static unsafe void StageError(string message) { TextMode.SaveAttributes(); TextMode.SetAttributes(TextColor.Red, TextColor.Black); TextMode.WriteLine(message); TextMode.RestoreAttributes(); }
public static void Error(string msg) { TextMode.SaveAttributes(); SetErrorTextAttributes(); TextMode.WriteLine(msg); TextMode.RestoreAttributes(); }
public unsafe static void Error(PString8 *msg) { TextMode.SaveAttributes(); SetErrorTextAttributes(); TextMode.WriteLine(msg); TextMode.RestoreAttributes(); }
public static void DisplayBanner() { TextMode.SaveAttributes(); TextMode.SetAttributes(TextColor.BrightWhite, TextColor.Black); TextMode.WriteLine("SharpOS v0.0.1 Copyright (C) 2007 The SharpOS Team ("); TextMode.WriteLine(); TextMode.RestoreAttributes(); }
public static void Start() { if (initialized == false) { Setup(); } // Can we let it like this until after the release? // It hides too much, including the test results ;) // TextMode.ClearScreen (); // EntryModule.DisplayBanner (); //TextMode.SetAttributes (TextColor.Yellow, TextColor.Black); //TextMode.WriteLine ("This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted"); //TextMode.WriteLine ("by local law."); //TextMode.WriteLine ("This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it"); //TextMode.WriteLine ("under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3.0 with the"); //TextMode.WriteLine ("GNU Classpath linking exception."); //TextMode.WriteLine (); TextMode.SetAttributes(TextColor.White, TextColor.Black); TextMode.Write("Welcome to "); bool changingColor = TextMode.SaveAttributes(); if (changingColor) { TextMode.SetAttributes(TextColor.LightGreen, TextMode.Background); } TextMode.Write("Sharp"); if (changingColor) { TextMode.SetAttributes(TextColor.LightCyan, TextMode.Background); } TextMode.Write("OS"); if (changingColor) { TextMode.SetAttributes(TextColor.White, TextMode.Background); } TextMode.Write("!"); if (changingColor) { TextMode.RestoreAttributes(); } TextMode.WriteLine(); TextMode.WriteLine(CommandTableHeader.inform_USE_HELP_COMMANDS); TextMode.WriteLine(); WritePrompt(); running = true; }
public unsafe static void Warning(string msg) { TextMode.SaveAttributes(); PString8 *buf = PString8.Wrap(intermediateStringBuffer, MaxMessageLength); SetWarningTextAttributes(); buf->Concat("Warning: "); buf->Concat(msg); TextMode.WriteLine(buf); TextMode.RestoreAttributes(); }
/// <summary> /// Performs a new test, optionally printing it and/or recording it in memory. /// </summary> public unsafe static void Test(bool result, string source, string name) { CString8 *sourceStr = CString8.Copy(source); CString8 *nameStr = CString8.Copy(name); if (PrintTestcases) { Debug.COM1.Write(sourceStr); Debug.COM1.Write(": "); Debug.COM1.Write(nameStr); Debug.COM1.Write(" ... "); TextMode.SaveAttributes(); if (result) { Debug.COM1.WriteLine("PASS"); } else { Debug.COM1.WriteLine("FAIL"); } TextMode.RestoreAttributes(); } if (RecordTestcases) { TestRecord *rec = (TestRecord *)MemoryManager.Allocate((uint)sizeof(TestRecord)); rec->Source = sourceStr; rec->Name = nameStr; rec->Result = result; rec->Next = null; if (Records == null) { Records = rec; } else { GetLastTest()->Next = rec; } } else { MemoryManager.Free(sourceStr); MemoryManager.Free(nameStr); } }
public static void Execute(CommandExecutionContext *context) { // ARCHDEPENDS: X86 IProcessor[] cpus = Architecture.GetProcessors(); TextMode.SaveAttributes(); for (int i = 0; i < cpus.Length; i++) { ProcessorType type = cpus[i].ArchType; if (type == ProcessorType.IA32) { RenderItem("Architecture: ", "IA32"); } if (type == ProcessorType.IA64) { RenderItem("Architecture: ", "IA64"); } if (type == ProcessorType.Unknown) { RenderItem("Architecture: ", "Unknown"); } RenderItem("CPU Vendor: ", cpus[i].VendorName); RenderItem("CPU Brand: ", cpus[i].BrandName); RenderItem("CPU Family: ", cpus[i].FamilyName); RenderItem("CPU Model: ", cpus[i].ModelName); //RenderItem("CPU ClockSpeed: ", cpus[i].ClockSpeed); //RenderItem("CPU CacheSize: ", cpus[i].CacheSize); RenderItemTitle("CPU Flags: "); ProcessorFeature[] features = cpus[i].Features; for (int f = 0; f < features.Length; f++) { if (features[f] == null) { TextMode.Write("? "); continue; } TextMode.Write(features[f].FeatureName); TextMode.Write(" "); } TextMode.WriteLine(); TextMode.RestoreAttributes(); } }
