public static object RemoteCallback(object dummy) { BinaryTcpServerChannel serverChannel = new BinaryTcpServerChannel("localhost", PortNumber); TestService serviceProvider = new TestService(); serverChannel.RegisterService(ServiceName, serviceProvider); return null; }
public void EstablishContext() { _service = new TestService(); _service2 = new TestService2(); _serviceCoordinator = new ServiceCoordinator(new ThreadPoolFiber(), x => { }, x => { }, x => { }, 1.Minutes()); _serviceCoordinator.CreateService("test", n => new ServiceController<TestService>("test", null, AddressRegistry.GetOutboundCoordinatorChannel(), x => x.Start(), x => x.Stop(), x => x.Pause(), x => x.Continue(), (x, c) => _service)); _serviceCoordinator.CreateService("test2", n => new ServiceController<TestService>("test2", null, AddressRegistry.GetOutboundCoordinatorChannel(), x => x.Start(), x => x.Stop(), x => x.Pause(), x => x.Continue(), (x, c) => _service2)); _serviceCoordinator.Start(); _service.Running.WaitUntilCompleted(10.Seconds()); _service2.Running.WaitUntilCompleted(10.Seconds()); }
public void EstablishContext() { _service = new TestService(); _service2 = new TestService2(); _serviceCoordinator = new ServiceCoordinator(new PoolFiber(), x => { }, x => { }, x => { }, 1.Minutes()); _serviceCoordinator.CreateService("test", (inbox,coordinator) => new LocalServiceController<TestService>("test", inbox, coordinator, x => x.Start(), x => x.Stop(), x => x.Pause(), x => x.Continue(), (x, c) => _service)); _serviceCoordinator.CreateService("test2", (inbox, coordinator) => new LocalServiceController<TestService>("test2", inbox, coordinator, x => x.Start(), x => x.Stop(), x => x.Pause(), x => x.Continue(), (x, c) => _service2)); _serviceCoordinator.Start(); _service.Running.WaitUntilCompleted(10.Seconds()); _service2.Running.WaitUntilCompleted(10.Seconds()); }
public void EstablishContext() { _service = new TestService(); _service2 = new TestService2(); _beforeStartingServicesInvoked = false; _afterStartingServicesInvoked = false; _afterStoppingServicesInvoked = false; _serviceCoordinator = new ServiceCoordinator(x => { _beforeStartingServicesInvoked = true; }, x => { _afterStartingServicesInvoked = true; }, x => { _afterStoppingServicesInvoked = true; }); IList<Func<IServiceController>> services = new List<Func<IServiceController>> { () => new ServiceController<TestService> { Name = "test", BuildService = s => _service, StartAction = x => x.Start(), StopAction = x => x.Stop(), ContinueAction = x => x.Continue(), PauseAction = x => x.Pause() }, () => new ServiceController<TestService2> { Name = "test2", BuildService = s => _service2, StartAction = x => x.Start(), StopAction = x => x.Stop(), ContinueAction = x => x.Continue(), PauseAction = x => x.Pause() } }; _serviceCoordinator.RegisterServices(services); }
public int TestCounter() { var testSvc = new TestService(); var model = testSvc.ClickCounter(); return model.ClickCount; }
public void Create_TypeActivatesTypesWithServices() { // Arrange var activator = new DefaultControllerActivator(new DefaultTypeActivatorCache()); var serviceProvider = new Mock<IServiceProvider>(MockBehavior.Strict); var testService = new TestService(); serviceProvider.Setup(s => s.GetService(typeof(TestService))) .Returns(testService) .Verifiable(); var httpContext = new DefaultHttpContext { RequestServices = serviceProvider.Object }; var actionContext = new ActionContext(httpContext, new RouteData(), new ActionDescriptor()); // Act var instance = activator.Create(actionContext, typeof(TypeDerivingFromControllerWithServices)); // Assert var controller = Assert.IsType<TypeDerivingFromControllerWithServices>(instance); Assert.Same(testService, controller.TestService); serviceProvider.Verify(); }
public static object RemoteCallback(object dummy) { BinaryIpcServerChannel serverChannel = new BinaryIpcServerChannel(PortName); TestService serviceProvider = new TestService(); serverChannel.RegisterService(ServiceName, serviceProvider); return null; }
public void EstablishContext() { using (var startEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false)) { _srv = new TestService(); _channelAdaptor = new ChannelAdapter(); _hostChannel = WellknownAddresses.GetServiceCoordinatorHost(_channelAdaptor); using (_channelAdaptor.Connect(config => config.AddConsumerOf<ServiceStarted>().UsingConsumer(msg => startEvent.Set()))) { ServiceConfigurator<TestService> c = new ServiceConfigurator<TestService>(); c.WhenStarted(s => s.Start()); c.WhenStopped(s => s.Stop()); c.WhenPaused(s => { _wasPaused = true; }); c.WhenContinued(s => { _wasContinued = true; }); c.HowToBuildService(name => _srv); _serviceController = c.Create(WellknownAddresses.GetServiceCoordinatorProxy()); _serviceController.Start(); startEvent.WaitOne(5.Seconds()); _serviceController.State.ShouldEqual(ServiceState.Started); } } }
