예제 #1
        public void RethrowExceptionFromInvokeMethodWithAllExceptionPropertiesSet()
            TestInvokeMethod im = new TestInvokeMethod
                TargetObject    = new TestArgument <CustomClassForRethrow>(Direction.In, "TargetObject", (context => new CustomClassForRethrow())),
                MethodName      = "M1",
                ExpectedOutcome = Outcome.CaughtException(typeof(TestCaseException)),
            TestTryCatch tc = new TestTryCatch();
            TestCatch <TestCaseException> tcCatch = new TestCatch <TestCaseException>
                Body = new TestRethrow
                    ExpectedOutcome = Outcome.UncaughtException(typeof(TestCaseException))

            tc.Try = im;

            using (TestWorkflowRuntime testWorkflowRuntime = TestRuntime.CreateTestWorkflowRuntime(tc))
                Exception outEx;
                testWorkflowRuntime.WaitForAborted(out outEx);
                Dictionary <string, string> errorProperty = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                errorProperty.Add("Message", "this should be caught");
                ExceptionHelpers.ValidateException(outEx, typeof(TestCaseException), errorProperty);
예제 #2
        public void CustomActivityOverridesBranchCancelStateWithThrow()
            const string triggerMessage = "Trigger branch's trigger is executing.";

            TestPick pick = new TestPick()
                DisplayName = "PickActivity",
                Branches    =
                    new TestPickBranch()
                        DisplayName = "TriggeredBranch_Branch",
                        Trigger     = new TestWriteLine("TriggeredBranch_Trigger")
                            Message     = triggerMessage,
                            HintMessage = triggerMessage,
                    new TestPickBranch()
                        DisplayName = "FaultedCustomActivity_Branch",
                        Trigger     = new TestBlockingActivityWithWriteLineInCancel("FaultedCustomActivity_Trigger", OutcomeState.Faulted)
                            ExpectedOutcome = Outcome.UncaughtException(),
                        Action = new TestWriteLine("FaultedCustomActivity_Action")
                            Message = "FaultedCustomActivity_Action - not supposed to show",

            // wrapping the custom activity with a try-catch doesn't work here
            // try-catch doesn't catch an exception that comes from a Cancel
            // by design in Beta2, any exception thrown from Cancel will Abort the workflow immediately
            // Note: for this test case (and similar ones e.g. Parallel), we can only compare the Exception type
            //       because this is a special case, we cannot validate the traces as exception is thrown from
            //       Cancel and by design runtime doesn't catch it. As a result, there is no chance to validate.
            using (TestWorkflowRuntime testWorkflowRuntime = TestRuntime.CreateTestWorkflowRuntime(pick))
                Exception outException = null;
                testWorkflowRuntime.WaitForAborted(out outException, false);
                // Due to how we get the tracking information, the exception is not the original exception and
                // we cannot check the InnerException property.
                //if (outException == null || outException.InnerException == null || !outException.InnerException.GetType().Equals(typeof(TestCaseException)))
                //    throw new TestCaseException(String.Format("Workflow was supposed to Abort with a TestCaseException, but this is the exception: {0}", outException.ToString()));
                //    //Log.Info("Workflow aborted as excpected");
예제 #3
        public void ParallelForEachWithAChildThatThrowsInCancelWhileCompletionConditionIsTrue()
            Variable <bool> cancelIt = new Variable <bool> {
                Name = "cancelIt", Default = false
            DelegateInArgument <bool> arg = new DelegateInArgument <bool>("arg");

            TestParallelForEach <bool> pfeAct = new TestParallelForEach <bool>
                HintIterationCount          = 2,
                HintValues                  = new bool[] { true, false },
                ValuesExpression            = (e => new bool[] { true, false }),
                CurrentVariable             = arg,
                CompletionConditionVariable = cancelIt,
                Body = new TestIf(HintThenOrElse.Then, HintThenOrElse.Else)
                    ConditionExpression = e => arg.Get(e),
                    ThenActivity        = new TestBlockingActivityWithWriteLineInCancel("writeLineInCancel", OutcomeState.Faulted)
                        ExpectedOutcome = Outcome.UncaughtException(typeof(TestCaseException)),
                    ElseActivity = new TestSequence
                        Activities =
                            new TestDelay("d1", new TimeSpan(1)),
                            new TestAssign <bool> {
                                Value = true,   ToVariable = cancelIt

