예제 #1
 public GridColumnHandler()
     Control   = new Gtk.TreeViewColumn();
     AutoSize  = true;
     Resizable = true;
     DataCell  = new TextBoxCell();
예제 #2
        private void SetupGrid()
            MainGrid.DataStore = ViewModel.Lines;

            MainGrid.ShowHeader = false;


            MainGrid.SelectedItemBinding.BindDataContext <ILogViewerGridViewModel>(m => m.SelectedLine);

            MainGrid.GridLines = GridLines.None;
            MainGrid.Border    = BorderType.None;

            MainGrid.AllowMultipleSelection = true;

            MainGrid.SelectionChanged += MainGrid_SelectionChanged;

            MainGrid.CellFormatting += MainGrid_CellFormatting;

            var cell = new TextBoxCell(nameof(ILogViewerGridViewModel.Lines))
                Binding = Binding.Property <LogModel, string>(m => m.Line),

            var column = new GridColumn()
                DataCell = cell, Width = 2000                             /*, AutoSize = false*/

예제 #3
 protected override void Initialize()
     DataCell = new TextBoxCell();
     Editable = false;
     Sortable = false;
예제 #4
 protected override void Initialize()
     DataCell  = new TextBoxCell(Widget.Generator);
     Editable  = false;
     AutoSize  = true;
     Resizable = true;
예제 #5
 public GridColumnHandler()
     Control   = new swf.DataGridViewColumn();
     DataCell  = new TextBoxCell();
     Editable  = false;
     AutoSize  = true;
     Resizable = true;
예제 #6
 public GridColumnHandler()
     Control = new EtoDataGridViewColumn {
         Handler = this
     DataCell  = new TextBoxCell();
     Editable  = false;
     Resizable = true;
예제 #7
 protected override void Initialize()
     Control.ResizingMask = NSTableColumnResizing.None;
     Sortable             = false;
     HeaderText           = string.Empty;
     Editable             = false;
     AutoSize             = true;
     DataCell             = new TextBoxCell();
예제 #8
 public GridColumnHandler()
     Control = new NSTableColumn();
     Control.ResizingMask = NSTableColumnResizing.None;
     Sortable             = false;
     HeaderText           = string.Empty;
     Editable             = false;
     AutoSize             = true;
     DataCell             = new TextBoxCell();
예제 #9
        public void AddColumn(string caption, int width, bool autoSize = false)
            var cell = new TextBoxCell(Columns.Count);

            GridColumn column = new GridColumn();

            column.HeaderText = caption;
            column.DataCell   = cell;
            column.AutoSize   = autoSize;
            column.Width      = width;
예제 #10
        private GridView GenColorPanel()
            var gridView = new GridView();

            gridView.Height     = 280;
            gridView.Width      = 300;
            gridView.ShowHeader = false;

            gridView.Bind(_ => _.DataStore, _vm, v => v.GridViewDataCollection);
            gridView.SelectedItemsChanged += (s, e) => {
                _vm.SelectedItem = gridView.SelectedItem as ColorDataItem;
            gridView.Bind(_ => _.SelectedRow, _vm, v => v.SelectedRow);

            var cTB = new TextBoxCell();

            gridView.Columns.Add(new GridColumn {
                DataCell = cTB, ID = "Color"

            var nameTB = new TextBoxCell
                Binding = Binding.Delegate <ColorDataItem, string>(_ => _.Text)

            gridView.Columns.Add(new GridColumn {
                DataCell = nameTB

            gridView.CellClick += (s, e) =>
                if (e.Column == 0)

            gridView.CellFormatting += (sender, e) =>
                if (e.Column.ID == "Color")
                    e.BackgroundColor = (e.Item as ColorDataItem).Color;
                    e.ForegroundColor = Eto.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0);

        private GridView GenGridView()
            var gd = new GridView();

            gd.Bind(_ => _.DataStore, _vm, _ => _.GridViewDataCollection);
            gd.SelectedItemsChanged += (s, e) => {
                _vm.SelectedData = gd.SelectedItem as ScheduleRulesetViewData;

            gd.Height = 250;
            var nameTB = new TextBoxCell
                Binding = Binding.Delegate <ScheduleRulesetViewData, string>(r => r.Name)

            gd.Columns.Add(new GridColumn {
                DataCell = nameTB, HeaderText = "Name", Sortable = true

            var typeTB = new TextBoxCell
                Binding = Binding.Delegate <ScheduleRulesetViewData, string>(r => r.TypeLimit)

            gd.Columns.Add(new GridColumn {
                DataCell = typeTB, HeaderText = "Type", Sortable = true

            gd.Columns.Add(new GridColumn
                DataCell = new CheckBoxCell {
                    Binding = Binding.Delegate <ScheduleRulesetViewData, bool?>(r => r.Locked)
                HeaderText = "Locked",
                Sortable   = true
            gd.Columns.Add(new GridColumn
                DataCell = new TextBoxCell {
                    Binding = Binding.Delegate <ScheduleRulesetViewData, string>(r => r.Source)
                HeaderText = "Source",
                Sortable   = true