public void ProcessRequestCalledTwiceWithSameHostShouldWork() { var host = new DataServiceHostSimulator {AbsoluteRequestUri = new Uri(""), AbsoluteServiceUri = new Uri(""), RequestHttpMethod = "GET", ResponseStream = new MemoryStream(), ProcessExceptionCallBack = (args) => { }}; var svc = new TestService(); svc.AttachHost(host); svc.ProcessRequest(); host.ResponseStatusCode.Should().Be(200); host.ResponseStream.Position = 0; var customerResponse = new StreamReader(host.ResponseStream).ReadToEnd(); customerResponse.Should().Contain("Customer"); customerResponse.Should().Contain("Redmond Way"); customerResponse.Should().Contain("*****@*****.**"); host.ResponseStream = new MemoryStream(); host.AbsoluteRequestUri = new Uri(""); // re-attach the host before calling ProcessRequest svc.AttachHost(host); svc.ProcessRequest(); host.ResponseStatusCode.Should().Be(200); host.ResponseStream.Position = 0; var addressResponse = new StreamReader(host.ResponseStream).ReadToEnd(); addressResponse.Should().Contain("Redmond Way"); addressResponse.Should().NotContain("*****@*****.**"); addressResponse.Should().NotMatch(customerResponse); }
public void EstablishContext() { _service = new TestService(); _service2 = new TestService2(); _serviceCoordinator = new ServiceCoordinator(x => { }, x => { }, x => { }); IList<Func<IServiceController>> services = new List<Func<IServiceController>> { () => new ServiceController<TestService>("test") { BuildService = s=> _service, StartAction = x => x.Start(), StopAction = x => x.Stop(), ContinueAction = x => x.Continue(), PauseAction = x => x.Pause() }, () => new ServiceController<TestService2>("test2") { BuildService = s=> _service2, StartAction = x => x.Start(), StopAction = x => x.Stop(), ContinueAction = x => x.Continue(), PauseAction = x => x.Pause() } }; _serviceCoordinator.RegisterServices(services); _serviceCoordinator.Start(); Thread.Sleep(2.Seconds()); }
public void TestCameraProvider() { var provider = new TestService(); var importService = new ImportService(provider, new FileSystemService(), new LogService(), new DateTimeService()); var deviceManagerClass = new DeviceManagerClass(); var deviceInfo = deviceManagerClass.DeviceInfos.Cast<DeviceInfo>().FirstOrDefault(p => string.Equals(p.DeviceID, provider.GetSettings().DeviceId, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); var device = deviceInfo.Connect(); importService.Import(new CameraPhotoProvider(device), null, null); }
public void RoutingByPacketType() { var service = new TestService(); var routed = service.Route( new TestPacket()); Assert.IsTrue(routed); }
public void VariableArguments() { TestService service = new TestService(); IRpcMethodDescriptor method = service.GetDescriptor().FindMethodByName("VarMethod"); object[] args = new object[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; object[] invokeArgs = JsonRpcServices.TransposeVariableArguments(method, args); Assert.AreEqual(1, invokeArgs.Length); Assert.AreEqual(args, invokeArgs[0]); }
public void SetUp() { _baseUrl = string.Format("http://{0}:8082", Environment.MachineName); _testService = new TestService(_baseUrl); _jsonRestClient = new RestClient(new JsonSerializer()); _xmlRestClient = new RestClient(new XmlSerializer()); }
public void VariableArguments() { TestService service = new TestService(); Method method = service.GetClass().FindMethodByName("VarMethod"); object[] args = new object[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; object[] invokeArgs = method.TransposeVariableArguments(args); Assert.AreEqual(1, invokeArgs.Length); Assert.AreEqual(args, invokeArgs[0]); }
