internal void ShowIntellisenseBoxWithoutUpdate() { //if (m_editor.EditController == null) { return; } //our box has some elements, choose the first try { m_IntellisenseBox.SelectedIndex = 0; } catch { } //Get top-left coordinate for our intellisenseBox Point topLeft = m_editor.GetDrawingXPos(m_editor.Caret.Line, m_editor.Caret.Column); // .GetPositionFromCharIndex(m_editor.SelectionStart); topLeft.Offset(0, 18); #region Place the intellisense box, to fit the space... if (m_editor.Size.Height < (topLeft.Y + m_IntellisenseBox.Height)) { topLeft.Offset(0, -18 - 18 - m_IntellisenseBox.Height); } if (m_editor.Size.Width < (topLeft.X + m_IntellisenseBox.Width)) { topLeft.Offset(35 + 15 - m_IntellisenseBox.Width, 0); } if (topLeft.X < 0) { topLeft.X = 0; } if (topLeft.Y < 0) { topLeft.Y = 0; } #endregion m_IntellisenseBox.Location = topLeft; m_IntellisenseBox.Visible = true; m_editor.Focus(); }