            // sorting by header
            gd.ColumnHeaderClick += OnColumnHeaderClick;

예제 #12
        public void AddColumn(string caption, int width, bool autoSize = false)
            //if (autoSize) width = -1;
            //Columns.Add(caption, width, HorizontalAlignment.Left);

            var cell = new TextBoxCell(Columns.Count);

            GridColumn column = new GridColumn();

            column.HeaderText = caption;
            column.DataCell   = cell;
            column.AutoSize   = autoSize;
            column.Width      = width;
예제 #13
        private Comparison <T> GetTextComparison(TextBoxCell textBoxCell)
            return((first, second) =>
                string property1 = textBoxCell.Binding.GetValue(first);
                string property2 = textBoxCell.Binding.GetValue(second);

                // Try to compare as numbers if possible. Many columns will only contain numbers.
                if (long.TryParse(property1, out long value1) &&
                    long.TryParse(property2, out long value2))
                    return value1.CompareTo(value2);

                return String.Compare(property1, property2, StringComparison.Ordinal);
        private GridView GenProgramType_GV()
            var gd = new GridView();

            gd.Bind(_ => _.DataStore, _vm, _ => _.GridViewDataCollection);
            gd.SelectedItemsChanged += (s, e) => {
                _vm.SelectedData = gd.SelectedItem as ProgramTypeViewData;

            gd.Height = 250;

            var nameTB = new TextBoxCell
                Binding = Binding.Delegate <ProgramTypeViewData, string>(r => r.Name)

            gd.Columns.Add(new GridColumn {
                DataCell = nameTB, HeaderText = "Name", Sortable = true

            var peopleTB = new CheckBoxCell
                Binding = Binding.Delegate <ProgramTypeViewData, bool?>(r => r.HasPeople)

            gd.Columns.Add(new GridColumn {
                DataCell = peopleTB, HeaderText = "People", Sortable = true

            var lightingTB = new CheckBoxCell
                Binding = Binding.Delegate <ProgramTypeViewData, bool?>(r => r.HasLighting)

            gd.Columns.Add(new GridColumn {
                DataCell = lightingTB, HeaderText = "Lighting", Sortable = true

            var equipTB = new CheckBoxCell
                Binding = Binding.Delegate <ProgramTypeViewData, bool?>(r => r.HasElecEquip)

            gd.Columns.Add(new GridColumn {
                DataCell = equipTB, HeaderText = "ElecEquip", Sortable = true

            var gasTB = new CheckBoxCell
                Binding = Binding.Delegate <ProgramTypeViewData, bool?>(r => r.HasGasEquip)

            gd.Columns.Add(new GridColumn {
                DataCell = gasTB, HeaderText = "GasEquip", Sortable = true

            var infTB = new CheckBoxCell
                Binding = Binding.Delegate <ProgramTypeViewData, bool?>(r => r.HasInfiltration)

            gd.Columns.Add(new GridColumn {
                DataCell = infTB, HeaderText = "Infiltration", Sortable = true

            var ventTB = new CheckBoxCell
                Binding = Binding.Delegate <ProgramTypeViewData, bool?>(r => r.HasVentilation)

            gd.Columns.Add(new GridColumn {
                DataCell = ventTB, HeaderText = "Ventilation", Sortable = true

            var setpointTB = new CheckBoxCell
                Binding = Binding.Delegate <ProgramTypeViewData, bool?>(r => r.HasSetpoint)

            gd.Columns.Add(new GridColumn {
                DataCell = setpointTB, HeaderText = "Setpoint", Sortable = true

            var serviceHotWaterTB = new CheckBoxCell
                Binding = Binding.Delegate <ProgramTypeViewData, bool?>(r => r.HasServiceHotWater)

            gd.Columns.Add(new GridColumn {
                DataCell = serviceHotWaterTB, HeaderText = "ServiceHotWater", Sortable = true

            gd.Columns.Add(new GridColumn
                DataCell = new CheckBoxCell {
                    Binding = Binding.Delegate <ProgramTypeViewData, bool?>(r => r.Locked)
                HeaderText = "Locked",
                Sortable   = true
            gd.Columns.Add(new GridColumn
                DataCell = new TextBoxCell {
                    Binding = Binding.Delegate <ProgramTypeViewData, string>(r => r.Source)
                HeaderText = "Source",
                Sortable   = true

