예제 #1
        public static int Main(string[] args)
            // Uncomment the following 2 lines if you want to automate Windows apps
            // by starting the test executable directly
            //if (Util.IsRestartRequiredForWinAppAccess)
            //    return Util.RestartWithUiAccess();

            // http://geekswithblogs.net/akraus1/articles/64871.aspx

            Keyboard.AbortKey = System.Windows.Forms.Keys.Pause;
            int error = 0;

                error = TestSuiteRunner.Run(typeof(Program), Environment.CommandLine);
            catch (Exception e)
                Report.Error("Unexpected exception occurred: " + e.ToString());
                error = -1;
예제 #2
 public void Run()
     if (TestSuiteRunner != null)
예제 #3
        //1. 读取指定目录下的所有子目录
        //2. 屏幕打印所有子目录
        //3. 等待输入子目录编号
        //4. 执行子目录下的所有文件
        private static void ExecuteFile(string filePath)
            var             lines  = File.ReadAllLines(filePath, Encoding.Default);
            var             suite  = TestSuiteFactory.Instance.CreateTestSuiteFrom(lines, filePath, null);
            TestSuiteRunner runner = new TestSuiteRunner();

예제 #4
        [Test, Ignore("Runs out of memory")] public void RunEntireClosureTestSuite()
            IEnumerable <string> files   = GetTestSuiteFiles();
            TestSuiteRunner      runner  = JSNet.ClosureLibraryTestSuiteRunner(basejsfile);
            TestSuiteResults     results = runner.TestFiles(files);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, results.Failed.Count(), results.ToString());
            Assert.AreEqual(500, results.Passed.Count(), results.ToString());
예제 #5
        public static int Main(string[] args)
            Keyboard.AbortKey = System.Windows.Forms.Keys.Pause;
            int error = 0;

                error = TestSuiteRunner.Run(typeof(Program), Environment.CommandLine);
            catch (Exception e)
                Report.Error("Unexpected exception occurred: " + e.ToString());
                error = -1;
예제 #6
        public static int Main(string[] args)
             * if(!CheckDeviceAvailable())
             * {
             * DialogResult dr = MessageBox.Show("Do you want to continue? Click Ok button to continue.", "Warning" , MessageBoxButtons.YesNo,MessageBoxIcon.Warning,MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2);
             * if(dr == DialogResult.No)
             * {
             * return 0;
             * }
             * }

            var    configs     = GetConfigs();
            string CheckDevice = configs["CheckDevice_BeforeTesting"];
            string RestoreDB   = configs["RestoreDB_AfterEachTestCase"];

            // If CheckDevice is Y, program will check these ip addresses are available or not.
            if (CheckDevice.Equals("Y"))
                //stop Nform service
                Console.WriteLine("Stop Nform service...");
                string strRst = RunCommand("sc stop Nform");
                //Be used to check devices are avalibale or not, which are configured in Device.ini
                LxDeviceAvailable myDeviceAvailable = new LxDeviceAvailable();
                //start Nform service
                Console.WriteLine("Start Nform service...");
                strRst = RunCommand("sc start Nform");

            Keyboard.AbortKey = System.Windows.Forms.Keys.Pause;
            int error = 0;

                error = TestSuiteRunner.Run(typeof(Program), Environment.CommandLine);
            catch (Exception e)
                MessageBox.Show("Unexpected exception occurred:");
                Report.Error("Unexpected exception occurred: " + e.ToString());
                error = -1;
예제 #7
        public static int Main(string[] args)
            Keyboard.AbortKey = System.Windows.Forms.Keys.Escape;
            int error = 0;

            Mouse.DefaultMoveTime        = 300;
            Keyboard.DefaultKeyPressTime = 100;
            Delay.SpeedFactor            = 1.0;

            //Disable Delphi plugin
            Ranorex.Core.ElementEngine.Instance.Flavors["delphi"].Enabled = false;