static void Main(string[] args) { // TODO : config NLog.Config.SimpleConfigurator.ConfigureForConsoleLogging(NLog.LogLevel.Debug); // var r = DataBinder.Bind("#{} sadf dee #{rre}", new Session()); // Console.WriteLine(r); var aa = new List<int>() { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; var bb = new List<int>() { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; Console.WriteLine(aa.Equals(bb)); var config = Config.defaults; config.clusterPeers.Add(new Tuple<String, int>("localhost", 9915)); FooPacket f = new FooPacket(); TestService a = new TestService(); Server s = new Server(config); s.AttachService<TestService>(); s.Start(); = "asdf"; var bp = new BarPacket(); bp.resp = "QWER"; s.Enqueue(new Server.RecvPacketEvent(new Session(), bp)); s.AddPreProcessor(delegate (Session session, Packet packet) { //var bar = (BarPacket)packet; Console.WriteLine("prep1"); //bar.resp = "wwQQ"; }, 1); s.AddPreProcessor(delegate(Session session, Packet packet) { //var bar = (BarPacket)packet; Console.WriteLine("prep2"); //bar.resp = "wwQQ"; }, 0); Console.CancelKeyPress += delegate (object sender, ConsoleCancelEventArgs e) { s.Kill(); }; while (true) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); } }
public void TestAutoService() { var provider = new TestService(); var service = new AutoImportService( new ImportService(provider, new FileSystemService(), new LogService(), new DateTimeService()), provider, new CameraService(), new LogService()); service.Start(); Thread.Sleep(10000); }
public void FixedAndVariableArguments() { TestService service = new TestService(); IRpcMethodDescriptor method = service.GetDescriptor().FindMethodByName("FixedVarMethod"); object[] args = new object[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; args = JsonRpcServices.TransposeVariableArguments(method, args); Assert.AreEqual(3, args.Length); Assert.AreEqual(1, args[0]); Assert.AreEqual(2, args[1]); Assert.AreEqual(new object[] { 3, 4 }, args[2]); }
public void FixedAndVariableArguments() { TestService service = new TestService(); Method method = service.GetClass().FindMethodByName("FixedVarMethod"); object[] args = new object[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; args = method.TransposeVariableArguments(args); Assert.AreEqual(3, args.Length); Assert.AreEqual(1, args[0]); Assert.AreEqual(2, args[1]); Assert.AreEqual(new object[] { 3, 4 }, args[2]); }
public void NotRouted() { var service = new TestService(); var routed = service.Route( new Packet() { channel = "" }); Assert.IsFalse(routed); }
public void RoutingByChannel() { var service = new TestService(); var routed = service.Route( new Packet() { channel = "a.b.c.d" }); Assert.IsTrue(routed); }
public void DoOperation_OnSuccessfulOperation_BlocksExecutionAndReturnsResult_Test() { var service = new TestService(); var startTime = DateTime.Now; var operationStatus = service.DoOperation(); var endTime = DateTime.Now; Assert.IsTrue(endTime - startTime >= TestOperation.OperationDuration); Assert.AreEqual(OperationState.CompletedSucessfully, operationStatus.Info.State); Assert.AreEqual(TestOperation.TEST_OPERATION_RESULT, operationStatus.Result); }
public void SetUp() { _host = new ServiceHost(); _service = new TestService(); _host.AddService(_service); _host.StartServiceHost(); _host.OpenServices(); _invoker = new BlockingThreadInvoker(); }
public void ServiceSwitchTest() { TestService first = new TestService(); TestService second = new TestService(); Assert.AreNotSame(first, second, "This test requires two different instances of ITestService"); Service<ITestService>.Register(first); Assert.AreSame(first, Service<ITestService>.Instance, "First service instance expected"); Service<ITestService>.Register(second); Assert.AreSame(second, Service<ITestService>.Instance, "Service was not switched"); }
public void ApplicationServicesAvailableFromTestServer() { var testService = new TestService(); var builder = new WebHostBuilder() .Configure(app => { }) .ConfigureServices(services => { services.AddSingleton(testService); }); var server = new TestServer(builder); Assert.Equal(testService, server.Host.Services.GetRequiredService<TestService>()); }
public void FailedMethodYieldsInvocationException() { try { TestService service = new TestService(); service.GetClass().GetMethodByName("BadMethod").Invoke(service, null, null); Assert.Fail("Expecting an exception."); } catch (TargetMethodException e) { Assert.IsTrue(e.InnerException.GetType() == typeof(ApplicationException), "Unexpected inner exception ({0}).", e.InnerException.GetType().FullName); } }
public void EstablishContext() { _srv = new TestService(); ServiceConfigurator<TestService> c = new ServiceConfigurator<TestService>(); c.WhenStarted(s => s.Start()); c.WhenStopped(s => s.Stop()); c.WhenPaused(s => { _wasPaused = true; }); c.WhenContinued(s => { _wasContinued = true; }); c.HowToBuildService((name)=> _srv); _serviceController = c.Create(); _serviceController.Start(); }
