public async Task <TestRunnerResponse> RunTestCase(TestId testId)
            Type               classType      = null;
            MethodInfo         testMethod     = null;
            MethodInfo         preTestMethod  = null;
            MethodInfo         postTestMethod = null;
            TestRunnerResponse response       = null;
            //not using cancellation token. As, this testing service will be short lived and will be killed and respawned multiple times during countinous delivery
            //var tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
            //var cancellationtoken = tokenSource.Token;
            Dictionary <string, MethodInfo> methodsInClass = new Dictionary <string, MethodInfo>();

                Assembly mscorlib = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
                foreach (Type type in mscorlib.GetTypes())//find all classes in assembly
                    //find class first
                    if (type.FullName == testId.NamespaceNameDotClassName)//if class matches the class name of required test case
                        //commented below code as "TestClass" tag is redundant here

                        /*TestClassAttribute testClassAttribute;
                         * foreach (Object attributes in type.GetCustomAttributes(false))//find all attributes on class
                         * {
                         *  testClassAttribute = attributes as TestClassAttribute;
                         *  if (testClassAttribute != null)//if class has 'TestClass' attribute and matches the class name of required test case
                         *  {
                         *      classType = type;
                         *      break;
                         *  }
                         * }*/
                        classType = type;
                    //find method now
                    if (classType != null)
                        foreach (MethodInfo m in classType.GetMethods())
                            methodsInClass.Add(m.Name, m);
                        if (methodsInClass.ContainsKey(testId.MethodName))
                            foreach (Attribute attr in methodsInClass[testId.MethodName].GetCustomAttributes(true))
                                if (attr is TestMethodServiceFabricAttribute testMethodAttr)
                                    testMethod = methodsInClass[testId.MethodName];
                                    response   = new TestRunnerResponse(testMethodAttr.ExpectedExecutionTimeOfTestInMillisecondsIncludingPreTestAndPostTest);
                                    if (methodsInClass.ContainsKey(testMethodAttr.PreTestMethod))
                                        preTestMethod = methodsInClass[testMethodAttr.PreTestMethod];
                                    if (methodsInClass.ContainsKey(testMethodAttr.PostTestMethod))
                                        postTestMethod = methodsInClass[testMethodAttr.PostTestMethod];
                if (classType != null && testMethod != null)
                    //run test case here in a thread
                    var testCaseTask = Task.Run(() => RunTestCaseInternal(testId, response.TestRunInstanceGuid, classType, testMethod, preTestMethod, postTestMethod));
            catch (Exception ex)
                response = new TestRunnerResponse(0);
                response.TestRunnerErrorDescription = ex.Message;
                response.TestRunnerStackTrace       = ex.StackTrace;