private void Start()
     texts       = GetComponentsInChildren <Text>(true);
     currentPage = 0;
     player      = FrontSceneManager.player;
     textCanvas  = FrontSceneManager.textCanvas;
예제 #2
        public override void ProcessCanvas(TextCanvas canvas)

            canvas.WriteTextCenter(2, "                       ", White, DarkRed);
            canvas.WriteTextCenter(3, "   <<< GAME OVER >>>   ", White, DarkRed);
            canvas.WriteTextCenter(4, "                       ", White, DarkRed);

            canvas.WriteTextCenter(7, $"{gameOverInfo.Reason}", Yellow, Black);

            canvas.WriteTextCenter(10, $"Player: {gameOverInfo.PlayerName}", Lime, Black);
            canvas.WriteTextCenter(12, $"SCORE: {gameOverInfo.Score}", LightTeal, Black);

            if (placement.HasValue)
                canvas.WriteTextCenter(15, $"Congratulations!", White, Black);
                canvas.WriteTextCenter(16, $"You have earned enough points to be ranked!", Silver, Black);

                int x = placementImage.Size.AsRectangle.CenterAt(canvas.Size.AsRectangle.Center).TopLeft.X;
                int y = canvas.Size.Height - placementImage.Size.Height - 5;

                canvas.DrawImage(placementImage, new Point(x, y));

            canvas.WriteTextCenter(canvas.Size.Height - 2, "-- Presc ESC to back to main menu --", Silver, Black);
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Annotation Viewer on a container
        /// </summary>
        public AnnotationBox()
            _scrollViewer = new ScrollViewer
                VerticalScrollBarVisibility   = ScrollBarVisibility.Auto,
                HorizontalScrollBarVisibility = ScrollBarVisibility.Hidden,
                Margin = new Thickness(3)

            _textViewer           = new TextCanvas(_scrollViewer);
            _scrollViewer.Content = _textViewer;

            WidthRatio         = 0.5;
            HeightRatio        = 0.5;
            CornerRadius       = 8;
            BubblePeakWidth    = 16;
            BubblePeakHeight   = 10;
            BubblePeakPosition = new Point(CornerRadius + BubblePeakWidth + 1, -BubblePeakHeight);
            Padding            = new Thickness(5);
            BorderThickness    = new Thickness(1);
            BorderBrush        = Brushes.Teal;
            Foreground         = Brushes.Teal;
            Background         = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Bisque)
                Opacity = 0.97
            FontSize   = 16;
            FontFamily = new FontFamily("Arial");
            TextAlign  = TextAlignment.Justify;

            Child = _scrollViewer;
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Overwrites whole line at index of row
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="canvas"></param>
        /// <param name="text"></param>
        /// <param name="row"></param>
        /// <param name="rightAligned"></param>
        public static void WriteLine(this TextCanvas canvas, string text, int?row = null, bool rightAligned = false)
            row = row ?? canvas.CurrentRow;

            if (row.Value < 0 || row.Value > canvas.ContentHeight)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(row), row.Value, "Given row is out of range");

            #region Line-wrapping Logic

            if (text.Length > canvas.ContentWidth)
                List <string> rows = FoldText(text, canvas.ContentWidth);

                rows.Last().Fill(canvas.ContentWidth, FillOptions.Default | FillOptions.OverwriteBaseString);

                if (rightAligned)
                    foreach (var rowString in rows)
                        for (int i = rowString.Length - 1, j = 0; i >= 0; i--, j++)
                            canvas.SetCursorPosition(canvas.ContentWidth - j, row.Value + rows.IndexOf(rowString));


                foreach (var rowString in rows)
                    canvas.SetCursorPosition(0, row.Value + rows.IndexOf(rowString));



            if (rightAligned)
                for (int i = text.Length - 1, j = 0; i >= 0 && j < canvas.ContentWidth; i--, j++)
                    canvas.SetCursorPosition(canvas.ContentWidth - j, row.Value);



            canvas.SetCursorPosition(0, row.Value);


        public override void ProcessCanvas(TextCanvas canvas)

            canvas.WriteTextCenter(3, "S N A K E", Color16.White, Color16.Black);
            canvas.WriteTextCenter(5, "Thanks for playing!", Color16.Lime, Color16.Black);
예제 #6
    private void Start()
        fadeCanvas      = GameManager.fadeCanvas.gameObject;
        textCanvas      = FrontSceneManager.textCanvas;
        eventCanvas     = FrontSceneManager.eventCanvas.canvas;
        playerRigidbody = GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
        isStop          = false;
        // diaryFlag = false;
        // tvFlag = false;
        moving = false;

        // get the transform of the main camera
        if (Camera.main != null)
            m_Cam = Camera.main.transform;
                "Warning: no main camera found. Third person character needs a Camera tagged \"MainCamera\", for camera-relative controls.", gameObject);
            // we use self-relative controls in this case, which probably isn't what the user wants, but hey, we warned them!