public void SetGetSingleTest() { var target = new Joint(); var inst = new TestService(); target.Add<TestService>(inst); Assert.IsTrue(target.Has<TestService>()); Assert.AreSame(inst, target.The<TestService>()); Assert.AreSame(inst, target.Get<TestService>()); Assert.IsTrue(target.Has<ITestService>()); Assert.AreSame(inst, target.The<ITestService>()); }
public void ResponseStatusCodeIsNotSetOnHostAfterProcessRequestWith404Error() { HandleExceptionArgs exceptionArgs = null; var host = new DataServiceHostSimulator { AbsoluteRequestUri = new Uri(""), AbsoluteServiceUri = new Uri(""), RequestHttpMethod = "GET", ResponseStream = new MemoryStream(), ProcessExceptionCallBack = (args) => { exceptionArgs = args; } }; var svc = new TestService(); svc.AttachHost(host); svc.ProcessRequest(); //// Astoria Server fails to set IDSH.ResponseStatusCode for custom hosts in an error scenario //// The behavior has been this way from V2 of WCF Data Services and on, when this is changed //// it will be a breaking change host.ResponseStatusCode.Should().Be(0); host.ResponseStream.Position = 0; var customerResponse = new StreamReader(host.ResponseStream).ReadToEnd(); customerResponse.Should().Contain("Resource not found for the segment 'invalid'."); exceptionArgs.ResponseStatusCode.Should().Be(404); }
public void SetupEnvironment(string serviceUrl, string nsUrl, NameComponent[] name, string endian) { // register the channel int port = 0; IDictionary dict = new Hashtable(); dict["port"] = port; dict["endian"] = endian; m_channel = new IiopChannel(dict); ChannelServices.RegisterChannel(m_channel, false); m_testService = (TestService)RemotingServices.Connect(typeof(TestService), serviceUrl); m_testServiceIorUrl = (TestService); m_testServiceFromNs = TryGetServiceFromNs(nsUrl, name); }
public TypeDerivingFromControllerWithServices(TestService service) { TestService = service; }
public TestResultController(ILogger <TestPassingController> logger) { _logger = logger; _testService = new TestService(); }
public TestCase[] DiscoverTests(TestDiscoveryTask[] testDiscoveryTasks, string runSettingsPath) { return(TestService.DiscoverTests(testDiscoveryTasks, runSettingsPath)); }
public CatalogController(TestService service, ILogger <CatalogController> log) { _log = log; _service = service; }
public TestHandlerWithServices(TestService service) => Service = service;
public void Setup() { _mock = new Mock <IDatabaseLayer>(); _testRepository = new TestRepository(_mock); _testService = new TestService(_testRepository); }
public TestController(TestService testService, ILogger <TestController> logger) { _testService = testService; _logger = logger; }
static void Main(string[] args) { DbClient client = new DbClient(new MongoClient()); var citizenService = new CitizenService(Client); var municipalityService = new MunicipalityService(Client); var locationService = new LocationService(Client, municipalityService); var testCenterService = new TestCenterService(Client); var testService = new TestService(Client); bool run = true; while (run) { Console.WriteLine("[A] Add new Citizen"); Console.WriteLine("[B] Add new TestCenter and TestCenterManagement"); Console.WriteLine("[C] Add new Test"); Console.WriteLine("[D] Add Test to all Citizens"); Console.WriteLine("[E] Add new Location"); Console.WriteLine("[F] Add Locations to all Citizens"); Console.WriteLine("[G] Seed data"); Console.WriteLine("[H] View active cases for Municipalities"); Console.WriteLine("[I] View active cases by Sex"); Console.WriteLine("[J] View active cases by Age"); Console.WriteLine("[K] View possible cases by Location three days prior"); Console.WriteLine("[X] Quit"); Console.WriteLine("INPUT: "); var userInput = Console.ReadKey(); switch (userInput.KeyChar) { case 'A': { Console.Write("Firstname: "); string firstname = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Lastname: "); string lastname = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("SSN (XXXXXX-XXXX): "); string ssn = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Age: "); string age = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Sex: "); string sex = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Municipality: "); string municipalityName = Console.ReadLine(); int municipalityId = municipalityService.GetId(municipalityName); var newCitizen = new Citizen { Firstname = firstname, Lastname = lastname, SSN = ssn, Age = int.Parse(age), Sex = sex, Tests = new List <Test>(), Location_id = new List <int>(), Municipality_id = municipalityId }; citizenService.AddCitizen(newCitizen); } break; case 'B': { Console.Write("Municipality: "); string municipalityName = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Hours: "); int hours = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Write("Phonenumber: "); int phonenumber = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Write("Email: "); string email = Console.ReadLine(); testCenterService.AddTestCenter(municipalityName, hours, phonenumber, email); } break; case 'C': { Console.Write("Citizen-ID: "); int citizenId = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Write("TestCenter-ID: "); int testCenterId = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); if (Client.TestCenters.Find(t => t.TestCenterId == testCenterId).Any()) { Console.WriteLine("No TestCenter with ID {0} exists.", testCenterId); break; } else if (Client.Citizens.Find(c => c.CitizenId == citizenId).Any()) { Console.WriteLine("No Citizen with ID {0} exists.", citizenId); break; } testService.TestCitizen(citizenId, testCenterId); } break; case 'D': { testService.TestAllCitizens(); Console.WriteLine("All citizens tested."); } break; case 'E': { Console.Write("Citizen-ID: "); int citizenId = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Write("Address: "); string address = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Zip: "); int zip = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Write("Municipality name: "); string municipalityName = Console.ReadLine(); locationService.AddLocation(citizenId, address, zip, municipalityName); } break; case 'F': { locationService.AddLocationToAllCitizen(); Console.WriteLine("All Citizen have now locations"); } break; case 'G': { Console.WriteLine("Sure you want to seed? Seeding will reset all Citizens and Municipalities[Y/N]"); string userKey = Console.ReadLine(); if (userKey.Contains('Y')) { Seed(); Console.WriteLine("Seeding done!"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Seeding canceled."); } } break; case 'H': { testCenterService.ActiveCovidCasesPerMunicipality(); } break; case 'I': { testCenterService.ActiveCovidCasesSex(); } break; case 'J': { Console.Write("Min age: "); int minAge = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Write("Max age: "); int maxAge = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); int cases = testCenterService.ActiveCovidCasesAge(minAge, maxAge); Console.WriteLine("Total number of cases: {0}", cases); } break; case 'K': { Console.Write("Infected citizen's ID: "); int citizenId = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); List <Citizen> citizens = citizenService.CitizensAtSameLocation(citizenId); Console.WriteLine("Citizens which has been the at the same location as an infected: "); foreach (var citizen in citizens) { Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine($"ID: {citizen.CitizenId}"); Console.WriteLine($"Name: {citizen.Firstname} {citizen.Lastname}"); Console.WriteLine($"SSN : {citizen.SSN}"); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------------------------------"); } } break; case 'X': run = false; break; } Console.WriteLine("\nPress any key."); Console.ReadKey(); Console.Clear(); } }
private void button6_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { TestService t = new TestService(); button6.Text = t.testHelloW(); }
public HomeController(TestService testSvc) { this._testSvc = testSvc; }
public PublikacijeController(TestService testService) { m_TestService = testService; }
public QuestionController(QuestionService questions, QuestionRouterService router, TestService tests) { this.router = router; this.questions = questions; this.tests = tests; }
public CommentController(ILogger <HomeController> logger) { _logger = logger; _testService = new TestService(); }
public TestController(TestService testService) { TestService = testService; }
public ServiceController(TestService testService) { _testService = testService; }
public TestService_IsEven() { _testService = new TestService(); }
public TestController(TestService testService) { this._testService = testService; }
// This function will get triggered/executed when a new message is written // on an Azure Queue called queue. public static void ProcessQueueMessage([QueueTrigger("queue")] string message, TextWriter log) { var service = new TestService(); log.WriteLine(message); }