            //Add process name to GDI capture list
            RawTextFlavor.Instance.ClassNames.Add(new Regex("^TToolBar$"));
            RawTextFlavor.Instance.ClassNames.Add(new Regex("^TDBGrid$"));
            RawTextFlavor.Instance.ClassNames.Add(new Regex("^TPanel$"));
            RawTextFlavor.Instance.ClassNames.Add(new Regex("^TCalendar$"));
            RawTextFlavor.Instance.ClassNames.Add(new Regex("^TSXStringGrid$"));
            RawTextFlavor.Instance.ClassNames.Add(new Regex("^TStringGrid$"));
            RawTextFlavor.Instance.ClassNames.Add(new Regex("^TSXEditor$"));
            RawTextFlavor.Instance.ClassNames.Add(new Regex("^TRichEdit$"));
            RawTextFlavor.Instance.ClassNames.Add(new Regex("^TDBRichEdit$"));
            RawTextFlavor.Instance.ClassNames.Add(new Regex("^TSXVSTreeView$"));
            RawTextFlavor.Instance.ClassNames.Add(new Regex("^TStatusBar$"));
            RawTextFlavor.Instance.ClassNames.Add(new Regex("^TEdit$"));
            RawTextFlavor.Instance.ClassNames.Add(new Regex("^TTreeView$"));
            RawTextFlavor.Instance.ClassNames.Add(new Regex("^TListBox$"));
            RawTextFlavor.Instance.ClassNames.Add(new Regex("^TGroupBox$"));
            RawTextFlavor.Instance.ClassNames.Add(new Regex("^TJvRichEdit$"));
            RawTextFlavor.Instance.ProcessNames.Add(new Regex("^Systemx$"));
            RawTextFlavor.Instance.ProcessNames.Add(new Regex("^TSXToolBar$"));
            RawTextFlavor.Instance.ProcessNames.Add(new Regex("^TSXPanel$"));
            RawTextFlavor.Instance.ProcessNames.Add(new Regex("^TSXRichEdit$"));

                error = TestSuiteRunner.Run(typeof(Program), Environment.CommandLine);
            catch (Exception e)
                Report.Error("Unexpected exception occurred: " + e.ToString());
                error = -1;
예제 #8
        public static int Main(string[] args)
            // Uncomment the following 2 lines if you want to automate Windows apps
            // by starting the test executable directly
            //if (Util.IsRestartRequiredForWinAppAccess)
            //    return Util.RestartWithUiAccess();

            Keyboard.AbortKey = System.Windows.Forms.Keys.Pause;
            int error = 0;

            RawTextFlavor.Instance.ClassNames.Add(new Regex("^TToolBar$"));
            RawTextFlavor.Instance.ClassNames.Add(new Regex("^TDBGrid$"));
            RawTextFlavor.Instance.ClassNames.Add(new Regex("^TPanel$"));
            RawTextFlavor.Instance.ClassNames.Add(new Regex("^TCalendar$"));
            RawTextFlavor.Instance.ClassNames.Add(new Regex("^TSXStringGrid$"));
            RawTextFlavor.Instance.ClassNames.Add(new Regex("^TStringGrid$"));
            RawTextFlavor.Instance.ClassNames.Add(new Regex("^TSXEditor$"));
            RawTextFlavor.Instance.ClassNames.Add(new Regex("^TRichEdit$"));
            RawTextFlavor.Instance.ClassNames.Add(new Regex("^TDBRichEdit$"));
            RawTextFlavor.Instance.ClassNames.Add(new Regex("^TSXVSTreeView$"));
            RawTextFlavor.Instance.ClassNames.Add(new Regex("^TStatusBar$"));
            RawTextFlavor.Instance.ClassNames.Add(new Regex("^TEdit$"));
            RawTextFlavor.Instance.ClassNames.Add(new Regex("^TTreeView$"));
            RawTextFlavor.Instance.ClassNames.Add(new Regex("^TListBox$"));
            RawTextFlavor.Instance.ClassNames.Add(new Regex("^TGroupBox$"));
            RawTextFlavor.Instance.ClassNames.Add(new Regex("^TJvRichEdit$"));

            System.Windows.Forms.Application.Run(new Splash.WinSplash());

                error = TestSuiteRunner.Run(typeof(Program), Environment.CommandLine);
            catch (Exception e)
                Report.Error("Unexpected exception occurred: " + e.ToString());
                error = -1;
예제 #9
        public static int Main(string[] args)
            // Uncomment the following 2 lines if you want to automate Windows apps
            // by starting the test executable directly
            //if (Util.IsRestartRequiredForWinAppAccess)
            //    return Util.RestartWithUiAccess();

            Keyboard.AbortKey = System.Windows.Forms.Keys.Pause;
            int error = 0;

