidth, windowHeight) / (double)Settings.Tiles; textureOffset = (pixelSize - (pixelSize * 0.85f)) / 2.0f; buttonSize = pixelSize * 0.35f; halfButtonSize = buttonSize / 2.0f; boardSize = pixelSize * Settings.Tiles; boardLeft = ((double)windowWidth - boardSize) / 2.0f; boardTop = descriptionHeight + (((double)windowHeight - boardSize) / 2.0f); //timerBoxSize = Math.Max(boardLeft, boardTop) * 0.5f; timerBoxSize = boardLeft * 0.65f; timerBoxMargin = timerBoxSize * 0.1f; // Load fonts teamNameText = new TextPrinter(Brushes.White, new Font(FontFamily.GenericMonospace, (float)buttonSize * 0.9f, FontStyle.Bold)); smallScoreText = new TextPrinter(Brushes.White, new Font(FontFamily.GenericMonospace, (float)buttonSize * 0.50f, FontStyle.Bold)); bigScoreText = new TextPrinter(Brushes.White, new Font(FontFamily.GenericMonospace, (float)buttonSize * 0.75f, FontStyle.Bold)); communalScoreText = new TextPrinter(Brushes.White, new Font(FontFamily.GenericMonospace, (float)timerBoxSize * 0.40f, FontStyle.Bold)); descriptionText = new TextPrinter(Brushes.White, new Font(FontFamily.GenericSansSerif, (float)descriptionHeight * 0.45f, FontStyle.Bold)); var descriptionSize = descriptionText.Measure(Settings.GameDescription); descriptionPoint.X = ((float)windowWidth - descriptionSize.Width) / 2.0f; descriptionPoint.Y = ((float)descriptionHeight - descriptionSize.Height) / 2.0f; }
private void customGLControl_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { SettingsGUIInit(); StartupExtensionChecks(); Initialization.SetDefaults(); glText = new TextPrinter(new Font("Verdana", 9.0f, FontStyle.Bold)); camera = new Camera(); fpsMonitor = new FPSMonitor(); oglSceneScale = 0.02; ready = true; }
public EntityTextHelper() { _printer = new TextPrinter(TextQuality.Low); _printerFont = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSansSerif, 12, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); }
static Text() { instance = new TextPrinter(); }
public ObjectDisplay() { this.textPrinter = new TextPrinter(TextQuality.High); this.Objects = new Dictionary <string, object>(); this.text = string.Empty; }
public ViewportLabelListener(ViewportBase viewport) { Viewport = viewport; _printer = new TextPrinter(TextQuality.Low); Rebuild(); }
static ListItem() { _writer = new GLTextWriter(); _printer = new TextPrinter(); }