protected override async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) { while (!cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) { await ExecuteOnceAsync(cancellationToken); await Task.Delay(Convert.ToInt32(ConfigProvider.Time), cancellationToken); //await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1), cancellationToken); for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { Thread.Sleep(1000); LogUtility.Info(i.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(i.ToString()); } try { TestArg arg = new TestArg(); arg.Id = "1"; TestService test = new TestService(); //todo List <TestResultModel> result = test.GetTestSqlData(arg); LogUtility.Message(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result), "Info"); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtility.Message(ex.ToString(), "Error"); } ////單執行會變成多執行續 //var tasks = new List<Task>(); //tasks.Add(Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { // for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) // { // Thread.Sleep(1000); // LogUtility.Info(i.ToString()); // Console.WriteLine(i.ToString()); // } // try // { // TestArg arg = new TestArg(); // arg.Id = "1"; // TestService test = new TestService(); // //todo // List<TestResultModel> result = test.GetTestSqlData(arg); // LogUtility.Message(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result), "Info"); // } // catch (Exception ex) // { // LogUtility.Message(ex.ToString(), "Error"); // } //}, cancellationToken)); //寫在裡面會變成單執行續 //var finalTask = Task.Factory.ContinueWhenAll(tasks.ToArray(), wordCountTasks=> { }); //finalTask.Wait(); } }
public TestingController(TestService service) { Service = service; }
public ActionResult AboutTrainer(string employeeTC, string urlName, int?pageIndex) { if (employeeTC.IsEmpty()) { return(NotFound()); } if (!pageIndex.HasValue && urlName.In( SimplePages.Urls.TrainerOrgResponses, SimplePages.Urls.TrainerResponses, SimplePages.Urls.TrainerTests, SimplePages.Urls.TrainerAdvices, SimplePages.Urls.TrainerWorks, SimplePages.Urls.TrainerVideos)) { return(RedirectToAction(() => AboutTrainer(employeeTC, urlName, 1))); } var index = pageIndex.GetValueOrDefault() - 1; var model = new AboutTrainerVM(); model.UrlName = urlName; model.Page = GetAboutTrainer(); employeeTC = employeeTC.ToUpper(); model.Employee = EmployeeVMService.GetEmployee(employeeTC); if (model.Employee == null || !model.Employee.Employee.IsTrainer) { return(Redirect(SimplePages.FullUrls.Trainers)); } var orgResponses = OrgResponseService.GetAll().IsActive() .Where(r => ("," + r.Employee_TC + ",").Contains("," + employeeTC + ",")) .OrderByDescending(o => o.UpdateDate); var responses = ResponseService.GetAllForEmployee(employeeTC) .OrderByDescending(x => x.Course.IsActive) .ThenByDescending(o => o.Rating).ThenByDescending(x => x.UpdateDate); var advices = AdviceService.GetAll().IsActive() .Where(r => r.Employee_TC == employeeTC) .OrderByDescending(o => o.UpdateDate); var tests = TestService.GetAll().Where(x => x.Status == TestStatus.Active) .Where(r => r.Author_TC == employeeTC) .OrderByDescending(o => o.Id); var videos = VideoService.GetAll().IsActive() .Where(r => r.Employee_TC == employeeTC) .OrderByDescending(o => o.VideoID); var userWorks = UserWorkService.GetAll().IsActive() .Where(r => r.Trainer_TC == employeeTC) .OrderByDescending(o => o.UserWorkID); model.HasOrgResponses = orgResponses.Any(); model.HasResponses = responses.Any(); model.HasAdvices = advices.Any(); model.HasTests = tests.Any(); model.HasVideos = videos.Any(); model.HasPortfolio = Images.GetGallaryFiles(model.Employee.Employee, "Portfolio").Any(); model.HasWorks = userWorks.Any(); if (model.IsTrainerResponses) { model.Responses = responses.ToPagedList(index, 20); } if (model.IsTrainerOrgResponses) { model.OrgResponses = orgResponses.ToPagedList(index, 10);; } if (model.IsAdvices) { model.Advices = advices.ToPagedList(index, 10); } if (model.IsTests) { model.Tests = tests.ToPagedList(index, 10); } if (model.IsVideos) { model.Videos = videos.ToList(); } if (model.IsWorks) { model.UserWorks = userWorks.ToPagedList(index, 10); } if (model.IsAboutTrainer) { model.Certifications = EmployeeCertificationService.GetAll( x => x.EmployeeFK_TC == employeeTC && x.Certification.IsActive) .OrderBy(x => x.SortOrder) .Select(x => x.Certification).ToList(); } return(View(model)); }
public TestView(TestService testService) { Service = testService; }