public static unsafe void Timer(uint ticks) { if (ticks % SharpOS.Kernel.ADC.Timer.GetFrequency() == 0) { int x, y; TextMode.GetCursor(out x, out y); TextMode.SaveAttributes(); TextMode.MoveTo(0, 24); TextMode.SetAttributes(TextColor.Yellow, TextColor.Red); Clock.Write(); TextMode.RestoreAttributes(); TextMode.MoveTo(x, y); } Shell.Prompter.Pulse(); }
public static void Execute(CommandExecutionContext *context) { byte *rawbuf = stackalloc byte [EntryModule.MaxKeyMapNameLength]; if (context->parameters->Compare("--list") == 0) { ListKeyMaps(); } else if (context->parameters->Compare(0, "--set ", 0, 6) == 0 && context->parameters->Length > 6) { PString8 *buf = PString8.Wrap(rawbuf, EntryModule.MaxKeyMapNameLength); buf->Clear(); TextMode.Write(context->parameters->Length); TextMode.WriteLine(); buf->Concat(context->parameters, 6, context->parameters->Length - 6); if (KeyMap.GetBuiltinKeyMap(buf) == null) { TextMode.SaveAttributes(); TextMode.Foreground = TextColor.Red; TextMode.Write("Unknown keymap `"); TextMode.Write(buf); TextMode.Write("'"); TextMode.RestoreAttributes(); } else { TextMode.Write("Setting key map to `"); TextMode.Write(buf); TextMode.Write("'"); KeyMap.SetKeyMap(buf); } } else if (context->parameters->Length == 0) { TextMode.Write("Current key map: "); TextMode.WriteLine(KeyMap.GetCurrentKeyMapName()); } else { TextMode.WriteLine("Usage: keymap [--list|--set NAME]"); } }
/// <summary> /// Induce a kernel panic. Prints the meessage, stage, and error code /// then halts the computer. /// <summary> public unsafe static void Panic(string msg, KernelStage stage, KernelError code) { TextMode.Write("Panic: "); TextMode.WriteLine(msg); #if false PString8 *buf = PString8.Wrap(intermediateStringBuffer, MaxMessageLength); buf->Concat("Stage: "); buf->Concat((int)stage, false); buf->ConcatLine(); buf->Concat(" Error: "); buf->Concat((int)code, false); buf->ConcatLine(); TextMode.SaveAttributes(); SetErrorTextAttributes(); TextMode.ClearScreen(); TextMode.WriteLine("SharpOS"); TextMode.WriteLine("Kernel Panic. Your system was halted to ensure your security."); TextMode.Write(" Stage: "); TextMode.Write((int)stage, false); TextMode.WriteLine(); TextMode.Write(" Error: "); TextMode.Write((int)code, false); TextMode.WriteLine(); TextMode.WriteLine(); TextMode.WriteLine(" , "); TextMode.WriteLine(" |\\ /\\/ \\/| ,_"); TextMode.WriteLine(" ; \\/` '; , \\_',"); TextMode.WriteLine(" \\ / "); TextMode.WriteLine(" '. .' /`."); TextMode.WriteLine(" jgs `~~` , /\\ `\"`"); TextMode.WriteLine(" . `\""); TextMode.WriteLine(); TextMode.WriteLine("The SharpOS Project would appreciate your feedback on this bug."); TextMode.RestoreAttributes(); #endif EntryModule.Halt(); }
public static void Execute(CommandExecutionContext *context) { bool onlyFail = false; bool onlyPass = false; bool showTest = false; CString8 *source = null; //int sourceColumn = 32; int idColumn = 6; int id = 0; SharpOS.Kernel.Foundation.Testcase.TestRecord *rec = null; rec = SharpOS.Kernel.Foundation.Testcase.GetFirstTest(); if (context->parameters->Compare("--fail") == 0) { onlyFail = true; } else if (context->parameters->Compare("--pass") == 0) { onlyPass = true; } else if (context->parameters->Compare("--source ", 0, 9) == 0) { source = context->parameters->Substring(9); } else if (context->parameters->Length > 0) { showTest = true; id = Convert.ToInt32(context->parameters); if (id < 0 || id > SharpOS.Kernel.Foundation.Testcase.GetTestCount()) { Diagnostics.Error("testcase: no such test"); return; } } while ((rec = SharpOS.Kernel.Foundation.Testcase.GetTest(id)) != null) { TextMode.SaveAttributes(); if (onlyFail && rec->Result != false) { ++id; continue; } if (onlyPass && rec->Result == false) { ++id; continue; } if (source != null && rec->Source->Compare(source) != 0) { ++id; continue; } if (showTest) { TextMode.Write("Test #"); TextMode.Write(id); TextMode.Write(": "); TextMode.WriteLine(rec->Name); TextMode.Write(" Source : "); TextMode.WriteLine(rec->Source); TextMode.Write(" Result : "); TextMode.SaveAttributes(); if (rec->Result) { TextMode.Foreground = TextColor.Green; TextMode.Write("PASS"); } else { TextMode.Foreground = TextColor.Red; TextMode.Write("FAIL"); } TextMode.RestoreAttributes(); TextMode.WriteLine(); } TextMode.Write("#"); TextMode.Write(id); TextMode.Write(" "); TextMode.CursorLeft = idColumn; if (rec->Result) { TextMode.Foreground = TextColor.Green; TextMode.Write("PASS : "******"FAIL : "); } TextMode.RestoreAttributes(); TextMode.Write(rec->Name); TextMode.WriteLine(); if (showTest) { break; } ++id; } if (source != null) { MemoryManager.Free(source); } }
public unsafe static void BootEntry(uint magic, uint pointer, uint kernelStart, uint kernelEnd) { // Initialize architecture-specific portion of the kernel Architecture.Setup(); // Set up text mode display TextMode.Setup(); TextMode.SetAttributes(TextColor.Yellow, TextColor.Black); TextMode.ClearScreen(); TextMode.SetCursor(0, 0); // Write the banner DisplayBanner(); StageMessage("Multiboot setup..."); if (!Multiboot.Setup(magic, pointer, kernelStart, kernelEnd)) { StageError("Error: multiboot loader required!"); return; } kernelStartLoc = (void *)kernelStart; kernelEndLoc = (void *)kernelEnd; StageMessage("Commandline setup..."); CommandLine.Setup(); StageMessage("PageAllocator setup..."); PageAllocator.Setup( Multiboot.KernelAddress, Multiboot.KernelSize, Multiboot.UpperMemorySize + 1000); StageMessage("MemoryManager setup..."); ADC.MemoryManager.Setup(); StageMessage("Debug setup..."); Debug.Setup(); // Must be done after MemoryManager setup. StageMessage("Runtime setup..."); ExceptionHandling.Setup(); StageMessage("Event Dispatch setup..."); SimpleEventDispatch.Setup(); StageMessage("Device setup..."); DeviceSystem.Boot.Start(); Debug.Setup2(); StageMessage("Diagnostic Tool setup..."); DiagnosticTool.Server.Setup(); StageMessage("Scheduler setup..."); ThreadManager.Setup(); StageMessage("File System setup..."); FileSystem.Boot.Start(); //StageMessage ("Clock setup..."); Clock.Setup(); StageMessage("Keymap setup..."); KeyMap.Setup(); StageMessage("Keyboard setup..."); Keyboard.Setup(); StageMessage("Console setup..."); SharpOS.Kernel.Console.Setup(); TextMode.SaveAttributes(); TextMode.SetAttributes(TextColor.LightGreen, TextColor.Black); TextMode.WriteLine(""); TextMode.WriteLine("Pinky: What are we gonna do tonight, Brain?"); TextMode.WriteLine("The Brain: The same thing we do every night, Pinky - Try to take over the world!"); TextMode.RestoreAttributes(); //SharpOS.Kernel.Memory.PageAllocator.DumpInfo (); #if KERNEL_TESTS // Testcases MemoryManager.__RunTests(); ByteString.__RunTests(); StringBuilder.__RunTests(); CString8.__RunTests(); PString8.__RunTests(); InternalSystem.String.__RunTests(); Runtime.__RunTests(); Debug.COM1.WriteLine("Failed AOT Tests:"); //SharpOS.Kernel.Tests.Wrapper.Run (); Debug.COM1.WriteLine(); Debug.COM1.WriteLine("Kernel Tests:"); #endif /* * void* thread = ThreadManager.CreateThread(Stubs.GetFunctionPointer ("TEST")); * void* thread2 = ThreadManager.CreateThread(Stubs.GetFunctionPointer ("TEST2")); * * ThreadManager.ScheduleThread(thread); * ThreadManager.ScheduleThread(thread2); * ThreadManager.Enabled = true; */ //Multiboot.WriteMultibootInfo(); StageMessage("Shell setup..."); SharpOS.Kernel.Shell.Prompter.Setup(); SharpOS.Kernel.Shell.Prompter.Start(); SetKernelStage(KernelStage.Diagnostics); // Infinite loop used to halt the processors //FIXME We must know on each processor the current thread runs on. // Halt all other procs, then halt the current one. IProcessor[] procs = Architecture.GetProcessors(); int procCount = Architecture.GetProcessorCount(); while (stayInLoop) { for (int i = 0; i < procCount; i++) { procs[i].Halt(); } } }