예제 #1
        private void SetHeightDeterminant(TextFieldHeightDeterminant setValue)
            HeightDeterminant = setValue;

            forceAlwaysTextArea    = false;
            alwaysSingleLineHeight = /*!forceAlwaysTextArea && */ setValue == TextFieldHeightDeterminant.Constant;

예제 #2
        /// <inheritdoc cref="IDrawer.Dispose" />
        public override void Dispose()
            PrefixResizeUtility.OnPrefixResizingFinished          -= OnPrefixResizingFinished;
            InspectorUtility.ActiveInspector.State.OnWidthChanged -= UpdateDynamicHeight;

            editField           = false;
            textArea            = false;
            forceAlwaysTextArea = false;
            height = DrawGUI.SingleLineHeight;
            alwaysSingleLineHeight      = false;
            textFieldDrawPosition.width = 0f;
            textAreaDrawPosition.width  = 0f;
            textFieldHeight             = default(TextFieldHeightDeterminant);
            parentDrawnInSingleRow      = false;
            delayed = false;

예제 #3
        protected virtual void Setup(string setValue, LinkedMemberInfo setMemberInfo, IParentDrawer setParent, GUIContent setLabel, bool setReadOnly, bool setTextArea, bool setDelayed)
                        #if DEV_MODE
            if (setValue == null)
                Debug.LogWarning(ToString(setLabel, setMemberInfo) + ".Setup called with null value");

            base.Setup(setValue, typeof(string), setMemberInfo, setParent, setLabel, setReadOnly);

            delayed = setDelayed;

            PrefixResizeUtility.OnPrefixResizingFinished += OnPrefixResizingFinished;

            var inspector = InspectorUtility.ActiveInspector;
            inspector.State.OnWidthChanged += UpdateDynamicHeight;

            parentDrawnInSingleRow = setParent != null && setParent.DrawInSingleRow;

                        #if DEV_MODE && PI_ASSERTATIONS
            inspector.OnNextLayout(() => Debug.Assert(parentDrawnInSingleRow == (setParent != null && setParent.DrawInSingleRow), ToString() + ".parentDrawnInSingleRow was " + parentDrawnInSingleRow + " but now is " + (setParent == null ? "null" : setParent.DrawInSingleRow.ToString())));

            if (parentDrawnInSingleRow)
                textArea            = false;
                forceAlwaysTextArea = false;

                textFieldHeight = TextFieldHeightDeterminant.Constant;
                // if parent is a collection and has the TextArea attribute, then set this as text area
                var parentCollection = setParent as ICollectionDrawer;
                if (parentCollection != null)
                    var parentMemberInfo = parent.MemberInfo;
                    if (parentMemberInfo != null)
                        var parentTextAreaAttribute = parentMemberInfo.GetAttribute <TextAreaAttribute>();
                        if (parentTextAreaAttribute != null)
                            setTextArea = true;
                forceAlwaysTextArea = setTextArea;
                textArea            = setTextArea;

                textFieldHeight = inspector.Preferences.textFieldHeight;

            if (textFieldHeight == TextFieldHeightDeterminant.Constant)
                alwaysSingleLineHeight = !textArea;
                height = MinHeight;
                alwaysSingleLineHeight = false;
                if (textFieldHeight == TextFieldHeightDeterminant.WordWrapping)
                    height = MinHeight;