예제 #1
    void Start()
        // Check whether being in cliffScene (for the trailer animation) or in mainAIScene (for demonstrating/testing)

        trailerAnim = (Global.GetCurrentScene() == Global.cliffScene);


        if (trailerAnim)
            // Create dialogue windows

            GameObject TextFieldObj = (GameObject)Resources.Load("DragonWorld/GUI/TextFieldObj");

            titleTextfield = (TextFieldScript)Instantiate(TextFieldObj).GetComponent(typeof(TextFieldScript));
            titleTextfield.InitializeTextField(-50, -125, Screen.width + 100, 200, 10, 8, false, new Color(1f, 1f, 1), 150, FontStyle.Bold);

            titleTextfield.AddTextLine("       Genisys Of Dragons");

            dragonTextfield = (TextFieldScript)Instantiate(TextFieldObj).GetComponent(typeof(TextFieldScript));
            dragonTextfield.InitializeTextField(2000, 400, 600, 50, 10, 2, false, new Color(0.8f, 1, 0.8f), 35, FontStyle.BoldAndItalic);

            tamerTextfield = (TextFieldScript)Instantiate(TextFieldObj).GetComponent(typeof(TextFieldScript));
            tamerTextfield.InitializeTextField(10, Screen.height + 200, Screen.width - 40, 50, 10, 2, false, new Color(0.8f, 0.8f, 1), 35, FontStyle.Bold);

        followerOffset = new Vector3(0, -2.25f, -1);
    void Start()
        // Some coordinates for the GUI
        int fy   = 10;
        int fw   = 400;
        int btx  = 275;
        int fh   = 25;
        int offs = 7;

        VSphere sphere = GameObject.Find("SphereControler").GetComponent <VSphere>();

        // Create the title textfield with displaying the FPS and running time
        titleTF = (TextFieldScript)Instantiate(Global.TextFieldObject).GetComponent(typeof(TextFieldScript));
        titleTF.InitializeTextField(10, fy, fw, fh, offs, 5, true, Color.cyan, 18, FontStyle.Bold);

        titleTF.AddTextLine("VR Sphere ");
        titleTF.AddAutoUpdateLine("Current render FPS: ", () => { return(currentFPS.ToString()); });
        titleTF.AddAutoUpdateLine("Total running time: ", () => { return(Time.realtimeSinceStartup.ToString("F2")); });
        titleTF.AddAutoUpdateLine("3D camera position: ", () => { return(Global.mainCameraScr.getPosition().ToString()); });
        titleTF.AddAutoUpdateLine("Current polygons: ", () => { return(sphere.getPolygonCount().ToString()); });

        fy        += 5 * fh + 3 * offs;
        controlsTF = (TextFieldScript)Instantiate(Global.TextFieldObject).GetComponent(typeof(TextFieldScript));
        controlsTF.InitializeTextField(10, fy, fw, fh, offs, 5);
        controlsTF.InitializedActiveLineSettings(btx, offs, () => { Global.mainCameraScr.doubleClick = 0; });
        controlsTF.AddTextLine("<color=#00ffffff>Controls</color>     ");
        controlsTF.AddTextLine("<Double-Click> screen for mouse control");
        controlsTF.AddTextLine("Free camera movement with <WASD> keys");
        controlsTF.AddTextLine("Camera zoom out with <Q>. In with <E>. Or <Scrollwheel>");
        controlsTF.AddTextLine("Loop through predefined points with <Spacebar>");

        fy         += 5 * fh + 3 * offs;
        functionsTF = (TextFieldScript)Instantiate(Global.TextFieldObject).GetComponent(typeof(TextFieldScript));
        functionsTF.InitializeTextField(10, fy, fw, fh, offs, 3);
        functionsTF.InitializedActiveLineSettings(btx, offs, () => { Global.mainCameraScr.doubleClick = 0; });

        functionsTF.AddTextLine("<color=#00ffffff>Settings</color>     ");
        functionsTF.AddActiveLine("Rays: ", "Whether the whole rays should be drawn or the actual desired model.", "",
                                  new string[] { "Object", "Full" }, new System.Action[] { () => { sphere.FullRays = false; },
                                                                                           () => { sphere.FullRays = true; } },
                                  () => { return(sphere.FullRays ? "Full" : "Object"); },

        functionsTF.AddActiveLine("Paused: ", "Model updating is paused or not.", "",
                                  new string[] { "Yes", "No" }, new System.Action[] { () => { sphere.Paused = true; },
                                                                                      () => { sphere.Paused = false; } },
                                  () => { return(sphere.Paused ? "Yes" : "No"); },

        fy       += 3 * fh + 3 * offs;
        previewTF = (TextFieldScript)Instantiate(Global.TextFieldObject).GetComponent(typeof(TextFieldScript));
        previewTF.InitializeTextField(10, fy, fw, fh, offs, 4);
        previewTF.InitializedActiveLineSettings(btx, offs, () => { Global.mainCameraScr.doubleClick = 0; });

        previewTF.AddTextLine("<color=#00ffffff>Preview</color>     ");

         * previewTF.AddActiveLine("Preview Window: ", "The camera input preview is visible or not.", "",
         *                               new string[] { "OFF", "ON" }, new System.Action[] {()=>{sphere.PreviewEnabled = false;},
         *                                                                                  ()=>{sphere.PreviewEnabled = true;} },
         *                                                                                  () => { return (sphere.PreviewEnabled ? "ON" : "OFF"); },
         *                                                                                  KeyCode.P);

        previewTF.AddActiveLine("Preview Mode: ", "Type of preview mode.", "",
                                new string[] { "Last", "Next" }, new System.Action[] { () => { sphere.nextPreviewType(); },
                                                                                       () => { sphere.lastPreviewType(); } },
                                () => { return(sphere.PreviewType.ToString()); },
                                KeyCode.M, KeyCode.DownArrow, KeyCode.UpArrow);

        previewTF.AddActiveLine("Separated Windows: ", "The camera input preview is separated into multiple windows.", "",
                                new string[] { "OFF", "ON" }, new System.Action[] { () => { sphere.PreviewWindowVariant = 2; },
                                                                                    () => { sphere.PreviewWindowVariant = 1; } },
                                () => { return(sphere.PreviewWindowVariant == 1 ? "ON" : "OFF"); },

        previewTF.AddActiveLine("Preview focus: ", "Which camera is in focus in the non-separated preivew window.", "",
                                new string[] { "Last", "Next" }, new System.Action[] { () => { sphere.lastPreviewWindowOrderOffset(); },
                                                                                       () => { sphere.nextPreviewWindowOrderOffset(); } },
                                () => { return(sphere.PreviewWindowOrderOffset.ToString()); },
                                KeyCode.F, KeyCode.UpArrow, KeyCode.DownArrow);