            TestSequence root = new TestSequence
                Activities = { pfeAct },
                Variables  = { cancelIt },

            using (TestWorkflowRuntime testWorkflowRuntime = TestRuntime.CreateTestWorkflowRuntime(root))
                Exception outException = null;
                testWorkflowRuntime.WaitForAborted(out outException, false);
                if (outException == null || outException.InnerException == null || !outException.InnerException.GetType().Equals(typeof(TestCaseException)))
                    throw new TestCaseException(String.Format("Workflow was suuposed to Abort with a TestCaseException, but this is the exception: {0}", outException.ToString()));
                    //Log.Info("Workflow aborted as excpected");
예제 #4
        public void PersistAfterCatchBeforeRethrow()
            TestTryCatch root = new TestTryCatch("parent TryCatch")
                Try = new TestSequence
                    Activities =
                        new TestProductWriteline("W1"),
                        new TestThrow <TAC.ApplicationException>
                            ExceptionExpression = (context => new TAC.ApplicationException("abcd")),
                            ExpectedOutcome     = Outcome.CaughtException(typeof(TAC.ApplicationException)),
                Catches =
                    new TestCatch <TAC.ApplicationException>
                        Body = new TestSequence
                            Activities =
                                new TestBlockingActivity("Blocking1", "B1"),
                                new TestRethrow
                                    ExpectedOutcome = Outcome.UncaughtException(typeof(TAC.ApplicationException)),

            JsonFileInstanceStore.FileInstanceStore jsonStore = new JsonFileInstanceStore.FileInstanceStore(".\\~");

            using (TestWorkflowRuntime testWorkflowRuntime = TestRuntime.CreateTestWorkflowRuntime(root, null, jsonStore, CoreWf.PersistableIdleAction.None))
                testWorkflowRuntime.WaitForActivityStatusChange("Blocking1", TestActivityInstanceState.Executing);
                testWorkflowRuntime.ResumeBookMark("Blocking1", null);

                Exception resultedException;
                testWorkflowRuntime.WaitForAborted(out resultedException);

                if (!(resultedException is TAC.ApplicationException))
                    throw resultedException;
예제 #5
        public static void RunAndValidateAbortedException(TestActivity activity, Type exceptionType, Dictionary <string, string> exceptionProperties)
            using (TestWorkflowRuntime testWorkflowRuntime = new TestWorkflowRuntime(activity))

                Exception exception;

                testWorkflowRuntime.WaitForAborted(out exception, true);

                ExceptionHelpers.ValidateException(exception, exceptionType, exceptionProperties);
예제 #6
        public void WhileWithExceptionFromCondition()
            //  Test case description:
            //  Throw exception in while and in while condition

            TestSequence     outerSequence = new TestSequence("sequence1");
            TestSequence     innerSequence = new TestSequence("Seq");
            TestAssign <int> increment     = new TestAssign <int>("Increment Counter");
            Variable <int>   counter       = VariableHelper.CreateInitialized <int>("counter", 0);

            TestWhile whileAct = new TestWhile("while act")
                Body = innerSequence,
                HintIterationCount = 10,

            ExceptionThrowingActivitiy <bool> throwFromCondition = new ExceptionThrowingActivitiy <bool>();

            ((Microsoft.CoreWf.Statements.While)whileAct.ProductActivity).Condition = throwFromCondition;
            increment.ToVariable      = counter;
            increment.ValueExpression = ((env) => (((int)counter.Get(env))) + 1);
            OrderedTraces trace = new OrderedTraces();

            trace.Steps.Add(new ActivityTrace(outerSequence.DisplayName, ActivityInstanceState.Executing));
            trace.Steps.Add(new ActivityTrace(whileAct.DisplayName, ActivityInstanceState.Executing));

            OrderedTraces   ordered   = new OrderedTraces();
            UnorderedTraces unordered = new UnorderedTraces();

            unordered.Steps.Add(new ActivityTrace(throwFromCondition.DisplayName, ActivityInstanceState.Executing));
            unordered.Steps.Add(new ActivityTrace(throwFromCondition.DisplayName, ActivityInstanceState.Faulted));

            ExpectedTrace expected = new ExpectedTrace(trace);


            Exception           exc;
            TestWorkflowRuntime tr = TestRuntime.CreateTestWorkflowRuntime(outerSequence);

            tr.WaitForAborted(out exc, expected);

            Assert.True((exc.GetType() == typeof(DataMisalignedException)) && exc.Message == "I am Miss.Aligned!");
예제 #7
        public void ParallelWithAChildThatThrowsInCancelAndCompletionConditionIsTrue()
            Variable <bool> cancelIt = new Variable <bool> {
                Name = "cancelIt", Default = false