                Ranorex.Plugin.WpfConfiguration.WpfApplicationTrees = Ranorex.Plugin.WpfTreeSelection.UiaPreferred;
                error = TestSuiteRunner.Run(typeof(Program), Environment.CommandLine);
            catch (Exception e)
                Report.Error("Unexpected exception occurred: " + e.ToString());
                error = -1;
 public InternetExplorerFastWebBrowserFactory(TestSuiteRunner runner) : base(runner)
 public FirefoxDevWebBrowserFactory(TestSuiteRunner runner) : base(runner)
예제 #12
        public static int Main(string[] args)
            // Uncomment the following 2 lines if you want to automate Windows apps
            // by starting the test executable directly

            if (Util.IsRestartRequiredForWinAppAccess)
//			try
//			{
//				Utils.DisableAboveModule(false);
//			}catch (Exception e)
//			{
//				Console.WriteLine(e.ToString());
//				Console.ReadLine();
//			}

            Keyboard.AbortKey = System.Windows.Forms.Keys.Pause;
            int         error        = 0;
            var         testSuiteXml = File.Exists("Runner.rxtst") ? XElement.Load("Runner.rxtst").ToString() : XElement.Load("DHSAutomation.rxtst").ToString();
            CultureInfo ci           = Utils.GetOSLanguage();
            string      langCode     = ci.Name;


//			bool stopped = false;
//			bool itself = true;
//			try {
//				var docSet = XElement.Load("DHSAutomation.rxtst");
//				foreach (var e in docSet.XPathSelectElements("//testconfiguration/testcase")) {
//					var caseId = e.Attribute("id").Value;
//					foreach (var testModule in docSet.XPathSelectElements("//childhierarchy/testsuite/testcase/testcase[@id='" + caseId + "']/testmodule")) {
//						var testModuleId = testModule.Attribute("id").Value;
//						var orgTestModule = docSet.XPathSelectElement("//flatlistofchildren//testmodule[@id='" + testModuleId + "']");
//						var refId = orgTestModule.Attribute("ref").Value;
//						if (!stopped) {
//							if (!refId.Equals("5110d38b-fdba-4df5-8ebc-549d97bac8e2") || !itself) {
//								orgTestModule.SetAttributeValue("enabled", "False");
//							}
//							Console.WriteLine(orgTestModule);
//						}
//						if (refId.Equals("5110d38b-fdba-4df5-8ebc-549d97bac8e2")) {
//							stopped = true;
//						}
//					}
//				}
//				File.WriteAllText("Runner.rxtst", docSet.ToString());
//			} catch (Exception e) {
//				Console.WriteLine(e.ToString());
//			}
//			Console.ReadLine();

                error = TestSuiteRunner.Run(typeof(Program), Environment.CommandLine, testSuiteXml);
            catch (Exception e)
                Report.Error("Unexpected exception occurred: " + e.ToString());
                error = -1;

 public EdgeFastWebBrowserFactory(TestSuiteRunner runner) : base(runner)
 public EdgeCoordinatorWebBrowserFactory(TestSuiteRunner runner) : base(runner)
        public CoordinatorWebBrowserFactoryBase(TestSuiteRunner runner)
            TestSuiteRunner = runner;

            timer = new Timer(RenewLeases, null, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15));
예제 #16
 public FastLocalWebBrowserFactory(TestSuiteRunner runner) : base(runner)
예제 #17
        public static int Main(string[] args)
            // Uncomment the following 2 lines if you want to automate Windows apps
            // by starting the test executable directly
            //if (Util.IsRestartRequiredForWinAppAccess)
            //    return Util.RestartWithUiAccess();

            fnPlayWavFile      PlayWavFile      = new fnPlayWavFile();
            fnWriteToLogFile   WriteToLogFile   = new fnWriteToLogFile();
            fnWriteToErrorFile WriteToErrorFile = new fnWriteToErrorFile();
            SpeechSynthesizer  Speech           = new SpeechSynthesizer();

            Keyboard.AbortKey = System.Windows.Forms.Keys.Escape;
            int error = 0;

            // To autorun Scripts in directory <C: on reg1, D: on reg 2-n>/PAL/RanorexStudio Projects\Ranorex Automation\Alpha\bin\Debug
            //	NOTE: autorun is assumed to be type Baseline
            //      RanorexAutomation.exe auto [<iteratins-time> [<Scenario-list>] ]
            //			<iteratins-time> = number iterations
            //			<iteratins-time> = time to stop "6:00 am"
            //			<iteratins-time> = time to start and stop "6:00 am to 3:00 PM"
            //			<Scenario-list> =  list if scenarios to run comma delited "3,4,6-20"
            //		If neither <iteratins-time> or <Scenario-list> supplied will run using same paramaters as last run
            //		Just auto <iterations-time> can be given, will ust last run scenario list

