public void LogToTextFile_Success() { logger.Write(ex); var success = true; success.Should().BeTrue(); }
public void Write(LogLevel level, Exception ex, string format, params object[] args) { if (Config.LoggerOptions.EnableConsoleLogger) { _consoleLogger.Write(level, ex, string.Format(format, args)); } _textFileLogger.Write(level, ex, string.Format(format, args)); }
public MerakiModule(TextFileLogger logger, SmartFlowContext context) : base("/meraki") { // Meraki will use this to validate we are the correct host Get["/"] = _ => Settings.Default.Validator; Post["/"] = _ => { var req = this.Bind<MerakiDto>(); // secret didnt match, return FORBIDDEN if (req.Secret != Settings.Default.Secret) return 403; // log to file (will log to database once its all working etc..) logger.Write(req.ToString(), Enums.LogLevel.Information); var floors = req.Data.ApFloors.Select(x => x.ToFloorEntity(req.Data.ApMac)); foreach (var floor in floors) { if (context.Floors.Any(x => x.ApMac == floor.ApMac && x.Name == floor.Name)) { context.Floors.Attach(floor); } else { context.Floors.Add(floor); } } var thisTime = DateTime.Now; var isDaylight = TimeZoneInfo.Local.IsDaylightSavingTime(thisTime); var observations = req.Data.Observations.Select(y => new Observation { ApMac = req.Data.ApMac, ClientMac = y.ClientMac, Ipv4 = y.Ipv4, Ipv6 = y.Ipv6, Manufacturer = y.Manufacturer, Os = y.Os, Rssi = y.Rssi, SeenTime = isDaylight ? y.SeenTime.AddHours(1) : y.SeenTime, SeenEpoch = y.SeenEpoch, Location = y.Location != null ? y.Location.ToLocationEntity(req.Data) : null }); context.Observations.AddRange(observations); // return CREATED return 201; }; }
protected override void ConfigureApplicationContainer(TinyIoCContainer container) { base.ConfigureApplicationContainer(container); var logger = new TextFileLogger(Settings.Default.FilePath, "Request", null, 30, "SmartFlow", "1") { MaximumLogSize = 15 }; container.Register(logger); container.Register<JsonSerializer, SmartFlowJsonSerializer>(); logger.Write("Logging Configured", Enums.LogLevel.Information); }
public void LogInfoAndOpenFile() { logger.Write(Logger.MessageType.Info, "Test for logging info"); }