            TestParallel parallelActivity = new TestParallel("Parallel Activity")
                HintNumberOfBranchesExecution = 2,
                Variables = { cancelIt },
                CompletionConditionVariable = cancelIt,
                Branches =
                    new TestSequence
                        Activities =
                            new TestDelay         {
                                Duration = new TimeSpan(1)
                            new TestAssign <bool> {
                                ToVariable = cancelIt, Value = true
                    new TestBlockingActivityWithWriteLineInCancel("writeLineInCancel", OutcomeState.Faulted)
                        ExpectedOutcome = Outcome.UncaughtException()

            using (TestWorkflowRuntime testWorkflowRuntime = TestRuntime.CreateTestWorkflowRuntime(parallelActivity))
                Exception outException = null;
                testWorkflowRuntime.WaitForAborted(out outException, false);
                if (outException == null || outException.InnerException == null || !outException.InnerException.GetType().Equals(typeof(TestCaseException)))
                    throw new TestCaseException(String.Format("Workflow was suuposed to Abort with a TestCaseException, but this is the exception: {0}", outException.ToString()));
                    //Log.Info("Workflow aborted as excpected");
예제 #8
        public void TestResumeBookmarkCallback()
            const int      noBranches = 10;
            Variable <int> value      = VariableHelper.Create <int>("value");

            TestParallel parallel = new TestParallel()
                Variables       = { value },
                ExpectedOutcome = Outcome.Faulted

            for (int i = 0; i < noBranches; i++)
                string       branchName = "Branch" + i.ToString();
                TestSequence sequence   = new TestSequence()
                    Activities =
                        new TestWaitReadLine <int>(branchName, branchName)
                            BookmarkValue = value,
                            WaitTime      = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10),
                    ExpectedOutcome = Outcome.Faulted,

                if (i > 0)
                    (sequence.Activities[0] as TestWaitReadLine <int>).ExpectedOutcome = Outcome.Faulted;


            JsonFileInstanceStore.FileInstanceStore jsonStore = new JsonFileInstanceStore.FileInstanceStore(".\\~");
            TestWorkflowRuntime runtime = TestRuntime.CreateTestWorkflowRuntime(parallel, null, jsonStore, PersistableIdleAction.Persist);



            for (int i = 0; i < noBranches; i++)
                string branchName = "Branch" + i.ToString();
                runtime.BeginResumeBookMark(branchName, i, null, null);

            runtime.WaitForTrace(new UserTrace(WaitReadLine <int> .BeforeWait));

            runtime.AbortWorkflow("Aborting Workflow");

            ExpectedTrace expectTrace = parallel.GetExpectedTrace();

            expectTrace.Trace.Steps.Add(new UserTrace(WaitReadLine <int> .BeforeWait));
            expectTrace.Trace.Steps.Add(new UserTrace(WaitReadLine <int> .AfterWait));

            Exception exception;

            runtime.WaitForAborted(out exception, expectTrace);
예제 #9
        private         // Abort with Cancel failing in desktop too. so disabling test
        void AbortParallel(bool isTestCancel)
            const int      noBranches = 10;
            Variable <int> value      = VariableHelper.Create <int>("value");

            TestParallel parallel = new TestParallel()
                Variables       = { value },
                ExpectedOutcome = Outcome.Faulted

            for (int i = 0; i < noBranches; i++)
                string branchName = "Branch" + i.ToString();

                TestSequence branchSequence = new TestSequence("Seq" + branchName)
                    Activities =
                        new TestWriteLine()
                            Message = branchName + " Started"
                        new TestReadLine <int>(branchName, branchName)
                            BookmarkValue   = value,
                            ExpectedOutcome = Outcome.Faulted
                        new TestWriteLine()
                            Message         = branchName + " Completed",
                            ExpectedOutcome = Outcome.Faulted
                    ExpectedOutcome = Outcome.Faulted

                if (isTestCancel)
                    if (i == 0)
                        branchSequence.Activities[1].ExpectedOutcome = Outcome.Canceled;


            TestWorkflowRuntime runtime = TestRuntime.CreateTestWorkflowRuntime(parallel);



            //Cancel Workflow
            if (isTestCancel)
                //Log.Info("Cancelling Workflow");

            //Abort Workflow
            runtime.AbortWorkflow("Aborting for Test");
            ExpectedTrace expectedTrace = parallel.GetExpectedTrace();

            //Only verify User trace since activity traces will not be available once abort is called
            Exception excepion;

            runtime.WaitForAborted(out excepion, expectedTrace);