            // Get command line argumets
            Global.CommandLineArg0 = "";
            Global.CommandLineArg1 = "";
            Global.CommandLineArg2 = "";
            Global.CommandLineArg3 = "";
            string[] RanorexCmdLine = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs();
            int      Arguments      = args.Length;

            switch (Arguments)
            case 1:
                Global.CommandLineArg0 = RanorexCmdLine[0].ToUpper();
                Global.CommandLineArg1 = RanorexCmdLine[1].ToUpper();

            case 2:
                Global.CommandLineArg0 = RanorexCmdLine[0].ToUpper();
                Global.CommandLineArg1 = RanorexCmdLine[1].ToUpper();
                Global.CommandLineArg2 = RanorexCmdLine[2].ToUpper();

            case 3:
                Global.CommandLineArg0 = RanorexCmdLine[0].ToUpper();
                Global.CommandLineArg1 = RanorexCmdLine[1].ToUpper();
                Global.CommandLineArg2 = RanorexCmdLine[2].ToUpper();
                Global.CommandLineArg3 = RanorexCmdLine[3].ToUpper();

            // For debugging auto run
//			Global.CommandLineArg1 = "AUTO";
//			Global.CommandLineArg2 = "1";
//			Global.CommandLineArg3 = "3";

//			Report.Log(ReportLevel.Info, "CommandLineStuff",
//			           "\n" + "Arglen: " + Arguments + "\n" +
//			           "Zero: " + Global.CommandLineArg0 + "\n" +
//			           "One: " + Global.CommandLineArg1 + "\n" +
//			           "Two: " + Global.CommandLineArg2 + "\n" +
//			           "Three: " + Global.CommandLineArg3 + "\n"
//			           , new RecordItemIndex(0));
//			Thread.Sleep(10000);
//			Environment.Exit(0);

            // Onetime delay for Ranorex to setup instrumentation

            if (Global.CommandLineArg1 == "AUTO")
                Global.AutoRun = true;

                error = TestSuiteRunner.Run(typeof(Program), Environment.CommandLine);
            catch (Exception e)
                Report.Error("Unexpected exception occurred: " + e.ToString());
                error = -1;

                Global.LogText = "Unexpected exception occurred: " + e.ToString();
                Global.TempErrorString = Global.LogText;
                Global.WavFilePath = "UnexpectedException.wav";
                if (Global.DoRegisterSoundAlerts)
                    Speech.Speak("Register " + Global.RegisterNumber);

            fnTearDown Teardown = new fnTearDown();

            Report.Log(ReportLevel.Info, "Main", "Starting Teardown", new RecordItemIndex(0));
            Report.Log(ReportLevel.Info, "Main", "Teardown Finished", new RecordItemIndex(0));

예제 #18
 public ChromeDevWebBrowserFactory(TestSuiteRunner runner) : base(runner)
 public LocalWebBrowserFactory(TestSuiteRunner runner)
     TestSuiteRunner = runner;
 public FirefoxCoordinatorWebBrowserFactory(TestSuiteRunner runner) : base(runner)
예제 #21
 public EdgeFastWebFactoryTmp(TestSuiteRunner runner) : base(runner)
예제 #22
        public static int Main(string[] args)
             * if(!CheckDeviceAvailable())
             * {
             * DialogResult dr = MessageBox.Show("Do you want to continue? Click Ok button to continue.", "Warning" , MessageBoxButtons.YesNo,MessageBoxIcon.Warning,MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2);
             * if(dr == DialogResult.No)
             * {
             * return 0;
             * }
             * }
             * var configs = GetConfigs ();
             * string CheckDevice = configs["CheckDevice_BeforeTesting"];
             * string RestoreDB = configs["RestoreDB_AfterEachTestCase"];

             * Get size of database for SQL SERVER
             *  LxSQLDbOperation SQLOper = new LxSQLDbOperation();
             *  SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection();
             *  conn.ConnectionString =@"Data Source=\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=master;User ID=sa;Password=sa@2013;";
             *          SQLOper.OpenConnection(conn);
             *  string NformSize = SQLOper.GetDbSize(conn, "Nform");
             *  string NformAlmSize = SQLOper.GetDbSize(conn, "NformAlm");
             *  string NformLogSize = SQLOper.GetDbSize(conn, "NformLog");
             *  Console.WriteLine("The size of Nform is:"+NformSize);
             *  Console.WriteLine("The size of Nform is:"+NformAlmSize);
             *  Console.WriteLine("The size of Nform is:"+NformLogSize);

             * Get size of database for SQL CE
             * LxCEDbOperation CEOper = new LxCEDbOperation();
             * double NformAlmSize = CEOper.GetAlarmDbSize();
             * double NformDataLogSize = CEOper.GetDataLogDbSize();
             *      Console.WriteLine("NformAlmSize is: " +NformAlmSize);
             * Console.WriteLine("NformDataLogSize is: " +NformDataLogSize);
             * */