        // get the third person character ( this should never be null due to require component )
        m_Character       = GetComponent <ThirdCharacter>();
        screenSize        = new Vector2Int(Screen.width, Screen.height);
        maxTouchDistance *= screenSize.x;
예제 #7
        //====== override: Window

        protected override void PaintContent(TextCanvas canvas)
            for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++)
                var foreColor = items[i].IsValueCritical ? Color16.Red : Color16.Lime;

                WriteStatsLine(canvas, new Point(2, 1 + (i * 2)), items[i].Name, items[i].Value, foreColor);
예제 #8
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
     itemImage  = transform.Find("ItemImage").GetComponent <Image>();
     textCanvas = GetComponentInChildren <TextCanvas>(true);
     button     = GetComponentInChildren <Button>(true);
     buttonText = button.GetComponentInChildren <Text>(true);
     cursor = transform.Find("Cursor");
        //====== override: Window

        protected override void PaintContent(TextCanvas canvas)
            var list = hiScoresList.GetList();

            for (int i = 0; i < hiScoresList.Capacity; i++)
                HiScoresEntry entry = (i < list.Count) ? list[i] : null;

                PrintHiScoreItem(canvas, new Point(2, 1 + i), i, entry);
예제 #10
        //====== private methods

        private void PaintTitle(TextCanvas windowView)
            if (windowView.Size.Width < 7)

            var titleView = windowView.Slice(new Rectangle(new Point(2, 0), new Size(windowView.Size.Width - 6, 1)));

            titleView.WriteText(Point.Zero, " " + Title + " ", Appearance.TitleTextColor, Appearance.BackColor);
예제 #11
        //====== private methods

        private void PaintStatsWindow(TextCanvas canvas)
            var statsView = canvas.Slice(canvas.Size.AsRectangle.ChangeWidth(30));


            var app         = new WindowAppearance(Color16.Black, Color16.Teal, Color16.Lime, true);
            var statsWindow = new StatsWindow(playerName, gameLogic.GetStatus(), statsView.Size, app);

            statsWindow.Paint(statsView, Point.Zero);
예제 #12
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
     textCanvas = FrontSceneManager.textCanvas;
     naviCanvas = FrontSceneManager.naviCanvas;
     player     = FrontSceneManager.player;
     itemImage  = FrontSceneManager.naviCanvas.itemImage;
     if (unityEvent == null)
         new UnityEvent();
     countKey = 0;
        private void PrintHiScoreItem(TextCanvas canvas, Point position, int itemIndex, HiScoresEntry entry)
            var color = (entry is null) ? Color16.Gray : Color16.White;

            string name  = entry?.Name ?? "...";
            string score = entry?.Score.ToString() ?? "...";

            name  = name.PadLeft(20, ' ');
            score = score.PadLeft(5, ' ');

            canvas.WriteText(position, $"{itemIndex + 1}. {score} {name}", color, Appearance.BackColor);
예제 #14
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 private void Awake()
     eventButton     = GameObject.Find("EventButton").GetComponent <Button>();
     textCanvas      = GetComponentInChildren <TextCanvas>(true);
     buttonText      = eventButton.GetComponentInChildren <Text>(true);
     naviCanvas      = GetComponentInChildren <NaviCanvas>(true);
     gameOverCanvas  = GetComponentInChildren <GameOverCanvas>(true);
     gameClearCanvas = GetComponentInChildren <GameClearCanvas>(true);
     enemy           = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Enemy").GetComponent <Enemy>();
     player          = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").GetComponent <Player>();
     eventCanvas     = GetComponentInChildren <EventCanvas>(true);
예제 #15
        //====== ctors