            // sorting by header
            gd.ColumnHeaderClick += OnColumnHeaderClick;
예제 #15
 public override void Initialize()
     DataCell = new TextBoxCell(Widget.Generator);
     Editable = false;
        public Dialog_Construction(HB.ModelEnergyProperties libSource, HB.Energy.IConstruction construction, bool lockedMode = false)
                this.ModelEnergyProperties = libSource;

                _hbObj = construction;

                Padding     = new Padding(5);
                Resizable   = true;
                Title       = $"Construction - {DialogHelper.PluginName}";
                WindowStyle = WindowStyle.Default;
                MinimumSize = new Size(650, 500);
                this.Icon   = DialogHelper.HoneybeeIcon;

                var OkButton = new Button {
                    Text = "OK", Enabled = !lockedMode
                OkButton.Click += (sender, e) =>
                    // add new material to library source
                    foreach (var layer in _layers)
                        var m = OpaqueMaterials.FirstOrDefault(_ => _.Identifier == layer);
                        m = m ?? WindowMaterials.FirstOrDefault(_ => _.Identifier == layer);
                        var dup = m.Duplicate() as HB.Energy.IMaterial;
                        dup.DisplayName = m.DisplayName ?? m.Identifier;

                AbortButton = new Button {
                    Text = "Cancel"
                AbortButton.Click += (sender, e) => Close();

                //var panel = new Panel_Schedule(sch);
                //panel.AddSeparateRow(null, OkButton, AbortButton, null);
                //Content = panel;

                var leftLayout = new DynamicLayout();
                leftLayout.DefaultSpacing = new Size(5, 5);
                leftLayout.DefaultPadding = new Padding(5);
                leftLayout.Height         = 600;

                var name = new TextBox();
                _hbObj.DisplayName = _hbObj.DisplayName ?? _hbObj.Identifier;
                name.TextBinding.Bind(() => _hbObj.DisplayName, v => _hbObj.DisplayName = v);

                var groupContent = new DynamicLayout();
                groupContent.DefaultSpacing = new Size(5, 5);
                Action <int, string> actionWhenItemChanged = (int layerIndex, string newValue) => {
                    _layers.Insert(layerIndex, newValue);
                    CalRValue(_hbObj, _showIP);

                _layersPanel = new DynamicLayout();
                _layersPanel.DefaultSpacing = new Size(5, 5);
                GenMaterialLayersPanel(_layersPanel, actionWhenItemChanged);
                var fromLibDropin = GenAddMoreDropInArea(
                    (newValue) =>
                    var newIndex = _layers.Count;

                    GenMaterialLayersPanel(_layersPanel, actionWhenItemChanged);
                    CalRValue(_hbObj, _showIP);
                groupContent.AddSeparateRow(null, "Outside", null);
                groupContent.AddSeparateRow(null, "Inside", null);
                //group.Content = groupContent;
                //leftLayout.AddAutoSized(new Button());

                //leftLayout.AddSeparateRow(new Button());
                // Thermal properties
                var thermGp = new GroupBox()
                    Text = "Construction Thermal Properties"
                var thermProp = new DynamicLayout()
                    DefaultPadding = new Padding(4)
                //thermProp.AddSeparateRow("Construction Thermal Properties", null);
                _r_label = new Label()
                    Text = _r_si
                _u_label = new Label()
                    Text = _u_si
                _uf_label = new Label()
                    Text = _uf_si
                _r_value = new Label()
                    Text = "Not available"
                _u_value = new Label()
                    Text = "Not available"
                _uf_value = new Label()
                    Text = "Not available"
                thermProp.AddSeparateRow(_r_label, ":", _r_value);
                thermProp.AddSeparateRow(_u_label, ":", _u_value);
                thermProp.AddSeparateRow(_uf_label, ":", _uf_value);
                CalRValue(_hbObj, false);

                // unit switchs
                var unit = new RadioButtonList();
                unit.SelectedIndex         = 0;
                unit.Spacing               = new Size(5, 0);
                unit.SelectedIndexChanged += (s, e) => CalRValue(_hbObj, unit.SelectedIndex == 1);
                thermProp.AddSeparateRow("Unit:", unit);
                thermGp.Content = thermProp;

                var buttonSource = new Button {
                    Text = "Schema Data"
                buttonSource.Click += (s, e) =>
                    Dialog_Message.Show(this, _hbObj.ToJson(true));


                //Right panel
                var rightGroup = new GroupBox();
                rightGroup.Text = "Library";
                var groupPanel = new DynamicLayout();

                var materialType = new DropDown();
                materialType.Items.Add(new ListItem()
                    Key = "Opaque", Text = "Opaque Material"
                materialType.Items.Add(new ListItem()
                    Key = "Window", Text = "Window Material"
                //constructionTypes.Items.Add(new ListItem() { Key = "Shade Material" });
                //constructionTypes.Items.Add(new ListItem() { Key = "AirBoundary Material" });
                materialType.SelectedIndex = 0;