             * Increase database for SQLCE
             * LxCEDbOperation CEOper = new LxCEDbOperation();
             *           CEOper.IncreaseAlarmDbSize();
             *           CEOper.IncreaseDatalogDbSize();
             * */

             * Increase database for SQL SERVER
             * LxSQLDbOperation SQLOper = new LxSQLDbOperation();
             *           SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection();
             *   conn.ConnectionString =@"Data Source=\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=master;User ID=sa;Password=sa@2013;";
             *           SQLOper.GetDbSize(conn,"NformAlm");
             *           SQLOper.GetDbSize(conn,"NformLog");
             *           SQLOper.IncreaseAlarmDbSize();
             *           SQLOper.IncreaseDatalogDbSize();
             * */

             * Get table value for SQLCE database
             * LxCEDbOperation CEOper = new LxCEDbOperation();
             * string dbNformName = @"Nform.sdf";
             * string dbNformAlmName = @"NformAlm.sdf";
             * string dbNformLogName = @"NformLog.sdf";
             * string cmdVersion = @"SELECT * FROM Version;";
             * string cmdAlarm = @"SELECT * FROM Alarm;";
             * string cmdLog = @"SELECT * FROM DataLog;";
             *       CEOper.GetTableValue(dbNformName,cmdVersion);
             *       CEOper.GetTableValue(dbNformAlmName,cmdAlarm);
             * CEOper.GetTableValue(dbNformLogName,cmdLog);
             * */

             * Get table value for SQLServer database
             * LxSQLDbOperation SQLOper = new LxSQLDbOperation();
             *           SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection();
             *   conn.ConnectionString =@"Data Source=\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=master;User ID=sa;Password=sa@2013;";
             *   string cmdVersion = @"use Nform;SELECT * FROM Version;";
             *   string cmdAlarm = @"use NformAlm;SELECT * FROM Alarm;";
             *   string cmdLog = @"use NformLog;SELECT * FROM DataLog;";
             *   string cmdGrp = @"use Nform;SELECT * FROM UsrGrp;";
             *   SQLOper.GetTableValue(conn,cmdVersion);
             *   SQLOper.GetTableValue(conn,cmdGrp);
             * */
             * string ip1 = AppConfigOper.parseToValue("$SNMP_SingleAuto_1$");
             * string ip2 = AppConfigOper.parseToValue("$Velocity_device_2$");
             * Console.WriteLine("ip1 is:"+ip1);
             * Console.WriteLine("ip2 is:"+ip2);
            string CheckDevice = AppConfigOper.mainOp.getConfigValue("CheckDevice_BeforeTesting");
            string RestoreDB   = AppConfigOper.mainOp.getConfigValue("RestoreDB_AfterEachTestCase");
            string runOnVM     = AppConfigOper.mainOp.getConfigValue("RunOnVM");
            //Create Report folder
            string reportDir = System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();

            System.IO.DirectoryInfo reportDirect = System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(reportDir + @"\Report\" + "Report_" + System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss"));
            string ReportPath = reportDirect.FullName + @"\";


            // If CheckDevice is Y, program will check these ip addresses are available or not.
            if (CheckDevice.Equals("Y"))
                //stop Nform service
                Console.WriteLine("Stop Nform service...");
                string strRst = RunCommand("sc stop Nform");
                //Be used to check devices are avalibale or not, which are configured in Device.ini
                LxDeviceAvailable myDeviceAvailable = new LxDeviceAvailable();
                //start Nform service
                Console.WriteLine("Start Nform service...");
                strRst = RunCommand("sc start Nform");

            if (runOnVM.Equals("Y"))
                Keyboard.Enabled  = false;
                Mouse.Enabled     = false;
                Keyboard.AbortKey = System.Windows.Forms.Keys.Pause;
                NformRepository.Instance.SearchTimeout = new Duration(50000);

            Keyboard.AbortKey = System.Windows.Forms.Keys.Pause;
            int error = 0;

             * try
             * {
             *  error = TestSuiteRunner.Run(typeof(Program), Environment.CommandLine);
             * }
             * catch (Exception e)
             * {
             * MessageBox.Show("Unexpected exception occurred:");
             *  Report.Error("Unexpected exception occurred: " + e.ToString());
             *  error = -1;
             * }
            error = TestSuiteRunner.Run(typeof(Program), Environment.CommandLine);