        protected ScreenTransition(ITextArrayReader prevGameModuleScreenSnapshot, TextCanvas canvas, GameTime gameTime) : base(gameTime)
            Verify.NotNull(prevGameModuleScreenSnapshot, nameof(prevGameModuleScreenSnapshot));

            this.canvas = Verify.NotNull(canvas, nameof(canvas));

            if (prevGameModuleScreenSnapshot.Size.Equals(canvas.Size) == false)
                throw new ArgumentException($"Sizes are not equal.");

            this.prevGameModuleScreenSnapshot = TextImage.CreateCopyFrom(prevGameModuleScreenSnapshot);
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
     eventCanvas = FrontSceneManager.eventCanvas;
     naviCanvas  = FrontSceneManager.naviCanvas;
     button      = FrontSceneManager.eventButton;
     buttonText  = FrontSceneManager.buttonText;
     textCanvas  = FrontSceneManager.textCanvas;
     firstTime   = true;
     if (unityEvent == null)
         unityEvent = new UnityEvent();
예제 #17
        public static void Focus(
            this TextCanvas canvas,
            ConsoleKeyInfo exitKey,
            Dictionary <ConsoleKeyInfo, Action> keyHandlers)
             * TODO: Show Cursor
             * TODO: Save Input to Buffer
             * ...

            throw new NotImplementedException();
예제 #18
        public void SetUp()
            _mouse    = new TestMouse();
            _keyboard = new TestKeyboard();

            _control = new TextCanvas(new ScrollBar(), new ScrollBar(), TextSettings.Default)
                Width  = 800,
                Height = 600
            _control.Arrange(new Rect(0, 0, 800, 600));
        public override void ProcessCanvas(TextCanvas canvas)
            canvas.WriteTextCenter(1, Resources.TextHiScores, hiScoresAnimation.CurrentFrame, Color16.Black);

            var appearance     = new WindowAppearance(Color16.Black, Color16.Lime, Color16.Yellow);
            var hiScoresWindow = new HiScoresWindow(hiScores, appearance);

            var winPosition = hiScoresWindow.Size.AsRectangle.CenterAt(canvas.Size.AsRectangle.Center).TopLeft;

            hiScoresWindow.Paint(canvas, winPosition);

            canvas.WriteTextCenter(canvas.Size.Height - 2, "-- Presc ESC to back --", Color16.Silver, Color16.Black);
예제 #20
        //====== public methods

        public void DrawCenter(TextCanvas canvas, int y)
            int currentScore = scoreStatus.Value;

            if (lastScore != currentScore || lastImage is null)
                lastImage = new BigDigitsValueRenderer(currentScore, ForeColor).RenderImage();
                lastScore = currentScore;

            int xOffset = (canvas.Size.Width / 2) - (lastImage.Size.Width / 2);

            canvas.DrawImage(lastImage, new Point(xOffset, y));
예제 #21
        public void SetUp()
            _mouse    = new TestMouse();
            _keyboard = new TestKeyboard();
            _columns  = Columns.Minimum.Concat(new[] { PageBufferedLogSource.RetrievalState }).ToList();

            _control = new TextCanvas(new ScrollBar(), new ScrollBar(), TextSettings.Default)
                Width  = 800,
                Height = 600
            _control.Arrange(new Rect(0, 0, 800, 600));
            _control.ChangeTextSettings(new TextSettings(), new TextBrushes(null));
예제 #22
    [SerializeField] GameObject picture;          // 写真のオブジェクト

    void Start()
        // 人物と語尾の定義
        people = new Person[] {
            new Person("マユリ", "だよ〜"),
            new Person("クリス", "よ!"),
            new Person("ルカ", "ですっ"),
            new Person("モエカ", "・・・"),
            new Person("スズハ", "だよ!")
        question    = GetComponent <Text>();
        eventCanvas = FrontSceneManager.eventCanvas;
        textCanvas  = FrontSceneManager.textCanvas;
        public override void ProcessCanvas(TextCanvas canvas)

            canvas.WriteTextCenter(2, Resources.TextCredits, colorAnimation.CurrentFrame, Black);

            canvas.WriteTextCenter(10, "Special thanks to:", LightTeal, Black);
            canvas.WriteTextCenter(12, "No one...", Yellow, Black);

            canvas.WriteTextCenter(16, "2017-2021", Silver, Black);

            canvas.WriteTextCenter(18, "Created by: Eryk Kisieliński", Gray, Black);