public ValuesController() { testService = new TestService(); }
public UserController(TestService TestService) { _TestService = TestService; }
public async Task Dependencies_Explicit() { // Verify that a service will wait for service dependencies for each // supported URI scheme set explicitly. var service = new TestService(); var stopWatch = new Stopwatch(); var startDelay = 2.0; var port0 = NetHelper.GetUnusedTcpPort(IPAddress.Loopback); var port1 = NetHelper.GetUnusedTcpPort(IPAddress.Loopback); var port2 = NetHelper.GetUnusedTcpPort(IPAddress.Loopback); service.Dependencies.Uris.Add(new Uri($"{port0}")); service.Dependencies.Uris.Add(new Uri($"{port1}")); service.Dependencies.Uris.Add(new Uri($"tcp://{port2}")); stopWatch.Start(); var runTask = service.RunAsync(); // Start each simulated service dependency one at a time after waiting // [startDelay] seconds for each and then verify that the service waited // at least [3*startDelay] to start. // // Note that it doesn't matter that we're emulating all of the services // as an [HttpListener] because the service is only verifying that it // can establish a socket connection; its not actually submitting any // requests. var listener0 = new HttpListener(); var listener1 = new HttpListener(); var listener2 = new HttpListener(); await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(startDelay)); listener0.Prefixes.Add($"{port0}/"); listener0.Start(); await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(startDelay)); listener1.Prefixes.Add($"{port1}/"); listener1.Start(); await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(startDelay)); listener2.Prefixes.Add($"{port2}/"); listener2.Start(); try { await service.Running.WaitAsync(); Assert.True(stopWatch.Elapsed >= TimeSpan.FromSeconds(startDelay * 3)); Assert.Equal(0, await runTask); } finally { listener0.Stop(); listener1.Stop(); listener2.Stop(); } }
public TestDescriptionController(ILogger <TestDescriptionController> logger) { _logger = logger; _testService = new TestService(); _userService = new UserService(); }
public async Task Dependencies_BadEnvironmentVar() { // Verify that a service will wait for service dependencies for each // supported URI scheme set via an environment variable while // ignorning an invalid URI and unsupported URI scheme. var port0 = NetHelper.GetUnusedTcpPort(IPAddress.Loopback); var port1 = NetHelper.GetUnusedTcpPort(IPAddress.Loopback); var port2 = NetHelper.GetUnusedTcpPort(IPAddress.Loopback); Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("NEON_SERVICE_DEPENDENCIES_URIS", $"{port0};{port1}/; tcp://{port2}/; mailto://notsupported:80; BAD-URI"); var service = new TestService(); var stopWatch = new Stopwatch(); var startDelay = 2.0; Assert.Equal($"{port0}/", service.Dependencies.Uris[0].ToString()); Assert.Equal($"{port1}/", service.Dependencies.Uris[1].ToString()); Assert.Equal($"tcp://{port2}/", service.Dependencies.Uris[2].ToString()); stopWatch.Start(); var runTask = service.RunAsync(); // Start each simulated service dependency one at a time after waiting // [startDelay] seconds for each and then verify that the service waited // at least [3*startDelay] to start. // // Note that it doesn't matter that we're emulating all of the services // as an [HttpListener] because the service is only verifying that it // can establish a socket connection; its not actually submitting any // requests. var listener0 = new HttpListener(); var listener1 = new HttpListener(); var listener2 = new HttpListener(); await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(startDelay)); listener0.Prefixes.Add($"{port0}/"); listener0.Start(); await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(startDelay)); listener1.Prefixes.Add($"{port1}/"); listener1.Start(); await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(startDelay)); listener2.Prefixes.Add($"{port2}/"); listener2.Start(); try { await service.Running.WaitAsync(); Assert.True(stopWatch.Elapsed >= TimeSpan.FromSeconds(startDelay * 3)); Assert.Equal(0, await runTask); } finally { listener0.Stop(); listener1.Stop(); listener2.Stop(); } }
public TestController() { testservice = new TestService(); qsservice = new QuestionService(); }
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app) { app.Use(async(context, next) => await TestService.ProcessRequest(context, next)); }
public ParameterBuilderTest() { this.service = new TestService(); }