                //Search tbox
                var searchTBox = new TextBox()
                    PlaceholderText = "Search"

                var allMaterials = OpaqueMaterials;

                // Library
                var lib = new GridView();
                lib.Height = 400;

                lib.ShowHeader = false;
                var nameCol = new GridColumn()
                    DataCell = new TextBoxCell(0)

                // Library items
                lib.DataStore = allMaterials;

                var idCell = new TextBoxCell
                    Binding = Binding.Delegate <HB.Energy.IIDdEnergyBaseModel, string>(r => r.DisplayName ?? r.Identifier)
                lib.Columns.Add(new GridColumn()
                    DataCell = idCell

                // material details
                var detailPanel    = new DynamicLayout();
                var materialDetail = new TextArea();
                materialDetail.Height = 150;
                materialDetail.Text   = "Material Details";

                var rightSplit = new Splitter();
                rightSplit.Panel1            = groupPanel;
                rightSplit.Panel2            = materialDetail;
                rightSplit.Panel1MinimumSize = 300;
                rightSplit.Orientation       = Orientation.Vertical;

                rightGroup.Content = rightSplit;

                materialType.SelectedIndexChanged += (sender, e) =>
                    var selectedType = materialType.SelectedKey;
                    allMaterials    = selectedType == "Window" ? this.WindowMaterials : this.OpaqueMaterials;
                    searchTBox.Text = null;

                    lib.DataStore = allMaterials;
                    //var filteredItems = allMaterials.Select(_ => new ListItem() { Text = _.Identifier, Key = _.Identifier, Tag = _ });

                //// need this to make drag drop work on Mac
                //lib.MouseDown += (sender, e) => {
                //    _primMousePressed = e.Buttons == MouseButtons.Primary;
                //lib.MouseUp += (sender, e) => {
                //    _primMousePressed = false;


                lib.MouseMove += (sender, e) =>
                    if (e.Buttons != MouseButtons.Primary)
                    if (lib.SelectedItem == null)

                    var dragableArea = lib.Bounds;
                    dragableArea.Width  -= 20;
                    dragableArea.Height -= 20;
                    var iscontained = e.Location.Y < dragableArea.Height && e.Location.X < dragableArea.Width;
                    //name.Text = $"{dragableArea.Width}x{dragableArea.Height}, {new Point(e.Location).X}:{new Point(e.Location).Y}, {dragableArea.Contains(new Point(e.Location))}";
                    if (!iscontained)

                    var cell = lib.GetCellAt(e.Location);
                    if (cell.RowIndex == -1 || cell.ColumnIndex == -1)

                    var selected = (lib.SelectedItem as HB.Energy.IMaterial).Identifier;
                    var data     = new DataObject();
                    data.SetString(selected, "HBObj");
                    lib.DoDragDrop(data, DragEffects.Move);
                    e.Handled = true;

                lib.SelectedItemsChanged += (s, e) =>
                    //Clear preview first
                    materialDetail.Text = null;

                    //Check current selected item from library
                    var selItem = lib.SelectedItem as HB.HoneybeeObject;
                    if (selItem == null)

                    //Update Preview
                    materialDetail.Text = selItem.ToString(true);

                searchTBox.TextChanged += (sender, e) =>
                    var input = searchTBox.Text;
                    materialDetail.Text = null;

                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(input))
                        lib.DataStore = allMaterials;
                    var regexPatten = ".*" + input.Replace(" ", "(.*)") + ".*";
                    var filtered    = allMaterials.Where(_ => Regex.IsMatch(_.Identifier, regexPatten, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase) || (_.DisplayName != null ? Regex.IsMatch(_.DisplayName, regexPatten, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase) : false));

                    lib.DataStore = filtered;

                //var split = new Splitter();
                //split.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal;
                //split.Panel1 = leftLayout;
                //split.Panel2 = rightGroup;

                var locked = new CheckBox()
                    Text = "Locked", Enabled = false
                locked.Checked = lockedMode;

                var layout = new DynamicLayout();
                layout.DefaultSpacing = new Size(5, 5);
                layout.DefaultPadding = new Padding(5);
                layout.AddSeparateRow(leftLayout, rightGroup);
                layout.AddSeparateRow(locked, null, OkButton, AbortButton, null, buttonSource);

                //Create layout
                Content = layout;
            catch (Exception e)
                throw e;
예제 #17
 protected override void Initialize()
     DataCell = new TextBoxCell(Widget.Generator);