            canvas.WriteTextCenter(canvas.Size.Height - 2, "-- Presc ESC to back --", Silver, Black);
예제 #24
        public override void ProcessCanvas(TextCanvas canvas)

            terrainRenderer.Paint(gameLogic.TerrainReader, canvas, new Point(31, 0));


            var scoreView = canvas.Slice(new Rectangle(new Point(1, 21), new Size(28, 76)));

            scoreView.WriteTextCenter(0, new string( '─', scoreView.Size.Width ), Color16.Teal, Color16.Black);
            scoreView.WriteTextCenter(0, " SCORE ", Color16.Yellow, Color16.Black);

            bigDigitsScoreUI.DrawCenter(scoreView, 2);
예제 #25
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 virtual protected void Start()
     button     = FrontSceneManager.eventButton;
     buttonText = FrontSceneManager.buttonText;
     fadeCanvas = GameManager.fadeCanvas;
     textCanvas = FrontSceneManager.textCanvas;
     // audioController = GameManager.audioController;
     naviCanvas      = FrontSceneManager.naviCanvas;
     gameClearCanvas = FrontSceneManager.gameClearCanvas;
     enemy           = FrontSceneManager.enemy.gameObject;
     player          = FrontSceneManager.player.transform;
     if (unityEvent == null)
         unityEvent = new UnityEvent();
예제 #26
        //====== private static methods

        private static void DrawRectangle(TextCanvas canvas, Rectangle rect, bool isFrame)
            if (rect.Size.HasNoArea)

            var backColor = isFrame ? Color16.White : Color16.Black;

            var cell = new TextCell(' ', Color16.Black, backColor);

            canvas.HLine(rect.TopLeft, rect.Size.Width, cell);
            canvas.HLine(rect.BottomLeft, rect.Size.Width, cell);

            canvas.VLine(rect.TopLeft, rect.Size.Height, cell);
            canvas.VLine(rect.TopRight, rect.Size.Height, cell);
예제 #27
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes text on 1 line, does not handle Line-wrapping
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException">Is thrown if text would overflow from canvas</exception>
        /// <param name="canvas"></param>
        /// <param name="text"></param>
        /// <param name="row">Row of "Visible Content"</param>
        public static void Write(this TextCanvas canvas, string text, int?row = null)
            row = row ?? canvas.CurrentRow;

            int widthIndex = canvas.ScreenBuffer[row.Value].Length;

            // Line-wrapping
            if (widthIndex + text.Length > canvas.ContentWidth)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(text), "Text Overflow");


        //====== override: Window

        protected override void PaintContent(TextCanvas canvas)
            var list = optionSelector.OptionsList;

            for (int i = 0; i < list.Options.Count; i++)
                bool isSelected = optionSelector.CurrentOptionIndex == i;

                var color = isSelected ? Color16.White : Color16.Silver;

                canvas.WriteText(new Point(3, 1 + i), list.Options[i].Name, color, Appearance.BackColor);

                if (isSelected)
                    canvas.WriteText(new Point(1, 1 + i), ">", color, Appearance.BackColor);
예제 #29
        public override void ProcessCanvas(TextCanvas canvas)

            canvas.WriteTextCenter(2, Resources.TextLogo, Color16.Red, Color16.Black);

            var menuWindow = new OptionsListWindow <MainMenuEntry>(optionSelector);

            var rectCenter = menuWindow.Size.AsRectangle.CenterAt(canvas.Size.AsRectangle.Center);

            menuWindow.Paint(canvas, rectCenter.TopLeft.AddToY(2));

            // print version

            var version  = 'v' + Resources.SnakeGameVersion;
            var position = new Point(canvas.Size.Width - version.Length - 1, canvas.Size.Height - 1);

            canvas.WriteText(position, version, Color16.Gray, Color16.Black);
예제 #30
        public static void Clear(this TextCanvas canvas, int?rowIndex = null)
            canvas.CurrentRow = 0;

            if (rowIndex == null)
                for (int y = 0; y < canvas.ContentHeight; y++)
                    canvas.SetCursorPosition(0, y);

            // validation
            if (rowIndex.Value > canvas.ContentHeight || rowIndex.Value < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(rowIndex), "Row index cannot overflow canvas's height");

            canvas.SetCursorPosition(0, rowIndex.Value);
